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What they show you is not necessarily true

Shakespeare’s play Othello and Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby both shows a

tragic story, a society about meal chauvinism and some hypocritical characters. In

both Othello and The Great Gatsby, for example, Iago jealous of Othello and he want

to revenge, Tom Buchannan is not loyalty on his marriage and cheat with other

women. For example, both Iago and Tom Buchanan are disrespect, even though Iago

appear to be respectful in the story, and tom contend with Gatsby about Daisy.

Similarly, both of them deceitful to the people around them, and they are actually both

disrespectful individually. But Iago’s actions are more purposeful, his deceitful and

disrespectful make his ending is more tragic than Tom Buchanan.

Both Iago and Tom Buchanan deceitful in their daily life. Iago want to revenge,

and Tom want to get women. However, Iago is more deceitful than tom which cause

his death. Iago, for instance, he was talking with Roderigo “Despise me, if I do not.

Three great ones of the city, In personal suit to make me his lieutenant, off-capp’d to

him; and by the faith of man, I know my price, I am worse a place; But he; as loving

his own pride and purposes, … And I, God bless the mark, his Moorship’s ancient.”

(I,i,7-33). Because Cassio’s promotion, Iago start hate Othello, and jealous of Cassio,

that is the beginning of his revenge. Tom is deceitful, he was cheat with another

woman, when he drives nick out he said, “we’re getting off., he insisted, ‘I want you

to meet my girl.” He took Nick to meet his girl, but he never feels there is anything

wrong with it, and he just keep cheating with other woman, when he begins to suspect

Daisy and Gatsby have an affair, he becomes indignation and oppose. When Myrtle

Wilson died by accident, Tom tell George “I just got here a minute ago, from New

York. I was bringing you that coupe we’ve been talking about. That yellow car I was

driving this afternoon wasn’t mine – do you hear? I haven’t seen it all afternoon.”

Tom knows the yellow car is his car, George knows too, Tom do not want George

think that was Tom Killed Myrtle. These two men have different reason and different

way to deceit, but they are similar, they both lie to the people around them, which

cause death. Iago took advantage of Roderigo, Cassio, and other person around him,

he stays in the backstage, so people will not know that is all his plan. Tom was cheat

with Myrtle, but after she died, Tom try to get ride of the suspicion from George.

Unlike Iago, Tom’s purpose is want to stead his peerage, Iago’s Revenge is more

wicked, his revenge leads to Desdemona and Othello’s death, and he even kill his

wife, his behavior leads to his death.

Iago and Tom all shows they are Disrespect to the people around them, but their

disrespect is different, Iago is more disrespect than Tom, he tries to take advantage of

all the people around him and to destroy Othello, Tom think his class is higher than

other people, and he disrespect to the person who is not as high class as him. For Iago,

he took advantage from his wife and the people around him, and he try to kill them for

hide the truth. “Now whether he kill Cassio or Cassio him, or each do kill the other,

every way make my gain. Live Roderigo, he calls me to a restitution large of gold and

jewels that I bobb’d from him as gift to Desdemona. … No, he must die.” (V, i,11-22)

Iago’s plan is almost to the final step, but there will be one day that Othello will know

the truth from the people around him, and Roderigo is a trouble for him. If Iago want

to hide the truth, he must kill all the people who know the truth, and make sure the

information does not go to Othello. On the other side, Tom is disrespect to women, he

is contending with Gatsby about Daisy, and he is not loyal on his marriage. “Daisy!

Daisy! Daisy!’ shouted Mrs. Wilson. ‘I’ll say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai-’.

Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand.”

Mrs. Wilson was keep saying Daisy’s name, and Tom very indignant, he thinks Mrs.

Wilson does not have the tight to mention Daisy’s name, because she is only a

mistress. Iago appear to be respectful in the beginning of the story, he shows friendlier

than he is. Tom just disrespectful in the beginning, but they are all disrespectful. Iago

took advantage of the people around him, but after they do not have any value, Iago

feel they are trouble for him, and decide to kill them. Tom never love Mrs. Wilson, he

thinks he is the tool to abreact sexual desire. Both of them take people to be tools, the

tools to reach their purpose, but when these tools do not have any value, Iago want to

throw them away, he can reach his goal by fair means or foul.

In conclusion, both of their actions lead to destruction in their life, they are living

in different era, but there are lots of similar between Iago and Tom. For example, both

of them deceitful in their life, Iago want to revenge and Tom cheat with another

woman. Both of them shows they are dis respect to other people, Iago took advantage

from the people around him, and decide to kill them after they have no value. Tom is

disrespect to women. However, if Iago promotion, Cassio did not, or Daisy did not

marry Tom, she was waiting for Gatsby come bake, what will happen?

Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby. Toronto: Penguin Group, 2012. Print

Shakespeare, William. Othello. Toronto: Thomas Nelson,2003. Print

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