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1 Do people follow vloggers in your country?

yes, I belive almost every teenager and even adults follow atleast one vlogger.
However I don’t, and It’s because of the fact that I don’t like staying up to date via
videos. Reading is just a better and more convenient way for me. Even though I don’t
watch vlogs, I do watch videos, mostly „gameplays”on video sharing platforms. And
as I scroll through many video, I see lots of vlogs, but It’s just not my type of
2 Who are the most popular people in the media ? What makes them popular?
Probably politicians, because they are very influential. Musicians, because people like
to keep up with their new songs and their life, they motivate and inspire people with
their music, so people support them by following. Gamers might not be the most
popular, but I think It’s important to mention them, as most kids follows them, even
donates real money ( which I don’t support, but they got to pay their expenses
somehow). The reason of their popularity is various, some are followed because of
their experiences and skill in a game. The others are followed because what they say
during playing is entertaining, and there is always something to talk about when you
are playing a videogame, even if you are bad at it.
3 Why are the ’media lives’ of some celebrities so short?
It might be because when someone is popular, people want to know them better
and they leak some of their secrets, or get to know private information that they
shouldn’t, which might cause a scandal. Vloggers who lose their innocence and are
controlled by media corporations can fail easily. I’ve experienced many youtubers
downfall, because they changed too much and their followers didn’t like them

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