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Revista Brasileira de Terapia

e-ISSN: 1982-3541 Comportamental e Cognitiva

Income distribution in the Public Goods Game:


An experimental analogue of corruption *

Distribuição de rendimentos no Jogo dos Bens Públicos: um análogo

experimental de corrupção
Distribución de ingresos en el juego de bienes públicos: Un análogo experimental
de corrupcion

ABSTRACT: Corruption has been the object of study in

much research, but only recently have begun to investigate
it experimentally. One way to study this phenomenon is to
expose the participants in a Public Goods Game (PGG) in
which they need to contribute to producing a particular public
good, and then need to make decisions about how this good
will be distributed among all the participants. A participant Autores(as)
who makes distributions unequally for his own benefit shall André Luíz Ferreira 1 *
behave in a manner analogous to that described in the crime Giovana Escobal 1
of peculation. The aim of this study was to investigate how Celso Goyos 1
the participants distributed public resources in the PGG. Six
participants were exposed to the game, in which they played
two consecutives blocks of PGG. Each participant was in- Correspondente
formed that they were playing with in the same group, but *
in fact, he/she was plying alone, against non-real players. In Rod. Washington Luiz, s/n, São Carlos -
the first block, they played the standard PGG version, con- SP, 13565-905
tributing with de production of a public income. In the sec-
ond block, each participant was elected in a false election to Dados do Artigo
manage the income distribution. In this setting, five partici- DOI: 10.31505/rbtcc.v22i1.1466
pants made unequal distributions, i.e., they allocated most of Recebido: 22 de Julho de 20XX
the resources to themselves (more than 17% of the resourc- Revisado: 04 de Novembro de 20XX
es) varying between 20% (like some P1 and P2 trials) and Aprovado: 08 de Dezembro de 20XX

80% (like some P4 and P6). From these results, it is suggest- Como citar este documento
ed that changes in the contingencies that control the occur- Ferreira, A. L., Escobal, G., Goyos, C.
rence of this type of behaviour need to be in the center of (2020). Income distribution in the Pu-
blic Goods Game: An experimental ana-
any kind of discussions about corruption and its occurrence. logue of corruption. Revista Brasileira
Keywords: Corruption; Behaviour Analysis; Game Theory; de Terapia Comportamental e Cogniti-
va, 22.
Public Goods Game. v22i1.1466

* O presente artigo foi baseado na dissertação de mestrado do pri-

meiro autor, financiada integralmente pela FAPESP (processo É permitido compartilhar e adaptar. Deve dar o crédito
2014/15457-9). apropriado, não pode usar para fins comerciais.

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 1-18


RESUMO: A corrupção tem sido objeto de estudo em diversas pesquisas, mas apenas recente-
mente tem sido investigada experimentalmente. Uma maneira de estudar tal fenómeno é expor os
participantes a um Jogo dos Bens Públicos (JBP) no qual eles precisam contribuir para produzir
um bem público específico, e então precisam tomar decisões sobre como tal bem seria distribuí-
do entre os demais participantes. Um participante que fizer distribuições desiguais beneficiando
a si estaría se comportando de maneira análoga ao que é descrito pelo crime de peculato. O ob-
jetivo do presente estudo foi investigar como os participantes distribuiram recursos públicos no
JBP. Seis participantes foram expostos ao procedimento. Cinco deles fizeram distribuições desi-
guais, isto é, alocaram a maior parte dos recursos para si mesmo. A partir destes resultados, su-
gerimos mudanças nas contingencias que controlam a ocorrência deste tipo de comportamento.
Palavras-chave: Corrupção, Análise do Comportamento, Teoria dos Jogos, Jogo dos Bens Públicos.

RESUMEN: La corrupción ha sido objeto de estudio en varios estudios, pero solo recientemente
se ha investigado experimentalmente. Una forma de estudiar un fenómeno de este tipo es exponer
a los participantes a un Juego de bienes públicos (JBP) en el que deben contribuir a producir un
bien público específico, y luego deben tomar decisiones sobre cómo se distribuiría entre los otros
participantes. Un participante que realiza distribuciones desiguales beneficiándose a sí mismo se
comportaría de manera similar a la descrita por el delito de malversación de fondos. El objetivo
del presente estudio fue investigar cómo los participantes distribuyeron los recursos públicos en el
JBP. Seis participantes fueron expuestos al procedimiento. Cinco de ellos hicieron distribuciones
desiguales, es decir, asignaron la mayoría de los recursos para ellos. A partir de estos resultados, su-
gerimos cambios en las contingencias que controlan la ocurrencia de este tipo de comportamiento.
Palabras clave: Corrupción, Análisis de Comportamiento, Teoría de Juegos, Juego de Bienes públicos.

T  he issue of corruption has come under

the spotlight in Brazil due to the numer-
ous cases that Federal Police operations have
discussed, its definition is far from a consen-
sus, and can be observed by an almost infinite
gradation (Brei 1996; Speck 2000). However,
dismantled, such as Operation Car Wash (La- despite the difficulties in defining corruption,
va-Jato), considered the second largest corrup- it has been systematically investigated by dif-
tion case in history, affecting Brazil’s position ferent authors (Heidenheimer, 1970; Power &
in the Corruption Perceptions Index, publicised Gonzalez, 2003; Speck, 2000), but only recent-
by the NGO called Transparency International. ly has it begun to be investigated experimen-
In this ranking, countries receive points regard- tally. Frank and Schulze (2000) published the
ing their perceived levels of corruption deter- first experimental work on the subject, which
mined by agents that deal with the government. aimed to investigate whether Economics stu-
The more honest the country, the more points dents would accept more bribes than students
it obtains on a scale from 0 to 100. In the last from other areas.
ranking, Brazil dropped its position compared Since then, there have been advances over
to previous years, reaching the lowest position the years (Serra & Wantchekon, 2012). The
so far in 2019 (106th). behaviours of accepting and offering bribery
Although the issue of corruption is an age-old were the dependent variables most investigat-
problem, of great social importance and is much ed by the authors in this area (Abbink & Hen-

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nig-Schmidt, 2002, 2006; Armantier & Boly, an increase in the frequency with which cer-
2008; Bilotkach, 2006; Lambsdorff & Frank, tain individuals show corrupt behaviour over
2010; Schulze & Frank, 2003; Van Veldhui- a given period of time (accepting and offering
zen, 2013), having even produced comparative bribery and undue advantages, diverting pub-
studies between the laboratory controlled en- lic resources for private purposes, etc.) and the
vironment and natural environments (Amant- access we have to this information.
ier & Boly, 2008). In Behaviour Analysis, some conceptu-
Despite the advances in experimental liter- al works have been published on the subject,
ature (Serra & Wantchekon, 2012), there are demonstrating how the Behaviour Analysis
some shortcomings, mainly when analysing framework can contribute to understanding cor-
the variables responsible for establishing and ruption as a behavioural phenomenon, helping
maintaining the behaviours in the participants´ to analyse contingencies that can control these
repertoire. Not only in experimental literature, behaviours (Agbota, Sandaker, & Ree, 2015;
but also in the literature on corruption in gen- Fernandes, Perallis & Pezzato, 2015; Gold-
eral, some explanations of corrupt behaviour stein & Pennypacker, 1998). However, much
fall back on internalist variables. For example, remains to be done, especially concerning ex-
Frank and Schulze (2000) conclude that “econ- perimental studies, a potential way to empir-
omists tend to pursue their own interests more ically study the contingencies responsible for
consequently than other people” (p.110). In- shape corrupt behavioural patterns. Through ex-
ternalist explanations are wide ranging, such perimental studies, analogous laboratory situa-
as personal inclinations (Cameron, Chadhuri, tions can be created in which people who show
Nisvan & Gangadharan, 2009; Campos-Ortiz, corrupt behaviour are exposed.
2011), moral cost and a sense of justice (Ab- One of these possibilities is to expose indi-
bink, 2002), among others. The problem with viduals to a decision-making context in rela-
resorting to this kind of explanation is that they tion to public resources management, a context
are explanatory fiction (Skinner, 1953). It is that is similar to the one which politicians, civ-
in this sense that Behaviour Analysis can help il servants and various managers are exposed
analyse the environmental variables of which to (trustees, union presidents and residents as-
the behaviour observed in an experimental con- sociations, etc).
text is a function, describing the contingencies The choices that an individual can make in
under which these repertoires are established. this context are: to properly manage public re-
An early contribution of Behaviour Analy- sources, i.e., to distribute these resources in a
sis would be to provide an operational defini- way that legislation and other regulations fore-
tion of what we call corruption. This implies see; or administer incorrectly, making distribu-
leaving the term corruption aside, because it tions contrary to that foreseen in the legislation
is a general label and a rather descriptive con- or regulation, privileging particular interests.
cept, and treats it as behaviours (or classes of Making use of public goods for private pur-
behaviour). Behaviours can be described as cor- poses, in this case, distributing public resourc-
rupt given the functional relationships that are es in greater quantities for oneself or others, is
established between behaviours that the indi- characterized as a type of corrupt behaviour,
vidual shows and the consequences he/she pro- more specifically, the crime of peculation,
duces, more specifically, the illicit gain of re- which is defined according to the Brazilian Pe-
inforcers from public goods. When we say that nal Code in article 312 (Decree Law No. 2848,
corruption is on the rise, it means two things: 1940) as “The appropriation by a public offi-

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 3-18


cial of money, chattel or valuables, no matter es to which a participant is exposed: for each
whether public or private, when he or she holds choice he/she makes, the consequences can be
possession of them by using his or her office reinforcing, i.e., maintaining the behaviour of
for his or her own benefit or for the benefit of contributing in the next trials, or punitive, that
a third party.” reduce the likelihood that the contributing be-
One possibility of studying this type of con- haviour will continue in subsequent trials. And
text experimentally is by using the Public Goods this mainly depends on what the other partic-
Game (PGG). The PGG simulates a context of ipants do.
production and consumption of public goods However, another more common possibil-
using an investment fund that is maintained by ity than the one described above occurs when
the contribution of various players. Thus, the a player reduces the amount contributed, even
class of responses that the participants give is when the number of tokens obtained as a con-
to contribute to the fund. Each player receives sequence is increasing. If a player has access
an equal amount of tokens at the beginning of to ever increasing gains, even when the amount
the game, which can then be exchanged for he/she contributed remains stable, this indi-
cash. The contribution may vary among every- cates that the other players are contributing
one, part or none of the amount available in a larger amounts. This allows the participant to
given trial. As a consequence, players receive reduce his/her contributions, under the control
an amount of tokens, calculated as follows: the of three variables: decrease in the contribution
fund calculates all the amounts contributed by cost; avoiding the probability of losing tokens
the players and then an arbitrarily defined in- and an increase in earnings. All the contribu-
come factor is used (e.g. two) by multiplying tions have a cost for a player. When a partici-
the sum of the contributions. After applying this pant has 30 tokens, contributes 10 and receives
factor, the fund evenly divides the amount to all 20, his/her actual win is only 10 tokens. The
the players, regardless of the amount that each lower the contribution, the lower the cost. Tak-
one contributed individually, that is, the play- ing this into account, if a participant contrib-
er who contributed everything will receive the utes with zero, and if the fund produces little
same amount as the one who contributed noth- or no income, he/she will not have lost any to-
ing. This means that a player’s earnings depend ken, therefore in this respect, the behaviour of
more on the amount contributed by the others contributing zero would be reinforced nega-
than on the amount he/she decided to contrib- tively. However, if by contributing with zero,
ute. Two relevant aspects in the game are that the participant has access to earnings from the
participation is anonymous and the contribu- contributions of others, then that pattern is like-
tions are confidential, i.e., none of the players ly to be reinforced.
know each other or know the amounts that the It is in this sense that the problematic of the
others have contributed. game resides, in the possibility of various players
The complexity of the contingencies pro- presenting the behaviour of contributing smaller
grammed by the PGG is basically due to two amounts or nothing, as a kind of social parasite.
aspects. The first one concerns the behavioural There are many real-life situations that resem-
variability that participants may show, for ex- ble this one presented by the PGG, such as tax
ample, if a participant has 10 tokens, there are evasion, in which the evader does not contrib-
11 choices that he/she can make regarding the ute to the public good, but enjoys the benefits
amount to be contributed, ranging from 0 to 10. from other people´s tax payments. It is also pos-
The second aspect is related to the consequenc- sible to study experimentally the social interac-

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tion established between taxpayers and resource items that could be used as a consequence of par-
distributors using the PGG. This possibility is ticipating in the research. The preference items
sustained by allowing one of the participants to selected were: credits for photocopying; pencil
make decisions about how the resources pro- case with school supplies; 100g of chocolate and
duced will be distributed among everyone. In earphones. When at least three participants dig-
this case, the behaviour of distributing resourc- itally signed the ICF, they were invited to take
es replaces the behaviour of contributing as a part in the experiment at a common time in the
dependent variable (Ledyard, 1995), consti- laboratory where the research was conducted.
tuting as an unprecedented modification when
using the PGG. A participant who in this sit- Setting
uation distributes income unequally between
him/herself and the others (a greater amount of Data collection took place in a Laborato-
resources for him/herself than for the others) ry at the Department of Psychology of a pub-
will behave in a manner analogous to that de- lic university in the interior of São Paulo State.
scribed when one commits the crime of pecu-
lation, by violating the rule of equal enjoyment Material and Equipment
of the public good.
The main objective of this study was to in- Four tables were used, measuring 90 cm x 70
vestigate the behaviour of distributing public cm x 90 cm (width x height x depth), with divid-
resources in a context in which these resourc- ers between them on the sides measuring 60 cm
es were produced by the contribution of all the x 90 cm (height x depth), in which participants
participants. The second objective was to ver- sat avoiding eye contact and communication.
ify if the participants who showed behaviours At each table there was a notebook or com-
of contributing at a reduced or zero rate were puter connected to the Internet that served as
those that presented a higher frequency of be- a terminal for the performance of the experi-
haviour of unequal distributions. mental task. There were also headphones. In
addition to this equipment, the following was
Method used: Gmail and Hangout to communicate be-
tween the experimenter and participant during
Participants the experiment so that the identification of the
participants was anonymous; Google Forms
Six university students, aged between 18 for hosting the ICF; comprehension, socioeco-
and 24 yrs, both male and female, took part in nomic, performance and preference assessment
this research: P1 (Female, Social Sciences); P2 forms; Excel spreadsheets to record data and
(Female, Chemistry), P3 (Female, Social Sci- Youtube for hosting instructional videos.
ences), P4 (Female, Bachelor of Arts), P5 (Fe- A specific operating system user account
male, Materials Engineering) and P6 (Male, was created on each of the terminals; all un-
Biological Sciences). The participants were re- necessary icons were removed; operating sys-
cruited through a social network in a group of tem notifications were disabled; the Internet
students from a university. browser was open and maximized with the fol-
Potential participants sent an e-mail and re- lowing tabs: Gmail; Youtube with instruction-
ceived the Informed Consent Form (ICF) along al video (maximized); and the browser, Excel
as well as a preference assessment form. The aim spreadsheet and “Player Record” (Figure 1)
of this form was to identify individual preference were open but minimized.

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 5-18


The experimenter’s notebook was left with ipants, which were: “You are going to play a
the browser open connected to the email cre- game called the Public Goods Game. The to-
ated for the experimental task, as well as the tal number of participants is six. Two of them
Hangout and Google form chat boxes and Re- are in other rooms, waiting to begin.” The oth-
cord worksheet (Figure 1). er instructions were to turn off their cell phones

Figure 1. Record Worksheets 1st Block: Player Record Worksheet on the left side and the Experimenter Record on
the right side.

Procedure and inform them that any communication be-

tween the participants was prohibited. Finally,
When all the participants were seated, they the participants were asked to put on the head-
signed the ICF and received the “preference list”, phones to watch the instructional video of the
according to the answers of the previously sent experimental task. At the end of the video, the
form. They were asked if they wished to change participants removed their headphones and the
the order of the items and were instructed that email accounts were selected.
obtaining the most preferred item was condition- Slips of paper were put in a pot with the in-
al on obtaining the highest number of tokens. formation: participant identification (for ex-
The participants were not informed about ample “You are P2”), participant´s email ad-
the exact amount of tokens, aiming to control dress (for example, and the
possible effects of losing the reinforcement password. One by one, the participants took
value of the tokens, for example, the possi- a slip of paper from the pot and accessed the
bility of the participant quickly obtaining the Gmail and Google Hangout. Then, they re-
necessary number of tokens to obtain the most ceived the following message in the Google
preferred item. Afterwards, the experimenter Hangout: “Please write “ok” to confirm that
read out the general instructions to the partic- the chat box is open”.

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 6-18


The participants received the socioeco- from non-real players. Adding to this amount
nomic assessment form and the first Proce- the real player´s contribution, for example, five
dure Comprehension Form on the Hangout tokens, the spreadsheet would multiply 55 by
to ensure that the participant had understood 1.6 and divide the result equally for each play-
the experimental task. In case of errors in er (five non-real and the participant).
the answers, additional questions were sent. Once the income of the round was informed,
Participants then maximized the “Player Re- the participant had to put this information in the
cord” worksheet (Figure 1) to begin collecting “My Earnings” column and click on the “Up-
data. Two blocks of 10 trials each were pro- date Wallet” button so that the calculation of
grammed. In each block, the participants start- the final gain was done automatically, based
ed off with 10 tokens and accumulated these on the formula:
tokens throughout the trials. The remaining
differences between the blocks will be spec- (Initial Amount - Contribution) + Income = Final Gain
ified below, but in general, the first block of
trials was programmed to allow participants The next trial started when the experiment-
to understand the contingencies in the PGG, er sent the message “Make your second contri-
while the second block of trials was the main bution”. This procedure was repeated through-
condition in the experiment where participants out the remaining trials of the first block. After
were exposed in the analogue of corruption as ten trials, the end of the first block was indicat-
explained in the next session ed when the participants received the message
“End of programmed rounds in the first block.
1st block Wait for further instructions. “

As soon as the experimenter sent the mes- 2nd Block

sage: “Make your first Contribution”, the par-
ticipant had to enter the amount of their con- Before beginning the second block, the par-
tribution in the “Player Record worksheet in ticipants watched the instructional video about
the “My Contribution” column and inform this the 2nd block. After the video presentation, the
amount to the experimenter via Google Hang- participants answered a new comprehension
out. The experimenter put the amounts con- form. In case of errors, the procedure already
tributed by the participants in the “Collection described was repeated.
Worksheet” (Figure 1) and informed each par- In this block, the participants assumed the
ticipant of the amount of money he/she earned role of the Public Fund Administrator and had
in that round. to decide how the income would be distribut-
The earnings of each participant per round ed between him/herself and the five non-real
was calculated by multiplying the income fac- players. The fictitious selection for the position
tor of 1.6 by the amount contributed by the par- of administrator was carried out the same way
ticipant, plus the amounts “contributed” by five as the e-mails were selected. After this selec-
other non-real players, who always contributed tion, the experimenter sent the following mes-
with all the amount of tokens they had avail- sage: “If you are the Administrator, say” yes
able in that given attempt. For example, if each “. If you are not, say “no”. After all the partic-
non-real player had 10 tokens in his/her wallet, ipants replied “yes”, the record worksheet for
the contribution of each would be 10 tokens, this block was maximized (Figure 2). It auto-
making a total of a contribution of 50 tokens matically calculated the income by multiply-

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 7-18


ing the contributions by the three income factor amount between themselves and the non-re-
(defined in the pilot studies). Then, the exper- al players. The participant filled in a col-
imental task began. umn called “Amount to Distribute” with the
At the beginning of the second block, par- amount given informed by the experiment-
ticipants received the message “Make your er, he/she put the amounts he/she wanted to
first contribution” and the same sequence of distribute to the other players in the “Other
responses described in the 1st block was re- Players” columns and sent the data to the ex-
quested, only this time the experimenter in- perimenter. At the end, the participants an-
formed the participants of the amount ren- swered a questionnaire about their strategies
dered (e.g., 300) and they distributed this and received the preference item.

Figure 2. Record Worksheets 2nd Block of trials: Player Record Worksheet on the left side and the Experimenter
Record on the right side. In the Player Record worksheet, the boxes with the formulas were blocked to prevent
participants from changing it. The experimenter had a spreadsheet of these for each participant (P1, P2, P3 and P4).

Procedure for Recording and Analysing Data total collected in that round. The rate of 17%
(with variations of 0.5% for more or less) was
In the first block, the behaviour of the par- established as a parameter to analyse contri-
ticipants’ contribution was transformed into butions. Each participant had to contribute at
contribution percentages using the following a rate of 17% to the fund to produce the public
calculation: good equally (100% of the contribution made
in a given attempt, divided by the number of
Amount contributed by participant X 100 players - in this case, six). Contributions above
this rate showed a pattern of cooperative be-
Sum of all contributions made haviour; contributions below showed a social
parasite behavioural pattern.
For example, if the total contribution re- The tokens that the player won in the first
ceived was 55 (50 from the non-real players and block were converted to a percentage increase
five from the participant), the equation would in their earnings compared to their ten first to-
result in the approximate value of 9.1%. That kens. This calculation was done using the fol-
is, the participant contributed with 9.1% of the lowing formula:

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(Amount in the wallet at the end of the round – amount in the wallet at the beginning of the round) X 100

Amount available in the wallet at the beginning of the game

For example, if the participant got 22 tokens 17%: P2 showed this behaviour in four trials,
in the first attempt, then he/she would have in- P1 and P4 in six and P3, P5 and P6 in all of
creased the tokens he/she had by120%. This them. As explained above, the relationship be-
analysis showed the relation between contri- tween the amount contributed and the gain ob-
bution and gain throughout the trials. tained in a given attempt are the two aspects
In the second block, the gains per partici- that enable us to understand the acquisition of
pant were converted into multiplication rates of behavioural patterns. The increase in contri-
gains. For example, if in one attempt the par- bution rates, followed by the increase in gains
ticipant started with 100 tokens and at the end can be observed in the data from P2, where
had 300, then the multiplication rate of gains during the trials the participant maintained
was three. similar rates of contributions until they were
The amount of tokens that the participant stabilised at the rate of 17%, showing that this
distributed to him/herself and the others were pattern was reinforced throughout the trials.
also converted into percentages calculated us- The increase in contribution rates, followed
ing the rule of three: Total amount of tokens to by gains at a smaller percentage than in previ-
be distributed (100%); tokens that the partici- ous trials, can be observed in trials three, sev-
pant distributed to him/herself (x). en and nine by P4, in attempt four by P5 and
The participants’ responses were analysed in attempt six by P6. Contributing with larger
by the experimenter and by an independent ob- amounts and resulting in smaller amounts may
server. The reliability calculation was obtained have an aversive function, which is why the
using the following formula: number of agree- contribution rates of these participants were
ments between the two observers, divided by reduced in subsequent trials.
the number of agreements plus disagreements, The contingencies that establish social para-
multiplied by 100% (Hall, 1974). For a sam- site behaviour become clearer when analysing
ple of 50% of participants (three), there was the data of P1. By the fifth attempt, the contri-
98% agreement. butions from P1 were close to the average of
17%, however, in the following attempt, the
Results participant contributed with only 0.6%, a de-
crease of 16.1% compared to the previous at-
There was a large variation in the amount of tempt. When P1 reduced his/her contribution
tokens that the participants achieved through- rate and then had access to an increase in his/
out the trials, resulting in different preference her gains, this consequence took on a rein-
items being obtained. P1 and P2 were the ones forcement function and this pattern was main-
that achieved the highest number of tokens tained throughout the last few trials. This sim-
(643,822 and 557,132, respectively), obtain- ilar pattern can be observed in the data from
ing the first item in the preference list. The P3, P5 and P6.
others received the third item [P6 (72.674), P5
(40.342), P4 (12.230)].
In the first block, according to Figure 3, all
the participants presented contributions below

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% of tokens X 100
% of tokens

Figure 3. Contribution graph of the participants for the first block of attempts: The grey line shows the percentage
of tokens contributed and the black line the percentage of increase of tokens throughout the attempts. The dashed
line shows the contribution rate of 17%. Contribution rates below this line represent selfish contributions, close to
the behaviour of the social parasite.

When analysing the progression of the partic- As they always contributed with all the tokens
ipants’ increase in tokens, P1, P2 and P3 present- they received in the previous attempt, this allowed
ed a progressive increase of gains, i.e., a greater the fund to produce higher incomes, which meant
gain than in the previous attempt in all the trials; higher gains for the participants. When the par-
P5 and P6 in nine and P4 in six. The progression ticipants’ contributions decreased, the curve of
in the increase of tokens became significant after increase in gains became even more significant.
the fifth attempt, reinforcing the class of respons- This can be observed in the cases of P1 and P6.
es that the participants presented. This pattern can After both contributed with rates close to zero,
be observed in the data from five participants (P1, their gains increased markedly, going from an
P2, P3, P5 and P6). This is due to the fact that af- average of 198% (P1) and 270% (P6) in the first
ter the initial trials, the non-real players had more five trials, to 2682% (P1) and 1618% (P6) in the
tokens to make their contributions. last five trials. The data showing the increase in

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gains for P4 presented less stability during the tri- all in the first block; P1 made three and six in
als. The contribution pattern that P4 presented un- the first block; P2 made five and six; P4 made
til the fourth attempt had little variability, however eight and six; P5 in eight, and all in the first
in the following trials when she reduced her con- block. P3 showed a similar performance in both
tribution rate in attempt five, she had access to a blocks, which is why this participant was the
gain of greater magnitude; when it increased, the one that obtained a lower number of tokens at
gain which she had access to decreased. the end of the game. This change in the con-
Regarding the second block, the contribu- tribution rate from the first to the second block
tion rates presented by some of the participants can be attributed to the change in contingen-
differed from those presented in the first block cies produced by two variables: access to the
in Figure 3. P6 only made a contribution be- distribution of the tokens and the increase in
low the rate of 17% in the second block and in the income factor.

Tolkens multiplication rate

% of tokens

Figure 4. Distribution graph of the participants regarding the second block of trials: The bars represent the per-
centage of tokens that the participant distributed to him/herself; The grey line shows the percentage of tokens
contributed and the black line shows the multiplication rate of tokens.

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 11-18


One of the main changes in the contingencies choices mentioned, where it can be clearly seen
that the possibility of the participant distribut- that P4, P5 and P6 were the participants who
ing resources shows is that in this context the ac- made the greatest number of choices for un-
cess to the reinforcer becomes more immediate equal distributions for themselves (8, 10, and
and probable, through a low cost response, since 10 respectively).
the gain of tokens to which a participant has ac- When the increase in the income factor is
cess to is manipulated by him. In this context of three, there is a greater amount of tokens be-
resource distribution, the participant had three ing produced, and in this case, even if the par-
alternatives in each attempt: to make an equal ticipant makes an unequal distribution, there
distribution around 17% for each one; make an is a high probability that the amount obtained
unequal distribution receiving less than the oth- by the other players is always greater than that
er participants (below 17% for him/herself); or contributed, which makes it more likely for the
make an unequal distribution by assigning to real participant to make unequal distributions
him an amount greater than 17%. According to without there being any possibility of the other
Figure 4, only P3 did not distribute to herself an players reducing their contribution rates, since
amount higher than 17%. The other participants they would be reinforced by obtaining tokens
made unequal distributions: P1 in one attempt in larger amounts in each attempt. For example,
(90.26%, mean of 22.15% among all trials); P2 in the fifth attempt of the first block, non-real
in three (ranging from 19.35% to 33.33%, mean participants had access to a gain of an average
of 15.83%); P4 in 8 (29.82% - 80.91%, mean of of 90 tokens; whereas in the second, in some
51.77%) and P5 and P6 in all (31.55% - 62.12%, cases, they reached 2,500 tokens. Taking this
mean of 45.43% and 33.33% - 75.08%, mean of into account, it is possible that unequal distribu-
65.72%, respectively). tions occur without affecting the gains that the
In Figure 5, the choices that the participants real participant has access to, since this would
made regarding the division of resources can show him that the other players would be more
be observed among the three possibilities of likely to maintain their contribution rates.




Figure 5. Choices of resource divisions made by participants in the second block of trials: The bars represent the
number of choices for a given type of resource distribution made by the participants.

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 12-18


Concerning the performance of the partici- the amount of tokens that other players have
pants, P1 performed best among the participants access to, which therefore allows for the con-
because he/she presented a higher frequency of tributions of these players to be greater. Larger
distributions and equal contributions, i.e., when contributions produce higher incomes, making
analysing the data of the second block, it could the gains of the participant larger than those in
be observed that the distribution and contribu- contexts of unequal distributions.
tion pattern of P1 was in practically all trials Regarding the existence of negative correla-
close or exactly at the rate of 17%. When mak- tion between social parasite patterns in the first
ing equal contributions and distributions, these block and of unequal distribution in the second,
behaviours are reinforced by the increase in in- i.e., the lower the first, the higher the second
come and, therefore, in the gains to which he/ for four participants (P4, P5, P6 and P1, to a
she had access. When a participant makes equal lesser extent), there seems to be this correla-
contributions and distributions, this increases tion, as shown in Figure 6.

Contribution Distribution
Average percentage

Figure 6. Average percentage of contribution and distribution: The bars represent the average percentage of tokens
that the participants contributed and distributed to him/herself in all the trials.

P1 contributed with an average of 8.1% in The data show the independence of the per-
the first block, and distributed to him/herself formances obtained in both blocks. Among the
22.15% in the second; P2, 14.7% and 15.83%; possible reasons for this observation are the pre-
P3, 5.1% and 3.03%; P4, 12.5% and 51.77%; vious aspects mentioned about the changes in
P5, 4.6% and 45.43%; and P6 5.7% and 65.72%. the contingencies from one block to the other,
The data for P4, P5 and P6 show that when the such as the presence of the dependent variable
contribution rates were low in the first block, “Distribution” in the 2nd block and the change
the distribution rates for themselves were sig- in the income factor for three.
nificantly high in the second; for P1, this cor-
relation seems to be less evident; for P2, the Discussion
difference is practically non-existent and for
P3 there is a reversal in correlation, however Overall, these data suggest that the manip-
with little difference. ulation of environmental variables, such as

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 13-18


the income factor and unrestricted access to gains in the past trials are very similar with real
tokens, played a decisive role in establishing life situations, when individuals in fact contrib-
behavioural patterns of unequal contributions uted to produce a public good with his/her own
and distributions throughout the trials, main- resources, like when a citizen pay taxes and can
ly when behavior patterns of P5 and P6 were provide, for example, a lamppost in streets. This
analyzed in the second block of trials. In fact, is another aspect that can justified this experi-
because of conditioned reinforcement value of ment as an analogue.
the tokens, most participants showed a selfish These data enable us to look at the real world
behavior, and that can be an evidence to justi- and propose a shift in focus concerning indi-
fy that we’ve been looking to the “wrong side” viduals who behave according to the context
when we analyses corruption cases, as we dis- in which the behaviour occurs. The following
cussed below. commonly asked question “Would it be pos-
When the Public Fund produced steady in- sible for anyone to behave in a corrupt way?”
comes and no unlikely and/or unrecognized should be replaced by this: “Under what con-
aversive contingencies (such as possible cen- ditions can people behave in a corrupt way?”.
sorship from the experimenter (Bolton, Katok, Looking at the environment (the “right side”)
& Zwick, 1998)) was manipulated, the Admin- rather than looking for individual characteristics
istrator was more likely to make unequal dis- (“wrong side”) allows interventions to be prob-
tributions, demonstrating that access to the to- lematized to deal with the occurrence of corrupt
kens in larger quantities was established as a behaviour. If the problem is in individuals who
reinforcement consequence. The literature on behave, the only viable alternative to deal with
the Public Goods Game (Andreoni, 1988; Led- the problem of corruption would be to remove
yard, 1995) shows that there is more likelihood all those the environment who show these be-
that unequal contributions will occur, which in- haviours from. The mistake of this view is to
dicates that the contingencies programmed by believe that changing the “pieces of the game”
this Game shape these repertoires. In addition, will change the game itself. But if the problem
the use of the word “Game” has been pointed lies in the contingencies to which the subjects
out as a variable that increases the likelihood of are exposed, an intervention must necessarily
the participants to show competitive behaviours be attentive to changes in this environment, as
(Kennelly & Fantino, 2007). Skinner (1978) pointed out:
An important aspect of this study is that the
participant deals with resources produced by The appeal to cognitive states and processes
his/her own behaviour. The literature on be- is a diversion which could well be responsi-
ble for much of our failure to solve our prob-
havioural games has shown that participants lems. We need to change our behaviour and
present a higher frequency of behaviours char- we can do so only by changing our physi-
acterized as selfish and competitive when the cal and social environments. We choose the
resources they produce are at stake (Cherry, wrong path at the very start when we sup-
pose that our goal is to change ‘the minds
Frykblom, & Shogren, 2002). The data of the
and hearts of men and women’ rather than
present study taken as a whole corroborate this the world in which they live (p. 112).
finding, considering that most of the subjects
made contributions below the rate of 17% or An environmental variable that was point-
distributions above 17%. Other important as- ed out by the literature in criminal law and
pect was that condition in which participants economic crime theory as being the most sig-
can use his/her private resources produced by nificant to control the occurrence of criminal

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 14-18


behaviour is the probability of punishment fol- nin, 1999). Traditionally, the control that the
lowed by its magnitude. Currently in Brazil population exerts on politicians´ behaviour is
there is a widespread popular belief in the im- restricted to the election period. During the
punity of those who show corrupt behaviour. election, there is a motivating operation (Mi-
Interested in investigating this scenario, Alen- chael, 1982) that establishes how reinforcing
car & Jr. Gico (2011) conducted a study to ver- the approval of the electorate is and evokes all
ify the effectiveness of the legal system in pun- the behaviours that in the past were followed
ishing the behaviour of civil servants who had by this reinforcer.
engaged in some kind of corrupt behaviour. For this reason, it is common at this time
The authors reviewed the Official Gazettes for politicians to show behaviours where they
from 1993 to 2005 to locate civil servants who approach the population, make promises, visit
were exonerated for corrupt practices. In gener- poor neighbourhoods, inaugurate works, etc. In
al terms, the authors found that only 3% of the a survey conducted by the UOL website (Ro-
cases that were actually judged materialized in drigues, 2016), it was observed that in 2016, the
some type of punishment, not necessarily se- five mayors of the five largest cities in Brazil
vere, since according to the authors “It should increased the rate of inaugurating works from
be remembered that even this very low perfor- 138% to 1600%, compared to the same period
mance in law enforcement does not necessarily of the previous year.
represent time of incarceration, since the pris- At the end of the elections, the reinforce-
on regime can be converted into other types of ment value that maintains all these behaviours
punishment depending on the time of impris- decreases, and the now-elected candidate is ex-
onment imposed” (p.88). posed to conflicting contingencies with those
According to Behaviour Analysis, the cen- that were in force during the electoral period
tral points of any intervention should prioritize (Goldstein & Pennypacker, 1998). The recall
the probability and contiguity of the punish- election system allows the same motivating op-
ment, since unlikely and non-contingent conse- eration in force during the elections is also in
quences may not exercise the foreseen control. force during the candidate’s mandate, allowing
However, due to the high cost that the speed in the voter to control the behaviour of the candi-
the processes can cause (Alencar & Jr. Gico, date he/she elected, not having to wait for the
2011) which could make implementation fea- next election or judgements from the legal sys-
sible and difficult, there is a need to take into tem that may have late consequences for these
account alternatives, especially regarding ap- behaviours.
plied cases to public agents who occupy their Nowadays, the question of improving trans-
positions through electoral processes, who are parency, which allows access to politicians’
often at the centre of corruption scandals most behaviours, would increase the possibility of
damaging to society, such as those dismantled them losing votes received during the election,
by Operation Car Wash (Lava-Jato). and depending on the number of votes lost, the
Taking this into account, a possibility for es- mandate and political rights. In this context,
tablishing more probable and immediate contin- there is the establishment of direct and imme-
gencies of control would be to make a change diate control for any behaviour presented by
in the representative system through the recall the politician, among them, corrupt behaviour,
election system (Santana, 2004). Recall elec- so as to deal with this temporal gap between
tion is the possibility of the representative los- behaviour and consequence. An important re-
ing his mandate through a popular vote (Cro- search gap to investigate this and other poten-

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 15-18


tial interventions that aim at controlling cor- sible that the presented patterns could un-
rupt behaviour arises and, is therefore, still an dergo changes during the trials and that the
unexplored area. control variables become clearer after stabi-
lising the data.
Final Considerations Despite the attempt of the present study
to be characterized as an experimental ana-
This research has produced results that con- logue, we did not claim to account for all the
firm the viability of this experimental model to complexity existing in real contexts in which
study the behaviour of peculation, and this is corrupt behaviours occur as one of the main
one of its main contributions. However, there characteristics of these behaviours is their
are several aspects that should be considered obscurity, i.e., the difficulty in detecting the
in future research in order to deal with various problem behaviour occurring in real time.
gaps related to the experimental control of the In fact, corruption crimes that come to the
present study. Firstly, in order to increase ex- forefront are those that went wrong. How-
perimental control and to more directly demon- ever, some similarities of the present study
strate the effect of environmental variables with real life have allowed for an approxima-
on the observed behaviours, reversal design tion in aspects relevant to experimental stud-
should be used. ies on this phenomenon, such as the fact that
A second aspect would be related to the be- the Fund Manager remains a contributor. This
havioural variability that the participants pre- happens in natural contexts, since for exam-
sented, which proved to be difficult to control. ple, a politician does not refrain from making
As the participants were able to contribute/ contributions with the public good. When he/
distribute very different amounts, many dif- she buys a new car, goes to the supermarket,
ferent performances were obtained through- buys clothes, etc., he/she is invariably con-
out the 10 trials. Future research can control tributing to the Public Good, as the prices of
this aspect by limiting the range of contribu- these products are taxed.
tions a participant could make. One possibil- The present study is a starting point for ex-
ity would be to provide in each attempt the perimental research on corruption within Be-
same token amount for the participants, and haviour Analysis, contributing to the still incip-
the contributions would be made by them, ient production in the area, which can initiate
rather than being made with the amount ac- an interdisciplinary dialogue that can help
cumulated by the participant throughout the strengthen Behaviour Analysis, broadening
trials. This not only reduces the variability, into other areas.
but would also allow participants to deal with Finally, the data presented can help with
smaller amounts of tokens. Along the same discussions in real contexts on anti-corruption
lines, the income factors could be equal in measures, by providing evidence that looking
both blocks, which would make the number at the environment may be a more pragmat-
of tokens similar that the participants have ic way of attempting to address this problem.
access to.
Secondly, future research should consid- Agradecimentos
er the possibility of establishing stability cri-
teria of the data for completing a block. In Os autores agradecem o apoio de Anderson
the present research, both blocks were struc- das Neves, Rodrigo Dal Ben e Rafael Garcia
tured with only 10 trials, however it is pos- na coleta de dados.

RBTCC • v. 22, 2020 • 16-18


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