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1- Cevap kağıdınızda Yabancı dil bölümüne işaretleyiniz.

2- Bu testte 100 soru vardır. Cevaplama süresi 150 dakikadır.
3- Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.

1-22. sorularda, boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 6. After I....... that expression on his face, I
düşen kelime yada ifadeyi bulunuz. ....... that he was innocent.

1- The dress was made for a larger woman, A) have seen / believed
but with a few…………… it will fit me. B) saw / believed
C) saw / had believed
A) patterns B) decorations D) saw / have believed
C) additions D) extensions E) will see / will believe
E) alterations

7. By the time the flood ....... , all the

2- The politician knew he wasn’t very residents in this area ....... in the houses
popular in the area but still, he hadn’t and buildings up on the hills.
expected to be given such a/an ……………
reception. A) receded / have stayed
B) recedes / have stayed
A) hostile B) tender C) receded / had stayed
C) evident D) moderate D) had receded / stayed
E) efficient E) has receded / had stayed

3- We were all irritated when the film was

constantly …………… by commercial. 8- I recommend that you take no notice ……
him as he generally doesn’t know what
A) interrupted B) demonstrated he’s talking ……………
C) consumed D) confused
E) encountered A) by/of B) to/with
C) from/over D) of/about
E) about/to

4- The teenager was driving his father’s

sports car so…………… that the police
stopped him thinking that he was drunk.
9- They had expected a large crowd at their
A) considerably party, but…………… their
B) delicately disappointment, only a few people turned
C) recklessly ……………
D) independently
E) unreliably A) at/down B) with/out
C) in/off D) among/on
E) to/up

5- It emerged, after the last campaign, that a

large proportion of the charity’s money
had been misused; ……………, the public
are now reluctant to make any further 10. If you don’t know what it means, why
donations. don’t you ………. it up in the dictionary?

A) consequently B) despite A) look B) take

C) otherwise D) however C) put D) see
E) on the contrary E) get

11. He doesn’t earn very much money in his 18- No details ……………to the press until all
new job, but he earns enough to ……. by. the winners of the results……………
A) get B) put
C) take D) come A) had been given/informed
E) go B) would have given/had been informed
C) have given/are informed
D) will be given/have been informed
12- Many popular sports, angling and rowing, E) are given/will be informed
…………… , get very poor coverage on TV.

A) by no means B) for instance

C) all at once D) on occasions 19- My father …………… on about ten kilos in
E) in the least weight since he ......... up smoking.

A) put/has given
13- …………… the management kept to offer B) puts/is giving
you more money, would you change your C) had been putting/was giving
mind about resigning? D) has put/gave
E) will put/gives
A) Even though B) As if
C) If D) Unless
E) In case

14- Most of the meat had to be thrown away 20- Look! It …………… in the newspaper that
……… it hadn’t been properly the cost of living …………… by ninety per
refrigerated. cent by the end of this year.

A) so that B) in spite of A) has said/rises

C) due to D) because B) says/will have risen
E) even if C) was saying/has been rising
D) said/had risen
E) had said/rose
15- There are two vacancies at the company,
and the manager says he’ll support Harold
……………position he applies for.
21- Please don’t go into the room just yet as it
A) whichever B) wherever …………… at the moment.
C) whoever D) however
E) whatever A) was cleaned
B) is cleaning
C) has been cleaning
16- We were all convinced that it D) will be cleaning
was…………… meal we’d ever had. E) is being cleaned

A) so bad B) the worst

C) such a bad D) a much worse
E) too bad
22- It is dangerous to light a match in this
chemical factory as the fire ……………
17- Jonathan, without …………… help this an explosion.
project could never have been completed,
is being transferred to our overseas A) might be caused
department. B) should have caused
C) can cause
A) whom B) whose D) has to cause
C) where D) which E) used to cause
E) that

23. -27. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 28. -32. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz. da ifadeyi bulunuz.

In 1831, Charles Sauria of France took the first Several studies have shown that moderate
step in making matches that were stable and exercise (28)........walking has many health
easy to ignite by incorporating white benefits, such as lowering the risk of heart
phosphorus in his formula. This innovation disease and diabetes. Now, two new studies
was immediately widely copied, and soon show that regular walking is good (29)........for
most of the matches were (23).......... the body,........for the brain. "Better memory,
phosphorus matches. These remained the learning, and attention (30) walking
most popular type (24)..........the early 1900s. about two to three hours per week," says
At the end of the 19th century, however, physician Jennifer Weuve of the Harvard
serious phosphorus poisoning, which School of Public Health in Boston. She and
damages bone structure, was noted among her colleagues tracked the exercise habits of
workers in match factories. By 1906, its nearly 19,000 women over a period of eight to
effects (25) widespread that an 15 years. (31)........the women reached the age
international treaty was approved prohibiting of 70 or older, the researchers tested the
the use of white phosphorus in the women's cognitive abilities - their memory,
manufacture of matches. The (26)..........toxic learning, and attention - over a two-year
phosphorus sesquisulfide was used period. Dr. Weuve says walking helped the
(27)..........This compound made matches safer women maintain these mental functions well,
because it raised their ignition point by more and the more they walked, (32)........they
than a hundred degrees, performed on cognition tests.

23. 28.
A) having made A) much B) so
B) making C) like D) as
C) being made E) such
D) to make
E) to have made
A) whether…… or
24. B) no sooner …….than
A) once B) until C) either…...also
C) by D) since D) rather...than
E) while E) not only…..but also

25. 30.
A) had become A) are achieving
B) would have become B) may be achieved
C) have become C) used to achieve
D) should become D) had been achieved
E) ought to become E) had better be achieved

26. 31.
A) much less B) further A) During B) While
C) the fewest D) so much C) By the time D) Whereas
E) any more E) When

27. 32.
A) since then A) as good
B) by the time B) so well
C) as soon as C) good enough
D) from then on D) the best
E) nonetheless E) the better

33 – 42. sorularda, yarım bırakılan cümleyi 37- …………… , she shouted and smacked it
uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. angrily.

33- …………… so as to allow better mobility A) Because Mary had forgotten to bring her
in icy conditions. receipt
B) As the TV repairman tripped and fell on
A) Professional actors sometimes spend Sarah’s new rug
months rehearsing their scripts C) However much the hot curry burnt
B) Due to heavy snowfall, the main road to Sally’s tongue and lips
the town is closed D) When Mrs Sales’ dog started barking at
C) Some cars are equipped with chains to the neighbour
fit their tyres E) After the old lady had dropped her keys
D) Although there were many reasons for into a puddle
the theatre’s closure
E) Drivers are being warned to stay clear of
the scene of the accident
38- You should take some cash with you, ……

34- ……………,but it means missing a whole A) in case there is free admission to the
day at school. show
B) even if it doesn’t appear that you’ll need
A) Justin simply can’t understand how he it
failed the maths test C) unless you need to pay for the taxi fare
B) I’ve got to go and see the doctor for a D) providing that the others have already
check-up bought the tickets
C) The new student got lost on his way to E) without having spent a lot for the train
lessons journey
D) Our teacher insists on taking a register
of attendance every morning
E) The class came back from its field trip 39. the authorities have decided
earlier than expected to cancel the flight.

A) The terminal building was extremely

35- …………… , regular exercise is a good busy since it was the peak season
way to improve your mental performance. B) The airline company has been losing
customers owing to its poor in-flight
A) As well as making you feel healthier service
B) Unless you improve your appearance C) Intelligence reports indicate that the
C) Since air pollution is slightly higher plane might be hijacked
during the rush hour D) Before we had today's instruments, bad
D) Whether you’ve taken up any span so weather used to pose much greater
far problem for flights
E) If you find it boring because of its E) If weather conditions were to prevent the
repetitive nature pilots from seeing the ground

36- Even though I didn’t understand what the

Indian was saying, …………… 40. Environmentalists believe that global
warming could be halted.......
A) so he tried to find a different way of
explaining It to me A) that people would finally stop using fossil
B) we, nevertheless, had to ask someone fuels
to translate for us B) as if temperatures were actually rising
C) I painfully regretted not having studied C) if the political will to do so existed
the language D) unless America stops producing so many
D) I kept smiling and nodding my head greenhouse gases
E) no wonder we got lost following his E) until rain forests are no longer being
directions to the temple exploited

41. While Egypt has a high female illiteracy 44. The reason is that he really deserves to be
rate,....... there.

A) so is Pakistan, owing largely to poverty A) Why did you help him to the presidency?
B) nor has Pakistan, where elementary B) Did you like other candidates, including
schooling is compulsory him?
C) literacy is rather low in Pakistan C) Why have you been so intimate though
D) Pakistan has an even higher one you're quite different?
E) many Pakistanis have adopted Western D) Aren't his industriousness and dedication
customs as well enough any longer?
E) Was there anybody anticipating he would
come to power.

42. The World Trade Organization was

officially born in 1995........
45. Not really, but it is the next best thing.
A) but its roots go back to a meeting which
took place during the Second World War A) In your opinion, was Laurence Olivier the
B) even though developing countries are best actor of his generation?
protesting against its unfair policies B) Do you find learning a language with
C) so there has been a twelve fold increase cassettes is as effective as living in the
in global trade and a fivefold increase in country where it is spoken?
economic C) A new Italian restaurant has just opened
growth down the street. Do you want to go and
D) despite the project's proving a great try it?
success D) Why didn't you do the job the way I told
E) as if more than a fifth of humanity still you to?
remains below the poverty line E) Now that you have been divorced twice,
do you really think that you should get
married again?

43. — 46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangi

sorunun cevabı olduğunu bulunuz.
46. Because the only way to make sure things
43. Of course. Let me go to the kitchen and are done right is to do them yourself.
find it for you.
A) Isn't it about time that you cleaned up
A) Do you feel exhausted due to the night- your room?
shift? B) Why are you walking? Is there
B) he cheese feels sour. Shall we go something wrong with your car?
somewhere else? C) Why are you painting your apartment
C) Is it possible for you to fetch some yourself instead of hiring a painter?
cheese from the fridge? D) I left you lots of messages. Why didn't
D) Do you know whether it will be you call me back?
appropriate or not? E) Your phone isn't working. Did you forget
E) Don't you wish you could have done that to pay the bill?
in the early days?

47-50 . soruları, İngilizce’den Türkçe’ye 49- None of us could believe that Terry had
çeviriniz. been appointed to head of the marketing
47- Famine and disease continue to claim
hundreds of lives each day despite A) Terry’nin pazarlama bölümünün başına
stepped-up efforts by the United Nations. getirileceğini hiç kimse bilmiyordu.
B) Pazarlama bölümünün başına Terry’nin
A) Birleşmiş Milletler, tüm gayretine rağmen atanacağımdan hiç birimizin kuşkusu
açlık ve hastalığın her gün yüzlerce can yoktu.
aldığını kabul etmektedir. C) Terry’nin pazarlama bölümünün başına
B) Birleşmiş Milletlerin artan gayretlerine atanmasını hiç kimse onaylamadı.
rağmen, açlık ve hastalık her gün D) Terry’nin pazarlama bölümünün başına
yüzlerce can almaya devam etmektedir. atanmasına hiçbirimiz inanamadık.
C) Açlık ve hastalığın her gün yüzlerce can E) Hiç kimse pazarlama bölümünün başına
almasına rağmen, Birleşmiş Milletlerin Terry’nin getirileceğine inanmadı.
hala yardımı hızlandırmadığı
D) Birleşmiş Milletler’in yardıma devam
etmesine rağmen, açlık ve hastalıktan
ölenlerin sayısı yüzleri aşmıştır.
E) Her gün yüzlerce kişinin açlık ve
hastalıktan ölmesine rağmen, Birleşmiş 50- In the book I borrowed from you, the topic
Milletler hala yeterli yardımı of my thesis is only dealt with very
sağlayamamıştır. superficially.

A) Senden aldığım kitapta benim tezimin

konusu çok yüzeysel ele alınmış.
B) Bana verdiğin kitaptaki tezimle ilgili
bölümleri çok yüzeysel buldum.
C) Senden aldığım kitap benim tezimle ilgili
bölümleri çok yüzeysel vermiş.
D) Çok yüzeysel ele alınmış olsa da, bana
48- New house building should not mean the verdiğin kitapta tezimle ilgili bilgiler var.
disappearance of the playing fields and E) Senin verdiğin kitap benim tezimle ilgili
green spaces which every town and city olarak sadece çok yüzeysel bilgiler
needs. veriyor.

A) Yeni konut yapımı, her kasaba ve şehrin

gereksinim duyduğu oyun sahalarının ve
yeşil alanların yok olması anlamına
B) Konut yapımında çalışmaya yeni 51-54 . soruları, Türkçe’den İngilizce’ye
başlayanların ilk dikkat edeceği şey çeviriniz.
kasaba ve şehirlerin gereksinimi olan
oyun sahalarına ve yeşil alanlara 51- Çok geçmeden, pek çok ortak yanımızın
dokunmamaktır. olduğunu keşfettik.
C) Konut yapımıyla uğraşanlar kasaba ve
şehirlerdeki oyun sahalarına ve yeşil A) We soon noticed that we shared a lot of
alanlara dokunulmaması gerektiğini similar pleasures.
bilmelidir. B) It was obvious in a short time that we
D) Her yeni konut yapımıyla birlikte kasaba had quite a lot in common.
ve şehirlerimizin oyun sahaları ve yeşil C) It was soon discovered that our tastes
alanlarında azalma görülmektedir. were almost identical.
E) Kasabalar ve şehirler planlanırken yeni D) Before long, we discovered that we had
konut alanlarında oyun sahalarına ve a great many things in common.
yeşil alanlara gereksinim duyulacağı E) It didn’t take us long to discover that we
unutulmamalıdır. derived pleasure from the same things.

52- Halk oyunları ekibimiz her zaman en az 55-57. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
yirmi kişiden oluşmuştur. cevaplayınız.

A) A folk dance group like ours won’t dance Skin cancer is a condition about which people
for an audience of less than twenty are becoming increasingly concerned. As yet,
B) A folk-dance group such as ours must there is still a disturbing level of ignorance
always have at least twenty people. about the topic, and not everyone fully
C) Our folk-dance group has always understands the cause of the illness. In
consisted of at least twenty people. simple terms, sunburn and ultraviolet light
D) There are always at least twenty folk- can damage your skin, and this damage can
dance groups like ours. lead to skin cancer. There are, of course,
E) With twenty people we could always set other determining factors, including your
up our own folk-dance group. heredity and the environment you live in. As
such, it is not always a simple matter to
clearly define the source of an individual case.
However, it is still true to say that the total
amount of sun received over the years and
53- Modern yaşamın karmaşıklığı yüzünden over-exposure resulting in sunburn can cause
stres günümüzün en yaygın hastalığı skin cancer.
durumuna gelmiştir.
55- According to the passage ……………
A) Modern life is so complex that trying to
cope with it causes stress for a great A) more people are becoming infected with
many people. skin cancer than ever before
B) Because of the complexity of modern B) not many people realise at first that they
life, stress has become the most have contracted the illness
common ailment of our day. C) no one has yet found exactly what the
C) Stress has become so common in our reason for the disease is
day due to the strains of modern living D) it is not unusual for sufferers to ignore
conditions. their symptoms
D) The most common illness today is E) interest and anxiety over this type of
stress, which is the result of the rather cancer is rising
complex modern life.
E) Stress, which is caused by modern living
conditions, is the most common ailment
today. 56- The passage tells us that akin cancer ..…

A) does not only occur because of

exposure to the sun
B) is not a very complex disorder
54- İnsanoğlunun yarattığı hiç bir makine C) is totally ignored by the scientific world
henüz insan vücudunun mükemmelliğine D) almost always results from sunburn or
ulaşamamıştır. sunlight
B) develops if the person’s skin has already
A) No machine that man creates can be as been damaged
perfect as the human body.
B) None of the machines that man has
created works as perfectly as the human 57- One can infer from the passage that ……
body does.
C) Whatever man does, he cannot create a A) sufferers should take the problem more
machine that will match the perfection of seriously
his own body. B) a number of causes can lead to skin
D) No machine that man has created has cancer
yet reached the perfection of the human C) there is as yet no cure for skin cancer as
body it is difficult to pinpoint the cause
E) Of all the machines that man has D) those in hotter climates are more prone
created so far, none of them is as to the condition than others
perfect as the human body. E) sunbathing is highly effective in curing
the illness

58-60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 61-63. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

In the late 1800s, while reading about a “The Disappearances of Magdalena Grimaldi”
German scientist’s experiments in the field begins cleverly with flashbacks interrupting
Wright Brothers became interested in gliding the heroine’s, Private Investigator Valentine,
as a sport. In 1896, the scientist died as a current investigation. Valentine has been
result of an accident caused by lack of control employed to track down a missing fifteen-
of his glider’s balance. The brothers, realising year-old girl. Soon we realise that Valentine
the limitations of his teats, began to develop a herself has her own private mystery: trying to
more effective system. This controlled the discover the secret of her father who’s
balance of a glider through varying the air missing, presumed dead. Valentine’s
pressure on different parts of its surface, detection takes her from one colourful place
instead of using the human body weight as to another. She solves crimes, not by
had been tiled before. Once they’d perfected analysing character but by learning technical
it, they patented the idea which has since details about the most hidden depths of the
become known as “aileron control”. city of Sydney. The writer’s fascination with
place tends to overshadow her characters but
58- According to the passage, the brothers it is these detailed scene descriptions which
………… are the main attraction of the book.

A) first learnt how to glide from a 61- According to the review ……………
German scientist
B) helped the German scientist with his A) Magdalena Grimaldi often interrupts the
outdoor experiments private investigator while talking
C) were the inventors of gliding as a sport B) the fifteen-year-old girl has been missing
for quite a long time
D) got involved in gliding after studying C) the first part of the story is a blend of
another scientist’s work past and present
E) did not practise the sport before the late D) the investigator doesn’t let other people
1800s learn about her own secrets
E) Valentine and the Investigator make a
good team and solve crime together

59- The Wright brothers started their teats.…

62- The writer states that, alongside her
A) to find out why the previous scientist had professional work, the investigator ………
A) is teaching her father how to be a
B) in order to discover the secret of flight detective
C) to see exactly how far the German B) is trying to find out about her missing
scientist had progressed in his studies father
D) to find a way to reduce deaths during C) likes to travel from one place to another
gliding experiments D) is very interested in leading a colourful
E) to improve the weak points of the known social life
system E) does diving in the sea around Sydney

60- Before the Wright brothers’ aileron control 63- From reading the review, we can conclude
system …………… that ……………
A) the book contains colour pictures of
A) gliding over long distances was not Sydney
possible B) the book gives a detailed description of
B) gliding used to be regarded as a the Australians from Sydney
dangerous sport C) the author is concerned more with
C) the human body weight was used to surroundings than personalities
balance a glider D) the writer is particularly good at
D) it was impossible to control a gilder portraying characters
E) the heights a glider could reach were E) the way the detective solves mysteries is
limited fascinating

64-66. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67-69. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Joaquin Rodrigo stands at the end of the The term Gothic was first used during the
century-long line of neo-romantic composers. Italian Renaissance to characterize all the
The product of his life’s fascination with the monuments of the Middle Ages because they
history of Spain has been described as the were scornfully regarded as the products of
most comprehensive of all musical depictions barbarian Goths and therefore utterly lacking
of his country. Rodrigo is a virtuoso pianist in artistic merit. Subsequently, however, the
and composer of music for all media, but his term was restricted to the art and architecture
greatest fame has come from his works for of those centuries immediately following the
the guitar, an instrument he cannot play but Romanesque period and preceding the
understands very well. The first guitar Renaissance. As the last medieval period, the
concertos appeared at the beginning of the Gothic age has now also come to be regarded
nineteenth century. Rodrigo completed his as one of Europe’s outstanding artistic eras.
“Concierto de Aranjuez” in 1939. It still enjoys
unrivalled popularity in the realm of concertos 67- Gothic monuments ……………
for the guitar.
A) used to reflect barbarian scenes from
the history of the Goths
64- We can say from the passage that B) weren’t made strong enough to survive
until modern times
Rodrigo……… C) didn’t use to be regarded as works of art
D) influenced the artistic trends of the
A) is the oldest composer alive today following periods
B) was the first Spanish neo-romantic B) were quite different from what people
composer were used to seeing In the Middle Ages
C) was the last in his family to continue the
musical tradition 68- According to information given in the
D) has written music intended to portray the passage, the Gothic age ……………
history of Spain
E) wrote pieces of music under the A) refers to the era that followed the
influence of all the previous composers Romanesque period and the
B) took place between the Romanesque
period and the Renaissance
65- The passage states that the musician …. C) is regarded as an artistic era inferior to
the Romanesque period and the
A) receives a lot of attention from Renaissance
newspapers and TV D) was a period in which there were certain
B) writes music for the guitar although he restrictions on art forms
does not play it E) is considered to be the most infamous
C) has written music for films about the era in the history of European art
history of Spain
D) first played the guitar early in the 19th
69- From the information in the passage, we
century can conclude that ……………
E) plays most instruments professionally,
including the guitar A) all monuments from the Middle Ages are
considered to be outstanding art
66- The author states that Rodrigo’s Aranjuez B) opinions about the art produced in the
……… Gothic age have changed greatly over
A) still receives praise from the media C) many people consider the art of the
B) is considered by many to be the best Renaissance inferior to that of the Gothic
piece of music ever composed age
C) was the musician’s experiment in D) the monuments produced by the Goths
have no artistic value
modem guitar playing E) the artistic works of the Romanesque
D) was the first concerto he composed for period and the Renaissance are
the guitar favoured more than those produced in
E) is regarded as the most popular guitar the Gothic age
concerto of all time

70-72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 72- It’s clear from the author’s statements that
cevaplayınız. rodeos ……………

A rodeo is a festival consisting of a set of A) are held in every state of the USA once
competitive sports based on the traditional or twice a year
working skills of cowboys — riding and B) were originally organized to encourage
roping cattle and horses. The rodeo has its cowboys to improve their skills
origins in the development of the cattle C) developed from the informal
industry. Once or twice each year the cattle competitions cowboys held to entertain
were rounded up and driven to various market themselves
towns. After the hard work of the roundup, the D) no longer include the riding and roping of
cowboys were paid off, and they usually cattle and horses, but other sports
celebrated the occasion. Informal E) contributed to the rapid development of
competitions were held in which the cowboys the cattle Industry
bet their wages on their individual skills. The
first rodeo with an admission charge for
spectators was held in Prescott, Arizona, in 73-75. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
1888. The modern rodeo is a colourful event cevaplayınız.
that flourishes in all 50 states in the U.S.A.,
most of Canada, and parts of Europe and The term novel now refers to any extended
Australia. Most U.S. rodeos are held with the narrative fiction in prose. The word novel is
guidance of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys derived from the Italian novella, a compact
Association, founded in 1936 as the Cowboy prose tale somewhat longer than a short
Turtles Associations. Rodeo cowboys receive story. In many European countries, however,
no regular fee. They compete solely for the a novel is known as a roman, suggesting its
prize-money, which, on average, amounts to connection with the older form romance — a
about $29,000. narrative of a more legendary, poetic nature,
which was-at first a verse and later a prose
70- We understand from the passage that ….. form. The novel usually seeks to recreate
everyday experience. to represent the world
A) rodeo cowboys earn huge salaries as it is rather than to evoke, as in the
B) rodeos are an important source of romance, a legendary world. It is impossible
income for many countries to formulate an inclusive definition of the
C) cowboys are all keen to compete in basic subject matter of the novel. A novel may
rodeos due to the amount of the prize be set within the human mind, in a visionary
money future state, on a ship or a battlefield, in a
D) the skills tested in a rodeo are closely parliament or a church, in a court of law or a
related to those of the competitors’ hospital. Furthermore, the novelist’s - view of
profession the nature and fate of humanity may vary
E) rodeos are only open to people who widely from book to book. A novel may be
work in the cattle industry organized according to any one of an Infinite
variety of principles.

71- The significance of the Prescott Rodeo in

1888 was that …………… 73- We can infer from the statement in the
passage that ……………
A) a huge number of spectators came to
watch the competition A) the novel is a long narrative in prose
B) those who watched the competition, for while the romance is a short poem
the first time, paid money for entry B) novelists try to enrich their stories by
C) it was the first rodeo to be sponsored by exaggerating the characters in them
the Cowboy Turtles Association C) modern people are no longer willing to
D) spectators began, for the first time, to read legendary stories
bet a considerable amount of money on D) wars, politics and religion are the most
their favourite cowboys popular subjects used in novels
E) the cowboys competing in the rodeo E) anything from real life can be the subject
were charged a certain amount of matter of a novel
money for admission

74- It’s mentioned in the passage that earlier 77- So far, thanks to the fine weather, the
example of the romance …………… project has continued according to
A) were similar to the novel in many ways
B) were about the same length as a short A) The project can only proceed as
story scheduled if the climate permits.
C) were much longer than the modern B) Unless the weather turns in our favour,
novel trying to keep to the schedule is far from
D) were in the form of poetry being realistic.
E) were legends of folk heroes C) Regardless of the bad weather we’ve
had up to now, the scheme has gone as
D) There hasn’t yet been any bad weather
to cause a change to the project’s
E) The plans could not have gone ahead so
quickly if they hadn’t been helped by
good weather.

75- We can conclude from the passage that,

in organising his novel, the novelist

A) has no limitations
B) chooses one of the established 78- Seldom has there been such agreement
principles between all political parties.
C) tries to imitate his forerunners
D) has to take the readers’ interests into A) The parties can hardly ever agree about
consideration anything these days.
E) makes use of other literary forms B) Although they agree now, the politicians
will soon change their minds.
C) This amount of similar thinking amongst
the parties is a rare thing.
D) The new political agreement has never
before been seen.
E) It is always easy for the parties to argue
about each other’s weaknesses.
76-80. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en
yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz.

76- Had the heating been turned down

sooner, the office wouldn’t be so
incredibly hot now.

A) As soon as the heating was switched off, 79- Ian has no intention of coming to the
the office became far too cold for party, so we may as well not invite him.
B) Because it was surprisingly hot, the A) Even if he wants to come, we aren’t
heating was quickly turned down in the going to ask Ian to the party.
office. B) As he doesn’t mean to come anyway,
C) It was difficult to believe the office could we needn’t ask Ian to the party.
be so warm without any central heating. C) Let’s not invite Ian to the party unless he
D) We only began to feel warm in the office promises to come.
after the new heating system was D) Because he never wants to come to
installed. them, we never ask Ian to parties with
E) As the temperature of the heating wasn’t us.
lowered in time, the office is now E) None of us wants Ian to be at the party,
extremely hot. so we aren’t inviting him.

80- Whatever other people might think of her, C) As the action usually took place in the
I’ve always liked her. 19th century, horses were the main form
of transportation
A) Unlike other people around her, I like her D) Some viewers were offended by the
whatever she does. number of guns and the amount of
B) Not many people realise it, but actually I shooting in them
am very fond of her. E) To represent the original events as
C) Other people’s opinions have never accurately as possible, the filming often
affected my good feelings towards her. took a number of months
D) I’ve had a liking for her for a long time,
mainly because I feel sorry for her.
E) It doesn’t matter what she does as I’ll
still like her.
83- At the end of the day, my husband
returned home from work as usual. For
once, I was at home to meet him, a
situation that proved pleasant for both of
81-85. sorularda parçada boş bırakılan yere us. …………… Fortunately, today
uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. was an exception as the head nurse had
given me a day off at home, for I had
81- Ours is the first generation of travellers worked without a break for the last 48
for whom a visit to a new place can be hours.
spoiled by a feeling of familiarity.
…………… If you go to New York, for A) For the last two weeks he had come to
example, the experience is not, as it once see me at the hospital, where I was still
was, a revelation. It is more the feeling of recovering from a car accident
having stepped through the screen: what B) Normally, I would arrive back much later
you watched previously suddenly than him, as I worked evening shifts at
becomes real. the local hospital
C) He was frequently delayed in the rush
A) This is because travel can now so easily hour traffic which meant that he didn’t
be experienced indirectly through get back until the middle of the evening
television D) We decided to make a special
B) In fact, it has never been easy travelling celebration meal and Invited some
with your own family friends to dine with us
C) Modern design has become so dull that E) My grandmother had come to visit, so
almost everywhere looks the same we spent all night looking through old
D) Once you have visited one capital city, family photos
others are rarely very different
E) This is one reason behind the sharp
decline in tourism over recent years
84- …………… Then one day, in the midst of
strong winds and heavy rainfall, the
inevitable happened. It came crashing
82- John Wayne was a worldwide film star for down with a loud thud, sending pieces of
many years, and continues to appear on plaster everywhere. Worse still, the water
TV to this day. Most of his movies were system in the roof ruptured, so the entire
based on real events, either in the Second first floor was soon covered in water and
World War or in Americas Wild West. we had to call the fire brigade for help.
…………… However, the fact is that his
films contained this element simply A) For some time, the ceiling of the
because they took place in the Old West bedroom had been showing signs of
or in the war. Moreover, it is even stress and strain
arguable that his movies are less harmful B) Having set off in bad weather conditions,
than modern day action films, where sex the pilot knew it would be a difficult flight
and violence are the accepted norm. C) Until last year, the large old oak tree in
the park had always withstood storms in
A) He usually portrayed strong, manly winter
characters with determination and D) Being situated near a river, the cottage
courage was at risk from flooding if there was a
B) Other actors who played alongside him lot of rainfall
sometimes accused him of being E) I had always said that it was a bad idea
arrogant to keep the antique wardrobe outdoors

85- Previously, scientists believed that 87- You are trying to organise a surprise
humans first spread into modern-day birthday party for one of your friends. You
America, that is the “New World”, 11,200 ask another friend for his help, and
years ago. …………… This unexpected warning him not to spoil the surprise, you
discovery has forced scientists to rethink say:
their theories about how mankind
originally migrated to the region. In A) Don’t tell him, but it’s Geoff s birthday on
addition, it also raises the question of Friday.
what type of civilization there was at that B) Do you think you could telephone
time. some of his friends without him finding
A) A variety of samples of primitive culture C) I’ve no idea what to get Sandra for her
have been uncovered to support the birthday. What do you suggest?
theory D) Have you been invited to the party on
B) They concluded that, during that period, Saturday yet?
it was possible to cross what is now the E) I can’t tell you what time it starts
Atlantic on foot because I can’t trust you.
C) However, evidence uncovered recently
proves that they lived there much earlier
D) This date Is considerably later than other
regions across Earth
E) At the time, they settled mainly in the 88- You have recently bought a new computer
north of the huge continent but are having difficulty learning how to
us it. A close friend of yours is a computer
expert, so you ask her:

A) Could you take this back to the shop for

me? I think there’s something wrong with
the modem.
B) I think it’s going to take me a long time to
get the hang of this.
C) I can’t believe the advances that we
have made in technology
D) What model of computer would you
recommend for a beginner?
E) I don’t suppose you could stop by and
86-90. sorularda verilen durumda give me a quick lesson, could you?
söylenebilecek sözü bulunuz.

86- Mary has recently got engaged and now

she wants to buy a house, so she goes to
see her bank manager about organising a
mortgage. She has a good credit rating at
the bank, so the bank manager says: 89- You are going camping with a friend, but
realise that you have nothing to cook food
A) Considering your parents’ wealth. I’m on. You stop at a shop which says on the
surprised they aren’t going to buy you a sign “Camping Equipment” and say:
house for the wedding present.
B) We can’t lend you any more money. I’m A) Do you have any maps which have good
afraid a mortgage is out of the question. restaurants marked on them?
C) Before you decide to buy, are you B) What type of sleeping bags do you have
absolutely sure you’re going to stay in stock?
together? C) A kilo of minced beef and five kilos of
D) So you’d like to move to your own place. potatoes, please.
How much do you think you’ll need? D) We’d like some plastic plates. They’re
E) If your Visa card has expired, my more practical than paper ones.
secretary will be happy to issue you with E) Have you got any small camping stoves
a new one. and gas cylinders?

90- You open the newspaper, and, to your C) Look at that! My brand new trousers are
complete amazement, see a picture of filthy already!
your friend who has been interviewed D) I wish you would stop changing
about an interesting hobby of hers. You channels on the television! Let’s just
ring her and say excitedly: watch one programme at a time.
E) The video recorder is going wrong
A) So! It finally got printed. How much did again. Maybe the cassette is tangled up
they pay you? inside.
B) I can’t believe it! You never told me you
were going to be in the paper.
C) It’s such a waste of paper. Who wants to
read about computerised hang-gliding?
D) You shouldn’t have done it! Now you’ve
been caught, everyone will know your 93- Louise: I hear that the police still haven’t
face! captured the man who robbed
E) Did you buy a copy for your mother? Lloyd’s Bank last week.
Gavin : ……………
Louise: I know. They were so slow
reacting to the alarm that even I
91-95. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş could have got away!
bırakılan bölümünde söylenmiş olabilecek
sözü bulunuz. A) That’s not what I heard. The latest news
is that he’s been found.
91- Ron : Are you sure that you’ve got B) Well, by the time they found out all about
everything packed for the holiday? it, he’d probably already left the country.
Rose : All except for the suntan lotion, C) People say that he wasn’t really guilty
but I couldn’t find it anywhere when and it was someone else who did it.
I looked. D) How do you know? There still hasn’t
Ron : …………… been an official press release about the
Rose : Yes, I looked in them all and there situation.
was no sign of it. Let’s just buy E) He was carrying over $10 million in cash
some when we arrive. when they picked him up at the airport.

A) That’s probably because the children

used it all at the seaside last week.
B) Perhaps we should ask the neighbours if
we can borrow theirs. 94- Dill : What time do you need to be at
C) Don’t forget the map. I still don’t know the airport for your flight
the exact directions to the resort. tomorrow?
D) Did you check inside the bedroom Jill : The plane departs around one
drawers? o’clock, so about an hour before
E) What about some books to pass the that, I should think.
time on the journey? Bill : ……………
Jill : That would be great! I have lots of
paperwork to keep me occupied in
the meantime.
92- Doug : ……………
Mark : Are you certain that it’s not the A) They said it would be delayed, so don’t
fuse? You should check that first expect to get home on time.
before you put a new one in. B) Do you know how you’re going to get
Doug : Yes, you’re right. I always forget there yet?
to do that, which means I probably C) If you don’t mind arriving early. I can
change them far more often than I drop you off on my way to work.
really need to. D) I’d give you a lift if I could, but I’m afraid
It’s impossible as I’ll be very busy.
A) Oh, dear! The lounge light bulb has E) Lucky you! The airline has just started
blown again. I can’t see a thing. giving away free drinks to passengers.
B) Can you help me with this English text?
I can’t understand any of the new words.

95- Vincent: Goodness! You look exhausted! 98- I) The Antarctic is one of the most hostile and
What have you been doing? dangerous regions on Earth. II) After five
Debbie: …………… days adrift in freezing waters near Antarctica,
Vincent: That must be tough. Do you think a British sailor was rescued by an Australian
you’ll be fit and ready in time? Navy ship. III) The man, whose small yacht
Debbie: Yes. If I keep to my current capsized in high winds, was spotted by the
schedule, I’m confident I can do it. crew and picked up. IV) Suffering from
hypothermia, he was immediately wrapped in
A) Cleaning the windows all morning. It was foil to raise his body temperature. V) When
so tiring! later interviewed, the yachtsman said he was
B) I’ve just got back from a check-up at the lucky to be alive and had survived through
doctor’s. He recommended that I take a pure determination.
few days off work.
C) I was only carrying some dustbin bags, A) I B) II C) III D) IV E)V
but I think I’ve strained my back.
D) I’m training for next month’s marathon,
so I’m trying to do a 10-mile jog every
E) I know, but there are so many things I
have to complete at the office by
tomorrow morning.

99- I) The popular department store “Marks and

96-100. sorularda, anlam bakımından parçanın Spencer”, began life more than a century
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. ago. II) Michael Marks, the founder, opened
up a stall in a market in Leeds after he
96- I) The Spanish singer Montserrat Caballe is immigrated to England from Poland.
considered to be one of the greatest III) In Poland, he realised the great
sopranos of the music world. II) Born in opportunities for business in the West.
Barcelona, she comes from a very musical IV) There, he sold a variety of articles at
family. III) It was there that she was first cheap prices until, some years later, he met
discovered by a Spanish talent spotter. Tom Spencer. V) Together, they began a
IV) As such, her parents’ involvement was a chain of shops which has since grown to be
great help to her, and her brother has been the worldwide enterprise we know today.
her manager since the start of her music
career. V) Together with her husband, a A) I B) II C) III D) IV E)V
retired tenor singer, they all plan her
performances and schedules for touring.


97- I) In London, many suburbs have weekly

fresh fruit and vegetable markets. II) These
sell newly-produced goods which come
straight from the farms. III) Purchases there 100. I) If you see a pelican standing on his flat feet
are generally cheaper than anything you can on a sandy beach, you may not think that he
find in a grocery store. IV) What is more, is much of a flier. II) But he is.
walking through the colourful, busy streets III) Group flying, however, is only one of the
amidst the crowds of buyers is an exciting pelican's talents. IV) Watch him as he swings
and enjoyable part of a visit to the city. into his flight path and moves along at about
V) Therefore, when you first arrive, be sure to twenty-six miles an hour, almost touching the
change sufficient money as London’s prices tops of the waves. V) It is a perfect show.
are remarkably high.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


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