Similarities Between Structured and Object-Oriented Analysis

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Conduct a web search and prepare a comparison table to identify

the similarities and differences of structured analysis and object-oriented


Similarities between Structured and Object-oriented analysis:

 Both Structure Analysis and Object Orientation Analysis had started off from
programming techniques.

 Both techniques use graphical design and graphical tools to analyse and model the

 Both techniques provide a systematic step by step process for developers.

 Both techniques focus on documentation of the requirements.

Differences between Structured and Object-oriented analysis:

Structured Analysis Object-Oriented Analysis

The main focus is on process and procedures of The main focus in on data structure and real-
system. world objects that are important.
It uses System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) It uses Incremental or Iterative methodology to
methodology for different purposes like refine and extend our design.
planning, analysing, designing, implementing,
and supporting an information system.
It is suitable for well-defined projects with It is suitable for large projects with changing
stable user requirements. user requirements.
Risk while using this analysis technique is high Risk while using this analysis technique is low
and reusability is also low. and reusability is also high.
Structuring requirements include DFDs (Data Requirement engineering includes Use case
Flow Diagram), Structured English, ER (Entity model (find Use cases, Flow of events, Activity
Relationship) diagram, CFD (Control Flow Diagram), the Object model (find Classes and
Diagram), Data Dictionary, Decision table/tree, class relations, Object interaction, Object to ER
State transition diagram mapping), State chart Diagram, and deployment
This technique is old and is not preferred This technique is new and is mostly preferred.

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