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0nce UPon a Time '


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30 amigurumi characters
from your favorite fairytales

Lunne Rowe

Aelqnowledgsrne nts
Thanks to my family and friends for your encouragement,
inspiration and support - l'm forever in your debt. A huge thanks
to Search Press for giving me this amazing opportunity to turn my
dreams into reality - with a special thanks to Becky Shackleton
(my editor) for her patience and assistance.

l'm hugely grateful to Cara Ackerman at

DMC Creative World Ltd, for supplying the gorgeous yarns for
my projects; lcouldn't have done it without your generous support.
Thanks also to the talented photographer Paul Bricknell and
Art Director Juan Haywood who've made my designs look
absolutely amazing and super cute.

Most of all l'd like to thank my husband Alex for his never-ending pattence
and support, despite the house being slowly taken over by yarnll
l'm pretty sure he'd be an expert crocheter as he now knows the
theory inside out. Thanks Alex for letting me pursue
my dreams - you're a star.

First published in 2015

Wellwood, North Farm Road,

Ph:oiogr:aphs by Paul Bricknel[ at Search Press Studios

photographS anO OeSien eopylight O Search Press ltO iOt s

nll rights resorved, No part bf this book, text, photographs

or illustrations may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by anV means by print, photoBrint, nnicrofilm,
microfiche, photocopier, internet or in any way known or as
yet unknown, or stored in a retrieval System, Without written
permission obiained beforehand from Search Press.
lnlroduclron 5

Materrals E

lr-npcrlanl ncles 10

Techniques 11

The FairytaleS... 1B

The Prrncess and the Pea 20

The Uqly Ducklrng 2E
Three Eilly Gcais Gruff 32
Goldilocks and lhe Three Eears 3E
Puss lr-r Eools 4E

Sncw While and lhe Sever-r Dwarves 54

Lrllle Red Ridrnq f.l ood 52
The Tfi ree Lrlile Prqs 7O
The troq Prrnce 7E
I.i ansel and Grelel EZ

Rapunzel 90
Abbrevialrons anC
crcchet conversicns 95
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I,ve crocheted for as long as I can remember, although I can't recail
specifically when I first picked up a crochet hook. As a chiid, I wouid
spena hours watching my Grandmother knit and crochet, fascinated by
hlr speed and skills u. rn" crafted beautiful things from a ball of yarn
or two. No pattern was evident, but within just a few hours a stylish
sweater or cardigan would be produced, to be worn with pride by its new
owner. Since then the process of making has always amazed me'
Now I also love to knit and crochet. It fills my days - it's my full-time
job and I love it. I also teach crochet to others and love to- see people
thrilled with their new-found skills. I feel proud to be able to pass my
skills onto others who hopefully in turn will pass their skills onto friends
and family, keeping these great crafting traditions u1'1"' . . '
amiguiumi is one of my favorite types_of crochet. Designing cute
toys for littie ones to play with is extremely rewarding as they can
Uecome firm favorites and trife-long friendS. lv1y 12-year-old still has

his favorite penguin toy, who always joins us on holiday and still
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book is to nro1a9 cute characters fo11ou to. ,
create and pass on to someone special, for them to-love and play with
for many years to come. I hope you have as much fun creating your

Happy crafting, Lynne x


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The amount of crochet paraphernalia on Stitch ma rkers
offer can be quite daunting, so the best These are essential for marking the start of your rounds,
way to start is to decide exactly what you and for holding your working loop while you fill your piece
with toy filling. You can buy locking stitch markers that
want to crochet then buy the materials and
close like a safety pin and will not fall out of yout- work,
equipment needed for that project. If you're or you can use open stitch markers that can be removed
a beginner, the characters in this book are a or added at any time. Stitch markers are usually made of
good way to start developing and perfecting plastic or metal.
your crochet skilIs as they are quick, fun and
Sharp scissors
satisfyit g. Whilst each pattern provides a list A small pair is necessary for snipping yarn ends, and a large
of the yarns needed, along with needle sizes pair for cutting out felt or fabric shapes. Don't be tempted
and other items such as buttons, you will also to snap yarn with your hands as thts can distort your work
need some basic tools such as scissors, a wool and will also hurt your hands.
needle and toy filling. Here's a list of some
Tape measure
crochet essentials to help you get started: Usef ul for measuring the length and width of work.

Ya rn
The majority of the patterns are made f rom just two
types of yarn: DK (B-ply) and 4-ply (tingering) yarn, and
the weight and yardage is given in each pattern. You can
subsitute any yarn of a similar weight, but bear in mind that
this may change the size of your characte[ and don't forget
to check the yardage before you start, to ensure that you
have enough yarn to finish your project.

Crochet hooks come in many types - steel, aluminium,
plastic, bamboo or a mix of wood and metal. Some
crochet hooks have chunky handles and are ergonomically
designed to alleviate pain that may occur whilst crocheting.
It is important to choose a hook that feels comfortable
when working.

Wool needle
This is essential for sewing up your work. Buy a wool needle
with a large eye so that thicker yarn can be easily threaded,
and make sure it has a blunt end - a pointy needle will split
your yarn and spoil your work.




Rust-proof pins Toy f illing
Essential for keeping things in place Safety toy filling is recommended for chrldren's toys. The bag will
when sewing up projects, and for blocking clearly state whether the filling is safe, hygienic and washable. Polyester
your work. is now the most popular synthetic choice as it is cheap, but you can also
buy organic or eco-friendly options, which are biodegradable and less
Project bag harmful to the environment.
A great place to keep all of your- work in
progress safe and clean. Felt and fabric pieces
Useful for adding embellishments and finishing touches to a project.
Notebook and pen The greater the wool content of your felt, the better the quality and
Useful for making notes as you firmness, making it easier to stitch and less likely to shred.
crochet and for jotting down any
changes or adaptations you decide
to make to a pattern.

Sewing needle and thread

Necessary for sewing very small items
together and for stitching felt pteces
to your work.

Safety eyes and noses

Used to make characters more life-like
and to create cute faces. They are
available in sizes ranging from llqin
(6mm) up to 2/:in (15mm). There are
two parts to safety eyes and noses:
the eye or nose shape, which is usually
plastic with a shank, and the plastic
washer that fits over the shank. Always
make sure you fit your safety eyes and
noses according to the manufacturer-'s
instructions and always conduct a
safety check after fixing your eyes
and noses: try to pullthem out to
confirm that they are properly and
securely fixed. Most manufacturers do
.ot recommend using safety eyes and
ioses for children under three years old.

Spray starch
-:rls is an ironing aid but when sprayed
:rto a piece of crochet and left to
r-'y, it acts as a stiffener. lt is ideal
=:i strengthening items such as the
:-incess'crown (see page 25). lt is
^:xpensive and is available in the
=-indry section of most stores.

of crochet
A general knowledge is assumed, including how
to work single crochet, double crochet, treble crochet, half
double treble crochet, working in a spiral and working in
rows. lf you haven't crocheted before, invest in a beginner's
crochet book, search for crochet tutorials online, or look
out for classes rn your local area.

* wost body parts in this book are worked in a

continuous spiral. When working in a spiral it is
essential to use a stitch marker to mark the start of
the round. Move the stitch marker up after each
round so that you always know where your round
starts and ends.

* Squ are brackets are used throughout to highlight

instructions that are to be repeated. Read the
instruction in square brackets and repeat as
many times as stated.

* trltost body parts start with a magic loop.

lnstructions on how to make a magic loop are
given on page 1 1 . lf you prefer you can start with
2ch, then work Rnd 1 into the 2nd ch from hook
and work your first round over the tail end of yarn
so that you can pull the yarn to close the loop.

* Wfren changing color, always do so during the

last stitch of the last row or round: workyour stitch
until you have two loops left on your hook then
draw the new color through the last two loops.

* Wnen crocheting it is normal to work through both

horizontal loops of the top of the stitch (that is,
under both loops of the 'V' of the stitch). However,
at times, the pattern may state to work through
'front loops only' or through 'back loops only', in
which case you need to follow these instructions
in order to create the desired effect. The front loop
of the stitch is always the front loop that is nearest
you and the back loop is always the loop furthest
IJ away, regardless of which side of your work is
n facing you.
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You will need to use a number of different techniques

to bring your crochet characters to life, from adding
eyes and hair to attaching limbs.

Starting with a rnagic loop

A magic loop is a good way to start crocheting in a spiral:
you will work the first round into an adjustable loop and
then puI1 it tight to close the hole.

Hold the yarn tail in your left hand. Make a loop at You now have a working stitch on the hook.
least 4in (10cm) away f rom the beginning of the yarn, +
with the tail end on the left and the end leading to Work the first round by inserting the hook into the loop
the ball in f ront of the loop. 5 and working over both the loop and the tail end of yarn
- work as many stitches as instructed.
lnsert the hook in the loop through the front, pick up
Z the yarn leading to the ball and draw it up through At the end of this round, pull on the tail end of the yarn
the loop. 6 to close the ring. irr]

Make 1 chain stitch to secure the loop. I

5 ,--'
squeeze into your project, and you will need to qet the stuffing just
right: if your piece is under-filled it will look loose and baggy, and if it
is over-filled it will look distorted, with the filling clearly visible through
the stitches. lt is important to find a good balance between the two
Use the blunt end of a large crochet hook to push toy filling into small
pieces such as arms and legs. Once fitted, poke ycur wool needle
through your work to manoeuvre the toy filling around the piece
to create an even shape.

&ddlmW smfmIW ffiTJSS

Safety eyes come in a variety of sizes Decide where to place you r eyes. The Remove the toy filling carefully, leaving
and are formed of two pieces: the eye, pattern may tell you on which round the eyes in place. Fix the washer onto
with a smooth or threaded rod, and to place them and how many stitches the rod of each eye, pressing it down
the washer. to leave between them. Fill the head firmly to lock the eyes in place. Once
with toy filling before placing the fixed, the washers cannot be removed.
eyes, to be sure that you're happy
with the placement.

Addrng smfetu ffiffis&$

Like saf:et\i eVes, safety noses have lvvo,pieCeS : a plastic fto:Se,With a

straight or threaded rod, and a plastic washer. lf the pattern instructs,
create a mu zzle with a small square of felt. Snip a small hole in the
centre and insert the nose through the slit. Cut the square into a disc
that is larger than the nose.

lnsert the nose into your amigurumi and check the positroning.
-T-! 2 Remove the toy filling, then fix the washer in place on the rod.
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Stitching heads and hodies togethen .{



Pin the head and body together through the stitches Take the needle back to the first piece and insert it
of the last round of each piece. [ach piece will have $ into the stitch directly oppostte and oul through the
the same number of stitches. Thread the yarn f rom next stitch along.
one tail end onto a wool needle. lnsert the needle into
the stitches of the opposite piece. After working a few stitches, pull the strands of yarn
+ tight to pull the pieces together. Continue until the
lnsert the needle down into one stitch and up through seam is almost completely stitched then add a little
Z the next stitch alonQ (that is, working into the 'V' of more toy f illing to create a f irm neck. Stitch the
each stitch and not around the post). remaining seam closed, tie off the yarn ends and
weave them into the body or head.



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parts such as ears. Use a blunt-ended

need Ie,, a..a:d : rllatchinI ,va,:r.n:;i:iano::*or,

a $ p6 {: t,h.e.
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the 'V' of the edge stitches, insert the

needle around the post of each stitch.

},lalting rnoYing arrns and legs

Cut a piece of matching yarn lnsert the needle into the body at Thread the needle through one side of
approximately 1131+in (30cm) long and the point where you'd like the arm or the top of the second arm or leg. lnsert
thread onto a blunt-ended wool needle. leg to be attached. Push the needle the needle back through the body
Thread the needle through one side of through the body and bring it out on and out through the opposite side of
the top of the arm or leg. the other side. the body, working through exactly the
same stitches as in step 2. Tie the yarn
ends tightly then thread the ends into

:) the body


Mnk$re# pffiffipffiffis wfleh & fmnk
Wrap your chosen yar-n arounc
the prongs of a fork, about 50-5:
times. Cut yarn.

Take a1131+in (3Ocm) length

ffi of yarn and thread it from the
bottom upwards through the
centre prongs of the fork Tie :':
ends really tightly.

q Slide the wrapped yarn off the

qf fork. Snip the folded ends wiir.
sharp scissors. Do not cut the c-:
ends of the tied yarn You can
lhese to attach your pomponl
your project later

d" Give your pompom a shake a^l

& trim rnto a rounded shape

ffiAKlrufi Pfilr{pfif-t$ WIT${ YfrtJH fll{G[R$

lf you prefer, you can wrap yarn around your fingers to make
a pompom: four fingers make a large pompom, three fingers make
a medium pompom and two fingers make a small pompom Carefully ;

Blocking your work will ensure a neat finish and helps.c
stop edges from curling. Using rust-proof glass-headec
pins, pin out your work onto an ironing board or similar
surface, easing the fabric gently so that you do not disrc-,
the stitches Make sure the edges are straight or curvec
as required. Spray the crochet with cold water untrl it is
damp but not saturated, and leave to dry. Do not rerno\,1e
the pins until the fabric is completely dry.
You may need to repeat the process once or twice mc':
to achieve the desired result.
Attef,tr[ng hair with & mochet hook
This technique is used as a finishing touch on the right side
of your work, once it has been stuffed and sewn up.

First, cut yarn into strips that are all the same length,
as instructed by the pattern. Take a length of yarn
and fold in half.

Push your crochet hook down into a stitch and

Z up through the next stitch. Place the loop of the
folded yarn over the hook and pull back through the
stitches, so that the folded yarn is pulled halfway
through - the loop is sticking out on one side, and
the two ends sticking out on the other.

Wrap the two ends of yarn around the crochet hook

$ and pull them through the looped end. Pull tight.
One strip of hair added. Continue to add strtps of
yarn over the head as instructed by the pattern
then trim into shape as directed.

ffimk$mffi ffiffir&m
Some characters have curly hair, such as Goldilocks, shown below.
Although it might look complicated, it is actually very simple.

'ake your charn to the length Work 2sc rnto the second ch f rom Your work will naturally curl as you
^siructed rn the pattern. the hook, then 2sc into every st to continue to crochet
the end of the chain

ffimk$mffi ffi fumEr ffiffip

Some characters hrave a crochet cap for the hrair or hair base.
Making a crochet cap is very similar to making a crochet
nead and fu1l instructions are provided for each specific
character. Cnce made, the cap should be pinned to the head
and stitctred in place around the edges using srnall running
sritches with matching yarn
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Ihe lalrutales...

Ihe Prlncess and the Pea
"Did you sleep well?" asked the Oueen 'No" replred the gtrl "There was a smail
lump tn my maffress that kept me awake" "Then you are a realPrincess'l said fhe
Oueen. ' Only a rea/ Pnncess rs so de/rcafe thaf she can feel the tinv pea I
placed under the mattress "

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rbail,sold =,.Yarn B
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1 ball lilac ; Yarn E


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Prtncess Rnd 7: [lsc into each of next 5 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
(42 sts)
Using Yarn A and 3.5mm (U S El4, UK 9) hook,.rnake a Rnd 8: tlsc into each of next 6 sts,Zsc into next stl 6 times.
(48 sts)
magic loop or Zch.
[l Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch Rnd 9: [isc into each of next 7 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
n_ (54 sts)
LII from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the,
I magic loop. Rnd 10: tlsc into each of next B sts,2sc into next stl O times.
F (60 sts)
(f Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Z. Rnds 11-18: lsc into every s,t
Rnd 3: [1sc intqnext st,2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
a Rnd 4: [lsc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times. Rnd 19: [1sc into each of next B sts, sc2tog] 6 times.
LI (54 sts)
(24 sts).
Z. Rnd 5: llsc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times. Rnd 20: llsc into each of next 7 sts, scZtog] 6 times.
tr (30 sts). (48 sts).
LI Rnd 6: [lsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times. Rnd 21:l1sc into each of next 6 sts, sc2togl 6 times.
:f (42 sts).
t-- (36 sts)

m ffi
ffi ru
Rnd 22: llsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (36 sts). 30 ch ,Zsc into 2nd ch f rom hook, 2sc into each of the next
Rnd 23: llsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2togl 5 trmes. (30 sts) 23ci, mrss next ch along main foundation ch, sl st into next
Rnd 24: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl 5 times. (24 sts). ch, *make 2Och,2sc into 2nd ch from hook,2sc into each
of the next lBch, sl st into same st, rep from * twice more, sl
Rnd 25:. llsc into each of next 2 sts, sc2togl 5 times.
(18 sts). Sl st into next st. Cut yarn and fasten off. Fix the st into next st, cut yarn and fasten off. Put hair to one side.
safety eyes between Rnds 14 and 15, approxrmately 6 or 7
sts apart. Fill the head firmly with toy filling until it measures
approximately 731+in (2Ocm) around its widest pornt.

Using Yarn A and 3.5mm (US al4, UK 9) hook make 3ch,
[yoh,insert hook into 3rd ch from hook, yoh pull back
through chl 3 times, (7 loops on hook), yoh and pull back
through allT loops, 1ch, cut yarn and fasten off. Tie the tail
ends of yarn together into a knot on the WS. Use the tail
ends to stitch the nose lengthways to the centre front of
the face. Put the head to one side.

Using Yarn B and 3.5mm (US al4, UK 9) hook, make a
foundation chain of 15ch
Rnd 1: sl st into 2nd ch from hook, make 2Och then work
back along ch as follows: 2sc into 2nd ch from hook,2sc
into each of the next lBch, miss next ch along the main
foundation ch, sl st into next ch, make 3Och,2sc into 2nd
ch from hook,2sc into each of the next 2Bch, miss next ch
along main foundation ch, sl st into next ch, [make 5Och,2sc
into 2nd ch from hook,2sc into each of the next 48 sts, miss
next ch along main foundation ch, sl st into next chl 3 times,
[make 45ch,Zsc into 2nd ch from hook,2sc into each of the
next 43 sts, miss next ch along main foundation ch, sl st into
next chl twice, lmake 40ch,2sc into 2nd ch from hook,2sc
into each of the next 38 sts, sl st into same chl 3 times, now
working back along opposite side of foundation ch, miss next
st, sl st into next st, [make 45ch,2sc into 2nd ch from hook,
Zsc into each of the next 43 sts, miss next ch along main
foundation ch, sl st into next chl twice, Imake 5Och,2sc into
2nd ch from hook, 2sc into each of the next 48 sts, miss next
ch along main foundation ch, sl st into next chl 3 times, make



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...'j!-:*...'r$r . tstr,lffR
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Feet (make two)
-rsing Yarn C and 3 5mm (US al4, UK 9) hook, make a
=:undation ch of Bch
Rnd 1:1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into each of next 5ch,
3sc into last ch, now working along the opposite side of the
':undation ch, 1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into same
: ace as 1st sc. (16 sts).
Rnd 2: 2sc into 1st st, 1sc into each of next 4 sts, l2sc into
^:xt stl twice, 1sc into next st, [2sc into next st] twice, 1sc
^:c each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next st, 1sc into next st.
/ /- 515).
^'1 ^!^\

Rnd 3: 1sc into back loop only of every st.

Rnd 4: lsc into every st.
Rnd 5: working into back loops only, lsc into each of next
3 sts, [sc2tog] twice, hdc2tog, hdc3tog, hdc2tog, [sc2tog]
-,',,ice, 1sc into each of next 4 sts changing to Yarn D during
sc. (14 sts). Cont in Yarn D.
Rnd 6: working into back loops only for this rnd, lsc into
=:ch of next 2 sts, sc2tog, hdc2tog, thdc into next st,
- 7c7tog, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 3 sts. (10 sts).
r ace working st onto a stitch marker. Tie off and trim
.3rn ends on WS of work Fill foot with toy filling.
,:place stitch onto hook.
Rnd 7: 1sc into each of next 3 sts, [sc2tog] twice, 1sc into
(B sts) Use blunt end of hook to push
==ch of next 3 sts. Body
^^cre toy filling rnto foot.
Rnd 1: hold one upright leg with back of leg facing you.
Rnds 8-12:1sc into every st Press the top of the leg together and join Yarn D with a sl st
',3xt, sl st into next st, turn to work tn opposite direction,Zcl to the rightmost stitch, 1ch (does not count as a st), lsc into
:cunts as thdc), ihdc into back loops only of every st, sl st same st, 1sc into each of the next 7 sts (B sts), front of leg is
^ -o Znd of first Zch. Cut yarn and fasten off. The frill of the now facing. Take second leg and hold tt adjacent to the first
s:ck should naturally fold down and lie flat against the sock. with front of leg facing you. lsc into every st around top of
second leg. (t5 sts).
Legs (make two) Rnd 2:Zsc into each of next 3 sts, 1sc into next st,2sc into
'.rake a slip knot onto hook with Yarn A. With leg upright, join
each of the next B sts, lsc into next st, 2sc into each of next
-: the spare back loop of any st from last rnd. 3 sts (30 sts).
Rnd 1: 1ch (doesn't count as a st), 1sc into same st, lsc into
Rnds 3-7: lsc into every st. Change to Yarn A during last sc
-:rnaining 7 sts. (B sts).
of Rnd 7. Cut Yarn D; cont in Yarn A
Rnds 2-12:lsc into every st After Rnd 12, sl st into next st,
Rnd B: work this rnd into back loops only, 1sc into each of
:ut yarn and fasten off. next 7 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 13 sts, sc2tog,'1sc !

?epeat all the instructions to make a second foot and leg. into each of next 5 sts. (28 sts). *t
Rnd 9: lsc into every st ry
Rnd 1O: lsc into each of next 5 sts, scZtog, 1sc into each *{_
of next 13 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 5 sts. (25 sts). t'!
Change to Yarn C during last sc of Rnd 10. Cont in Yarn C. {,,.*\
Rnd into every st. -7

Rnd 12: isc into back loop only of every st.

At this point, use yarn ends to stitch together the gap --l*
between the legs Tte off and trtm all loose yarn ends into
WS of work and trim. *\


Continue wtth bodY: Rnd 10: 1sc into each of next 11 sts, Zsc into next st, lsc

Rnd 13: 1sc into each of next 6 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of
into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st, 1sc into each of
next 20 sts, 2sc into next st, 1sc into each of next 5 sts,
next 11 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of next 5 sts. (24 sts).
2sc into next st, lsc into each of next 11 sts. (50 sts).
Rnd 14:1sc into every st.
Rnd 11: lsc into everY st.
Rnd 15: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 3 times. (21 sts)
Rnd 12: sl st into next st,2ch,2hdc into same st,3hdc into
Rnd 16: lsc into everY st
every st, sl st into 2nd of first 2cLr, cut the yarn and fasten
Rnd 17: llsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 3 times. (18 sts).
off. weave the yarn ends into wS of work and trim.
Change to Yarn A during last sc2tog. Cont in Yarn A.
Rnd 18: 1sc into everY st.
Rnd 19:1sc into back loops only of every st. Sl st tnto next
st, cut yarn and fasten off. Fill body firmly with toy filling.

Colla r
Make a slipknot onto the hook with Yarn D. Hold the doll
upside down (with her legs in the air) and the front of her
body facing you. Locate the centre 2 sts of Rnd 19 and join
yarn with a sl st into the left qost bf these 2 sts. Make 3ch,
*2sc into next st, 1sc tnfo
Zdcinto same St, thdc into next st,
next st, rep from * to the last 2 sts, thdc into next st,2dc
into last st, 3ch, sl st into same st. Cut the yarn and fasten
off. Weave the yarn ends'into WS and trim. Spray the collar
with spray starch;pin f lat to dress and leave to dry.

D ress
Turn the doll upside down with the back of the doll facing
you. Locate the spare loops of R nd 12 of body. Locate the
centre back stitch. Make a slipknot onto hook with Yarn C
and join with a sl st to centre back stitch.
Rnd 1: chl,lsiinto same St, 1sc rnto each of next 5 sts,2sc
into next st, lsc irito each of next 12 sts, Zsc into next st, 1sc
into each of next 6 sts. (28 sts)
nio 2: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 times.
(35 sts)
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.
(42 sts)
Rnd 4:l1sc into each of next 5 sts, Zsc into next stl 7 times.
(49 sts)
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.
(56 sts)
LJ_I Rnds 6-9:1sc into everY st.






Arms (make two)
-rsing Yarn A, make a magic loop or make Zch.

l" Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch

=',Jm hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
ragic loop.
r Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
iI Rnd 3: lsc into every st.
i Rnd 4: 1sc into each of next 5 sts, 1tr (to create thumb), lsc
E ^ro each of next 6 sts.
Rnd 5: 1sc into next st, lsc2tog] 5 times, 1sc into next st.
i ;sis)

H Rnds 6-14: rep Rnd 3, changing to Yarn C during the last sc

:f Rnd 14. Cont tn Yarn C.

Rnd rep Rnd 3.

Rnd 16: working into back loops only, 1sc into every st

. Rnds 17-21: rep Rnd 3. Sl st into next st, cut the yarn and
;asten off. Put to one side.

Using Yarn D and 3.5mm (U S al4, UK 9) hook,
make 16ch.
Row 1: (2dc, Zch,Zdc) into 3rd ch from hook, miss next 2ch,
,sc into each of next 5ch, miss next Zch, (Zdc,Zci,2dc) into
next ch miss next 2ci, sl st into last ch, ch1, turn.
Row 2: miss sl st, lsc into each of the next Zdc, into 2-ch
space work (1sc, 3ch, sl st into 3rd ch from hook, 1sc, 4ch,
sl st into 4th ch from hook, lsc,3ch, sl st into 3rd ch from
hook, 1sc), 1sc into each of next 2dc placing a stitch marker
into last sc made, miss next Zsc, (Zdc,2ch, 2dc) into next sc,
miss next Zsc,lsc into each of the next Zdc, into 2-ch space
work (1sc, 3ch, sl st into 3rd ch from hook, 1sc, 4ch, sl st into
Making up
4th ch from hook, lsc,3ch, sl st into 3rd ch from hook, 1sc), Hold 2 or 3 cotton buds together and bind tightly with yarn.
cut the yarn and fasten off. Make a slipknot onto hook with lnsert halfway into body. Place the head over the top half
same yarn and join yarn with a sl st to the st with stitch of the cotton buds and onto the body. Pin the head in place,
marker (RS facing). lining up the nose with the centre of the dress collar. Using
Row 3: lsc into each of the nextZdc, into 2-ch space work Yarn A, stitch the head to the body through each of the
(lsc, 3ch, sl st into 3rd ch from hook, lsc, 4ch, sl st into 4th lB sts of each piece, filling the join with toy filling to create
ch from hook, 1sc, 3ch, sl st into 3rd ch from hook, 1sc), 1sc a firm neck. Pull the yarn really tight to make the neck
into each of the nexlZdc, sl st into next st, cut the yarn and smaller and create a firm join. Tie off the yarn ends and #
fasten off. Weave the yarn ends into WS and trim. weave into the head. Using Yarn C stitch an arm to each rrr
Spray liberally on both sides wtth spray starch and leave side of the body. Place the hair onto the head, lining up the X
to dry f lat. centre of the hair wrth the centre of the head. Strtch the 2
hair in place with Yarn B. Place the curls evenly around the fi
head and pin in place approximate ly 11lz-2rn (4-5cm) f rom S
the centre top of the head. Using a long length of Yarn B, )"
carefully stitch each curl in place with a stitch. Using #
D, stitch the crown to the head just above the fringe. Cut {
scraps of raspberry-colored felt into 2 small oval shapes H
approximately 111+in (3cm) long to fit the sole of each foot. -u
Stitch in place with small stitches and matching thread. il


into the bed then join the remaining seam closed.

Hed Cut the yarn and use the yarn end to whip stitch the
border seam together.
Top and bottom pieces
Using 5mm (US J/l0, UK 4) hook and Yarn J make 23 ch.
Row 1: lsc rnto 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into every ch to the Pitlnw end fiov$rs
end. (22 sts). Chl, turn.
Row 2: 1sc into every st, chl, turn. Top cover (granny square)
Using Yarn C and 4mm (US G/6, UK B) hook, make 4 ch.
i [Ti:[.1f;..,T:';.'.',ff#iil,lX"
row do not chl
Join with a sl st to form a loop and work Round I into the
centre of the loop Ol make a magic ring and work Round 1

Edging into the ring:

2sc into same stitch, work 33sc evenly along next long Rnd 1: 3ch (counts as first dc), 2dc into the ring, Zch, [3dc into
edge, 3sc into next cor-ner st, 2Osc evenly along next short the ring,2chl 3 times. Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3ch. Cut
edge to last st, 3sc into last st, work 33sc evenly along next yarn and fasten off.
long edge, 3sc into next corner st, 2Osc evenly along next Rnd 2: make a slip knot onto hook with Yarn D and join with a
short edge, sl st into next st, cut yarn and fasten off. You sl st to any 2ch space,3ch (counts as first dc), (2dc,Zch,3dc)
should have ll8sc around the border. Make a second piece all into the same 2ch space, xlch, (3dc,Zch,3dc) into next
for the bottom of the bed following all instructions above 2ch space, rep from x twice more, 1ch, join with a sl st to 3rd
including edging of first 3 ch. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Rnd 3: make a slip knot onto hook with Yarn I and join with a
Sides sl st to any 2ch space.3ch (counts as first dc), (2dc,Zch,3dc)
Using 6mm (US J/l0, UK 4) hook and Yarn J make 119 ch. all into the same 2ch space, *1ch,3dc into next 1ch space, 1ch,
Row 1: lsc into 2nd ch from hook, lsc into every ch to the (3dc,Zci,3dc) into next 2ch corner space, rep from * twice
end. (1iB sts). Chl, turn. more, lch, 3dc into next 1ch space, 1ch. Join with a sl st to 3rd
Row 2: lsc into every st, chl, turn. of first 3ch. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Rep Row 2 twice more. Cut yarn and fasten off. Rnd 4: make a slip knot onto hook with Yarn F and join with a
sl st to any 2ch space,3ch (counts as first dc), (2dc,Zch,3dc)
Joining bed pieces all into the same 2ch space, *[1ch,3dc rnto nextlch space]
Line up the edge stitches of the border with the edge twice, 1ch, (3dc,Zch, 3dc) into next 2ch corner space, rep
stitches of the bed top, with WS together. Pin in place. Using from x twice more, [1ch,3dc into next 1ch space] twice, 1ch.
Yarn J, join the pieces together using sl st, working a sl st Join with a sl st to 3rd of f irst 3ch. Cut yarn and fasten off.
through the corresponding back loops only of each piece, Rnd 5: make a slip knot onto hook with Yarn G and join with a
repeated all the way around. Fasten off the yarn and weave sl st to any 2ch space, 3ch (counts as f irst dc), (2dc ,Zch, 3dc)
into WS of work. Repeat this process to join the bottom of all into the same 2ch space, *11ch,3dc into nextlch spacel
the bed to the border, leaving one side open Slide the foam until you reach the next corner space, 1ch, (3dc,Zcl,3dc)
into next 2ch coIneI space, rep from x twice more, [1ch,3dc
into next 1ch spacel until the end, lch.
Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3ch.
Cut yarn and fasten off.
LIj Rep Rnd 5 f ive times more in the

following color sequence:

Yarn ClYarn D/Yarn t/Ya rn Fl

Yarn Gl Yarn C.

\-/ .l

Bottom sheets (make four)
-..rg Yarn G and 4mm (US G/5, UK B) hook,
--3.(e 37 ch.
?cw 1: 1dc into 4th ch from hook, 1dc into every st to the end,
---'r (35 sts).
?cw 2:3ch (counts as ldc), 1dc into every st, working last dc
-: 3rd of f irst 3ch. Turn.
r=reat Row 2 untrl sheet measures the same length
,: :he bed. Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave all ends into
,', S of work and trtm

',':Ke 3 more sheets in Yarn D, Yarn t and Yarn F. Pin sheets

-^:o a flat surface and spray with spray starch or water.
-=ave to dry comPletelY.

Sewn mattress
',':asure your bed and cut a piece of tlrin (1cm) batting
-: rhe same size. Cut 2 pieces of pretty fabric to the same
s re as the bed plus atlrin (1cm) seam allowance. Place the
=3Dric with WS together and stitch 3 sides, leavingllzin (1cm) Using Yarn H and 3.5mm (US U4, UK 9) hook, make a

::am allowance Turn right side out and insert batting. magic loop or 2ch.
::ld remaining seam to WS and slip stitch together. Rnd 1: 5sc into the centre of the loop, or into the second
chain from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up
Pillow the magic loop.
,sinq Yarn C and 3.5mm (US al4, UK 9) hook, work as given Rnd 2:2sc into every st. (12 sts).
=lr Top Cover (Granny Square), using Yarn C throughout and
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc rnto next st] twice.
,','crking 6 rounds in total. (14 sts)
a. ara. raa r aa a laa ar. a a aa
a"" t t t t tta

Rnds 4-5:1sc into everY st.

. Note: Do not cut yarn after- each round, instead, after :
Rnd 6: tlsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl twice. (12 sts).
. cining every round, sl st into each of the next 2dc then sl st ] Stuf f with toy f illing
I rro the corner space ready to start the next round
Rnd 7: [sc2toq) 6 times. (6 sts).
Use the blunt end of the crochet hook to push more toy
'/ake a second square in the same way. filling into the pea Use the tail end of the yarn to gather
\ext, measure your pillow squares and cut a piece of Rnd 7 sts closed.
,,'zin (icm) batting to the same size. Cut 2 pieces of pretty
=abric to the same size as squares, plus'/zin (1cm) seam Making up
allowance. Place fabric with WS together and stitch 3 sides, Place the sewn mattress onto the bed, place the pea onto
eavi ngllzin (1cm) seam allowance. Turn right side out and the mattress and cover it with the bottom sheets. Place the
,nsert batting. Fold remaining seam to WS and slip stitch pillow at the top of the bed, place the Princess in the bed
:ogether. Next join 3 sides of the 2 crocheted squares and cover her wrth the top cover. Cr alternatively stitch the -_.,i

as follows: pea to the hands of the Princess. :[

Hold squares with WS together and joln through both _U

ihicknesses with sc using Yarn C, working isc into each dc, E

lsc into each 1ch space and 3sc into each corner. lnsert pillow

and continue in sc to close the remaining side, sl st into first


sc; cut yarn, and fasten off. *r>



Kfum ffiffiKW ffiKffimkHs$kffi
You rnav have heard lhe slo ry cf the uqly ducklrnq whc turns rnto a beautrful,
eleqant swan l/Vell, there's ncthrng uqly about fhese Irttle Cucklrngs - they're bcth
as cufe as can be anC are the besl of f rienCs

, YffiU WKtt Mffiffip $mr bmrsm dumktimg YffiW WXtt Mffiffitr f*r wht$m dt*mktnmg
* or (s-pty) yarn:
* or (8-PlY) Yarn:
a 1%oz (sog) bali gives 136yd (125m)
a 1%oz (5Og) ball gives 136yd (125m)
1 bail white = Yarn E
1 ball beige = Yarn A
1 ball orange = Yarn F
1 ball brown = Yarn B
1 ball lime green = Yarn G
1 ball Pale blue = Yarn C
1 ball dark green = Yarn FI
1 ball gold = Yarn D
:k g.5mm (US E/4, UK 9) hook
* g.5mm (US E/4, UK 9) hook pair of l/ztn (9mm) safetY
*' f pair of lztn (9mm) safetY eyes * 1 eyes

* roy filling * roy filling

rKMx$ffiffiffi $Xtrffiff
* 71/4Ln (1B.5cm) tall, excluding hat

Rnd B: llsc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.
H ead
(55 sts)
Using Yarn A(t), make a magic loop or 2ch.
Rnds 9-16: isc into every st.
Rnd 1: 7sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch
from hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the Rnd 17: llsc into each of next 6 sts, sc2togl 7 times. (49 sts).
magic loop. Rnd 18: lsc into every st.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (14 sts). Rnd 19: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (42 sts).
Rnd 3: []sc into next st,2sc into next stl 7 times. (21 sts). Rnd 20: llsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2togl 7 times. (35 sts).
Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times. Rnd 21: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl 7 times. (28 sts).
I (28 sts) Rnd 22:l1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2togl 7 tlmes. (21 sts).
r) Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times. Rnd 23: llsc tnto each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 3 times. (18 sts).
:) (35 sts) Sl stinto next st; cut yarn and fasten off. With yarn tail at
"J Rnd 6: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 times. centre back, fix safety eyes on front between Rnds 15 and 16,
tt (42 sts) approximately 5 sts apart. Fill head firmly with toy filling until
:] Rnd 7: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 times. head measures approximately 1O1l+in (26cm) around widest

T (49 sts) point so that the hat will fit snugly.


, ,,.1-1.;
::r-., i:

t.. :rr:
.-,i" .',,,-' .ir
'i": rl .j
.'.'-11: i,':,.''

Rnd 5: [lsc into each of next 3 sts, Zsc into next st] 6 times.
Bea k
(30 sts)
Using Yarn B(F) make llch.
Rnd 6: llsc into each of next 4 sts,2sc into next stl 5 times.
Rnd 1: 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into each of next 8ch,
(36 sts)
3sc into last ch, now working back along the opposite side
of the foundation ch, 1sc into each of next Bch, 2sc into Rnd 7: [lsc into each of next 5 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
(42 sts)
same place as 1st sc. (22 sts).
Rnds 2-4:1sc into every st. At the end of Rnd 4, sl st into Rnds 8-10: 'lsc into every st
next st. Cut yarn and fasten off then thread tail end of yarn Rnd 11: 1sc into next st, [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2 sts]
onto a wool needle and whip stitch the open edge together. twice, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 21 sts, [sc2tog, 1sc inio
each of next 2 stsl twice, scZtog. (36 sts).
Body Rnds 12-13:lsc into every st.
Using Yarn A(E), make a magic loop or 2ch. Rnd 14: llsc into next st, sc2togl 3 times, lsc into each of
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch next 1B sts, [sc2tog, 1sc into next st] 3 times. (30 sts).
from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the Rnd 15-17:1sc into every st.
mag ic loop.
Rnd 18: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] twice, 1sc into
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts). each of next l5 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of next 2 sts,
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts). sc2tog, 1sc into next st. (26 sts).
Rnd 4: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times. Rnd 19-20:lsc into every st
(24 sts) Rnd 21: lsc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into next st,
[sc2tog] twice, 1sc into each of next 9 sts, [sc2tog] twice, 1sc
into next st, sc2tog, 1sc into next st. (20 sts).
Rnd 22:lsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of
next 9 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 3 sts. (18 sts).
Rnd 23:lsc into every st, sl st into next st. Cut yarn and
fasten off. The tail end of yarn is the centre back body.
Fill body firmly with toy filling

Wings (make two)

Using Yarn A(E), make 9 ch.
Rnd 1:1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into each of next 6ch,
3sc into last st, now working back along the opposite side of
the foundation ch, 1sc into each of next 6ch,2sc into same
ch as first sc. (18 sts).
Rnd 2-7:1sc into every st.
Rnd 8: tlsc into each of next 4sc, sc2tog, 1sc into each of
next 3scl twice. (16 sts).
Rnds 9-10: 1sc into every st
Rnd 11: tlsc into each of next 3sc, sc2tog, 1sc into each of
next 3scl twice. (14 sts).
Rnds 12-13:1sc into every st. Cut yarn and fasten off then
thread tail end of yarn onto a wool needle and whip stitch
(} the open edge together. Pin out wings and spray block to
Z. flatten. Leave to dry completely.



HB *
tui€ &#

^v, \,'\,\r '^-"\,1

Feet (make two) Ma king up
Using Yarn B(F) make 7 ch. Stitch the beak to the head directly below the eyes. Stitch
Rnd 1: 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into each of next 4sc, the head to the body lining up the centre back body with
3sc into last st, now working back along the opposite side of the centre back of the head, filling the gap between the
the foundation ch, 1sc into each of next 4sc,2sc into same head and body really firmly with toy filling as you sew, using
place as 1st sc. (14 sts) your f inger to push the toy filling into the gap. Stitch the
Rnds 2-6:1sc into every st. After Rnd 6, sl st into next st. remainrng seam closed, then pull stitches gently to tighten
Cut yarn and fasten off. Pin out feet and spray block to the neck seam. Tie off yarn, weave into body and trim. Pin
flatten. Leave to dry completely. wings in place on erther side of body just below the neck
seam. Stitch the tops of each wing to the body then stitch
Ta il the back of each wing to the body leaving approximately
zl+in (1.5cm) unstitched. Stitch the strarght edge of the tail
Using Yarn A(t) make 1Bch. Join with a sl st into first ch to
make a loop, taking care not to twist the chain. to the lower back body at Rnd 3. Stitch feet to front body
Rnd'l:1ch (not counted as a st), 1sc tnto same st, lsc into at Rnd 3. Place the hat on head and stitch in place if desired
each of next 17 ch (18 sts) usrng small running stitches. Place the scarf around the neck
and stitch in place if desired, using small running stitches.
Rnds 2-3:1sc into every ch.
Rnd 4: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 7sc] twice. (16 sts).
Rnd 5: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 6sc] twice. (14 sts).
Rnd 6: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 5sc] twice. (12 sts).
Rnd 7: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 4sc] twice. (10 sts).
Rnd B: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 3sc] twice. (B sts).
Rnd 9: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2sc] twice. (6 sts).
Next, close up the hole as follows: xmiss next sc, lsc into
next sc, rep from * until the hole is closed. Cut yarn and
fasten off. Weave yarn tail into WS and trim.

Using Yarn C(G), follow all instructions as given for
the body to the end of Rnd 7.
Rnd 8: [1sc into each of next 5sc, 2sc into next st] 6
times. (48 sts).
Rnd 9: llsc into each of next 7sc, 2sc into next stl 6
times. (54 sts).
Rnds 1O-14:1sc into every st, changing to Yarn D(H)
during the last sc of Rnd14.
Rnds 15-19: in Yarn D(H), 1sc into every st, changing to
Yarn C(G) during the last sc of Rnd 19.

Rnd 20:in Yarn C(G), lsc into every st, sl st into next st.
Cut yarn and fasten off. Make a small pompom in Yarn
D(H) and stitch to the centre top of the hat.

Sca rf *t
Using Yarn C(G), make 52ci. t-?-t

Row 1: thdc into 2nd ch f rom hook, thdc into C

every ch to the end Cut yarn and fasten off. r
l'/ake 2 small pompoms in Yarn D(H) and stitch
cne to each end of scarf. C


N .l-E
Thrsg BIIIU Goats Gruff
"Whos fhat trrp-trapptng over rnv bnCge?" shcuted the anqry Troll
"l'rn a -froll and l'rn gotng to eat you for dtnner" "But l'rn the srna//est Btlly
Goat Gruff", replteC the little goat, "don't eat rne, wait for rny brother who ts

rnuch brqqer than rne "

, , t i :. a . , . t t
&:ttt*i.,.i , ' ' .' '

YOU \,,fl11 NEEP for ths Troll

* DK (s-PlY) Yarn: \
a tuoz lsog) ball gives !36yd (12sm)
1 ball dark green = Yarn A
1 ball beige = Yarn B
* g.5mm (US E/4, UK 9) hook
* roy Filling
*..1 Pav of Yzin (emmJ safelY yes
*'ZTt/tin ,(60q*)i'lenglh of black yarn or
embroidery thread

:ruNI$ Ep $IrE$
.*1 high, e.11Iudins h3ir ,_ _-
* mrh {H,l| (gtutn
* faige goar (10,5cm) iong; medium goat:

Rnd 6: [lsc into each of next 4 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
Iroll (36 sts).
Rnds 7-2O:1sc into every st
Using Yarn A, and 3.5mm (US El4,UK 9) hook, make a
Rnd 21: working into back loops only for this rnd:
:) magic loop or Zch. [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 6 times. (30 sts).
(} Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd Rnd 22:l1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl 6 times (24 sts).
F ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the Rnd 23:l1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (18 sts).

C) mag ic loop. i Fill body firmly with toy

(} Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts). Rnd 24:l1sc into next st, sc2togl 6 times. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc intb next st,2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts). Rnd 25:lscZtogl 6 times. (6 sts). Sl st into next st; cut yarn
m Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next stl 6 times. and fasten off. Push a little more toy filling into small gap
L.ll (24 sts). using blunt end of crochet hook. Thread yarn end onto wool
tr Rnd 5: []sc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next stl 6 times.
needle, thread through sts of last rnd and pull gently to close
I hole. Weave tail end into body.
F (30 sts).

.i s.

Head N ose
Using Yarn B, work as given for body to the end of Rnd 5. Using Yarn B and 3.5mm (US al4, UK 9) hook make 3ch,
(35 sts) Zhdc into 3rd ch from hook, remove hook, insert hook
Rnd 7: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times. through 3rd of first 3ch, replace working loop back onto
(42 sts) hook and pull through loop on hook. Cut yarn and fasten
Rnd 8: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, Zsc into next st] 6 times. off. Tie yarn ends together in a knot to create a small
(48 sts) ball. Stitch to the centre front of the face, between the
eyes and I rnd below.
Rnds 9-14:lsc into every st.
Rnd 15: llsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (42 sts). Hair
Rnd 16: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] 5 times. (36 sts). Cut approximately ninety 4in (1Ocm) strips of Yarn C
Rnd 17: llsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2togl 5 times. (30 sts). and attach to head using crochet hook method around
Rnd 18: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog] 6 times (24 sts). Rnds 1-5 of head (see page 15). Trim hair to approximately
Rnd 19: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 6 times. (iB 11lqin (3cm) long or to length desired.

sts). Fix safety eyes between Rounds 11 and 12, leaving 5 sts
between. Fill head firmly with toy filling until it measures
Making up
Pin head to body with eyes facing front and stitch in place.
approximately 73 I +in (2Ocm) around.
Pins arms to each side of body pointing upwards and stitch
Rnd 20: llsc into next st, sc2toql 6 times. (12 sts). Sl st tnto
in place. Using black yarn or embroidery thread, stitch a
next st; cut yarn and fasten off. Push a little more toy filling
long straight mouth below nose and 2 eyebrows above eyes.
into sma\l gap using btunt end 0f crochet hook

Using farn 6, and 3.5mm (US {4, UK 9/ hook, make a mdqlc
loop or Zch.
Rnd 1: 7sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
ch from hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gentlyto close up the
mag ic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into next st, lsc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into
next st, 1sc into each of next 2 sts. (9 sts).
Rnds 3-4:1sc into every st, changing to Yarn A during last sc
of Rnd 4. Cut Yarn B; cont in Yarn A.
Rnds 5-11: lsc into every st Sl st into next st; cut yarn and
fasten off. Fill arm with toy filling using blunt end of crochet
hook. Thread yarn end onto wool needle, thread through sts
of Rnd 11 and pull gently to close hole. Repeat all instructions
for second arm. Put arms to one side.

Ears (make two)

Hold head on its side, with final rnd to the right, join Yarn
B with sl st, to the side of the head along the Bth round,
t, counting from the final rnd. Using a 3.5mm (US al4, UK 9)
:l hook and working vertically up the side of the head, *c12,
1dc into same stitch, 1tr into next st, ldc tnto next st,2ch, sl st
i"*- into same stitch. Cut yarn and fasten off**.
"{ Rotate head so that the final rnd is to the left. Now, working
vertically down the side of the head, rep from * to **.
*J Weave yarn ends into head.
tt I



Rnd 19:1sc into each of next B sts, lsc2tog] twice, 1sc into
Lar$e gsfrt (brovun) each of next B sts. (18 sts).
Rnd 20:1sc into each of next 7 sts, [sc2tog] twice, 1sc into
each of next 7 sts. (16 sts).
Using 3mm (US C/2 or Dl3, UK 11) hook and Yarn D, make a
nnagic loop or Zch. (Starting at back of body). Rnd 21: lsc into every st. Fill body firmly with toy filling.

Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd Rnd 22: llsc into each of next 2 sts, scZtogl 4 times (12 sts).

ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the Rnd 23: lscZtogl 6 times. (6 sts). Push more loy f illing
magic loop. through the small gap using blunt end of crochet hook.
Rnd 2:2sc rnto every st. (12 sts). Thread yarn end onto wool needle, thread through sts of last
rnd and pull gently to close the hole. Put body to one side.
Rnd 3: [1sc into nexl st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times. H ead
(24 sts)
Using 3mm (US C/2 or D13, UK 11) hook and Yarn D, make a
Rnd 5: lsc into every st. magic loop or 2ch.
Rnd 6: rep Rnd 4. (32 sts). Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
Rnd 7: rep Rnd 5. ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
Rnd 8: 1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of magic loop.
next 24sts, sc2tog, lsc rnto each of next 2 sts. (30 sts). Rnd 2:Zsc intolst st, 1sc into each of next 4 sts,2sc into last
Rnd 9: rep Rnd 5. st(B sts)

Rnd 10: 1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, 1sc inio each of Rnd 3: 2sc into 1st st, lsc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc into last
next 22 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of next 2 sts. (28 sts). st. (10 sts).
Rnds 11-12:lsc into every st. Rnd 4: lsc into 1st st,2sc into next st, lsc into each of next

Rnd 13: 1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of 2 sts, [2sc into next st] twice, 1sc into each of next 2 sts, Zsc -*T-

next 20 sts, sc2tog, 1sc rnto each of next 2 sts. (26 sts) into next st, lsc rnto next st. (14 sts), ?4)


Rnds 14-15: lsc into every st. Rnd 5: 1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st, lsc into !,i

each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st, lsc into each of next 5 sts
Rnd 16:1sc into each of next B sts, sc2tog,.lsc into each of
(16 sts)

next 6 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of next B sts (24 sts). -.<

Rnd 6: 1sc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc into next st, isc into
Rnd 17: 1sc into each of next B sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of
next 4 sts, sc2tog, 1sc rnto each of next B sts. (22 sts). each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st, 1sc into each of next 6 sts. -l-*

(18 sts)
Rnd 18:1sc into each of next B sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of
Rnd 7: 1sc into each of next 7 sts, 2sc into next st, 1sc into 'uj
next 2 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next B sts (20 sts). ff
each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st, lsc into each of next 7 sts. f

(20 sts) --T-i

Rnds B-9: 1sc into every st. Rnd 2: 1sc into every st, changing to Yarn D during last sc.
Rnd 10: lsc into each of next 4sc, 2sc Into next st, lsc into Cut Yarn [; cont in Yarn D.
each of next 1O sts, 2sc into next st, 1sc into each of next Rnd 3: l2sc into next st, 1sc into next stl twice, 1sc into next
4sc. (22 sts). st (7 sts)
Rnd 11: 1sc into every st. Rnds 4-6:1sc into every st Sl st into next st; cut yarn and
Rnd 12: lsc into each of next B sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of fasten off. Fill lightly with toy filling. Rep all instructions for 3

next 4 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 6 sts. (20 sts). more legs. Put legs to one side.
Rnd 13: 1sc into each of next 7 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of
next 4 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of next 5 sts. (18 sts).
Making up
Posrtion head onto front body and stitch in place. Pin legs
Rnd 14:1sc into each of next 6 sts, sc2tog, lsc tnto each of
in place to underside of body, making sure the goat is
next 4 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 4 sts. (16 sts).
balanced. lf desired, trim one end off 4 cotton buds and
Fix safety eyes between Rnds 7 and B, approximately place each bud into legs instead of toy filling. Push cut
4 sts apart.
ends of cotton bud up into body When legs are in the
Rnd l5: lsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of right position and the goat is balanced, stitch legs to body.
next 2 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of next 5 sts. (14 sts). Thread a small srlver bell onto a1131+in (3Ocm) length of red
Rnd 16: lsc2tog)7 times. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and yarn and wrap around the neck. Tie ends and weave into
fasten off. Use blunt end of crochet hook to push more toy head or body. Using a short length of Yarn f, stitch a mouth
filling into head. Thread yarn end onto wool needle, thread in the shape of a'Y'. Finally, make a tail as follows: using
through sts of last rnd and pull gently to close the hole. Yarn f, make a slip knot onto hook and join wtth a sl st to
top back of body,make 5ch then sl st back tnto same st.
Horns (make two) Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave yarn ends into body
Using 3mm (US C/2 or D/3, UK 11) hook and Yarn f, make a
magic loop or Zci.
Rnd 1:4sc rnto the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
ch from hook. (4 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
magic loop.
Rnds 2-4:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st; cut yarn
and fasten off. Stitch to top of head leaving a small gap
between horns.

Ears (make two)

Using 3mm (US C12 or D13, UK 11) hook and Yarn D, make
a magic loop or Zci.
Rnd 1:4sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
ch from hook. (4 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
mag ic loop.
Rnd 2: lZsc into next st, 1sc into next stl twice. (5 sts)
Rnd 3: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 4: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2 sts] twice.
(4 sts). Sl st into next st; cut yarn and fasten off.

l Repeat all instructtons for second ear. Stitch ears

t't to each side of head below horns.
-{ Legs (make four)
/n Using 3mm (US C/2 or D13, UK 11) hook and Yarn E

make a magic loop or 2ch.

J Rnd 1: 5sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
2nd ch from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to
tlJ close up the magic loop.

./... /- ,/" , /... /1 ,/' ,/." ,/.. ,/-. /i. ,/,... ,/".. / ,.. ,/ ...

Rnds 7-9:lsc into every st

ffiediffirrt ffiffiffit {whrflffi] Rnd 10: lsc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of
Follow all instructions given for large goat (brown), next 20 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2 sts. (26 sts).
usrng 2.75mm (US C/2, UK 1l or 12) hook, with the
Rnd i1: lsc into every st.
following changes:
Next continue as given for large goat (brown) body from
Rnd 16 to end.
Head, body, ears, legs
Work in Yarn F.
H ead
Using 2.5mm (US 311 or ClZ,UK12) hook and Yarn work
Horns, tail, mouth D, as
given for large goat (brown) head to end of Rnd 9.
Work in Yarn D.
Rnd 10: lsc into every st.
Ma king U p Next work as given for large goat (brown) head from Rnd 13
Follow instructions as grven for large goat (brown). to the end.
Next, follow all instructions as given for large goat (brown)
for ears, horns, tail and mouth as follows:
Srnettr #ffiet {hrmwn}
Ea rs
Body Work as given for large goat (brown) in Yarn D with
Using 2.5mm (US B/1 or ClZ, UK12) hook and Yarn D, work as 2.5mm (US 311 or Cl2, UK12) hook.
given for large goat (brown) body to end of Rnd 5.
Rnd 6: [isc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next stl 4 trmes. Legs
(28 sts) Work as given for large goat (brown) but only work to end
of Rnd 5 using 2.5mm (US B11 or C12, UK12) hook.

Horns, tail, mouth

I using 2Smm (US 311 or ClZ, UK12) hook.
Work in Yarn

Making up
Follow instructions as given for large goat (brown).

t Ii




ffimgd[flmmks Joining legs
Hold leg 1 upright with back of leg facing you and feet
Head pointing away. Press the top of the leg together flat. Make
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or Zch. a slip knot onto hook with Yarn B and join with a sl st to the

Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or-into 2nd leftmost st of the back leg, lch (does not count as a st), 1sc
ch from hook. (5 sts) Pull yarn end gently to close up the into same st, lsc into the rightmost st on back of leg 2, 1sc
magic loop. into remaining 5 sts of leg 2,1sc into rightmost st of f ront of
leg 1, 1sc into remainrng 5 sts of leg 1 (14 sts)
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc rnto next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times.
(24 sts)
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
(30 sts)
Rnds 6-8: lsc into every st
Rnd 9: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog] 6 times. (24 sts).
Rnd 1O: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 11: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 5 times. (18 sts).
Rnd 12:l1sc into next st, sc2toq) 6 times. (12 sts).
Fix safety eyes between Rounds 5 and 7 leavrng 4 sts
between. Fill head firmly with toy frlling until it measures
5t I +-51 I zin (13.5-14cm) around.

Rnd 13: [1sc into next st, sc2toql 4 times. (B sts). Sl st into
next st, cut yarn and fasten off. Put head to one side.

Legs (make two)

Using Yarn B, make a magic loop or Zch.
Rnd 1: 5sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
ch from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
mag ic loop.
Rnd 2:2sc into every st. (10 sts).
Rnds 3-4: lsc into every st.
Rnd 5: lsc2tog, 1sc into next st] 3 times, turn (leaving last st
unworked). Now working in rows, miss stitch at base of loop
on hook, 1sc into each of next 3 sts, miss 1 st, lsc into next
Lrt st, turn, miss stitch at base of loop on hook, 1sc, miss st, lsc

into next st, do not turn; cont with Rnd 6.
{lJ Rnd 6: work 7sc evenly around foot, changing to Yarn A
during last sc. (7 sts). Cut Yarn B; cont with Yarn A.
tr Rnds 7-15:1sc into every st, changing to Yarn B during last

sc of Rnd 15. Cut Yarn A; cont rn Yarn B.

xi-* Rnd 16:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and
fasten off. Fill leg firmly wrth toy filling.


Continue with body Arms (make two)
Rnd 1: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 4 times, Using Yarn B, make a magic loop or 2ch.
2sc. (18 sts). Rnd 1: working into magic loop or 2nd ch from hook, work
Rnds 2-3:1sc into every st 3ch (counts as ldc), 4dc,5hdc, 5dc, join with a sl st to first
Rnd 4:l1sc into next st, sc2toql 6 times. (12 sts). of 3ch . (16 sts)
Rnd 5: 1sc into every st Rnd 2: working into back loops only for this rnd lsc2tog]
B times. (B sts).
Rnd 6: working into back loops only for this rnd, 1sc into
:very st. Fill lower body with toy filling. Rnd 3:1sc into each of next 2 sts, [scZtog] twice, lsc into
each of next 2 sts, changtng to Yarn A during last sc Cut
Rnd 7: [1sc into next st,2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
Yarn B (5 sts).
Rnd 8: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] 3 times.
Rnds 4-12:lsc into every st. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn
21 sts).
leaving a long tail end. Fill arm lightly with toy filling so
Rnd 9: rep Rnd 5.
that it remains bendy, leaving the top of the arm free
Rnd 10: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, scZtog] 3 times,
from filling. Thread tail end onto a wool needle and thread
:hanging to Yarn A during last sc2tog (18 sts) through each of the 6 sts of Rnd12. Pull qently to close the
Rnd 11: rep Rnd 4. (12 sts). hole. Put arms to one side.
Rnd 12: [1sc into next st, sc2toq]4 times (B sts). Sl st into
"ext st, cut yarn and fasten off Fill body firmly with toy D ress
=illinq. Pin head to body, lining up the eyes with the front of Hold body upside down with back of body facing you and
:he body and stitch in place through each of the B sts of feet pointing away from you.Using Yarn B, make a slip knot
:ach piece, adding more filling to the neck to create a firm onto hook and join with a sl st to the spare front loop of the
reck Pull yarn really tight before fastening off. centre back stitch of Rnd 5 of body
Rnd 1: 3ch (counts as first dc), idc into front loop only of
same stitch, [2dc into front loop only of next st] to the end.
(24 sts). Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch
Rnd 2: 3ch (counts as first dc), ldc into same stitch, ldc into
next st, [2dc into next st, ]dc into next stl to the end (36
sts) Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch.
Rnd 3: 3ch (counts as first dc), ldc into every st to the end.
Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch.
Rnd 4: work this rnd into back loops only,3ch (counts as
first dc), ldc into same stitch, ldc into each of the next 2 sts,
l2dc into next st, 1dc into each of the next 2 stsl to the end
(48 sts). Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch. Cut yarn and
fasten off.
'\r J

Dress edging rr*l

Hold doll upright with back of head facing you. Make a slip
knot onto hook with Yarn C and join to the spare loop of

centre back stitch of Rnd 4 with a sl st. Working to the left

and into spare loops of Rnd 4, miss 1st, [5dc tnto next st,
miss 1 st, sl st into next st, miss 1 stl to the last 2 sts, 5dc into
next st, miss I st, sl st into next st. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Weave ends into WS and trim.






Hair cap Making up
Using Yarn work Rnds 1-3 as given for Head.
D, Using Yarn B, stitch each arm to each side of the body. Place
Rnd 4:lsc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st, thdc into hair cap onto head and stitch in place using Yarn D and small
each of next 2 sts, 2hdc into next st, lldc into each of next 2 running stitches. Stitch 2 French knots for earrings on each
sts,2dc into next stl twice, thdc into each of next 2 sts,2ldc side of head with Yarn B. Stitch small brown seed beads onto
into next st, lsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st. bowl top and stitch bowl to each hand.
(24 sts).
Rnd 5: lsc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next st, thdc into
each of next 3 sts, 2hdc into next st, lldc into each of next 3
sts, 2dc into next stl twice, thdc into each of next 3 sts, 2hdc
into next st, 1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st.
(30 sts)
Rnd 6: lsc into each of next 5 sts, thdc into each of next 5
sts, ldc into each of next lO sts, thdc into each of next 5 sts,
1sc into each of next 5 sts.
Rnd 7: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 8: 1 sc into each of next 29 sts, sl st into next st
Rnd 9: turn and work in the opposite direction, l3ch, sl st
into same st at base of 3ch, sl st into each of next 2 stsl to
the end. Cut yarn and fasten off.

Curls (make seven)

Using Yarn D, make 4Och.
Row 1:2sc into 2nd ch from hook,2sc into every ch to end.
Cut yarn and fasten off.
Make 6 more curls and use yarn ends to stitch to centre of
hair cap between Rnds l and 2. Weave all yarns ends into
WS and trim. Cut a231lzin (6Ocm) length of Yarn B and
wrap tightly around the top of the curls to create a band.
Tie ends at back and trim.

Using Yarn C make a magic loop or Zci.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
mag ic loop
tr Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: llsc into next st, 2sc into next stl 6 times. (18 sts).
l! I

Rnds 4-5:1sc into every st, changing to Yarn A during last

sc of Rnd 5
i-* Rnd 6: in Yarn A lsc into every st, changing to Yarn C during

T last sc.
Rnd 7:in Yarn C, lsc into every st. Sl st into next st; cut yarn

Z and fasten off



Rnd 7: [1sc tnto each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 times.
Ihe Three tsear$ (49 sts)
Rnds 8-13: lsc into every st
: f Special stitch.t *r Rnd 14:l1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 7 times.
Crab stitch (also called reverse single crochet): (42 sts)
=Working to the right and with the hook pointing Rnd 15: llsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2togl 7 times
Cownwards, insert hook into next stitch to the right, from (35 sts)
front to back. Wrap yarn around hook, pull the working Rnd 16: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog] 7 times.
yarn back through the stitch (2 loops on hook). Wrap yarn (28 sts)
around hook and pull through both loops on the hook. One Rnd 17illsc into each of next 2 sts, sc2toglT limes. (21 sts).
crab stitch made. Repeat from * to the end of the round. Rnd 18: [1sc into next st, sc2toq] 7 times. (14 sts).
Rnd 19: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 5 sts] twice. (12 sts).
into next st. Cut yarn and fasten off. This is the centre
Sl st
BabU Be&r back head.

Head Face
Using Yarn f , make a magic loop or 2ch.
Cut out a1'loin (3cm) squar-e of felt and make a small slit
Rnd 1: 7sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch in the centre using sharp scissors. Push the toy safety
from hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the nose into the slit then trim the square into a small circle,
magic loop. approximately 3l+in (Zcm) across to create the muzzle.
Rnd 2: 2sc into every st (14 sts). lnsert the safety nose and felt circle into the centre front
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 7 times. (21 sts). of the face between Rnds lO and 11. Fix the safety back to
Rnd 4: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 tlmes. the nose on the inside of the head. Using matching yarn
(28 sts) and a sewing needle, whip stitch the muz/e lo the face
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 times. using small stitches. Fix safety eyes between Rnds 9 and
(35 sts) 10, approximately 11 sts apart. Fill head firmly with toy filling
u ntil head measu res a pproximate ly 73 I +in (2Ocm) a rou nd
Rnd 6: ilsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.
its widest point.
(42 sts)







r i!


Arms (make two)
Using Yarn E, make a magic loop or Zci.
Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch
from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
magic loop.
Rnds 2-6:1sc into every st Sl st into next st, cut yarn and
fasten off. Fill arm lightly with toy filling then gather the sts
of the last row to close the hole. Put arms to one side.

Legs (make two)

Using Yarn f, make a magic loop or Zci.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch
from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
magic loop.
Rnd 2: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] twice.
(B sts)
Rnd 3: [1sc rnto each of next 2 sts, scZtog] twice. (6 sts).
Rnds 4-6:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st, cut yarn
and fasten off. Fill the leg lightly with toy filling then
gather the sts of the last row to close the hole.
Put legs to one side.

Sca rf
Using Yarn B, make 39 ch.
Row 1: 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, lsc into every ch to
end. (38 sts). Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave yarn ends
into WS and trim. Put to one side.

Ears (make two) Ma king u p

Using Yarn E, make a magic loop or Zci. Stitch head to body through the 12 sts of each piece,
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch filling neck with more toy filling to create a firm neck.
from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the Stitch arms and legs to each side of body. Wrap scarf
mag ic loop. around neck and tie once.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnds 3-5: 1sc into every st
U} Rnd 6: [1sc into next st, sc2tog] 4 times. (B sts).
x. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and fasten off. Stitch each

ear to the sides of head with top of ear rn line with Rnd 6.
Ll I Put head to one side.
T Body
Using Yarn f , make a magic loop or 2ci.
T Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch
t) from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
j/1' mag ic loop.

\-/ I Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
TJ Rnd 3: [lsc into next st, 2sc into next st] 5 times. (18 sts).
I Rnds 4-1O:1sc into every st
It Rnd 11: llsc into next st, sc2toq)6 times. (12 sts). Sl st into
It: next st. Cut yarn and fasten off. Put body to one side.


ItumrftW ffim&r
t-lea d
-: ^l Yarn E, follow instructions for Baby Bear's head to
-= :nd of Rnd7.
:'d 8: [11sc,2sc into next st] 4times, 1sc. (53 sts)
=rds 9-13: lsc into every st.
=td 14: [.1]sc, sc2togl 4 times, lsc. (49 sts).
.=, , follow Baby Bear's head instructions f rom Rnd
'-:r rhe end, fixing eyes between Rnds 1O and 11,
::l-oximately 12 sts apart and fixing nose between Rnds
'- d12. Head should measure B1lzin (22cm) when filled.

Ears (make two)

-: -r9 Yarn [, make a magic loop or 2c1.
?nd 1:7sc rnto the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch
'-t-n hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
iqic loop.
?nrd 2: 2sc into every st. (14 sts).
?nds 3-6:lsc into every st.
?nd 7: *1sc into next st, [sc2tog] 3 times, rep from
- r.lce more. (B sts). Sl st into next st, cut yarn and
'-s:en off. Stitch each ear to the sides of head with top
-= 3ar in line with Rnd 7. Put head to one side. Legs (make two)
Using Yarn f , make a magic loop or Zci.
Body Rnd 1: 5sc into lhe centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch
- sing Yarn f , make a magic loop or 2c\. from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
Rnd 1:7sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd magic loop.
:i from hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
Rnd 2: [1sc into next st,2sc into next st] 3 times. (9 sts).
-ragic loop.
Rnd 3: 1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of
Rnd 2: 2sc into every st. (14 sts).
next 3 sts, sc2tog. (7 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 7 times. (21 sts).
Rnds 4-7:1sc into every st Sl st into next st, cut yarn and
Rnds 4-9:1sc rnto every st.
fasten off. Fill arm lightly with toy filling then gather the sts
Rnd 10: [1sc into next st, sc2toq)7 limes. (14 sts). of the last row to close the hole. Put legs to one side.
Rnd 11:1sc into every st.
Rnd 12: [1sc rnto each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] twice. (12 sts). Sca rf I

into next st Cut yarn and fasten off.

Si st Work as given for Baby Bear's scarf, using Yarn F.

Arms (make two) Flower r*1
Using Yarn E, work as given for Baby Bea['s arms, to the Using Yarn I make a magic loop. U]
end of Rnd 6. Rnd 1: [5ch, sl st into magic loop] 5 times. Cut yarn and
Rnd 7: lsc rnto every st. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and fasten off. Tie yarn ends together on WS. Take a 611+in
fasten off. Fill arm lightly with toy filling then gather the sts (15cm) length of Yarn B and make 5 or 6 knots in the --"1

centre. Thread yarn ends through centre of flower, leaving

of the last row to close the hole. Put arms to one side. irl

the knot visible on RS. Use Varn ends to stttch to one side
of head
Making up ffi

for Baby Bear


Make up as given

0addu ffie&r Ficnic rug
Using Yarn F make 4 ch. Join with a sl st to form a loop and
Head work Rnd 1 into the centre of the loop. Ot make a magic ring
Using Yarn G, follow instructions for Baby Bear's head to and work Rnd 1 into the ring:
end of Rnd 7. Rnd 1: 3ch (counts as first dc),2dc intothe ring,Zch, [3dc
Rnd B: [5sc,2sc into next st] 7 times. (55 sts). into the ring,2chl 3 trmes. Join wrth a sl st to 3rd of first 3ch.
Rnds 9-14'.1sc into everY st Cut yarn and fasten off.
Rnd 2: make a slip knot onto hook with Yarn C and
join with
Rnd 15: [5sc, sc2tog] 7 tirnes. (49 sts).
a sI st to any 2ch space.3ch (counts as ffrst dc), (Zdc,2ch,
Next rep Baby Bear's head instructions from Rnd 14 to the xlch, (3dc, Zch,3dc) into
end, fixing eyes between Rnds 1O and 11, approximately 3dc) all into the sam e Zch space,
next 2ch space, rep from twiCe more, 1Ch, join with a sl st
12 sts apart and f ixing nose between Rnds 11 and 12.
Head shou\d measure 9/zrn (24cm) when \\\\ed' \o 3rd o\ \\rst3 ch. Cutlarn and tasten o\{.
Rnd 3: make a slip knot onto hook with Yarn B and join with
Body a sl st to any 2ch space, 3ch (counts as first dc), (Zdc,Zch,
*1ch, 3dc lnto next 1ch
Work as given for Mummy Bear's body, using Yarn G. 3dc) all into the same 2ch space,
space, 1ch, (3dc ,2ch,3dC) into next 2ch corner Space, rep
Arms (make two) from * twice more, 1ch,3dc into next 1ch SpaCe, lch. Join
Work as gtven for Mummy Bear's arms, ustng Yarn G'
with a sl st to 3rd of first 3ch. Cut yarn and fasten off
Rnd 4: make a slip knot onto hook with Yarn F and join
Legs (make two) with a sl st to any 2ch space, 3ch (counts as first dc), (2dc,
Work as given for Mummy Bear's legs, using Yarn G' *[1ch,3dc into next
Zcrr,3dc) all into the same 2ch space,
1ch spacel twice, 1ch, (3dc ,Zch,3dc) into next 2ch corner
Sca rf *
SpaCe, rep from twiCe more, [1ch,3dc into next 1ch space]
Work as given for Baby Bear's scarf in Yarn C.
twice, 1ch. Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3ch. Cut yarn and
Making up fasten off.
Make up as given for BabY Bear Rnd 5: make a slip knot onto hook with Yarn C and join with
a sl st to any Zch space.3ch (counts as first dc), (2dc,Zcl,
*[1ch,3dc into nextlch
3dc) all into the same 2ch space,
spacel until yoU reach the next corner SpaCe, 1ch, (3dc ,Zch,
3dc) into next 2ch corner space, rep from twice more, [1ch,
3dc into next 1ch spacel until the end, 1ch. Join with a sl st to
3rd of first 3ch. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Rnd 6: rep Rnd 5 using Yarn B. Weave all yarn ends into
WS and trim.




Using Yarn f , make a magic loop or Zch.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch
from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times.
(24 sts)
Rnds 6-9:1sc rnto every st Sl st into next st then work
a Crab Stitch border- around the edge stitches of Rnd 9
(see special stitches on page 43) Make a slipknot onto
hook with Yarn I and join with a slip stitch to one side
of the basket edge. Make 15 ch, sl st into opposite side
of basket then work 1 sl st into each of the preceding ch.
Sl st into same place as first sl st; cut yarn and fasten off.
Fill basket with a small amount of toy filling and cover
with a small amount of fabric, tucking fabric down sides
of basket. Stitch fabric to sides of basket using sewing
thread and small stitches.

Place basket on top of picnic rug and place the three bears
around the rug.




--t I




ffi rt

I Ji

Puss In Boots
There once was a poor miller who had three sons When the mitter died, the first fr,yo sons
greedily took everythrnq and only left the cat for the youngest son Ihe son yyas very sad,
but the clever cat lmpressed the Krng and before lonq the Mrller's son married the Princess
and they and the clever cat lrved happily ever after.

.,r;ir-:.+-,$ ' Head
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or 2ch.


YOU .l.!

Rnd 1: 7sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd

' "'8"4.n
1 DK (e-PM Yarn:

ch from hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
magic loop.
$}ffiffi#'ds r 3 6y d( 1- 2 :a*.

Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (14 sts).


l:,,1ha11.white,=,Yarn.A,, .r!.
t.t Rnd 3: [1sc into next st,2sc into next st] 7 times. (21 sts).
Rnd 4: [1sc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.

(28 sts).
*"'1iIii:r;.#lb tfffifi= e,affiffi;tr=.I

Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.

i ,* 3,5mm (Us;E;14,;UK 9)

.*: (35 sts).


,l Rnd 6: [lsc into each of next 4 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.
i: * r niii ai'tii' (emm) aat safet, eies ,l*::
(42 sts).
:, *. lsafetynos: .: ,,,,,,i ,

Rnd 7: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.
(49 sts)
Rnd 8: [1sc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.
(56 sts)
Rnds 9-16:1sc into every st.
,i' ENI$}}EP $ffiE .
1,, a+u ffi .ffi 'sH#i$Hf:B
'__^ Rnd 17: [1sc into each of next 6 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (49 sts).
Rnd 18: tlsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 7 times. (42 sts).
Rnd 19: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (35 sts).
Rnd 20: [1sc into each of next 3. sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (28 sts).
Rnd 21: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (21 sts).
Sl st into next st. Cut yarn and fasten off. With yarn tail at
centre back, fix safety eyes to front between Rnds 10 and 11,
approximately 6-7 sts apart. Fix safety nose between Rnds
12 and 13 to centre face. Fill head firmly with toy filling until
head measures approximately 93loin (25cm) around widest
point. Use Yarn B to stitch a mouth directly under the point
of the nose in the shape of .an upside-down'v'. Put head
F to one side.

n /\ ln

ffii l'1

ffi.'€. *
e- '*, "
* ;''
.C,* "*

:i:, .-$I
Ears (make two)
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or Zch. st at base of loop on hook, 1sc into each of next 4 sts, miss 1

Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or- into 2nd st, lsc into next st, turn, miss st at base of loop on hook, lsc
ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the into each of next 2 sts, miss I st, isc into next st, do not turn,
magic loop. place marker, continue with Rnd B.
Rnd 2: 1sc into every st. (5 sts). Rnd 8: work 14sc evenly around foot. (14 sts).
Rnd 3: 2sc into every st. (12 sts). Rnds 9-15: lsc into every st, changing to Yarn C during last
Rnd 4: 1sc rnto every st. sc of Rnd i5. Cut Yarn B; cont in Yarn C.

Rnd 5: []sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 4 times. Rnd 16: work into back loops only for this round: lsc into
(16 sts) back loop of every st.
Rnds 6-7:1sc into every st. Cut yarn and fasten off. Use Rnds 17-25:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st; cut yarn and
yarn tail to stitch ear to side of head approximately 4 rows fasten off.
f rom centre top head.
Legs (make two) Rnd 1: With back of first leg upright facing and feet pointing
Using Yarn B, make a magic loop or Zci. away from you, squeeze the top of the leg together flat
Rnd 1: 7sc into the centre of the magic loop,or into 2nd so that 7 sts sit on each side of the top leg (7 sts for the

ch from hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the front and 7 sts for the back). Join Yarn C with a sl st to
magic loop. the leftmost st of the back 7 sts, 1ch (not counted as a
stitch), lsc into same st, 1sc into the rightmost st on back of
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (14 sts).
second leg, 1sc into remaining 13 sts of second leg, lsc into
Rnd 3: [1sc rnto next st, 2sc rnto next st] 7 times. (21 sts).
rightmost st of front of first leg, 1sc into remaining l2 sts of
Rnds 4-6:1sc into every st. first leg.(Zg sts). Place marker.
\.J Rnd 7: [sc2tog, 1sc into next st] 6 times, sc2tog, turn Rnd 2: 1sc into every st. At this point, use yarns ends
n (leaving last st unworked). Now working in rows, miss st at
LL-I to close any gaps between the legs, weaving yarn ends
-7 base of loop on hook, lsc into each of next B sts, miss 1 st, into WS.
; lsc into next st, turn, miss st at base of loop on hook, 1sc
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 times.
into each of next 6 sts, miss I st, lsc into next st, turn, miss
(35 sts)




Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into


next stl 7 times. (42 sts). I


Rnds 5-8: lsc into every st. I


Rnd 9: llsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2togl I


7 times. (35 sts). i

Rnds 10-11:1sc into every st, changing to Yarn B


during last sc of Rnd 11. Cut Yarn C. !


Rnd 12: 1sc into every st, changing to Yarn



during last sc. Cut Yarn B.

Rnd 13: work into back loops only for this
round: lsc into back loop of every st.
Rnd 14:1sc into every st.
At this point, fill feet, legs and lower body
firmly with toy filling.
Rnd 15: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl
7 times. (28 sts).
Rnds 16-19:1sc into every st
Rnd 20: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, scZtog]
7 trmes. (21 sts).
Rnds 21-24: lsc into every st. Sl st into next st,
cut yarn and fasten off. Tie off and trim all yarn
ends Fill body firmly with toy filling

Boot cuffs (make two)

Make a slipknot onto hook with Yarn B Turn
body upside down with back of body facing
you and feet pointing away.
Rnd 1: join Yarn B with a sl st to any spare
loop of Rnd 16. Working to the left, 2ch
(counts as thdc) thdc into same st, thdc into
every spare loop to the end. (15 sts). Sl st
into top of f irst 2ch.
Rnd 2:1ch, 1sc into same st, 1sc into every st
to end. (15 sts). Sl st into first sc. Cut yarn and
fasten off. Weave yarn ends to WS of cuff,
tie off and trim.

Arms (make two)
Using Yarn A, make a magic looP or 2ch
Rnd 1: 5sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
Znd ch from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc tnto next st,2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
Rnd 4:1sc into every st.
Rnd 5: [1sc into next st, sc2tog] 6 times (12 sts).

Rnd 6: 1sc into every st.

Rnd 7: sc2tog, 1sc into every st to the end. (11 sts).

Rnd 8: lsc into every st.

Rnds 9-10: rep Rnds 7-B once. (10 sts).
Rnd 11: rep Rnd 7. (9 sts)
Rnds 12-17:1sc into every st, changing to Yarn D during the
last sl st of Rnd 17. Cut Yarn A; cont in Yarn D.
Rnds 18-21: 1sc into every st, sl st into next st, cut yarn and
fasten off. Fill paw and arm with toy filling up to Rnd 1B
(leaving top of arm free of toy filling). Thread yarn end onto
a wool needle and gather the sts of the last rnd to close the
hole. Use Yarn B to stitch 3 long vertical stitches to front of
paw. Put arms to one side.

Ta il
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or Zci.
Rnd 1: Bsc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
2nd ch from hook. (B sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop
{} Rnds 2-18:1sc into every st. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Fill tail with toy filling. Put tail to one side.


Using Yarn B, make a magic loop or Zch.
Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
Znd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, Zsc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
Rnd 4:1sc into every st.
Rnd 5: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times.
(24 sts)
Rnd 6: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 7: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
(30 sts)
Rnds 8-10:1sc into every st.
Rnd 11: work into front loops only for this round: [1sc into
each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times. (36 sts).
Rnd 12: llsc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times.
Cloa k
Using Yarn B make 21ch.
(42 sts)
Row 1:1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into every ch to end.
Rnd 13: [1sc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
(20 sts). Chl, turn.
(48 sts)
Rows 2-4: lsc into every st, chl, turn.
Rnd 14: llsc into each of next 7 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times.
(54 sts) Row 5: 1sc, sc2tog, lsc into every st to the last 3 sts, sc2tog,
1sc. (18 sts). Chl, turn.
Rnd 15: [lsc into each of next B sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
(60 sts) Rows 6-8: lsc into every st, ch1, turn.
Rep Rows 5-B twice. (14 sts).
Rnd 16: [1sc into each of next 9 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
(66 sts) Row 17: rep Row 5. (12 sts) Next work a sc border all around

Rnd 17: llsc into each of next lO sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times. the cloak, working 3sc into each corner, sl st into first sc.

(72 sts) Do not cut yarn, continue with neck straps:

Rnd 18: lsc into every st. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and Make llch, turn.
fasten off. Put hat to one side. Next Row: lsc into 2nd ch from hook, lsc into every st
(including across the top of the cloak) to the end.
Feather Make 1lch, turn.
Using Yarn C, make 13ch. Next Row: 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into every st to the
Row 1:1sc into 2nd ch from hook, thdc into each of the end, ch1, tu rn. (32 sts).
next Zch,1dc into each of the next Zci,ltr into each of the Next Row: 1 sl st into first22 sts, lsc into each of the
next Zch,1dc into each of the next Zci,lhdc into each of remaining sts. Cut yarn and fasten off. Put cloak to one side.
the next Zch,lsc into last ch. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Put feather to one side. Making up
Pin hat brim, feather and cloak to a flat surface and spray
each piece liberally with cold water then spray wtth spray
starch and leave to dry completely. Pin head to body with
face at centre front and sew together through the 2l sts of
each piece, adding more toy filling to create a firm neck
Stitch each arm to the side of the body, approximately 2 L_
rounds down from the neckline. Stitch tail to centre back
lower body. Stitch feather to one side of hat, fold up brim ;//
and stitch in place. Stitch bead to one cloak strap and use w
the holes between the sc as a button hole to fasten. Place
hat onto one ear at an angle. -i

$noTT Whlte find the
$evon ilTrrarvss
The dwarves warned Snow White to let no one rn whrbt they were out at work
But Sncw Whrte coulCn'f resrsl lhe shrny red apple frorn an old peCCler wornan
Little Ctd Snow White know that the olC peCCler wornan v/as the wrcked Oueen
anC that fhe shr nv apple r'uas f illeC with porson

ySU ffitL Nf[p for $now \,_lhffis YOU ffiLL Nffp for ths dwarvss

* +-pty (fingering) Yarn:

* +-pty (fingering) Yarn:
sm) a lTnoz-(SOg) Uall give s 17 Oyd (1s sm)
a lTnZz-1sog)-bal1 give s 17 Oyd (1s
1 ball cream = Yarn A
1 ball cream = Yarn A
1 ball black = Yarn D
1 ball Pale Yeliow = Yarn B
1 bali iight green = Yarn F
1 ball dark blue = Yarn C
1 bali light beige = Yarn G
1 ball black = Yarn D
1 ball orange = Yarn FI
1 bali deeP red = Yarn E
5 more shades of Your choice
1 bali light green - Yarn F
* 3mm (US Cl2 or D/3, UK 11) hook
* :mm (US ClZ or Dl3, UK 11) hook * I pairs of llztn (7mm) toy safety eyes
* f pair of t/+tn (6mm) toy safety eyes rk roY filling
/r roY filling

ffiNl$++rp ffiff$
* Snow White: 53/+rn (15cm) high

tl * owaryes: 21/+tn (6cm) high, excluding hats


tf Snow hrhite

kl H ead
Rnds 6-8: lsc into every st.
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or 2ch.
Rnd 9: tlsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (24 sts).

:f Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into

F. 2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close Rnd 10: lsc into every st.
--'7 Rnd tlsc into each of next 2 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (18 sts).
1 up the magic loop. 11:
Rnd 2:2sc into every st. (12 sts). Rnd 12: [1sc into next st, sc2tog] 6 times (12 sts).
*I Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts). Fix safety eyes between Rounds 6 and Z leaving 4 sts
Rnd 4:llsc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next stl 6 times. between. Fill head firmly with toy filling uniil it measures
B 51 I +-51 I zin (13.5-i4cm) arou nd.
(24 sts)
Rnd 5: []sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times. Rnd 13: tlsc into next st, sc2toq) 4 times, (B sts). Sl st into
Z" next st; cut yarn and fasten off. Put head to one side.
(30 sts).
Leg 1 Joining legs
Using Yarn B, make a magic loop or 2ch. lsc into next st of Leg2,lsc into every st of Leg 1, lsc
Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into into remaining 5 sts of Leg 2. (12 sts).
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop. Continue with body
Rnd 2: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl twice. Rnd 1: lsc into every st.
(B sts) Rnd 2: []sc into next st, 2sc into next stl 6 times. (lB sts).
Rnd 3: wor king into back loops only for this rnd, 1sc into Rnd 3: rep Rnd 1.

every st. Rnd 4:l1sc into next st, sc2toql 6 times. (12 sts).
Rnd 4: lsc into next st, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2 sts, Rnd 5: rep Rnd 1, changing to Yarn C during last sc. Cut
sc2tog, 1sc into next st, changing to Yarn A during last sc Yarn B; cont in Yarn C.
(6 sts) Rnd 6: working into back loops only for this rnd, 1sc into
Rnd 5: 1sc into every st. every st. Fill lower body with toy f illing.
Rnds 6-12: rep Rnd 5, changing to Yarn B during last sc Rnd 7: rep Rnd 2 (18 sts)
of Rnd 12. Rnd 8: ilsc into each of next 5 sts,2sc rnto next stl 3 tlmes.
Rnd 13: 1sc into every st. Sl st into next st; cut yarn and (21 sts)
fasten off. Fill with toy filling. Rnd 9: rep Rnd 1.

Rnd 10: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] 3 times,

Leg 2 changing to Yarn A during last sc2tog (18 sts). Cut Yarn C;
Rep all instructions as given for leg 1 but do not sl st into cont in Ya rn A.
next st after Rnd 13 and do not cut yarn. Place working
Rnd 11: rep Rnd 4. (12 sts)
stitch onto a stitch marker and fill leg 2 with toy filling.
Rnd 12:L1sc into next st, sc2toql 4 times. (B sts). Sl st into
Replace working stitch back onto hook and continue.
next st; cut yarn and fasten off. Fill body firmly with toy
filling. Pin head to body, lining up the eyes with the front of
the body and stitch in place.
Dress edging
*Hold doll upright with back of head facing you Make a slip
knot on the hook with Yarn B and join yarn wrth a sl st to
the spare loop of centre back stitch of Rnd B. Working to
the left, miss i st, l3dc into next st, miss 1 st, sl st into next st,
miss 1 stl to the last 2 sts, 3dc into next st, miss 1 st, sl st into
next st Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave ends into WS and
trim.** Repeat from * to ** working around the spare
loops of Rnd 9.

Arms (make two)

Using Yarn C, make a magic loop or lch.
Rnd 1: 3ch (counts as ldc) then into magic loop or 4th ch
from hook work 4dc,6hdc, 5dc, loin with a sl st to first of
3ch (16 sts)

Rnd 2: working into back loops only for this rnd, lsc2togl
B times. (B sts).
Rnd 3: 1sc into each of next 2 sts, lsc2togl twice, 1sc into
each of next 2 sts, changing to Yarn A during last sc.
Cut Yarn C; cont in Yarn A. (6 sts).
Rnds 4-13:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn
leavinq a long tail end Fill arm lightly wrth toy filling, leaving
the top arm free from filling. Thread tail end onto a wool
needle and thread through each of the 6 sts of Rnd 13.
l:]il:':':'i+:i:+;inliiiiii!i'+iilil]lj ilirriiiii;+'l;
l;"1:r:'1 """' "' Pull gently to close the hole. Tie off yarn and weave
end into arm.
D ress
Hold body upside down with back of body facing you.Make
a slip knot onto hook with Yarn B and join with a sl st to the
spare front loop of the centre back stitch of Rnd 6 of body.
Rnd 1: 3ch (counts as first dc), 1dc into front loop of same
stitch at base of 3ch, [2dc into front loop of next st] to the
end. (24 sts). Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch.
Rnd 2:3ch (counts as f irst dc), ldc into same stitch at base
of 3ch, ldc into next st, [2dc into next st, 1dc into next st] to
the end (36 sts) Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch.
Rnd 3: 3ch (counts as first dc), 1dc into next st, 1dc into S
every st to the end. Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch. 5
Rnd 4: rep Rnd 3. ; -l_

Rnd 5: 3ch (counts as first dc), 1dc into same stitch at base
of 3ch, 1dc into each of the next 2 sts, l2dc into next st, 1dc "-7
into each of the next 2 stsl to the end. (48 sts). Join with a tf
sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch. T
Rnds 6-7: rep Rnd 3 twice. ,1
,, a:,
:i' ...

Rnd 8: working into back loops only, rep Rnd 3.

Rnd 9: rep Rnd B. Cut yarn and fasten off. ir.:t


l tt
Hair cap Hair buns (make two)
Using Yarn D,work Rnds 1-3 as given for the head. Using Yarn D, make a magic loop or 2c1.
Rnd 4: 1sc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st, thdc Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
into each of next 2 sts, 2hdc into next st, lldc into each of 2nd ch from hook. (6 sts) Pull yarn end gently to close
next 2 sts,Zdcinto next stl twice, thdc into each of next up the magic loop.
2 sts, 2hdc into next st, 1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
next st. (24 sts). Rnds 3-4:1sc into every st.
Rnd 5: 1sc into each of next 3 sts,Zsc into next st, thdc Rnd 5: [sc2toq) 6 times. (6 sts). The bun should naturally
into each of next 3 sts, 2hdc into next st, [1dc into each of lie flat.
next 3 sts,Zdcinto next stl twice, thdc into each of next
Use yarn end to stitch bun to one side of head. Rep all
3 sts, 2hdc into next st, 1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into
instructions for second bun and stitch to opposite side
next st. (30 sts).
of head.
Rnd 6: 1sc into each of next 5 sts, thdc into each of next 5
sts, ldc into each of next lO sts, thdc into each of next 5 sts, Headband
lsc into each of next 5 sts. Using Yarn f, make 9ch.
Rnd 7: 1sc into every st. Row 1:1sc into 2nd ch from hook, lsc into every ch to end.
Rnd 8:1sc into each of next 29 sts, sl st into next st. (B sts). Ch], turn.
Rnd 9: turn and work in the opposite direction, [3ch, sl st Row 2: isc into every st, chl, turn.
into same st at base of 3ch, sl st into each of next 2 stsl Rows 3-4: rep Row 2.Do not ch1, turn at the end of Row 2,
to the end. instead cut yarn and fasten off.
Cut yarn and fasten off. Cut a short length of Yarn E and wrap it around the centre
Place the hair cap onto head and stitch in place using Yarn of the rectangle. Pull tight and fasten off. Use yarn ends to
D and small running stitches. stitch headband to centre top head.

' :#q\* w..

l1i !

. W"-:&."!'#+
-."4:, , :d .^ ;: , ;&:.

i;t : bfWr, tlBl-,|

#' :i: 1".:ffirj.1twry<l-r"ffi. "








Using Yarn f , make a magic loop or Zch.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
magic loop.
Rnd 2:lZsc into next st, lsc into each of next 2 stsl twice.
(B sts)
Rnds 3-4:1sc into every st
Rnd 5: [1sc rnto each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] twice. (6 sts).
Slst into next st; cut yarn and fasten off. Use blunt end of
crochet hook to push toy filling into apple Thread yarn end
onto wool needle and thread through the 6 sts of Rnd 5
Pull gently to close hole; fasten off yarn and trim.

Sta Ik
Using Yarn F, make a slip knot onto hook and join with a
sl st to top of apple. Make 3ch, sl st into 3rd ch from hook.
Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave ends into apple

k ,s,

::, :ii-i;j ,



Rnd 21: lsc?togl 6 times. (6 sts). Sl st into next st, cut yarn
ilwarYBs and fasten off. Push a little more toy filling through gap
with the blunt end of a large crochet hook. Thread yarn end
Body and head onto wool needle, thread through the sts of Rnd 21 and pull
Using Yarn G, make a magic loop or Zch. gently to close the hole.
Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd ch
\rsrn\ss\. \b :\:\ .Pu\\.qartr er'$ qetr\1\s t\s:e ua\e Eas:\sdke\\$
magic loop. Usinq Yarn G, make a slip knot onto hook and join with a sl
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts). st to the post of the sc stitch on row above color change
Rnd 3: []sc into next st, 2sc into next stl 6 times. (18 sts). round,3 sts to the right of the right eye, 1ch, thdc into same
Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times. st, lhdc into next st on rnd above, lch, sl st into same st. Cut
(24 sts) yarn and fasten off. Rep for second ear, joining yarn 3 sts to
Rnd 5: llsc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times. the left of the left eye. Weave yarn ends into body.
(30 sts)
Rnds 6-11:1sc into every st, changing to Yarn F during last
Using Yarn G, make 3ch, lyoh,insert hook into 3rd ch from
sc of Rnd 11. Cut Yarn G; cont in Yarn F.
hook, yoh pull back through chl 3 times, (7 loops on hook),
Rnds 12-17:1sc into every st. Fix safety eyes to front of head yoh and pull back through all 7 loops, 1ch, cut yarn and
between Rnds 9 and 10, approximately 4 sts apart. fasten off. Tie tail ends of yarn together into a knot on WS.
Rnd 18: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (24 sts). Use tail ends to stitch nose lengthways to centre front face.
Rnd 19: working into back loops only for this rnd, [1sc into
each of next 2 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (18 sts). Bea rd
Rnd 20: [1sc into next st, scZtog] 6 times. sts). Fill
head and body firmly with toy filling until body measures * Special stitches *
Puff stitch: [yoh, insert hook into stitch, yoh pull back
approximately 61 I +in (16cm) around.
through stl 3 times, (7 loops on hook), yoh and pull back
through all T loops, 1ch to complete the puff stitch.
Using Yarn A, make 1l ch. Rnd 2: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl twice.
Row puff stitch into 2nd ch from hook, 1 puff st into
1: 1 (B sts)
every ch to the end, sl st into same ch as last puff st. (i0 Rnds 3-4:lsc into every st.
puff sts). Turn. Rnd 5: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st ] 4 times. (12 sts).
Row 2: miss st at base of st on hook, l sl st into next st, sl st Rnd 6:1sc into every st.
rnto space between first 2 puff sts, I sl st into space between Rnd 7: [lsc into next st, 2sc into next st ] 6 times. (18 sts).
next 2 puff sts, 1 puff st into same space, 1 puff st in space
Rnds 8-9: 1sc into every st.
between each of the next 6 puff sts, sl st into same st as last
Rnd 10: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
puff st, sl st into space between last 2 puff sts. Cut yarn and
(24 sts)
fasten off. Weave all yarn ends into WS and trim. Stitch to
face between ears, along color change line. Rnd 11: rep Rnd 6.
Rnd 12: Llsc rnto each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl B times.
Shoes (make two) (32 sts)
Using Yarn D, make a magic loop or Zci. Rnds 13-22:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st; cut yarn and
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop or into 2nd fasten off. Fold last 2 rows of hat to create a brim and place
ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the hat onto head just above eyes and ears at the front and
magic loop. in line with color change row at the back. Stitch in place
Rnds 2-3:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st; cut yarn and around the brim then catch the hat to the top of head with
fasten off. Rep all instructions for second shoe. Squash one stitch on each side of top head, to create dimples in the
shoes flat and stitch to lower front body in line with eyes. hat. Point the top of hat forward.

Make 6 more dwarves using different colors of your choice
Using Yarn H, make a magic loop or Zci.
for the hats and bodies.
Rnd 1: 5sc into the centre of the magic loop or into 2nd
ch from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
mag ic loop.
Llttle ned Hrdrng Hood
Little ReC RrCrng HooC was ptcking flcwers rn the woods on her way to vrsit her
GranCrna SuCdenly a Wolf appeareC besiCe her "GocC mornrng rny dear' said
the ltVolf tn his f riendliest votce, "what are vou dorng out here tn the woods?"

; ; . . it, . . i . t ' . . | ? e. t t t '

i ,'i'1. '


LrttliKrd' . Crab stitch (also called reverse single crochet):

ffilffi l":ffi . *Working to the right and with the hook pointing
. downwards, insert hook into next stitch to the right, from
* +-ply (fingering) Yarn: f,ffi I front to back. Wrap yarn around hook,pull the working
; tj/l,i;i (sog) bitt givei iTord (Issm)
I yarn back through the stitch (2 loops on hook). Wrap yarn
tbattcream;,YarnAi.,.......,, i',$5 ' around hook and pull through both loops on the hook. One
I crab stitch made. Repeat from * to the end of the round.
t,Hffi i$$i*ggfiffi c' , ' : ::
1ball trightgloY =Yarn D,,

's* - _

e* ffiffi'4#s'B ffi| ffi ffilfi,fi 'ffieo '
Little Hed Ridtng Hood
*. :]:],]U:,:::i:
fi.' #t#. ffififfi 'fi ffi,+u$ **feffi:e$e $

1 smaIl%+iinl+mm) bead, matching sewing Using Yarn A make a magic loop or 2ch.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
#' H#ffi i:b i*. n o#e#f#,b,ffi E 2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop.
#'ffi X fi###ffi ,ffi #rdffi , i ;t',
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).

ii*ffii ffi1*$H'##*-ffi ffi:{woif Rnd 3: [1sc into next st,2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
Rnd 4: [lsc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
(24 sts).
i#"fi#* lt..'ffi .1txffi ffi" {f 5,S.mlt
,,fiHuffi'ffi \ .t
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
(30 sts)
* ru*fifii eep.., Yffi rffi
.. i' inr.11
r .:= .
Rnd 6: [1sc into each of next 4 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
i' $$iiififfi $ **::,'EI
i. (36 sts).
iii:ffi #ffi "t',#fi'*i;ffi ffi 1.ffi ,',,,
Rnd 7: [1sc into each of next 5 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
* , iilil (uS B,ll o,r'iii;:Ur,r2) hoou (42 sts)
(f Rnd 8: [lsc into each of next 6 sts,2sc into next stl 6 times.
() * r ptii:of r/ili (ernm) toy sefery eyes (48 sts)
I * roy filling Rnd 9: [lsc into each of next 7 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
,* FVA E]T', (54 sts)
n I':

Rnd 1O: [1sc into each of neXt B sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
x" (60 sts)
Cf Rnds 11-18: 1sc into every st.
tr $'ffi ffi ffiH ffiffr Er##ffieffiffitffi Rnd 19: []sc into each of next B sts, sc2togl 6 times. (54 sts).
i-* , bars
,,ffii#1,.$ffi.ffiEffiLffiffiire#6tffi,ffiff i Rnd 20: []sc into each of next 7 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (48 sts).
Rnd 21: [isc into each of next 6 sts, scZtog] 6 times. (42 sts).

Rnd 22: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (35 sts). Hair cap
Rnd 23: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (28 sts). Using Yarn B, follow all instructions as given for the head
Rnd 24:llsc into each of next 2 sts, sc2togl 7 times. (21 sts). to Rnd 13, ch1, turn.
Rnd 25:llsc into next st, scZtoql 7 times. (14 sts). Sl st into Rnd 14:1sc into each of the next 46 sts, chl, turn.
next st. Cut yarn and fasten off. Fix safety eyes between Rnds 15-18: rep Rnd 14.

Rnds 13 and 14, approximately 6 or 7 sts apart. Fill head Rnd 19:|sc into each of nextl0 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each
firmly with toy filling until head measures approximately of next B sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, 1sc
lOin (25.5cm) around widest point. into each of next B sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 1O sts.
(42 sts)
N ose Rnd 20:1sc into each of next 9 sts, scZtog, lsc into each
Using Yarn A, make 3ch, iyoh, insert hook into 3rd ch from
of next 7 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of next 2 sts, scZtog, 1sc
hook, yoh pull back through chl 3 times, (7 loops on hook),
into each of next 7 sts, scZtog, 1sc into each of next 9 sts.
yoh and pull backthrough allT loops, 1ch, cut yarn and
(38 sts)
fasten off. Tie tail ends of yarn together into a knot on WS.
Rnd 21: 1sc into each of next B sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each
Use tail ends to stitch nose to centre front face lengthways.
of next 6 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, 1sc
into each of next 6 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next B sts.
(34 sts)
Rnd 22:1sc into each of next 7 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each
of next 5 sts, [sc2tog] 3 times, lsc into each of next 5 sts,
sc2tog, lsc into each of next 7 sts. (29 sts).
Rnd 23:1sc into each of next 6 sts, sc2tog, lhdc rnto each
of next 4 sts, hdc2tog, lhdc into next st, hdcZlog, lhdc into
each of next 4 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 6 sts. (25
sts). Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave all ends into WS and
trim. Pin hair onto head and stitch in place around the
edges with small running stitches. Put head to one side.

Legs (make two)

Using Yarn B, make a magic looP or Zci.
Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into the
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
Rnd s 4-7:1sc i nto eve rY st
Rnd 8: [sc2tog, 1sc into next st] 5 times, sc2tog, turn
(leaving last st unworked). Now working in rows, miss
stitch at base of loop on hook, 1sc into each of next 7 sts,
miss 1 st, 1sc into next st, tur-n, miss stitch at base of loop
on hook, lsc into each of next 5 sts, miss 1 st, lsc into next st,
f] turn, miss stitch at base of loop on hook, 1sc into each

of next 3 sts, miss 1 st, 1sc into next st, turn, miss stitch at
base of loop on hook, 1sc, miss 1 st, 1sc into next st, do
,z_ not turn; cont with Rnd 9:
fi Rnd 9: work 12sc evenly around foot. (12 sts).



Rnds 10-15: 1sc into every st, changing to Yarn A
during last sc of Rnd 15. Cut Yarn B, cont in Yarn A.
Rnd 16: work into back loops only for this round:
lsc into back loop of every st.
Rnds 17-24:1sc into every st, changing to Yarn C
during last sc of Rnd 24.
Rnd 25:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st, cut yarn
and fasten off

Rnd 1: hold leg l flat with back of leg facing and foot
pointing away f rom you. Press the top of the leg
together flat, so that 5 sts sit on each side of the
top leg (5 sts for the f ront and 6 sts for the back).
Make a slip knot onto hook with Yarn C and join
yarn with a sl st to the leftmost st of the back 5
sts, 1ch (does not count as a st), lsc into same st,
lsc into the rightmost st on back of leg2,lsc into
remaining 11 sts of leg 2,1sc into rightmost st of f ront
of leg l, lsc into remaining 1O sts of leg 1.(24 sts)
Rnd 2: lsc into every st. At this point, use yarn ends
to close any gaps between the legs, weaving yarn ends
into WS.
Rnd 3: []sc into each of next 3 sts, Zsc into next stl 5 times.
(30 sts)
Rnd 4: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next st]
6 times. (36 sts).
Rnds 5-8: lsc into every st
Rnd 9: llsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2togl 6 times (30 sts).
Rnd 10:1sc into every st. Collar
Rnd llsc into each of next 3 sts, scZtogl 6 times (24 sts).
11: Make a slrp(not onto hook wrth Yarn C. Hold doll upside

Rnd 12; rep Rnd 10, changing to Yarn D during last sc of Rnd down (legs in the air) and front body facing you.Along the
12. Cut Yarn C; cont with Yarn D.
spare loops of Rnd 23, locate the centre 2 sts and join yarn
with a sl st into the leftmost of these 2 sts. Make 3ch, 2dc
Rnd 13: work into back loops only for this round: 1sc into
into same st, thdc into next st, *2hdc into next st, thdc into
back loop of every st.
next st, rep from * to the last 2 sts, lhdc into next st,2dc
Rnds 14-16: lsc into every st.
into last st, 3ch, sl st into same st. Cut yarn and fasten off.
At this point, fill feet, legs and lower body firmly with Use yarn ends to slip stitch collar flat onto body. Weave
toy f illing. yarn ends into body and trim. Put body to one side.
Rnd 17i llsc into each of next 6 sis, sc2togl 3 times. (21 sts).
Rnds 18-19: lsc rnto every st. Boot cuffs (make two) I
Rnd 20: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] 3 times. Make a slipknot onto hook with Yarn B. Turn body upside -i
(18 sts) down with back of body facing you and feet pointing away. rTrl
Rnd 21: 1sc into every st. Rnd 1:join Yarn B with a sl st to any spare loop of Rnd 16 ru
(the last Yarn B rnd), working to the left, 2ch (counts as Irl

Rnd 22: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of
thdc), thdc into same st, thdc into every spare loop to the E
next 2 sts, sc2togl twice. (14 sts).
end. (13 sts). Sl st into top of lst Zcl.
Rnd 23:1sc into back loops only of every st. Sl st into next 2
Rnd 2:1ch, lsc into same st, lsc into every st to end. (13 sts).
st, cut yarn and fasten off. Tie off and trim all yarn ends.
Fill body firmly with toy filling.
Sl st into first sc. Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave yarn ends T
to WS of cuff, tie off and trim. LJ

D ress Bas ket
Turn doll upside down with back of doll facing you. Using Yarn D, make a magic loop or Zci.
Locate Rnd i3 of body (the round worked into back loops). Work as given for Red Riding Hood's head to Rnd 4. (24 sts).
Locate the centre back stitch. Make a slipknot onto hook Rnds 6-9: lsc into every st Sl st into next st then work a
with Yarn C and join with a sl st to centre back stitch. crab stitch border around the edge stitches of Rnd 9 (see
Rnd 1: chl, lsc into same st, lsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc special stitches on page 62). Make a slipknot onto hook
into next st, 1sc into each of next l2 sts, 2sc into next st, 1sc with Yarn D and join with a slip stitch to one side of the
into each of next 5 sts. (26 sts). basket edge. Make l5 ch, sl st into opposite side of basket,
Rnd 2: lsc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc rnto next st, lsc into then work 1 sl st into each of the preceding ch. Sl st into
each of next 12 sts, 2sc into next st, lsc into each of next same place as first sl st, cut yarn and fasten off. Fill basket
5 sts. (28 sts). with a small amount of toy filling and cover with a small
Rnd 3: llsc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times. amount of fabric. Stitch fabric to sides of basket using
(35 sts) sewing thread and small stitches.
Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.
(42 sts). Hat
Using Yarn C, follow all instructions as given for Red Riding
Rnd 5: llsc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc rnto next stl 7 times.
Hood's head to the end of Rnd 10.
(49 sts)
Rnd 11: llsc into each of next 9 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times.
Rnd 6: [lsc into each of next 6 sts, Zsc into next st] 7 times.
(66 sts)
(56 sts)
Rnds 12-17:1sc into every st
Rnds 7-11:lsc into every st.
Rnd 18: [1sc into each of next 3] sts, scZtogl twice. (64 sts).
Rnd 12: 1sc into each of next 9 sts, 2sc into next st, [1sc into
Rnds 19-22:lsc rnto every st Sl st into next st then work a
each of next 1l sts, 2sc into next stl 3 times, 1sc into each of
crab stitch border around the edge stitches of R nd 22
next 9 sts, 2sc into next st. (61 sts)
(see special stitches on page 62)
Rnds 13-15: lsc into every st.
Rnd 16: sl st into next st, 3sc into same st, 3sc into every st FIower
to the end. Sl st into first sc; cut yarn and fasten off. Weave Using Yarn A, make a magic loop.
yarn ends into WS of work and trim.
Rnd 1: l5ch, sl st into magic loopl 5 times. Cut yarn and
fasten off. Tie yarn ends together on WS. Take a 53loin (15cm)
Arms (make two) length of Yarn B and make 5 or 6 knots in the centre. Thread
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or 2ch.
yarn ends through centre of flowet leaving the knot visible
Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
on RS. Use yarn ends to stitch to one side of head.
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: lsc into every st.
Rnd 4: lsc into each of next 5 sts, itr (to create thumb), lsc
into each of next 6 sts.
Rnd 5: lsc into next st, [sc2tog] 5 times, 1sc into next st.
(7 sts)
Rnd 6: 1sc into every st, changing to Yarn D during last sc.
Cut Yarn A; cont in Yarn D.
:f Rnds 7-18: rep Rnd 3. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and I

fasten off. Fill arm lightly with toy filling, leaving hand
& t

LJ flat Thread yarn onto wool needle and thread through sts a

tr of Rnd 1B to close the hole. Put arms to one side.




J .

00 ltti',{l,'i14
CIoa k
Using Yarn C make 25ch.
Row 1: lsc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into every ch to end.
(24 sts). Chl, turn.
Rows 2-4:lsc into every st, chl, turn.
Row 5: 1sc into first st, sc2tog, 1sc into every st to the last
3 sts, sc2tog, 1sc. (22 sts). Ch1, turn.
Rows 6-8: 1sc into every st, chl, turn.
Rep Rows 5-8 three times. (15 sts).
Row 17: rep Row 5. (14 sts). Next, working to the left, work a
sc border all around the first 3 sides of the cloak, working
3sc into each corner; ending at top right of cloak.

Continue with neck straps

Make llch.
Next Row: lsc into 2nd ch from hook, isc into each of next
9 ch, lsc into every st across the top of the cloak, make 11ch.
Next Row: 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc rnto each of next
9 ch, sl st into next st; cut yarn and fasten off. Weave all
ends of yarn into WS and trim. Spray WS of cloak with
spray starch, including straps. Pin flat and leave to dry
completely. Stitch a small llain (4mm) bead to one cloak
strap approximately llzin (1.5cm) f rom the end. Put cloak
to one side.

Making up
Pin head onto body, lining up the nose with the centre of the
dress collar. Using Yarn A, stitch head to body around each
of the l4 sts of each piece, filling the join with toy filling to Wolf
create a firm neck. Pull yarn really tight to make the neck
smaller and create a firm join. Tie off yarn ends and weave Legs (make two)
into head. Using Yarn D, stitch arms to each side of the body. Work as given for Red Riding Hood's legs, using Yarn t for
Place cloak around shoulders and push bead between the Rows 1-15 and Yarn D for rows 16-25.
holes of the sc to fasten straps. Place basket onto one ar-m.
Using Yarn D, work Rnd 1as for Red Riding Hood's body.
Rnd 2: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] 4 times.
(28 sts). At this point, use yarn ends to close any gaps
between the legs. Weave yarn ends into WS and trim.
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 times.
(35 sts)
Rnd 4: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 times.
(42 sts)

Rnds 5-8: lsc into every st. ;U

Rnd 9: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (35 sts). (f
Rnds 10-13: lsc into every st. ry
Fill feet, legs and lower body firmly with toy filling. Z-
Rnd 14:L1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2toglT times. (28 sts).
Rnds 15-18: 1sc into every st. {}
Rnd 19: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (21 sts). fl


Rnds 2O-21:1sc rnto every st.

Rnd 22: llsc into next st, sc2togl 7 times. (14 sts).
Rnd 23:1sc into every st. Fill upper body firmly with
toy filling
Rnd 24:lscZtogl 7 times. (7 sts). Sl st into next st, cut
yarn and fasten off. Tie off and trim all yarn ends. Push a
little more toy filling into the gap with the blunt end of a
crochet hook or pencil then gather the sts of Rnd 24 to
close the hole.

Boot cuffs (make two)

Using Yarn f, work as given for Red Riding Hood's boot cuffs.

Arms (make two)

Using Yarn E, make a magic loop or make Zch.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
ch from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] twice.
(14 sts)
Rnd 4: lsc into every st.
Rnd 5: lsc into next st, sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2 sts,
sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 3 sts, scZtog, lsc into each of Rnd 9: llsc into each of the next 9 sts, 2sc into next st] twice.
next 2 sts. (11 sts). (22 sts).
Rnd 6: lsc into next st, sc2tog, [1sc into each of next Rnd 10: [1sc into each of the next 1O sts, 2sc into next st]
2 sts, sc2togl twice, changing to Yarn D during last sc2tog. twice. (24 sts).
(B sts). Cut Yarn [; cont in Yarn D. Rnd 11: [1sc into each of the next ]i sts, 2sc into next stl twice.
Rnds 7-21: lsc into every st. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn and (25 sts)
fasten off. Fill hand and arm with toy fillrng. Gather the last Rnd 12: llsc into each of the next 12 sts, 2sc into next stl
round of the arm to close the hole. twice. (28 sts).
Put arms to one side. Rnd 13: lisc into each of the next 13 sts, 2sc into next stl twice.
(30 sts).
H ead Rnd 14: llsc into each of the next 14 sts, 2sc into next stl
Using Yarn D, make a magic loop or make 2ch. twice. (32 sts).
Rnd 1: 6sc into 2nd ch from hook or into magic loop. (6 sts). Rnd 15: lsc into each of next i5 sts, 2sc into back loops only of
Rnd 2: llsc into each of the next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl each of next 10 sts, 1sc into each of next 7 sts. (42 sts).
twice. (B sts). Rnds 16-17:1sc into every st
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of the next 3 sts, Zsc into next st]
Rnd 18: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
twice. (10 sts). (48 sts)
ff Rnd 4: llsc into each of the next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl
Rnd 19: llsc into each of next 7 sts,2sc into next stl 6 times.
twice. (12 sts). (54 sts)
/ l_\ Rnd 5: []sc into each of the next 5 sts, 2sc into next stl Rnds 20-21: lsc into every st.
Z" twice. (14 sts).
t) Rnd 22:l1sc into each of next 7 sts, sc2togl 6 times (48 sts)
Rnd 6: [1sc into each of the next 6 sts, 2sc into next st]
tr Rnd 23: llsc into each of next 6 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (42 sts).
tl tw ice. (1 6 sts).
kl Rnd 24: llsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 6 times (36 sts).
x" Rnd 7: []sc into each of the next 7 sts, 2sc into next stl
Fix nose to centre front of snout and fix eyes above Rnd 16,
L-l twice. (18 sts).
J approximately 6 sts apart.
t-* Rnd B: [1sc into each of the next B sts, 2sc into next st]
Fr Rnd 25: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 5 times (30 sts).
J twice. (20 sts).

Rnd 26: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl 6 times. N eckerch ief
(24 sts) Using Yarn C, make 3ch.
Fill head firmly with toy filling Row 1: lsc into 2nd ch from hook, lsc into next ch. (2 sts)
Rnd 27: llsc into each of next 2 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (18 sts). Chl, turn.
Rnd 28: llsc into next st, sc2to q1 6 times. (12 sts). Row 2:Zsc into each st, (4 sts). Ch1, turn.
Rnd 29:lsc2togl 6 times. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn and Row 3: 2sc into first st, lsc into every st to last st, 2sc into
fasten off. Push a little more toy filling into head using blunt last st. (6 sts). Ch1, turn.
end of crochet hook. Thread yarn end onto wool needle and Rnds 4-1O: rep Row 3. (20 sts) Do not ch1, turn at the end
gather the last round of the head to close the hole. of Row 10, instead work to the left and work a sc border
around the next 2 sides, working 3sc into point of triangle.
Mouth Next, make 21ch, working back along ch just made, isc into
Using Yarn D, make a magic loop or Zci.
2nd ch from hook, lsc into each of next 19 ch, sl st into each
Rnd'l:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into the 2nd of the sts along the top of neckerchief, make 21ci, now
ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn tail gently to close loop work back along ch just made, lsc into 2nd ch from hook,
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts). Sl st into next st, cut yarn lsc into each of next 19 ch, sl st into next st; cut yarn and
and fasten off. Cut a small crrcle of red felt and use PVA fasten off.
glue to stick the tongue into the centre of the mouth.
Stitch the mouth to the underside of centre f ront muzzle. Making up
Pin head to body with snout facing forwards and stitch in
Ears (make two) place. Pin and stitch arms to each side of body just below
Using Yarn D, make a magic loop or 2ch. neck. Pin and stitch tail to lower back centre body. Place
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into the 2nd neckerchief around neck crossing straps around back of neck
ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn tail gently to close loop. and bring each one forward over the shoulder to the front.
Rnd 2:1sc into every st. (6 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 3 times. (9 sts).
Rnd 4: rep Rnd 2.
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] 3 times.
(12 sts)
Rnd 6: rep Rnd 2.
Rnd 7: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] 4 times.
(15 sts)

Rnd 8: rep Rnd 2.

Rnd 9: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 4 times.
(20 sts)
Rnds 10-11: 1sc into every st. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn and
fasten off. Whip stitch the open seam to close. Use yarn
tail to stitch ear to side of head approximately 4 rows from
centre top head. Put head to one side.

Ta il
Uslng Yarn f, work as given for the Wolf's ears to the end ::1"--

of Rnd 5. irr trt

Rnd 7: lsc into every st. jXJ

Rnd 8: [1sc into next st, sc2tog] 4 times. (B sts).

' rrl ti

Rnd 9: lsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of :il

next 2 sts, changing to Yarn D during last sc. (7 sts) E

Rnd 10-30: rep Rnd 7. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and
fasten off. Put tail to one side. T

The lhree Llttle Prgs
"Little Pig, Little Prg, let me rn", called the Wolf. "No! Not by the hairs on my chinny
chin chrn, I will not let you in!" shouted the Little Prq. "Then l'll huff and I ll puff and
I'll blow your house rn", replied the Wolf. And he huffed and he puffed and he
blew down the Lrttle Plgs house.

Little Pig I
i YOU MLL NEEP for the Pros

Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or 2ch.
*: Rnd 1:7sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
: 1 ball mid-pink = Yarn A ,,,,,.

ch from hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the


r ball mid-blr:= Yarn B^


..i .
magic loop.
r. Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (14 sts).
I r ball deeP tld.= :

,t. Rnd 3: [1sc into next st,2sc into next st] 7 times. (21 sts).
.;,,.,. .,.f.,.ball.d.eep., "1* "_,E'
.;Y'afu ,'
.',t, Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.

' 1baIl Yellow=Yarn- --ri i ,,,1

I (28 sts)
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.
(35 sts).
: * ToY filling l',

,...,*,,s fiairs oly;tn (8il t6y sa.f +s *,:
Rnd 6: [1sc into each of next 4 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.
(42 sts)
Rnd 7: [1sc into each of next 5 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.

i Y0$ ffiEE ffiEEP +# ttre w0lf :t:,

(49 sts)
Rnd 8: [1sc into each of next 6 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.
* a-ply (fingering) Yarn \
,'{ l

(56 sts).
,i;;iioii',(5'6. 'Eali:$6';'.17'$5t;,,:(155m)

Rnds 9-14:1sc into every st.
1 ball mid-gray - Yarn G ,!

Rnd 15: [1sc into each of next 6 sts, sc2tog] 7 times.
1 ball white = Yarn H

,i*, (49 sts)

*"c7i,..aii.bl3;UKt1)hook .t.

Rnd 16: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] 7 times.


* ToY filling :::::: (42 sts).
.*,.p;;ffi.;q6+iiil(6:fiffite.dfu.b€arey5s ::*:
c Rnd 17: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (35 sts).
* Scrap of red felt 1a

Rnd 18: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog] 7 times.

*ffi*a'E#figthfe:adandfieeffie ',
(28 sts)

a * Pva glue

l :,"
Rnd'19: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (21 sts).
r) l: I

Rnd 20: llsc into next st, sc2toglT times. (14 sts). Sl st
n- I

LrJ ,, into next st. Cut yarn and fasten off. Fill head firmly
J t:

F t: with toy filling.

* (iocm) high, excluding hat

eigs: 61/+ii


wolf:4%ii (iicm) high, excluding earS *


I ,a



Rnds 7-B:1sc into every st Sl st into next st. Cut yarn

and fasten off. Whip stitch the open seam to close. Use
yarn tail to stitch ear to side of head approximately 4 rows
from centre top head. Put head to one side.

Using Yarn A, make a maqic loop or Zch.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop.
Rnd 2: Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: 1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into each of the next
3 sts, lsc rnto each of next 3 sts, 2sc into each of the next
3 sts, lsc into next st. (18 sts).
Rnd 4:1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into each of the next
4 sts, 1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into each of the next
4 sts, 1sc into each of next 2 sts. (25 sts).
Rnd 5: work this round into back loops only: lsc into each
of next 5 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of next 10 sts, sc2tog, 1sc
into each of next 6 sts. (24 sts).
Rnds 6-7:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st, cut yarn
and fasten off. Fill snout with toy filling and pin to centre
front face. Stitch snout to face, adding more toy filling if
necessary. Remove toy f illing f rom head and f ix safety eyes
between Rnds 10 and 11, on each side of snout. Re-fill head
f irmly with toy f illing. Body
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or 2ch.
Ears (make two) Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or Zch. 2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or Znd ch up the magic loop.
from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the Rnd 2: Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
magic loop. Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (lB sts).
J Rnd 2: 1sc into every st. (6 sts). Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next
F_ sil 6 times.
*J Rnd 3: [lsc into next st, 2sc into next st] 3 times. (9 sts) (24 sts)
kl Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 3 times Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
tr (12 sts) (30 sts)
T Rnd 5: lsc into every st. Rnds 6-8: lsc into every st
Rnd 6: []sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 4 trmes, Rnd 9: llsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times.
:f (16 sts)
t-- (36 sts)

Rnds 1O-12:1sc into every st.
Rnd 13: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 6 times.
(30 sts)
Rnd 14:1sc into every st.
Rnd tS: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog] 6 times.
(24 sts)
Rnd 16:1sc into every st.
Rnd 17: llsc into each of next 2 sts, scZtogl 6 times. (18 sts).
Rnd 18: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog, 2sc, sc2togl
twice. (14 sts). Sl st into next st. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Fill body firmly with toy filling to create a rounded shape.
Put to one side.

Arms (make two)

Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or Zch.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnds 3-4:lsc into every st.
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 3 times. (9 sts).
Rnd 6: lsc into each of next 3 sts, scZtog, lsc into each of
next 2 sts, sc2tog. (7 sts). Using Yarn A, make ilch.
Rnds 7-13:1sc into every st.Sl st into next st. Cut yarn and Row 1: 2sc into 2nd ch from hook,2sc into every st.
fasten off. Fill hand with toy filling and leave arm un-stuffed. Cut yarn and fasten off. The tail will curl naturally.
Gather the top of the arm through the stitches of Rnd 13 Put to one side.
to close the hole. Put arms to one side.
Legs (make two) Using Yarn B work as given for body up to the end of Rnd B.
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or 2ch. Rnd 9: lsc into every st.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into Rnd 1O: working into front loops only for this rnd: 1sc into
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close every st.
up the magic loop. Rnd 11: rep Rnd 9. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and fasten off.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts). Fold brim up. Put to one side.
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] twice.
(14 sts) Neck tie
Rnds 4-6:1sc into every st. Using Yarn B make 36 ch.
Rnd 7:1sc into each of next 2 sts, [sc2tog, 1sc into next st] Row 1:1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into every st to end
3 times, 1sc into each of next 3 sts. (11 sts)
(35 sts). Put to one side.

Rnd 8: lsc into each of next 2 sts, [scZtog, 1sc into next st]
twice, lsc into each of next 3 sts. (9 sts).
Making up -{
Pin head to body with face at centre front and sew together T
Rnds 9-12:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn Trl
through the 14 sts of each piece, adding more toy filling to *-l
and fasten off. Fill legs and feet firmly with toy filling. :f
create a firm neck. Stitch each arm to the side of the body,
Put legs to one side. ru
approximately 2 rounds down f rom the neckline. Stitch Trj
legs to lower body in a standing position, with feet pointing r
forwards. Stitch tail to centre back lower body. Pin hat to -i
centre top head and stitch in place, filling with toy filling as
you stitch. Place neck tie around neck and cross ends at
front. Pin in place then stitch ends of neck tie to body.

&"r' ?r" l\l*rf""-r*"-f,"*t1ol\atl*,*",.1"""r1^-.,.-

Little Pig ?,
Follow all instructions for Little Pig 1 but replace Yarn A with
Yarn C and replace Yarn B with Yarn D.

Lftrle Prg 5
Follow all instructions for Little Pig 1 but replace Yarn A with
Yarn t and replace Yarn B with Yarn F. Do not make a hat
for Little Pig 3, instead, ma ke a f lower as follows:

Using Yarn F, make a magic loop.
Rnd 1: [5ch, sl st into magic loop] 5 times. Cut yarn
and fasten off. Tie yarn ends together- on WS. Take a
53loin (15cm) length of Yarn I and make 5 or 6 knots in
the centre. Thread yarn ends through centre of flower,
leaving the knot vislble on RS. Use yarn ends to stitch
to one side of head.


lr i




../\n /","/\aa"y^""f "**nfi,f""u*,

Rnd 18: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 6 times. (18 sts).
Wolf Rnds 19-20: rep Rnds 13-14.

Body Rnd 21: llsc into next st, sc2togl 6 times. (12 sts).

Using Yarn G make a magic loop or 2ch. Rnd 22:lscZtogl 6 times. (6 sts). Sl st tnto next st. Cut yarn

Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd ch and fasten off. The yarn tail marks the centre back body.
from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the loop. Fill body firmly with toy filling and put to one side.

Rnd 2:2sc into every st. (12 sts).

Lower legs (make two)
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts). Using Yarn H make a magic loop or 2ch.
Rnd 4: [lsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times. Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
(24 sts)
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pullyarn end gently to close
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times. up the magic loop.
(30 sts) Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 6: [lsc into each of next 4 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times. Rnd 3: [lsc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] twice,
(36 sts).
changing to Yarn G during last sc. (14 sts).
Rnds 7-11: 1sc into every st. Cut Yarn H; cont in Yarn G.
Rnd 12: [lsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 6 times (30 sts). Rnds 4-6:1sc into every st.
Rnds 13-14:1sc into every st Rnd 7: 1sc into each of next 2 sts, lscZtog, ]sc into next stl
Rnd 15: ['lsc into each of next 3 sts, scZtog] 6 times. (24 sts). 3 times, lsc into each of next 3 sts. ('11 sts).
Rnds 16-17: rep Rnds 13-14. Rnd 8: 1sc into each of next 2 sts, [sc2tog, 1sc into next st]
twice, 1sc into each of next 3 sts. (9 sts).
Rnds 9-11:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn and
fasten off. Fill legs and feet f irmly with toy f illing.
Put legs to one side.

Arms (make two)

Using Yarn H, make a magic loop or Zci.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: lsc into every st, changing to Yarn G during last sc.
Cut Yarn H; cont in Yarn G.
Rnd 4: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 3 times. (9 sts).
Rnd 6: 1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of
next 2 sts, sc2tog. (7 sts).
Rnds 7-22:1sc into every st. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn
and fasten off. Fill hand with toy filling and leave arm
un-stuffed. Gather the top of the arm through the stitches
of Rnd 22 to close the hole. {r
Put arms to one side. I'I





Eyes (make two) Ears (make two)

Using Yarn H, make a magic loop or 2ch. Using Yarn G, make a magic loop or Zch
Rnd 1:Zch (counts as f irst hdc) 15hdc into the centre of the Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
magic loop, or into the 2nd ch from hook. (16 sts). Sl st into 2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
2nd of first Zch. Cut yarn and fasten off. Pull yarn tail gently up the magic loop.
to gather the magic loop, leaving a small hole in the centre.
Rnd 2: lsc into every st. (6 sts)

Head Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next stl 3 times. (9 sts).
Using Yarn H, make a magic loop or 2ch. Rnd 4: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd ch Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next stl 3 times.
from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the loop. (12 sts)

Rnd 2:2sc into every st. (12 sts). Rnd 6: lsc into every st.
Rnd 3: [lsc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts). Rnd 7: [lsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] 4 times.
(16 sts).
Rnds 4-9:lsc into every st,changing to Yarn G during last
sc of Rnd 9. Rnds 8-9: 'lsc into every st. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn
Rnd 10:1sc into every st. and fasten off. Whip stitch the open seam to close. Use
yarn tail to stitch ear to side of head approximately 4 rows
Rnd 11: lsc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc into each of the next
from centre top head. Put head to one side.
6 sts, 1sc into each of next 6 sts. (24 sts).
Rnds 12-13: lsc into every st.
Rnd 14: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] B times.
(32 sts)
Rnd 15: [1sc into each of next 7 sts, 2sc into next st] 4 times.
(36 sts)
Rnds 16-17:1sc into every st,
Rnd 18: [1sc into each of next 7 sts, sc2tog] 4 times (32 sts)
Rnd tg: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, scZtog] B times (24 sts).
Rnd 20: lsc into every st. Remove hook from working loop
and place working loop onto a safety pin or locking stitch
marker. Position crocheted eyes to each side of head, just
above white muzzle. lnsert safety eyes through the centre
of the crocheted eyes and through the head and fix in place.
Fill head f irmly with toy f illing. Replace working loop back
onto hook.
Rnd 21: [1sc into next st, sc2tog] B times (16 sts).
Rnd 22:lsc into every st.
Rnd 23: LscZtogl B times. (B sts). Sl st into next st, cut yarn
and fasten off. Push a little more toy filling into the gap with
the end of a crochet hook or pencil then gather the sts to
close the hole.


Ta il
Using Yarn H, make a magic loop or Zci. si

Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into the 2nd :I
ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn tail gently to close loop. +

Rnd 2:1sc into every st. (6 sts).

+ :i.

Rnd 3: [lsc into next st, 2sc into next st] 3 times. (9 sts).
Rnd 4: rep Rnd 2, changing to Yarn G during last sc. Cut I

Yarn H; cont in Yarn G.

Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, Zsc into next st] 3 times. e

(12 sts)

Rnds 6-7:1sc into every st.

Rnd 8: [1sc into next st, sc2toq] 4 times. (B sts). &


Rnd 9: lsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog, 1sc into each of
next 2 sts. (7 sts).
Rnds 10-20: 1sc into every st. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and I

fasten off. Lightly fill tail then use tail end of yarn to gather
the sts of Rnd 20 closed.
s e o 6,.-.& Q
Put to one side. * & s &
il li " r'1:';1:'l'''i'r' "'r"i

Using Yarn H, make a magic loop or Zci.
Rnd'l: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
the 2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn tail gently to
close loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts). Sl st into next st, cut
yarn and fasten off. Cut a small circle of red felt and
use PVA glue to stick the tongue into the centre
of the mouth. Stitch the mouth to the underside
of centre f ront muzzle.

Making up
Pin head to body with eyes at f ront and
stitch in place. Pin lower legs to front body,
pointing forwards in a sitting position, then
stitch in place. Pins arms to each side of
body and stitch in place. Finally, pin tail to
centre back body and stitch in place.

Ihe frd Prlnce
"l coulc hop tnto the well anc brtng back
vour ball", satc the frcg
tc the Princess, "if ycu would be rny f rtenC"

Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or 2ch.
Rnd 1:7sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch from
hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (14 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 7 times. (21 sts).
Rnd 4: [1sc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.
(28 sts).
Rnd 5: [lsc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next stl 7 times.
(35 sts).
Rnd 6: [lsc into each of next 4 sts,2sc into next stl 7 times.
(42 sts).
Rnds 7-13: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 14: [lsc into each of next 4 sts, scZtog] 7 times. (35 sts).
Rnds 15-20: lsc into every st.
Rnd 2l: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (28 sts).
Rnds 22-27:1sc into every st.
Rnd 28: [lsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog) 4 times.(24 sts).
Sl st into next st; cut yarn and fasten off. Fill body flrmly with
toy filling.

Using Yarn A, follow all instructions as given for the body to
the end of Rnd 6.
Rnd 7: [1sc into each of next 5 sts,Zsc into next st] 7 times.
(49 sts).
Rnd 8: [1sc into each of next 6 sts,Zsc into next st] 7 times.
(56 sts)
Rnd 9: [1sc into each of next 7 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.
(63 sts).
Rnds 10-15: lsc into every st.
Rnd 15: [1sc into each of next 7 sts, scZtog] 7 times. (56 sts).
Lrl Rnd 17: [1sc into each of nex..t 6 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (49 sts).
Z. Rnd'18: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (42 sts).
,, :^
Rnd 19: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (35 sts).

Rnd 20: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (28 sts).
U-l Rnd 21: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] 4 times (24sts).
KJ Slst into next st; cut yarn and fasten off. Fill head firmly with
:f toy filling until it measures l Otlzin (27cm) around.

Back eyes (make two) Legs (make two)
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or Zch. Using Yarn A make 5ch.
Rnd 1: 7sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch Rnd 1: lsc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into each of next Zci,
from hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the 3sc into last st, now working back along the opposite side
magic loop. of the foundation chain, 1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (14 sts). same place as lst sc. (10 sts).
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 7 trmes. (21 sts). Rnd 2:Zsc into first st, lsc into each of next 2 sts,Zsc into
Rnds 4-6:lsc into every st Sl st into next st; cut yarn and next st, 1sc into next st, 2sc into next st, 1sc into each of next
fasten off. 2 sts,2sc into next st, lsc rnto next st. (14 sts).
Rnd 3: 2sc into first st, lsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into
Centre eyes (make two) next st, 1sc into next st, 2sc into next st, lsc into each of next
Using Yarn B, make a magic loop or Zci. 4 sts, 2sc Into next st, lsc into next st. (18 sts).
Rnd 1: 7sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch Rnds 4-5:1sc into every st
from hook. (7 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the Rnd 6: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog, lsc into
magic loop. next stl twice (14 sts).
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (14 sts). Rnd 7: lsc into every st.
Rnds 3-5: lsc into every st Rnd 8: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, lsc into
Rnd 6: [scZtoq] 7 times. (7 sts). Sl st into next st; cut yarn next stl twice (10 sts).
and fasten off. Fix safety eye to centre of white eye and fill Rnds 9-27: lsc into every st. Sl st into next st, cut
eye with toy filling until a round shape (use blunt end of yarn and fasten off. Use tail end of yarn to whip stitch top
crochet hook to push toy filling into eye). Place round white of leg closed.
eye into green back and stitch in place around green edge. Put legs to one side.
Stitch each eye to top of head leaving a 1llqin (3.5cm) gap
rn between. Using an oddment of black yarn or embroidery Arms (make two)
thread, stitch a long mouth measu ring 311+in (B.5cm), Work as for legs to Rnd 2. (14 sts).
between Rnds 13 and 14. Put head to one side Rnds 3-5:lsc into every st
Rnd 6: isc2tog, 1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog, lsc into
next stl twice (10 sts).
Rnd 7: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 8: [sc2tog, 1sc into each of next 3 sts] twice. (B sts).
Rnds 9-21:1sc into every st. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Fill pad and arm lightly with toy filling (leaving top few rnds
of arm free of toy filling). Thread yarn end onto a wool
needle and gather the sts of the last rnd to close the hole.
Put arms to one side.





Using Yarn C, make 19 ch.
Row 1: lsc into 2nd stitch, lsc into every st to the end.
(18 sts)
Rows 2-4: chl, 1sc into every st.
*Next, make 6ch. Working back along 6ch just made, lsc
into 2nd ch from hook, thdc into each of next Zci,1dc into
each of next 2ch miss next 2 sts along main edge, sl st into
next st, rep from * 5 times more. (6 points made in total).
Cut yarn and fasten off. Spray both sides of crown liberally
with spray starch. Leave to dry completely.

Making up
Pin head to body and stitch in place through 24 sts of each
piece. Stitch legs to lower body. Stitch each arm to side of
body just below neck. Stitch ball to hands, then stitch crown
to top of head between eyes.

Ba ll
Using Yarn C, make a magic loop or Zch.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the loop, or into 2nd ch
from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
magic loop.
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
Rnd 3: [lsc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (lB sts).
Rnd 4: [lsc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
(24 sts)
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
(30 sts)
Rnd 6: llsc into each of next 14 sts, 2sc into next stl twice.
(32 sts)
Rnds 7-13: lsc into every st
Rnd 14: llsc into each of next 14 sts, sc2togl twice. (30 sts).
Rnd 15: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl 6 times. (24 sts).
Fill with toy filling or place polystyrene ball into
crocheted ball.
Rnd 16: [lsc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 6 times (18 sts).
Rnd 17: [1sc into next st, sc2tog] 6 times. (12 sts). *i
Rnd 1B: lscZtogl 6 times. (6 sts). lf using toy filling, push rrl
more toy filling into ball using blunt end of crochet hook. ;U
Thread yarn end onto wool needle and gather the 6 sts of
Rnd 1B to close the hole. Weave end rnto ball and trim. *U

lt u ^*ft ,s\"N\"f ".*/\"/V\ "f ty&',rff

Hansel and Gretel

Losf rn the wooCs, ,?anseland Gretel sturnbled upon a house nnaCe of
qtnqerbreaC anC candy The hungry chrlCren ran tcwarCs rt anC began to
eat, when they hearC a cackltnq votce savtnq,"eat all you can chtldren"
It was an old lady whc lrkeC to eat chrldren

YOU MLL NEEP fw t+ansel and &retsl YOU MLL NIEP for the wrtroh

* +-ply (fingering) Yarn:

* a-ply (fingering) Yarn:
a 13/+oz (sOg) ball gives 170yd (155m)
a !3/+oz (sog) ball gives T70yd (155m)
1 ball cream = Yarn A
1 ball cream = Yarn A
1 ball Plum = Yarn G
1 ball mid-brown = Yarn B
1 ball light gray = Yarn H
1 ball dark green - Yarn C
1 ball black = Yarn J
1 ball orange = Yarn D 1

1 ball mustard Yellow - Yarn E * Z.5mm (US B/1. or C/?, UK 12) hook
1 ball dark blue = Yarn F
* +mm (US G/6, UK B) hook
1 ball light brown = Yarn K
* r bendy Plastic drinking straw
* DK (e-Pry) Yarn:
* r 113/+tn (30cm) chenille stem
a 131+oz (sog) ball gives 136Yd (12sm)
* f pair of 1/+tn (6mm) safetY eyes
1 ball brown = Yarl
* Z.5mm (US B/t ot C/2, UK 12) hook ruNl$++rp ffirEr
* +mm (US G/6, UK B) hook * eu characters: approximately glztn (2acm) high
* Z pairs af l/+tn (6mm) safetY eyes

Using Yarn A make a magic loop or 2ch. Rnd 7: [lsc into each of next 5 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into (42 sts).
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close Rnd 8: [lsc into each of next 6 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
up the magic loop. (48 sts).
LtI Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts). Rnd 9: [lsc into each of next 7 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
Rnd 3: [1sc into next st,2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts). (54 sts)
r) Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts,2sc rnto next st] 6 times. Rnds 10-16:lsc into every st.
Z. (24 sts) Rnd 17: llsc into each of next 7 sts, sc2togl 6 times (48 sts)
Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next stl 6 times. Rnd 18: llsc into each of next 6 sts, scZtog] 6 times (42 sts)
Lll (30 sts). Rnd 19: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] 6 times (36 sts)
Z" Rnd 6: [1sc into each of next 4 sts,2sc into next stl 6 times. Rnd 20: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog] 6 times (30 sts).
r (36 sts). Rnd 21: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl 6 times Qq sts).

',.,,.. /"'.,,.-
-.,'''''.-.-.., "..-..r.-'-- ..,r-

Rnd 22: Llsc into each of next 6 sts, sc2togl 3 times.

(21 sts)
Legs (make two)
Using Yarn B, make a magic loop or Zch.
Rnd 23: [1sc into next st, sc2tog] 7 times. (14 sts). sl st into
Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into the
next st. Cut yarn and fasten off. Fix safety eyes between
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
Rnds 13 and 14, approximately 6 sts apart. Fill the head
up the magic loop.
firmly with toy filling until it measures approximately
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
9in (23cm) around the widest point.
Rnd 3: []sc into next st, 2sc into next stl 6 times. (lB sts).
Nose Rnds 4-7:1sc into every st.
Using Yarn A, make 3ch, [yoh, insert hook into 3rd ch from Rnd 8: [scZtog, 1sc into next st] 5 times, sc2tog, turn
hook, yoh pull back through chl 3 times, (7 loops on hook), (leaving last st unworked). Now working in rows, miss
yoh and pull back through all 7 loops, 1ch, cut yarn and stitch at base of loop on hook, lsc into each of next 7 sts,
fasten off. Tie tail ends of yarn together into a knot on WS. miss 1 st, lsc into next st, turn, miss stitch at base of loop on
Use tail ends to stitch nose to centre front face lengthways. hook, lsc into each of next 5 sts, miss I st, lsc into next st,
turn, miss stitch at base of loop on hook, lsc into each of
next 3 sts, miss i st, 1sc into next st, turn, miss stitch at base
of loop on hook, lsc, miss 1 st, 1sc into next st, do not turn;
cont with Rnd 9.

Rnd 9: work 12sc evenly around foot. (12 sts).

Rnds 10-15: lsc into every st, changing to Yarn C during
last sc of Rnd 15. Cut Yarn B; cont in Yarn C.

Rnd 16: work into back loops only for this round: lsc into
back loop of every st.
Rnds 17-25: lsc into every st. Cut yarn and fasten off.

Rnd 1: hold leg lupright with back of leg facing you and foot
pointing away from you.Press the top of the leg together
flat, so that 6 sts sit on each side of the top leg (6 sts for
the front and 6 sts for the back). Make a slip knot onto hook
with Yarn C and join yarn with a sl st to the leftmost st of
back 6 sts, 1ch (does not count as a st), lsc into same st, lsc
into the rightmost st on back of leg 2,1sc into remaining
sts of leg 2, lsc into rightmost st of front of leg 1, lsc into

remaining 10 sts of leg 1. (24 sts)

Rnd 2: [lsc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] 4 times.
(28 sts). At this point, use yarns ends to close any gaps
between the legs. Weave yarn ends into WS and trim.
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 7 times.
(35 sts)
Rnd 4: Llsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.
(42 sts)
I Rnds 5-8: lsc into every st
Rnd 9: [1sc into each of next 4 sts, sc2tog]7 times. (35 sts).
1n Rnds 10-12: lsc into every st, changing to Yarn D during last
sc of Rnd 12. Cut Yarn C; cont in Yarn D.
Rnd 13: work into back loops only for this round: lsc into
J back loop of every st.
I l

^--7 Rnd 14: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2togl 7 times.
_*- (28 sts)
' a/'""/ "r/ .' /'..."/ "'. ".'. /

At this point, fill feet, legs and lower body firmly with Knee patch
toy filling Using Yarn D make 4ch.
Rnds 15-19: lsc into every st. Row 1: 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into next Zch,
Rnd 20: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 7 times. (21 sts). chl, turn.
Rnds 21-23:1sc into every st. Row 2: lsc into every st, chl, turn.
Rnd 24: llsc into next st, sc2toql 7 times. (14 sts). Sl st into Row 3: 1sc into every st. Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave yarn
next st, cut yarn and fasten off. Tie off and trim all yarn ends. ends into WS and trim. Stitch to one knee with Yarn C.
Fill body f irm ly with toy f illing
Put to one side.

Boot cuffs (make two)

Make a slipknot onto the hook with Yarn B. Turn the body
upside down with the back of the body facing you and the
feet pointing away.
Rnd 1: join Yarn B with a sl st to any spare loop of Rnd 16,
working to the left,2ch (counts as thdc), thdc into same st,
thdc into every spare loop to the end. (13 sts) Sl st into top
of 1st Zci.
Rnd 2:1ch, 1sc into same st, 1sc into every st to end. (13 sts).
Sl st into first sc. Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave yarn ends
to WS of cuff, tie off and trim.

Arms (make two)

Using Yarn A, make a magic loop or Zch.
Rnd 1:6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close Bag
up the magic loop. Using Yarn K, make 9ch.
Rnd 2:Zsc rnto every st. (12 sts). Row 1: lsc into 2nd ch from hook, lsc into each ch to the
Rnd 3: lsc into every st. end. (B sts). Ch1, turn.
Rnd 4:1sc into each of next 5 sts, ltr (to create thumb), Row 2-14: lsc into each st, chl, turn. At the end of Row 14,

lsc into each of next 6 sts. do not chl, turn, instead cut yarn and fasten off.
Rnd 5: isc into next st, [sc2tog] 5 times, 1sc into next st. Fold piece in half with WS together and join each side of
(7 sts) the bag with single crochet. Cut yarn and fasten off. Make
Rnd 6: 1sc into every st, changing to Yarn D during last sc.
a slip knot onto hook and join with a sl st to top right of
Cut Yarn A; cont in Yarn D. bag,make 35ch, join with a sl st to top left of bag. Cut
yarn and fasten off. Weave all yarn ends into WS and trim.
Rnds 7-18: rep Rnd 3. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and fasten
Cut a 53lqin (15cm) length of Yarn D and make 5 or 6
off. Fill arm lightly with toy filling, leaving hand flat. Thread
knots in the centre to resemble a button. On one side of
yarn onto wool needle and thread through sts of Rnd 18 to
bag, approximately 1 row down f rom the top edge, thread
close the hole.
orange yarn ends to WS of bag and tie together. Trim ends.
Next, pin head to body with eyes at front and stitch in place.
Put bag across the body (from legs upwards) and over
Stitch arms to each side of body just below the neck.
one shoulder.
Braces (make two) Hair
Using Yarn C make 31ch.

Cut strips of Yarn L that measure 211+in (6cm) long Lr)

Row 1: lsc into 2nd ch from hook, lsc into each ch (30 sts).
and attach each strip to head using the crochet hook r
Cut yarn and fasten off. method (see page 16), starting f rom centre and working

Attach to front trouser with Yarn D, take over the shoulder, outwards. Cover the whole of the top of head and down
cross straps and stitch to back of trouser walst with Yarn C. LJ
the sides of the face and back of head. Trim hair into x
( rt
short, messy layers. *{
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Colla r
Make a slipknot onto hook with Yarn F Hold doll upside
Head and nose down (legs in the air) and front body facing you. Along the
Work as given for Hansel's head and nose. spare loops of Rnd 23, locate the centre 2 sts and join yarn
with a sl st into the leftmost of these 2 sts. Make 3ch, 2dc
Legs (make two) into same st, thdc into next st, *2hdc into next st, thdc into
Work as given for Hansel's legs, using Yarn B for Rnds 1-15, next st, rep from * to the last 2 sts, thdc into next st,2dc
Yarn A for Rnds16-24 and Yarn E for Rnd 25. into last st, 3ch, sl st into same st. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Use yarn ends to slip stitch collar flat onto body.
Body Weave yarn ends into body and trim.
Rnd 1: hold leg lupright with back of leg facing you and foot
pointing away from you.Press the top of the leg together
flat, so that 6 sts sit on each side of the top leg (6 sts for
the front and 6 sts forthe back). Make a slip knot onto
hook with Yarn t and join yarn with a sl st to the leftmost st
of back 5 sts, lch (does not count as a st), 1sc into same st,
lsc into the rightmost st on back of leg 2,1sc into remaining
11 sts of leg 2,1sc into rightmost st of front of leg l, lsc into

remaining 1O sts of leg 1. (24 sts).

Rnd 2: lsc into every st. At this point, use yarn ends to close
any gaps between the legs, weaving yarn ends into WS.
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next st] 5 times.
(30 sts)
Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 5 times.
(36 sts)
Rnds 5-8: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 9: llsc into each of next 4 sts, sc2togl 5 times. (30 sts).
Rnd 1O: lsc into every st.
Rnd 11: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog] 6 times. (24 sts)
Rnd 12: rep Rnd 1O

Rnd 13: work into back loops only for this round: lsc into
back loop of every st.
Rnds 14-16:1sc into every st.
At this point, fill feet, legs and lower body firmly with
toy filling.
Rnd 17:Llsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 3 times (21 sts).
Rnds 18-19: lsc into every st.
Rnd 20: llsc into each of next 5 sts, sc2togl 3 times.
(18 sts)

Rnd 21:lsc into every st.

J!t Rnd 22: llsc into each of next 3 sts, sc2tog, lsc into each of
r-IJ next 2 sts, sc2togl twice. (14 sts).

Rnd 23:1sc into back loops only of every st. Sl st into next
st, cut yarn and fasten off. Tie off and
trim all yarn ends.
Fill body firmly with toy filling.


Arms (make two)
Work as given for Hansel, using Yarn A for Rnds 1-6 and
Yarn E for Rnds 7-18.
Next, pin head to body with eyes at front and stitch in place.
Stitch arms to each side of body just below the neck.

Using Yarn F make B ch.
Row 1: 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1sc into each ch to the
end. (7 sts). Ch1, turn.
Row 2:Zsc into first st, 1sc into every st to the last st,2sc
into last st. (9 sts).
Row 3: rep" Row 2 (11sts).
Row 4: 1sc into every st, ch1, turn.
Rows 5-11: rep Row 4 seven times. After Row 11, do not ch1,

turn, instead, continue with the apron edge.

Apron edge
Keeping RS facing you and working to the left, work
D ress
sc border all around the curved edge, working 2sc into
Turn doll upside down with back of doll facing you.
each corner of Row 1 and finishing at the right top of
Locate Rnd 13 of body (the round worked into back loops).
apron, making SUre you work an even number of stitches
Make a slipknot onto hook with Yarn I and join with a sl st
in total. Turn.
to centre back stitch.
Next Row: [3ch, miss 1 st, sl st into next st] to the end, make
Rnd 1: ch1, 1sc into same st, 1sc into each of next 4 sts, Zsc
3Och, cut yarn and fasten off.
into next st, lsc into each of next 12 sts, Zsc into next st, 1sc
Make a slipknot onto hook with Yarn F and join with a sl st
into each of next 5 sts. (26 sts).
to opposite edge of apron, make 30 ch, cut yarn and
Rnd 2: lsc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc into next st, 1sc into
fasten off. Weave all yarn ends into WS and trim.
each of next 12 sts, 2sc into next st, 1sc into each of next
Tie apron around waist.
6 sts (28 sts)
Rnd 3: [1sc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.
(35 sts)
Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 7 times.
(42 sts).
Rnd 5: [lsc into each of next 5 sts,2sc into next st] 7 times.
(49 sts).
Rnd 6: tlsc into each of next 6 sts,2sc into next stl 7 times.
(56 sts)
Rnds 7-11:1sc into every st.
Rnd lsc into each of next 9 sts, 2sc into next st, [lsc into
each of next 11 sts, 2sc into next stl 3 times, 1sc into each of
next 9 sts, Zsc into next st. (61 sts). I
Rnds 13-18: lsc into every st.
Rnd 19: sl st into next st, 3sc into same st, 3sc into every st a
to the end. Sl st into first sc; cut yarn and fasten off. Weave r
yarn ends into WS of work and trim.
Boot cuffs (make two) C)
Work as given for Hansel's boot cuffs, using Yarn B.

Ha ir
*Using Yarn L, cut long strips of 113lqin (3Ocm) and using
the crochet hook method (see page 16), attach to the head
around the face and hair line. Repeat from * for 2 more
layers. Draw the hair back into a pony tail. Wrap a long
length of Yarn f around the pony tail and tie tighily to
hold in place.

Head scarf
Using Yarn E and 4mm (US G/5, UK B) hook, make 4ch.
Row 1:1sc into 3rd ch from hook, 1dc Into next ch. (Z sts)
Zch, turn.
Row 2: miss 2ch just made, lsc into next dc, ldc into next
sc, (isc, ldc) into 2-ch space from previous row. (4 sts).
ChZ, tu rn.
Row 3: miss 2ch just made, [1sc into next dc, 1dc into next
scl to the end, (1sc, 1dc) into 2-ch space from previous row.
(6 sts). C 2, turn.
Rows 4-15: rep Row 3 twelve times. (30 sts) but
do not ciZ, turn at the end of Row 15, instead
make 31 ch.
Row 16:1sl st into 2nd ch from hook, 1sl st into next2gc\,
1scinto next 30 sts, 31 ch.
Row 17: 1 sl st into 2nd ch from hook, 1 sl st into next29ch,
sl st into next st, cut yarn and fasten off. Weave all yarn
ends into WS and trim.

Finally, place headscarf around head, leaving the front of

hairline visible. Tie rn a bow underneath the ponytail and tie
the apron around the waist.

;: : . t*iu

Head and nose

Work as given for Hansel's head and nose

Legs (make two)

Work as given for Hansel's legs, using Yarn G for Rnds 1-15,
Yarn A for Rnds 16-24 and Yarn H for Rnd 25.

f--* Work as given for Gretel's body using Yarn H.

{n Collar
f) Work as grven for Gretel's collar using Yarn G.
Boot cuffs
Work as given for Hansel's boot cuffs, using Yarn G.
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D ress
Using Yarn H, work as given for Gretel's dress to the end of
Rnd 6.
Rnds 7-2O: isc into every stitch.
Now work Rnds 12-19 as given for Gretel's dress.

Arms (make two)

Work as given for Hansel's arms, using Yarn A for Rnds 1-6
and Yarn H for Rnds 7-18.
Next, pin head to body with eyes at front and stitch in place.
Stitch arms to each side of body just below the neck.

Using Yarn G, work as given for Gretel's apron up to the
end of Row 4.
Rows 5-15: lsc into every st,chl, turn. Now work the
apron edge as given for Gretel's apron.

Head scarf
Using Yarn G, work as given for Gretel's head scarf up to
the end of Row 3.

Rows 4-23: rep Row 3 twenty times. (46 sts).

Walking stick
Cut bendy straw 'lrin (icm) above bend and 41lqin (11cm)
below bend. Check against hand that it is the correct
length to the floor and trim if necessary. lf desired thread a
chenille stem through the straw and trim.
Using Yarn J, make a magic loop or Zch.
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
up the magic loop.
Rnd 2:1sc into every st.
Rep nd 2 until the crocheted tube covers the straw.

Sl st into next st; cut yarn and fasten off. Slide straw into
cover. Thread yarn end onto wool needle and thread
through last 6 sts. Pull gently to close the hole. Tie off
and trim yarn end. Bend the top of the walking stick and
stitch bendy end of stick to hand.

Using Yarn H, cut strips of 1131+in (3Ocm) length. Attach
to head using crochet hook method (see page 16) along
rounds 7,8 and 9 and vertically along each side of face for :f
7 rows, approximately 3 stitches from eyes. Separate the
first layer of fringe, twist yarn and stitch to the side of head. f--r']
Take remaining front layers over-the head to the back, r
leaving some strands of harr free on one side. Place head )//

scarf onto head and stitch in place underneath chin and (f
stitch to top of head with a few stitches on each side.
Finally, tie the apron around the waist. tl

%,& M
ru Weffi
Cne day a Prtnce rode through the foresf anC found the tower tn whrch
Rapunzel r'uas lockeC The Prrnce sfooC at the bottorn of the tower and calleC,
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down ycur gclden hair!

1:1 ' ,;;"*

,.j/ a

* Head
* +-pty (fingering) Yarn: Using 3mm (US C/2 or D13, UK 11) hook and Yarn A, make a
a 13/+oz (sog) ball gives L70yd (155m) magic loop or 2ch.

1 ball cream - Yarn A Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
1 ball plum = Yarn B ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up the
1 ball pale Pink = Yarn C magic loop.
1 ball pale Yellow = Yarn D
Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. ('12 sts).

* 3mm (US C/2 or D/3, UK 11) hook Rnd 3: [lsc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
* Toy filling Rnd 4: [lsc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st] 6 times.
(24 sts).
* f pair of l/+tn (6mm) safetY eyes
* Rnd 5: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
(30 sts)
i YOU MLL NffP for Tower Rnds 6-8: lsc into every st.

* a-ply (fingering) Yarn: Rnd 9: [1sc into each of next 3 sts, scZtog] 6 times. (24 sts).

a 13/+oz(sog) ball gives l7Oyd (155m) Rnd 1O: 1sc into every st.

1 ball gray = Yarn E Rnd 11: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, sc2tog] 6 times (18 sts).
1 ball bright green = Yarn F Rnd 12: llsc into next st, sc2to ql 6 times. (12 sts).

oddments of cream, pIum, pale pink and Fix safety eyes between Rounds 6 and Z leaving 4 sts

pale yellow for the flowers between. Fill head firmly with toy filling until it measures
5t I +-51 lzin (13.5-i4cm) around.
* gmm (US C/2 or D/3, UK 11) hook
Rnd 13: tlsc into next st, sc2to ql 4times. (B sts). Sl st into
* Z.5mm (US E/+,UK 9) hook
next st, cut yarn and fasten off.
* Scrap of black and gray felt with matching
Put head to one side.
,u*it g threadt at d needle, and PVA glue
* fin of spraY starch ,_ __ \
* f empty crisp tube, about 3in (7 Jsc,y)-^ ,.
diarrretlr, .rri down to approximately 6Y+in"

.ruN$l+Ep $IrE$
* Rapunzel: 6VeLn (16cm)
Z. * fower: 73/qin (20cm) high


Leg 1 Joining legs
Using 3mm (US C/2 or D13, UK 11) hook and Yarn B, lsc into next st of leg2,lsc into every st of leg 1, 1sc into
make a magic loop or 2ch. remaining 5 sts of leg 2. (12 sts).
Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close Continue with body
up the magic loop. Rnd 1: 1sc into every st.
Rnd 2: [1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st] twice. Rnd 2: [1sc into next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
(B sts) Rnd 3: rep Rnd 1.

Rnd 3: working into back loops only for this rnd, lsc Rnd 4: Llsc into next st, sc2to q) 6 times. (12 sts).
into every st. Rnd 5: rep Rnd 1.

Rnd 4:1sc into next st, scZtog, 1sc into each of next Rnd 6: working into back loops only for this rnd, lsc into
2 sts, sc2tog, lsc into next st, changing to Yarn A during every st. Fill lower body with toy filling.
last sc. (6 sts). Rnd 7: rep Rnd 2. (18 sts).
Rnd 5: lsc into every st. Rnd B: llsc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next stl 3 times.
Rnds 6-12: rep Rnd 5 seven times more, changing to Yarn B (21 sts)
during last sc of Rnd 12. Cont in Yarn B. Rnd 9: rep Rnd 1.

Rnd 13: lsc into every st. Sl st into next st, cut yarn and Rnd 1O: [1sc into each of next 5 sts, sc2tog] 3 times,
fasten off. Fill with toy filling. changing to Yarn D during last sc2tog. (18 sts).
Rnd 11: rep Rnd 4. (12 sts).
Leg 2
Rnd 12:l1sc into next st, sc2toql 4 times. (B sts). Sl st into
Rep all instructions as given for leg 1 but do not sl st into
next st, cut yarn and fasten off. Fill body firmly with toy
next st after Rnd 13 and do not cut yarn. Place working
filling. Pin head to body, lining up the eyes with the front of
stitch onto a stitch marker and carefully fill leg 2 with toy
the body and stitch in place. Put to one side.
filling. Replace working stitch back onto hook and continue.
D ress
Hold body upside down with back of body facing you.Using
3mm (US C/2 or D/3, UK 11) hook, make a slip knot onto
hook with Yarn B and join with a sl st to the spare front loop
of the centre back stitch of Rnd 6 of body.
Rnd 1: 3ch (counts as first dc), ldc into front loop of same
stitch at base of 3ch , lZdc into f ront loop of next stl to the
end. (24 sts). Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch.
Rnd 2:3ch (counts as f irst dc), 1dc into same stitch at base
of 3ch, ldc into next st, l2dc into next st, 1dc into next stl to
the end. (36 sts). Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch.
Rnd 3: 3ch (counts as first dc), ldc into next st, 1dc into
every st to the end. Join with a sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch.
Rnd 4: rep Rnd 3.

Rnd 5: 3ch (counts as first dc), 1dc into same stitch at base
of 3ch, ldc into each of the next 2 sts, lZdc into next st, ldc
into each of the next 2 stsl to the end. (48 sts). Join with a
sl st to 3rd of first 3 ch.
Rnds 6-7: rep Rnd 3 twice.
Rnd 8: working into back loops only, rep Rnd 3.
Rnd 9: rep Rnd B. Cut yarn and fasten off.
Dress edging
xHold doll upright with back of head facing you. Make a slip
:+ .;"
knot onto 3mm (US C/2 or D13, UK 11) hook with Yarn C and . :.1.:r
join to the spare loop of centre back stitch of Rnd B with a
sl st. Working to the left, miss 1st, [3dc into next st, miss 1

st, sl st into next st, miss 1 stl to the last 2 sts, 3dc into next
' t'' 13r. '
F".. i,

st, mtss 1 st, sl st into next st. Cut yarn and fasten off. Weave
: f

ends into WS and trim.** ik

Repeat from x to x* working around the spare r:l

. r'i.;x
rrlr,r l

r ' r

loops of Rnd 9.

Arms (make two)

Using 3mm (US CiZ or D/3, UK 11) hook and Yarn B, make a

magic loop or 1ch.

Rnd 1:3ch (counts as 1dc) then into magic loop or 4th ch
from hook work 4dc,6hdc, 5dc, join with a sl st to 3rd of
beginning 3ch. (16 sts).
Rnd 2: working into back loops only for this rnd, [sc2tog]
B trmes. (B sts).
Rnd 3: lsc into each of next 2 sts, lsc2togl twtce, 1sc into
each of next 2 sts, changing to Yarn A during last sc.
Cut Yarn B. (6 sts).
Rounds 4-'11: 1sc into every st. Sl st into next st. Cut yarn
leaving a long tail end Fill arm lightly with toy filling, leaving
the top arm free from ftlling Thread tail end onto a wool
needle and thread through each of the 6 sts of Rnd 11.
Pull gently to close the hole. Put to one side.

Hair cap
Using 3mm (US ClZ or D/3, UK 11) hook and Yarn D, work
Rnds l-3 as given for Rapunzel's head
Rnd 4:1sc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st, thdc into
each of next 2 sts, 2hdc into next st, [1dc into each of next
2 sts, Zdcinto next stl twice, lhdc into each of next 2 sts,
2hdc into next st, 1sc into each of next 2 sts,2sc into next st.
(24 sts)
Rnd 5: 1sc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next st, thdc into
each of next 3 sts,2hdc into next st, lldc into each of next
3 sts,Zdcinto next stl twice, thdc into each of next 3 sts,
Zidc into next st, lsc into each of next 3 sts,2sc into next
st (30 sts) a
Rnd 6: lsc into each of next 5 sts, thdc into each of next -e
5 sts, 1dc into each of next thdc into each of next 5

1O sts, f'''
sts, 1sc into each of next 5 sts. .
Rnd 7: lsc into every st. +='
I . ='.'
Rnd 8: 1sc into each of next29 sts, sl st into next st. -t'
Rnd 9: turn and work in the opposite direction, 13ch, sl st

into same st at base of 3ch, sl st into each of next 2 stsl to ,*xF:'

the end. Cut yarn and fasten off. "7


Making up Tower
Pin arms in place and stitch to body using Yarn B. Wrap a
long length of Yarn C around waist; tie tightly at the back
:* Special stitches *
and weave ends into body. Wrap a long length of Yarn B
Surface crochet: a chain of slip stitches made onto the
around neck; tie tightly at the back and weave ends into
surface of crochet fabric as follows: make a slip knot onto
body. Place hair cap onto head and stitch in place around
hook, *insert hook down into the gap between 2 sc stitches
the edge using Yarn D. Use Yarn B to strtch two French
and out through the next gap along, yoh and pull hook back
knots for earrings to each side of head along the hair line
through the stitches and through the loop on hook (1 sl st
and just below eye level.
made). Continue from * working vertically or horizontally
as instructed, until desired length is reached. Cut yarn and
Pla it
fasten off. Weave ends into WS and trim.
Cut 36 strands of Yarn D measuring 47in (12Ocm) each
and attach to centre of head cap, using the crochet hook
method Split the hair into 3 sections and plait together. Using 3mm (US ClZ or D/3, UK 11) hook and Yarn f, make
Wrap a long strand of Yarn B tightly around the end of the a magic loop or 2ch.
plait. Trim ends of plait. Stitch hair cap to the head with Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into
Yarn D using small running stitches. Wind the plait across 2nd ch from hook. (6 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close
the f ront of the head once. Stitch in place using Yarn D. Pin up the magic loop.
plait to arm and stitch in place (this stops the plait from Rnd 2:Zsc into every st. (12 sts).
pulling the head to one side). Make 5 flowers as given for Rnd 3: [isc rnto next st, 2sc into next st] 6 times. (18 sts).
the tower (see facing page) and stitch randomly along stl 6 times.
Rnd 4: llsc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next
the braided hair. (24 sts).
Rnd 5: [lsc into each of next 3 sts, Zsc into next st] 6 times.
(30 sts).
.i; Rnd 6: 1sc into each of next 2 sts, 2sc into next st, [1sc into
e ll:,

ii each of next 4 sts, 2sc into next stl 5 times, 1sc into each of
"iiil' next 2 sts. (36 sts).
ui' Rnd 7: [lsc into each of next 5 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
"ii (42 sts)

=iii Rnd 8: []sc into each of next 6 sts, 2sc into next stl 5 times.
(48 sts)
I Rnd 9: [1sc into each of next 7 sts, 2sc into next st] 6 times.
(54 sts)
- Rnd 10: working into back loops only, 1sc into every st.
: Rep Rnd 10 until piece is long enough to completely cover
the crisp tube.
Next Rnd: workrng into front loops only [1sc into each of
next B sts, 2sc into next stl 6 times. (50 sts).
Rep Rnd 10 tor 11lqin (3cm).
Next Rnd (Turrets): working into front loops only, *miss 2
sts, (3dc,3ch, 1sl st into 3rd ch from hook,3dc) all into next
st, miss 2 sts, sl st into next st, [ep from * to end.
(10 turrets).

tt I



lnside edge Left side

Rep Rnd 1O f or (3cm), working the lst repeat rnd into
111+in Repeat instructions as given for the right side from - :o --
the back loops of previous (turret) rnd. joining yarn to bottom edge of tower approximaiely ?',t ';n
Cut yarn and fasten off. (7cm) to the left of first stem and leaning the main s:em
Fold inside edge to the tnside and sl st into place Spray towards the right after 3llqin (B.Scm). Remove tower f rcr'-
turrets with spray starch and leave to dry completely then tube then weave all ends through to the inside and trim
slide tower over crisp tube.
Foliage Make 1O in any color of yarn.
Using 3mm (US C/2 or Dl3, UK 11) hook and chosen yarn,
Note: you wrll find it easier to work the foliage onto the make a magic loop or 2ch.
tower when it's on the tube. Rnd 1: 6sc into the centre of the magic loop, or into 2nd
ch from hook. (5 sts). Pull yarn end gently to close up ihe
Riq ht side magic loop. Sl st into first sc, cut yarn and fasten off
*Using 3.5mm (US t/4, UK 9) hook and Yarn F, make a lf you used the 2ch starting method, thread same color
slip knot onto hook. Join with a sl st to any stitch along yarn through the WS of the 6sc and pull tight to close the
the bottom edge of the tower. For the main stem, surface hole. Tie ends and trim.
crochet (see special stitches), vertically up the front of Cut a 73loin (2Ocm) length of contrast yarn and make 4
tower for j1l+ia (Scm) then continue to surface crochet, or 5 knots in the centre of the yarn. Thread the yarn ends
leaning towards the left for 111+in (3cm). Cut yarn and fasten through the centre of the flower from front to back, leaving
off. Work 3 or 4 additional branches from the main stem in the knot visible at the front of the flower Tie ends together
the same way using the image as a guide. ** on WS and use the ends to stitch flower in place along
the stem. Repeat instructions to make remaining flowers
Replace tower onto crisp tube.

Doo r
Note: You will find it easier to stitch the door on the tower
when it's on the tube.

Cut a door-shaped template f rom paper or card (using

the image as a guide) that measures approximately
21loin (5.5cm) wide by 3in (7.5cm) high. Use the
template to cut out a door from black felt. Pin onto
tower and stitch in place with black sewing thread,
4d. a'. using small running stitches approximately

, 1l+in (0.5cm) from the edge. Cut out a small

key-hole shape from gray felt and glue to one

side of door. Stand Rapunzel in the tower.





**l"i' -..



approx approximatelY
beg beginning
ch(s) chain(s)
cm ce ntimet res
cont continue
dc double crochet
dec decrease
in inch(es)
inc increase
incl including
mm millimetres
rem remains/remaining
re p re Peat
rnd round
RS right side (of work)
sc single crochet

ss s liP st itc h

st (s)
st itc h (es) i:,.


together 1


tr treble ;;,


WS wrong side (of work) il'



yoh yarn over hook fj,





ffiffiffiffifuffire; ffiffiffiwffiffiffiKmffiffi


ffiffi ffiK
single crochet (sc) double crochet (dc)

half double (hdc)



,iii half treble (htr)
double (dc) treble (tr)
treble (tr)

double treble (dtr)
'ttl doubte treble (dtr) triple treble (ttr)



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