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IPP Template 1

`Individualized Program Plan Assignment


Group Assignment Confirmation Form: I confirm that I am aware of the entire contents
of this group assignment and that I have reviewed all group members’ contributions to
the assignment. I also acknowledge that each group member will be awarded the same
mark for this group assignment.

Group Member Names Laboratory Instructor Name,

Section Number, and D2L
Group Number
Finlay, Joel Heather Craig
Maudie, Alan
Salehi, Mazdak

IPP Template

Individualized Program Plan

Student Information

Student Name: Habib Amari

Date of Birth: October 3, 2010
Current School: Big City School
Current Grade: Grade 3
Name of Guardian 1: Ms. Amelia Amari
Name of Guardian 2: N/A

Administrative Information

Alberta Special Education Code: 54 (Learning Disability)

School Year Current IPP is Active For: September 2019 to June 2020
Primary/Homeroom Classroom Teacher for Current IPP: Mrs. Toi-Ling Cho
Special Education Coordinator: Mr. Kirk

School History
Thomas Edison School – Kindergarten
IPP Template 2

Big City School – Grade 1 to present

Medical Conditions that Impact Schooling

Habib was diagnosed with moderate Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – Combined

Presentation (AD/HD-C) by Dr. Lavena Strange at the Psychoeducational Clinic in June 2019,
based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
Recently, according to Habib’s mother, Habib has had difficulties sleeping due to seasonal
allergies, which have led to some difficulty waking up in the morning for school.

Assessment Data (Specialized Assessment Results)

Date Tests/Assessment Results

June 2019 Psychoeducational ● The report affirms Average to Low Average
Assessment WISC-V, however, there was high variability
(WISC-V, WISC- within the intellectual functioning profile.
V Integrated, WJ-
Dr. Lavena Habib’s FSIQ and GAI fell within the
Strange, CEFI) Average to mid-Average ranges respectively,
Registered while his Processing Speed Index was lower
Psychologist than other indices, and CPI was in the Low
Average range.
● Due to variability in Habib’s profile - an
examination of specific areas of processing
was required to provide a more meaningful
analysis of cognitive functioning
o Habib performed consistently in the
High Average range for Verbal
o However, in Visual-Spatial reasoning,
there was high variability. Habib
performed at an Average range in his
ability to physically analyze visual
information, and in the Very High
range for tasks involving mental
● Due to variability between tasks further
testing was completed using WISC-V
o Cognitive: Overall visual-spatial skills
are slightly above same-age peers. In
terms of problem-solving. expressing
information verbally and working
IPP Template 3

memory he is at a similar level as his

peers. However, he has some
difficulty in processing information
quickly and accurately.
o Academics: In mathematics (accuracy
and speed) Habib’s performance is in
the Average range. In reading Habib
ranges from Very Low to Average
range – with areas of weakness being
accuracy, fluency, and phonemic
knowledge. In writing Habib’s ability
ranges from Extremely Low to
Average – with fluency being a
significant weakness.
● Self-report, parent and teacher rating scales
present some signs of anxiety and significant
oppositional and defiant behaviors. All
parties agree he is quick to anger and easily
loses his temper with peers and adults.
Significant attentional and
hyperactive/impulsive concerns identified by
all parties, test sessions, and in clinical
● The report affirms – Average cognitive ability
but weak processing speed. The severity of
his Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) is
severe in multiple academic domains (word
reading accuracy, reading comprehension,
reading fluency, and written expression).
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder –
Combined Presentation (AD/HD-C) Moderate
severity. Symptoms causing moderate
impairment in his academic, social and
behavioral functioning.
Current Level of Performance and Achievement

Report Cards
Achievement at school has always been an area of concern for Habib. His most recent grades
across most subjects are 1 (not meeting grade-level achievement) and 2 (basic achievement
level). He is reading and writing at a Grade 1 level. Most of the schoolwork is modified for
IPP Template 4

Habib so that he can present his ideas in verbal and visual formats. In math, he can perform at
his class average if he gets support to read the word problems. He is strong in art and receives
grades of 3 (good achievement level) and 4 (excellent achievement level). Across Habib’s
report cards, it is indicated that he often becomes frustrated at school if initially unsuccessful at
a task - tends not to persevere, withdraws and becomes reluctant to initiate or complete
academic tasks.
Curriculum-Based Measurement
The AIMSweb curriculum-based measurement for reading and writing was administered at the
end of Grade 2 – showed Habib performed in the bottom third of all the grade 2 students in both

Student Strengths

● Creative – Habib creates artwork in his spare time, uses it as a conduit to express himself
● Above-average strength in visual-spatial processing - enjoys robotics and engineering
activities, and is adept at visual puzzles
● Excels and enjoys many sports (martial arts, swimming, hockey, soccer, and dirt biking)
● Kind and willing to help younger children
● Has an above average oral vocabulary
● Enjoys listening to stories and comprehends them well when they are presented orally

Student Areas of Need

● Strategies to reduce becoming distracted during high-pressure situations (i.e. test-taking

situations, and assignments)
● Strategies to improve phonological coding, sight word knowledge, reading
comprehension, and fluency
● Planning writing and proofreading strategies to increase the quality and quantity of
● Strategies to increase internal motivation for academic tasks
● Strategies to improve organizational skills
● Strategies to regulate emotions, and energy levels

Required Classroom Accommodations

● Habib will be provided a quiet, comfortable spot to write tests and assignments. Desk
may be pulled away from the group to a reading corner, allowed to write in a testing
room at the office – extra time allowed for exams and assignments, primarily during
optional class time.
● Habib will be allowed to collect sight words from an on-level flashcard deck. The
teacher provides guided reading for home reading and school reading time.
IPP Template 5

● The teacher provides proofreading strategies – such as colored pencil underlining. The
teacher also provides a writing outline for planning students writing – reviews it prior to
student tackling writing projects.
● Teacher reviews the goal(s) of tests and assignments with the whole class – Habib is
provided an opportunity to retake/resubmit work that does not meet the goal(s).
● Teacher reviews with the whole class each day's events and schedule. Provides Habib a
checklist of what he will need for each class.
● Habib will be provided with strategies for self-calming when stressed. Habib and
teachers will also work on identifying emotions and cues in the classroom so Habib can
begin to mirror responses that are socially on par with age group. Habib will be given a
list on his agenda of strategies/devices to regulate energy levels. Strategies include
opportunities to expend energy such as a walkabout, jumping jacks, etc. Devices made
available peddle bikes, standing desks, fidget devices, etc.

Long-Term Goal #1:

By the end of the school year, Habib will be compliant with transitions from task to tasks >80%
of the time

Short-Term Objectives Assessment Procedures Progress Review

By October 30th, 2019 Habib Self-monitoring – Habib will October 30, 2019
will be compliant with the track how often he was
transition from task to task compliant in the transition
20% of the time without. from task to task

By January 15th, 2020 Habib Self-monitoring – Habib will January 15, 2020
will be compliant with the track how often he was
transition from task to task compliant in the transition
40% of the time without. from task to task

By April 1st, 2020 Habib will Self-monitoring – Habib will April 1, 2020
be compliant with the track how often he was
transition from task to task compliant in the transition
60% of the time without. from task to task

Strategies to Support Objectives:

Provide Habib with verbal reminders and schedules for upcoming transitions, so he can prepare
himself for changes in tasks, use of a timer during task, use a checklist that is comprised of
visual cues of what needs to be accomplished during transitions, and teach relaxation
techniques. Slightly after the date for short-term outcomes conduct an interview with Habib to
discuss and gauge progress and weigh up any challenges.
IPP Template 6

Long-Term Goal #2:

Habib will increase oral reading fluency to 90 words correct per minute (WCPM) in Grade 2
level readers by the end of the school year (June 2020).

Short-Term Objective Assessment Procedure Progress Review

By November 30, 2019, Habib will read aloud with the November 30, 2019
Habib will be able to read 30 teacher from a Grade 2 level
words per minute from a reader. The teacher will
Grade 2 level reader. monitor, record and calculate
the WCPM Habib is able to

By February 30, 2020, Habib Habib will read aloud with the February 30, 2020
will be able to read 60 words teacher from a Grade 2 level
per minute from a Grade 2 reader. The teacher will
level reader. monitor, record and calculate
the WCPM Habib is able to

By June 30, 2020, Habib will Habib will read aloud with the June 30, 2020
be able to read 90 words per teacher from a Grade 2 level
minute from a Grade 2 level reader. The teacher will
reader. monitor, record and calculate
the WCPM Habib is able to

Strategies to Support Objectives:

Habib will increase oral reading fluency by:
● Following along with his own copy when the teacher reads aloud in class. Sets of Grade
3 level readers will also be sent home to encourage at-home reading - his mother can
read aloud to him while he follows along (recommend 20 minutes/3 evenings a week).
● Increase time spent reading and his reading level
o Habib will read aloud from a Grade 1 level readers to the teacher and
Educational Assistants (EAs) to develop confidence and increase fluency at a
reading level he is comfortable with.
o Habib will choose a Grade 2 level reader he likes and read the same book
repetitively (to himself and aloud) until he achieves 70-90 WCPM. He will then
choose a new book and repeat it.

Long-Term Goal #3:

IPP Template 7

By the end of the year, Habib will start assigned tasks without direct teacher intervention 60%
of the time

Short-Term Objectives Assessment Procedures Progress Review

Habib starts assigned tasks The teacher observes and November 30, 2019
without direct teacher tracks how often Habib is able
intervention 20% of the time to start assigned tasks without
by November 30, 2019. direct teacher intervention -
the teacher compares against
list of assigned tasks for the
time period to get a

Habib starts assigned tasks The teacher continues to February 28, 2020
without direct teacher observe and track how often
intervention 40% of the time Habib is able to start assigned
by February 28, 2020. tasks without direct
intervention. In addition,
Habib will now be asked to
track in his agenda when he is
able to start assigned tasks
without teacher intervention -
the teacher can compare
against a list of assigned tasks
for the time period to get a
percentage and compare self-
assessment versus teacher

Habib starts assigned tasks The teacher will relinquish April 1, 2020
without direct teacher observation and tracking to
intervention 50% of the time Habib, who will continue to
by April 1, 2020. track in his agenda when he is
able to start assigned tasks
without teacher intervention -
the teacher can compare
against list of assigned tasks
for the time period to get a

Strategies to Support Objectives:

As the teacher is introducing the next task Habib will be given a self-evaluation sheet so that he
can evaluate how successfully he began work on the task being introduced. He will give
himself a checkmark for success or an X if he does not start the task without the teacher's help.
For the first half of the year, the teacher will congratulate him on the checkmarks he has
IPP Template 8

achieved each day (somewhat like exit slips). On February 28th, 2020 he will begin to track
those checkmarks in his agenda with assistance from the teacher and then in April he will do it
on his own. To increase Habib’s internal motivation to self start the following will be
implemented in class when possible:
● Using Habib’s strengths and interests to motivate him and help him engage and stay
engaged in learning in areas of difficulty and maintain/build self-esteem as a learner.
● Encouraging Habib to join clubs and activities that focus on his areas of interest will also
help him to experience more areas of success, and increase his internal motivation.
● Linking to topics of interest (sports, Lego, video games).
● Adding arts and creative activities to academics
● Focusing on language and oral discussion.

Planning for Transition

As Habib progresses through elementary, middle school, high school, and beyond, he will need
to develop and fine-tune skills such as focusing his attention, emotional regulation, and finding
healthy outlets for excess energy.
Habib will need to become more self-aware regarding his attention and developing healthy
interactions between himself and his peers. It will be important for Habib to learn to
take ownership of his mistakes and behaviors, and not blame others for his actions. In order to
minimize frustration and negative emotions the following plan will be used to aid in his
transitions between tasks:
● Use of visuals on Habib’s desk during activities to promote staying on task as Habib currently
requires cues from his teachers to remain on task
● Giving Habib more responsible jobs that he is interested in which would provide him the
opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility
● Develop a reward system for Habib where when he is on task or he has progressed in the
attention goals he earns some type of positive reward
● Have Habib be surrounded by adults and students that can model responsible behavior for him
● Ensure that Habib understands the impacts of his actions, both positive and negative. Have
Habib engage in discussion with someone he trusts as to why his actions were or were not
Habib will need to become more comfortable with transitions between subjects both in the
classroom and transitions where the students leave the classroom (e.g., music, recess).
Currently, he will be helped in class using the following plan:
● Provide verbal reminders and schedules for upcoming transitions, so he can prepare himself for
changes in activities
● Use of a timer during activities
● Using a checklist that is comprised of visual cues of what needs to be accomplished during
A successful transition into the next grade will be facilitated by continuing to practice reading
aloud, and to himself from Grade 3 learning readers over the summer. Every effort should be
made to find books that he is interested in. This will put Habib into the best situation to start
IPP Template 9

Grade 4 with all of his student peers. Continuing to develop his sense of responsibility at home
by encouraging him to do small chores will greatly assist in maintaining the progress made
throughout the school year.
In the future, when Habib transitions into middle school, it may be beneficial to attend a school
with a fixed classroom schedule like he is in right now, as opposed to a schedule where the
students change classrooms for each subject.

Year-End Summary

*Not required for the assignment.

*IPP template modified from Alberta Education (2006). Alberta Education (2006).
Individualized program planning (IPP) ECS to grade 12: Working through the IPP
Parent Summary
Habib is very artistic and creative and has above average visual-spatial reasoning. His
verbal communication is good, and he does well in athletics. These skills will assist him
in communicating his needs and provides us with a good foundation to relate new
information and concepts to him. Habib’s report cards and assessments show that Habib
is reading and writing at a level below his peers. Specifically, he struggles to decode
words (phonetically), which is a hindrance to fluency and comprehension. In addition,
Habib struggles to successfully write short sentences and has difficulty spelling, using
proper grammar and punctuation. In terms of behavior, through the assessments, and
discussing with Habib, yourself, and Habib’s teacher, it is apparent Habib has difficulty
focusing and paying attention to the tasks on hand.
In order to advance these skills, there are a few goals that we have created to help Habib
in his path to improvement. By increasing Habib’s ability to transition between tasks
independently, we will try to instill within Habib the skills needed to self-regulate,
increase his attentiveness, and organize his time more efficiently. In addition, we will
increase Habib’s independence by encouraging him to take responsibility for his work -
starting tasks promptly with increasingly less teacher intervention. We aim to do this
through a series of teacher and student tracking systems such as checklists to provide
guidance when transitioning. With regard to Habib’s reading - we have set up a goal to
help with his reading fluency, and to advance him to 90 words correct per minute while
reading a grade 2 level readers. We are hopeful that with all of us working together, we
can encourage Habib to reach this attainable goal. We will employ three separate
approaches to improve his reading:
1. He will follow along visually in his own copy of the book being read aloud both
in class and at home. These will be Grade 3 level books. He will not be asked
to read from these books to prevent discouragement.
2. He will improve his oral reading fluency by reading aloud from Grade 1 level
3. He will repetitively read from a Grade 2 level reader of his choice until he can
achieve 70-90 words per minute.
IPP Template 10

We anticipate that this approach will build confidence and reduce frustration for Habib.

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