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PLAINTIFF-APPELLEE, Accused-appellant Anastacio Amistoso is sentenced to suffer

v the penalty of reclusion perpetua without eligibility for
ANASTACIO AMISTOSO Y BROCA, ACCUSED-APPELLANT parole. Civil indemnity in the amount of ₱75,000.00, he is
ordered to pay the victim ₱75,000.00 as moral damages and
G.R. No. 201447               August 28, 2013 ₱30,000.00 as exemplary damages. 
“Death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction Insisting upon his innocence, Amistoso appealed to this Court.
extinguishes his criminal liability as well as the civil liability SC affirmed with modification the judgment of conviction
based solely thereon” against Amistoso, expressly making him liable for interest on
the amounts of damages awarded. 
Facts:  Anastacio Amistoso (Amistoso) was charged before Ramoncito D. Roque (Roque), Officer-in-Charge, Inmate
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Masbate City with the rape Documents and Processing Division of the Bureau of
of his daughter, AAA, alleged to be 12 years old at the time of Corrections, informed the Court that Amistoso had died on
the incident. The Information specifically charged Amistoso December 11, 2012 at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) and
with statutory rape under Article 266-A. attached to his letter a photocopy of the Death Report
RTC found Amistoso guilty, not of statutory rape, but of Yet, on February 22, 2013, the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO),
qualified rape under Article 266-A, paragraph (1)(a), in which represented Amistoso, unaware of its client’s demise,
relation to Article 266-B, paragraph (1), of the Revised Penal still filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the Court’s
Code, as amended.  Decision.
Having been convicted of Qualified Rape, he is hereby The Court required Roque to submit a certified true copy of
sentenced to the capital penalty of DEATH; to pay the victim Amistoso’s Death Certificate  which he complied accordingly.
the sum of Seventy-Five Thousand Pesos (Ph₱75,000.00) as
indemnity; to pay the said victim the sum of Fifty Thousand ISSUE: Does Amistoso’s death extinguish him of his criminal
Pesos (Ph₱50,000.00) as for moral damages, and to pay the liability?
Held: Yes. Article 89 of the Revised Penal Code provides
The Court of Appeals, affirmed Amistoso’s conviction for ART. 89. How criminal liability is totally extinguished. –
qualified rape but modified the penalties imposed in Criminal liability is totally extinguished:
accordance with Republic Act No. 9346 and the latest 1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal penalties;
jurisprudence on awards of damages.  and as to pecuniary penalties, liability therefore is
extinguished only when the death of the offender occurs PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff v. SUSAN SAYO Y REYES
before final judgment AND ALFREDO ROXAS Y SAGON, Accused-Appellants.
In People v. Bayotas, the Court laid down the rules in case the
G.R. No. 227704, April 10, 2019
accused dies prior to final judgment:
ART. 89. How criminal liability is totally extinguished. —
1. Death of the accused pending appeal of his
Criminal liability is totally extinguished:
conviction extinguishes his criminal liability as well as
the civil liability based solely thereon. As opined by 1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal
Justice Regalado, in this regard, "the death of the penalties; and as to pecuniary penalties, liability
accused prior to final judgment terminates his therefor is •extinguished only when the death of the
criminal liability and only the civil liability directly offender occurs before final judgment[.]
arising from and based solely on the offense
committed  Facts: 

Given the foregoing, it is clear that the death of the accused The combined testimonies of AAA, BBB, and CCC known as the
pending appeal of his conviction extinguishes his criminal "plaza girls" disclosed that several months prior, these "plaza
liability, as well as his civil liability ex delicto. Since the girls" have been under the control and supervision of SAYO as
criminal action is extinguished inasmuch as there is no longer commercial sex workers. AAA testified in open court that she
a defendant to stand as the accused, the civil action instituted was only fifteen (15) years old at the time she began working
therein for recovery of civil liability ex delicto is ipso facto for SAYO. 
extinguished, grounded as it is on the criminal case.  The "plaza girls" were introduced to SAYO on different
Undeniably, Amistoso’s death on December 11, 2012 occasions in 2004 by other "plaza girls." SAYO then started to
preceded the promulgation by the Court of its Decision. act as a pimp providing them with male customers for a
When Amistoso died, his appeal before the Court was still certain percentage. 
pending and unresolved. The Court ruled upon Amistoso’s
appeal only because it was not immediately informed of his SAYO would regularly furnish AAA, BBB and CCC with male
death. customers. Whenever they have customers, SAYO would bring
them either to a motel or to ALFREDO ROXAS's house who
provides them a room for One Hundred Pesos (P100.00) for
thirty (30) minutes use of the room. ROXAS also provides
condom for the male customers at Thirty Pesos (P30.00).
The CIDG-WCCD conceptualized an entrapment operation Nine Hundred Pesos was handed by one of the customers to
called "Oplan Sagip Angel."  SAYO to cover the payment for the services of AAA, BBB and
CCC, the CIDG-WCCO agents executed the raid. 
PO3 Anthony Ong, PO2 Leonardo So and an agent from IJM
were designated to act as poseur-costumers. Peso bills would Recovered from the possession of ALFREDO ROXAS was the
be utilized during the entrapment operation as payments to marked money, the payment for the use of the room for
the owner of the apartment/room, for the pimp and for the sexual activities while the Nine Hundred Pesos intended for
services of the "plaza girls". the sexual services to be provided by the "plaza girls" was
recovered from SUSAN SAYO. 
The "Oplan Sagip Angel" operatives proceeded to the target
area in Pasig City. The three men who were tasked to pretend The [Defense's] Evidence
as customers stayed in front of the church at the Pasig Plaza.
SAYO testified on direct examination that while barking for
They were approached by SAYO who bluntly asked if they
jeepney passengers in front of the Pasig Cathedral Church, she
wanted women and she further inquired if they wanted 15
saw CCC, AAA and BBB together with the three male persons.
year-old girls. The three customers agreed to take the 15 year-
This group of men and CCC approached her and arrested her.
old girls offered by SAYO for Three Hundred Pesos each.
CCC asked her to accompany them to ALFREDO's house in
Thereafter, SAYO informed the three customers about a room
exchange for 100 Pesos and she agreed. Thereafter, She was
in Baltazar Street which they could rent for P100.00 for each
taken to a dark place and hauled immediately to a vehicle and
couple. The customers agreed on the price.
brought to jail where she met for the first time her co accused
Meanwhile, SAYO informed the "plaza girls" that they have ROXAS.
customers for that night. AAA, BBB and CCC met SAYO at the
ALFREDO ROXAS, on the other hand, claimed that he was
Pasig Plaza. There, she introduced them to the three men.
sleeping in his house when he was awakened by the barks of
After the negotiation was concluded, all of them proceeded to
the dogs. He went outside to see for himself what was the
the house of ALFREDO ROXAS. Upon reaching the house, they
commotion all about and saw CCC and Susan [Sayo] along with
were greeted by ROXAS who openly discussed with SAYO in
the men[,] AAA and BBB. One of the men asked him if they
front of the customers and the ["]plaza girls["] regarding the
could rent his room since it was the birthday of [CCC's]
transaction for the night. ROXAS told that the room rate for
compadre, but he refused,the male persons forced him to
each couple is P100.00. AAA saw the customers gave to
accept the money which turned out to be dusted with ultra
ROXAS the Three Hundred Pesos.
violet powder. He admitted having known CCC, AAA and BBB
The undercover agents, SAYO and ROXAS talked about the for about 6 to 7 months prior to the incident. As for SAYO, he
payment for the girls' services outside the house. When the just only met her on that day in front of the church in the
Pasig Plaza. When asked how he came to know CCC, AAA and damages, but only to AAA and BBB. There was no discussion
BBB, he said that they were just introduced to him by on the omission of CCC in the award of damages.
someone in their place.
Accused-appellants filed a Notice of Appeal on July 30, 2015
Ruling of the RTC
The Correctional Institution for Women certified that Sayo
The RTC held that the prosecution was able to prove the guilt had died on November 30, 2011 due to multiple organ failure,
of accused-appellants beyond reasonable doubt. Based on the secondary to cervical cancer attaching thereto the Certificate
testimonies of AAA, BBB, and. CCC and the arresting officers. of Death issued by the Office of the Civil Registrar.
On the other hand, both accused-appellants merely Issues:
interposed the defenses of denial and alibi which are both
1. WON the guilt of Roxas is guilty of the information
inherently weak defenses
SUSAN SAYO found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of 2. WON  SAYO is still criminally liable
Qualified Trafficking in Persons under Section 4 (a,e) and
Section 6 (a) of R.A. 9208 insofar as minors AAA and BBB
1. No, The courts a quo committed serious error in
ALFREDO ROXAS is likewise found GUILTY beyond reasonable
convicting Roxas for Qualified Trafficking of Persons and
doubt of Qualified Trafficking in Persons under Section 5 (a)
Trafficking in Persons as the offenses proscribed under
and Section 6 (a) of R.A. 9208, insofar as minors AAA and
Section 5 of RA 9208 are properly denominated as Acts
BBB are concerned
that Promote Trafficking in Persons.
As for complainant [CCC] who was no longer a minor at the
Thus, the Court affirms with modification Roxas' conviction and
time of commission of the offense, accused Susan Sayo is
holds that he is guilty of one count of violation of Section
found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the offense of
5(a) of RA 9208 for Acts that Promote Trafficking in Persons
trafficking in persons under Section 4 (a, e) of R.A. 9208.
and not Trafficking in Persons, qualified or otherwise.
Accused Alfredo Roxas y Sagon is likewise found GUILTY
beyond reasonable doubt of the offense of trafficking in Section 4 of RA 9208 refers to those acts which directly involve
persons under Section S(a) of R.A. 9208. trafficking in persons. Meanwhile, Section 5 refers to those
acts that promote or facilitate any of the aforementioned
The CA Decision
predicate acts of Trafficking in Persons.
On appeal, the CA affirmed the RTC Decision with
The RTC found that Roxas violated Section 5(a) of RA 9208 for
modification, by adding an award of moral and exemplary
knowingly leasing a room for the purpose of prostitution.
Unfortunately, in spite of this, it still convicted Roxas of ART. 89. How criminal liability is totally extinguished. — Criminal
Qualified Trafficking in Persons as regards minors AAA and liability is totally extinguished:
BBB and Trafficking in Persons as regards CCC. The CA, for its
1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal penalties; and as
part, affirmed the RTC's ruling.
to pecuniary penalties, liability therefor is ·extinguished only
It should be noted that the offenses punished under Section 5 when the death of the offender occurs before final
cannot be qualified by Section 6 as what the latter seeks to judgment[.]
qualify is the act of trafficking and not the promotion of
Likewise, the civil liability of Sayo arising from her criminal liability
trafficking. To be sure, this was clarified in the amendatory
is extinguished upon her death. 
law, RA 1036433 or the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons
Act of 2012 where Section 6 was amended accordingly 1. Death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction
extinguishes his criminal liability as well as the civil liability
Only violations of Section 4 on Trafficking in Persons can be
based solely thereon "the death of the accused prior to final
qualified. Section 5 on Acts that Promote Trafficking in
judgment terminates his criminal liability and only the civil
Persons, being separate and distinct offenses, cannot be
liability directly arising from and based solely on the offense
qualified as the law does not expressly provide therefor. The
committed, i.e., civil liability ex delicto in senso strictiore."
clarificatory amendment, being beneficial to the accused,
must be applied in his favor. The death of Sayo extinguished her criminal and civil liability
inasmuch as she is no longer a defendant to stand as the
Accordingly, Roxas' conviction of Qualified Trafficking in Persons
accused; the civil action is also extinguished, as it is grounded
and Trafficking in Persons as well as the sentence of life
on the criminal action.
imprisonment and a fine of Two Million Pesos (P2,000,000.00)
must be modified.
The denomination of his conviction is corrected to Acts that
Promote Trafficking in Persons under Section 5(a) of RA 9208
with the appropriate penalty of imprisonment of fifteen (15)
years and a fine of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos
2. NO, Court notes that Sayo had already died on
November 30, 2011. Thus, the death of Sayo
extinguished her criminal liability. Article 89,
paragraph 1 of the Revised Penal Code provides:
People of the Philippines vs. Clemente Ruling: Yes. It is not disputed that the filing of the Complaint
Bautista  with the OCP effectively interrupted the running of the 60-
day prescriptive period for instituting the criminal action for
GR 168641, April 27, 2007  slight physical injuries. However, the sole issue for resolution
in this case is whether the prescriptive period began to run
anew after the investigating prosecutor’s recommendation to
Facts: Clemente Bautista and Leonida Bautista had a dispute file the proper criminal information against respondent was
against Felipe Gonyena that eventually led the latter’s slight approved by the City Prosecutor. Moreover, Article 91
physical injuries. Gonyena then filed a private complaint provides that “the period of prescription shall commence to
against the respondents on August 16, 1999 in the Office of run from the day on which the crime is discovered by the
the Prosecutor. The information, however, was filed in the offended party, the authorities, or their agents, and shall be
Metropolitan Court only on June 20, 2000. The respondents interrupted by the filing of the complaint or information, and
contended that their case should be dismissed since the shall commence to run again when such proceedings
prescriptive period of 60 days has already lapsed from the terminate without the accused being convicted or acquitted,
time the crime was committed. The Metropolitan Court or are unjustifiably stopped for any reason not imputable to
rendered a decision that the offense had not yet prescribed. him.” 
The respondents elevated the issue with the RTC, however,
was denied as it concurred with the MeTC decision. The Court does not agree with the CA that upon the
Unsatisfied with the RTC’s decision, the respondents filed a approval of the investigating prosecutor’s recommendation
petition for Certiorari with the Court of Appeals where the CA for the filing of information against the respondent, the period
rendered a decision that the 60-day period was interrupted of prescription began to run again. It is a well-settled rule that
and ultimately concluded that the offense had prescribed by the filing of the complaint with the fiscal’s office suspends the
the time the Information was filed with the MeTC.  running of the prescriptive period.6 

The proceedings against respondent were not terminated

Issue: Whether or not the respondents are exonerated upon the City Prosecutor's approval of the investigating
from Criminal Liability on the premise that the 60-day prosecutor's recommendation that the information be filed
prescriptive period has already lapsed?  with the court. The prescriptive period remains tolled from
the time the complaint was filed with the Office of the
Prosecutor until such time that respondent is either
convicted or acquitted by the proper court. 
The Office of the Prosecutor miserably incurred some delay ATTY. ALICIA RISOS-VIDAL, Petitioner,
in filing the information but such mistake or negligence ALFREDO S. LIM Petitioner-Intervenor,
should not unduly prejudice the interests of the State and vs.
the offended party. As held in People v. Olarte,7 it is unjust to COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and JOSEPH EJERCITO
deprive the injured party of the right to obtain vindication on ESTRADA, Respondents.
account of delays that are not under his control. All that the
victim of the offense may do on his part to initiate the GR No. 206666, January 21, 2015
prosecution is to file the requisite complaint.8  ART. 36. Pardon; its effects.– A pardon shall not work the
restoration of the right to hold public office, or the right of
The constitutional right of the accused to a speedy trial cannot suffrage, unless such rights be expressly restored by the
be invoked by the petitioner in the present petition terms of the pardon.
considering that the delay occurred not in the conduct of
preliminary investigation or trial in court but in the filing of the
Information after the City Prosecutor had approved the Facts:
recommendation of the investigating prosecutor to file the
information. September 2007, Sandiganbayan convicted Estrada for the
crime of plunder with the penalty of reclusion perpetua and
accessory penalties of civil interdiction during the period of
sentence and perpetual absolute disqualification.

October 2007, President Arroyo extended executive clemency,

by way of pardon to Estrada with "WHEREAS, Joseph Ejercito
Estrada has publicly committed to no longer seek any elective
position or office, IN VIEW HEREOF and pursuant to the
authority conferred upon me by the Constitution, I hereby
grant executive clemency to JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA,
convicted by the Sandiganbayan of Plunder and imposed a
penalty of Reclusion Perpetua. He is hereby restored to his
civil and political rights." Which Estrada received and accepted
by affixing his signature.
November 2009, Estrada filed a certificate of candidacy for the that former President Estrada is qualified to vote and be voted
position of President and has earned 3 oppositions in the for in public office as a result of the pardon granted to him by
COMELEC. In 2012, Estrada filed a COC vying for the position former President Arroyo.
of Manila City Mayor. Then, Risos-Vidal filed a petition for
disqualification against Estrada.
COMELEC: petition is dismissed for lack of merit. Risos-Vidal
failed to present cogent proof sufficient to reverse Estrada's ART. 36. Pardon; its effects.– A pardon shall not work the
right to seek public office as effectively restored by the pardon restoration of the right to hold public office, or the right of
vested by Arroyo. suffrage, unless such rights be expressly restored by the terms
of the pardon.
Risos-Vidal then invoked the Court's jurisdiction saying that
the COMELEC committed grave abuse of discretion when it A pardon shall in no case exempt the culprit from the payment
failed to disqualify Estrada for having been convicted of of the civil indemnity imposed upon him by the sentence.
plunder, an offense involving moral turpitude. And for failing ART. 41. Reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal – Their
to consider the perpetual disqualification of Estrada. accessory penalties.– The penalties of reclusion perpetua and
The restoration of his right to run for any public office is the reclusion temporal shall carry with them that of civil
exception to the prohibition under Section 40 of the LGC, as interdiction for life or during the period of the sentence as the
provided under Section 12 of the Omnibus Election Code. As case may be, and that of perpetual absolute disqualification
to the seeming requirement of Articles 36 and 41 of the which the offender shall suffer even though pardoned as to
Revised Penal Code, i.e., the express restoration/remission of the principal penalty, unless the same shall have been
a particular right to be stated in the pardon, the OSG asserts expressly remitted in the pardon.
that "an airtight and rigid interpretation of Article 36 and Estrada was granted an absolute pardon that fully restored all
Article 41 of the [RPC] would be stretching too much the clear his civil and political rights, which naturally includes the right
and plain meaning of the aforesaid provisions." Lastly, taking to seek public elective office, the focal point of this
into consideration the third Whereas Clause of the pardon controversy. The wording of the pardon extended to former
granted to former President Estrada, the OSG supports the President Estrada is complete, unambiguous, and unqualified.
position that it "is not an integral part of the decree of the
pardon and cannot therefore serve to restrict its effectivity The third preambular clause of the pardon did not operate to
make the pardon conditional.
Issue: whether or not the COMELEC committed grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in ruling
Contrary to Risos-Vidal’s declaration, the third preambular People of the Philippines vs. Ma. Theresa Pangilinan
clause of the pardon, i.e., "[w]hereas, Joseph Ejercito Estrada GR. No. 152662, June 13, 2012
has publicly committed to no longer seek any elective position
or office," neither makes the pardon conditional, nor militate
against the conclusion that former President Estrada’s rights
Ma. Theresa Pangilinan, the respondent in this instant
to suffrage and to seek public elective office have been
case allegedly issued 9 checks with the aggregate amount of
P9,658,692 in favor of Virginia Malolos. But, upon Malolos'
This is especially true as the pardon itself does not explicitly presentment of the said checks, they were dishonored. So, on
impose a condition or limitation, considering the unqualified Sept. 16, 1997, Malolos filed an affidavit-complaint for estafa
use of the term "civil and political rights"as being restored. and violation of BP 22 against Pangilinan.
Jurisprudence educates that a preamble is not an essential
part of an act as it is an introductory or preparatory clause             On December 5, 1997, Pangilinan filed a civil case for
that explains the reasons for the enactment, usually accounting, recovery of commercial documents, enforceability
introduced by the word "whereas." Whereas clauses do not and effectivity of contract and specific performance against
form part of a statute because, strictly speaking, they are not Malolos before the RTC of Valenzuela City. Later, Pangilinan
part of the operative language of the statute. In this case, the also filed on December 10, 1997, a "Petition to Suspend
whereas clause at issue is not an integral part of the decree of Proceedings on the Ground of Prejudicial Question".
the pardon, and therefore, does not by itself alone operate to
make the pardon conditional or to make its effectivity             On March 2, 1998, Assistant City Prosecutor Ruben
contingent upon the fulfillment of the aforementioned Catubay recommended Pangilinan's petition which was
commitment nor to limit the scope of the pardon. approved by the City Prosecutor of Quezon City. Malolos,
then, raised the matter before the DOJ.

            On January 5, 1999, Sec. of Justice Serafin Cuevas

reversed the resolution of the City Prosecutor and ordered the
filing of the informations for violation of BP 22 in connection
with Pangilinan's issuance of two checks, the charges involving
the other checks were dismissed. So, two counts of violation
for BP 22, both dated Nov. 18, 1999, were filed against
Pangilinan on Feb. 3, 2000 before the MeTC of Quezon City.
            On June 17, 2000, Pangilinan filed an "Omnibus Motion The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the
to Quash the Information and to Defer the Issuance of running period of prescription of the offense charged unless
Warrant of Arrest” before MeTC, Branch 31, Quezon City, otherwise provided in special laws.”
alleging that the criminal liability has been extinguished by
reason of prescription. The motion was granted. Malolos filed Under Section 1 of Act No. 3326 which is the law applicable to
a notice of appeal and the RTC reversed the decision of the B.P. 22 cases, “[v]iolations penalized by special acts shall,
MeTC. According to the RTC, the offense has not yet unless otherwise provided in such acts, prescribe in
prescribed "considering the appropriate complaint that accordance with the following rules:… after four years for
started the proceedings having been filed with the Office of those punished by imprisonment for more than one month,
the Prosecutor on 16 September 1997". Dissatisfied, but less than two years.” Under Section 2 of the same Act,
Pangilinan raised the matter to the Supreme Court for review “[t]he prescription shall be interrupted when proceedings are
but it was referred to the CA "for appropriate action". instituted against the guilty person, and shall begin to run
again if the proceedings are dismissed for reasons not
            On October 26, 2001, the CA reversed the decision of constituting jeopardy.
the RTC and recognized Feb. 3, 2000 as the date of the filing of
the informations. Since B.P. 22 is a special law that imposes a penalty of
imprisonment of not less than thirty (30) days but not more
than one year or by a fine for its violation, it therefore
ISSUE: prescribes in four (4) years in accordance with the aforecited
law. The running of the prescriptive period, however, should
Whether or not the filing of the affidavit-complaint for estafa
be tolled upon the institution of proceedings against the guilty
and violation of BP Blg. 22 against respondent with the Office person.
of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City on 16 September 1997
interrupted the period of prescription of such offense. The affidavit-complaints for the violations were filed
against respondent on 16 September 1997.  The cases reached
the MeTC of Quezon City only on 13 February 2000 because in
the meanwhile, respondent filed a civil case for accounting
followed by a petition before the City Prosecutor for
suspension of proceedings on the ground of “prejudicial
Yes. Sec. 1, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules on Criminal question”.  The matter was raised before the Secretary of
Procedure provides— Justice after the City Prosecutor approved the petition to
suspend proceedings.  It was only after the Secretary of Justice SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, petitioner, 
so ordered that the informations for the violation of BP Blg. 22 vs.
Clearly, it was respondent’s own motion for the FRANCISCO ANONUEVO, JOSEPH SY and SANTIAGO
suspension of the criminal proceedings, which motion she TANCHAN, JR., respondents.
predicated on her civil case for accounting, that caused the “A preliminary investigation interrupts the prescription
filing in court of the 1997 initiated proceedings only in 2000. period.”
The Board of Directors of Interport Resources Corporation
(IRC) approved a Memorandum of Agreement with Ganda
Holdings Berhad (GHB). Under the Memorandum of
Agreement, IRC acquired 100% or the entire capital stock of
Ganda Energy Holdings, Inc. (GEHI), which would own and
operate a 102 megawatt (MW) gas turbine power-generating
barge. The agreement also stipulates that GEHI would assume
a five-year power purchase contract with National Power
Corporation. At that time, GEHI's power-generating barge was
97% complete and would go on-line by mid-September of
1994. In exchange, IRC will issue to GHB 55% of the expanded
capital stock of IRC amounting to 40.88 billion shares which
had a total par value of P488.44 million. On the side, IRC
would acquire 67% of the entire capital stock of Philippine
Racing Club, Inc. (PRCI). Under the Agreement, GHB, a
member of the Westmont Group of Companies in Malaysia,
shall extend or arrange a loan required to pay for the
proposed acquisition by IRC of PRCI. IRC alleged that, a press
release announcing the approval of the agreement was sent
through facsimile transmission to the Philippine Stock
Exchange and the SEC, but that the facsimile machine of the
SEC could not receive it. Upon the advice of the SEC, the IRC
sent the press release. The SEC averred that it received appear before SEC and show cause why no administrative, civil
reports that IRC failed to make timely public disclosures of its or criminal sanctions should be imposed on them, and thus,
negotiations with GHB and that some of its directors, shifted the burden of proof to the respondents. Moreover,
respondents herein, heavily traded IRC shares utilizing this they argue that this case is moot and academic, since any
material insider information. Then, the SEC Chairman issued a criminal complaint that may be filed against them resulting
directive requiring IRC to submit to the SEC a copy of its from the SEC's investigation of this case has already
aforesaid Memorandum of Agreement with GHB. The SEC prescribed. They point out that the prescription period
Chairman further directed all principal officers of IRC to applicable to offenses punished under special laws, such as
appear at a hearing before the Brokers and Exchanges violations of the Revised Securities Act, is twelve years under
Department (BED) of the SEC to explain IRC's failure to Section 1 of Act No. 3326, as amended by Act No. 3585 and
immediately disclose the information as required by the Rules Act No. 3763, entitled "An Act to Establish Periods of
on Disclosure of Material Facts. Then, the IRC sent a letter to Prescription for Violations Penalized by Special Acts and
the SEC, attaching thereto copies of the Memorandum of Municipal Ordinances and to Provide When Prescription Shall
Agreement. Its directors, Manuel Recto, Rene Villarica and Begin to Act."74 Since the offense was committed in 1994, they
Pelagio Ricalde, also appeared before the SEC to explain IRC's reasoned that prescription set in as early as 2006 and
alleged failure to immediately disclose material information as rendered this case moot. Such position, however, is
required under the Rules on Disclosure of Material Facts. The incongruent with the factual circumstances of this case, as
SEC Chairman issued an Order finding that IRC violated the well as the applicable laws and jurisprudence.
Rules on Disclosure of Material Facts, in connection with the CA’s Findings: The Court of Appeals determined that there
Old Securities Act of 1936, when it failed to make timely were no implementing rules and regulations regarding
disclosure of its negotiations with GHB. In addition, the SEC disclosure, insider trading, or any of the provisions of the
pronounced that some of the officers and directors of IRC Revised Securities Acts which the respondents allegedly
entered into transactions involving IRC shares in violation of violated. Also, there is no statutory authority for the SEC to
Section 30, in relation to Section 36, of the Revised Securities initiate and file any suit for civil liability under Sections 8, 30
Act.  and 36 of the Revised Securities Act. Thus, it ruled that no
Respondent’s Argument: IRC filed an Omnibus Motion civil, criminal or administrative proceedings may possibly be
alleging that SEC had no authority to investigate the subject held against the respondents without violating their rights to
matter, since under Sec 8 of PD 902-A, as amended by PD due process and equal protection. The Court of Appeals
1758, jurisdiction was conferred upon the Prosecution and further decided that the Rules of Practice and Procedure
Enforcement Dept (PED) of SEC 8. Also, that SEC violated their Before the PED, which took effect on 14 April 1990, did not
right to due process when it ordered that the respondents comply with the statutory requirements contained in the
Administrative Code of 1997. Section 8, Rule V of the Rules of Revised Securities Act, the SEC may refer the case to the DOJ
Practice and Procedure Before the PED affords a party the for preliminary investigation and prosecution.
right to be present but without the right to cross-examine While the SEC investigation serves the same purpose and
witnesses presented against him, in violation of Section 12(3), entails substantially similar duties as the preliminary
Chapter 3, Book VII of the Administrative Code.   investigation conducted by the DOJ, this process cannot
ISSUES: simply be disregarded. In Baviera v. Paglinawan, this Court
Whether or not the instant case has already enunciated that a criminal complaint is first filed with the SEC,
prescribed?  which determines the existence of probable cause, before a
RULING: No. The court granted the petition. The instant case preliminary investigation can be commenced by the DOJ. In
has not yet prescribed. the aforecited case, the complaint filed directly with the DOJ
It is an established doctrine that a preliminary investigation was dismissed on the ground that it should have been filed
interrupts the prescription period. A preliminary investigation first with the SEC. Similarly, the offense was a violation of the
is essentially a determination whether an offense has been Securities Regulations Code, wherein the procedure for
committed, and whether there is probable cause for the criminal prosecution was reproduced from Section 45 of the
accused to have committed an offense: Revised Securities Act. 78 This Court affirmed the dismissal,
A preliminary investigation is merely inquisitorial, and which it explained thus:
it is often the only means of discovering the persons The Court of Appeals held that under the above
who may be reasonably charged with a crime, to provision, a criminal complaint for violation of any law
enable the fiscal to prepare the complaint or or rule administered by the SEC must first be filed with
information. It is not a trial of the case on the merits the latter. If the Commission finds that there is
and has no purpose except that of determining probable cause, then it should refer the case to the
whether a crime has been committed or whether there DOJ. Since petitioner failed to comply with the
is probable cause to believe that the accused is guilty foregoing procedural requirement, the DOJ did not
thereof.  gravely abuse its discretion in dismissing his complaint
Under Section 45 of the Revised Securities Act, which is in I.S. No. 2004-229.
entitled Investigations, Injunctions and Prosecution of A criminal charge for violation of the Securities
Offenses, the SEC has the authority to "make such Regulation Code is a specialized dispute. Hence, it must
investigations as it deems necessary to determine whether first be referred to an administrative agency of special
any person has violated or is about to violate any provision of competence, i.e., the SEC. Under the doctrine of
this Act XXX." After a finding that a person has violated the primary jurisdiction, courts will not determine a
controversy involving a question within the jurisdiction
of the administrative tribunal, where the question Thereafter, on 20 August 1998, the appellate court issued the
demands the exercise of sound administrative assailed Decision in C.A. G.R. SP. No. 37036 ordering that the
discretion requiring the specialized knowledge and writ of injunction be made permanent and prohibiting the SEC
expertise of said administrative tribunal to determine from taking cognizance of and initiating any action against
technical and intricate matters of fact. The Securities herein respondents. The SEC was bound to comply with the
Regulation Code is a special law. Its enforcement is aforementioned writ of preliminary injunction and writ of
particularly vested in the SEC. Hence, all complaints for injunction issued by the Court of Appeals enjoining it from
any violation of the Code and its implementing rules continuing with the investigation of respondents for 12 years.
and regulations should be filed with the SEC. Where Any deviation by the SEC from the injunctive writs would be
the complaint is criminal in nature, the SEC shall sufficient ground for contempt. Moreover, any step the SEC
indorse the complaint to the DOJ for preliminary takes in defiance of such orders will be considered void for
investigation and prosecution as provided in Section having been taken against an order issued by a court of
53.1 earlier quoted. competent jurisdiction.
We thus agree with the Court of Appeals that An investigation of the case by any other administrative or
petitioner committed a fatal procedural lapse when he judicial body would likewise be impossible pending the
filed his criminal complaint directly with the DOJ. injunctive writs issued by the Court of Appeals. Given the
Verily, no grave abuse of discretion can be ascribed to ruling of this Court in Baviera v. Paglinawan, the DOJ itself
the DOJ in dismissing petitioner's complaint. could not have taken cognizance of the case and conducted its
The said case puts in perspective the nature of the preliminary investigation without a prior determination of
investigation undertaken by the SEC, which is a requisite probable cause by the SEC. Thus, even presuming that the DOJ
before a criminal case may be referred to the DOJ. The Court was not enjoined by the Court of Appeals from conducting a
declared that it is imperative that the criminal prosecution be preliminary investigation, any preliminary investigation
initiated before the SEC, the administrative agency with the conducted by the DOJ would have been a futile effort since
special competence. the SEC had only started with its investigation when
It should be noted that the SEC started investigative respondents themselves applied for and were granted an
proceedings against the respondents as early as 1994. This injunction by the Court of Appeals.
investigation effectively interrupted the prescription period. Moreover, the DOJ could not have conducted a preliminary
However, said proceedings were disrupted by a preliminary investigation or filed a criminal case against the respondents
injunction issued by the Court of Appeals on 5 May 1995, during the time that issues on the effectivity of Sections 8, 30
which effectively enjoined the SEC from filing any criminal, and 36 of the Revised Securities Act and the PED Rules of
civil, or administrative case against the respondents herein. Practice and Procedure were still pending before the Court of
Appeals. After the Court of Appeals declared the proper remedy, they would still be barred from investigating
aforementioned statutory and regulatory provisions invalid and prosecuting the case.
and, thus, no civil, criminal or administrative case may be filed Indubitably, the prescription period is interrupted by
against the respondents for violations thereof, the DOJ would commencing the proceedings for the prosecution of the
have been at a loss, as there was no statutory provision which accused. In criminal cases, this is accomplished by initiating
respondents could be accused of violating. the preliminary investigation. The prosecution of offenses
Accordingly, it is only after this Court corrects the erroneous punishable under the Revised Securities Act and the Securities
ruling of the Court of Appeals in its Decision dated 20 August Regulations Code is initiated by the filing of a complaint with
1998 that either the SEC or DOJ may properly conduct any the SEC or by an investigation conducted by the SEC motu
kind of investigation against the respondents for violations of proprio. Only after a finding of probable cause is made by the
Sections 8, 30 and 36 of the Revised Securities Act. Until then, SEC can the DOJ instigate a preliminary investigation. Thus,
the prescription period is deemed interrupted. the investigation that was commenced by the SEC in 1995,
To reiterate, the SEC must first conduct its investigations and soon after it discovered the questionable acts of the
make a finding of probable cause in accordance with the respondents, effectively interrupted the prescription period.
doctrine pronounced in Baviera v. Paglinawan. In this case, the Given the nature and purpose of the investigation conducted
DOJ was precluded from initiating a preliminary investigation by the SEC, which is equivalent to the preliminary
since the SEC was halted by the Court of Appeals from investigation conducted by the DOJ in criminal cases, such
continuing with its investigation. Such a situation leaves the investigation would surely interrupt the prescription period.
prosecution of the case at a standstill, and neither the SEC nor IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the instant Petition
the DOJ can conduct any investigation against the is GRANTED. This Court hereby REVERSES the assailed
respondents, who, in the first place, sought the injunction to Decision of the Court of Appeals promulgated on 20 August
prevent their prosecution. All that the SEC could do in order to 1998 in CA-G.R. SP No. 37036 and LIFTS the permanent
break the impasse was to have the Decision of the Court of injunction issued pursuant thereto. This Court
Appeals overturned, as it had done at the earliest opportunity further DECLARES that the investigation of the respondents
in this case. Therefore, the period during which the SEC was for violations of Sections 8, 30 and 36 of the Revised Securities
prevented from continuing with its investigation should not be Act may be undertaken by the proper authorities in
counted against it. The law on the prescription period was accordance with the Securities Regulations Code. No costs.
never intended to put the prosecuting bodies in an impossible SO ORDERED.
bind in which the prosecution of a case would be placed way
beyond their control; for even if they avail themselves of the
DR. ENCARNACION C. LUMANTAS, M.D., petitioner  v. HANZ Prosecution: Dr. Rufino Agudera, the physician who had
CALAPIZ, REPRESENTED BY HIS PARENTS, HILARIO CALAPIZ, operated on Hanz twice to repair the damaged urethra,
JR. and HERLITA CALAPIZ, respondent explained that the injury to the urethra had been caused by
trauma but could not determine the kind of trauma that had
G.R. No. 163753               January 15, 2014
caused it.
The acquittal of the accused does not necessarily mean his
Defense: Petitioner contended that at the time of his
absolution from civil liability.
examination of Hanz, he had found an accumulation of pus at
Facts: Hanz Calapiz had an emergency appendectomy and the vicinity of the appendix two to three inches from the penis
subsequently circumcision at no added cost to spare him the that had required immediate surgical operation; that after
pain, with the parents’ consent. On the following day, Hanz performing the appendectomy, he had circumcised Hanz with
complained of pain in his penis and his testicles were swollen. his parents’ consent by using a congo instrument, and not
The child urinated abnormally after the petitioner forcibly cauterized; that he had then cleared Hanz on once his fever
removed the catheter, but the petitioner dismissed the had subsided; that he had found no complications when Hanz
abnormality as normal. Hanz was discharged from the hospital returned for his follow up check-up; and that the abscess
over his parents’ protestations, and was directed to continue formation had been brought about by burst appendicitis.
taking antibiotics.
RTC: Acquitted the petitioner of the crime for insufficiency of
Hanz was confined in a hospital because of the abscess the evidence but was liable for moral damages because there
formation on his penis. Presuming that the ulceration was was a preponderance of evidence showing that Hanz had
brought about by Hanz’s appendicitis, the petitioner referred received the injurious trauma from his circumcision by the
him to Dr. Henry Go, an urologist, who diagnosed the boy to petitioner. 
have a damaged urethra. Thus, Hanz was operated on three
CA: Affirmed the RTC sustaining the award of moral
damages. It opined that even if the petitioner had been
When his damaged urethra could not be fully repaired and acquitted of the crime charged, the acquittal did not
reconstructed, Hanz’s parents brought a criminal charge for necessarily mean that he had not incurred civil liability
RECKLESS IMPRUDENCE RESULTING TO SERIOUS PHYSICAL considering that the Prosecution had preponderantly
INJURIES.  established the sufferings of Hanz as the result of the
MTCC: Petitioner pleaded not guilty, the case was transferred
to the RTC
Issues: Whether the CA erred in affirming the petitioner’s civil The failure of the Prosecution to prove his criminal negligence
liability despite his acquittal of the crime of reckless with moral certainty did not forbid a finding against him that
imprudence resulting in serious physical injuries. there was preponderant evidence of his negligence to hold
him civilly liable. With the RTC and the CA both finding that
Hanz had sustained the injurious trauma from the hands of
Held: No, it is obvious that every person criminally liable for a
the petitioner on the occasion of or incidental to the
felony is also civilly liable. Nevertheless, the acquittal of an
circumcision, and that the trauma could have been avoided,
accused of the crime charged does not necessarily extinguish
the Court must concur with their uniform findings. In that
his civil liability. In Manantan v. Court of Appeals, the Court
regard, the Court need not analyze and weigh again the
elucidates on the two kinds of acquittal recognized by our law
evidence considered in the proceedings a quo. The Court, by
as well as on the different effects of acquittal on the civil
virtue of its not being a trier of facts, should now accord the
liability of the accused:
highest respect to the factual findings of the trial court as
1. Acquittal on the ground that the ACCUSED IS NOT THE affirmed by the CA in the absence of a clear showing by the
AUTHOR OF THE ACT or omission complained of. petitioner that such findings were tainted with arbitrariness,
There is NO civil liability, for a person who has been capriciousness or palpable error.
found to be not the perpetrator of any act or omission
cannot and can never be held liable for such act or
2. Acquittal based on REASONABLE DOUBT on the guilt of
the accused. There is civil liability which may be
proved by preponderance of evidence only.
Although it found the Prosecution’s evidence insufficient to
sustain a judgment of conviction against the petitioner for the
crime charged, the RTC did not err in determining and
adjudging his civil liability for the same act complained of
based on mere preponderance of evidence. In this
connection, the Court reminds that the acquittal for
insufficiency of the evidence did not require that the
complainant’s recovery of civil liability should be through the
institution of a separate civil action for that purpose.
Antonio Daluraya v Marla Oliva  Marla merely testified on the damages sustained by
GR No. 210148 her family but she failed to identify Daluraya as the
driver of the vehicle that hit her mother;
The civil action based on delict may be deemed extinguished if  Serrano also did not identify Daluraya as the driver of
there is a finding on the final judgment in the criminal action the said vehicle;
that the act or omission from which the civil liability may arise  Dr. Ortiz merely testified on the autopsy results; and
did not exist or where the accused did not commit the acts or  PSI Gomez, while he did investigate the incident,
omission imputed to him. likewise declared that he did not witness the same.
Facts: Marina Oliva was crossing the street when a Nissan RTC: Affirmed MeTC
Vanette, ran her over. She was rushed to the hospital but  
eventually died, prompting her daughter, herein respondent CA: Reversed RTC’s Decision. CA held that the MeTC's Order
Marla Oliva (Marla), to file a criminal case for Reckless showed that Daluraya's acquittal was based on the fact that
Imprudence Resulting in Homicide against Antonio Daluraya, the prosecution failed to prove his guilt beyond reasonable
the purported driver of the vehicle. doubt. As such, Daluraya was not exonerated from civil
Daluraya was charged in an information for a criminal case of  
Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Homicide in connection Issue: Whether or not the CA was correct in finding Daluraya
with the death of Marina Oliva (no separate civil action) civilly liable for Marina Oliva's death despite his acquittal in
  the criminal case for Reckless Imprudence Resulting in
After presentation of evidence by the prosecution, Daluraya Homicide on the ground of insufficiency of evidence?
filed an urgent motion to dimiss (demurrer) asserting, inter  
alia that he was not positively identified by any of the Ruling: No. 
prosecution witnesses as the driver of the vehicle that hit the In Manantan v. CA, the Court expounded on the two kinds of
victim, and that there was no clear and competent evidence of acquittal recognized by our law and their concomitant effects
how the incident transpired. on the civil liability of the accused, as follows:
MeTC: Granted Daluraya’s demurrer and case was dismissed Our law recognizes two kinds of acquittal, with different
for insufficiency of evidence. MeTC found that: effects on the civil liability of the accused. 
1. An acquittal on the ground that the accused is not the
author of the act or omission complained of. This
instance closes the door to civil liability, for a person sustained, will show that Daluraya's acquittal was based on
who has been found to be not the perpetrator of any the conclusion that the act or omission from which the civil
act or omission cannot and can never be held liable for liability may arise did not exist, given that the prosecution
such act or omission. There being no delict, civil was not able to establish that he was the author of the crime
liability ex delicto is out of the question, and the civil imputed against him.
action, if any, which may be instituted must be based  
on grounds other than the delict complained of. This is Such conclusion is clear and categorical when the MeTC
the situation contemplated in Rule 111 of the Rules of declared that "the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses
Court. 2. are wanting in material details and they did not sufficiently
  establish that the accused precisely committed the crime
2. An acquittal based on reasonable doubt on the guilt charged against him."
of the accused. In this case, even if the guilt of the  
accused has not been satisfactorily established, he is Furthermore, when Marla sought reconsideration of the
not exempt from civil liability which may be proved by MeTC's Order acquitting Daluraya, said court reiterated and
preponderance of evidence only. firmly clarified that "the prosecution was not able to establish
that the accused was the driver of the Nissan Vanette which
In Dayap v Sendiong bumped Marina Oliva" and that "there is no competent
  evidence on hand which proves that the accused was the
the civil action based on delict may be deemed extinguished if person responsible for the death of Marina Oliva."
there is a finding on the final judgment in the criminal action
that the act or omission from which the civil liability may arise Records disclose that Daluraya's acquittal was based on the
did not exist or where the accused did not commit the acts or fact that "the act or omission from which the civil liability
omission imputed to him. may arise did not exist" in view of the failure of the
prosecution to sufficiently establish that he was the author of
Thus, if demurrer is granted and the accused is acquitted by the crime ascribed against him. Consequently, his civil liability
the court, the accused has the right to adduce evidence on the should be deemed as non-existent by the nature of such
civil aspect of the case unless the court also declares that the acquittal.
act or omission from which the civil liability may arise did not
exist.  SC: Petition Granted. CA reversed

A punctilious examination of the MeTC's Order, which the RTC

GR No. 192123 – March 10, 2014 HELD:

SUBJECT: Reckless imprudence resulting in serious physical (1) Res Ipsa Liquitor cannot be applied.
injuries RIL is literally translated as “the thing or the transaction
speaks for itself.” It means that “where the thing which causes
FACTS: injury is shown to be under the management of the
Gerald Albert Gercayo was born with an imperforate anus. 2 defendant, and the accident is such as in the ordinary course
days after his birth, Gerald underwent colostomy. 3 year after, of things does not happen if those who have the management
Gerald was admitted at the Ospital ng Maynila for a pull- use proper case, it affords reasonable evidence, in the
through operation. Petitioner Dr. Solidum was one of the absence of an explanation by the defendant, that the accident
anesthesiologists. During the operation, Gerald experiences arose from want of case.” It is applied in conjunction with the
bradycardia, and went into a coma. His coma lasted for 2 doctrine of common knowledge.
weeks, but he regained consciousness only after a month. He
could no longer see, hear or move.
However, the doctrine is not a rule of substantive law, but
Agitated by her son’s helpless and unexpected condition, Ma merely a mode of proof or a mere procedural convenience.
Luz Gercayo lodged a complaint for reckless imprudence The doctrine, when applicable to the facts and circumstances
resulting in serious physical injuries. of a given case, is not meant to and does not dispense with
RTC: guilty of reckless imprudence resulting in serious physical the requirement of proof of culpable negligence against the
injuries. Solidum failed to monitor and to properly regulate party charged. It merely determines or regulates what shall be
the level of anesthetic agent administered on Gerald. prima facie evidence thereof, and help the plaintiff in proving
a breach of duty. It can be invoked on when, under the
CA: Affirmed. Applied the doctrine of res ipsa liquitor. circumstances involved, direct evidence is absent and not
readily available.

(1) WON the doctrine of res ipsa loquitor was applicable

(2) WON Dr. Solidum was liable for criminal negligence. Essential requisites:
a) The accident was of a kind that does not ordinarily The prosecution did not prove the elements of reckless
occur unless someone is negligent; imprudence BRD because the circumstances cited by the CA
b) The instrumentality or agency that caused the injury were insufficient to establish that Dr. Solidum had been guilty
under the exclusive control of the person charged; and
of inexcusable lack of precaution in monitoring the
c) The injury suffered must not have been due to any
administration of the anesthetic agent of Gerald.
voluntary action or contribution of the person injured.

Although is the 2nd and 3rd element are present, considering

An action upon medical negligence – whether criminal, civil or
that the anesthetic agent and the instruments were
administrative – calls for the plaintiff to prove by competent
exclusively within the control of Dr. Solidum, and that the
evidence each of the following 4 elements, namely;
patient, being then unconscious during the operation, could
not have been guilty of contributory negligence, the 1st a) The duty owned by the physician to the patient, as
element was undeniably wanting. Bradcardia would not created by the physician-patient relationship, to act in
ordinarily occur during the process of a pull-through accordance with the specific norms or standards
established by his profession;
b) The breach of the duty by the physician’s failing to act
(2) NO! in accordance with the applicable standard of care;
Negligence is defined as the failure to observe for the c) The causation, i.e., there must be a reasonably close
and causal connection between the negligent act or
protection of the interest of another person that degree of
omission and the resulting injury; and
care, precaution, and vigilance that the circumstances justly d) The damages suffered by the patient.
demand, whereby such other person suffers injury. Reckless
imprudence, on the other hand, consists of voluntarily doing
or failing to do, without malice, an act from which material The standard of care is an objective standard by which the
damage results by reason of an inexcusable lack of precaution conduct of a physician sued for negligence or malpractice may
on the part of the person performing or failing to perform be measured, and it does not depend, therefore, on any
such act. individual physician's own knowledge either. In attempting to
fix a standard by which a court may determine whether the
physician has properly performed the requisite duty toward
the patient, expert medical testimony from both plaintiff and
defense experts is required. The judge, as the trier of fact,
ultimately determines the standard of care, after listening to
the testimony of all medical experts

The testimonies the prosecution presented did not prove

beyond reasonable doubt that Dr. Solidum had been recklessly
imprudent in administering the anesthetic agent to Gerald. Dr.
Solidum was criminally charged for “failing to monitor and
regulate properly the levels of anesthesia administered to said
Gerla and using 100% halothane and other anesthetic
medications.” However, the findings of Dr. Vertido, one of the
anesthesiologist, was revealingly concluded that “although the
anesthesiologists followed the normal routine and
precautionary procedures, still hypoxia and its corresponding
side effects did occur.” Hence, 100% halothane is not what
should be administered; it should be 100% oxygen.

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