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A zero energy house for UAE

Alejandro Baeza

Master of Science Thesis

KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management
Energy Technology EGI-2013-138MSC EKV986
Division of Heat and Power Technology

Master of Science Thesis EGI-2013-138MSC EKV986

A zero energy house for UAE

Alejandro Baeza Zamora

Approved Examiner Supervisor

24 September 2013 Viktoria Martin Viktoria Martin

Commissioner Contact person


A zero energy house for the hot and humid climate of UAE is designed. It is focused on improve
the building envelope through insulation materials, low density concrete, reflective coatings and
low SHGC windows. The design is done by computer simulations using TRNSYS and POLYSUN
software. Passive technologies are able to reduce the cooling load to 80%, which represents a
55% reduction of the total electricity consumption in the original building. Adding active
technologies such as high efficient air conditioning chiller and solar water heater, total
electricity consumption of the house is reduced to 70%. The remaining cooling load is covered
by 6.5 kW PV system which is placed on the available roof area.


This thesis is based on work conducted within the KIC InnoEnergy MSc School, in the
SELECT programme. This programme is supported financially by the KIC InnoEnergy. The author also
received financial support from KIC InnoEnergy, which is gratefully acknowledged.

KIC InnoEnergy is a company supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT),
and has the mission of delivering commercial products and services, new businesses, innovators and
entrepreneurs in the field of sustainable energy through the integration of higher education, research,
entrepreneurs and business companies. Shareholders in KIC InnoEnergy are leading industries, research
centres, universities and business schools from across Europe.


The MSc programme SELECT is a collaboration of Aalto, IST, TU/e, PoliTo, UPC, AGH, and KTH

Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland │ Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal │Eindhoven University of Technology,
Netherlands │ Politecnico di Torino, Italy │ Technical University of Catalonia, Spain │ AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland │ KTH-
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden │

To my parent and beloved family.

To all my professors in this master program, specially my supervisor Viktoria Martin, who gave me the
opportunity to look at the world from another perspective.

To all my colleagues and friends in CSEM-UAE, especially Rajesh Reddy, who always supported me to
develop this project.

To all my InnoEnergy friends, amazing people with whom I spent one of the best years of my life.

Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................................... 3
List of tables .................................................................................................................................................. 7
List of figures ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Executive summary ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Objective ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Scope ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Methodology............................................................................................................................................... 17
Background ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Zero Energy Building. .............................................................................................................................. 18
Building materials ................................................................................................................................... 19
Insulation materials ............................................................................................................................ 19
Vapor barriers ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Reflective coating ................................................................................................................................ 22
Structural materials............................................................................................................................. 23
Windows ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Current conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 25
The building............................................................................................................................................. 25
Climate .................................................................................................................................................... 25
Energy consumption ............................................................................................................................... 26
Cooling load ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Technological barriers ............................................................................................................................. 31
Passive Design ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Testing cube ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Cooling load contribution in every orientation................................................................................... 32
Thermal mass ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Insulation ............................................................................................................................................ 37
Reflective coating ................................................................................................................................ 38

Transparent surfaces .......................................................................................................................... 39
Passive house designs ............................................................................................................................. 43
Retrofitted house ................................................................................................................................ 44
Active design ............................................................................................................................................... 51
PV area with grid connection .............................................................................................................. 57
PV area without grid connection ........................................................................................................ 57
Technology analysis .................................................................................................................................... 60
Economical analysis .................................................................................................................................... 61
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 63
References .................................................................................................................................................. 64
Appendix 1 Building information ................................................................................................................ 67
Location and pictures of house ............................................................................................................... 70
Building dimensions ................................................................................................................................ 71
Zones for TRNSYS file .............................................................................................................................. 72
Weather conditions ................................................................................................................................ 73
Electricity consumption of the house ..................................................................................................... 75
Lighting ................................................................................................................................................ 75
Water heater ....................................................................................................................................... 75
Other engines:..................................................................................................................................... 75
Plug loads ............................................................................................................................................ 75
Appendix 2 Cooling load calculation ........................................................................................................... 76
Movable window shading ....................................................................................................................... 77
Main building materials .......................................................................................................................... 77
Thermal bridges ...................................................................................................................................... 80
List of building materials ......................................................................................................................... 80
Summary of building materials input ..................................................................................................... 82
Appendix 3 Testing cube ............................................................................................................................. 83
Heat conducted through building envelope ........................................................................................... 83
Effect of reflective coating ...................................................................................................................... 83
Insulation and reflective coating ............................................................................................................ 83
Testing cube Windows ............................................................................................................................ 88
Appendix 4 Cooling load in house designs.................................................................................................. 90

Appendix 5 Energy consumption reduction in house designs .................................................................... 99
Appendix 6 Solar water heater ................................................................................................................. 102
BEH ........................................................................................................................................................ 102
ZEH ........................................................................................................................................................ 104
Appendix 7 PV system............................................................................................................................... 106
PV module ............................................................................................................................................. 106
PV generation........................................................................................................................................ 106
Appendix 8 Cost analysis........................................................................................................................... 108

List of tables
Table 1 Insulation materials chosen to be evaluated, and thickness needed to achieve U=0.1 W/m2K ... 20
Table 2 Main insulation technologies to apply in the building envelope ................................................... 20
Table 3 Criteria to choose structural materials .......................................................................................... 23
Table 4 Cooling loads in the house ............................................................................................................ 27
Table 5 Different walls made of AAC and their thermal conductivities ..................................................... 33
Table 6 Different walls made of materials with different thermal mass but same thermal conductivities
.................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Table 7 Different U values and the cooling load associated ....................................................................... 38
Table 8 Cooling load contribution in the testing cube for different values of U and same SHGC .............. 40
Table 9 Cooling load contributions of different types of windows, the kWh/m2 in this case are referred
to the cooling load contribution in kWh to the area of the windows ........................................................ 42
Table 10 ESTIDAMA PVRS RE-R1 and R2 certificate requirements ............................................................. 46
Table 11 Summary of all house designs made and their respective cooling load reduction ..................... 49
Table 12 Electricity consumption for air conditioning BEH and LEH considering a COP=2.8 on the
machines, the current electricity consumption for climatization is 22.3 MWh/year ................................. 50
Table 13 Electricity consumption of the devices with the highest energy consumption during the years in
the house .................................................................................................................................................... 51
Table 14 Optimized cooling system for the BEH and LEH ........................................................................... 52
Table 15 Solar water systems for BEH and LEH .......................................................................................... 52
Table 17 Summary of the electricity demand of house designs ................................................................ 59
Table 18 Money savings (AED ) for the technology applied in BEH and ZEH.............................................. 61
Table 19 Payback period of different technologies and total for both BEH and ZEH ................................. 61
Table 20 Building information .................................................................................................................... 68
Table 21 Building surface areas .................................................................................................................. 71
Table 22 Building volume ............................................................................................................................ 71
Table 23 Building window areas ................................................................................................................. 71
Table 24 Building doors area window areas .............................................................................................. 71

Table 25 Zones for TRNSYS simulation ....................................................................................................... 72
Table 26 Relations between zones to create TRNSYS file ........................................................................... 72
Table 27 Monthly Average data in CSEM meteorological station (5 years 2008 to 2012) ......................... 73
Table 28 Lighting installed in the house ..................................................................................................... 75
Table 29 Other engines ............................................................................................................................... 75
Table 30 Outside air to the building ........................................................................................................... 76
Table 31Internal gains ................................................................................................................................. 76
Table 32 Convective coefficients ................................................................................................................ 76
Table 33 Building materials in reference building ...................................................................................... 77
Table 34 Building materials in Retrofitted house 1 .................................................................................... 77
Table 35 Building materials in Retrofitted house 2 .................................................................................... 78
Table 36 Building materials in House A ...................................................................................................... 78
Table 37 Building materials in House B....................................................................................................... 79
Table 38 Building materials in BEH ............................................................................................................. 79
Table 39 Building materials in ZEH.............................................................................................................. 80
Table 40 Building materials used in designs ............................................................................................... 80
Table 41 Other insulation materials ........................................................................................................... 81
Table 42 Other structural materials considered ......................................................................................... 81
Table 43 Summary of building envelope characteristics in house designs................................................. 82
Table 44 Insulation and reflective coating effect on cooling load .............................................................. 84
Table 45 Insulation and cooling load contribution ..................................................................................... 86
Table 46 Insulation and cooling load reduction.......................................................................................... 87
Table 47 Reflective coating effect on currently insulated walls ................................................................. 88
Table 48 Average solar radiation reaching each surface of testing cube ................................................... 88
Table 49 Cooling load contribution of windows in different insulation cases ........................................... 88
Table 50 Cooling load contribution of different windows ......................................................................... 89
Table 51 Cooling load contribution of different windows frames .............................................................. 89
Table 52 Cooling load on the reference house ........................................................................................... 90
Table 53 Cooling load on the reference house with thermal breaks, insulated plaster and insulated
ground ......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Table 54 Cooling load on the Reference house with improved envelope and insulated doors ................ 91
Table 55 Cooling load on the Reference house with improved envelope and natural ventilation ........... 91
Table 56 Cooling load on the Reference house with improved envelope and internal blinds ................... 92
Table 57 Cooling load on the Reference House with internal and external blinds plus improved envelope
.................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Table 58 Reference House with internal blinds, improved envelope and natural ventilation .................. 93
Table 59 General modifications to apply in following designs for new buildings ...................................... 93
Table 60 Cooling load reduction due natural ventilation based on 2 ACH in winter period only .............. 93
Table 61 Cooling load Retrofitted House RET 1 .......................................................................................... 94
Table 62 Cooling load Retrofitted House RET 2 .......................................................................................... 94
Table 63 Cooling load House A ................................................................................................................... 95
Table 64 Cooling load House B.................................................................................................................... 95

Table 65 Cooling load BEH .......................................................................................................................... 96
Table 66 Cooling load LEH ........................................................................................................................... 96
Table 67 Cooling load ZEH........................................................................................................................... 97
Table 68 cooling reduction summary ......................................................................................................... 97
Table 69 electrical consumption reference building .................................................................................. 99
Table 70 Electrical consumption in BEH. 65 % total reduction ................................................................... 99
Table 71 electrical consumption LEH. 71 % total reduction ..................................................................... 100
Table 72 Summary of electricity consumption ......................................................................................... 100
Table 73 Cooling reduction per technology applied ................................................................................. 100
Table 74 PV module main parameters...................................................................................................... 106
Table 75 PV generation 13 modules in roof and 6 modules in south wall ............................................... 106
Table 76 PV generation 19 modules in roof ............................................................................................. 107
Table 77 AAC increment cost over normal concrete (29)......................................................................... 108
Table 78 Cost of EPS insulation (31) ......................................................................................................... 108
Table 79 Cost of PIR insulation (32) .......................................................................................................... 108
Table 80 Windows and Films cost (31) (33) (34) ....................................................................................... 108
Table 81 LED lighting lamps (36) ............................................................................................................... 108
Table 82 Solar water heater cost (37) ....................................................................................................... 109
Table 83 Solar PV system cost (36) ........................................................................................................... 109
Table 84 Money savings per technology................................................................................................... 109
Table 85 Cost of technology...................................................................................................................... 110
Table 86 Payback period of technology .................................................................................................... 110

List of figures
Figure 1Trias Energetica approach to design low energy buildings with solar energy............................... 15
Figure 2 Methodology to design ZEH. Blue color: Passive design, Green color: Active design .................. 17
Figure 3Different technologies on every stage of “Trias energetica”......................................................... 19
Figure 4 The effect of a an external layer of insulation (pink) on the internal wall surface temperature,
the slope of the temperature drop depends on the conductivity of the material ..................................... 20
Figure 5 Thermal bridges in an internal floor caused by a reinforced concrete slab ................................. 21
Figure 6 Thermal breaks in an insulated wall: the insulation is between concrete an bricks, this is
attached by a aluminum support, without the thermal breaks (red color polymers), the aluminum frame
would conduct the heat easily from outside to the concrete wall [Ancon Thermal Breaks] ..................... 21
Figure 7 Vapor barrier located in the interior of a roof in a cold climate [Foliarex]................................... 22
Figure 8 Al Hamra Village townhouse type duplex [AlHamraVillage.com]................................................. 25
Figure 9 Building cooling load, 2 houses, reference case (current condition)............................................ 28
Figure 10 Infiltration and ventilation cooling load contribution in the reference case.............................. 29
Figure 11 Distribution of the cooling loads in the house in the reference case ......................................... 29
Figure 12 Electrical consumption in the current situation of the house .................................................... 30
Figure 13 Share of electrical consumption in the current situation of the house ...................................... 31
Figure 14 SOLAB, testing of reflective coating and other insulation technologies..................................... 32

Figure 15 Cooling load contribution on the base case (testing cube) ........................................................ 33
Figure 16 Thermal response of different building according with the thickness of AAC ........................... 34
Figure 17 Ambient temperature in a summer day ..................................................................................... 34
Figure 18 Thermal response of different building materials with same conductivity but different thermal
mass ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 19 Different cooling loads in building envelopes with same conductivity and different thermal
mass ............................................................................................................................................................ 36
Figure 20 Cooling load reduction per square meter of insulation in every orientation by increasing the
thermal resistance of the walls ................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 21 SIP in the roof design for ZEH ..................................................................................................... 38
Figure 22 Effect of the reflective coating in the cooling load of the house ................................................ 38
Figure 23 Reduction of cooling load between reflective coating SOLACOAT and CSEM-UAE product ...... 39
Figure 24 Solar radiation reaching each surface of testing cube ................................................................ 40
Figure 25 Cooling load contribution in the testing cube in with different values of SHGC in the windows
.................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 26 Cooling load contribution in the testing cube in with different values of U in the windows ..... 41
Figure 27 Comparison between triple glazed (U=0.5, SHGC=0.4) and low emissivity (U=0.97, SHGC=0.3)
windows in different orientations .............................................................................................................. 42
Figure 28 Cooling load contribution of different types of different types of windows .............................. 43
Figure 29 Cooling load loads in retrofitted house using 5-10 cm PIR based EIFS, reflective coating and
low emissivity coating in windows, Total cooling load= 118 kWh/m2 (64% reduction respect to reference
case) ............................................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 30 Cooling load loads in retrofitted house using 5-10 cm EPS based EIFS, reflective coating and
low emissivity coating in windows, Total cooling load= 125kWh/m2 (62% reduction respect to reference
case) ............................................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 31 : Cooling load loads in House A using 35 cm of AAC in walls plus EPS in the roofs, and low
emissivity windows, Total cooling load= 110 kWh/m2 (66% reduction respect to reference case) .......... 46
Figure 32 Cooling load loads in House B using 38.5 cm of AAC in walls plus PIR board in the roofs,
reflective coating and low emissivity windows, Total cooling load= 90 kWh/m2 (72% reduction respect
to reference case) ....................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 33 Cooling load loads in BEH using 38.5 cm of AAC in walls plus PIR based SIP panels plus
reflective coatings and low emissivity windows, Total cooling load= 85 kWh/m2 (74% reduction respect
to reference case) ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 34 Cooling load loads in LEH using PIR based EIFS in walls plus PIR based SIP panels plus reflective
coatings and low emissivity windows, Total cooling load= 66 kWh/m2 (79% reduction respect to
reference case) ........................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 35 Distribution of the electricity consumption in BEH .................................................................... 53
Figure 36 Cooling load reduction per technology applied to BEH .............................................................. 53
Figure 37 Distribution of the electricity consumption in LEH ..................................................................... 55
Figure 38 Cooling load reduction percentage per technology applied to LEH ........................................... 55
Figure 39 Electricity demand in ZEH 9334 (Kwh) ....................................................................................... 56
Figure 40 PV generation and electricity demand during the year on the ZEH ........................................... 57

Figure 41 Electricity demand and PV generation with no grid connection available on ZEH .................... 58
Figure 42 Technology contribution to achieve energy neutrallity in ZEH................................................... 60
Figure 43 Cooling load dependence on the set point temperature of the current house ......................... 62
Figure 44 North façade and south façade, Shadows on first floor Balcony Terrace .................................. 70
Figure 45 Location of the house in the map ............................................................................................... 70
Figure 46 Average temperature in CSEM meteorological station .............................................................. 73
Figure 47 Average solar radiation in CSEM meteorological station ........................................................... 74
Figure 48 Average relative humidity in CSEM meteorological station ....................................................... 74
Figure 49 Global radiation in a typical day in September ........................................................................... 74
Figure 50 Diagram of the solar water system for BEH [Polysun] .............................................................. 102
Figure 51 Thermal energy collected from the sun for BEH (kWh) [Polysun] ............................................ 102
Figure 52 Thermal energy from external source requiered for BEH (kWh) [ Polysun] ............................. 103
Figure 53 Energy balance for the solar collector in BEH ........................................................................... 103
Figure 54 Diagram of the solar water system for ZEH [Polysun] .............................................................. 104
Figure 55 Thermal energy collected from the sun for ZEH (kWh) [Polysun] ............................................ 104
Figure 56 Energy balance in the solar water heater for ZEH (kWh) [ Polysun] ........................................ 104
Figure 57 Energy balance for the solar collector in ZEH ........................................................................... 105

AAC: Aerated Autoclaved Concrete

ACH: Air changes per hour

BEH: Basic Energy House

BIPV: Building Integrated photovoltaic

EPS: Expanded polystyrene

EIFS: External insulation finishing systems

FG: Fiber Glass

ICF: Insulating concrete form

ICB: insulated concrete block

MW: Mineral Wool

PIR: Polyisocyanurate

PCM: Phase Change Material

PVSR: Pearl Villa Rating System

RET 1: Retrofitted house 1

RET 2: Retrofitted House 2

SIP: Structural Insulation Panels

SOLAB: Outdoors experimental facilities on CSEM-UAE

TR: tons of refrigeration

UAE: United Arab Emirates

XPS: Expanded polystyrene

ZEH: Zero energy house


ρ: density (kg/m3)

h: heat transfer through convection (W/m2K)

Cp: specific heat (kJ/kgK)

k: Thermal conductivity (W/mK)

SHGC: Solar heat gain coefficient (%)

U: Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)

Q= Heat transfer (W)

ΔT: delta of temperature (K)

Executive summary

In order to contribute to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings in UAE, a zero energy house (ZEH) was
designed. The building chosen to become zero energy is a townhouse located in Al Hamra Village, in Ras
Al Khaimah. The hot and humid climate in UAE is one of the harshest in the world, and it presents
several barriers to technologies for reducing the energy consumption for climatization.

Alternative to ZEH, another 5 designs were proposed for the same chosen building, two of them for
retrofit the current house and three for new low energy buildings; different electricity reductions were
obtained. The designs are based on improved building materials to reduce the cooling load, as well as
other technologies to reduce the electricity consumption. The design is made through computer
simulations made by TRNSYS and POLYSUN software.

Between the most important findings on the analysis is: the roof is the critical envelope part to insulate
and protect from the solar radiation, since it shares the 35% of the total heat that enters into the
building. Reflective coating developed by CSEM-UAE (86% reflectivity) can reduce up to 10 % of the total
cooling load of the house; its effect is higher in the roof followed by south façade, and it’s minimal in the
north façade.

Regarding windows, it was found that a spectral reflective coating (low solar heat gain coefficient SHGC)
is preferred over triple glazing, especially on the south façade.

Regarding insulation, external insulation finishing system (EIFS) coupled with low density concrete (AAC)
are preferred in the house designs, since it provides enough thermal inertia in the building. Structural
insulation panels (SIP) are preferred on the roof, since it can be cooled down by the wind or when
external conditions are favorable. The insulation materials used are expanded polystyrene (EPS), which
is a common and locally available material and polyisocyanurate (PIR), which is the insulation material
with the highest thermal resistance available in the region.

In all designs for new buildings, basic building improvements are considered, such as thermal breaks,
low conductivity plaster, internal blinds, air tightness etc. All this basic measurements reduce the
cooling load of the current building by 11%. After that, major passive methods regarding insulation,
reflective coating and windows were applied.

A design called Basic Energy House (BEH), was able to reduce the cooling consumption from 322
kWh/m2 on the current building to 85 kWh/m2, this represents a reduction of 74% in the cooling load
and reduction of 50% in the total electricity consumption.

The design called Low energy house (LEH) is the design that, after the active technologies, became
energy neutral and it is called now ZEH, the LEH achieved a reduction of 80%, and its cooling load is
equal to 65 kWh/m2.

After the cooling load was optimized (passive design), active measures were applied to BEH and LEH.

A solar water heater and high efficient chiller were the most important technologies and they were
applied to both designs. Further active measures were applied to LEH. At the end, total electricity
consumption of BEH is 11.3 MWh-year, which is a reduction of 65% compared to the original building.

For LEH, the final electrical load is 9.3 MWh, which is less than one third of the original electricity
consumption. This electricity load is covered by 19 PV modules (345 W each) placed on the top roof to
achieve energy neutrality. Since there is a lack of grid connection for PV modules, the system was sized
to the maximal electricity load (July) and a battery system was specified.

By analyzing the relative impact of the technologies on the electricity reduction it was found that the
most important technologies were insulation and high efficient windows; they contribute to 24% and
12% of the total reduction respectively.

A preliminary economic analysis shows that reflective coating is the most cost effective technology,
(especially in the BEH, since it was applied only in the roof), to reduce the cooling load of the house and
changing the current lighting system is not advisable with the local current LED lights prices, it is
preferred to locate 2 more PV panels to obtain the same energy reduction.

All the technologies proposed for the different house designs are commercial products, and especially
for Al Hamra Village, all designs can be applied immediately in the future or current buildings. The
passive design is valid in general terms for any hot and humid climate in the word.

The current energy system model is changing worldwide; several sectors in government, industry and
society are more aware of the negative effects of greenhouse gases emissions and economical risks
associated on dependence on fossil fuels for coming years. Also, they are aware of the business
opportunities associated with a sustainable and green buildings tendency. Those facts are the
motivation for this project, which has a general aim to contribute with the reduction of carbon footprint
in residential sector.

Energy in the built environment can share up to 40% of the energy consumption in a country (1).
However in UAE the energy required for buildings is higher 45%, since during summer up to 70% of that
energy is used to air conditioning (2). UAE has experienced a boom in its building environment in the last
years, and the trend is to keep growing, as well as their energy needs. UAE is ranked among the highest
energy consumers per capita in the world in 2012 (3). In addition, real estate buildings has become into
a core business in Dubai and other UAE regions, the rate of growth in residential villas from 2000 to
2010 in Dubai was about 300%, from 200 000 villas to 600 000 approximately (4).

Buildings are not only important energy consumers, but they are the place when we spent 90% of our
time (1), therefore, comfort conditions cannot be compromised to save energy.

This ZEH project is based on “Trias Energetica” approach1; first, a passive design to reduce the cooling
load at minimal value, special attention is focused in windows, since they are an essential element on
the identity of the modern buildings in UAE, but with high cooling load contributions. After that, an
active design is done based on solar energy, an obvious solution for the current geographical conditions.
The objective of energy neutrality has to be achieved on this step. However, in order to obtain more
cost effective alternatives, the third step of the “trias energetica” approach, which is use conventional
resources efficiently, will be used to propose other designs such a Basic Energy House BEH, see Figure 1.

Passive design

Active design

Efficient use of grid


Figure 1Trias Energetica approach to design low energy buildings with solar energy

Trias Energetica: An international three step methodology to design low energy buildings (46)

The core of the project is the use of TRNSYS 16, which is dynamic simulation software that allows
comparison of thermal performance of different building materials, considering the transient effect. The
outcome of this simulations aids to find the optimal design of the ZEH, and describe the relative impact
of different technologies in the energy reduction. Thermal performance and local availability are the
main criteria for material selection.

The connection to the grid is another key element to the success of the zero energy building, the
demand of energy does not match with the incoming solar irradiation, and without the grid connection
an expensive battery system would be required. In addition, energy management devices may reduce
the energy consumption of the house.


The aim of the project is to develop part of the conceptual design of zero energy house (ZEH) located in
the hot and humid climate of UAE, particularly on the Al Hamra Villa located on the emirate of Ras Al
Khaimah. The ZEH is compared with some other low energy designs for the same reference house


A ZEH requires a multidisciplinary approach, where architects, designers and engineers should be
involved. A ZEH starts with the architectural design, where shading devices, daylight and natural
ventilation are optimized. This step will not be included on this project, a typical design for a house in
this region will be chosen.

The project will focus on passive and active design of a fixed architectural design. Building envelope
improvement and energy systems are the main topics.

In all these calculations, the indoor environment was supposed to be optimized automatically by the air
conditioning system. However, this topic requires further research.

The main outputs of the study will be:

 Best materials for building envelope to minimize energy consumption of the ZEH

 Design and energy system to achieve energy neutrality

 Analyze the relative impact of every technology in the energy reduction


The methodology states the steps required to achieve energy neutrality in the building. See Figure 2.

The design of the house starts by defining the site and operative conditions of the building. For the first
point, weather data of the local area is considered. The ambient conditions such as direct solar
irradiation diffuse irradiation, relative humidity and ambient temperature will influence the design and
energy performance of the building. After that, operative conditions (comfort conditions) of the house
are defined. Then, data about the building is collected, building materials, dimensions, windows area,
orientation, reflective coating, shading, etc. The internal gains are estimated and calculated. With this
information it is possible to calculate the reference cooling load. This value is cross checked with real
measurements in the townhouse.

The next step is the selection of the materials. Pre-selection of materials are made based on literature
review and previous experiments developed at CSEM UAE at SOLAB. Several criteria such as local
availability are pondered. After that, a collection of materials, reflective coatings and windows are
simulated in a cube of 3 x 3 x3 m3 volume, where their effect on different orientations and thickness is
analyzed. After the material selection, different passive designs are proposed using the selected
materials and new cooling loads are calculated.

The next step is to analyze the effect of different technologies, including natural ventilation, in the
reduction of the cooling load and the reduction of the electrical load.

The last step is a basic thermo-economical study to evaluate ZEH and possible alternative concepts such
as alternative house designs that will be proposed.

Figure 2 Methodology to design ZEH. Blue color: Passive design, Green color: Active design


The following section shows some of the theoretical background needed before going into the
simulations. It is also shown building materials chosen from the literature review.

Zero Energy Building.

A zero energy building produces the exact amount of energy in a defined amount of time (usually one
year) that the amount of energy that it requires in the same time (1). There are many challenges to
design a zero energy house; since there are dynamic interactions between the building and the indoor
and outdoor environments. These interactions define building values that have to consider while
searching for energy neutrality.

The interaction with the people is a main value of a building, the comfort conditions (temperature and
relative humidity) and a healthy environment (proper ventilation) cannot be sacrificed to save energy.

Another value of the building is the interaction with the external environment; the house cannot lose its
identity on the neighborhood by becoming unaesthetic when allocating an energy system. There are
studies that show that the main factor to buy a house is the design itself, this factor is even more
important for the consumer than the energy costs or carbon footprint (5).

The first step to design the zero energy house is to reduce the energy consumption at minimal through
passive design (insulation, orientation, natural ventilation, etc.). A proper passive design can reduce
considerably the amount of energy that has to be consumed to cover the cooling or heating load;
previous studies have shown that proper wall insulation alone can save up to 50% of the energy used in
MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, especially in the residential sector (2).

The next step is to use renewable energies to cover the optimized thermal loads; geothermal heat
pumps, small wind turbines and solar energy are common methods to produce the required energy in
the house. PV panels offer a practical solution, since they can be integrated on the design on the

The last step in the “trias energetica” approach is to use conventional resources, e.g. extra energy from
the grid as efficient as possible; it has a lot importance in places where renewable energy resources are
limited; however in UAE region where there is plenty of solar energy, the goal is to achieve energy
neutrality without this last step for ZEH. The Figure 3 shows some technologies in this approach

There are some rating systems that rank a building in terms of energy use, ecology, water usage, waste
management, etc.; between the most famous, are LEED and BREEM. Because of the scope of this master
thesis, it is not possible to cover all the factors that might lead ZEH to earn a certification from those
rating systems. However, the design of the house will achieve the requirements regarding building
envelope and energy system; particularly for the local building rating system, Pearl Villa Rating System

(PVRS) of ESTIDAMA2, the local green building design standard in UAE. Some sections of PVRS are
mandatory for new all new buildings in Abu Dhabi since September 2010 (6) and it will be applicable as
well in Dubai from 2014 (7).

•Solar Insulation
Passive design •Natural ventilation

•Geothermal heat pumps

Active design •Urban wind turbines
•Solar PV and solar collectors

•Variable speed copmpressors

•Energy storage
energy •Micro CHP

Figure 3Different technologies on every stage of “Trias


Building materials
Building materials have many functions, and the most important regarding energy efficiency is to keep
away heat and moisture from the house. The insulation coupled with a reflective coating will reduce
heat transfer through walls and roofs; glazing windows and low emissivity glass will help as well for
transparent surfaces. In order to avoid the moisture inside the house a vapor barrier is needed. The
main criteria for selecting the buildings materials are the thermal performance and local availability.
The fire protection and noise insulation are other features of the building that have to be considered.

Insulation materials
The aim of these materials is to reduce the heat transfer between the environment and the house. The
heat can be transferred by conduction, convection and radiation. The insulating performance depends
on the thermal properties, which depends on several operating conditions as well.

The thermal conductivity k (W/mK) is the one that define the performance of the material under heat
conduction, which is the main heat transfer through the building envelope. A high k means a low
thermal resistance, which indicates a poor thermal insulation performance.

According to Passive House Institute3 standards, a ZEH should have an overall heat transfer coefficient U
value around 0.1(W/m2K) (8). For the local standards of ESTIDAMA, 0.32 (W/m2K) is the minimal value
permitted for walls to get the PVRS RE-R1 (6). According to regulation about new buildings in Abu Dhabi
the maximal U value allowed is 0.57 for walls and 0.44 for roofs (9).

To achieve such value without insulation materials, which have a k very small, huge thickness of
masonry material would be needed (21 m thickness for a normal concrete with k = 2.1 W/mK to obtain
U=0.1 (W/m2K)).The effect of insulation can be observed on Figure 4.

ESTIDAMA: Sustainability in Arabic, it is the local building design guide established by government of Abu Dhabi
Passive House Institute: Is an independent research institute located in Germany focused on low energy houses

Figure 4 The effect of a an external layer of insulation (pink) on the internal wall surface temperature, the slope of the
temperature drop depends on the conductivity of the material

There are several types of insulation materials: wood, pulp and cork, polyethylene rubber, polystyrene,
polyurethane, glass slag wool, fiber glass, mineral wool, calcium silicate, perlite and vermiculite (10).

Only insulation materials which can have a U value close to 0.1 W/m2K in a thickness less than 50 cm
where chosen. In addition those materials have to be locally available .The Table 1 shows the insulation
materials chosen to be simulated

Table 1 Insulation materials chosen to be evaluated, and thickness needed to achieve U=0.1 W/m2K

Insulation material k (W/mK) U=0.1 W/m2K, L (cm)

Fiber Glass 0.044 44
Mineral Wool 0.038 38
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) 0.036 16
Extruded polystyrene 0.028 28
Polyisocyanurate (PIR) 0.022 22

Insulation can be found in several ways, blankets, loose fill, rigid boards, and foam (10). There are
different technologies to apply the insulation in the building envelope. The Table 2 shows the
technologies available from local suppliers

Table 2 Main insulation technologies to apply in the building envelope

Technology Description
External Insulation Finishing systems (EIFS) Rigid board insulation is attached to the wall
through different layers, such as a supporting layer
(mesh), a vapor barrier, and finishing layer. It is the
most common way to retrofit a current building
Structural insulation panel (SIP) Rigid board or blanket insulation is placed
between two structural materials, such as wood or
concrete. It offers a light and quick construction
Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) Rigid insulation frame is placed with a concrete
core. It offers a light and quick construction
specially in high rise buildings
Insulated concrete block (ICB) Foam or loose fill insulation is placed in the core of
a concrete block

The criteria to choose the technology is based on that insulation should be located outside (11). The
reason is that, it allows the masonry material to provide thermal inertia in the interior building, since it is
a small residential building there are no important internal heat gains so the masonry material is able to
store part of the cooling energy; in addition, since the building is occupied at night and the temperature
difference between day and night is not large to use night cooling to cool down an external masonry
material that would have stored heat during the day. Based on this condition, EIFS and SIP are chosen. In
addition, PIR based EIFS has shown a good performance under real operative conditions, based on the
results of the experiments made in the solar laboratory of CSEM-UAE (11).

Thermal breaks

Thermal bridges are parts of the envelope of the house with a high thermal conductivity that connects
the external environment with the interior of the house. It is common to find these bridges in the
corners and columns of the house where structural steel is present, in the frames of the windows, or in
internal roofs. See Figure 5. Thermal bridges may cause a rise of 0.1 W/m2K in the conductivity of the
wall (12) .
Thermal breaks are insulation materials placed in the building envelope to reduce the thermal bridge
effect. Thermal breaks are usually made of a rigid polymer, like rubber or polystyrene. If properly placed
they can reduce in 50% the effect of thermal bridging (12) . See Figure 6.

Figure 5 Thermal bridges in an internal floor caused by a reinforced concrete slab

Figure 6 Thermal breaks in an insulated wall: the insulation is between concrete an bricks, this is attached by a aluminum
support, without the thermal breaks (red color polymers), the aluminum frame would conduct the heat easily from outside
to the concrete wall [Ancon Thermal Breaks]

Vapor barriers

Moisture in buildings can cause several problems, such as increase the thermal conductivity of the walls,
affect the internal surfaces and harm the people’s health (13); the moisture that enters into the wall can
condensate and accumulates in the insulation. There are several ways moisture can enter into the wall,
one of them is infiltration.

Infiltration is an undesired flow of air from the outside to the building, besides to increase the cooling
load, it may bring moisture to the wall, and the humid air that passes through the walls might leave
water inside them.

Even if the building is air tight and there are no plumbing leaks or water stored previously in the building
material; the water can flow inside the buildings by water vapor diffusion, since the concentration of
humidity is higher outside than inside (10). This process can be prevented by using vapor barriers or
vapor retarders; those materials have a very low permeability; between these materials we can find
polyethylene films, vinyl wall coverings, rubber membranes; other materials with medium permeability
are plywood, treated paper and latex based paints (10).

In the Figure 7 , the vapor barrier is located behind the insulation, since in cold climates the moisture
migrates from the interior to the building envelope. In ZEH the vapor barrier will be located outside the
insulation. In this humid climate, vapor barriers are critical.

Figure 7 Vapor barrier located in the interior of a roof in a cold climate [Foliarex]

Reflective coating
There are two main contributors to the cooling load of the building in this area, one of them is the
ambient temperature, and the other one is the solar radiation (11). The solar radiation will reach the
surface of the building and increase the surface temperature. A reflective coating can reflect part of the
solar radiation that reaches the surface.

The reflective materials can be found as rolled foil or reflective paint, aluminum foil is a common
reflective material. White color paint can provide a reflectance close to 50% , a special coatings can
provide higher reflectance, two products will be analyzed, a commercial product SOLACOAT, which can
provide a reflectance of 70% and a new product developed in CSEM-UAE, a reflective coating with a 86
% reflectivity (14) .

Structural materials
The structural or masonry materials form the structure of the building; they give strength and support to
it, also they provide some of other properties such as noise proof. Basically, walls and roofs are made of
a masonry material, with or without insulation, with structural steel, plus an external and internal
plaster. The next table shows the criteria to choose structural materials, between several materials
available on Appendix 2.

Table 3 Criteria to choose structural materials

Property Description
Density • Gives strength and heat capacity to the material (more mass)
• Steel is the best material in these criteria; however the cost does not
pay-off for a low rising building.
Thermal • This is major criteria in the project, since the aim is to reduce cooling
conductivity load
• Wood and aerated autoclaved concrete (AAC) performs better
Strength • Even if steel has the best performance, all the materials fulfills the
requirements for a low rising building

Heat • This property improves the thermal performance of the house
capacity • Concrete and stone performs better
Cost • It is complicated to define the cost of the material, since this is a function
of many factors; one of them is the availability. Concrete and AAC have
an advantage in this area
Carbon • The aim of the project is to build a zero energy house, and the business
footprint strategy is based, besides reduce energy cost, on increase green image of
the house, so materials made by local renewable resources, such as sand
have an advantage

Mainly based on thermal conductivity criteria, Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (AAC) is chosen for the
structural material. It is a low density concrete made from silica sand, cement, water and an expanded
agent, like alumina powder. In addition it is a local available material made with an abundant and
sustainable material. It provides also moderate thermal mass and protection against fire (15) .

Thermal mass
Material with high density and high thermal capacity (kJ/kgK) in the building envelope adds thermal
inertia to the house, it means that building is less affected by changes in outside temperature, avoiding
turning on frequently the air conditioning units, since the building envelope mass has the ability to store
energy, either heating or cooling. This is known as thermal mass.

Increase the thermal capacity of the walls allow the building to stay cool (or warm) for longer, since it
delays the heat transfer by heat absorption on the wall. The heat has to be released later on, but it can
be done in a more suitable time (unoccupied or cooler periods). This process is particularly effective in
areas where there is a big change in air temperature along the day, for instance in the south of UAE (Al
Ain City). On the other hand, in places when there is a slight change in ambient temperature, a big

thermal mass is not that effective and in some cases it can harmful for the indoor environment; for
instance, people which leave the house during the day but they occupy it in evenings, would require to
drive the air conditioning at full power to cool down the house when they arrive home, because a
massive envelope without insulation and with a medium time lag will absorb the heat during the day it
will release it on the evenings (10).

Windows and glass doors represent a challenging task when designing a low energy house; on one hand
they present the highest heat gains per surface area meter (this will be demonstrated in the following
sections), and on the other hand they represent the identity and aesthetics of the building.

The conventional windows nowadays in hot or cold climates are glazed, typically two or three layers of
glass with air gap between them. The air acts as an insulation material; however other fluids with lower
thermal conductivity can be used, like CFCs, inert gases, like Argon or Krypton (16). The U value
(W/m2K) of the window is in function of the glazing and the inner fluids. Values around 0.5 W/m2K are
possible to reach with triple glazing. ESTIMADA indicates a minimal value of 0.4 in SHGC to reach the
PVRS RE-R1 (6).

The windows can have films as well, applied inside or outside glass, which reduces the amount of UV
and infrared radiation; however they normally reduce visible light. The state of the art are low emissivity
films, they are selective spectral reflective coatings, which avoid heat and UV passing through the
window and allow only visible light (16). A parameter that defines this thermal performance is called
SHGC, which is the solar heat gain coefficient, and it measures the rate of heat that passes through the
window compared to the total amount of irradiation that reaches the window. Recently some windows
can improve the relation between SHGC and visibility, by allowing lighter or heat entering into the
building in response to an external signal (17).

Another important part of a glazed window is a spacer and a sealant; it will provide part of the support
of the structure and keep the air or gas inside away from humidity. Polyurethane or silicon can act as
sealants (16).

Especially in hot climates, internal and external shading of the window is needed, such as curtains,
draperies, shutters and blinds (16)

One of the most innovative concepts is to convert windows in electricity producers, a polymer based
solar cells, can be adapted to the window, depending on the type of crystal, dark or clear, the level of
transmittance ranges between 30 to 70%; and the efficiency of conversion is around 5% (17). Another
innovative technology is the integration of a PCM material in a glazed window, which will make the
windows to work together with thermal mass to regulate the thermal inertia of the house. There are
commercial examples like Delta Cool-28® or GlassX®, however the PCM has low visible transmittance in
the solid state (17) .

The windows are part of the house facade. And it should be optimized in the architectural design of the
house, to define shadows and daylight system.

Current conditions

The following section presents the scenery where the ZEH is designed. First a description of the building
is done, after that the weather conditions are shown and the current cooling load and electricity
consumption are calculated

The building
The building to make energy neutral is a typical residential building, a duplex townhouse for a family
located in Al Hamra Village, a residential complex located in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah.

Figure 8 Al Hamra Village townhouse type duplex [AlHamraVillage.com]

The building is made of two identical houses that shares the east and west wall respectively. Every
house has three stories. The set point temperature is defined for this analysis in 24 C. The building has a
total volume of 1292 m3 and a treated floor area of 390 m2 (195 m2 per house).

The percentage of the windows in the north and south wall are 44% and 22 %
respectively. There is a total capacity of 35 kW of cooling. They work in COP of 2.8 on average. The
average consume of domestic hot water is 250 liters per day.

Based on the materials and architectural drawings, a TRNSYS file with the building information was
created. Some simplifications were made, in order to define the area which is actually being conditioned
(e.g. garage is not considered). More details about the building and TRNSYS file can be found on
appendix 1.

UAE coastal area has one of the harshest hot and humid weathers in the world. Ambient temperature,
relative humidity, solar irradiation were measured for 5 years in the meteorological station of CSEM.
This weather was an input to the building simulations in TRNSYS

The average solar irradiation according to CSEM meteorological station is 550 W/m2 (10hrs of radiation)
and the average ambient temperature is 27C, however in summer the average is 35 C, but it can reach
up to 50 C. The relative humidity is always above 50%, and this condition along with constant
sandstorms reduces the possibility to use natural ventilation during the most of the year. More details
about the weather conditions can be found on the appendix 1.

Energy consumption
Data about electrical consumption for air conditioning and non- air conditioning of the house was
collected from previous studies made by CSEM in the house (18), the distribution of the non-air
conditioning electrical loads was calculated using common power consumption for different appliances,
and architectural diagrams (lighting system). The electricity consumption for non-related air
conditioning is 30 kWh per day; it is value is assumed to be constant during the whole year. The
consumption for air conditioning was 2700 kWh in September of 2011 which is the data available from
the house.

To calculate the rest of total electrical consumption of the house it is necessary to make a simulation to
obtain the cooling load.

Cooling load
The building is made of two identical houses, that shares the east and west wall respectively, which
means that the cooling load of each one depends on the other one, so, the cooling load of the building is

A TRNSYS file was created with all the information about the building regarding architecture, materials,
and cooling loads. In the file each house is made by three zones, so there is a total of 6 zones in the
building. Zones are places in the building that may have the same temperature, the process of assigning
zones is more complex in bigger buildings where internal doors, internal walls, and the HVAC system
ducts plays an important role. Since the house has a relatively simple HVAC system, a simplified model is
chosen, where each zone corresponds to one storey in the house.

The heat that has to be removed from inside the building by the air conditioning units comes from
different sources, internals and externals. The external gains are due to solar radiation, ambient
temperature and outdoors air. The air enters into the house by infiltration and ventilation, the first one
is in general not controlled and undesired. Ventilation is required for a comfort conditions and a healthy
environment, it is assumed that current design covers the ASHRAE standards for a minimal ventilation
rate. Ventilation rates defined are based in outdoor air flow, in order to keep the levels of CO2 on the
room bellow 1000 ppm. For a residential house ASHRAE recommends a minimal flow of fresh air of 5.5
litters per second per person (19) . This value is equal to 0.153 ACH, when the building is at full capacity
5 people per house. The ventilation is based on mechanical ventilation and natural ventilation. The
infiltration was set on 0.25 ACH, assuming that the house is not air tight (19) .

The internal gains are the heat dissipated by people activity inside and the electrical devices. The most
important heat gains come from solar radiation and ambient temperature (20). The next table shows a
summary of the heat gains on the villa.

Table 4 Cooling loads in the house

Heat gain Description

Solar radiation The solar radiation will reach the building envelope and increase the
surface temperature. This heat gain affects more transparent surfaces

Ambient temperature The heat gain is driven by temperatures difference , if the inside
temperature is fixed, the higher the exterior temperature, the higher the
heat rate

Infiltration Exterior air which is no conditioned brings heat and humidity to the
building. Openings and leaks are the main enter

Ventilation Exterior air which is conditioned. A proper ventilation is needed for a

healthy environment, and it should not be compromised this factor for
energy saving

Internal gains It is caused by people and home devices that emits heat, a value between
2-3 W/m2 is typical for a residential building (20)

Particularly, in a small residential building in hot and humid climates the internal gains are smaller than
external gains.

The Figure 9 shows the cooling load from the simulation, there are heating needs during winter months
(assuming a heating system starting when the temperature drops below 22 C), but they are relatively
low compared with the cooling loads, 15 kWh, 0.01%. The total cooling load is 125.4 MWh, for the
whole building, which means 62.7 MWh per house, considering the treated floor area in 195 m2, the
cooling load is 322 kWh/m2.

Cooling load in the building.
Reference case, 125.4 MWh/year, 322 kWh/m2






Figure 9 Building cooling load, 2 houses, reference case (current condition)

Considering the cooling load in September which is equal to 7.95 MWh, considering the COP of the
chiller in 2.8, the electricity used for air conditioning according with the simulation is 2850 kWh, which
matches in 95% with the real recorded value of 2700 kWh for September. This validates assumptions
and simplification made on the TRNSYS file for the simulation.

However, in reality, some parameters might change during the year, according with the user pattern, for
instance, the set point temperature could have been set higher or lower during the year, since the
comfort conditions can vary between 21-26 C; usually people turn off the air conditioning when they left
the place, and in winter the reality is that many houses rely in natural ventilation (opening windows) for
cooling down the houses. Figure 10 shows that the ventilation and infiltration factors in the winter
actually reduce the cooling load rather than contribute with it, if higher values would have been set,
which means a higher exterior flow, a higher reduction would have been obtained. However, this would
depend on the user behavior, how often they keep the windows and door opened; an external flow of 6
ACH could eliminate the cooling loads in winter (simulation), however, this will imply a large area of
windows opened all the time, which is not practical and it is not advisable, since the air relative humidity
is higher during the winter months; therefore, if a higher ventilation rate is desired, it has to be done
through the HVAC system, and it will imply a trade-off between the cooling load reduction and the
electricity consumption of the ventilator, since the impact of the cooling load in that season is small
compared with summer cooling load, this analysis is out of the scope of this project.

Cooling load due to infiltration and ventilation in the house, 0.4 ACH
(Reference case)



Figure 10 Infiltration and ventilation cooling load contribution in the reference case

The Figure 11 shows the distribution of the cooling load; it is a fact that the heat that is transferred
through the envelope of the house is the highest one, and it has to be optimized.

Cooling loads distribution in the house

Reference case

Outside air (Infil. + Vent.) Internal gains Transparent surfaces Walls, roofs and ground




Figure 11 Distribution of the cooling loads in the house in the reference case

The wind would cool down the envelope of the house, and the heat transfer rate is based on the heat
transfer coefficient by convection, this value depends on many factors, the most important is the wind

velocity and direction, a further study is required to establish in an accurate way the heat transfer
coefficients, for this study, and since the relative impact is small compared with the general U value, the
values are set according with the default options in TRNSYS software.

After the cooling load is calculated, and considering the COP of the chillers, it is found that every house
uses 22.3 MWh of electricity per year for climatization.

By adding this value to the total electricity consumption during the year is 32.1 MWh. The next figures
show the monthly energy consumption in the house and the respective share.

Electricity consumption in the house. Current situation 32 100 (kWh)


Lighting Water heater Plug loads Other Engines AirCon

Figure 12 Electrical consumption in the current situation of the house

The next figure highlights the importance of the air conditioning on the electrical consumption of the
house, which is around 70% value that matches with the statistics of energy consumption in UAE

Share of yearly electricity consumption in the house. Current situation
AC Other Engines Lighting Water heater Plug loads





Figure 13 Share of electrical consumption in the current situation of the house

More details about energy consumption and cooling load calculation can be found on the appendix 1

Technological barriers
There are several social and political barriers to develop a ZEH in UAE. The first one is the current
architecture, which cannot be changed, since it is part of the culture of the region. The second one is the
lack of infrastructure to supply electricity to the grid, which forces the design to local energy storage.
Third one is the current price of electricity (0.32 AED/kWh=0.07€/kWh)(21), which is cheap compared
with other countries, thus it complicates the economical performance of the ZEH compared with a
normal house.

Besides of that, there are other technological barriers caused by the weather conditions.

The temperature is hot during day and night, with a relative small difference between them, and this
conditions prevails during almost three quarters of the year, so it is not possible to use effectively phase
change materials (PCM), or geothermal heat pumps to cool down the building in the night or in cooler

The lack of water and space is a restriction for using systems that requires cooling circuits, so thermal
driven technologies such as desiccant technologies are not considered. The humidity is very high during
all the year, so it is not possible to use effectively evaporative cooling or dynamic insulation4, since in the
last one the humidity might be trapped on the wall cavity.

A photovoltaic thermal collector (PVT) was not considered, based on a previous economical study in
CSEM-UAE (22).

Dynamic insulation: the air acts as a insulation layer and removes the heat from the wall as well

Passive Design
In this following section, an improvement to the building envelope is made, in order to reduce the
electrical consumption for air conditioning.

Building materials chosen from the previous sections are simulated in TRNSYS. The simulation will
consist in observe the cooling load reductions regarding the materials selected and their thickness.

Testing cube
Doing simulations of every technology and material in the building TRNSYS file is a time consuming
process; and even if it provide specifics conclusions, a more general approach may provide conclusions
applicable in other type of buildings in the same weather conditions.

In order to have general results regarding the impact of technologies and materials in the cooling load of
a building under same weather conditions, a simple building is designed.

This new building is just a cube of 3 x 3 x 3 m3, which replicates the buildings constructed on the
experimental facilities of CSEM-UAE, see Figure 14, where different materials are being tested by
measuring the energy consumed by the air conditionings under different conditions. The heat flow
through the walls is as well measured (11).

Figure 14 SOLAB, testing of reflective coating and other insulation technologies.

The cube will be south oriented (1.56 degrees to match with true solar sun in local conditions) and it will
allow the heat gains in each surface (North, South, East, West, Roof, and ground).

The output of the simulations in the testing cube will indicate the impact of the technology in the
cooling load and in every orientation

Cooling load contribution in every orientation

The first factor which is analyzed is the cooling load contribution in every orientation of the cube.
A new reference case is set, similar to the reference case in the whole house. The base case in the
following analysis is the testing cube built with the material used in the in the house “as built”, but
without the cement plaster. The material is concrete, more details can be found on appendix 3.

In all the following analysis, the envelope is considered uniform, there are no internal gains, no
infiltration or ventilation and the temperature is kept at 24 C.

Figure 15 shows that the major cooling load contribution is located on the horizontal orientation, and it
is followed by the south orientation; the east and west walls share almost the same contribution and the
north side has the smallest value.

Base case cooling load (testing cube)

(5591 kWh/year)
north south east west roof

77,0; 12%

184,3; 30%

125,1; 20%

117,0; 19%
117,9; 19%

Figure 15 Cooling load contribution on the base case (testing cube)

Thermal mass
The next property that is analyzed is the thermal mass effect on the cooling load. The literature states
that thermal mass plays a minor role in the cooling load of the house, since it only delays the heat flow
through the envelope (23). However, in this analysis, the optimal thickness of the structural material,
AAC, is calculated based not only on the effect of cooling load reduction, since a thicker AAC means less
space available for the insulation material that will be located on the exterior of the walls; and a poor
AAC thickness affects the structure of the house and the thermal inertia of the house.

Different thickness of AAC walls were simulated, the Table 5 shows the different thickness and the
respective conductivity value.

Table 5 Different walls made of AAC and their thermal conductivities

Wall Material Thermal Mass Thermal conductivity U

(kg/m2) (W/m2K)
1 AAC 20cm 100 0.554
2 AAC 25cm 125 0.451

3 AAC 30cm 150 0.381
4 AAC 35 cm 175 0.33
5 AAC 40 cm 200 0.29

The Figure 16 shows the behavior of the internal temperature of the building when the air conditioning
is turned off in a summer day, it is possible to observe that the building with higher thermal mass
increases its temperature slower. Ambient temperature is decreasing but it is always higher than the
room temperature, so there is always heat being transferred to the building (See Figure 17)

Thermal response of the building in a summer day when the cooling is off



Temperature C

AAC 20cm

AAC 25cm
AAC 30cm

24,5 AAC 35cm

AAC 40cm


day hours
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Figure 16 Thermal response of different building according with the thickness of AAC

Ambient temperature and solar irradiation in day in summer


Temperature C



day hours
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Figure 17 Ambient temperature in a summer day

It is possible to conclude that all the cases show a good thermal response, with a slow increase of
temperature, which indicates that every case of AAC thickness provide a sufficient thermal mass to the

In the Figure 18, it is possible to observe the difference in thermal response with building envelope
made of materials with different thermal mass and same thermal conductivity in a summer day, see
next table.

Table 6 Different walls made of materials with different thermal mass but same thermal conductivities

Wall Material Thermal Mass (kg/m2) Thermal conductivity U (W/m2K)

1 25 cm Concrete + 5 cm EPS 601 0.5
2 AAC 22cm 112 0.5
3 Polymer insulation 5cm 2 0.5

The building made of concrete plus insulation has the highest mass and is less affected by the sudden
turn off of the air conditioning, while the building made by EPS insulation increases rapidly its
temperature after the cooling is off.

Thermal response in summer day for different buildings made of materials

with same conductivity and different thermal mass
Temperature C

24 Concrete + EPS

23,5 EPS insulation

23 AAC 22 cm
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
day hours

Figure 18 Thermal response of different building materials with same conductivity but different thermal mass

On the other hand, the building with low thermal mass can be easily cooled down; this effect will
require a further research.

Next simulation was carried out to compare the effect of thermal mass on the cooling load reduction,
the same 3 types of walls discussed before on Table 6 are considered; by comparing the wall 1 and 3,

the Figure 19 shows that increasing building thermal mass improves a little the cooling load in the yearly
balance for the same conductivity; however, the reason is that part of the heat can be stored in the
massive material, and at the end of the simulation period, the energy balance on the cooling device
does not consider the heat which is stored on the building envelope, and this heat will be inevitable
released later on. Nevertheless, if there is a proper study about the dynamics of the building, this heat
can be released in proper a time to don’t affect the cooling load. The last concept explains the
comparison between Wall 2 and 1, where wall 2 has less thermal mass but it has a lower cooling load.
The reason is the outside layer of EPS insulation in Wall 1, it avoids the concrete (which stores
significantly amount of heat) to be cooled down in night time or when the outside temperature drops
below the set point temperature, this difference would be higher in a weather with higher difference
between day and night temperature. Wall 2, made only of AAC, has a more even thermal resistance, and
it can be cooled down when the outside conditions are favorable. It is only valid when the walls have the
same thermal conductivity. In any other case, under this weather conditions, materials with lower
thermal resistance will have higher heat gains.

Cube cooling load per year for walls with thermal

conductivity U= 0.5 W/m2K but different thermal mass





Wall 1 Wall 2 Wall 3

Figure 19 Different cooling loads in building envelopes with same conductivity and different thermal mass

For those reasons, in medium insulated buildings, (e.g. only AAC) it is preferred to have a uniform
conductivity with sufficient thermal mass, in order to let it cooled down in the night, even if
temperature differences are not big. However, if insulation is located in the external wall, a moderate

thermal mass is preferred, just to keep the thermal inertia of the interior of the building, in addition,
people in the townhouse sometimes require a fast cooling in the evenings.

Regarding the thickness of AAC, in the Figure 16, it is not possible to observe a big impact on the thermal
inertia of the building by increasing the thickness of AAC, as a result the minimal value required is 25 cm
for structural reasons, the maximal value will depend on the insulation level required, taking into
account that there is a limit of 45 cm in the total thickness of the wall.

It is worth to remark that 40 cm of AAC can represent a simple an affordable option to improve the
thermal performance of the building, and besides it fulfills new building regulation in Dubai and Abu
Dhabi, it fulfills the requirements to get the PVRS.

The next property which is analyzed is the effect of the thermal resistance in the impact of the cooling
load. Simulations of different conductivity values were made in the testing cube. See Table 7. The Figure
20 shows that the cooling load reduction respect to the base case is higher in the roof and in the south
wall. The savings are relative to the base case scenario, but it is possible to observe that going beyond
0.1 W/m2K in the conductivity, besides it would be expensive and technically complicated, the savings
associated are not significant

Cooling load reduction due insulation (kWh/m2-year)





U=1 W/m2K U=0.5 W/m2K U=0.1 W/m2K U=0.05 W/m2K

North South East West Roof

Figure 20 Cooling load reduction per square meter of insulation in every orientation by increasing the thermal resistance of
the walls

Table 7 Different U values and the cooling load associated

CASE U (W/m2K) Cooling load Savings Savings (%)

(kWh/year) (kWh/year)
BASE 3.1 5591 0 0
A 1 2905 2686 48
B 0.5 1609 3982 71
C 0.1 362 5229 94
D 0.05 144 5447 97

Unlike the walls, where EIFS technology is attached to AAC, the roofs will be built with structural
insulation panels, which have an internal insulation, see Figure 21, the thermal inertia of the house is
not compromised since the reinforced concrete is a high massive material, by doing this, the external
face of the SIP which will store heat can be cooled down naturally when the conditions are favorable.

Reinforced concrete

Figure 21 SIP in the roof design for ZEH

Reflective coating
The next parameter to analyze is the effect of reflective coating in the cooling load; in this case, it was
simulated with CSEM reflective coating (86% reflectivity).

The Figure 22 shows the reduction in cooling load due to reflective coating. The roof has the highest
reduction and in the north wall the benefits are negligible. A total reduction of 23% is achieved

Cooling load reduction for reflective coating (86% reflectivity )

north south east west roof

47% 19%



Figure 22 Effect of the reflective coating in the cooling load of the house

Savings are relative to the condition to be compared, the higher the insulation in a building, the lower
are the savings due to reflective coating.

The next simulation corresponds to verify the cooling load reduction by apply the reflective coating
developed in CSEM-UAE. From the Figure 23 it is possible to observe that the difference in 0.16 in
reflectivity between CSEM-UAE and SOLACOAT (reflectivity = 0.7) allows an increase in the reduction in
the cooling load by 20 kWh/m2

Cooling load reduction per square meter of roof on the testing cube


Figure 23 Reduction of cooling load between reflective coating SOLACOAT and CSEM-UAE product

Transparent surfaces
The last parameters that will be studied in the testing cube are the transparent surfaces on the building
envelope and the technologies available to reduce the heat gain through them.

Regarding the location of the windows the literature says that the north façade should have the most of
the windows if the cooling loads are higher than the heating loads in the north hemisphere (24). The
Figure 24 shows the amount of solar radiation that is reaching the outer surface of the cube is higher in
the roof, the next one is the radiation on the south, east and west surfaces, and the north surface has
the lowest solar radiation, which means that most of the windows should be located there. The next
question is where the rest of the windows should be located, and the answer comes from the fact that
even if the total solar radiation that reaches the south surface is higher during the whole year than the
rest of the vertical surfaces; in summer, where there is the peak on the cooling load, the radiation is
minimal, so the remaining windows should be located on the south wall, which is the case in the current

Average solar radiation reaching each surface of testing cube


400 North

200 West

Jan Feb Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 24 Solar radiation reaching each surface of testing cube

The U value and the SHGC are the two most important properties in windows. The first one is mostly
related with the glass properties, glazing and inner fluid properties. The second one is related mostly
with the properties of the surface glass to avoid heat radiation going through the glass. A comparison
between different types of windows, to check the effect of these parameters on the cooling load is
made. In all cases aluminum frame covering 15% of the windows area is considered.

The Table 8 shows the cooling loads in the testing cube when the U value is kept almost constant and
SHGC is changed. It is possible to observe how the visibility is reduced when the SHGC is reduced it. In
the Figure 25 it is possible to observe how the SHGC is more critical in the south wall rather than the
north wall by observing in the figure the cooling load contribution in both surfaces with the same
windows area. The kWh/m2 are referred in this case to the cooling load contribution in kWh per square
meter of transparent surface for the testing cube

Table 8 Cooling load contribution in the testing cube for different values of U and same SHGC

Window Glazing U (W/m2K) SHGC Visibility (%) Cooling load North Cooling load South
(kWh/m2-year) (kWh/m2-year)

1 2 0.97 0.334 66 47.14 90.36

2 2 0.97 0.256 50 44.83 84.03
3 2 1.01 0.387 65 49.64 95.97
4 2 0.98 0.533 71 75.47 155.72

Cooling load contribution vs SHGC

80 North
40 South
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6

Figure 25 Cooling load contribution in the testing cube in with different values of SHGC in the windows

The Figure 26 shows the cooling loads in the testing cube when the SHGC value is kept constant at 0.33
and U is changed.

Cooling load contribution vs U







0,9 0,95 1 1,05 1,1 1,15 1,2 1,25 1,3
U (W/m2K)

Figure 26 Cooling load contribution in the testing cube in with different values of U in the windows

In the Figure 27 it is possible to observe that the low emissivity window (low SHGC) is preferred than the
triple glazing (low U value), so SHGC value is more important than the U value under this climate
conditions, especially in the south wall.

Comparison in cooling load contribution between triple glazed and
low emissivity windows



Low emissivity
Triple glazed

North South

Figure 27 Comparison between triple glazed (U=0.5, SHGC=0.4) and low emissivity (U=0.97, SHGC=0.3) windows in different

Since windows are the part of the building envelope that produces the most heat gains, changes in any
part of it can improve its performance. The frame covers approximately 16% of the total area of the
window, change this percentage is not possible most of the times; however the material it is possible to
be changed. The frame in the current building is made of aluminum with a finishing paint. Three other
frames are compared in the south wall, the reflectivity is improved through reflective paint, the spacer is
insulated and their cooling load contribution is being analyzed. Improve the window frame can
represent a cooling reduction in the window contribution up to 5 % for a double glazed window with low
emissivity glass [U=0.97, SHGC=0.256]. Finally, Table 9 shows the cooling load contribution of different
types of windows.

Table 9 Cooling load contributions of different types of windows, the kWh/m2 in this case are referred to the cooling load
contribution in kWh to the area of the windows

window Glazing U (W/m2K) SHGC VT (%) Cooling load Cooling load

contribution contribution
North South
(kWh/m2K) (kWh/m2K)
0 2 1.4 0.58 70 123.14 215.90
1 2 0.97 0.334 66 47.14 90.36
2 2 0.97 0.256 50 44.83 84.03
3 2 1.01 0.387 65 49.64 95.97
4 2 0.98 0.533 71 75.47 155.72
5 2 1.29 0.333 66 55.03 103.33
6 3 0.59 0.402 67 47.83 97.06
7 2 1.26 0.212 50 49.92 94.14
8 3 0.7 0.22 50 38.61 74.25

The Figure 28 shows that highest cooling load reduction is achieved with combining triple glazing and
low emissivity glass.

Cooling load contribution according to the type of window




100,00 North

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
type of window

Figure 28 Cooling load contribution of different types of different types of windows

In addition, it is worth to remark that, even with the highest efficient possible window, the heat gain
per square meter of window is much higher than the heat gain in the wall. Therefore, protection to
transparent surfaces such as movable and fixed shading is important in this project. Internal reflective
blinds can save up to 15% of the cooling load due to windows. More details can be found on appendix 3

Passive house designs

After simulating the different materials and its effect in the cooling load, the last step is to propose the
passive designs for the current house. Five designs are presented, according to the level of cooling load
reduction desired. All designs, except the retrofitted houses, require a new building construction; in the
last two designs an active design will be applied, and the last one is the candidate to become into a zero
energy building.

General measurements will be applied to all the designs except the ones made to retrofit the current

 Thermal insulation plaster or low density plaster (25) instead of conventional cement plaster
for walls and roofs.

 Change the color of the ceramic tile in first floor terrace (Improve reflectivity value)

 Change the current doors for fiber glass doors

 Change the frame of the windows for fiberglass frame

 Add insulation to the ground

 Internal blinds on windows in both facades.

 Internal insulation in roofs and external insulation in walls

 Thermal breaks in window frames, columns, and joints

 Sealing in doors and windows (air tight building 0.05 ACH (19))

As it was possible to observe on the last sections, there is potential for winter ventilation, so, the design
assumes that people in the house are willing to use outdoor air to cool down the building in winter
months, 2 ACH is reasonable air flow in winter (19).

It is assumed that in the last parameter and the one referred to blinds, the user has an important role,
since there is no automatic system; for instance, it is assumed that the user will close the blinds when
the radiation is high or when he or she leaves the house.

With this general changes the cooling load reduction of the original building was reduced by 13 %, which
represents 8356 kWh of cooling load, more details can be found on appendix 4

Retrofitted house
The first design offers only a retrofitting option for the current house, the cooling load reduction is lower
compared to the further designs, however it can cover a higher market; EIFS with PIR board is used,
since this insulation is being tested in SOLAB with successful results; however EPS can be used as well,
since it is the most common EIFS locally available. CSEM reflective coating will be applied in all surfaces
except of north wall; low film reflective coating is applied in all windows. The Figure 29 and Figure 30
show the new distribution of the cooling loads in the house. A new cooling load of 118 and 125 kWh/m2
(treated floor area) with 5cm (10cm for roof) PIR based EIFS for roofs and 5cm (10cm for roof) EPS
based EIFS respectively, which is a reduction of cooling load in 64% and 62 % is achieved in each case.

Cooling load loads in retrofitted house usign 5-10 cm PIR based EIFS,
reflective coating and low emissivity coating in windows
Total= 118 kWh/m2 (64% reduction)

Outside air (Infil. + Vent.)
15% Internal gains
Transparent surfaces
Walls, roofs and ground


Figure 29 Cooling load loads in retrofitted house using 5-10 cm PIR based EIFS, reflective coating and low emissivity coating
in windows, Total cooling load= 118 kWh/m2 (64% reduction respect to reference case)

Cooling load loads in retrofitted house usign 5-10 cm EPS based EIFS,
reflective coating and low emissivity coating in windows
Total= 125 kWh/m2 (62% reduction)


Outside air (Infil. + Vent.)
Internal gains
Transparent surfaces
Walls, roofs and ground


Figure 30 Cooling load loads in retrofitted house using 5-10 cm EPS based EIFS, reflective coating and low emissivity coating
in windows, Total cooling load= 125kWh/m2 (62% reduction respect to reference case)

The second one is a design is called House A and is indented to fulfill one of the requirements to get a
Pearl Villa Rating System certificate RE-R1 from ESTIDAMA (6), regarding thermal insulation of the
building. The Table 10 shows the requirements for RE-R1 and R2 certificate.

Table 10 ESTIDAMA PVRS RE-R1 and R2 certificate requirements

Surface RE-R1 Conductivity U (w/m2K) R2 Conductivity U (w/m2K)

Roof 0.14 0.12
Wall 0.32 0.29
Windows 2.2 1.9
SHGC windows 0.4 0.3

The design involves all the general measurements described before plus the substitution of conventional
concrete for 35 cm low density concrete block (AAC) and the addition of 20 cm EPS board insulation in
the roof. The windows have an improvement on the SHGC from 0.6 to 0.4. A new cooling load = 110
kWh/m2 is obtained. Since the objective is to fulfill the requirements, other methods such as reflective
coating are not applied. More details can be found on appendix 4. The Figure 31 shows the new
distribution of the loads

Cooling loads in House A design.

Total =110 kWh/m2 (66% reduction)




Outside air (Infil. + Vent.)

Internal gains
Transparent surfaces
Walls, roofs and ground


Figure 31 : Cooling load loads in House A using 35 cm of AAC in walls plus EPS in the roofs, and low emissivity windows,
Total cooling load= 110 kWh/m2 (66% reduction respect to reference case)

The next design allows fulfilling the requirements for R2 PVSR. The walls are made of 385 mm of AAC
and there is 15cm PIR board on the roof. In addition the windows have a U value of 1 W/m2K and SHGC
of 0.3. A new cooling load = 90 kWh/m2 is obtained. Since the objective is to fulfill the requirements,
other methods such as reflective coating are not applied. More details can be found on appendix 4. The
Figure 32 shows the new distribution of the loads

Cooling loads in House B design.

Total =90 kWh/m2 (72% reduction)


Outside air (Infil. + Vent.)
Internal gains
Transparent surfaces
Walls, roofs and ground


Figure 32 Cooling load loads in House B using 38.5 cm of AAC in walls plus PIR board in the roofs, reflective coating and low
emissivity windows, Total cooling load= 90 kWh/m2 (72% reduction respect to reference case)


The fourth design is called “Basic energy house”, and its principal characteristics is that it has
improvements in the building envelope according to the importance in the cooling load reduction
findings in the testing cube analysis, in order to improve the cost –effectiveness of the design. There are
basic improvements on the general building envelope, the walls are made of 385 mm of AAC and
windows have a 0.25 SHGC; and there are major improvements in the roof, where the cooling load is

critical, structural insulation panels made of AAC and 15 cm of PIR are placed plus reflective coating. The
new cooling load is 85 kWh/m2. The Figure 33 shows the new distribution of the loads.

Cooling loads in BEH design

Total=85 kWh/m2 (74% reduction)

Outside air (Infil. + Vent.) Internal gains

Transparent surfaces Walls, roofs and ground




Figure 33 Cooling load loads in BEH using 38.5 cm of AAC in walls plus PIR based SIP panels plus reflective coatings and low
emissivity windows, Total cooling load= 85 kWh/m2 (74% reduction respect to reference case)


The last design called “Low Energy House” has the objective to reduce the cooling load as much as
possible, since on this design renewable energy system to achieve energy neutrality will be applied. This
design follows the standers defined for a passive house by The Passive House Institute (PHI) (8).
Regarding building envelope thermal conductivity, the PHI defines an optimal value of 0.1 W/m2K to
design passive houses. The design is based on the same roof design than in BEH, but with 20 cm of PIR
instead of 15cm; the walls are made of 15 cm PIR board based EIFS, in addition the thermal resistances
of doors and window frames was duplicated. Triple glazed windows with low SHGC value were chosen.
The new cooling load is 66 kWh/m2 and it represents a 79% cooling load reduction, more details can be
found on the appendix 4. The Figure 34 shows the cooling load distribution.

Cooling loads in LEH house
Total=66 kWh/m2 (79% reduction)

Outside air (Infil. + Vent.) Internal gains

Transparent surfaces Walls, roofs and ground





Figure 34 Cooling load loads in LEH using PIR based EIFS in walls plus PIR based SIP panels plus reflective coatings and low
emissivity windows, Total cooling load= 66 kWh/m2 (79% reduction respect to reference case)

The most important cooling loads in the house are the one related with transparent surfaces; therefore,
the house cooling load presents an maximal reduction when there is external shading, an external
shading device with 70% reflectivity that closes when the radiation in the window is higher than 150
W/m2K, can become the cooling in LEH design to 52 kWh/m2. The system is currently used in high rise
buildings when the windows area is higher compared to residential buildings; however the cost involved
for the installation on the house makes it non feasible, so this is a hypothetical case and it won’t be
considered further.

Finally, the passive design concludes with the Low Energy House design, which is the design with an
optimized building envelope and therefore minimal cooling load; it is the candidate to become a zero
energy building. The Table 11 shows a summary of all the designs made, a detailed summary can found
on appendix 4

Table 11 Summary of all house designs made and their respective cooling load reduction

House Cooling load kWh/m2 Reduction (%)

Reference 322 0
Retrofitted 1 125 62

Retrofitted 2 118 64
A 110 67
B 90 72
BEH 85 74
LEH 66 79

The Table 12 shows the electricity consumption of the BEH and LEH and the electricity reduction for the
passive measurements, the BEH and LEH will continue for the active design

Table 12 Electricity consumption for air conditioning BEH and LEH considering a COP=2.8 on the machines, the current
electricity consumption for climatization is 22.3 MWh/year

House Cooling load consumption Electricity consumption Reduction of electricity

MWh/year (thermal) MWh/year kWh/year-%

BEH 16.8 6 16.3-50%

LEH 12.9 4.6 17.7-55%

Active design

The active design involves improvements on the devices that consume or produce energy in the house.
This is the immediate step after the passive design, where the electricity consumption for climatization
was partially optimized. Next table shows the most important electricity consumers devices.

Table 13 Electricity consumption of the devices with the highest energy consumption during the years in the house

Electrical device Electricity consumption MWh/year

Air conditioning 6 (BEH), 4.6 (LEH)
Water heater 2.86
Lighting 2.75
Refrigerator 0.8

The most important electricity consumer after the air conditioning is the water heater, after that
lighting. The refrigerator is the domestic device with the highest energy consumption during the year.

Air conditioning units

To select an improved cooling system for the house, many factors have to be taken into account. Due to
high humidity levels in the region, it is not advisable to use radiant ceiling or floor cooling, since the risk
of condensation is high. If the level of humidity of the air is higher than 60% indoors, a temperature of
23 C in the air would have a dew point temperature higher than 15 C which is very possible to reach in
the surface of a floor or ceiling cooling system.

In addition, since the volume of the house is considerably high, a mini-split is not chosen, even if the
current cooling load is low enough to use this type of systems.

Finally, the current duct based cooling system remains (central air conditioning) is chosen, further
research is required to define the diffusers location, air flow and air temperature, in order to optimize
the comfort conditions.

The current air conditioning units have a COP of 2.8 which is equal to an EER = 9.55. ESTIDAMA requires
for the PVRS an air conditioning with a minimal EER= 11 (COP of 3.22) (6). A cutting edge technology can
have an EER performance between 13 and 21(26) . Considering that the harsh climate conditions of the
region affects the performance of the units, a minimal value of EER =13 (COP=3.8) is chosen in the future

After improving the air conditioning units, the electricity consumption of the houses can be found on the
next table as well as the electricity reduction through this method.

Table 14 Optimized cooling system for the BEH and LEH

House Electricity Electricity Peak cooling Unit capacity Average load

consumption Reduction load (TR) factor (%)
MWh/year MWh/year kW (thermal)
BEH 4.42 2.42 4.3 1.5 36.5%
LEH 3.39 1.21 3.1 1 42%

The current system uses 3 air conditioning units with a total installed cooling power of 35 kW (10 TR),
which was oversized, even for the current system, calculating the maximal cooling load in summer, the
new system requires only 1.5 TR and 1 TR for BEH and LEH respectively.

Solar Water Heater

The domestic water is the second highest energy consumer in the house. The current system is based on
an electrical heater.

The average consume of domestic hot water in the townhouse is 250 liters per day (6). In order to cover
this demand a solar water heater will be installed.

Simulations were made in the month of January, where the lowest value of solar irradiation is present.
ESTIDAMA standards recommend covering around 80% of the total hot water demand in winter in order
to don’t oversize the system in the summer. However, since the objective of ZEH is to fulfill the whole
energy needs, for the zero energy houses, the total hot water demand is considered. However for the
BEH an optimized system with an electric heater back up is considered.

Through the software POLYSUN, the size of the collectors required is calculated, since the area of the
roof is restricted, because there should be enough space for the PV modules, a solar water heater with
evacuated tubes, which gives the highest yield per surface area, is chosen for LEH. An alternative flat
plate collector system is chosen for BEH. More details about the collectors can be found on appendix 6.

The Table 15 shows the summary of the collectors and the electricity consumption reduction

Table 15 Solar water systems for BEH and LEH

House Type of collector Area (m2) Electricity reduction

BEH Flat plate collector 4.2 m2 2.69
LEH Evacuated tubes 4.6 m2 2.84

The installation of the solar water systems ends the design for BEH, since only the most important active
measures are applied: the air conditioning replacement and the solar water heater installed. The house
has now a total electricity consumption of 11.42 MWh/year, which represents a reduction of 74% of the
current energy consumption. See Figure 35.

Electrical loads in BEH design
Total 11.4 MWh/year

0% AC
Other Engines
24% Water heater
Plug loads


Figure 35 Distribution of the electricity consumption in BEH

The next figure shows the share of contribution of the different technologies applied to reduce the
energy demand

Cooling load reduction per technology applied to BEH

0% Insulated plaster, insulated doors,

4% thermal breaks
15% Natural ventilation
22% AAC instead of normal concrete

Insulation, EIFS or SIP

1% 19% Reflective coating

Internal Blinds

Imroved windows & films

LED Lighting

Figure 36 Cooling load reduction per technology applied to BEH


The current lighting system is made of compact fluorescents lamps CFL and it fulfills the optimal lighting
levels (150 lumens/m2 for a residential building (27).The CFL have efficiency around 60 lumens/W (27).

LED lamps are the state of the art on lighting, they can reduce in around 20% the electricity
consumption of the house by lighting, since their efficiency can reach around 72 lumens/W (27), and
therefore they can reduce in 10% the heat by lighting.

By replacing the current lamps for LED lamps in a new building, a reduction of 550 kWh of electricity and
a 275 kWh of heat for the cooling load per house per year is achieved.


Refrigerator has the highest energy consumption after the water heater and the chiller; commercial
models have an energy use around 790 kWh per year (28). By replacing the current model for a state of
art refrigerator with a consumption of 450 kWh (800 liters), it is possible to get 340 kWh in electricity

Redo passive design

After all the previous technologies were applied, a zero energy house is close to be achieved.

A final step is missing, which is recalculating the cooling load to include the new lighting system. In
addition, assuming that the entire top roof of the house would be populated with PV, the effect the
temperature of the back side of the PV might affect the cooling load, considering that a PV module can
reach high temperatures several times and irradiate heat to the roof if the house. However, by leaving a
gap between the PV module and the roof, the aforementioned effect is negligible compared with the
cooling convective effect of the air. In addition, PV panels will act like a shadow to the top roof; the
reduction is not that high if it is compared with the passive method applied the reflective coating; at the
end 120 kWh of cooling load are reduced by the shadow. Finally, the shadow and the LED lighting
system reduce the cooling load from 66 to 65 kWh/m2. More details can be found on the appendix 4.
The Figure 37 shows the final distribution of the electrical loads in the LEH

Electrical loads in LEH design
Total 9.3 MWh/year

18% AC
39% Other Engines
24% Water heater
Plug loads

Figure 37 Distribution of the electricity consumption in LEH

Based on the testing cube analysis for the distribution of the cooling loads and the relative effect of
passive methods, the Figure 38 show the impact of the different technologies applied to LEH on the
reduction of the cooling load, more details can be found on appendix 5

Cooling load reduction percentage per technology applied to LEH

0% Insulated plaster, insulated doors,

4% thermal breaks
14% Natural ventilation
AAC instead of normal concrete

9% Insulation, EIFS or SIP

Reflective coating

Internal Blinds
Imroved windows & films

LED Lighting
Building envelope tightness

Figure 38 Cooling load reduction percentage per technology applied to LEH

The next figure shows the final electricity load for the ZEH. More details can be found on appendix 5

Electricity demand in ZEH 9334 (KWh)



Plug loads
Water heater
Other Engines



Figure 39 Electricity demand in ZEH 9334 (Kwh)

Energy system

By applying the energy system to LEH the energy neutrality is achieved and the zero energy house is

This electrical load is covered by PV modules. The priority location for the panels is on the top roof of
the house, where the solar collectors are located, the second place is the south wall of the top floor, and
finally, the last place is the south façade in the first floor.

A state of art 345 W PV mono-crystalline modules were chosen, each module has an area of 1.6 m2,
more details regarding the specification of the panel can be found on appendix 7.

The optimal orientation of the PV is the latitude of the place where they are located, in this case it
should be 25 degrees, however, the aesthetics is an important value of the house as it was explained in
the first sections, so a tilt angle as small as possible is preferred. Different simulations were developed
to verify the effect of the tilt angle on the PV electricity yield; it was found that the losses are around 4.8
% for 5 degrees compared to the optimal condition 25 degrees.

Considering 5 degrees orientation for the roof and 90 degrees for the south wall, (since the tilt angle
cannot be changed in the south wall to don’t affect the architecture of the building); the annual energy
yield for 5 degrees orientation is 359.2 kWh/m2 and for the vertical orientation is 204.2 kWh/m2, more
details can be found on the appendix 7

PV area with grid connection
In this case, it is assumed that there is infrastructure and a policy to both provide and take electricity to
and from the local grid. A control system would regulate the inflow and outflow of electricity according
to the electricity demand.

The first step is to place the PV panels in the 20 m2 available on the roof (5m2 are already used by solar
water system). Considering the area of the PV modules and the yield in this orientation, it is possible to
have 13 panels that generate 7.47 MWh per year. The rest 1.63 MWh of electricity required can be
covered with 6 panels in south orientation. There is an oversupply since it is not possible to fractional
panels. Finally a total of 19 panels are required to cover the electricity demand.

In the Figure 40 can be observed the profile of the electricity generation and the electricity demand,
there is lack of electricity in the summer months and a surplus of electricity on the winter and spring

Electricity generation and PV generation (13 modules roof and 6

modules south) [kWh]







Electricity demand PV generation south only PV generation roof Total PV generation

Figure 40 PV generation and electricity demand during the year on the ZEH

PV area without grid connection

The previous calculation was a hypothetical situation based on predictions about an infrastructure to
connect renewable energy systems to the grid in the short term in Dubai. Nevertheless, the reality is
that there are very few examples of these systems as pilot projects in UAE and specifically in the emirate
of Ras Al Khiamah, where the house is located, there are no such systems. As a result the energy system
for the zero energy houses has to be sized for the maximal condition, which is the electricity demand of
July, 975 kWh.

The lack of electricity in the current energy system is around 202 kWh, if this extra energy demand has
to cover by PV modules on the south surface, the extra PV panels required would be 16 modules, so in
total it would be 35 modules.

On the other hand, it is possible to observe that the lowest energy yield of PV modules in the south
takes place in summer, so it is not advisable to use PV panels on the south wall to cover the extra energy
demand. In addition, the curve of electricity demand is very similar to the curve of the PV generation on
the horizontal surface. Therefore, it is better to compromise a bit the current architecture of the house
by placing extra modules in the horizontal orientation.

If the extra energy demand has to be covered by PV panels on the horizontal orientation, 4 PV modules
would be required, and a total of 23 modules would be required. It is also possible to observe that, by
compromising a bit more the top roof of the house, the 6 modules currently placed in the south wall can
be replaced by only two on the horizontal radiation. This means that the same 19 PV modules placed in
horizontal radiation are sufficient to cover the peak demand of the house in July. The PV panels would
add an extra 10.4 m2 of surface to the top roof. The excess of electricity is 1.82 MWh per year, which is
equal 15% losses of electricity, value that remark the importance of the grid connection for the
economical performance of the house

The next figure shows the new curves of PV generation and electricity demand on the ZEH

Electricity demand and PV generation with 19 modules on roof [kWh]




Electricity demand
600,0 PV generation




Figure 41 Electricity demand and PV generation with no grid connection available on ZEH

If the ZEH is independent from the grid an energy storage system is required. A battery bank is designed
to store the electricity when the solar radiation is available and release it when it is needed. The battery
size is based on the assumption of a two consecutive days without solar radiation in the peak capacity of
July. The energy required would be 64 kWh, since the energy daily energy demand in July is 32 kWh.

Based on this condition a valve regulated lead-acid battery bank of 45 units is required, working at 12 V,
200 Ah, 85% and with minimal state of charge of 30%.

Some appliances in the house works with AC current, another can work with DC current; in order to
avoid the losses and oversized inverters, it is suggested to the house a different electrical configuration,
where some appliances would work with DC current directly from batteries.

By defining plug loads that work with DC current will not reduce even more the size of the inverter, but
they will also save installation costs, since the local cost of the connection to the grid is related with the
number of plug load connections in the house.

The next table shows a summary of the electricity demand of all house designs

Table 16 Summary of the electricity demand of house designs

Electricity consumption
Air conditioning 22397 11196 8912 7638 6282 4348 3294
Water heater 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 101 0
Lighting 2751 2751 2751 2751 2751 2751 2201
Engines 2130 2130 2130 2130 2130 2179 1888
Plug loads 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001
Total 32137 20936 18652 17378 16022 11379 9383

Technology analysis
Finally, Figure 42 shows the contribution of every technology in achieving the energy neutrality of the
house. The energy system covers 29% of electricity reduction, after that the main passive method, the
insulation materials contribute on 24% to the reduction.
Technology contribution to achieve energy neutrallity in ZEH

Insulated plaster, insulated doors,

thermal breaks
Natural ventilation

AAC instead of normal concrete

Insulation, EIFS or SIP
Reflective coating

Internal blinds

Improved windows & films

24% LED Lighting (heat reduction)

1% Building envelope tightness

4% Solar Water heater

3% High efficient air conditioning

2% 12% 0% LED Lighting (electricity reduction)
High efficient refrigerator

PV system

Figure 42 Technology contribution to achieve energy neutrallity in ZEH

Economical analysis
A very basic economic analysis is made, in order to give a rough idea about the economic feasibility in
the project. The following table shows the money savings (AED5) for the technology applied in BEH and

Table 17 Money savings (AED ) for the technology applied in BEH and ZEH

Technology BEH ZEH

Insulated plaster, doors, thermal breaks 797.9 797.9

Natural ventilation 99.8 99.8
AAC 981.6 490.8
Insulation 1704.1 2434.4
Reflective coating 252.1 327.8
Blinds 57.4 57.4
Windows & films 1171.6 1284.4
Building envelope tightness 214.2 214.3
Solar Water heater 866.7 899.0
Air conditioning 499.3 378.4
Lighting 0.0 207.49
Refrigerator 0.0 108.8
PV 0.0 2986.9
Total 6645 10287

Cost of the technology were acquired through local quotations and common market princes, the next
table shows the payback period associated with each technology and the total payback period. It was
considered that basic improvements in the building could be done with no significant increase on the
cost, especially in large scale; in addition changing electrical devices for new high efficient ones does not
represent a significant increase in new buildings.

Table 18 Payback period of different technologies and total for both BEH and ZEH

Technology applied BEH ZEH

Insulated plaster, doors, thermal breaks 0.0 0.0

Natural ventilation 0.0 0.0

AAC 8.4 9.8
Insulation 6.4 8.3
Reflective coating 3.8 7.1
Blinds 0.0 0.0

AED: Local currency, 0.2 euros in August of 2013.

Windows & films 11.1 14.2
Building envelope tightness 0.0 0.0
Solar Water heater 6.9 10.5
Air conditioning 0.0 0.0
Lighting (elect) 0.0 36.73
Refrigerator 0.0 0.0
PV system 0.0 19.3
Total 5.9 11.7

One of the interesting aspects of this output is that it is more feasible to install two extra PV modules on
the roof rather than changing the current lighting system. In addition, reflective coating is cost-effective
technology. PV systems were affected by battery system; a grid connection might improve the

This is just an approximate breaking even point for the ZEH and BEH, therefore a more accurate costs
are required, as well as take into consideration the proper financial parameters.

It is important to remark the participation of the end user to reduce the carbon foot print of the house,
besides their participation in the internal blinds and winter ventilation, significant cooling load
reductions can be achieved by only increase the set point temperature of the room, and dress
accordingly with the season, by only increase 1 C the temperature 10% reduction on cooling load is
achieved. See next figure

Cooling load vs set point temperature


20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Set point temperature C

Figure 43 Cooling load dependence on the set point temperature of the current house

A zero energy house for a family in UAE region was designed. The basic concept is applicable for any hot
and humid climate in GCC region and worldwide.

All the technologies proposed for the different house designs are commercial products, and especially
for Al Hamra Village, all designs can be applied immediately in the future or current buildings.

Some technologies applied to reduce the cooling load are almost free if new buildings are considered, by
applying basic improvements of the building envelope, and blinds for the windows the cooling load of
the current building can be reduced by 11%.

Focusing to improve even more the building envelope through insulation materials, reflective coatings
and improved windows, it was possible to reduce substantially electricity demand for air conditioning,
reaching 80% reduction for the Low Energy House (which became into Zero Energy House after the
active design). The biggest contributor was the insulation materials, which share 35% of the total

The connection to electricity grid is essential for the economic performance of the building, since about
15% electricity generated by PV is not utilized. However, PV technology is moving fast, cheaper and
more efficient modules and equipment are expected to be available before the grid infrastructure
development to receive electricity in the region.

Energy storage technologies are worth to analyze in further studies, due to the people behaviour, where
the house is usually empty at noon, when the cooling power from PV driven chillers is maximal.

A cluster of houses can be more easily converted into a ZEH rather than a single house, for instance, a
district cooling system powered from a centralized solar absorption chiller would have a better overall
efficiency than PV driven conventional chillers.

A rough economic analysis shows that reflective coating is the most cost effective measures to reduce
the cooling load of the house. It show also that it is preferred to locate 2 more PV panels rather than
replace the current CPL lighting system for LED lamps. Nevertheless, a more detailed economic analysis
is required to define a more accurate breaking even point for the house designs, in order to the
construction company or real estate company, in this case Al Hamra Village, are able to define an
affordable price for the house, considering a product value of reduced or zero energy consumption on
the customer side.

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19. Ventilation and Infiltration. ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals. s.l. : ASHRAE.

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30. Effect of roof solar reflectance on the building heat gain in a hot climate. Harry Suehrcke, Eric L.
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32. STYRO Quotation. s.l. : Inusulation material Industries LTD.

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51. Invoice. s.l. : Jinko Solar Modules, 2012.

Appendix 1 Building information

The building is made of two identical houses that shares the east and west wall respectively. Every
house has three stories. The ground floor is the biggest, living room and kitchen are located there. The
first floor holds all the 4 bedrooms. In the top floor another bedroom is located. All the floors are
connected by stairs located in the center of each house. The set point temperature is defined for this
analysis in 24 C. The building has a total volume of 1292 m3 and a treated floor area of 390 m2. The
total height of the house is 9.2 m.

The main façade of the building is north oriented (towards the sea), most of the windows are located in
this orientation, although, the main entrance of the house is located in the south. East and west walls
don’t have windows. The percentage of the windows in the north and south wall are 44% and 22 %

There are two balconies located in the first floor, facing south and north, with shadowing structures
parallel to east -west plane (shadows are parallel to east and west walls). There are two roof areas, one
terrace in the first floor and one roof on the top floor, unlike the first one, the last one is not normally
accessible for people

The house is cooled down by three chillers, A, B, C of 1.5, 3.5 and 5 tons of refrigeration respectively, A
for top floor, B for second floor and C for ground floor. There is a total capacity of 35 kW of cooling. They
work in COP of 2.8 on average. The Air conditioning system includes a dehumidifier, in order to keep the
relative humidity of the air in the comfort levels (30-60%).

In normal operative conditions, the air conditioning system won’t be blowing cold air all the time, once
the building reaches the set point temperature, it turns off until the temperature goes above the set
point defined by the user. The HVAC system is based on temperature and humidity sensors located in
different points of the house; however a further study is required for indoor temperature distributions
inside the house.

The domestic water is heated by electrical boiler, on nominal capacity of 2.6 kW of heating. The average
consume of domestic hot water is 250 liters per day. The house is designed for as family of 5 members,
normally, the house is almost empty during weekdays during the day, and it is fully occupied on

A set of different florescent lamps are installed in the house

It is not possible to supply electricity to the grid until now, it forces ZEH design to consider an energy
storage system

The entire house is made by conventional concrete plus cement plaster. It has light colors painting. Main
entrance doors are made of plywood and top floor doors are plastic-metallic composite doors.
Transparent surfaces like windows and balcony doors are made of double glazed clear crystal. The doors
cover around 1.5 % of the surface area

Table 19 Building information

Building data
Location LAT 25.686° LON 55.781°- Elevation 8 m

Architecture Vernacular

Climate Hot and humid

Type Town house Duplex

Orientation North main façade, EAST-WEST symmetry

Storey 3
Total volume m3 1292
Water heater Electrical
Air conditioning Electrical
Main building material concrete
Windows type double glazed
Price of electricity (AED/kWh) 0.32
House data
Average people in house 2
North - south wall (m2) 78
East-west wall (m2) 35.8
Exposed floors (balcony) (m2) 20
Roof area (m2) 80

Glass area N (m2) 34.5

Percentage N 44%
Glass area S (m2)
Percentage S 22%
Windows E-W 0%

AC units: A (1.7TR),B (3.6 TR), C(5.1) 10 TR

Current building materials in house

Windows Double glazed (6mm-12mm-6mm)

U (W/m2K) 1.4
SHGC 0.59
tinted glass-visibility 0.85
Area window (m2) 1.89
Glass door Double glazed (6mm-12mm-6mm)
U (W/m2K) 1.4

SHGC 0.59
tinted glass-visibility 0.85
Area glass door(m2) 4.2
Doors plywood (entrance)
U (W/m2K) 1.9
Entrance (m2) 2.4
Concrete (200 mm)+ plaster (20mm)
U (W/m2K) (RC=0.5) 3.05
Roof top floor
Concrete block (200 mm)+concrete ballast (50 mm)+plaster(20mm)
U (W/m2K) (RC=0.5) 2.804
Roof first floor
Concrete (200 mm)+concrete ballast (50 mm)+plaster(20mm)+ ceramic tile (10mm)
U (W/m2K) (R=0.4) 2.74
Exposed floors balcony
Concrete (200 mm)+concrete ballast (50 mm)+plaster(20mm)+ ceramic tile (10mm)
U (W/m2K) (RC=0.5) 2.74
Ground Floors
Stone (150mm)+gravel (50mm)+ concrete (200mm) +plaster(20mm) +ceramic tile (10mm)
U (W/m2K) 1.815
Internal floor
Concrete (200 mm) +plasterboard (25mm) +ceramic tile (6mm)
U (W/m2K) 2.109
Internal wall
Plaster 10mm+Wallboard 100mm+Plaster10mm
U (W/m2K) 2.197

Location and pictures of house

Figure 44 North façade and south façade, Shadows on first floor Balcony Terrace

Figure 45 Location of the house in the map

Building dimensions

Table 20 Building surface areas

Story/area (m2) Ground Floor First Floor Top Floor Total

North 64 64 28 156
South 64 64 28 156
East 32 25.6 14 71.6
West 32 25.6 14 71.6
Roof 0 110 50 160
Exposed floor 0 40 0 40
Ground 200 0 0 200
Total 855.2

Table 21 Building volume

Width (m) Length (m) Height (m) Volume (m3)

Ground Floor 10 20 3.2 640
First Floor 8 20 3.2 512
Top Floor 5 10 2.8 140
Total 9.2 1292

Table 22 Building window areas

Windows area (m2) Ground Floor First Floor Top Floor Total % Area

North 32.6 28.8 7.6 69 44.2

South 15.12 19.8 0 34.92 22.4
Total 47.72 48.6 7.6 103.92 15.9

Table 23 Building doors area window areas

Doors area m2 Ground Floor First Floor Top Floor Total % Area
North 4.8 0 4.2 9 5.8
South 0 0 0 0 0.0
Total 4.8 0 4.2 9 1.4

Zones for TRNSYS file

Table 24 Zones for TRNSYS simulation

Zone (m2) Story Floor area (m2) Height (m) Volume (m3)
GA Ground Floor 100 3.2 320
GB Ground Floor 100 3.2 320
FA First Floor 80 3.2 256
FB First Floor 80 3.2 256
TA Top Floor 25 2.8 70
TB Top Floor 25 2.8 70
Total 410 1292
Treated floor area = 390 m2

Table 25 Relations between zones to create TRNSYS file


PART/AREA (m2) Ground Floor
External surf North South East West Horizontal Ground North South East West Horizontal Ground
Wall 32 29.6 32 32 29.6 32
Exposed floor 20 20
Wooden door 2.4 2.4
Metallic door
Glass 16.3 7.56 16.3 7.56
Ground 100 100
Internal 25.6 25.6
wall/adjacent to GB GA
Internal 80 80
floor/adjacent to FA FB
First Floor
External surf North South East West Horizontal Ground North South East West Horizontal Ground
Wall 32 32 25.6 32 32 25.6
Roof 55 55
Exposed floor
Wooden door
Metallic door
Glass 14.4 9.9 14.4 9.9
Internal 25.6 25.6
wall/adjacent to FB FA
Internal 25 80 25 80
floor/adjacent to TA GA TB GB
Top Floor
External surf North South East West Horizontal Ground North South East West Horizontal Ground
Wall 11.9 14 14 11.9 14 14
Roof 25 25
Exposed floor
Wooden door
Metallic door 2.1 2.1
Glass 3.8 3.8
Internal 14 14
wall/adjacent to TB TA
Internal 25 25
floor/adjacent to FA FB

Weather conditions

Table 26 Monthly Average data in CSEM meteorological station (5 years 2008 to 2012)

Global solar 368.4 467.8 564.5 620.9 680.8 662.1 642.1 613.9 589.3 526.5 427.6 373.3 544.8
irradiation (10
hours) (W/m2)
Temperature 18.7 20.5 23.3 26.7 31.6 33.5 35.2 35.0 33.0 29.9 25.4 20.8 27.8
average (C )
Humidity % 68.5 68.4 63.0 60.8 52.2 60.8 63.1 64.1 68.2 70.5 66.5 69.5 64.6

Average temperature in CSEM meterological station










Figure 46 Average temperature in CSEM meteorological station

Average solar radiation in CSEM meteorological station


Figure 47 Average solar radiation in CSEM meteorological station

Average relative humidity in CSEM meteorological station






Figure 48 Average relative humidity in CSEM meteorological station

1000,0 Global radiation in a typical day in September (W/m2)


Figure 49 Global radiation in a typical day in September

Electricity consumption of the house
Table 27 Lighting installed in the house

Type CPL 60 lum/W number Power/lamp h/year kWh/year

Fluorescent lighting (4x18W) 8 72 1095 630.7
Fluorescent lighting (4x36W) 4 144 1095 630.7
Wall mounted Fluorescent lighting (2x36) 4 72 1095 315.4
Wall mounted fluorescent mirror (13W) 6 13 1095 85.4
Wall mounted lighting 6 43 1095 282.5
Spot light 10 13 2190 284.7
Ceiling mounted light 4 23 2190 201.5
Down- light 6 20 2190 262.8
Other1 3 42 365 46.0
Other2 1 100 112 11.2

Water heater
Water energy needs based on an electric heater with an efficiency of 80%, Water inlet consider at
ambient temperature, Water outlet at 50C, mass flow 250 kg/day

Other engines:
Table 28 Other engines

Refrigerator (10 year old) 793.9
Exhaust fan toilets 365.0
Exhaust fan kitchen 136.9
Vacuum cleaner 50.4
Washing machine 56.0
Cloth dryer 70.0
Dishwasher 182.5
Water pump 410.6
Blender 63.9

Plug loads
Any other electrical device such as a TV or computer, based on an electricity record of one month, the
annual estimated consumption is 2001 kWh/year

Information is taken from architectural drawings, Google earth, local electricity utility (21), CSEM
meteorological station, typical electricity consumption of different devices and electricity [(27)
measurements in the house and from a technical visit (18).

Appendix 2 Cooling load calculation

Set point temperature = 24 C

The cooling load calculation considers the effect of infiltration and internal gains as latent and sensible

Table 29 Outside air to the building

Outside air
House Infiltration (ACH) Ventilation (ACH) Total outdoor air
Reference 0.25 0.15 0.4
RET1 0.25 0.15 0.4
RET2 0.25 0.15 0.4
HOUSE A 0.05 0.1 0.15
HOUSE B 0.05 0.1 0.15
BEH 0.05 0.1 0.15
LEH 0.05 0.1 0.15

Table 30Internal gains

Internal gains (per building - 2 houses)

Factor heat dissipated (W) number kWh-year
People 100 4 3504
Factor Electricity consumption Efficiency kWh-year

Lights 5502 0.52 2861.04

Electrical devices 8200 0.9 820
Total 7185
Total per treated floor area W/m2 2.1

Table 31 Convective coefficients

Convective coefficients
Internal 3.06 W/m2K
Exterior Wall 8.89 W/m2K
Roof 17.78 W/m2K

Movable window shading
Internal Blinds close when radiation on façade is higher than 150 W/m2K, Reflectivity 75% [TRNSYS]

Main building materials

Table 32 Building materials in reference building

Walls cm
Concrete 20
Plaster 2
Roof cm
Concrete 20
Plaster 2
Reinforced concrete 5
Ground cm
Stone 20
Sand gravel 5
Concrete 20
plaster 2
Ceramic tile 1
Door cm
Plywood 5

Table 33 Building materials in Retrofitted house 1

Walls cm
Concrete 20
Plaster 2
Roof cm
Concrete 20
Plaster 2
Reinforced concrete 5
EPS 10
Ground cm
Stone 20
Sand gravel 5
Concrete 20
plaster 2
Ceramic tile 1
Door cm
Plywood 5

Table 34 Building materials in Retrofitted house 2

Walls cm
Concrete 20
Plaster 2
Roof cm
Concrete 20
Plaster 2
Reinforced concrete 5
PIR 10
Ground cm
Stone 20
Sand gravel 5
Concrete 20
plaster 2
Ceramic tile 1
Door cm
Plywood 5

Table 35 Building materials in House A

House A
Walls cm
AAC 35
Insulated plaster 2
Roof cm
AAC 20
Insulated plaster 2
Reinforced concrete 5
EPS 20
Ground cm
Stone 20
Sand gravel 5
Concrete 20
plaster 2
Ceramic tile 1
Door cm
Fiber glass 5

Table 36 Building materials in House B

House B
Walls cm
AAC 40
Insulated plaster 2
Roof cm
AAC 20
Insulated plaster 2
Reinforced concrete 5
PIR 15
Ground cm
Stone 20
Sand gravel 5
Concrete 20
plaster 2
Ceramic tile 1
Door cm
Fiber glass 5

Table 37 Building materials in BEH

Walls cm
AAC 40
Insulated plaster 2
Roof cm
AAC 20
Insulated plaster 2
Reinforced concrete 5
PIR 15
Ground cm
Stone 20
Sand gravel 5
Concrete 20
plaster 2
Ceramic tile 1
Door cm
Fiber glass 5

Table 38 Building materials in ZEH

Walls cm
AAC 25
Insulated plaster 2
PIR 15
Roof cm
AAC 20
Insulated plaster 2
Reinforced concrete 5
PIR 20
Ground cm
Stone 20
Sand gravel 5
Concrete 20
plaster 2
Ceramic tile 1
Door cm
Fiber glass 5

Thermal bridges
Assuming thermal bridges can increase conductivity in 0.1 W/m2K (12), they are modeled as a parallel
thermal resistance (k/W) higher than the current wall. The value is calculated based on the original
thermal resistance value and the estimated value with the thermal bridge. Thermal breaks to reduce the
thermal bridging contribution to 0.05 W/m2K (12) are considered as foam insulation.

List of building materials

Table 39 Building materials used in designs

Building materials used in designs

Masonry kJ/hmK W/mK Density (kg/m3)
Plaster 5 1.39 1800
Concrete 5.04 1.40 2000
insulated plaster 1.26 0.35 44.3
wallboard 1.3 0.36 1500
plasterboard 0.576 0.16 1200
AAC 0.36 0.10 430
Reinforced concrete 6.12 1.70 2500
plywood 0.54 0.15 950

Stone 5 1.39 2000
Sand gravel 2.52 0.70 1800
Ceramic tile 4.32 1.20 2000
Insulation kJ/hmK W/mK Density (kg/m3)
Fiber glass 0.16 0.044 60
EPS 0.12 0.033 45
PIR 0.08 0.022 44.3

Table 40 Other insulation materials

Other insulation material

Insulation material k (W/mK)
Mineral Wool 0.038
Extruded polystyrene XPS 0.028
Polyurethane foam PUR 0.023

Table 41 Other structural materials considered

Other structural materials and characteristics

Material Density Conductivity Strenght Heat Availability Carbon
(kg/m3) (W/mK) capacity footprint
Clay brick 1000-2000 0.4-0.66 normal medium Low medium
Limestone 1300-1700 0.5-0.9 normal medium Low low
Steel 7800 14-44 very high low high high
Marble 2500 2.9 high medium medium low
Wood (Oak) 600-800 0.2 normal medium low low
Concrete hollow 1500-2500 1.1-1.3 high medium high high
Concrete block 1000-2000 0.5-2 high high high high
Reinforced 1500-2500 1.3-2.1 very high high high high
Aerated concrete 400-800 0.11-0.23 normal medium high medium
Stone 1000-2000 0.55-0.833 high high medium low
Granite 2500 3.5 very high medium medium low

Summary of building materials input

Table 42 Summary of building envelope characteristics in house designs

House Surface Walls Roof Ground Windows

Reference Main material Concrete Concrete Stone Double glazed
W/m2k 3.05 2.8 1.8 1.4
Reflec./SHGC 0.5 .4-.5 NA 0.6
RET 1 Main material Concr.+EPS Concr.+EPS Stone 2 glazed+film
W/m2k 0.547 0.298 1.8 1.4
Reflec./SHGC 0.5 0.86 NA 0.41
RET 2 Main material Concr.+PIR Concr.+PIR Stone 2 glazed+Film
W/m2k 0.388 0.206 1.8 1.4
Reflec./SHGC 0.86 0.86 NA 0.41
House A Main material AAC AAC+EPS Stone +EPS Double glazed
W/m2k 0.318 0.135 0.292 1.26
Reflec./SHGC 0.5 0.5 NA 0.39
House B Main material AAC AAC+EPS Stone +EPS Double glazed
W/m2k 0.29 0.116 0.292 1.01
Reflec./SHGC 0.5 0.5 NA 0.302
BEH Main material AAC AAC+PIR Stone +EPS Double glazed
W/m2k 0.29 0.114 0.292 0.97
Reflec./SHGC 0.5 0.86 NA 0.25
LEH Main material AAC+PIR AAC+PIR Stone +EPS Triple glazed
W/m2k 0.11 0.09 0.292 0.7
Reflec./SHGC 0.86 0.86 NA 0.2

Appendix 3 Testing cube

Heat conducted through building envelope

In heat transfer through conduction, the solar radiation and the ambient temperature will raise the
outside surface of building envelope. The temperature difference between the outside surface and the
indoor temperature will enhance a heat transfer through the material. The amount of heat transferred
per square meter of surface Q (W) under this temperature difference ΔT (K) is a function of the
conductivity of the material k (W/mK) and its thickness L (m)

Q = k/L* ΔT (W/m2)

If the heat conducted has to be reduced, there are two options, either to increase L or decrease k. If the
thermal resistances for convention in the interior and exterior wall are considered 1/hi (m2K/W) and 1/ho
(m2K/W) respectively, the heat transfer coefficient through the wall is obtained U (W/m2K). Usually, for
heat transfer through walls, the thermal resistances for convection are small compared to conductive
thermal resistances, even though in some open areas wind can influence the transfer significantly (24).
Therefore, the ratio k/L is typically considered as the U value (W/m2K).

Effect of reflective coating

The amount of heat that can be reflected is a function of the reflectivity of the surface, following the
following relation.

α+ τ +ρ=1

Absorbance (α): energy absorbed in the surface of the material

Transmittance (τ): energy transmitted through the surface
Reflectance (ρ): energy reflected

Insulation and reflective coating

Default Reflectivity= 50% (30)

Temperature =24 C

Floor area = 9 m3

Volume = 27 m3

Table 43 Insulation and reflective coating effect on cooling load

Base Case U=3.2 W/m2K Cooling load contribution

Relative Total
Cube side Surface kJ kWh/m2 Share
reduction reduction
north 1 2494000.00 77.0 12.39% 0 0
south 2 4053000.00 125.1 20.14% 0 0
east 3 3819000.00 117.9 18.98% 0 0
west 4 3791000.00 117.0 18.84% 0 0
roof 5 5972000.00 184.3 29.67% 0 0
ground 6 -2534.00 -0.1 -0.01% 0 0
Total 20126466 100.00% 0%

Case A U=1 W/m2K Cooling load contribution

Relative Total
Cube side Surface kJ kWh/m2 Share
reduction reduction
north 1 1021000.00 31.5 9.76% 59% 7%
south 2 2139000.00 66.0 20.46% 47% 10%
east 3 1923000.00 59.4 18.39% 50% 9%
west 4 1965000.00 60.6 18.79% 48% 9%
roof 5 3412000.00 105.3 32.63% 43% 13%
ground 6 -3682.00 -0.1 -0.04%
Total 10456318 100.00% 48%

Case B U=.5 W/m2K Cooling load contribution

Relative Total
Cube side Surface kJ kWh/m2 Share
reduction reduction
north 1 605800.00 18.7 10.46% 76% 9%
south 2 1186000.00 36.6 20.48% 71% 14%
east 3 1078000.00 33.3 18.62% 72% 14%
west 4 1090000.00 33.6 18.82% 71% 13%
roof 5 1835000.00 56.6 31.69% 69% 21%
ground 6 -4097.00 -0.1 -0.07%
Total 5790703 100.00% 71%

Case C U=.1 W/m2K Cooling load contribution

Relative Total
Cube side Surface kJ kWh/m2 Share
reduction reduction
north 1 149900.00 4.6 11.51% 94% 12%
south 2 266300.00 8.2 20.45% 93% 19%
east 3 243300.00 7.5 18.68% 94% 18%

west 4 247000.00 7.6 18.97% 93% 18%
roof 5 395800.00 12.2 30.39% 93% 28%
ground 6 -56.47 0.0 0.00%
Total 1302244 100.00% 94%

Case D U=.05 W/m2K Cooling load contribution

Relative Total
Cube side Surface kJ kWh/m2 Share
reduction reduction
north 1 62460.00 1.9 12.07% 97% 12%
south 2 105600.00 3.3 20.41% 97% 20%
east 3 97780.00 3.0 18.90% 97% 18%
west 4 97990.00 3.0 18.94% 97% 18%
roof 5 153500.00 4.7 29.67% 97% 29%
ground 6 28.39 0.0 0.01% 0%
Total 517358 3.2 100.00% 97%

BASE CASE + Reflective coating

(Reflectivity 80%) Cooling load contribution
Relative Total
Cube side Surface kJ kWh/m2 Share
reduction reduction
north 1 2618000.00 80.8 16.14% -5% -1%
south 2 3253000.00 100.4 20.06% 20% 4%
east 3 3175000.00 98.0 19.58% 17% 3%
west 4 3144000.00 97.0 19.39% 17% 3%
roof 5 4027000.00 124.3 24.83% 33% 10%
ground 6 -1050.00 0.0 -0.01%
Total 16215950 100.1 3134.37% 19%


(Reflectivity 70%) Cooling load contribution
Relative Total
Cube side Surface kJ kWh/m2 Share
reduction reduction
north 1 2567000.00 79.2 14.69% -3% 0%
south 2 3511000.00 108.4 20.09% 13% 3%
east 3 3384000.00 104.4 19.37% 11% 2%
west 4 3350000.00 103.4 19.17% 12% 2%
roof 5 4664000.00 144.0 26.69% 22% 6%
ground 6 -1578.00 0.0 -0.01%
Total 17474422 107.9 3377.62% 13%

(Reflectivity 86%) Cooling load contribution
Relative Total
Cube side Surface kJ kWh/m2 Share
reduction reduction
north 1 2654000.00 81.9 17.15% -338% -1%
south 2 3101000.00 95.7 20.04% -161% 5%
east 3 3050000.00 94.1 19.71% -183% 4%
west 4 3023000.00 93.3 19.53% -177% 4%
roof 5 3649000.00 112.6 23.58% -99% 12%
ground 6 -692.00 0.0 0.00%
Total 15476308 95.5 2991.41% 23%

Table 44 Insulation and cooling load contribution

Insulation vs Cooling load contribution

Cooling load
Cooling load
Case SURFACE U (W/m2K) reduction
Base N 3.2 77.0 0.0
Base S 3.2 125.1 0
Base E 3.2 117.9 0
Base W 3.2 117.0 0
Base R 3.2 184.3 0
A N 1 31.5 45.5
A S 1 66.0 59.1
A E 1 59.4 58.5
A W 1 60.6 56.4
A R 1 105.3 79.0
B N 0.5 18.7 58.3
B S 0.5 36.6 88.5
B E 0.5 33.3 84.6
B W 0.5 33.6 83.4
B R 0.5 56.6 127.7
C N 0.1 4.6 72.3
C S 0.1 8.2 116.9
C E 0.1 7.5 110.4
C W 0.1 7.6 109.4
C R 0.1 12.2 172.1
D N 0.05 1.9 75.0
D S 0.05 3.3 121.8
D E 0.05 3.0 114.9
D W 0.05 3.0 114.0

D R 0.05 4.7 179.6
Insulation vs Cooling load contribution
Cooling load
Cooling load
SURFACE INS LEVEL U (W/m2K) reduction
N 0 3.2 77.0 0.0
N 1 1 31.5 45.5
N 2 0.5 18.7 58.3
N 3 0.1 4.6 72.3
N 4 0.05 1.9 75.0
S 0 3.2 125.1 0.0
S 1 1 66.0 59.1
S 2 0.5 36.6 88.5
S 3 0.1 8.2 116.9
S 4 0.05 3.3 121.8
E 0 3.2 117.9 0.0
E 1 1 59.4 58.5
E 2 0.5 33.3 84.6
E 3 0.1 7.5 110.4
E 4 0.05 3.0 114.9
W 0 3.2 117.0 0.0
W 1 1 60.6 56.4
W 2 0.5 33.6 83.4
W 3 0.1 7.6 109.4
W 4 0.05 3.0 114.0
R 0 3.2 184.3 0.0
R 1 1 105.3 79.0
R 2 0.5 56.6 127.7
R 3 0.1 12.2 172.1
R 4 0.05 4.7 179.6

Table 45 Insulation and cooling load reduction

U value vs cooling load reduction

Cooling load reduction Cooling load reduction
U (W/m2K) Cooling load (kWh)
(kWh) (%)
3.1 5590.7 0.0 0.0
1 2904.5 2686.2 48.0
0.5 1608.5 3982.2 71.2
0.1 361.7 5229.0 93.5
0.05 143.7 5447.0 97.4

Table 46 Reflective coating effect on currently insulated walls

Cooling load reductions by applying reflective coating CSEM in different cases in the cube (kWh/m2)
Reflective coating A B C
north 6.37 4.63 1.30
south 29.97 16.72 3.71
east 25.34 14.43 3.19
west 26.42 14.77 3.31
roof 56.76 30.19 6.37
Total (kWh) 1300 723 161

Testing cube Windows

Table 47 Average solar radiation reaching each surface of testing cube

Average solar radiation reaching each surface of testing cube

W/m2 N S E W Horizontal
Jan 73 336 173 163 299
Feb 83 290 181 183 325
Mar 99 272 235 225 423
April 114 184 224 223 440
May 142 138 254 259 510
Jun 161 121 244 241 485
Jul 143 121 221 216 436
Aug 121 161 238 234 465
Sep 105 236 231 225 436
Oct 88 323 219 212 396
Nov 73 360 198 172 329
Dec 70 329 165 147 278

Table 48 Cooling load contribution of windows in different insulation cases

Cooling load contribution of windows in different insulation cases

Case U (W/m2K) SHGC (%) North (kWh/m2) Ratio N/S
Base 1.4 0.58 91.86 187.1 0.491
A 1.4 0.58 109 205.2 0.531
B 1.4 0.58 116 209.5 0.554
C 1.4 0.58 123.14 215.9 0.570

Table 49 Cooling load contribution of different windows

Cooling load contribution of different windows

Cooling Cooling
Cooling load Cooling load
load load
U contribution contribution
window Glazing SHGC VT (%) reduction reduction
(W/m2K) North South
North South
(kWh/m2) (kWh/m2)
(kWh/m2) (kWh/m2)
123.14 215.90 0 0
0 2 1.4 0.58 70
47.14 90.36 76 126
1 2 0.97 0.334 66
44.83 84.03 78 132
2 2 0.97 0.256 50
49.64 95.97 74 120
3 2 1.01 0.387 65
75.47 155.72 48 60
4 2 0.98 0.533 71
55.03 103.33 68 113
5 2 1.29 0.333 66
47.83 97.06 75 119
6 3 0.59 0.402 67
49.92 94.14 73 122
7 2 1.26 0.212 50
38.61 74.25 85 142
8 3 0.7 0.22 50

Table 50 Cooling load contribution of different windows frames

Cooling load contribution of different windows frames (Window 0)

Frame North wall Cooling load (kWh/m2)

U=2.2W/m2K, RC=0.4 123.1

U=1.5W/m2K, RC=0.8 119.8
U=1W/m2K, RC=0.8 118.1
U=0.5W/m2K, RC=0.8 117.0

Appendix 4 Cooling load in house designs
Table 51 Cooling load on the reference house

Reference house
- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 10 362 -331 -110 1884 653
FEB 0 2174 -220 -73 1844 564
MAR 0 4812 -82 -27 1972 614
APR 0 9048 269 90 1780 575
MAY 0 15500 730 243 2057 566
JUN 0 17220 875 292 2030 544
JUL 0 20000 1099 366 2019 571
AUG 0 19660 1069 356 2013 601
SEP 0 16020 822 274 1753 594
OCT 0 12520 539 180 2021 624
NOV 0 6556 121 40 1989 620
DEC 9 1553 -271 -90 1999 661
SUM 19 125425 4620 1540 23361 7185
322 kWh/m2

Table 52 Cooling load on the reference house with thermal breaks, insulated plaster and insulated ground

Reference house With thermal breaks, insulated plaster and insulated ground
- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 3 395 -346 -115 1884 653
FEB 0 2042 -225 -75 1844 564
MAR 0 4327 -84 -28 1972 614
APR 0 7994 269 90 1780 575
MAY 0 13660 730 243 2057 566
JUN 0 15180 875 292 2030 544
JUL 0 17650 1099 366 2019 571
AUG 0 17390 1069 356 2013 601
SEP 0 14200 822 274 1753 594
OCT 0 11230 539 180 2021 624
NOV 0 6048 121 40 1989 620
DEC 1 1560 -280 -93 1999 661
SUM 4 111676 4590 1530 23361 7185
286 kWh/m2
Reduction kWh 13749 11.0%

Table 53 Cooling load on the Reference house with improved envelope and insulated doors

Reference house with improved envelope and insulated doors

- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 3 394 -346 -115 1884 653
FEB 0 2043 -225 -75 1844 564
MAR 0 4326 -84 -28 1972 614
APR 0 7983 269 90 1780 575
MAY 0 13630 730 243 2057 566
JUN 0 15150 875 292 2030 544
JUL 0 17610 1099 366 2019 571
AUG 0 17350 1069 356 2013 601
SEP 0 14170 822 274 1753 594
OCT 0 11210 539 180 2021 624
NOV 0 6038 121 40 1989 620
DEC 1 1559 -280 -93 1999 661
SUM 4 111463 4589 1530 23361 7185
286 kWh/m2
Reduction kWh 213 0.2%

Table 54 Cooling load on the Reference house with improved envelope and natural ventilation

Reference house with improved envelope and natural ventilation

- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 3 -51 -346 -115 1884 653
FEB 0 1409 -225 -75 1844 564
MAR 0 4326 -84 -28 1972 614
APR 0 7983 269 90 1780 575
MAY 0 13630 730 243 2057 566
JUN 0 15150 875 292 2030 544
JUL 0 17610 1099 366 2019 571
AUG 0 17350 1069 356 2013 601
SEP 0 14170 822 274 1753 594
OCT 0 11210 539 180 2021 624
NOV 0 6038 121 40 1989 620
DEC 1 892 -280 -93 1999 661
SUM 4 109716 4589 1530 23361 7185
281 kWh/m2
Reduction kWh 1746 1.6%

Table 55 Cooling load on the Reference house with improved envelope and internal blinds

Reference house with improved envelope and internal blinds

- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 3 358 -340 -113 964 653
FEB 0 1944 -223 -74 811 564
MAR 0 4229 -83 -28 882 614
APR 0 7901 269 90 836 575
MAY 0 13520 730 243 833 566
JUN 0 15050 875 292 809 544
JUL 0 17510 1099 366 822 571
AUG 0 17260 1069 356 851 601
SEP 0 14110 822 274 817 594
OCT 0 11120 539 180 920 624
NOV 0 5961 121 40 1027 620
DEC 2 1495 -278 -93 1012 661
SUM 5 110458 4599 1533 10583 7185
283 kWh/m2
Reduction kWh 1005 0.9%
Table 56 Cooling load on the Reference House with internal and external blinds plus improved envelope

Reference House with internal and external blinds plus improved envelope
- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 11 11 -286 -95 660 653
FEB 0 912 -216 -72 465 564
MAR 0 3097 -80 -27 514 614
APR 0 6890 269 90 516 575
MAY 0 12230 730 243 421 566
JUN 0 13770 875 292 397 544
JUL 0 16250 1099 366 420 571
AUG 0 16040 1069 356 460 601
SEP 0 13090 822 274 500 594
OCT 0 9961 539 180 551 624
NOV 0 4976 121 40 708 620
DEC 10 671 -266 -89 686 661
SUM 20 97897 4676 1559 6297 7185
251 kWh/m2
Reduction kWh 12561 11.4%

Table 57 Reference House with internal blinds, improved envelope and natural ventilation

Reference House with internal blinds + improved envelope + natural ventilation

- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 3 -87 -340 -113 964 653
FEB 0 1310 -223 -74 811 564
MAR 0 4229 -83 -28 882 614
APR 0 7901 269 90 836 575
MAY 0 13520 730 243 833 566
JUN 0 15050 875 292 809 544
JUL 0 17510 1099 366 822 571
AUG 0 17260 1069 356 851 601
SEP 0 14110 822 274 817 594
OCT 0 11120 539 180 920 624
NOV 0 5961 121 40 1027 620
DEC 2 828 -278 -93 1012 661
SUM 5 108712 4599 1533 10583 7185
279 kWh/m2
Total Reduction kWh 16713 13.3%

Table 58 General modifications to apply in following designs for new buildings

General modifications (kWh)

Basic envelope improvement 13962
Natural ventilation 1746
Internal blinds 1005
Total 16713

Table 59 Cooling load reduction due natural ventilation based on 2 ACH in winter period only

Natural ventilation contribution kWh

JAN 445
FEB 634
DEC 667
Total 1746

Table 60 Cooling load Retrofitted House RET 1

Retrofitted House RET 1

- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 0 527 -372 -124 1559 653
FEB 0 1203 -228 -76 1528 564
MAR 0 2027 -86 -29 1635 614
APR 0 3378 269 90 1476 575
MAY 0 5659 730 243 1706 566
JUN 0 6304 875 292 1684 544
JUL 0 7336 1099 366 1675 571
AUG 0 7260 1069 356 1670 601
SEP 0 5934 822 274 1454 594
OCT 0 4919 539 180 1674 624
NOV 0 2982 121 40 1646 620
DEC 0 1206 -292 -97 1654 661
SUM 0 48735 4546 1515 19361 7185
125 kWh/m2
Total Reduction kWh 76690 61.1%

Table 61 Cooling load Retrofitted House RET 2

Retrofitted House RET 2

- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 0 667 -379 -126 1559 6.53E+02
FEB 0 1313 -229 -76 1528 5.64E+02
MAR 0 2051 -86 -29 1635 6.14E+02
APR 0 3221 269 90 1476 5.75E+02
MAY 0 5265 730 243 1706 5.66E+02
JUN 0 5829 875 292 1684 5.44E+02
JUL 0 6747 1099 366 1675 5.71E+02
AUG 0 6678 1069 356 1670 6.01E+02
SEP 0 5482 822 274 1454 5.94E+02
OCT 0 4618 539 180 1674 6.24E+02
NOV 0 2908 121 40 1646 6.20E+02
DEC 0 1329 -294 -98 1654 6.61E+02
SUM 0 46108 4535 1512 19361 7185
118 kWh/m2
Total Reduction kWh 79317 63.2%

Table 62 Cooling load House A

House A
- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 0 1101 -13 -195 704 653
FEB 0 1592 -8 -115 578 564
MAR 0 2240 -3 -43 630 614
APR 0 3098 9 135 602 575
MAY 0 4680 24 365 585 566
JUN 0 5085 29 437 566 544
JUL 0 5774 37 550 578 571
AUG 0 5743 36 535 603 601
SEP 0 4803 27 411 588 594
OCT 0 4176 18 270 659 624
NOV 0 2850 4 60 751 620
DEC 0 1629 -10 -148 738 661
SUM 0 42771 151 2260 7581 7185
110 kWh/m2
Total Reduction kWh 82654 65.9%

Table 63 Cooling load House B

House B
- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 0 372 -13 -195 582 653
FEB 0 638 -8 -115 480 564
MAR 0 1856 -3 -43 525 614
APR 0 2671 9 135 501 575
MAY 0 4093 24 365 488 566
JUN 0 4466 29 437 472 544
JUL 0 5103 37 550 482 571
AUG 0 5077 36 535 502 601
SEP 0 4242 27 411 490 594
OCT 0 3631 18 270 549 624
NOV 0 2411 4 60 622 620
DEC 0 622 -10 -148 610 661
SUM 0 35181 151 2260 6304 7185
90 kWh/m2
Total Reduction kWh 90244 72.0%

Table 64 Cooling load BEH

- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 0 288 -13 -195 499 653
FEB 0 523 -8 -115 415 564
MAR 0 1728 -3 -43 462 614
APR 0 2508 9 135 439 575
MAY 0 3863 24 365 423 566
JUN 0 4229 29 437 410 544
JUL 0 4846 37 550 416 571
AUG 0 4830 36 535 435 601
SEP 0 4051 27 411 433 594
OCT 0 3446 18 270 479 624
NOV 0 2244 4 60 535 620
DEC 0 487 -10 -148 521 661
SUM 0 33043 151 2261 5466 7185
85 kWh/m2
Total Reduction kWh 92382 73.7%

Table 65 Cooling load LEH

- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 0 275 -13 -195 422 653
FEB 0 387 -8 -115 350 564
MAR 0 1436 -3 -43 386 614
APR 0 1978 9 135 365 575
MAY 0 2959 24 365 355 566
JUN 0 3223 29 437 344 544
JUL 0 3679 37 550 350 571
AUG 0 3676 36 535 365 601
SEP 0 3098 27 411 360 594
OCT 0 2686 18 270 402 624
NOV 0 1835 4 60 452 620
DEC 0 400 -10 -148 441 661
SUM 0 25632 151 2260 4591 7185
66 kWh/m2
Total Reduction kWh 99794 79.6%

Table 66 Cooling load ZEH

- [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH] [KWH]
JAN 0 267 -13 -195 422 603
FEB 0 377 -8 -115 350 520
MAR 0 1402 -3 -43 386 567
APR 0 1931 9 135 365 531
MAY 0 2890 24 365 355 523
JUN 0 3148 29 437 344 502
JUL 0 3593 37 550 350 527
AUG 0 3590 36 535 365 555
SEP 0 3026 27 411 360 549
OCT 0 2624 18 270 402 576
NOV 0 1792 4 60 452 572
DEC 0 393 -10 -148 441 610
SUM 0 25033 151 2260 4591 6635
64 kWh/m2
Total Reduction kWh 100392 80.0%

Table 67 cooling reduction summary

Cooling load kWh

Infiltration and ventilation 6161 6061 6046 2411 2411 666 664
Internal gains 7185 7185 7185 7185 7185 7185 6635
Transparent surfaces 34981 21629 21629 19128 12624 13473 11499
Walls, roof and ground 77136 13898 11288 14091 12859 11761 6246
Total 125463 48774 46149 42815 33879 35181 25045
kWh/m2 322 125 118 110 90 85 64
Contribution per building area kWh/m2
Infiltration and ventilation 7 7 7 3 1 1 1
Internal gains 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Transparent surfaces 336 208 208 184 121 130 111
Walls, roof and ground 103 19 15 19 17 16 8
Cooling load reduction (kWh)
Infiltration and ventilation 0 99 115 3750 4950 5495 5496
Internal gains 0 0 0 0 0 0 550
Transparent surfaces 0 13352 13352 15853 22357 21508 23482

Walls, roof and ground 0 63238 65848 63045 64277 65375 70890
Total 0 76689 79314 82648 91584 92378 100418
Reduction percentage 0 61% 63% 66% 73% 74% 80%
Cooling load Reduction in Walls roof ground (kWh)
Walls 0 25295 26339 17179 17179 17179 19925
Roof 0 44266 39509 31904 33135 34234 37003
Basic envelope improvement 0 0 0 13962 13962 13962 13962

Share of cooling contribution and reduction between walls and roofs is based on testing cube analysis

Appendix 5 Energy consumption reduction in house designs

Table 68 electrical consumption reference building

Air conditioning 65 388 859 1616 2768 3075 3571 3511 2861 2236 1171 277 22397
Other Engines 191 150 191 161 191 161 191 191 161 191 161 191 2130
Lighting 234 210 234 225 234 225 234 234 225 234 225 234 2751
Water heater 304 275 304 254 207 180 166 180 186 227 268 318 2858
Plug loads 172 151 172 161 172 161 172 172 161 172 161 172 2001
Total 966 1173 1761 2417 3573 3802 4335 4277 3594 3055 1985 1193 32137
Total without 902 785 902 801 805 727 764 767 733 819 815 916 9740
Total without 598 510 598 547 598 547 598 587 547 592 547 598 6882
water heater
and AC
Percentage 6.69 33.08 48.80 66.85 77.47 80.88 82.38 82.08 79.60 73.19 58.97 23.25 69.69

Table 69 Electrical consumption in BEH. 65 % total reduction

Air conditioning 38 69 227 330 508 556 638 636 533 453 295 64.0 4348
Other Engines 195 153 195 164 195 164 195 195 165 195 164 195 2179
Lighting 234 210 234 225 234 225 234 234 225 234 225 234 2751
Water heater 11 10 11 9 7 6 6 6 7 8 9 11 101
Plug loads 172 151 172 161 172 161 172 172 161 172 161 172 2001
Total 651 592 840 890 1118 1113 1245 1244 1091 1063 855 677 11380

Total without 613 524 613 560 609 557 608 608 558 610 560 613 7032
Total without 602 514 602 551 602 551 602 602 551 602 551 602 6931
water heater
and AC
Percentage 5.83 11.61 27.07 37.1% 45.48 49.98 51.20 51.09 48.87 42.64 34.52 9.45 38.21

Table 70 electrical consumption LEH. 71 % total reduction

Air conditioning 35 50 184 254 380 414 473 472 398 345 236 51.2 3293
Other Engines 165 129 165 139 165 139 165 165 139 165 139 165 1839
Lighting 187 168 187 180 187 180 187 187 180 187 180 187. 2201
Water heater 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
Plug loads 172 151 172 161 172 161 172 172 161 172 161 172 2001
Total 560 498 709 734 905 894 997 997 879 870 716 576 9334
Total without 525 448 525 480 525 480 525 525 480 525 480 525 6041
Total without 525 448 525 480 525 480 525 525 480 525 480 525 6041
water heater
and AC
Percentage 6.28 9.96% 26.01 34.61 42.02 46.32 47.40 47.38 45.32 39.69 32.94 8.89 35.28

Table 71 Summary of electricity consumption


Air conditioning 22397 8703 8234 7638 6282 4348 3293
Water heater 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 101 0
Lighting 2751 2751 2751 2751 2751 2751 2201
Engines 2130 2130 2130 2130 2130 2179 1839
Plug loads 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001
Total 32137 18443 17974 17378 16022 11379 9334

Table 72 Cooling reduction per technology applied

Cooling load reduction per technology

Cooling load RET 1 RET 2 A B BEH ZEH
Insulated plaster, insulated Walls, 0 0 13962 13962 13962 13962
doors, thermal breaks ground, roof
Natural ventilation Infil. & ventil. 0 0 1746 1746 1746 1746

AAC instead of normal concrete Walls, roof 0 0 17179 17179 17179 8589.406

Insulation, EIFS or SIP Walls, 62605.4 58891.9 31904 33135 29822 42603
ground, roof
Reflective coating Walls, 6956.2 6956.2 0 0 4412 5735.803
ground, roof
Internal Blinds Transparent 0 0 1005 1005 1005 1005

Improved windows & films Transparent 13352 13352 14848 21352 20503 22477
LED Lighting Internal gains 0 0 0 0 0 550

Building envelope tightness Infil. & ventil. 99 115 2004 3204 3749 3750

Share of cooling load reduction between technologies for non transparent surfaces is based on testing cube analysis

Technology electricity reduction (kWh)

Technology RET 1 RET 2 A B BEH ZEH

Insulated plaster, insulated doors, 0.0 0.0 2493.3 2493.3 2493.3 2493.3
thermal breaks
Natural ventilation 0.0 0.0 311.8 311.8 311.8 311.8
AAC instead of normal concrete 0.0 0.0 3067.6 3067.6 3067.6 1533.8
Insulation, EIFS or SIP 11179.5 10516.4 5697.1 5917.0 5325.3 7607.6
Reflective coating 1242.2 1242.2 0.0 0.0 787.9 1024.3
Internal blinds 0.0 0.0 179.5 179.5 179.5 179.5
Improved windows & films 2384.2 2384.2 2651.5 3812.9 3661.2 4013.7
LED Lighting (heat reduction) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 98.2
Building envelope tightness 0.0 0.0 357.8 572.1 669.5 669.7
Solar Water heater 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2708.4 2809.4
High efficient air conditioning 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1560.2 1182.41
LED Lighting (electricity reduction) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 550.2
High efficient refrigerator 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 340.0
PV system 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9334.0

Appendix 6 Solar water heater

The following diagram show the results of the POLYSUN simulation for the BEH and ZEH regarding the
solar water heater


Figure 50 Diagram of the solar water system for BEH [Polysun]

Figure 51 Thermal energy collected from the sun for BEH (kWh) [Polysun]

Figure 52 Thermal energy from external source requiered for BEH (kWh) [ Polysun]

Figure 53 Energy balance for the solar collector in BEH


Figure 54 Diagram of the solar water system for ZEH [Polysun]

Figure 55 Thermal energy collected from the sun for ZEH (kWh) [Polysun]

Figure 57 Energy balance for the solar collector in ZEH

Appendix 7 PV system

PV module
Table 73 PV module main parameters

Manufacturer SunPower Corp

Nominal Power 345 W

Avg. Panel Efficiency13 21.5%
Rated Voltage (Vmpp) 57.3 V
Rated Current (Impp) 6.02 A
Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc) 68.2 V
Short-Circuit Current (Isc) 6.39 A
Area 1.6m2

PV generation
POLYSUN simulation

Table 74 PV generation 13 modules in roof and 6 modules in south wall

PV AC YIELD 5 PV AC YIELD 90 Electricity Electricity Electricity Total PV

degree kWh/m2 degree kWh/m2 demand production production generation
kWh in roof kWh in southwall (kWh)
JAN 22.6 24.5 559.8 470.7 235.2 705.9
FEB 24.1 21.2 497.5 501.1 203.4 704.5
MAR 30.8 19.1 709.1 640.6 183.7 824.3
APR 34.2 12.9 734.1 711.7 123.9 835.6
MAY 38.1 8.5 904.9 793.1 81.5 874.6
JUN 35.7 7.0 894.2 743.3 67.3 810.6
JUL 34.5 8.2 997.4 717.4 78.9 796.3
AUG 34.0 11.5 997.0 707.4 110.1 817.6
SEP 30.5 16.5 878.6 634.3 158.7 793.1
OCT 29.1 23.7 869.8 604.8 228.0 832.7
NOV 24.5 26.6 715.8 510.2 255.5 765.6
DEC 21.0 24.4 575.8 436.9 234.3 671.2
Total 359.2 204.2 9334.0 7471.4 1960.5 9431.9

Table 75 PV generation 19 modules in roof

PV AC YIELD 5 degree PV AC YIELD 90 degree Electricity demand Electricity

kWh/m2 kWh/m2 kWh production in roof
JAN 22.6 24.5 559.8 687.9
FEB 24.1 21.2 497.5 732.3
MAR 30.8 19.1 709.1 936.3
APR 34.2 12.9 734.1 1040.2
MAY 38.1 8.5 904.9 1159.2
JUN 35.7 7.0 894.2 1086.3
JUL 34.5 8.2 997.4 1048.5
AUG 34.0 11.5 997.0 1034.0
SEP 30.5 16.5 878.6 927.1
OCT 29.1 23.7 869.8 883.9
NOV 24.5 26.6 715.8 745.6
DEC 21.0 24.4 575.8 638.5
Total 359.2 204.2 9334.0 10919.7

Appendix 8 Cost analysis

Table 76 AAC increment cost over normal concrete (29)

AED/m -Thickness 20 cm 25 cm 30 cm 35 cm 40 cm
Cost concrete 100 100 100 100 100
Cost AAC 105 116 125 134 143
Difference 5 16 25 34 43

Table 77 Cost of EPS insulation (31)

Cost AED/m2 5cm 10cm 15cm 20cm
2in 4in 6in 8in
16 32 48 64

Table 78 Cost of PIR insulation (32)

Cost AED/m2 Cost AED/m2 Cost AED/m2 Cost AED/m2 Cost AED/m2

48 92 136 180

Reflective coating 12 AED/m2 [CSEM-UAE]

Table 79 Windows and Films cost (31) (33) (34)

Film V-Kool 100 AED/m2

WIN 1 2G-SHGC 0.4 120 AED/m2
Win 2 2G-SHGC 0.3 175 AED/m2
Win 3 2G-SHGC 0.2 250 AED/m2
Win 4 3G-SHGC 0.2 350 AED/m2

Table 80 LED lighting lamps (36)

LED lighting
LED lamps 0.08 AED/lumens
CPL 0.02 AED/lumens
Difference 0.06 AED/lumens
Total cost 7620.8 AED

Table 81 Solar water heater cost (37)

Solar water heater

Flat plate 5953 AED
Evacuated tubes 9480 AED

Table 82 Solar PV system cost (36)

PV system-Sun Power
PV system 2.4 $/W
15732 $
Total cost 57736 AED

Table 83 Money savings per technology

Money savings (AED)

Technology RET 1 RET 2 A B BEH ZEH

Insulated plaster, doors, thermal breaks 0.0 0.0 797.9 797.9 797.9 797.9

Natural ventilation 0.0 0.0 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.8

AAC 0.0 0.0 981.6 981.6 981.6 490.8
Insulation 3577.5 3365.3 1823.1 1893.5 1704.1 2434.4
Reflective coating 397.5 397.5 0.0 0.0 252.1 327.8
Blinds 0.0 0.0 57.4 57.4 57.4 57.4
Windows & films 763.0 763.0 848.5 1220.1 1171.6 1284.4
Building envelope tightness 0.0 0.0 114.5 183.1 214.2 214.3
Solar Water heater 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 866.7 899.0
Air conditioning 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 499.3 378.4
Lighting 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 207.49
Refrigerator 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 108.8
PV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2986.9
Total 4738 4526 4723 5233 6645 10287

Table 84 Cost of technology

Cost of technology (AED)

Technology RET 1 RET 2 A B BEH ZEH

Insulated plaster, doors, thermal

breaks 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Natural ventilation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AAC 0.0 0.0 8256.0 8256.0 8256.0 4800.0
Insulation 6912.0 20096.0 3840.0 10880.0 10880.0 20096.0
Reflective coating 960.0 2328.0 0.0 0.0 960.0 2328.0
Blinds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Windows & films 5200.0 5200.0 6240.0 9100.0 13000.0 18200.0
Building envelope tightness 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Solar Water heater 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5952.9 9480.0
Air conditioning 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Lighting (elect) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7620.84
Refrigerator 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
PV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57736.4
Total 13072 27624 18336 28236 39049 120261

Table 85 Payback period of technology

Payback period (years)

Technology RET 1 RET 2 A B BEH ZEH

Insulated plaster, doors, thermal breaks

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Natural ventilation 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AAC 0.0 0.0 8.4 8.4 8.4 9.8
Insulation 1.9 6.0 2.1 5.7 6.4 8.3
Reflective coating 2.4 5.9 0.0 0.0 3.8 7.1
Blinds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Windows & films 6.8 6.8 7.4 7.5 11.1 14.2
Building envelope tightness 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Solar Water heater 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.9 10.5
Air conditioning 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Lighting (elect) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.73
Refrigerator 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
PV system 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.3
Total 2.8 6.1 3.9 5.4 5.9 11.7


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