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PACUCOA LEVEL III Re-accredited Status

Detailed Lesson Plan


Grade 9 - Hope
Grade Level and Section

San Jose National High School

Cooperating School

Mr. Eduardo Tuico


Mrs. Jenna R. Icaro

Cooperating Teacher

Prepared by:
Daisy Rose A. Gonzales
Student Teacher

Dr. Jasper M. Del Valle

Practice Teaching Supervisor
A.Y. 2020 - 2021
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna 4000

INDICATOR 7. Plans, manages

LESSON PLAN IN GRADE IX – ENGLISH and implements developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning
processes to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching

EN9VC-Ia-3.8: Infer thoughts, feelings, and intentions in the material viewed

At the end of the one hour learning experience, Grade Nine students should be able to:

1. discover and distinguish roles in life based on selected viewing materials and given activities;
2. demonstrate acknowledgement on the significance of understanding one’s roles in life based on the
details from the given activities;
3. grind thoughts, feelings, and intentions in one’s roles in life based on the details from the viewed and
given activities.
INDICATOR 1. Applies
II. SUBJECT MATTER knowledge of content
within and across
curriculum teaching areas.
 Recognizing Roles in Life

 A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature (p. 2) INDICATOR 8. Selects,
develops, organizes, and
 Youtube – The Cart uses appropriate teaching
and learning resources,
II.3 TEACHER’S/ LEARNER’S MATERIALS including ICT to address
learning goals.
The following materials are to be utilized in the course of the discussion:

ENGAGE Pictures, laptop
EXPLORE Video, laptop
EXPLAIN Video, Pictures, laptop
ELABORATE Pictures, laptop
EVALUATE Microsoft word, laptop



Daily Routine

1. Technical checking Grade 9 – Hope, unmute and (The students will open their
open your camera for a second. cameras and audios.)
INDICATOR 8. Selects, develops, organizes, and Can you see me? Yes, Ma’am.
uses appropriate teaching and learning resources,
including ICT to address learning goals. Can you hear me? Yes, Ma’am.

That’s great!

Before we go on in our (The students will listen on the

discussion, here are some of our teacher’s instruction.)
INDICATOR 5. Manages learner behavior
Slide 1 constructively by applying positive and
nonviolent discipline to ensure learning-focused
2. Prayer
Let us pray.
In the name of the Father… Amen.
3. Greetings
Good morning Grade 9 – Hope! Good morning, Ma’am
4. Attendance
Let me check first your (The students’ cameras and
attendance. audios will remain on to
5. Review of the past lesson
Before we proceed to our new (The students will listen on their
lesson, who can tell me our teacher’s instruction.)
lesson last meeting?

Yes, Sarah you are raising your Yes, Ma’am. Our lesson last
hand? meeting is all about the elements
of a short story.

Great! What are the elements of Ma’am, the elements of a short

a short story? story are characters, settings,
conflicts, plot and theme.

Exactly right! I’m glad that the (Students will listen on their
elements of a short story are teacher.)
clear to you. We can finally
move to our next lesson.
Grade 9 – Hope, all ears and eyes (The students will listen on their
here! Today, we will be a team. teacher’s instruction.)
A theater production team in
particular. Our aim is to produce
a successful short play. But
before that, just a quick trivia INDICATOR 3. Applies a range
about theater play. Did you know of teaching strategies to develop
that it already exists during the critical and creative thinking, as
Slide 2 pre-historic times in the well as other higher-order
Philippines? And it was in the thinking skills.
form of indigenous rituals, songs
and dances to praise gods.

Look at this picture. Looks Yes, Ma’am. They are

familiar? SATASIKA of San Pablo

Did you know that they are the (The students will listen on their
most famous theater group in teacher’s discussion.)
San Pablo City and SATASIKA
stands for Samahang
Slide 3 Tagapagtaguyod ng Sining at
Kalinangan, this group aims to
still put on fire the history of
theatrical play, which tackles
true life? And today, it’s our
pleasure to be them.

Now, what do you think are the Ma’am, one of the roles is actor.
INDICATOR 3. Applies a range roles SATASIKA have to
of teaching strategies to develop produce a play?
critical and creative thinking, as
well as other higher-order Very good! And at times, actors Ma’am, director is part of the
thinking skills. are the only part of the production, too.
production we take notice
because they are on the spotlight.
But class, again, they are just
part of the production. Other than
the actors?
INDICATOR 6. Uses differentiated, (The students will listen on their
developmentally appropriate learning Great! You have the idea! teacher’s instruction.)
experiences to address learners’ Some of you will be a director,
gender needs, strength, interests and scriptwriter, technical director,
props men and actors. Today, we
are a team!
(The students will listen on their
Grade 9 – Hope, our objective teacher’s discussion.)
for today is to grind thoughts,
feelings, and intentions in one’s
roles in life based on the details
from the viewed and given
Yes Ma’am, we are ready!
Slide 4
Are we all ready for our tasks,
(The students will listen on their
First task, before we come up teacher’s instruction.)
with our own theater play story
we must know how to analyze a
scene on a picture.
(The students will participate on
Let me show you the picture. the activity.)

Ma’am, the girl is looking at the

What do you think is happening mirror.
on the given picture?
Ma’am, it would like to imply
That’s a good idea! What does self-love.
Slide 5 the picture would like to imply?
(The students will listen on their
Wonderful! You were able to teacher’s discussion.)
INDICATOR 3. Applies a range
of teaching strategies to develop analyze what’s happening on the
critical and creative thinking, as picture. Later on, we will get
well as other higher-order back to it and let us see if that’s
thinking skills. what the picture really implies to

B. EXPLORE For the next task, I will group the (The students will be grouped
class into three. Both groups into three and they will listen on
must contain director, the teacher’s instruction.)
scriptwriter, technical director,
props men and actors. And now,
I would like you to see this
picture with the title of the video
I am about to show you.

Will you please read the title of “The Cart”

our video, class.

From the title and the image, (The students will participate on
what do you think is the video all their group’s brainstorming in
about? I will put each group in a breakdown rooms.)
breakdown room to do your
Slide 6 brainstorming. You have 5
INDICATOR 3. Applies a range of teaching
minutes to do your task
strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking Times up, class! Let us hear your (Representatives from each
skills. ideas about the title of the video. group will present their insights
Let’s start with group 1…2…3 to the class.)

Brilliant ideas! Thank you! Now, (The students will watch the
let us see if your assumptions are video intently.)
closer to what this video is all

Slide 7- video That’s it! Now class, do you Ma’am, I think the video can
think what happened on the also happen in real-life situation
INDICATOR 8. Selects, develops, organizes, and
uses appropriate teaching and learning resources,
including ICT to address learning goals.
video can also happen in real-life because we are always
situation? Why? socializing with other people.

Wow! Deep realization. What is Ma’am, it’s all about teamwork.

the video all about? Everyone should be moving. In
order to succeed in one goal a
team should help each other to
make it happen.

That’s definitely right! Yes, Ma’am!

Teamwork is important on a
team to succeed that’s why each
one of you must do their roles to
make it happen. Right?

Slide 8

C. EXPLAIN After analyzing the picture and Ma’am, it’s about roles.
videos, what do you think is our
lesson for today?

Very good! Our lesson for today (The students will listen on their
is “Recognizing Roles in Life.” teacher’s discussion.)

Can someone tell me what does Ma’am, role is an action

Slide 9 role mean? expected on a person to be done.

Great idea! Role is an action or (The students will listen on their

comprehensive pattern of teacher’s discussion.)
behavior that is socially
Slide 10
Are the actions and the way they Yes, Ma’am. They are called a
dress themselves have something doctor, teacher, engineer because
to do with one of the person’s of what they do.
roles? Why?
Slide 11 Why do you think it’s important Ma’am, it is important to
to discover one’s roles in life? discover our roles so that we will
know how to be better in what
we are doing.

Excellent! Also, discovering our (The students will listen on their

roles is giving us a means to teacher’s discussion.)
identify where we fit in.
Slides 12
Do watching movies and reading Yes, Ma’am.
books give you an inspiration to
discover your roles?

Can you give me an example When I was watching Got to

based on your experience? Believe in Magic of Kathniel,
Slide 13 Chichay became my favorite
character and I’ve started to
study well after that because I
INDICATOR 2. Uses a range of saw how determined she was to
teaching strategies that enhance go to school while struggling
learner achievement in literacy and being a nanny. And, I recognized
numeracy. one of my roles after that, to be a
good student.

That’s heartfelt! You already Ma’am, it’s impossible to count

said that you were moved by that because it’s too many to
these movies and books to name.
discover your roles in life. May I
ask the others, how many do you
Slide 14 think are our roles in life?

You’re definitely right! But, I Yes, Ma’am.

would like us to make it simple
and countable. Can we?

Class, who among you can name Ma’am, my mother tasks me to

a household chore you are wash the dishes.

Very good! How about the Ma’am, I always sweep the floor
others? before leaving our house.

Great! Your answers are one of (The students will listen on their
the roles I am referring to. Your teacher’s discussion.)
roles in your house and your
Slide 15
What did you feel while doing Ma’am, I feel like I am a
the household chores? responsible daughter and sister.

Wonderful! Roles make us feel (The students will listen on their

responsible and by the time we teacher’s discussion.)
constantly do it, our roles help us
build our character.
Slide 16
You must be excited to the next Ma’am, the roles in school.
role we will going to unfold
because you are doing it now.
What other role do you think it

Exactly! You are doing great (The students will listen on their
with your roles in here. Listening teacher’s discussion.)
Slide 17 intently, participating on our
discussion and doing your
homework and projects are the
excellent evidences that all of
you are doing fantastic on being
a good student.

Now, what is your intention Ma’am, we want to finish college

while doing such incredible and give our parents a good life
things? they deserve.

One of the best answers! Role (The students will listen on their
also drives us to achieve our teacher’s discussion.)
dream. It makes us hopeful.
Slide 18
Moving on, what do you think is Ma’am, roles in the society.
our last countable role? I will
give you a hint, it makes you
anxious when you don’t cross on
the pedestrian lane.

Slide 19 Very good! Who can give me Ma’am, picking the flowers at
one role in the society you are the park.
forcefully abiding because you
are afraid to be punished?

Never get old example! One of (The students will listen on their
our roles in the society is to keep teacher’s discussion.)
our mother nature safe and
protected that’s why there are so
many laws being implemented to
make that happen.

Why do laws, reminders or rules Ma’am, laws exist for us to abide

and regulations exist? Do you it and cause no harm to the
think it helps us to perform our society. Yes, laws are helpful for
role in the society much better? us to become a better citizen of
our society.

Brilliant! Roles also exist for us (The students will listen on their
to be reminded that everything in teacher’s discussion.)
this world coexist. Our actions
can be a harm to others or a
benefit to them.
Slide 20
How can we know now if our
roles are effective or not? (The students will listen on their
I will show you a picture and teacher’s instruction.)
analyze it.

What can you say about the Ma’am, the rice is overcooked.

Very good! Why do you think Ma’am, it is overcooked because

the rice is overcooked? the person in-charge forget about
Slide 21 it.

That’s a great realization! That’s (The students will listen on their

why forgetting your role will teacher’s discussion.)
give you a hard to bite
overcooked rice.

What can tell about the picture? Ma’am, the student has a failing

Correct! Why do you think he Ma’am, maybe because he didn’t

failed? review before taking the test.
Slide 22
That’s a great idea! His role to (The students will listen on their
study or not to study is his teacher’s discussion.)

What does the picture imply? Ma’am, facemask is important

protocol to abide when going to
public places.
Slide 23
Great! COVID-19 is still (The students will listen on their
roaming around and it is our role teacher’s discussion.)
to follow the protocols given by
the government for us to be safe.

When do you think we are doing Ma’am, when it gives us positive

our roles effectively? outcomes and we are not causing
harm to ourselves and others.

Brilliant! Our roles are (The students will listen on their

effectively done if we are not teacher’s discussion.)
causing harm to others and we
are growing from it.
Slide 24
To sum up our discussion, roles
in life can make us a better
person or make us worst. And as
your own main character, you
always have the choice to fulfill INDICATOR 1. Applies
knowledge of content
or break your roles. The within and across
effectivity of your roles is in curriculum teaching areas.
your hands. (Science)
Slide 25
Do you have questions in mind? Ma’am, we don’t have questions.

Seems like everything is clear to Ma’am, I find inspiration

you, my dear students. I have one through Science because I want
last question for you. In what to be a doctor someday. This
other subjects can you find subject will surely help me to
inspiration to do at least one of achieve my future role of being a
the major roles in life we have doctor who will save lives of our
Slide 26 discussed? beloved countrymen.

You’ll be an excellent doctor, I Ma’am, for me it’s Mathematics

am sure! What about the others? because I’ve discovered that my
skills and knowledge in this
INDICATOR 1. Applies subject have been humbly great.
knowledge of content I find strength in this subject,
within and across which drives me to dream to be
curriculum teaching areas. an accountant.

You’ll certainly be a Certified (The students will listen on their

Public Accountant! I’m pretty teacher’s discussion.)
sure that this discussion of ours
will make you a verb. But for
now, you are all members of
SATASIKA who have great
roles at the moment. Great team

D. ELABORATE SATASIKA, you will be given (The students will listen on their
the chance to put all your teacher’s instruction.)
learning experiences today to
finish your final task. You will
work on your 3-minute short
play. Group 1 will be doing
Roles in House, Group 2 is about
Roles in School and Group 3 is INDICATOR 4. Manages classroom structure
Roles in Society. You will be to engage learners, individually or in groups, in
graded according to this rubric. meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-
Slide 27 on activities within a range of physical learning
I will now assist you in your environments.
respective breakdown room. You
have 10 minutes to prepare.

Is everything clear? Yes, Ma’am.

Since you’re already done, the (Each group will present their 3-
curtain is officially open, minute short play.)
SATASIKA! Starting from
group 1…2…3

Bravo, SATASIKA! You have (The students will listen on their

INDICATOR 7. Plans, manages completed the tasks. teacher’s discussion.)
and implements developmentally Congratulations for that superb
sequenced teaching and learning short play.
processes to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching
Before we proceed to your quiz, (The students will watch the
let us go back on our first task a video intently.)
while ago. Let us see if another
role in life will be unfolded after
watching this video.

This video implies self-love! (The students will listen on their

You’re right! And this is the teacher’s discussion.)
Slide 28
greatest role we must never
forget. To first recognize, love INDICATOR 1. Applies
and accept ourselves for who we knowledge of content
really are, in such a manner we within and across
can do the major roles bestow curriculum teaching areas.
ahead of us. (Values Education)
Slide 29 Always remember, “Whoever
can be trusted with very little can Yes, Ma’am!
also be trusted with much.” Is
that right?
E. EVALUATE Finally we’re already done with (The students will listen on their
our lesson, please prepare for an teacher’s instruction.)
individual quiz. I will flash it on
1. Applies
knowledge of
content within
and across You have 5 minutes to answer (The students will answer their
curriculum the quiz using Microsoft word quiz.)
teaching and pass it on our group chat.
Slide 30 INDICATOR 9. Designs, select, organizes, and
uses diagnostic, formative and summative
INDICATOR 8. Selects, develops, organizes, and
assessment strategies consistent with curriculum
uses appropriate teaching and learning resources,
IV. ENRICHMENT including ICT to address learning goals.

You look up to your parents, grandparents, teachers, relatives, or friends because they inspire you to perform
roles in life effectively. You regard them as good role models who help you along the way.

 Choose an inspirational person and write a fan letter to him/her.
 Explain in your letter why you admire the person and why you consider him/her as your role model.
 Also mention how he/she helps you to be a better person.
 Read your letter to your classmates.

INDICATOR 6. Uses differentiated, Prepared by,

developmentally appropriate learning
experiences to address learners’ Gonzales, Daisy Rose A.
gender needs, strength, interests and
CONTENT – Demonstrate
acknowledgement on the significance
of understanding one’s roles in life 8 points
based on the details from the given
presented the 3-minute short play 7 points
while fluently speaking the language.
TEAMWORK – Each member of
the group participates and shares
ideas according to the given roles 5 points
was observed all throughout the

TOTAL 20 points


DIRECTIONS: Analyze the picture. If it is Role in the House, write your Mom’s name; if it is Role in the
School, write San Jose; and if it is Role in the Society write your dream job. Write if the situation implies
effectivity of roles or not, explain briefly.

Situation Type of Role Effectivity of Role






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