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Women’s Sunday Prepared by

Commissioner Debi Bell

God’s Beautiful Home For the Western Territory

Women’s Sunday
Holiness Meeting Outline
God’s Beautiful Home—My Heart
A Beautiful Home
What a beautiful home, God ... I’ve always

Theme Verse, “What a beautiful home, God ... I’ve always

longed to live in a place like this, always
dreamed of a room in Your house where I
could sing for joy.
Psalm 84:1,2 The Message

longed to live in a place like this, always dreamed of a room

in Your house where I could sing for joy”
(Psalm 84:1,2, The Message).

Call to Worship
Psalm 84 (The Message), Psalm 24 (NLT)
and 1 Corinthians 3:16

Opening Song
“Come in, My Lord, Come In” #562*
Responsive Prayer Reading (page 54) Women’s Sunday gives the corps an
Based on Song #6 “Eternal God” and Selected Scripture opportunity to reach out to visitors
and help women’s ministries partici-
Special Music, pants connect with the corps’ congre-
gation. It is a good day to invite the
“There’s A Sweet, Sweet Spirit in This Place”
mothers of the children involved in
youth programs. Women’s Sunday
Testimony by a Women’s Ministries Member also gives an opportunity for the
women’s ministries groups to connect
Responsive Scripture Reading (page 54) with women who attend the corps but
do not participate in a women’s min-
Song #218, “Come, Great Spirit“ istries group.
or # 709, “Friendship With Jesus”*
The worship service outlined in this
Worship by the Giving of Tithes and Offerings program will help remind the congre-
gation that God provides a place and
Song #645, “What a Friend We Have In Jesus,”* time for corporate worship. We must
encourage the cultivation of right
Suggested Reading “My Heart Christ’s Home,” hearts as we enter God’s beautiful
home so that we can enjoy His pres-
by Robert Boyd Munger
ence. Since God’s home is also our
hearts we must choose to live with
clean hearts.
(The story can be acted out or read by several different voices.)

Message, ”God’s Beautiful Home—My Heart”

Time of Commitment Send invitations to all women’s min-
istries participants and Home League
members inviting them to attend this
Solo, “It’s Not Good Enough for the Rose”
special Women’s Sunday in God’s
and “I Came to Him”
beautiful home. Put an announcement
from “The White Rose” or in the Sunday bulletin and newsletter
Song #663, “Home Is Home”* indicating the focus of this special
(Use the Tune “The Unveiled Christ,” Music and Midi File at: Sunday. Ask those who regularly attend the corps to be prepared to be
blessed and to extend an open wel-
Closing Song #952, “Give to Jesus Glory”* come to visitors making them feel at
home. At least one month before the
Benediction meeting form prayer groups to pray
for those who attend and that God’s
presence will be evident.
*The Salvation Army Song Book

Make bookmarkers with the theme to dwell with us.
verse to be given as a keepsake of the
day. Don’t forget to put the name of
the corps, the address, telephone
God’s Blueprint for His Home
After the fall, there were a few key
number and the corps officer’s name men and women who enjoyed limited
on the back of the bookmarker. Check fellowship with God. Genesis chapter
out the program cover and poster 4 indicates that Abel understood how
designed especially for this special to please God, while Cain could not.
Sunday. Abel gave God the best he had to offer,
while Cain gave some of what he had.
Holiness Meeting Message God accepted Abel’s offering because
God’s Beautiful Home— he gave it with the right motive. His
My Heart heart was right before God. Cain’s
offering was rejected because he had
“So I will consecrate the Tent of
not offered it with a right motive.
Have you ever wondered why God Meeting and the altar and will conse-
created mankind? Were we created as a Next, we see the man Enoch who crate Aaron and his sons to serve Me
whim when one day God was bored walked with God, and his life pleased as priests. Then I will dwell among the
with heaven and the angels so He God (Gen. 5:24). In a world that had Israelites and be their God. They will
thought, “Oh, what shall I do today? become corrupted, Noah found favor know that I am the Lord their God,
I’ve got an idea. I will create Adam and in the eyes of God (Gen. 6:8). He who brought them out of Egypt so
Eve. I will give them freewill so that warned Noah of the flood that was that I might dwell among them. I am
they can cause problems for Me to give about to come on the earth. Noah the Lord their God” (Exod. 29:44–46).
Me some challenges to fix.” Scripture believed and obeyed God. Because of God wanted a people who would
teaches us that God delighted in the Noah, his family and the animals of worship Him with right motives. He
creation of humans and gave us freewill the earth were saved. wanted a people who would worship
so that we could choose to have fellow- Him with their whole heart.
ship with Him. “So God created man in The next recorded person who
His own image, in the image of God He enjoyed a relationship with God was Later, a descendant of Abraham,
created him; male and female He creat- Abram (Genesis 12). After making a Solomon, built the Temple according
ed them” (Gen. 1:27). covenant with him, God changed his to a specific and detailed design given
name to Abraham. It was through by God. In the dedication prayer he
As we look at the account and sci- Abraham and Sarah that God prom- said these words: “O Lord, God of
ence of creation, we discover that the ised a descendant who would bring Israel, there is no God like You in
earth was uniquely and specifically about the restoration of fellowship heaven above or on earth below—You
made to sustain human life. This with all mankind. who keep your covenant of love with
would indicate that humans have a Your servants who continue whole-
place and purpose in the heart of the We follow the line of Abraham’s heartedly in Your way. You have kept
Creator. Before the fall of man, record- descendants, Isaac, Jacob, the twelve Your promise to Your servant David
ed in Genesis chapter 3, God had sons of Jacob and their descendants to my father; with Your mouth You have
fellowship with His creation in the the man Moses. God used Moses to promised and with Your hand You
Garden of Eden. After Adam and Eve deliver the Hebrew people from have fulfilled it—as it is today” (1
chose to disobey God that fellowship bondage and slavery in Egypt and to Kings 8:23, 24).
was broken and humans were sepa- lead them to the promised land of
rated from God by sin. Israel. In that journey we see the story In 1 Chronicles 28:9 we read, “And
of salvation and sanctification. God you, my son Solomon, acknowledge
Romans 5:12—21 helps us to under- gave the laws that would govern His the God of your father, and serve Him
stand that because of the sin of Adam, people. He gave them the Tab- with wholehearted devotion and with
we have all sinned and are separated ernacle—a tent for His special dwell- a willing mind, for the Lord searches
from God. Yet, it was His desire that ing place. every heart and understands every
through His Son Jesus’ suffering and motive behind the thoughts. If you
death the means to restore that fellow- The design and the laws of the seek Him, He will be found by you;
ship would be provided. “For if the Tabernacle were specific and detailed. but if you forsake Him, He will reject
many died by the trespass of the one It was to be a holy place where God you forever.”
man, how much more did God’s grace would dwell among His people. The
and the gift that came by the grace of attendants and priests were a holy The two beautiful places God chose
the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to people set aside to serve God so that to make His dwelling place were the
the many!” (Rom. 5:15). A lot of histo- they could help the general popula- Tabernacle and the Temple. Each of
ry and a lot of Scripture span the gap tion understand what was necessary these two dwelling places or homes of
between Adam and Jesus. To aid our to bridge the gap caused by sin. The God were key in helping humans
understanding of God’s desire to building of the Tabernacle and the set- understand His desire and plan to
restore fellowship with humans we ting up of the system of sacrifice was dwell among us. Both of these places
must look at some key passages of an important step in the restoration were limited and temporary until the
Scripture that deal with God’s desire process of mankind. day that God would become flesh and

blood to dwell among us as the final When Clair took the rose home and
step in the process of restoration that put it in a vase on her table, she
would enable God to dwell within us. noticed that the table was dirty in com-
parison to the beauty of the rose. So
“The Word became flesh and made
she cleaned the table. When she real-
His dwelling among us. We have seen
ized that the kitchen was not clean in
His glory, the glory of the One and
comparison to the table, she cleaned
Only, who came from the Father, full
the kitchen and then her whole house.
of grace and truth” (John 1:14). This is
a short but significant verse of When she looked in the mirror, she
Scripture that simply and profoundly noticed her dirty, unkept appearance
states that God wrapped Himself in and realized she needed to do some-
flesh and blood so that He would be thing about it. Her children saw the
able to dwell among us. Jesus’ physi- changes in their mother and they too
cal time on earth was short, but part of wanted to be different. When her hus-
His work was to prepare the way for band arrived home, he saw all the
physical places, but Jesus took her on changes in his family and wanted to be
the Holy Spirit to come and dwell
a quick journey to the heart of truth a part of this transformation.
within us. Read John 14:16–24.
(John 4:21–26). He explained it was not
We see the move from the physical the place but the attitude and motive It was not the beautiful white rose
dwelling places of the Tabernacle, the of the person that would determine if that made the difference in this family,
Temple and the body of Christ to the their worship would please God. “Yet but the fact that Christ had moved
spiritual dwelling place we call the a time is coming and has now come into Clair’s heart. She responded by
heart. “And I will ask the Father, and when the true worshipers will worship giving Him access to all of her heart
He will give you another Counselor to the Father in spirit and truth, for they and that brought about the change in
be with you forever—the Spirit of are the kind of worshippers the Father her. When Christ lives in your heart
truth” (John 14:17). Jesus explains that seeks. God is spirit, and His wor- and you give Him your whole heart,
the Holy Spirit would soon dwell in shipers must worship in spirit and in the world will see the difference.
the believers. truth” (John 4:23, 24).
What kind of heart/home have you
We gather in our places of worship given to God as His dwelling place?
so that we can corporately worship Are there rooms in your heart that
God’s Home
It is very easy for humans to get
caught up in the physical. God knows and come into the presence of God. need some home improvement that
and understands that we are both We call these places the house of God. can only happen by surrendering
physical and spiritual beings. The In a real sense when His Spirit and His them to Christ’s control? How about
physical surroundings of a place of presence dwell among us, these gath- the library or den? Perhaps the
worship are important to help prepare ering places are houses of God. It is kitchen, dining room or even the bed-
and enable us to enter the spiritual important that we have these physical room areas of your heart need a thor-
presence of God. places to worship, but it is more ough cleansing. Do you have some
important that God dwell in us. secret locked closets that you hope
The Tabernacle in the wilderness Christ will not discover or claim?
journey was important to the people
as it reminded them that God was
God’s Home—Our Heart Is there someone here today who has
“Don’t you know that you your- never invited Christ Jesus to enter the
with them and that they were His peo- selves are God’s temple and that
ple. It was a place to teach and inspire home of their heart? It is easy to wel-
God’s Spirit lives in you?” (1 Cor. come Jesus into your heart. God’s
them to be a people with whom God 3:16). Is your heart really God’s home?
could have a relationship. The Tab- original plan was to have fellowship
What kind of home does God have in with us, but because of Adam and
ernacle moved with them through your heart? Are you like Abel, who
their journey. The presence of God in Eve’s sin that fellowship was de-
gave God his very best and came to stroyed. Our sin destroys that fellow-
the Tabernacle was symbolized by the worship Him with the right kind of
form of a cloud by day and a pillar of ship with God, and so He sent His
heart? Or are you like Cain, who gave Son, Jesus, to bridge the gap and
fire by night. His presence would some things to God? Are you a person
inspire, but could not guarantee that restore that fellowship.
who gives God some place in your
the people would trust, obey and fol- heart but will not turn over ownership To receive Jesus you must believe
low God with a right heart. of that heart? Is your heart a beautiful that He can restore fellowship with
The Temple was built as a more solid place for God to make His home? you and God. Then accept that Jesus,
and permanent place. It was designed who was God in flesh, dwells among
In the Gowans and Larsson musical, us and wants to make His home in
to remind the Israelites that God was “The White Rose,” the main character your heart. You must surrender your
among them. It too inspired, but could was a young woman, Clair, who was heart to Jesus and allow Him to own
not guarantee, a people who would led to accept Christ through the min- and restore every room. This will be
wholeheartedly live for God. istry of the Home League. As a symbol the ultimate home improvement be-
When Jesus encountered the woman of that action she was presented with cause your heart will become God’s
at the well, she wanted to discuss a white rose. beautiful home.

Opening Prayer
This prayer is a responsive reading based on song #6 in The Salvation Army Song Book and on selective Scripture.

Leader: Eternal God, unchanging through all the changing years,

Whose hands all things created, who holds the countless stars;
Enthroned in heavenly glory, yet not a God afar;
Thou deignest to have dwelling here where Thy people are.

Congregation: “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our
own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish”( John
1:14, The Message).

Leader: Forbid that man’s achievements should cause our faith to wane,
Or seek in human wisdom our spirit to sustain;
Lord, surely thou art shaping all things to Thy design,
And born of this conviction is faith to match our time.

Congregation: “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the
days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His Temple. For in the day of trouble He
will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock”
(Ps. 27:4, 5).

Leader: And in a world divided by selfishness and guile,

When truth is on the scaffold and faith is standing trial,
Grant us, by inward knowledge no learning can bestow,
A faith that answers firmly: These things, these things I know.

Congregation: “I was glad when they said unto me; let us go into the house of the Lord” (Ps. 122:1, KJV).

Leader: Though men have wrought confusion, Thy hand still holds the plan,
And thou, at length, decideth the destiny of man;
Dominions rise and perish; the mighty have their day,
But still Thy word abideth, it shall not pass away.

Congregation: “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchmen stand guard in vain” (Ps. 127:1).

Leader: Eternal God unchanged through all the changing years. Your hands have created all things. You hold the
countless stars.
Congregation: God enthroned in heavenly glory, yet not a God afar. You have chosen to have a dwelling place here.

Together: Eternal God, unchanging and unchanged, You have chosen to have a dwelling here with us today. We
thank You for allowing us to come into Your beautiful home. Help us to be worthy of the honor as we join
together and worship You this day. Amen.

Responsive Scripture Reading

Leader: So I will consecrate the Tent of Meeting and the altar and will consecrate Aaron and his sons to serve Me as priests. Then
I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God. They will know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of Egypt
so that I might dwell among them. I am the Lord their God” (Exod. 29:44¬46).

Congregation: “Shout and be glad, O Daughter of Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you,” declares the
Lord (Zech. 2:10).

Leader: Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your King comes to you, righteous and having
salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey (Zech. 9:9).

Congregation: The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the
One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14).

All: And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He
will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them” (Rev. 21:3, ASB).

Annual Meeting and
Leadership Recognition
Annual Meeting
Program Outline
A Beautiful Home—A Beautiful
Home League
Purpose A Beautiful Home League
The purpose of an annual meeting is Whose Home Is This?
to celebrate the accomplishment of the
PowerPoint Ice Breaker
past year and recognize the leaders
who gave of their time, talent and Game—What Kind of Home?
treasure to the women’s ministries
and the Home League. Punch Bowl

Centerpieces Welcome to Our Home

The centerpiece for each table could (Call to Order)
be unique houses. Three places to shop
on line for inexpensive centerpieces A Year in Review PowerPoint® Report
and table favor items are: Oriental
Trading Company, www.Oriental Scripture: Revelation 3:19–21; Terry’s Village, www., and Collections
Opening Song #562, “Come in, My Lord”*
Etc., If you
add a little greenery and some ribbon,
Prayer to Welcome God’s Presence
you can have a gorgeous centerpiece
and related table favors without a lot of Meal
expense or work. Also, remember to
check the Hallmark supplies for suit- Special Music, “In This Very Room”
able items. Words and midi file at:

Recognition of Leaders (Pg. 57)

Room Decoration
Ask the women if they have a collec-
tion of small houses or villages that
Devotional Message
could be displayed on tables around
the room. Quilts, pictures and knick-
What Kind of Home Is Your Heart?
knacks help transform a house into a Closing Song, #241 “Any Room for Jesus?”*
home. Use these to add to the amb-
iance of the event. If you are going to Benediction
recognize the leaders with a gift, per-
haps some of these can be used as dis-
*The Salvation Army Song Book

play items and given out in the recog-

nition time.
Devotional Message
Icebreaker—Whose Home Is Incorporate home cooking or com- What Kind of Home Is
This? fort foods into your menu. If the event Your Heart?
Ask the women to take a picture of is not built around a meal, enhance the
the outside of their home and their event by using scented candles to
Once I saw a billboard that said, “We
favorite room in their house. Scan the engage the sense of smell. The color of
buy ugly homes.” My first question
pictures and use them in a Power- tablecloths and napkins is as impor-
was, “I wonder what they do with
Point® presentation. This could also tant as the food when setting the envi-
ugly homes?” Then I asked, “What is
be used as an icebreaker. Print the pic- ronment for a pleasant and memo-
an ugly home;” “How ugly does it
tures and invite the women to guess rable event. Coordinate the center-
have to be before no one wants it;”
who lives in each house and which pieces and table favors.
and “How far gone has it become
favorite room belongs to whom.
before it can no longer be restored and
must be torn down?”
Printed Program
A printed program is a good re-
minder of the event that the women
Game—What Kind of Home?
Ask the following questions: What I like to watch those home improve-
kind of house best describes you and can take home. It shows that this event ment shows that take an old house
why did you choose it? Choices could is significant enough for plans to be that has been abandoned and restored
include a lighthouse, birdhouse, made for every detail. It is also a good to a beautiful dwelling. It gives me
Victorian, cottage, castle, ranch or tool to provide information on income hope that what may seem like a
haunted house. Share the answers and expense and the monies raised for lost–cause home can be restored with
around the table. the various projects. work by a master crafter.

“I will bring them to My holy moun-
tain of Jerusalem and will fill them
God’s Design for Redemption
It is clear in Scripture that God has a
with joy in My house of prayer. I will design for restoring His people to
accept their burnt offerings and sacri- Himself, that He came to dwell among
fices, because My Temple will be us and that we beheld His Glory.
called a house of prayer for all “’Shout and be glad, O Daughter of
nations” (Isa. 56:7, NLT). Zion. For I am coming, and I will live
However, even this building was a among you,’ declares the Lord” (Zech.
temporary house replaced when God 2:10). “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of
was wrapped in flesh and blood and Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem!
dwelled among us so that we could See, your King comes to you,
behold His glory. “The Word became righteous and having salvation, gentle
flesh and made His dwelling among and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the
us. We have seen His glory, the glory foal of a donkey” (Zech. 9:9). “The
of the One and only, who came from Word became flesh and made His
the Father, full of grace and truth” dwelling among us. We have seen His
(John 1:14). glory, the glory of the One and only,
who came from the Father, full of
grace and truth” (John 1:14). “And I
God’s Desire to Dwell Among Man’s Destructive Rebellion
His People It was God’s desire and design to heard a loud voice from the throne,
From the day God chose to create have a special relationship with man- saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God
humankind it was His desire to have kind, but through our disobedience is among men, and He will dwell
a personal relationship with us. we allowed sin to separate us from among them, and they shall be His
Throughout history God established His presence. We distanced ourselves people, and God Himself will be
physical places of worship like the not only in our spiritual lives but also among them’” (Rev. 21:3, NASB).
Tabernacle in the wilderness, the in the way we treat places set aside for
Temple in Jerusalem and even the the purpose of worshipping God and God’s glory filled the Tabernacle in
modern churches of today because He drawing near to Him. the wilderness. His glory filled the
knows we humans need a physical Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus was God
place and things to aid us in reaching “Don’t you yourselves admit that wrapped up in flesh and He revealed
and understanding the spiritual. this Temple, which bears My name, God’s glory to those who beheld Him.
has become a den of thieves? Surely I Yet God’s plan goes even deeper than
When God established the Tab- see all the evil going on there. I, the living among us. We read in John
ernacle in the wilderness, He knew LORD, have spoken” (Jer. 7:11, NLT). 14:17 and 1 Corinthians 3:16 that it
the people needed reassurance that “He said to them, ‘The Scriptures was God’s ultimate plan to dwell
He was with them, leading them to declare, ‘My Temple will be called a within us. Our hearts are His home.
the Promised Land. The Tabernacle, house of prayer,’ but you have turned What kind of place is your heart? Do
also known as the Tent of Meeting, it into a den of thieves!’” (Matt.21:13, you have a beautiful home or an ugly
was where the people brought their NLT). house? The only hope that an ugly
sacrifices and offerings. It was here heart has for redemption and renova-
Human nature seems to destroy and
they would learn the law that would tion is to surrender to the original
degrade the beautiful things of life.
govern their behavior and make them owner and Master Designer—the
We look at nature and either seek to
a people acceptable in God’s sight. Lord. God, the Creator of this universe
worship it as a false god or conquer it
The Tabernacle was a temporary place designed you to be His beautiful
as a thing to be used and disposed of.
where the people could meet with home. He made provision to buy you
We worship the beauty of a cathedral
God and know His presence was back, to redeem you through the sacri-
or church rather than the God for
among them. The priests were to be a fice of Jesus Christ, His Son. Through
whom it was built. We pervert its pur-
separated people who would teach the power of the Holy Spirit your
pose. Politics and human passion take
and show the people how to live to heart can be renovated and turned
the place of learning to become God’s
please God. back into the beautiful home for
people who have a right heart before
"So I will consecrate the Tent of the Creator of heaven and earth. which it was designed. It takes so little
Meeting and the altar and will conse- from us to have this happen. We must
We look at a mansion and seek to pos- simply trust and obey.
crate Aaron and his sons to serve Me
sess it, but lack the ability to maintain it.
as priests. Then I will dwell among the
It soon becomes a place of rot in need of
Israelites and be their God. They will
repair and renovation. This could be a
know that I am the Lord their God,
Our Decision for Rededication
metaphor of a life/heart designed by We must choose to give our lives to
who brought them out of Egypt so
God to be a beautiful home yet God and let Him be our owner. The
that I might dwell among them. I am
destroyed by disobedience and sin. Is choice is clear. If we choose to live life
the Lord their God” (Exod. 29:44–46).
there any hope for an ugly heart/ home for our own purposes, we are serving
Later when the Temple was built in to be redeemed, purchased by a Master sin. If we choose to live for God’s pur-
Jerusalem, it symbolized a lasting Craftsman and restored so that it can be poses, we are choosing obedience.
covenant between God and His people. the beautiful home God designed? Yes! God blesses obedience.

Leadership Recognition
Place a Bible with a house on it in the middle of the table that has been covered
with a cloth that matches or complements those used in the room. Add a large
unlit candle that will be used in the ceremony.
Before the meeting, prepare candles for each of the leaders and place them in a
basket hidden under the table. Tie a small bouquet of silk flowers with a ribbon
and bow at the base of each candle. Also purchase a small gift like a devotional
book or miniature house to give each leader.

The symbol of the Home League is a home on a Bible signifying the
intent of the Home League to help women build their homes upon prin-
ciples and wisdom found in God’s Word. The idea of home first relates to
“If it is disagreeable in your sight to a woman’s life, just as Jesus refers to the wise builder in His parable found
serve the Lord, choose for yourselves in Matthew 7:23–25. It also relates to family life (Prov. 14:1).
today whom you will serve: whether
The idea of home can also be applied to the community and nation.
the gods which your fathers served
Second Samuel 20:15–23 is an example of how a woman got involved to
which were beyond the river, or the
save her community. This noble ideal of a beautiful home life represented
gods of the Amorites in whose land
by the Home League symbol is important to review at least once a year so
you are living; but as for me and my
that we can remain true to our purpose.
house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh.
24:15, NASB). A beautiful home is built on hearing and obeying the words of Jesus
Christ. A woman with a beautiful heart is a woman who studies the Word
In the short story “My Heart,
of God and builds her life through a personal relationship with Jesus. A
Christ’s Home,” (see the Holiness
house is not a home unless love reigns, and a heart is not a beautiful home
Meeting Outline for the website) we see
unless it is surrendered to Jesus.
the man inviting Christ in to be his
guest. As Christ lives there, the man In John 14:23 we read, “If anyone loves Me, he will obey My teaching.
surrenders more and more of his My father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home
heart/home until finally he turns the with him.” When we invite Christ into our heart, He will make a differ-
key over to Christ. Then it becomes a ence in the way we live.
beautiful home.
The Bible on the table represents the principles that should govern all we
Do you have a beautiful heart or an do in our homes.
ugly one? Does Christ have every
room in your heart or are you holding We light this candle as a symbol of the light Jesus brings into our lives.
back? Give your whole heart to Christ (Light the large candle.)
today. Make it God’s beautiful home. Would the following women please come forward? (Call the leaders and
women who will be recognized during this ceremony by name and have
Scripture Supporting the Annual them stand on the two sides of the table.)
Meeting Devotional Today we recognize each of these women for their leadership and help
given to this group over the last year. (Identify the leaders by name and
Exodus 29:44-46
God’s Desire to Dwell Among His People

Isaiah 56:7
leadership position.)
I give you this candle to remind you that as a leader it is your responsi-
bility to bring the light of Jesus to every corner of your world. Your wit-
Jeremiah 7:11
Man’s Destructive Rebellion
ness and faithful obedience has blessed us in the past and will help guide
Matthew. 21:13 us in the future. Each of these leaders has a beautiful heart where Christ
is at home.
Zechariah 2:10
God’s Design for Redemption
I invite you at this time to light your candle from the central candle,
John 1:14
which represents Christ, the light of the world. You should always seek to
Revelation 21:3
spread the light of His love to those around you.
1 Corinthians. 3:16
Prayer of Rededication
Joshua 24:15 Lord, we thank you for each of these women who have so willingly
Our Decision for Rededication

1 Kings 18:21 given their time and talents to extend Your Kingdom through the pro-
grams of the Home League and women’s ministries. As we look to the
year ahead, we pray that they will continue to reflect Your love so that
Bulletin and Poster
women will be drawn closer to You. Bless all the women present today.
Check the CD–ROM for a printable
May they feel the warmth of Your love in this Your beautiful home. Amen.
Women’s Sunday bulletin and poster.


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