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// Maximum slots supported in the wheel is 12

// the left most edge of slot 0 starts on the wheel here and goes around
// angle 0 is north, angle 180 is south

starting_angle 0


"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Main"
"label" "Request"
"wedgesize" 40
"nav" "request"
"label" "Status"
"wedgesize" 40
"nav" "status"
"label" "Respond"
"wedgesize" 40
"nav" "respond"
"label" "Numbers"
"wedgesize" 40
"nav" "numbers"
"label" "Locations"
"wedgesize" 40
"nav" "locations"
"label" "Custom"
"wedgesize" 40
"label" "Custom"
"wedgesize" 40
"label" "Custom"
"wedgesize" 40
"label" "Custom"
"wedgesize" 40


"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Request"
"label" "Move"
"wedgesize" 60
"nav" "request_move"

"label" "Prepare"
"wedgesize" 60
"nav" "request_prepare"

"label" "Attack"
"wedgesize" 60
"nav" "request_attack"

"label" "Throw"
"wedgesize" 60
"nav" "request_throw"

"label" "Defend"
"wedgesize" 60
"nav" "request_defend"

"label" "Defuse Now"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio
WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb \"Defuse Now\""

"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Move"

"label" "Stick Together"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.StickTogether \"Stick

"label" "Follow Me"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.FollowMe \"Follow me\""

"label" "Spread Out"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.SpreadOut \"Spread out\""

"label" "Fall Back"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.TeamFallBack \"Fall back\""

"label" "Go Go Go!"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.GoGoGo \"Go Go Go!\""

"label" "Go To..."
"wedgesize" 60
"nav" "locations"

"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Prepare"

"label" "Request Eco Round"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.EcoRound \"We should eco\""

"label" "Request Leader"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.NeedLeader \"Who will

"label" "Request Weapon"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.NeedDrop \"Can I have a

"label" "Request Plan"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.NeedPlan \"What's the

"label" "Request Spend Round"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.SpendRound \"We should


"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Attack"
"label" "Go Go Go!"
"wedgesize" 180
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.GoGoGo \"Go Go Go!\""

"label" "Get Hostage"
"wedgesize" 180
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocHostage \"Get the

"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Throw"

"label" "Decoy"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.NeedDecoy Decoy"

"label" "Smoke"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.NeedSmoke Smoke"

"label" "Grenade"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.FireInTheHole Grenade"

"label" "Fire"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Molotov Fire"

"label" "Flashbang"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Flashbang \"Flashbang\""

"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Defend"

"label" "Request Quiet"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.NeedQuiet \"Be quiet!\""

"label" "Cover Me"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.CoverMe \"Cover me\""

"label" "Need Help"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio help \"I need help\""

"label" "Hold Position"
"wedgesize" 60
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.HoldPosition \"Hold your


"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Status"

"label" "I'm at..."
"wedgesize" 50
"nav" "locations"

"label" "OMW to..."
"wedgesize" 50
"nav" "locations"

"label" "Bomb"
"wedgesize" 50
"nav" "bombstatus"

"label" "Enemies Seen"
"wedgesize" 50
"nav" "enemiesseenstatus"

"label" "Enemy Killed"
"wedgesize" 50
"nav" "enemykilledstatus"

"label" "Combat"
"wedgesize" 50
"nav" "combatstatus"


"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Bomb Status"

"label" "Guarding Bomb"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio GoingToGuardLooseBomb \"Guarding
the bomb\""

"label" "Bombsite Clear"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio BombsiteClear \"Bombsite clear\""

"label" "Dropped Bomb"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio SpottedLooseBomb \"Bomb has been

// "omwtobomb"
// {
// "label" "OMW to Bomb"
// "wedgesize" 50
// "cmd" "playerradio TODO \"On my way to the bomb\""
// }

"label" "Bomb Picked Up"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.PickedUpC4 \"Bomb has been
picked up\""

"label" "Planting at A"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.PlantingAtA \"Planting at

"label" "Planting at B"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.PlantingAtB \"Planting at

"label" "Planted"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.WePlanted Planted"


"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Enemies Seen"

"label" "I saw them"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.EnemySpotted \"I saw them\""
"label" "At Location..."
"wedgesize" 50
"nav" "locations"

"label" "Saw Sniper"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio SniperWarning \"Saw a sniper\""

"label" "Saw bomb carrier"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio SpottedBomber \"Saw the bomb

"label" "Three Left"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio ThreeEnemiesLeft \"Three left\""

"label" "Two Left"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio TwoEnemiesLeft \"Two left\""

"label" "One Left"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio OneEnemyLeft \"One left\""

"label" "None Left"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Clear \"None left\""


"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Enemy Killed"
// "sawyourkill"
// {
// "label" "Saw your kill"
// "wedgesize" 50
// "cmd" "playerradio TODO \"I saw your kill\""
// }

"label" "I Killed Them"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio KilledMyEnemy \"I killed them\""

"label" "I got a headshot"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.MyHeadshot \"I got a head

"label" "I killed a sniper"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.IKilledSniper \"I killed a

"label" "We killed a sniper"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio SniperKilled \"We killed a

"label" "Saw your headshot"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.SawHeadshot \"I saw your


"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Combat"
"label" "Attacking"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.ImAttacking Attacking"

"label" "Covering"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio CoveringFriend Covering"

"label" "Pinned"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio PinnedDown \"I'm pinned\""

"label" "Taking fire"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio InCombat \"Taking fire\""

"label" "Taking friendly fire"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio FriendlyFire \"Taking friendly

"label" "Last unit alive"
"wedgesize" 50
"cmd" "playerradio LastManStanding \"Last unit

"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Respond"
"label" "We Won!"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio WonRound \"We won\""

"label" "We Lost"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio TeamLeadLost \"We lost the lead\""

"label" "We're winning"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio TeamLeadWon \"We're winning\""

"label" "We're losing"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.RoundLost \"We lost the

"label" "Thanks"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Thanks Thanks"

"label" "Scared"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio ScaredEmote \"I'm scared\""

"label" "Sorry"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Sorry \"I'm sorry\""

"label" "Compliment"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Compliment \"Good job\""

"label" "No"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Disagree No"

"label" "Yes"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Agree Yes"

"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Numbers"
"label" "One"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num1 One"

"label" "Two"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num2 Two"

"label" "Three"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num3 Three"

"label" "Four"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num4 Four"

"label" "Five"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num5 Five"

"label" "Six"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num6 Six"

"label" "Seven"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num7 Seven"
"label" "Eight"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num8 Eight"

"label" "Nine"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num9 Nine"

"label" "Ten"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.Num10 Ten"

"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Locations"
"label" "Locations A-F"
"wedgesize" 180
"nav" "locationsaf"
"label" "Locations G-Z"
"wedgesize" 180
"nav" "locationsgz"

"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Locations A-F"
"label" "Bombsite A"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocBombA \"A bomb site\""
"label" "Bombsite B"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocBombB \"B bomb site\""
"label" "Back"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocBack Back"
"label" "Catwalk"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocCatwalk Catwalk"
"label" "Connector"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocConnector Connector"
"label" "Enemy Spawn"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocEnemySpawn \"Enemy
"label" "Door"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocDoor Door"
"label" "Double Doors"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocDoubleDoors \"Double
"label" "Hostage Escape Zone"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio
Radio.LocHostageEscapeZone \"Hostage escape zone\""
"label" "Front"
"wedgesize" 36
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocFront Front"

"wedgesize" 0
"label" "Locations G-Z"
"label" "Hostage"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocHostage Hostage"
"label" "Hut"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocHut Hut"
"label" "Long"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocLong Long"
"label" "Mid"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocMid Mid"
"label" "Overpass"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocOverpass Overpass"
"label" "Palace"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocPalace Palace"
"label" "Platform"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocPlatform platform"
"label" "Ramp"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocRamp ramp"
"label" "Sniper's Nest"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocSnipersNest snipersnest"
"label" "Stairs"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocStairs Stairs"
"label" "Our Spawn"
"wedgesize" 33
"cmd" "playerradio Radio.LocOurSpawn \"Our spawn\""


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