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Enrolment No.

University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur

(Established by Act of State Govt. & u/s 22 of UGC Act, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

University Examination
MBA, 2nd year, 4th Semester
Subject Code-HR405 Total Marks-100
Subject-Organizational Development Time Duration -3hrs.
All the answers should be in brief and to the point.
Strike off all the blank pages of copy, after completing your work.
The students are advised not to write anything on the question paper other than Enrolment No.

(Answer any fifteen questions) [15*1=15]

1. Choose the correct option:

a) The total quality improvement model provides an approach for organizational change and
i. Two stages
ii. Three stages
iii. Four stages
iv. Five stages.

b) The technique in which data is collected and results are shared with the orgainization with an
instrument is called

i. Interview
ii. Questionnaire method
iii. Survey feedback
iv. Market research.

c) The planned strategy to bring about an organizational improvement is

i. Organizational development
ii. Organizational direction
iii. Organizational design
iv. Organizational change.

d) Organizational development is a part of

i. Induction process
ii. HRD system
iii. HR Selection system
iv. Support system.

e)Which of the following is not involved in the Lewin’s three step model ?
Enrolment No.

i. Unfreezing
ii. Refreezing
iii. Manipulation
iv. Change.

f) ……………… analysis deals with the parent, adult and child ego states of human beings.

i. Transitional
ii. Cultural
iii. Transactional
iv. Behavioural.

g) Identify the incorrect sentence.

i. OD values tend to be humanistic

ii. OD values tend to be democratic
iii. OD values tend to be mechanistic
iv. OD values tend to be optimistic.

h) Who first articulated the principles of general system theory ?

i. Katz and Kahn

ii. French & Bell
iii. Ludwig and Bertalanffy
iv. Kast and Rosenzweig.

i)A Gestalt Approach to Team Building means

i. A form which focuses more on the individual than the group

ii. A form which focuses more on the group than the individual
iii. A form which focuses on clarification of role expectations
iv. A formwhich focuses on improvement of intergroup relations.

j)Action Research involves three processes —

i. Data collection, feedback and action planning

ii. Data collection, analysis and feedback
iii. Unfreezing, change and refreezing
iv. Change, analysis and feedback.

k)RAT stands for

i. Rating Analysis Technique

ii. Role Analysis Technique
iii. Rationality Analysis Technique
iv. Rule Analysis Technique.
Enrolment No.

l)………… activities are fact-finding OD activities designed to ascertain the state of the
system, the status of a problem and the way things are.

i. Diagnostic
ii. Intergroup
iii. Educational
iv. Structural.

m) The technique in which superiors along with subordinates jointly sit together to identify key
result areas and then try to build a consensus on issue based problem is termed as

i. MBO
ii. Transactional Analysis
iii. Process consultation
iv. Sensitivity Training.

n) The trainer in sensitivity training is named as

i. Developer
ii. Facilitator
iii. Collaborator
iv. Consultant.

o) The famous model of Role analysis was developed by

i. Dayal and Thomas

ii. Tannenbaum
iii. Robert Blake
iv. Schein.

p)Career development involves identifying

i. one's own goals

ii. other's goals
iii. possibility of promotion
iv. Person-environment fit.

q) It is proved, that people can use their capabilities and creativity if they are provided
i. Adequate opportunities
ii. suitable work climate
iii. both ‘A’ and ‘B’
iv. None of the above

r)  Reputation analysis is based on the idea, that:-

i. Hard working workers have reputation

ii. The company should have reputation in the market
Enrolment No.

iii. Powerful people are known to others

iv. All of the above

s)Which of the following is considered as technique for overcoming resistance to change ?

i. Negotiation
ii. Participation
iii. Coercion
iv. All of these.

t) Gestalt approach is related to

i. intergroup intervention
ii. team building
iii. QWL
iv. Process consultation.

(Answer any five questions) [5*5=25]

2 What is planned change? Describe planned change model with illustrations.

3 What is the role of an OD consultant in implementing OD interventions?

4 What is the role of Human Process Interventions in OD?

5 How does Team building contribute to Organizational Development?

6Explain Personal , Interpersonal and Group process Interventions ?

7 Justification as to why the model is important as part of an understanding of OD

8 Explain Katter ‘s 8 step change model ?

9Write notes on the following :

a) Future of OD
b) MBO

10 what do you mean by third party interventions and Comprehensive interventions?

Enrolment No.

(Answer any four questions) [4*15=60]

11 What do you understand by change ? Mention the sources of resistance to change.

Discuss Lewin's model of planned change.

12 What is Organizational Development (OD) ? What are the assumptions of OD ? Discuss the
Action Research process of OD.

13 What do you mean by barriers to organizational change ? Name three strategies through
which such barriers could be removed.

14 Explain the following structural interventions and their implications in OD :

a) Quality of work life projects

b) Re-engineering.

15 “Action Research is a process and an approach.” Elucidate. Explain with the help of a
diagram how action research can be used as an approach to problem solving.

16 What is the role of OD consultant in OD interventions? How is the relationship development

between consultant and client ? What are the problems of OD interventions?

17 Why do people resist change in organizations? As a Manager what strategies would you
adopt to overcome these for organizational development?

18 Write short notes on any three of the following:

a) Characteristics of an effective team
b) Experience Based Learning
c) Cross functional teams
d) Confrontation Meeting
e) Value of Career Planning.

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