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—— i Republic of the Philippines: Congress of the Philippines te fla ‘Selly Congres Rh Rape Ss ‘Begun od tla in Metro Manis, on Mande, the twenty thi ‘dy ly. two tusandegmoen [RervauicActNo, 11234) ANACT ESTABLISHING THEENERGY VIRTUAL ONE-STOP SHOP FOR THE PURPOSE. OF STREAMLINING THE PERMITTING PROCESS OF POWER GENERATION, ‘TRANSMISSION, AND DISTRIBUTION FROJECTS Beitenaced bythe Sonate and Hous of Regrerntatives ofthe ‘Pilippisesin Congres oom le ‘eHAPrER (GENERAL PROVISIONS the "Energy Virtual One-Stop Shap Aes” ™* ‘800.2. Delaraton of Plc poi a the Sate te ~ te erety desta the {2a the ay, by, on wy of ney at retonale crt by undrtalung menses fo guarantee Chat tgply meets demend in'e timely manner: 1b) Recognise the indipencble role ofthe priate scar in pamer generation, svanamiesion, and distribution by ‘acing now poe generation, Ugmimisaio, or doin Piece then a mpreved ems Hf ding Dusoes fee ad febicing igh anna Cnt neiated with pos equistes fr proponent (© Raaure transparency and aorountai proces of approving power Feneration, tran Aitesaton projec a (@) Daler effet and fictive sre to the able by: () Baeuring timely completion of power generation ‘rapa, oF dstrbuton procs by clininatng upton ‘edundanes, and overlapping mandates in documentary Sms and process fy suppbing an online plato fr {ovement agence t eowinte and share ination: nd @ Providing a paperlew and eketone pplation and rosessng sate which srves tea single gateway through ‘Shek proponents can soos nil aformationnecenay nthe ‘ppt fr new generation, tanamisn, oF Cstabution project submit al eyuizements felted to to appeston, at ‘onto the approval of such appliaton, ‘80.3 Seope,— This Act call apply all now power seoeaton,trnuission, an datebunon proesta throwghost ‘county and all departments, bureaun, aes, agencies, {gremmentowned anor -omtrled export (GOCE, {Geerament une (LGUs) nd other enter involved in the Devmitting proces af power generasion, transmisin, oF {Eaeuson praese SHC. 4, Definition of Terme. — Aa used in thi Act, the falling words or ter sll have the flowing messing Unlete proved otherwise (@) Action refers to 4 dein on an application of » proponei by governmets burea, ae, agency. GOCC, EGE Groner nto inenived tm the peemitung prosns of ‘\porer generation, tnnamiaain or ditibution prefect: ‘Proved, "Phat suck deesnion Ie limited tthe approval oF Eppenral ofan aplication ()_ Bidding documents sefer vo documents sed by @ procuring enttiy ae the basis for bide, furnishing [Eiemation sever fra pospecive Bader fo prepare bid faethe goad, ifasteuchre projects ad consi eervies to be provide 0 Distribution projcte zafer to the Bnancine devant rt roti fy, nt (@ Disribuioneytem ofits veer tthe system of wires and asocatd fais belonging to a feenesed ‘Letitia uaity extending betwen the delivery points on {he transmission system or generating plant conestion, ad {6 point ef eomascton tothe promise of th end usc: (e)_Rneray Viral One-Stop Shop at BVOSS refers to an online aye that alone the coordinated bmi and oehroaous prossnng ofall Yasir data and formation, ings deion mang poral fr actions oh etn fr prt sy aris sy slated to, an application of « proponent or new power enero. tranatisio, or date projet Goverment agency vfers to the agoncy of the verte as dein Exon Onder Ne. 22, there {Epown aa the “Adminiatstive Cole of 1987 shine Congressional Power Commission of JCPC refer tote Comiinon rested ner Bape Act No_155, ‘hares known ae the “Elec Power Industry Relorm Ac orator (0). Marte aperator frst the entity ceapnsible far the operation of the spe markt in azordance with Section Si Republic Act No. 8196, herve known a the “Este Dower Industry Rare Act of 2001 (®_Mther agency selors to the departent, which hae Jariadiaion over bureaus, ofits, agonetes, nd GOCCs Iasigned to i by law in accordance. withthe applicable {iatonship as defined in Chapters 7,8, and 9, Bou 1 of Executive Order No." 252" otherwise known ae the "Adminitrative Code f 1087" Porm on crtifoaton refers tthe writen doen suthorsng 4 person or eatty to conduct epcied aces Ina poco area or induntey for-n speed pend f Une riled gue sndlor srvtce ae romared bylaw, 9 Permitting proces rofere to the comprsbensive procedure undertaken in oder to put pa power generation ‘tansmisson, op dstbution project including the following Shier tyson oft operating contactor serve contac, velopment end snccustin of power Plant tnelading {he date of commer) eporetions thereto well a all the required. documoneary requiremenes and foes from all fevernment agencieeinvlend in turk prnedives Pvt, ‘Tage the procedure excludes the operational phaae of the pret ® Pover generation system ond facltce refer to genoration facts ofall types, technology or resource {cluding conventional, reneweble, hybrid fasten, and type of worage faites (a) Power generation projets refer to the financing. derslopoens touirucion andlor operation ef any pows? (enero sjtem and aces: (6) Procuring cat rfors to any branch, dspartanent, fe gene. or iutrumentalty of he goversmest nlaing Slate universes and alleges, COCs, government nancial Inetiatins, end LGUs proving goods commuting orcs {inl infeestrture prec refers to an indivi or duly regina juxidiba enter sngngedo desiting to engege in trae oF bhsinoes in the Phikppnes throughs pemer generation teunsmisson, or lsiibution projet sucha the construction fndlor operation of « power plant, tansmiesion ne, oF ‘ieee net (©) Submision ofan electronic document happens when an autnated response edawmledging the eetontedruont Haste ent to and recowed by he proponent: Provided, hat the electrons doeument bas been carer upanded or teat 1 fhe yeaa bythe proponent 5 (9, Sytem operate ors 6 pany rege fr @ ‘the provision of ancillary services, and ‘Sorin or af power gay, aby, Tah, SEF tec af te en (©), Praamiasion ete ot fait refer 0 she high ‘witage backbone system of ntereonnectod trenton Is, “Brats ant seta act for the pup of converance at bull power: and (©) Transmission projets refer to the financiog, evelpment uta, ander operation 0 ny teat sytem oF faite CHAPTER IL [ENERGY VIRTUAL ONE-STOP SHOP ‘SEC, 8, Creation and Eetablishnent of the Energy Viewal One Stop Shop (VOSS). ~ An Energy Vieual One ‘Stop Shops heoby etablshes undo the repervin tthe Department of Energy (DOE) Towards to end te DOE hall operate and maintain an effets information technology ‘nfrortroctare system, which shall be updated regulary, tubject to the provony of Ue Ac SEC. 6. Powers Funtions, and Charastrites — The VOSS stil ave the following power, fens, and (@)_Rocneiae the legac, vality, and enforcabity of electronic documents rabmited ip anton to applications fis permite andioe cericatone necowery for of velated 1, ‘gplisatone fr ower generation teanemsion oF aston pret (®) Uae an elie paymant tem fr ll fc impos fur spplitions for permite anor cerfictions neces fo, = lta topnino fr rower generation, temo. (©. Provides a secure and acmsile papers processing system through hich proponent may (@) Obtain the lst of all electronic documentary require of all concerned government bureee, offi, ‘Gees, Lele aa other entities aad the ar etch ind of @ Prepare, submit, poms, nd redve actions on all submitted electra documentary rquieents @ Monitor and inquire on the statue of ongoing applications fr permite andi erteations mecwsry fo, or ‘lated tm appontons for powcr genertion,transntsio, or {istrbution Project sil Io elation thereto, ascertain de ‘paceus ait agency and individuals taked with acing 1 ubmited electron document, andthe action or action there @ Catoulate, pay, and settle all appropriate fees leewonicly nd (©) Submit complains concersing inaction on esbmited scone document Poids say nd agen sre, fr al ‘eoverntsnt baresom fixe, ngcotes, GOCCE, ‘Sher entities invalved ip tho pemting proses of power ‘eusumiy, or disteuton projet to iteoperate sith soot te (0) A anid ansaid porting proses (Uniform templates for electronic document (9, Complanse with mandated processing time oe eated ints Acta st impomed by the EVOSS Storing Comma, shichoort aor (@ Updating and monitaring of all electronic ocumentaty requirement fraction © Determining which government bureau. office, gens, GOCE LGU. or entity am ongeing application i ‘nad sts ste here: and (©) Othor espace of the processing system (© Operates ae a ono hundred percent (100%) vet storage and ale ven ystem built asa inept thared Series of goveroment bureaus, offices agencies, GOCCs, {1BUs:ana'echer entice invelved inthe. permiting proce ‘ot poner generation, tananssen, or dries projets ad )_Usiizes a technology plattona and an operations ‘managment sforary plata ot goversment buen aces Semis, GOGCe, Ls, and other enti iveved the fermitting prociae of power feneretion, transmicion oF ‘Ectthuton projects to bil ther deed poe and ae ‘within sect Cine frame sing pushed standards. ‘Ste, 1. EVOSS Storing Commitee. ~ There shall be ‘an BVOSS Storing Commitee, whuch shall ue nly fa 9 ‘ered of te (2) year om the eflctity of tus Act. The Ess stecang Cammisee shall be compared o the Otis of {he Present Chairperson, the Sowstary ofthe DOE se Vio: Chasers, and the loving a2 master: @Seertary ofthe Department of Agriculture (DA) (&) Secretary of the Department of Agearan Reform ()_Seortary of the Department of Envitenment and Natal Remueses (DEE): (a Secstary of the Department of the Interior and Lowa Government DIL (o1_Scertapy of the Department of Information and CCommtnications Tecnology (DICT 1) Chaigpeson of the Bnorgy Regulatory Commision eae (@ Chairperson of the National Commission on Tndigeraus Peoples SCIP) (t)_Rasoative Directar of the National Water Resourss Board (0 Chaivperon or hea of the market operon (@ Chaiyperion or head of the aystm operator and One (1) representative gack from the power senertiontaneniston, and Sistuton secre and ond Site Doued: That the sad soprsentaties gall be ‘ots’ ty the waar concn and chonen bythe DOE” Broulded fortes. That the sail representatives shall be oetotng mombors. ute mgae fs VOSS String Comite ay sate their permanent representatives who must Be ontledgenble sh the represented mother agoney' role, recurements, en and intemal proseaes wath eopect ‘over genusiontneminsn or Setrbuten projet well [ith ofthe atachedburenus elte and ages, at both the national and lea levels Provide Tht te svsivemest tthe atached bares, offen, and agentes at both tho {ational an foal loves, GOCCe, and cher eaties in the Devnitting process of power geberation, transmission, Uiarbuton projects sll be 5 prerequisite to the mer ‘sncys membership inthe EVOSS Steering Committe ‘The EVOSS Steeing Committn may, as ness, invite the heads af the bureaus offices, agenen and such other Dereons it'may deem Bt se resource persons during te ‘SEC, 8. Dutios and Responsibilities of the BYOSS Stern Comittee Chasrpereon = Tho Chltpersan of the ENGSS srrng Commis chal. pon rata wih the DOE, convent the EVOSS Sterne Commitee within two @) ‘unabe fro the eeu of te Act. ‘The Chairperson ofthe EVOSS String Commitee shall ‘have th lowing dts an reepossliie: (a) Provide leadership direction forthe EVOSS Steering Commitee arder to pemont this Act nd achieve Ie pelcy sbyectives while onasring the rerponivenee of the Evoke to shanging developments tn iafaration Technology fd the nerds ofthe energy sect” (by Promote collshorative relationships and open omantniation among membere ofthe EVOSS Steering Comite ©) Encourage effective collaboration and consensus ‘yung jn decsonmaking by the EVOSS Steang Commies ‘Frond, That cet ge conenees ean he reached, the’ Cioran shall doce on the mater (Upon contain wih the Vioe-Chispersn andthe Secrtariat act the EVOSS Steering Comittee meeting ‘thelule and agen: (e)_ Preside ver all mestings of the EVOSS Stecring costes 1) Bawute that al key and relevant ute and orn are dacussed, deliberated’ upon. and resolved in ¢ tel (@) Rovio a approve all ts of the VOSS String Committee concerning recommendations on removal or {clusion ef mother agencies and other entiia in the Forming promos and nthe EVOSS Storing Commitee Frode. that a mother agency ov entity ay be removed Erne filmy ack eee ee ate vurthr Tea mother spony or enya be Inne if supported ty an exren al mandate Prove Frnt," fe lon of tm setched aren, oe. ‘cen, ot both the national and lal levels and GOCE ‘ES Stoke String Common sal be ied ta water gency: and by laine dinplinay ation agit agy member of he [BVOSS stewing Contin as proved in Secon I of the ‘Ac: Proded, That display accons aint the market peat ad ater operat sal be dtr ed aad the ERE. SHC, ©. Dune ne Repo of te Vice Chairperson of the BVOSS Storing Commute ~The Vice-Chairperson of the VOSS steering Commitee shall have te falling dss {and reeponibities (@) Identify all government burosus, offices, and genie, at uth the naa! and local levels OCC, LGUs, fd othr enter involved in each phac of th parting Poot of each kind of power aeration, tanamistion, oF Aiseribution projec, ond submit itt the Chairperson within ‘ne () month apn the elacuvty of thi Act (Preside ovor meetings of the BVOSS Steering Commitee im the shaeae of the Cairperson, (0) Propane he bidding documents fr the EVOSS ax spore by fhe EVOSS Searing Comanten: Provide, That the tems of fterene ball came fos the EVOSS Storing {Commitee as provided under Section 11) ofthis At (@) Actos the Prcuring Entity forthe EVOSS (© Upon consuteation with the BVOSS Steering ‘Commie, vee inthe necetary hardware and software 12 Sgprove and wpdate the operation and maciptenance of the [EVOSS, induding avira storage pubic dat center and hati of Serer of the EVOSS (Egulp the DOE personne t» maintain and operate tw EVOSS! (g)_ Provide the necessary taining an capacity biking to all goverment hoarén, ofees, ngenaer, COCKS, LGUs, tae enon an stakeholders iavatved in Uhe EVSS, () Rawr supervision over the EVOSS Submit regular reports to the EVOSS Steering Comminee on mater enumerated in Section MOC, (gh and 0) of ths Act and Recommend to the EVOSS Stering Commitee the pasile expansion of the uso of tho plan to ether energy Eecnsng prceece, an SEC, 10. Duties ond Responsibilities of the EVOSS ‘Sooring Commitee Secretariat The Investment Promotion ‘Ofie PO} of the DOE shal serve athe Secretariat to te [BVOSS Seenng Commiton,dunng i por sta in San Pot thi Act The Secetarat of the EVOSS Steering ‘thodule and agenda af the EVOSS Storing Common 1h) Provide adminstentive and techie support tothe [BVOSS Steering Commitee! lo) Provide documents and reporte which contain evant, azurte,tnely and dear information necessary for {he EVOSS Steering Committe to fall te duties (@) Peron such ocor duce a tho Chien oF the ‘BVOSS steering Committee may delegate tothe Secretariat S80, 11. Dates and Responsiiies of the BVOSS ‘ring Cont ~The EVOSS String Cater shall ‘hve te folowing utes wed reaps (a) Wastin thee @) month upon the effectivity of is ‘Ac, reate a detied process ow ofeach phace of the permitting proces for cach kind of power genevation, Eanumiasin” or ditibution projec, which should reflec, song ether (Q) Documentary requirements and foos from each venient urea of, and agony, at bath the national ot cal Ievela GOCC, LGU, and thar erties involved In fhe peeing prose and (2) Iotrna poses dow of the entire organization of he smother agungy wich inlutes the attached Buren fen Sgcrsicn at bth the national and lel levels, GOCC®, ane Sher entities to which the applications pase through, the Individuals who approve them and the maui nut of fags for acon tobe ceased on howe apps, the total ‘aE Vhie Sast be within te io fame indented nh Ac tras apo hy the BOSS Steering Comite, Whichver ff torte (Within six (6) months from the ety of this ‘At, Stalin the said dstaed procees Dow by ()_Aprecing on an eoatng nied form of electronic. ocuttente fo replace exncingdosumentary requirements (@) Removing duplications and redundancies in roquied documents and 2 () Crestng «simplified internal process Sow wits cach goverment Bares aie, or ag, at eth the mao (in! eal vel, GOCC, and thet ents involved im he permsting proceae euch that applications with complete ‘sre dotuments chal be revolved win the tine fame Inceed in Secions 19:00 16 which thall be counted fom obmiion of complete dheusentry requirements: Provided ‘That the tne fame fr applaone with LGUs andthe NCI Sil be govered hy Sectang 14 apf 1c his Act. Provided, further That faut of besous fos and agence, at bo the mtinal and lel ele, GOCC GU, and ether ents involved im the permitung prosese to tlase ite action on Apylations duly Hed wth complete supporting documents ‘ks the powsibed tie fame shal be deemed approval ef ich epplicatins (oy Revi the te frame stated in hie Act to release fn aston on applications wich eomplets documentary auirements end impoue new time frame on such pales Proved, ‘atthe now time fame shal nat be fnger than the time fame sated in thi (d)_Rnnue the age of sn onine payment ayatem ‘the streamlined proses flow (@) Develop the terme of raferonce for the EVOSS evelapar whch tl be hewn Group a pub ding under DOES His and Awards Cometec (Determine «resonable processing fe for proponents who tbe the EVOSS. (q)_Mect regularly, a8 determined by the Chairperson sd semen oe Vihar he ‘pertonuann ofthe EVOSS which sll at be later Chan ‘he I) sear ftom the eflctty a this At (Gather begrnualy upon the operatiopaliation of he [BVOSS toasonmpleh the ensmeratin nated ew: Pode, ‘That upon thr dwlution of the EVOSS Sterne Comoe, ‘DOU shel be tacked to accomplish auch enumerstion (0) Monitor and ssess the porrmance af the BVOSS, @ Determine engetion pinta if any. inthe exeting sytem, and techaniome to aeees the 8 ) Ressive and resolve complaints fom government persdel ad proponents who ut th stom Convey infrmation if any. of 9 bureau, offs agensy, GOCE, or LGUs updated requirments and intorna Dossier which make the\surentsjoteot more lle © Tdentiy redundant requirements or thoee not cnr ny ide Charen {hremoval ofthe rgarcmene om the permiing proces fi the concerned mother agency, if appa, om the £EVOSS Steering Commie " (©) Iensy redundant requirement hich aro expe ‘mandated bylaw and submit a Feommerdaton onthe mater forthe JCPC; end Prepare the annual report tothe SCPC. Act upon any reammandatin tote Vee Cheri to expand the uae of he patos to oer ener Deensing prceess a 6) Pesform other aete necosary and incidental to accomplish the policy objectives of this Act ‘Suc, 12. Duties and Responaiblie of Members of the VOSS String Committe. All members cf to EVOSS ‘Steering Committe tall comtghCtvely patcipate In the EVOSS Stering 1h) Cooperate with the DOR and other government agengies towards the immediate operatioalization of the Hoss (0) Within sic (0) months fom the ect of eho ‘Aa, Stun an intraal order or ciel streamlining i {tnraalpeiing prose for power gonerton rawmieon fi istttion prods inciting te oft atch gre resus and offices, ne both the satonl and loa evel tre ar GOCCs suck that eomplie withthe tne fame a> ated im Sections 181016 of ths Ac ot as provied bythe 2EVOsS Steering Committee i) Consiuaty vow internal process Nowe to incense ffceney nn reduce proceing time (© Assign 2 designated person, office, oF bureau in charge of managing the BVOSS account to eniure proper sling and Sydsting of electronic document Beste the el agony and ©) Aaseany crate an interarm in charge sf hanang te prising prose of al ower gonoraton ‘Canaminato, and drain poet Sto, 19 Tine Frome, ~ The mother agence shall censure that all actions on applications Tefore ie and ie ‘nched bureaus ffs, and agencies at both the satel {Int Toa levels and GOCCs ay well eather entities shall, ‘Ae telonad within the ime framee ted below Pode, ‘That dhe te frame shall be the taal number of days fo {he nether agony and ita mched bureaus, ales, an "sevoes st bth the national and local level, and GOCCs Seva whole to release aetons on epplietions” Provided, Jarther Taat the site feute shall be counted from the {thmistion of compete documentary requrements (a) ‘The DOE. ad all ite attached barons, ffs and agentes, a bth the national and local level, sad GOCCs! 5G (60) calender days (b) The DAR and alte attached bureaus, fies, and goonies, st both the national and loa evel and GOCCs: eventyfive (8) elendar day © The DA and alles atarhed bureaus, office, and gents st both the national and local level, and GOCC= Set (60) calendar days: The DENR and all its stched bares, fos, and agentes st bet the national and loa levels, and GOCC: ‘he hundred ewes 120 calendar day; Proved, That this fine frame excudee the NWRES (0) The ERC: sy (6) clear day to ze an action on all applications from the submission of ll dreumentary egutementar Provided, Tht for all quasi eases. ERC shall have two hundred seventy (270) calendar dare to fete an ation fom the submission of vali appleton aga! HH en ne de ty (15 eer @ The NRE sisty (60) calendar days: (0) The snrket operator fieen (15) calendar dave @ The Department of Teansportstion and all ite ttached beds offs, an agencies at both the national nd Vl levela and GOGCe: they (0) calendar days {The Philppine Notional Poi: fifeon (5) calendar dae: (h) The Department of Public Works and Highways ae all ae ached bureaus, sles, and agers, at bth the ‘stall el and GOCC thee 0) sald 9s The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute fieen (a5) Slender days and (ox) All other mother agencies and al thee respective tached bureaus, ofeds, and ances, oth te national But are part of the permitting procns of power generation, Aaormiaon, or ditnbution projet: ton (13) eaendae ioe Fairy ofthe mother agency and ite attached bureaus, fees, tnd agenieo at bot the atonal aod eal levels ‘eluting GOCE to release ite acon on appre duly ed tre cup sparing domente with Se proce te ame shal dou ech tpplestons sporovel: Provided, That {Eur aball act apply to ations by the DENR and ERC on Spplcatioos by Zeal faekbnsed technologies uch as col, ‘atura ga, and oi She, 14, Local Government Uns — Al sppieaions with complete supporangdociments fled wits the LGU shall be ‘eaned within fife (3) euendar days fr barangay een Up) calendar dape fr sts or munsapalites and ficen (1) ‘nda days fr provinces, Provided, Tht this shall not Sreclude the EVOSS Stcring Commit frm imposing = shorter tae fame fr acaton of splints hou it see he" expedieny and est of doing Fasare of an LGU to ost on pplictions duly le with complete supptng docuente migin the ven period of we ‘Ma be deeinedsbprovel cf such appiation by the LOU, ‘Poe dena of appitiong ehal eny be on vali grounds sand filly explained in writing. Toe sald denal ay be Append to the LOU baving supervision over the diapproving UEC orn the cae of highly urbanized and indpentont ‘ies To the ILE, In alleen, aay confice breween and ‘thong, LGUs shall be evolved in accordance with the ‘omedies provided for under Republic Act No IG exharsize ebwa atthe "Las! Government Cote of 1991" Ske. 16, Indigenous Cultural Communities (CCH) Incigenss Peoples (1P9. ~ Actions 9 appbatons with the [CIP sll be teloneod itn tn (0) clendse aye in tho hon oft Create of Na Overlap nd ape aro ed te (G5) calendar dye the ease of Pree, Pine, ad Infrae (GonocnvCertiontion PreCondton: Provided. "hat tis sl tot preclade the EVOSS Steeing Commitee om imposing 2 threr time fame for Fooltion of eppisation choad eth expediency and feasbiity of doing so. Pride, Fer Tat deni of sppeton shal ely been the growls ‘ated telow and Fall explained in tng to be teased to ‘he proponent within fiven 15) calender dave fom the udnunty validation of the Reaolutn of Nea Consent: ‘Provided, finally, That such desl tay be appeaid throeah {he remedies provide sader Section 67 of Repubie et Ne [Sor otherwise Known athe Tndigenour Peoples Rights Act ori ‘A Reslution of Non-Consent shall be based lly and scluiviy othe vilton ofthe ght to ownership In the cae of a Cention of Nop-Ovel, are othe \NcIP ts lease suth cifiets within the Mpeaied pect ‘all te deemed. approval of the aplication” In the cae of Free, Pron and Infommed Canseauertinason Pe-Condion, fiilure to release such Certification or a Hesoution of Non:Censent within the epeifidporiod shall be deemed xpath power gowetion, tanto, nd ditt prec ——— ' In the cate of Free, Prior, snd Informed Consent! Cersieaton Bre-Condtion, atic al be given bythe NLP {o'the ICOIP upon the sar of the one hundred five (105) thy peta. Frocded, Te the samunnee ofthe Prec, Pr ft Informed Consent Certfeation Pre-Condison shall be ‘teompaned yan unissanding between the proponent and TGGHP ont eomomie terms of any sontratun agreement wo, 16. Delegated Powers. - The DOE shal have the suthonty to issue 8 provisional spproval permit, axle rtifeston gelnting to appleatione for permits andor ‘ertifentnenecomny fo, rated to, applition fe pow fesertin, snamsson’ or ditibuton, projets bere te ‘ned of livntmenta, Deparenen f Justice, amd Departacnt fof abort Hmployment:Procided, Tht actions on euch ‘pcan shal be fleoed thin item (19) nnd da ‘mn submission of complete documentary requirements: Provided, further, That and provnnal approval, Fare andor ecrtiaidns shall be" onsderet vad nd hnding Unless herwane tevoked bythe consernel agenaey pon Finfing ef oneempiance with laws, rues, obd regulations ‘turing the conduct of potauait, cHarres 1 PROWUEITED ACTS AND PENALTIES ‘880.17, Administrative Offenses — The flowing act, when commited hy government official andor emplyee, THRIT'GP conidered’ an Sdmiietrative oes! (0) Wilf refusal to partiiate in the BVOSS 1) WR act which delay the operatinalization of the vos, (6, Faure to comply with the mandated time frames «spain this Ae a imposed by the EVOSS Steering Cotas; and 4 Tampering with the EVOSS or any part oF ‘emmponent thercl ‘SEC. 16, Condentily,— No infrmation or enyeepaet of a document submitted by any power generation we eanemino, or dstbtion poet propane sal be diva tr elesed to angone stber than an autheriod person or lncrey, Any dovumont dived or seleased to anyone by en ‘Sheree person or agency shall be abject To the Freedom ‘Gt Informaon manual of sach ageneyconceraod SBC, 19. Penattios, ~ Any person found guilty of committing the sets stated io Seesin 17) and) shal be pind lw: (0) rst offense ~‘Thity (0) days euspenson without as (8) Seound offense — Thase (3) monthe suspension without pa and @_ Third, offense ~ Dismissal and perpetual inyuslifention ftom pubbe serve, Any person found guy of Section 4) all be pened (a) Fis offense ~ Thirty 0) days suspension without pay and mary tendaner in Value Osman Pres (0) Second offense - Three (3) monthe suspension without pay ant (@ Third offense — Dismissal and perpetual ulin fom pe seri, and fretre of otement eft Any perton found guilty of commiting the ac stted in Seton 17 sale he ona af diame and portal ‘Sequaifcation fom publi see ‘Any peston found guilty of wating Section 18 ball sf te penalty of sxiaal and peretialdswalifeation ‘Eom public eerie Im cass of vislaton by tho astm operator and market cpgrtee of Section 7), nad) the BEC hall ipowe ‘Pine af One bund thon pes (P10,000.0) for every fay of ety. een = — SRC. 20, Administrative Juyiediction. — "The suminiarative jroo an any elation ofthe provision of {Sir Act sal be vest inthe Col Serie Cousin oF {he DIL in seoeiaos with appropiate Tews an sues uo, 21. Chil and Criminal Liability. ~The nding of ‘administrative lnbiey under Pie Act ball not be tat 0 fhe fling of vimina, cor thor velatad charges ander ‘sting ae sing fom the some ator sion se eel Shumented, cuaprer w GaxeRaL PRoMIIONS ‘880,22, The Investment Pramation Ofce (PO), — The cegaizntionalstrartre and staffing complorent ofthe IPO ‘be determined by te DOR Soorsry sx solani ‘Be Deparimont of Bape and Management ands eordance ‘neh eating el ere les ad relations, Th bodgeeary Yotirements ncauary for the expansion of the TPO sal be {Sl fourth current appropriations of DOE. Theater, the ‘ing forth 1PO shal be actu in the ental Generel Appropriations At In ation to its exiting functions, the IPO is howeby smandated to (9) Full ite dios ne the Secretariat of the EVOSS Sterne Camm {&) Develop and smploment the EVOSS in acorlance srith Whe provisions of thia Ase and ae dnstucted by the EVOse Storing Committe: an (©) Perform other functions that may be nesnsery fr ‘he effective implamonttion ofthis Ac Se. 25, Appropriations, — The amount of One hundred nslion peso (P00 000000 0 fr toe ini plementation thie Act shall be charged against the current years Shpropitions of the DOE and treater. such amounts ac teay ty newecnry to exmy out the povnons of ths Act shal teiacaded in the sanual General Appropriations Act. 20 Se. 24, Oversight Comite Upon the efevity of this Act the JOBE crosed under Repuole Act No. 9136, thew pen he ce Foner Ins er At Gra001" hall eaerciee oversight powers over the Implementation of thie Act SBC, 25. Reportorial Requirements. ~ The EVOSS Steering Commitee shall ake the necomary mabe (o Sous tht te proven of thie Act ae pope inplosenced ind should submit annual reporce on the program [plementation and fond utzation tothe UCPC. SEC. 26. Fualuation. ~ Upon recommendation of the VOSS Stering Comite, ot wth Sve @) year fer the ‘Mle of this Act the SCPC shall conduct a yatemet vation ofthe acsplansent and impact of the At for Surpose of determining Fomedil legislate. SEC, 27. Implementing Rules and Regulotions. — The DOE shall. in Gonelasion with thr relevent gorersment fgeacies and industry stakeholders, promelgate the itpiemensing rales apd reglations af thie Act within sity (60) aye rome flee. 0, 28, Sparobility Clonee. ~ If fr any seston, any prorison of thi Act i declared unanaetitional o inva {e"cther parts or provitons heref which are not alleted ‘eaby ell continue to hein fll roe and fleet SC. 29, Repealing Clause, ~All laws dors, orders, eta regulation of pts three which are Sncnaeten ‘sth Gr conten the provisone of this Act are hereby ‘epeied amended or modifed accordingly. SC. 90 Eiftiiy, — This Ac sal ake fet leon (a5 dave after ie publontion sn Uh Offa Gast ot In ¢ ilu Approved VICENTE ¢, soTTO 1 (GLORIA suffers ARROYO ‘Spader ofthe Howse Presiden te Senate 1 Represematves | “This Ac whch. consaliaion of Senate Bil No. 1499, gpa House Bill No" 8417"way pasoed fy the Senate yr the ‘pigs of Representatives om Decemie ¥0 S018 tn Sasa TA BbIB,rebpectvely. Foe of apresonanes Approved: MAR 0 8 2018 «® ROD! (OA DUTERTE ‘President of the Polppnes ° f fe oft Presa AACA RECORDS OFFICE

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