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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics XI

I. Objectives
At the end of the period, 80% of the students will be able to:
A. Define the 4 different sampling techniques of random sampling
B. relates random sampling in real-life situations; and
C. solve problems involving the four techniques of random sampling.

II. Subject Matter

Random Sampling

III. Instructional Materials

A. Curriculum Guide (M11/12SP-IIId-2)
B. Reference (Next Century Mathematics Grade 11 / Grade 12 Statistics and
C. Learning Materials (calculator, Instructional Materials, laptop)
IV. Methods
4 A’s

V. Strategy
A. Socratic Method
B. Paired activity
C. Student-Centered Instruction
a. Guided Questions

VI. Values Integration

A. Willingness
B. Determination
C. Cooperation

VII. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

Before we start our class, let us have a

minute for a short prayer
(students stand for a prayer)
Please, settle down for we are about to start
our class.

Good Morning class!

Good Morning Ma’am!
Okay now class as we start our lesson, may I
remind you of our class rules.

Class Rules/ Netiquette

 Avoid being late

 Ensure that your camera is turned on and is properly placed
 Make sure to mute your mic and turn it on only asked or you want to talk
 Avoid doing unnecessary actions as class is going on
 No eating while having class
 No yelling and set a respectful tone
 Do not abuse the use of chat box.
Think before you type
B. Priming

Before anything else, let us first have a quick

review of our last topic.
It is all about probability distribution Ma’am.
What did we discuss last time class?
A probability distribution is a list of all of the
Good. So, how do you define probability? possible outcomes of a random variable
along with their
Very Good. Thank you. corresponding probability values.

What are the two classifications of

probability distributions?

We have a discrete and continuous

Correct. Can anyone simply define the two probability distribution, Ma’am!
classifications in a short sentence?

A discrete random variable is one that may

take on only a countable number of distinct
values such as 0,1,2,3,4 while the continuous
random variable is a random variable where
the data can take infinitely many values,
meaning there are values in between such as
Very Good. You clearly understood our 1.5, 1.6, 2.02 and so on Ma’am.
previous topic.

C. Lesson Proper

a. Motivation
Activity #1 – Vocabulary Enhancement
I have here a set of words that will be useful
as we go along with our discussion. In your
understanding define the following words as
shown on the screen.
Definition of these words.

Given words:
- Population - Sample
- Bias - Random
- Technique

Anyone would like to define the given


b. Analysis (students each define the given words in their

Were the words you defined challenging? Or
was it simple?

So, by definition, everybody please read the

following. (varied answers)

POPULATION – Means all members that meet a set

of specifications or a specified criterion.
Yes, Ma’am.
SAMPLE – A single member of any given

BIAS – is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to

another, and to favor that person or thing.

RANDOM – is an action that happens without order or

without reason.

TECHNIQUE – is a method of doing some task or

performing something skillfully.

Thank you, class. So, these words you just

defined are specific terms related to our next
topic which is Random Sampling.
What comes into your mind upon hearing the
words Random Sampling?

Yes, that is right. So random sampling again

is a form of data collection. It is commonly (varied answers)
used by researchers for them to know who or
what to include in their research.
In random sampling, there are four Sampling

The first technique is what we called the

Simple Random Technique. So, what is this
technique all about? Everybody, please read.

Simple Random Sampling (SRS)

A sampling technique in which every
element of the population has the same
So, from the word itself which is simple, it probability of being selected for inclusion in the
may also mean that it is? sample.

That is right, it is the most basic technique. The most basic technique used by researcher
As we already defined what is population and
sample can anyone give me an example of a
scenario that shows a population and sample?

Very good.
All Grade XI students (population); section
So, class samples can be drawn in two Augustine (sample)
possible ways namely, (a) Simple Random
Sampling Without Replacement (SRSWOR)
and (b) Simple Random Sampling With
Replacement (SRSWR).

Let us define first what is Simple Random

Sampling Technique Without Replacement.
Everybody, please read.


A type of selection in which each sample unit of the
population has only one chance of being chosen.
Would someone like to elaborate?

Once an element is selected it will not be

That is right so anyone could give me an selected again for it has already admitted and
example? was chosen, thus it only had only one chance
of being chosen.

Exactly. Now, let us proceed to the 2nd way a

sample can be drawn. Everybody, please In bingo where a number is being called and
read. will no longer be called again.


Type of sampling in which a sample unit of the
Can someone please elaborate? population has a chance of being chosen more than once.

Very Good. A sample from the population can be picked

Who can give me an example? once again Ma’am even if it has been chosen

Exactly. Very good. For example, in our class, there is a chance

Simple random may be the most basic that I will be chosen again to answer any
technique but it can also be time-consuming question.
especially when dealing with a large
population. Thus, we use a certain formula to
help us solve a large number of populations,
Slovin’s Formula
1+ N e 2
where ;n=number of samples needed
N= population ¿ ¿
e=margin of error (if not give , use 5 %)
Given this example problem, let us try to
solve what is asked in the problem.
A researcher wants to study the effects of social media on Grade 11
students in Marangal High School. He wishes to use simple random
sampling technique in choosing his sample participants. If there are
400 Grade 11 students in the said school, how many sample
participants should he chose?
So, by using the formula, we can see how
many participants are needed by the
researcher by substituting all the given
values. So, what is the value for N here?

Yes, that is right. Are we given a value for e

or the margin of error?
400 is the value for N, Ma’am.
So, if there is no given e, what value should
we use?
No, Ma’am.
Correct. Always remember to convert the
value of e to decimal form. So, what is the
5% converted to decimal form? 5%, Ma’am.

Since, we have all the needed data, using the

formula tries to solve the problem in your
seats. You can use your calculators in 0.05, Ma’am

Are you done?

Anyone would like to solve on the board? (students solve the problem)

Yes, Ma’am.

N 400
n= n= n=200
1+ N e 2
1+ ( 400 ) ( 0.05 )2
Very good. so, there are how many students
the researcher needs for his research?
The researcher needs only 200 students out
of 400, Ma’am.
Very Good. Did all of you get the correct
Yes, Ma’am.
Very good. So, it is up to the researcher how
he will manage to select his samples. It could
draw lots or picking names like in the lotto
Any clarifications about SRS, class?
No, Ma’am.
So, let us now proceed to the 2nd technique of
Random Sampling. everybody, please read.


A systematic sampling is a random sampling technique
in which a list of elements of the population is used as
sampling frame and the elements to be included in the desired
sample are selected by skipping through the list at regular
What do you mean by the word systematic

Okay. Thank you. Systematic sampling has It is ordered or organized, Ma’am.

something to do with a fixed plan or fixed
interval. So, as mention in the definition, the
sample is selected by skipping.
Given this example,

In a group of 250 students, how will you select a sample

containing 71 students by using the systematic sampling

Since this technique requires skipping, we

need to identify its kth element or its interval.
To solve this, we have,
number of elements∈the population
number of elements∈the sample
k = where ;k =sample interval
N= population ¿ ¿n=sample ¿ ¿

So, what is the value of N?

What about n? N is 250 Ma’am.

Since we have all the needed value, let us n is 71 Ma’am.

now solve for the kth term.
Anyone would like to solve on the board?
k= k =3.52k ≈ 3

After we identified the kth element, we need

to identify the starting number or random
start. Select a number from 0 to k+1. So, if
our k is 4, thus what are the numbers to be
selected as our random start? Since numbers are between 0 – k+1, we have
a number thus 0 – (3+1), 0 – 4, Ma’am.

Very Good. so, it is up to you what number

will be your random start.
Which number do you prefer? 3 Ma’am.

That 3rd person now is your first-person; how

do we select the next person as sample now? We skip and select the 4th person from the
starting number Ma’am.

Very Good. so, after the 3rd person who will

be next? The 7th person Ma’am.

That is right. so, you continue to do it until

you come up with your desired number of
samples, which in our example problem is
71. So, after 7th we have?
11th, 15th, 19th, 23rd, and so on.
Any questions and clarification about the
systematic random sampling class?
None Ma’am.
Okay. Let us now proceed to the 3
technique of random sampling. everybody,
please read.
Stratified sampling
Stratified sampling is a random sampling
technique in which the population is first divided into
strata and then samples are randomly selected separately
from each stratum.
From the word strata, which means?
It is to classify or arrange Ma’am.
So, this sampling technique is all about
dividing or grouping the population
according to its classification.
To further understand this sampling
technique, here is an example problem.

You want to interview 500 students in your school to determine their

opinion on the new school uniform. How are you going to choose
your sample by using stratified sampling if there are 300 students in
Grade 7; 230 students in Grade 8; 250 in Grade 9; 310 in Grade 10;
500 in Grade 11 and 510 in Grade 12?
What we are going to do first is to group our
population by year levels. So, we have.
Population Number of students Sample
(N) per strata (s) (n’)
Grade 7 300
Grade 8 230
Grade 9 250
Grade 10 310
Grade 11 500
Grade 12 510
Total 2100

Then we take a sample from each grade and

sum all the samples in each year level.

So, I will give you the resulting sample for

grade 7 first. We have,

Grade 7,
Grade 7 :n' = xn

Grade 7 :n' = x 500
Grade 7 :n' =71.4 ≈ 71

So, we have 71 samples for grade 7.

Did you get it?
Yes, Ma’am.
Okay. So, you do the rest and then I will call
someone to solve it on the board. You can
use your calculators.

Are you done? Okay, kindly solve it on the


For Grade 8? 230

Grade 8 : x 500Grade :54.7 ≈ 55

For Grade 9? 250

Grade 9 : x 500Grade 9 :59.5 ≈ 60

Grade 10 : x 500Grade 10 :73.8≈ 74
For Grade 10? 2100

Grade 11 : x 500Grade 11 :119
For Grade 11?
Grade 12: x 500Grade 12:121.4 ≈121

For Grade 12?

Thank you, everyone. So, let us now fill in

our table.
Population Number of students Sample
(N) per strata (s) (n’)
Grade 7 300 71
Grade 8 230 55
Grade 9 250 60
Grade 10 310 74
Grade 11 500 119
Grade 12 510None, Ma’am. 121
Total 2100 n = 500

Any more questions regarding this sampling


Okay. So, let us now proceed to the last

sampling technique. Everybody, please read.

Cluster or Area Sampling

Cluster or Area Sampling is a random sampling technique in
which the entire population is broken into small groups or clusters
and then, some of the clusters are randomly selected. The data from
the randomly selected clusters are the ones that are analyzed.
It is just like in stratified sampling technique
Ma’am, in which the population is divided
into groups.
What have you understood about the
definition of this sampling technique?

Instead of getting samples from each group,

we are going to select which group is to be
Very good observation. However, there is a our sample.
slight difference, can you site what is its
difference from the previous technique?

That is again correct. So, no need for us to

get samples from each group. Select a group It could be a combination of SRS and
and then from that group that is the time you stratified sampling technique Ma’am.
will select who will be your sample.
So, in short, this sampling technique is just
the combination of what techniques? None, Ma’am.

Very good.
Any more questions?
We have Simple Random Sampling,
c. Abstraction Systematic Sampling, Stratified Sampling,
and Area or Cluster Sampling.
Again class, what are the four types of
random sampling techniques?
These are the simple random sampling
without replacement and simple random
sampling with replacement Ma’am.
Very good. What are the two types of Simple
Random Sampling? SRSWOR simply the sample has the only
chance of being chosen while the SRSWR
the sample has more than one chance to be
And how they differ from each other?

SRS just simply selecting random samples

while Systematic, selecting samples you
That’s right. How about the difference should have a fixed interval.
between Simple Random Sampling and
Systematic Sampling?
Stratified have all samples in all divided
groups while in Cluster, only one from all
clusters will focus on selecting the samples.
Excellent! How about the Stratified and
Cluster Sampling, what is their difference?
It can be helpful for us in decision making

It could help us, especially on our thesis or

paper presentations Ma’am.
Where do you think does this topic can be
applied in our daily activities in life class?

Okay good. What about life as a student?

That is right. Yes, Ma’am.

Math concepts and skills will guide you on
how to be effective in making decisions, that
is why we should always be positive in
facing all the challenges we have.


Be ready now for a short quiz.

Yes, Ma’am.
d. Application

Let me see if you understood the concept of

this topic. Find a pair from your classmates.
Have you had a partner already?

Okay. I will only give you 5 minutes for this

activity. You may now start.

e. Assessment

Always Sometimes Never

Directions: consider each statement below.
For each statement, decide whether it is
always, sometimes, or never a true -always
statement. Explain your answer.

1. Simple Random Sample is drawn in

such a way that each element if a -sometimes
population has an equal chance of
being selected as a sample.
- never
2. It is more efficient to use a simple
random sample than any other - never
sampling technique.

3. In SRSWOR, the sample has more -always

than one chance of being chosen.
4. The population is a subset of a

5. Using a simple random sampling - never

technique can be time-consuming.

6. We can choose any number we want

as a random start or starting number - always
in a systematic sampling technique.

7. The first step to do in selecting

samples in a stratified technique is to
divide them into different strata or

Thank you, everyone, for the participation.

All of you have good reasoning.

f. Assignment

For your assignment class, please study in

advance about Combinations starts from page
359. That will be our topic for the next
meeting. No, Ma’am.
Okay, class?

Any clarifications and questions

regarding the topic? Goodbye, Ma’am.

That is good to hear, so thank you everyone,

and see you in our next online class.

Goodbye class!

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