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Iago’s conspiracy

In this scene, Iago provoke Cassio and utilize his false pride to trigger a

disturbance. It issues in Cassio lost his position, and Othello trust Iago more than

before. Iago destroy other people and at the same time he got a promotion.

Firstly, Iago is hypocritical, “ What, are you hurt, lieutenant ?” “Marry, God

forbid ! ”(II.iii.242-244) All the things that Iago did is to destroy Othello, he plans all

the incident stealthily, and instigate other people to do it, and he do not need to be

responsible for the incident when it happened. He can even act a good person to

obtain reliance. Secondly, Iago is deceitful, he plans the incidents very carefully.

“More of this Matter can I not report; but men are men; the best sometimes forget.

Though Cassio did some little wrong to him, as men in rage strike those that wish

them best.” (II.iii.224-227) Othello woke up because the fight, he was a little bit angry

and lose his mind, plus it was his lieutenant hurt another person, it makes him feel

shamed. When Iago explain the incident was not very clear, and he try to justify for

Cassio that makes he is more able to trust. Finally, Iago is smart, he provokes the

incident and make Cassio unemployment. “I know, Iago, thy honesty and love doth

mince this matter, making it light to Cassio. Cassio, I love thee, but never more be

officer of mine.” (II.iii.231-233) It looks like Cassio just lose a job, but that is what

Iago wants. He was jealous of that Cassio got promotion, and this time Cassio lose his

job then Iago will replace him, and he got more trust. On another hand, this incident

was because Cassio drunk too much, and he even do not remember what was

happened, and Iago try to make Cassio think he still can back to be officer for Othello,
and that help Iago to make another plan for Cassio which is asking help from


In conclusion, Iago’s hypocrisy, deceitful and smart help him to complete his plan,

and destroy Othello step by step.

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