Final Exam of Supply Chain Management

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Final Exam

Supply Chain Management

Submitted To: Sir Mudassir Alvi

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Question 1. How Covid-19 has disrupted the Global Supply Chain?
Covid-19 has globally affected the supply chain. This corona pandemic started in
December 2019, when first case of corona was confirmed in China’s province Wuhan.
After the confirmation of first case, it just spread like fire in the bushes and results in
many causalities and affected persons. China has to impose curfew as it wasn’t getting
controlled. Industries were shut down for more than 2 months. After China the virus also
affected different countries and as a result there is a lockdown globally. Industries were
closed globally to avoid contact between individuals. If we talk about china then they
have witnessed 13.5 per cent fall in their production industry in January and February
combined, compared with the previous year. The domino effect of plant closure and
supply shortages has caused supply chain disruption globally. Exports and Imports are
highly affected and we can see decline in them. IMF has reported a staggering US$83
hbillion of capital outflows from emerging markets, which were the largest outflows ever
recorded, while at the same time an unprecedented number of more than 80 countries
have requested emergency financing. While foreign direct investment (FDI) is usually
considered less volatile, the impact of COVID-19 on investment is going to be

Question 2. How Can Companies respond to the immediate change in Supply

As in this pandemic situation it is very hard to maintain supply chain globally and
companies should immediately respond and make such plans which do not let supply
chain affect. Following are the some Following are the some strategies which
companies should adopt to maintain supply chain globally:
 Screening Protocol should be necessary
 People should know about Corona symptoms and how to avoid it
 Prepare Alternative people
 Travelling should be avoided and only do necessary traveling
 IT systems should be installed so that people could work from home
 People will be less as compared to normal days so have to work with less
number of people
 Companies should focus on Direct Supply that is Tier 1

Question 3. In prevailing circumstances Medical Equipment and their Supplies

have become priority. Describe an appropriate Strategy for managing Supply
Chain of Medical Supplies.
In this pandemic situation, medical kits are necessary but they are not available at bulk
due to the lockdown situation and that has affected the supply of medical kits. Firstly,
they have to manage their needs and make the proper list to purchase. They should
order medical equipment but not in bulk amount. Keeping the pandemic situation in
mind Government should make temporary hospitals like they have prepared 1K bed
hospital in expo center Lahore. They should be mentally prepared to make a demand
regarding medical equipment before hand keeping the situation in mind.

Question 4. How the Supply Chain Strategy of Companies selling products in

COVID-19 impacted countries will be different from Companies buying products
from said countries?
Understand the demand impact specific to your business
China is a significant market for some shopper items makers. As regulation measures
were actualized, and representative wellbeing and insurance turned into the top need,
numerous retailers shut down stores. Customer traffic and buyer buying dropped
fundamentally. Extravagance products makers were the first to caution about
diminished deals, both in China and globally given decreased travel by Chinese visitors.
The transient effect on the travel industry and buyer arranged organizations was
normal, what's more, at first saw to be like the SARS scourge of 2003. Notwithstanding
shopper request, China is likewise an enormous modern client of items and high worth
segments in numerous enterprises. China imports more than US$2 trillion in products all
around. This incorporates over $500 billion of electrical hardware and gear, China's
biggest import class (24 percent). In some worldwide industry flexibly chains, China is
the predominant client. China imports about 65 percent of the world's iron mineral. As
another model, China represented more than 50 percent of the world's semiconductor
utilization, more than 80 percent (US$190 billion) of which was sourced from outside
providers. All organizations, regardless of whether concentrated on serving purchasers
in China or modern clients in China, need to evaluate if this is just a move sought after,
or lost interest, furthermore, update field-tested strategies likewise.
A great deal of organizations are feeling the torment of the gracefully chain disturbances
brought about by COVID-19. What will isolate associations that flourish post-emergency
with ones who don't, will be whether they're set up for the bounce back. Organizations
that can move more rapidly than their rivals might have the option to catch a bigger
portion of the repressed interest, harden their associations with their most significant
clients, and maybe increase some new ones. Valuing procedure will be a significant
thought as business bit by bit advances back to typical—both to address ordinary
flexibly request contemplations, just as to keep up productivity while coordination’s
costs, and possibly different costs, will probably be unstable.

Question 5. Looking ahead, what may be the Imperative for new Supply Chain
As in this Pandemic situation of COVID-19 we have seen that economy is shattered really badly and
unfortunately we didn’t have any strategy to keep the economy rotate and not shutting down the
business. So in future to avoid these kind of pandemic situation new and different strategies should be
made so the economy should not be shattered. Companies should work and focus on Artificial
Intelligence, Robots should be built and trained accordingly. Companies should use 5G strategy and
apply advanced internet technologies to avoid this kind of situation in future.

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