Angol Alap Szövegértés

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The Color Psychology of Yellow

Some of the key characteristics that are often associated with the color yellow

Warmth: Yellow is often described as cheery and warm.

Difficult to read: Yellow is also the most tiring color to the eye because it reflects a
high amount of light. Using yellow as a background on paper or computer monitors
can be very tiring to the eye and can lead to blindness in extreme cases.

Frustration: Yellow can also create feelings of frustration and anger. While it is
considered a cheerful color, people are more likely to get angry in yellow rooms and
babies cry more in yellow rooms.

Attention-grabbing: Since yellow is the most visible color, it is also the most
attention-getting color. It is bright and immediately grabs the eye. It can be used in
small amount to draw attention, for example, on traffic signs.

Energetic: Yellow is often seen as being a high-energy color. It can seem fresh and
intense. It is often used in situations and products that create feelings of excitement
or energy.

Aggressive: Yellow can be an energetic color, but this intensity can also have a
downside. Sometimes it seems very aggressive. In great quantities, people may
become irritated or angry in a yellow environment.

For many people, yellow is a bright and cheerful color. Advertisers may use it to not
only draw attention but also to create a feeling of happiness and joy.


1. Milyen hatással van a sárga szín a szemre és miért?

2. Milyen negatív érzelmi hatása lehet?

3. Miért használják közlekedési táblákon?

4. Milyennek tűnhet a sárga amiatt, hogy energikus szín?

5. Milyen hátránya lehet ennek az energikusságnak?

6. Mire használják a reklámiparban?

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