Module 4

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Saran Uppal
Groups and Teams
 Characteristics of group
 Why do people join group
 Types of Groups
 Stages of team/group development
 Importance of teamwork in event industry

Prof. Saran Uppal

 A group is defined as two or more individuals,
interacting and interdependent, who have come
together to achieve particular objectives and who
perceive themselves as being a group.

Prof. Saran Uppal

Why Do People Join Groups
 Security

 Status

 Self Esteem

 Affiliation

 Power

 Goal Achievement

Prof. Saran Uppal

Types of Groups
 Formal Group
are those which are defined by the organization’s
structure, with designated work assignments
establishing tasks. All activities are stipulated and
directed towards organizational goals.
 Informal Group
are alliances that are neither formally structured nor
organizationally determined. There are natural
formations in the work environment that appear in
response to the need for social contact

Prof. Saran Uppal

Sub classification of Groups
Command Group:
is determined by the organization
chart. It is composed of the HR
individuals who report directly to a Manager

given manager. Hr Hr trainee Hr

executive executive

Task Group:
is also determined by the
organization and represents those
working together to complete a job

Prof. Saran Uppal

Interest Group:
those working together to attain a specific objective with
which each is concerned.

Friendship groups:
those brought together because they share one or more
common characteristics.

Prof. Saran Uppal

Contribution of informal groups
 To Individual

 To organization

Prof. Saran Uppal

 A small number of people with complementary skills
who are committed to a common purpose,
performance goals, and approach for which they hold
themselves mutually accountable

Prof. Saran Uppal

‘Groups’ Vs ‘Teams’.
 A ‘Group ‘is two or more people interacting with each other for a
common goal.

 Whereas, a ‘Team’ is a small number of people with complementary

competencies committed to common performance goals for which
they are mutually accountable.

 The element of complementary dependency and mutual

accountability is more strong in a team than in a group.



Prof. Saran Uppal

Stages of Group/ Team
Forming Close relationships
Uncertainty and cohesiveness

Adjourning Performing
Wrapping up Fully functional

Prof. Saran Uppal

Forming stage.
 Initial entry of members to a group.
 Members concern’s include:
 Getting to know each other.
 Discovering what is considered
acceptable behavior.
 Determining the group’s real task.
 Defining group rules.

 There is confusion about

 What to do.
 How to interact.

Prof. Saran Uppal

Indicators of this stage might include: -
• Unclear objectives,
• Uninvolvement,
• Uncommitted members,
• Confusion,
• Low morale,
• Hidden feelings,
• Poor listening, etc.

 This stage is complete when members have began to

think themselves as part of a group.

Prof. Saran Uppal

Storming stage.
A period of high emotionality and
tension among group members.
Members concern’s include:
 Formation of coalitions and cliques.
 Dealing with outside demands.
 Clarifying membership expectations.
 Dealing with obstacles to group goals.
 Understanding members’ interpersonal
 Participants now focus on being
heard and having control

Prof. Saran Uppal

 This stage represents intra-group conflict.

 There is conflict over who will control the group.

 After the completion of this stage there is a relatively clear

hierarchy of leadership within the group.
 These activities mark the storming phase: -
• Lack of cohesion,
• Subjectivity,
• Hidden agendas,
• Conflicts,
• Confrontation,
• anger

Prof. Saran Uppal

Norming stage
 The point at which the group really begins to
come together as a coordinated unit.

 Typified by
 Spoken and unspoken rules about interactions
 Clear tasks and purposes
 Relief!

Prof. Saran Uppal

 The norming stage, is one in which close
relationships develop and the group demonstrates
cohesiveness and strong sense of group identity.

 This stage is complete when the group structure

solidifies and the group has assimilated a common
set of expectations of what defines correct member

Prof. Saran Uppal

Performing stage
 Marks the emergence of a mature,
organized, and well-functioning group.
 Members deal with complex tasks and
handle internal disagreements in creative
 Primary challenge is to continue to
improve relationships and performance.
 Participants achieve maximum productivity

 They move to solving problems

Prof. Saran Uppal

 During this stage, the group members show how
effectively and efficiently they can achieve results
 The roles of individual members are accepted and
 The members have understood when they should
work independently and when they should help each
 Functional roles are performed as needed and tasks
are efficiently accomplished.

Prof. Saran Uppal

Adjourning stage
 Particularly important for temporary groups.
 Participants prepare to disband
 A well-integrated group is:
 Able to disband when its work is finished.
 Willing to work together in the future.

Prof. Saran Uppal

Importance of teamwork in event industry
 Variety of skillset required
 Industry that requires human touch
 Problem solving/troubleshooting becomes easy
 Collaboration and coordination is key to success in
event industry
 Reduces stress
 Boost innovation and creativity
 Meet shorter deadlines

Prof. Saran Uppal

 What is leadership?
 Identify the traits and skills of an effective leader
 Key leadership theories
 Leadership styles
 Identify your leadership style
 Leadership skills important for event industry/ skills
of an event manager

Prof. Saran Uppal

 Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to
act towards achieving a common goal

 Leadership is the process of encouraging and helping

others to work enthusiastically towards objectives

Prof. Saran Uppal

Prof. Saran Uppal
Leadership Theories
Trait Theory:
 The Trait theories of leadership focus on individual characteristics of
successful leader
 It believes that leaders possess a set of traits which make them distinct from
followers or non-leaders.
 Ralph Stogdill conducted various studies on leadership and concluded that
successful leaders tend to have the following traits:
 Adaptable to situations Skills
 Alert to social environment • Clever (intelligent)
 Ambitious and achievement orientated • Conceptually skilled
 Assertive
 Cooperative • Creative
 Decisive • Diplomatic and tactful
 Dependable • Fluent in speaking
 Dominant (desire to influence others) • Knowledgeable about group task
 Energetic (high activity level)
 Persistent • Organised (administrative ability)
 Self-confident • Persuasive
 Tolerant of stress • Socially skilled
 Willing to assume responsibility Stogdill, 1974
Prof. Saran Uppal
Leadership Stlyes
 Leadership Style is the typical approach a particular
person uses to lead people.

 Leadership styles are divided into 4 types:

1. Styles based on Authority Retained

2. Style based on People versus Task Emphasis
3. Styles based on assumptions about people

Prof. Saran Uppal

 Styles based on authority retained:

1. Authoritarian Style

2. Participative Style

3. Free Rein style/ laissez faire

Prof. Saran Uppal

Styles based on task Vs People

High- relationship and low task High Task and High -relationship
People Emphasis

(supporting style) (Participative style)

Low- task and low relationship High-task and low-relationship

(Free-rein style) (autocratic style)

Low High

Task Emphasis

Prof. Saran Uppal

 Style based on assumption about People

 McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

 Theory X leader are autocratic while theory Y leaders

are participative

Prof. Saran Uppal

Ohio state Univeristy Studies

Low initiating structure and high High initiating structure and high

consideration consideration
(Human Relations) (Democratic)

Low initiating structure and low High initiating structure and low
consideration consideration
(Laissez- faire) (Autocratic)
Lo w

Low High
Initiating Structure
Consideration was positively related to low absenteeism and grievance but negatively or
neutrally related performance
Initiating structure was positively related to employee performance but was associated with
negative consequences absenteeism and grievance

Prof. Saran Uppal

The Managerial Grid

(Country Club Team Management


management Task

Prof. Saran Uppal

Self Assessment
never sometimes always
0 1 2 3 4 5

1. _______ I encourage my team to participate when it comes decision-making time

and I try to implement their ideas and suggestions.

2. _______ Nothing is more important than accomplishing a goal or task.

3. _______ I closely monitor the schedule to ensure a task or project will be

completed in time.

4. _______ I enjoy coaching people on new tasks and procedures.

5. _______ The more challenging a task is, the more I enjoy it.

Prof. Saran Uppal

6. _______ I encourage my employees to be creative about their job.

7. _______ When seeing a complex task through to completion, I ensure that every
detail is accounted for.

8. _______ I find it easy to carry out several complicated tasks at the same time.

9. _______ I enjoy reading articles, books, and journals about training, leadership, and
psychology; and then putting what I have read into action.

10. _______ When correcting mistakes, I do not worry about jeopardizing


11. _______ I manage my time very efficiently.

12. ______ I enjoy explaining the intricacies and details of a complex task or project to
my employees.

Prof. Saran Uppal

13. _______ Breaking large projects into small manageable tasks is second nature to

14. _______ Nothing is more important than building a great team.

15. _______ I enjoy analyzing problems.

16. _______ I honor other people's boundaries.

17. _______ Counseling my employees to improve their performance or behavior is

second nature to me.

18. _______ I enjoy reading articles, books, and trade journals about my profession;
and then implementing the new procedures I have learned.

Prof. Saran Uppal

Question Question

1.______ 2.______

4.______ 3.______

6.______ 5.______

9.______ 7.______

10.______ 8.______

12.______ 11.______

14.______ 13.______

16.______ 15.______

17.______ 18.______

TOTAL ________ TOTAL ________

Prof. Saran Uppal
Prof. Saran Uppal
Prof. Saran Uppal
Skills of event manager/ leader
 People skills
 Flexibility
 Communication and listening skills
 Passion for the dynamic industry
 Calm under pressure
 Problem Solving
 Creativity
 Ability to Multi tasking
 Happy to work nights and weekends
 Willingness to learn and expand skills

Prof. Saran Uppal

 Aspects of Communication
 Communication in event industry
 7 Cs of effective communication
 Communicating through email

Prof. Saran Uppal

Aspects of Communication
 Listen
 Speak

Types of Communication:
Verbal, Non verbal and Written

Prof. Saran Uppal

Communication in event industry
 Before the event
 Communicating timelines
 Communicating details
 Communications tools
 Event page on your website
 Email marketing
 App
 Social Media
 Twitter, fb, Instagram
 During the event
Communicating details to attendees, client and staff on a continuous
Prof. Saran Uppal
 After the event
 Thank everyone involved
 Feedback communication
 Making an impact even after the event is over (photo
albums, news letter, social media)
 testimonials

Prof. Saran Uppal

Email etiquette and 7Cs of effective
 Use a professional email address
 Clear/ direct subject line
 Use proper salutation, greetings and sign offs
 Include a signature block
 Know when to use CC and BCC
 Proof read every message
 Add recipient’s email address at last
 Keep fonts classic

Prof. Saran Uppal

7Cs of effective communication
 Clear
Dear shruti,
I would like to talk to you about the new client’s project which the marketing
team had discussed yesterday. I might need the help of Rohit from your team.
Dear Shruti,
As you may know we have signed up XYZ as our new client. I had a meeting
with the marketing team yesterday and had discussed the campaign
requirements for this project. Rohit Jain from your team had done a pretty
good job last time doing the social media campaign for ABC and so I would
like him to work on the XYZ campaign too. Would you be available sometime
tomorrow to discuss this further?
Prof. Saran Uppal
 Correct
Dear Preeti,
Further to our conservation today, I am attaching the plan
for the first stage of the project. Hope the one weak
deadline is okay with you and your team.

Prof. Saran Uppal

 Complete
Hi all,
Let us meet tomorrow to discuss our next event. Please be
there on time.

Hi all,
Let us meet tomorrow at 11am at Conference room 3 to
discuss our next event. Please be there on time.
Prof. Saran Uppal
 Concise
Hi Preeti
I think we need to talk about the CSR campaign, I mean the one which we
need to do as a quarterly exercise. I think it is a great way of enhancing our
brand image. Basically, it would just be a visit to an orphanage but we can
sort of do other things too. For instance, we could take the kids out for a
short trip to a nearby park or zoo. Let us sit and talk tomorrow.

Hi Preeti
I need to discuss the quarterly CSR campaign with you. Let us take the kids
out this time to a nearby park or zoo instead of just visiting them. This will
help enhance our brand image. We’ll talk in detail tomorrow.
Prof. Saran Uppal
 Concrete
“Hilltop Resort is the best resort. Do come to us on your
next holiday”

Hilltop Resort is the jewel of the western hills. Take a break

from your work. Escape from life’s chaos and stress. Relax
and rejuvenate yourself at Hilltop. Go back fresh and

Prof. Saran Uppal

 Courteous
 Consideration

Prof. Saran Uppal

Thank You

Prof. Saran Uppal

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