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#EEE_Model_Test_10 [load flow, switchgear, protection & power station]


Question: 1 of 5 QID: 105 Marks: 1

# Short Circuit test on a CIrcuit Breaker.

(1) Time to reach the pick Restriking voltage, 50 micro sec
(2) the peak restriking voltage, 100 kv
Determine average RRRV and Frequency of Oscillations?

A. 2* 10^5 KV/Sec & 1000 Hz B. 2* 10^6 KV/Sec & 10000 Hz

C. 4* 10^6 KV/Sec & 20000 Hz D. 2* 10^3 KV/Sec & 10000 Hz

Question: 2 of 5 QID: 106 Marks: 1

A Power system consists of 300 buses out of which 20 buses Generator bus, 25 buses are ones with reactive power support 15 buses are the
ones with fixed shunt capacitors. All the other buses are load buses. It is proposed to perform a load flow analysis in the system using Newton-
Raphson method. the of the Newson Raphson Jacobian Matrix is

A. 554*554 B. 664*554
C. 554*556 D. 654*554

Question: 3 of 5 QID: 107 Marks: 1

A 3-phase transformer of 220/11,000 line volts is connected in star/delta. Theprotective transformers on 220 V side have a current ratio of
600/5. What should be the CT ratio on11,000 V side ?

A. 12:3√3 B. 5:5√3

C. 6:2√3 D. 12:5√3

Question: 4 of 5 QID: 108 Marks: 1

# A star-connected, 3-phase, 10 MVA, 6·6 kV alternator is protected by circulatingcurrent protection, the star point being earthed via a
resistance r. Estimate the value of earthingresistor if 85% of the stator winding is protected against earth faults. Assume an earth fault settingof
20%. Neglect the impedance of the alternator winding.

A. 3.27 B. 1.88
C. 2.88 D. 1.27

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Question: 5 of 5 QID: 109 Marks: 1

# A two bus system having two line of impedance is working in parallel each line impedance is j0.20 pu. Each line have line charging
susceptance capacitance is Y.
The Y bus Matrix are
Y11=Y22= -j9.6
Y12=Y21= j10
what is the value of line charging susceptance capacitance Y??

A. j0.6 B. j0.1
C. j0.4 D. j0.2


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