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The Seafarer's

Language Course

This course was created by Conrad Languages Ltd. It is hoped that it will help meet
the long felt need for an English Language Course that contains relevant job related

I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all those who have given their
invaluable assistance and advice, especially the Marine Operation Services
Department, Shell International, London and British Petroleum, London.

A special mention is also due to the members of the Conrad Research Department
and to all those whose help has proved a valuable source of encouragement.
Copies of this programme can be obtained from Fairplay Publicat Ions Ltd, 52
Southwark Street, London SE1 1UJ or direct from Conrad Languages Ltd, 53/55
Theobald's Road, London WC1, England.
Printed in Great Britain by Page Bros (Norwich) Ltd, Mile ('ross Lune, Norwich,
Norfolk NR6 6SA.

This programme is intended for seafarers whose mother tongue is not English, but who
need to communicate in that language. English is becoming the most extensively used
language of the sea, being that generally used in intership communications and
navigational/meteorological warnings. There is a definite need for an international
language at sea, and it is the already widespread use of English which makes it the most
practical choice.

This programme has been written by seafarers for seafarers. Common aspects of a
seafarers life are described, in which frequent use of marine terminology and jargon is
included. It is intended that the dialogues in conjunction with the audio cassettes
should provide a realistic and practical framework for a seafarer's learning of English.

The course has been designed in such a way as to describe, scene by scene, various
situations that occur during the voyage of an oil tanker from Punta Cardon Venezuela
to Piney Point, U.S.A.

Each scene contains dialogues and descriptive passages followed by extracts from the
Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary related to that particular scene. In some
cases, documents, check lists and forms have also been included. In order for the
material to he fully exploited various language exercises are given. These, together
with the dialogues can also be found on the cassettes. The pack contains check lists of
Bridge Procedures which can be a useful guide, and should be used as a key to projects
set at the end of various scenes.


There are many types of sea-going vessels other than oil tankers and tankers themselves
can be divided into various categories: gas tankers--liquified petroleum gas, LPG or
natural gas, LNG; obos—oil--bulk oil, which some-times carry oil and sometimes carry
bulk such as grain, feeding stuffs or ore. Ships that ply the sea also include general
cargo ships either of the break bulk or dry bulk type; roll-on roll-off (known as ro/ros,
container ships; reefer ships and barge carriers. There are passenger ships ranging from
large ocean going liners to small cabin cruisers, private yachts, and of course, the vast
range of military warships of different types and tonnage.


Leaving Cardon Scene 1 Loading Page 1

Scene 2 Preparations for the Voyage Page 7

Scene 3 Un-berthing and Departure Page 13

Scene 4 Fire on Board! Page 21

Scene 5 Arriving in the US — Manoeuvring Page 31

Scene 6 Pilotage Exchanges Page 39

Scene 7 Anchoring Page 47

Scene 8 Mooring operations Page 53

Scene 9 Oil Pollution Prevention Measures Page 63

Scene 10 Engine Breakdown Page 67

Finale Return Voyage Page 73

Glossary Page 74

Bridge Procedures Page 85

INTRODUCTION Leaving Chardon


On completion of loading it is important that all ullages, specific gravities and temperatures
of the cargo are checked in order to calculate the quantity of cargo loaded, and compare this
figure with that provided by the shore installations.

Preparations for departure include planning the voyage. The Navigator, together with the
Captain, ensures that all charts to be used have been corrected and are up-to-date in respect
of Navigational and Meteorological warnings. The distance and course to, and the estimated
time of arrival (E.T.A.) at the ship's destination are calculated.


The "Mara" is alongside at Punta Cardon loading a Fuel Oil cargo for the U.S. It is 0930.
The Captain telephones the Chief Officer, and asks him to come to his office. The Chief
Officer arrives, and the two proceed to discuss the cargo loading and preparations for
leaving port.

Captain: Good Morning, Jose. When do you expect to complete loading?

Chief Officer: I think everything will be finished by 1300, Sir. All the Fuel Oil 55444 is now
loaded and we are receiving the 55322 at two thousand tons per hour with
about 5000'tons yet to load.

Captain: Good. I'll leave you to warn the Engine Room and do the usual crew check.
Meanwhile, I'll see to it that tugs and a Pilot are available when we are ready
to sail. Tell me, how are the cargo temperatures?

Chief Officer: The loaded temperatures for both grades are averaging about 130°F. The
heating coils are of course in operation. I've checked the temperatures of
those tanks loaded in the early hours of this morning and they are perfectly
all right.

Captain: Well, thank you Jose. I think that is all for now. On your way down, ask the Second
Officer to come and see me, and please keep me advised of any changes in the loading rate.

Chief Officer: Yes, Sir. Actually, I think the Second Officer is on the Bridge.

Captain: In that case, don't bother. I'll go up and see him.

The Captain leaves his office and goes up to the Bridge where he meets the Second Officer
in the chart room.

Captain: Good morning, Pablo. I'd like to go over the charts and navigation warnings
for the voyage.
The Second Officer, who has been working on the charts which will be needed for the
forthcoming voyage, places a large folio of charts on the table in front of the Captain. With
the officer looking on, the Captain carefully examines each one in turn. He checks the
courses that have been drawn for the voyage from Cardon around the Paraguana Peninsula
northwards to the Mona Passage and from there to Cape Henry.

Captain: Yes. I think this all looks very satisfactory, but I would like you to mark on the
chart the arcs of extreme range for Mona Island Light and Aquila Point
Light. We are sure of being at the Mona Passage after dusk tomorrow. Also,
I would like you to work out the steaming time from here to a position
abeam of Mona Island Light at 14.25 knots.

Second Officer: Yes, in fact I have already worked out the steaming times for that leg at
14.0, 14.25 and 14.5 knots. I've written them on this chit for you.

Captain: Oh, good. Thank you. Now, let me see the navigation Warnings.

Second Officer: Here they are. I don't think there is anything that will affect us this trip.
The Aquila Point Light which was working at reduced power a few days
ago, is now back to full strength.

The Captain carefully checks through the sheaf of navigation warnings, and nodding
agreement that none of them will affect the ship's intended voyage, thanks the Second Officer
and leaves the Bridge.

It is not intended that use of the vocabulary shall be mandatory, but rather through
constant repetition in ships and in training establishments ashore, that the phrases and
terms used will become those normally accepted and commonplace among seamen.
Use of the contents of the vocabulary should be made as often as possible in preference
to other wording of similar meaning.

In this way it is intended to become an acceptable "language", using the English

tongue, for the interchange of intelligence between individuals of all maritime nations
on the many and varied occasions when precise meanings and translations are in doubt,
increasingly evident under modern conditions at sea.

The typographical conventions used throughout most of this vocabulary are as


( ) brackets indicate that the part of the message enclosed within the brackets may
be added where it is relevant.

/oblique stroke indicates that the items on either side of the stroke are

... dots indicate that the relevant information is to be filled in where the dots
Navigational Warnings
There is a dangerous wreck /rock/shoal in position (marked by
showing ......).

There is a drifting mine reported in position ............................

There is a gas leakage (from fractured pipeline) in position ...

There is a slick of oil in position ................(extending ).

There are pipeline/cable-laying operations in position ............

There are salvage/oil clearance operations in position ..........

You are not complying with traffic regulations. You are not keeping

to your correct traffic lane.

There is a vessel in position ...............on course ............and speed which is not

complying with traffic regulations.

There is a vessel anchored ahead of you in position ................

There is a vessel ahead obstructing your movements.

There is a hampered vessel in position ......on course and speed

You will meet crossing traffic at ..............................................

There is a vessel crossing traffic lane on course and speed .....

in position ..................................................................................

There are many fishing vessels at .............................................

Route/traffic lane has been suspended/discontinued/diverted.


to do things. Orders I.

Notice how we use the imperative to give orders. e.g.

See that tugs are available!
Tell the Second Officer to come here!
Politer forms would be:-
(a) Please remember to see that tugs are available.
(b) Would you mind telling the Second Officer to come here? Other forms
taken from the dialogue are as follows:-

I'd like you to ..................................................................................

I'll leave you to ................................................................................

Keep me advised ............................................................................

Ask ..................................................................................................

Let me .............................................................................................

Now using the polite forms give orders from the following prompts: e.g.
keep quiet/Bridge
Please remember to keep quiet on the Bridge.

warn/engine room/crew check

check/temperatures/tanks tell/changes/loading rate

go over/charts

keep me advised/cargo temperatures examine/navigation

charts work out/steaming time

make sure/clocks/synchronised batten/cargo openings

Orders II.

Various types of structures are used in giving orders. One of them is called the
accusative/infinitive: e.g.
Tell him to report to me.

Now using this structure supply your own responses to the following statements: Chief
Officer: He's waiting outside, Sir.
captain: Tell him to come in at once.

He's just come on board, Sir. Tell ...

They're loading the fuel oil, Sir. Remind ...

The crew are already on hoard, Sir. Ask ...

Visibility will be poor, Sir. Advise ...

He can? manage that weight himself, Sir. Help ...

We had a fire on our last voyage, Sir. Warn ...

He refuses to leave his cabin, Sir. Order ...

We're still not absolutely sure about the fuel oil burner, Sir. Get ...

We're way behind schedule, Sir, Urge ...

His English is poor, Sir! Encourage ...


cargo of oil.

An oil tanker is a cargo ship specially designed and built for carrying petroleum in bulk.
Below deck it is basically a long steel tank divided into a series of compartments. The
forward spaces are designed to carry water, stores and spare bunkers, and the after-spaces
contain the ship 's boilers and engines, water, stores and oil bunkers. Between these end-
spaces the rest of the ship is divided into a number of separate compartments for carrying
the oil cargo and water ballast.

Each compartment is oil-tight and water-tight, with a steel access hatch. A vent pipe is
fitted with a special valve to ensure that cargo tanks remain close to atmospheric pressure.
The oil tanks are linked by a system of pipelines, by which each can be filled or emptied
independently; these pipelines are controlled by numerous valves and are connected to the
cargo pumps housed in the after-part. From these pumps, pipes rise to the ship's deck,
terminating at manifolds conveniently placed amidships for connecting to shore pipelines
for loading and discharging the cargo. The oil cargo tanks are strengthened internally by
framing. They are separated from the engine room by empty spaces called cofferdams, by
permanent water ballast tanks, or by a combination of both.

The tops of these together form the ship 's upper or weather deck. On this is built a large
structure aft, comprising the navigating bridge and the accommodation for the ship's
Captain, his officers and his crew.

Comprehension Questions

1. What is the simplest way of describing a tanker?

2. How is a tanker divided below deck?

3. How are the pipelines of each compartment controlled?

4. How is the oil discharged into shore pipelines?

5. What is the weather deck? And what is built on it?

READING PASSAGE Loading and Preparations

As with tankers the preparation (Ur departure for all ships requires the same careful attention. The captain of
a passenger ship or cargo ship will need to verify that the charts are correct and up-to-date, that the
navigational/ meteorological warnings are clear and understood and the ETA at the ship's destination has
been calculated.

Loading procedures obviously vary with the design and construction of the ship and the type of cargo to be
loaded. Different ships require different port facilities. Container ships, for example, usually go under
container cranes; an oil or LNG tanker will require specialist facilities; a ro/ro ship will usually have its
bow or stern up to the pier with the ramp down so that vehicles can easily drive on and off; a general cargo
ship will go alongside the berth and cranes will load or off-load the cargo. In those ports that do not have
suitable loading equipment, the ships will use their own gear to off-load to the pier or barges.

Important factors to be considered in regards to container ships would be how many cranes are available to
work the vessel, how many 20' and 40' containers are to be moved on or off and the rate per hour. The
answer to these questions would affect the length of time that the ships would be in port and how many
gangs would be necessary to work the vessel. For a ro/ ro ship it would be important to know how many
vehicles usually move on and off per hour. All these matters would be discussed by the Chief Officer and the
Shore-cargo Operations Superintendent.

Comprehension Questions
1. What types of loading procedures are required for the following ships: container ships, ro/ro, and
general cargo ships?

2. What factors must be considered for unloading container ships?

3. Who discusses matters concerning loading?

INTRODUCTION Preparations for the voyage

Amongst the several other preparations for departure `battening down' is very important.
Not only are all the cargo openings and vents closed but also the cargo lines and the
pumping system are shut down.

All Bridge equipment is tested and Bridge and Engine Room clocks are synchronised. The
Captain will examine and sign any cargo statements and performance reports. Port clearance
too is a necessary procedure before leaving harbour and usually involves customs,
immigration and other port officials.

It is now 13.15. The loading of the cargo has been completed on time and personnel from
the shore are disconnecting the loading arms. On the deck some members of the crew are
busy battening down the tank openings, closing valves in the cargo lines and stowing away
various equipment which has been used during the loading operation — dip sticks, ullage
tapes, sample cans and thermometers. In the cargo office, the Chief Officer is completing
his calculations of the quantity of oil loaded. He has already checked the draught marks
and is now waiting for shore officials to arrive to complete the documentation of the cargo.

Meanwhile, on the Bridge the Second Officer is preparing to test the steering and navigation
equipment and to synchronise the clocks.

Second Officer: (On the telephone to the Engine Room): Hello, is it all right to test the
steering gear? Yes? Thank you. The time is now 13.17.

Having tested the steering gear, the officer returns to the telephone and confirms with the
engineer that the steering equipment is working correctly. He then telephones the Captain.

In his office the Captain receives the Second Officer's call.

Captain. Bridge equipment tested and satisfactory. Good. Thank you, Pablo.
The Chief Officer enters.

Captain: Good afternoon, Jose. Everything all right?

Chief Officer: Good afternoon, Sir. Yes, cargo as planned at 13.05. Hoses are being
disconnected and tanks battened down. I have the cargo figures here; our
own, and those calculated by the shore. You will see there is very little
difference between the two; about 25 tons overall.
The Chief Officer gives the Captain the cargo statement and a performance report of the
loading operations. The Captain studies both these documents before signing each one and
handing them back to the Chief Officer.

Captain: Thank you, Jose. A good job done. Now, we've already checked that everyone is
on board. The engine room is ready and the bridge equipment has been
tested. All we need now is a Pilot, the tugs, and our clearance papers.

At this point some shore officials arrive at the Captain 's office and the Chief Officer leaves.
The Captain invites the officials to sit down and together they go through the formalities of
clearing the ship outwards. The immigration authorities are provided with details of the
crew and there is a declaration of stores and cargo for the customs authorities. These, and
other formalities completed, the Captain is given clearance to leave port.
orders: 1.

We can comply with orders in the following manner: e.g.

Order: Test the steering gear! Response: Aye, Aye,

Sir, Yes, Sir.
Ok, Sir.

We may add a rephrased version of the response when we do not personally carry out the
order e.g.
Order: Test the steering gear!
Response: Yes, Sir. I'll see that the steering gear is tested at once.
Now using this particular structure, comply with the following orders: Disconnect

the loading arms!

Batten down the tank openings!

Test the Bridge equipment!

Close the valves in the cargo lines!

Stow the dip sticks!

Synchronise the clocks!

Check the cargo figures with the shore figures! Do a crew-


Ship the gangway!

Rig the derrick!

Complying with orders: 2.

Sometimes the act of complying with an order is in the process of being carried out when
the order is given. e.g.
Order: Test the steering gear!
Response: The steering gear is being tested at the moment, Sir.

Now from the prompts (1), form responses using this structure. Complying

with orders: 3.
On board ship it is very rare that a subordinate officer or rating refuses to carry out an order
of a superior officer. However, there may be valid reasons for not being able to comply
with an order. e.g.
Order: Tell Ricardo to take over the Middle Watch!
Response: I'm sorry, Sir. He's just been taken sick.
Now form orders from the following prompts and give a reason for not being able to
serve/lunch check/crew list
radio/ashore disconnect/loading arms
change over/settling tanks rig/derrick
drain/fuel lines batten/cargo openings.


The Structure of a Tanker

Some of the oil tankers at present in service have three separate superstructures; a
forecastle space used for stores, a midship deckhouse containing the navigating Bridge,
stores and accommodation for the Captain and some of his officers and cadets, and a large
poop deckhouse with more accommodation, messrooms, galley and stores. These
superstructures are connected by a fore-and-aft gangway, which runs along the ship about
eight feet above the weather deck; this permits the seamen to pass safely from one
deckhouse to another if decks are awash in rough seas.
Oil tankers may be driven by diesel engines or by steam turbines, each of which method
has certain advantages and disadvantages. Steam turbines need less attention, and steam
from the main boilers can be used to drive the pumps for discharging cargo and to heat
heavy oil cargoes to make them pumpable. A diesel ship, which has to have special steam
raising plant for these jobs, may in other ways be more economical.
Tankers are permitted to load more deeply than conventional cargo ships because their
division into watertight compartments makes them exceptionally strong and buoyant, and
because the deck openings are less vulnerable to sea penetration than the hatches of dry
cargo ships. The cargo is stowed safely in all weathers and all risks of instability, fire or
leakage are fully met.

Comprehension Questions
1. How many separate superstructures do some tankers have? What are they?

2. How are the superstructures connected?

3. Why is the gangway eight feet above the weatherdeck?

4. What are the advantages of a steam turbine?

5. Why are tankers exceptionally strong and buoyant?

READING PASSAGE Final Preparations

The dialogue that you have just listened to would be similar to that of most ships.
However, there are slight differences. On a container ship, important points for the
Captain to check with the Chief-Mate would he to verify whether the lashing gang
is finished, the containers have been secured and stowed on deck. On a ro/ro ship he
would need to know whether all the cargo has been loaded in its rightful place and
has been lashed down. He would also need to check that the ramp is up. On a
general cargo ship he would need to verify whether all the loading has been
completed, that the hatches have been secured and that all the long-shore gangs are
off the vessel. The Captain should also check that hazardous or dangerous cargo
has been correctly stored and labelled and that the appropriate documentation is
available for the shore officials.

Hazardous cargo must obviously, be clearly indicated so that in the event of a fire,
the most suitable fire fighting techniques and equipment would be used.
Comprehension Questions
1. What important points must the Captain check with the chief-mate for a
container ship?
2. What points must he check for a ro/ro ship and general cargo ship?

3. What factors must be observed for hazardous cargo?


The operation of un-berthing, when the ship slips her moorings, should be preceded by
a discussion amongst the ship 's officers and the Pilot of the actual procedure for getting
the ship away.

"Stand-by Fore and Aft" is announced after the ship 's gangway is hauled aboard. The
Pilot, with his special knowledge of local tides, currents and hazards, will conduct the
operation, assisted by the Captain and his officers. Tugs are some-times made fast to
the vessel, either on the quarter and/or the bow to assist in the handling of the ship.

When the ship has finally cleared the port and the Pilot has disembarked it is "Full
Away on Passage" to the ship's next destination.

A short while later tugs are arriving alongside and the crew are standing by to remove
the gangway. The Pilot arrives and the crew, using one of the ship's derricks, begin to
remove the gangway. The Pilot is met by one of the officers and goes to meet the
Captain on the Bridge. They quickly confer over the unmooring operation.

Pilot: The `Santa Rosa' will make fast on the starboard bow and the 'Santa Anna ' will
be on the starboard quarter. Single up to one spring and breastline each

Captain: Fine. Will we be using the ship 's or the tugs' towing wires?

Pilot: We'll use the ship's.

Captain: (To Officers) Right, we'll go straight to stations now. Single up to a breastline
and spring each end. Ship 's wires to the tugs.

Two of the officers leave to take up unmooring stations; one on the forecastle, the
other on the poop.

On the Bridge, the assisting officer has telephoned the engine room to warn the engineers
that the ship is about to let go. The engine room telegraph is rung to "Standby."
The Captain and the Pilot stand together watching the moorings being let go. They can
communicate with the Forecastle and Poop by hand radio or telephone.

Captain: (On his hand radio) "Mara" Fo'csle and "Mara" Poop. How do you
receive me?

Chief Officer: (Replying on the radio) "Mara" Bridge, this is "Mara" Fo'csle.
Receiving you loud and clear.

Second Officer:(Replying on the radio) "Mara" Bridge, this is "Mara" Poop. Receiving
you loud and clear.

Captain: "Mara" Poop and "Mara" Fo'csle. Start singling-up.

Chief Officer: Starting to single-up, Sir.

Second Officer:Starting to single-up Sir. (Ten minutes


Chief Officer: Mara" Bridge, this is "Mara" Fo'csle.

(captain: Cone in, Fo'csle.

Chief Officer: Singled up forward, Sir; to one breastline and a spring. Tug `Santa Rosa'
fast starboard bow. Ship's wire.

Captain: Roger , Fo'csle. Standby. (A few minutes


Pilot: Let go forward.

Captain: Mara" Fo'csle, this is "Mara" Bridge. Let go.

Chief Officer: "Mara" Bridge, this is "Mara" Fo'csle. Let go. "Mara" Bridge, this is "Mara"
Fo'csle. All gone and clear forward.
Captain: (to Pilot) All clear forward, Pilot.

Pilot: Thank you, Captain. Have the after breastline turned up on the winch and
heave on it.

Captain: "Mara" Poop, this is "Mara" Bridge. Come in.

Second Officer: "Mara" Bridge, this is "Mara" Poop.

Captain: Pablo, put the breastline on the winch and heave on it. Heave it easy.

Second Officer: Heave easy on the breastline, Sir.

The Captain and the Pilot stand together on the port Bridge wing, which over looks the
jetty, watching the bow slowly swinging away from the berth.

Pilot: Let go aft.

Captain: "Mara" Poop, this is "Mara" Bridge. Let go aft.

Second Officer: "Mara" Bridge, this is "Mara" Poop. Let go, Sir. (A minute


Second Officer: "Mara" Bridge, this is "Mara" Poop. All gone and clear aft.
Captain: Mara" Poop. All gone and clear aft, thank you. (To Pilot) All gone clear
aft. Pilot.

Pilot: Thank you, Captain. Wheel amidships, slow ahead.

Captain: (To Officer in wheelhouse) Wheel amidships, slow ahead.

Third Officer: Wheel is amidships, Sir. Slow ahead.

The Third Officer rings the engine room telegraph to Slow Ahead. He watches the engine
tachometer and when the engine starts he calls to the Captain.

Third Officcr: Engines moving ahead now, Sir.

Captain: Thank you.

Pilot: Starboard 20.

Captain: (To Helmsman) Starboard 20.

Helmsman: Starboard 20, Sir. 20 degrees of starboard wheel on, Sir.

Captain : Thank you.

With a sequence of helm and engine orders, given by this form of interchange between
Pilot, Captain, Third Officer and Helmsman, the ship is manoeuvred away from the jetty.
When the ship is well clear of the jetty, the tugs are let go and a launch approaches to
disembark the Pilot.

Pilot: Well, Captain, I'll be going now.

Captain: Thank you, Pilot. (To the Third Officer) Take the Pilot down.

The ship, now clear of the jetty is moving at very low speed away from Punta Cardon.
The Pilot climbs down a ladder into the launch, which immediately moves off at high

The Captain instructs the Helmsman to bring the ship on to the first leg of the planned
course, while the Third Officer, who has now returned to the Bridge is busy plotting the
ship's position on the chart.

Meanwhile, on the Poop and Forecastle, all the mooring ropes and wires and the fire-
fighting equipment -- hoses and dry-chemical extinguishers — are being stowed away
and the watertight doors are being secured.

Some thirty minutes later, the Chief Officer arrives on the Bridge. By this time, the ship
has built up to full speed and is heading northwards around the Paraguana Peninsula.

Captain: Hello, Jose. Well, is everything under control?

Chief Officer: All the moorings are stowed away. The Pilot ladder is secured, and the
Fo'csle and forward facing doors have been battened down.

Captain: Good. Is the fire gear stowed away?

Chief Officer: Yes, Sir.

Captain: Have you double checked on the tank openings?

Chief Officer: Yes, Sir. All secure.

Captain: How about the Pumproom?

Chief Officer: I've checked it and it's been battened down.

Captain: Fine. Well, thank you, Jose. That 's all for now.
The Chief Officer leaves the Bridge and the Captain goes to study the chart. With the ship
now en-route to the U.S., he wishes to send a cable to his company 's agents giving them
details of his E.T.A. and arrival draughts.

Using a chit on which the steaming times at various speeds have been worked out, he prepares
a message on a cable form and passes it through to the Radio Room for transmission.

The voyage has started.


Are you under' way ?

I am underway.
I am ready to get underway.
I am not ready to get underway. You must get


I am making way through the water. I have/do not

have steerage way. Vessel in position (make fast).

Move ahead/astern (feet/metres).

Let go head/stern/spring/towing line.

Verifying that something has been done.

Notice how the Captain in the dialogue verifies that something has been done or an order
carried out:-
Captain: Have you double checked on the tank openings?
Chief Officer: Yes Sir, all secure.

Notice the affirmative answer and the clarification clause.

Now using the prompts below, verify that something has been done and give a suitable
clarification clause in the response.
Example: Bridge equipment?
Captain: Have you checked the Bridge Equipment?
Chief Officer: Yes Sir, tested and satisfactory.

The Pumproom? Firegear?

Mooring ropes? Watertight doors?

Forecastle doors? Gangway?

The clocks?

Cargo lines?

Value openings? Crew?

Steering gear?

Project 1.

Prepare a checklist detailing leaving port procedures.



The Captain of a large oil tanker has under his command a crew of some 32 to 40 officers
and men. He may have three or four navigating officers, a radio officer, seven engineer
officers, deck and engineer cadets, a catering officer or chief steward, petty officers and
ratings employed in deck and engine or catering departments. For some time now it has
been common to combine the ratings of the deck and engine departments into a general
purpose department responsible to the Chief Engineer.

For efficient and economical operation, it is important to keep to a minimum the time spent
in port. So before the tanker reaches her loading point the oil company sends the ship a
radio message telling the Captain the types and qualities of oil he is to load, and where he is
to deliver the cargo. With this information the Captain and Chief Officer work out a plan for
any necessary tank cleaning and for the placing of the cargo in the ship's tanks. When the
loading point is reached, the pipeline manifolds on the deck of the tanker are connected to
the pipeline manifolds ashore by means of strong flexible hosepipes or articulated rigid
pipes, and powerful shore-pumps load the cargo at rates varying from 3,000 to over 12,000
tons per hour in the case of a large crude oil carrier. As soon as she is loaded, the tanker
sails away.

Comprehension Questions
1. I low large is the crew of a tanker? I low is it usually divided?
2. How are the ratings employed?

3. Which departments are now combined?

4. Why is it important to keep to a minimum the time spent in port?

5. What information is needed before plans can be made for tank cleaning and the loading
of new cargo?

Before a ship slips her moorings, everything must be ready for voyage. At the
completion of the loading of a ro/ro ship, a general cargo ship or a container ship that is
equipped with hull openings, the Captain would need to verify that they have been closed
and properly secured. A ship's draught plays a critical role in the manouverability and
safety of a ship and precise draught levels must be given to the Captain and
communicated to the Pilot.

Ships handle differently and at different loading conditions. Oil tankers, for example,
often sail from one port to another with a full load of oil and return with ballast with a
lighter draught. Some vessels are equipped with bow-thrusters and/or sternthrusters
which will enable them to unberth under certain conditions without the assistance of tugs.
Obviously, such factors as currents and winds will also affect the manouverability of a
ship in an unberthing position.

The draught level can affect the time of departure in many ports due to the water over the
bar under certain tidal conditions. This is particularly so if the vessel has to go out
through locks where it is critical to get into or out of the lock at the right tidal level.
1. What does the Captain of a container ship need to verify before the ship leaves

2. What do some ships use to unberth without the assistance of tugs?

3. How does the draught level affect the handling of the ship?

Fire On Board!

Fire is probably the greatest danger on board ship. Fires are caused by such things as
mechanical or electrical failure, discharge of static electricity, spontaneous combustion, or
individual carelessness. It is important that all mariners be alert to this particular danger,
and if they detect fire they must immediately raise the alarm before attempting to tackle
the fire.

Effective fire-fighting depends a lot on instruction in the correct methods of fire-fighting,

as well as the up-to-date maintenance of equipment such as extinguishers, foam
installations and breathing apparatus. Both these aspects should be checked in regular
safety exercises. These exercises normally include practice alarms, in which a variety of
fires such as electrical, oil and chemical, can be simulated.

Techniques in firefighting on board ship include cooling and damping down the areas of
the ship next to the fire as well as cutting off any ventilation. This has a twofold effect in
that it not only prevents the fire from spreading but also starves it of the oxygen it needs.

Although there are no doctors on board most ships, the Captain and Officers of a ship
normally have had some intensive basic medical training. In the case of an emergency, it
is possible to have professional advice from a surgeon ashore, or sometimes from one on
a passenger ship or warship who can advise the Captain by Radio telephone.

Time 23.50. The "MARA " is steaming northwards, some 70 miles west of the Bahamas.
The night is clear, with a fresh south-easterly wind.

The 12 to 4 watchkeeping seaman Pedro Rodriguez is sitting in his cabin, finishing a

cigarette, before leaving to take up his look-out duties. He glances over some letters he
has written earlier that evening, then stubs out his cigarette and leaves his cabin, closing
the door behind him.

On the Bridge, Pedro greets the 8 to 12 seaman Carlos Porto.

Pedro: Hello, Carlos. Looks like it 's a fine night.

Carlos: Yes, it is. How are you?

Pedro: Fine, thanks, I've been writing letters home. My youngest daughter is to start
school next week.

Carlos: Really? That's good, soon she'll be able to write to you. Well, as you can see the
visibility is very good. We are seeing ships at about fifteen miles. There is
nothing ahead at the moment. On the starboard beam is a small ship which
we are slowly overtaking. Dead astern there's another one. It's been there
all watch, so I think it's going at the same speed as ourselves.

This conversation continues for another minute or two, and then, when Pedro is fully
accustomed to the night conditions, and aware of what is going on, Carlos reports to the
watch officer and leaves the Bridge.

A little later in the crew 's quarters, Carlos is returning to his cabin from the wash-room,
when he senses a slight smell of smoke. Glancing up and down the passage-way, and seeing
nothing amiss, he goes quickly to his cabin where everything appears normal with no hint
of smoke.

Shortly afterwards, however, when Carlos is about to turn out his cabin light, there is again
a faint smell of smoke. Quickly, he gets up and goes into the passageway, there it is, smoke
is coming from under the door of Pedro 's cabin!

Carlos moves quickly to switch on the nearest fire alarm. The alarms start ringing and
Carlos telephones the Bridge.

Watch Officer: (On the telephone) What's going on? Where's the fire?

Carlos: There's a fire in Rodriguez 's cabin. The door's shut but smoke is coming
from under it, and it 's getting worse all the time.

Watch Officer: OK. Now don't you or anyone else open the cabin door until either the
Chief Officer or I get there. Make sure everybody has woken up and
dressed, then go to your fire station.

(The Watch Officer rings off.)

Just as Carlos puts the 'phone down, the Bosun and three other seamen arrive on the scene.

Bosun: (To one of the seamen) Chico, give me that extinguisher! Quick!

He grabs a portable foam extinguisher and throws open the cabin door. As he does so,
there is a sudden flash of flame and he falls backwards with burns on the face, chest and
hands. The interior of the cabin is now enveloped in flames and thick choking smoke is
pouring into the passageway.
Carlos and the others are now coughing badly from the effects of the smoke. They start to
drag the injured Bosun away from the scene as the Chief Officer and Second Officer
arrive with hose parties equipped with breathing apparatus.

Chief Officer: (To Second Officer) Get the first aid party to remove the Bosun on to the
poop. Close the forward facing doors and clear everybody except the
hose parties off this deck, then start cooling down the deck above.
(Shouting through the smoke to seamen in breathing apparatus) Right.
Now using the hoses, one on jet, attack the fire behind a water curtain.
Quickly now, while we still have it contained in the one cabin.

The Chief Officer watches the hose team advance on the fire. The Chief Engineer arrives
on the scene.
Chief Engineer: This looks bad Jose, what's the position now?

Chief Officer: We're just turning a couple of hoses on it now. I think we 'll have it out
very quickly.

Chief Engineer: We'd better. This smoke'll soon make it impossible for anybody to stay
down here. The Second Engineer is cooling the underside, and we have
the main engines slowed down. The Captain says he is turning to put the
wind on the port quarter.

Chief Officer: Good. Look, I think they've done it.

The hose parties are enveloped in steam and smoke in the doorway of the cabin, but the
light from the flames has gone. The leading seaman signals to turn off their hoses.
The Chief Officer gets closer to the scene of the fire to inspect it for himself.

Chief Officer: (To seamen) Keep a light spray of water damping and cooling down the
cabin. (To Chief Engineer) Chief, we'd better have some emergency lights
run up in this alleyway and start clearing up the mess.

The Chief Officer then checks each cabin in turn to see that the fire has not spread, or
another been started in the confusion of the emergency. This done, he sends a messenger to
check with the Second Officer that no fire has spread to the deck above. A little later,
satisfied that the fire is out, the Chief Officer telephones the Bridge and speaks to the

Chief Officer: The fire is out. We 're still damping down and cooling, but I don 't think
there's any danger of it breaking out again. The whole area is full of smoke
and it's very difficult to breathe here. I 'd like to start ventilating the
accommodation as soon as I can.

Captain: We'd better avoid any through ventilation for the moment. Keep on cooling down
for a little longer. I've just stopped the engines. As soon as I can, I 'll leave
the Third Officer here to look after things and come down and see the
damage for myself. They 've taken the Bosun to the saloon. Have you seen
him yet?

Chief Officer: Just after the accident, that 's all.

Captain: Get up there right away, if you can. He might need morphine if it's not already
been given, and we may need urgent outside medical help.
Chief Officer: Yes, I'll be as quick as I can.
Leaving the Second Officer to keep watch over the scene of the fire, the Chief Officer goes
to the officer 's dining saloon where the injured Bosun is being cared for by the Catering
Officer and others of the first aid party.
Chief Officer: (To Catering Officer) How is he?

Catering Officer: Not too bad, I suppose. The burns are bad enough but fortunately not too
extensive. He was saved from a lot of the flash by his clothing and the extinguisher held out
in front of him.

Chief Officer: What treatment has he been given?

Catering Officer: He's had one ampoule of morphine. The Second Officer doused his
burns with water right after the accident. I 've been gradually applying
burn dressings and I'm still doing so.
Chief Officer: He's conscious, I take it?

Catering Officer: Oh yes, and as comfortable as can be expected.

Chief Officer: Have you removed any burnt clothing?

Catering Officer: No.

Chief Officer: Good. (To Bosun) How do you feel?

Bosun: It's pretty painful. Chief, I can tell you. I don't know what hit me.

Chief Officer: Don't worry. You'll be OK now. (To Catering Officer) have him taken to
the hospital right away.

The Chief Officer telephones the Bridge and gives the Captain a brief report on the

Captain: (To Chief Officer) Thanks, Jose. I'll examine him myself in the hospital later.
I'm leaving the Bridge now to inspect the damage. Meet me with the
Chief Engineer at the scene of the fire.

Half an hour later, after the three senior officers having satisfied themselves that there is
no further danger, the Chief Officer issues orders to ventilate and re-occupy the

The Captain returns to the hospital to take a further look at the Bosun before returning to
the Bridge.

Captain: (To the Third Officer) Telephone the Engine Room and tell them we shall now be
resuming passage. Ask the Chief Officer and the Catering Officer to join me here. (To the
Radio Officer) I may wish to have a radio link with a doctor. Possibly in Bahamas. Look into
it, will you, and make the necessary preparations.
The Chief Officer and the Catering Officer arrive on the Bridge.

Captain: Well, what do you think about the Bosun? Do you think we should
land him?

Catering Officer: I think he ' ll be OK now. He should make the next two or
three days to the U.S. without difficulty.

Chief Officer: Perhaps so, but I 'm not sure we should proceed without getting
medical advice.

Captain: We ' ll see how he is by tomorrow and if necessary I ' ll radio for help.


Safety on board ship has become increasingly important over the last few years. Loss
of life and cargo worth millions of pounds are important con siderations. Fire is
obviously one of the major hazards as well as collision, stranding, going aground etc.
Various drills, precautionary methods and safety programmes are in use. Efficient
communication is naturally an important factor in any safety programme.

Many crews are multi-national and it is imperative that all on board under-stand
orders that are being given out in a casualty situation. As well as on board
communication, ship-to-shore communication is also important. Eng lish is the
international seafaring language and programmes usually contain a language training

1. If you were designing a safety programme on board ship, what factors would you
consider important?
2. Name the different types of accident situations that can occur on board ship?
3. How important do you consider on board and ship-to-shore communi cation is?

I am sinking I am on fire

I need helpI have been in collision I am aground

I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board.

in the engine room

in the hold/cargo tanks
I am on fire in the accommodation/living spaces

I have lost a man overboard (at ....). Please help with search and rescue. What is

your position/What is the position of the vessel in distress? What assistance is


I require a lifeboat/helicopter/medical assistance/fire-fighting assistance/tug/ tugs,


I am coming to your assistance.

I expect to reach you at hrs.

Please send a boar/raft

I am sending a boat/raft to you.

Make a lee for me/the boat/the raft.

I will make a lee for you/the boat/the raft.

I cannot send a boat/raft.

I will attempt rescue by Breeches-buoy.

Is it safe to fire a rocket?

I t is/is not safe to fire a rocket.

Please take command of search and rescue.

/ am/Vessel in command of search and rescue.

Assistance is not/no longer required. You may proceed.

You must keep radio silence in this area unless you have messages about the casualty.

FUNCTIONAL PRACTICE Advice, Precautions,


Notice the language we use for giving advice, precautions or advice, e.g.

We'd better .....................................................................................
I think we should ............................................................................
Make sure .......................................................................................
I'd like you to avoid ........................................................................
Quick! ............................................................................................
Don't ...............................................................................................
Clear everybody .............................................................................

Now using the three types of structures above supply your own responses to the following
statements. e.g.:
Chief Engineer: There's been an accident, he's lying on his hack.

1. Advice.
Chief Officer: I don't think we should move him until we know what's
wrong with him.

2. Precaution.
Chief Officer:Make sure that there's a light and nobody falls over him.

3. Warning. Chief Officer: Don't move him!

There's smoke coming from under that door! 'there's been an

explosion in the Engine Room! The fire's spreading to the steering
gear! Collision on the Port Bow!
I can smell gas!

He's in a state of deep shock!

The Chief Engineer has been badly burned! The steam pressure is falling!

1. Are SMOKING regulations being observed?
2. Are GALLEY requirements being observed?
3. Are NAKED LIGHT requirements being observed?
4. Are electric cables to portable equipment disconnected from power?
5 Are the ship's main transmitting aerials switched off? 6. Are hand
torches of an approved type? Are portable R/T sets of approved
8. Are all external doors and ports in the amidships accommodation
!1 Are all doors and ports in the alter accommodation that are required to
be closed in fact closed?
I- 10.Are ventilators suitably trimmed with regard to prevailing wind
11. Are unsafe air conditioning intakes closed?
1 12. Are window-type air conditioning units disconnected? 13. Is ship
securely moored and agreement reached on use of tension winches?
14, Are cargo/bunker hoses in good condition?
15. Are cargo/bunker hoses properly rigged?
16. Are unused cargo/bunker connections blanked?
17. Is stern discharge line (if fitted) blanked?
18. Are sea and overboard discharge valves (when not in use) closed and
19. Are scuppers effectively plugged?
20. Is the agreed ship/shore communication system working?
21. Are all cargo/bunker tank lids closed?
22. Are cargo tanks being loaded or discharged open to atmosphere via the
agreed venting system?
23. Are fire hoses and equipment ready for use?
24. Are emergency towing wires correctly positioned?
25. Is the ship ready to move under its own power? REMARKS:

We have checked with each other the items on the above Check List and have satisfied
ourselves that the entries we have made are correct to the best of our knowledge.
CHECKED BY : ....................................................................
(for Ship) (for Terminal)
Project 2.

Refer to the check list above and write a short report on safety precautions to be observed.
Prohibition Notices

1. Only persons AUTHORIZED by CHIEF ENGINEER to use welding equipment.
2. Endeavour to wear full protective clothing, particularly dry gloves.
3. Use D.C. welding only, never A.C.
4. Check voltage Reduction Device. Do not weld if this is discovered faulty or inoperative. (Not M.G. sets.)
5. Check that welding lead, welding return and workpiece earth(s) have
adequate conductivity, are properly connected and adequately insulated.
Welding return lead must extend the full distance from work to set.
6. Wear safety harness when welding on stages or platforms.
7. Never weld on deck or in the vicinity of flammable materials.
8. Isolate power source before inserting electrodes.
a) Detail a standby man to disconnect at site in case of accidents and to assist changing electrodes.
b) Arrange adequate ventilation. Some electrode flux gives off toxic gases.
c) Take particular care to avoid accidental contacts in damp and/or constricted situations.

Smoking, which includes the use of matches, mechanical lighters and naked lights, is allowed on board
only at times and in places designated by the Master on notice boards.
Smoking is prohibited at all times in any of the under noted spaces:-
Forepeak and forecastle head, cargo and ballast holds and tanks, deep tanks, double bottom tanks,
cofferdams and pumprooms, centrecastle, provision, lamp, paint and rope storerooms and on the open deck
forward of the funnel.

Ventilating fans must be in operation on all occasions before entering this pumproom and are to be run
continuously while cargo, ballast, tank cleaning operations, or pumproom maintenance are being performed
unless a gas-free certificate has been issued.
Entry is forbidden without breathing apparatus unless pumproom is gas-free and safe for entry.
Look at these notices. Using them as a guide make your own notices under the following headings:- Shore
Leave', `Toxic Hazards in Painting', 'Access Prohibited', 'Fire Regulations'.

Arriving in the U.S.A. — Manoeuvring

Before arriving in any US port the Captain will notify his agents of the ETA, draught and any
currency, laundry or other requirements. Later, when contact has been established with the
Port Pilots and Port Authorities, preparations for entry and berthing are made. This would
include the rigging of the Pilot Ladder as well as derricks or cranes and other equipment that
might be used.

On approaching the Pilot station, the Pilot will normally be brought. to the vessel by a Pilot
Cutter, and the ship will reduce speed and manoeuvre to facilitate the Pilot's boarding of the
ship. Under pilotage, the vessel will manoeuvre at the Pilot's direction through confined
waters to its destination. Sometimes a berth might he unavailable or meteorological conditions
or other circumstances might be unfavourable for berthing, requiring a vessel to lie at anchor
until a more favourable opportunity occurs for going alongside.

After berthing there are still many formalities to go through before the ship is permitted to
commence discharging her cargo. Various officials, such as Customs, Immigration and
Coastguard Officers, require certain documentation to be completed. An example would be
the "Coastguard Declaration of Inspection " which must he signed before discharging can
commence. This document is designed as a check of anti-pollution measures and is strongly
enforced by the US Coastguard. Examples of these anti-pollution measures are the sealing of
the sea-valves in the pumproom by a Coastguard Officer.

When the documentation is completed and the officials have left, liaison between the ship and
shore is established so that a discharge plan can be worked out. Pumping rates, back pressure
levels and any other feature of discharge are discussed before discharge commences.

At least 96 hours before arrival at the Pilot Station at Cape Henry, the Captain will have
sent a cable' to his agents, thus:
('ASH: (IS DOLLARS 3,000
The ETA must be confirmed 48 hours prior to actual arrival and any changes in ETA of
more than one hour must be advised to agents as they become evident.
It is 06.00 on March 10th. The Captain is on the Bridge as the ship, now some thirty miles
from the Pilot station, heads 340° (T) off Currituck Beach light.
Captain: (To Chief Officer) We should be seeing the Chesapeake Beacon Light
soon, Jose.
Chief Officer: Yes, Sir. I've marked the extreme range on the chart, although it 'll be getting
light soon and we may have some difficulty in seeing it at this range.
Captain: Yes, true. However, keep a sharp look-out for it, and see if you can identify
it on the radar.
Later. The Captain is studying the chart after the Chief Officer has plotted a fix of the
ship's position.
Captain: (To Chief Officer) Warn the Engine Room that I shall require the engines to
be ready for manoeuvring in one hour 's time.
The Chief Officer telephones the Engine Room.

Chief Officer: Good morning, Fernando. We are now twenty miles from the outer channel
buoy. Please take one hour's notice of `standby'.
The ship proceeds inwards, the Chief Officer telephones the Bosun asking him to come to
the Bridge.

The Bosun arrives.

Bosun: Good morning, Sir.

Chief Officer: Good morning, Luis. Take two men now and rig the Pilot ladder on the
starboard side. Be sure to have a life buoy with a light attached and a
heaving line ready.

Bosun: Yes, Sir. Tell me, when are we due to arrive?

Chief Officer: We should be at the Pilot Station by 08.30, possibly a little before then.
There is a long way to go afterwards, so there is no need to have the crew
out before the usual time.
Bosun: Fine. Shall I call the Pumpman?

Chief Officer: No. Leave him for now. I 'll be checking the cargo temperatures after

The Bosun leaves, the ship proceeds inwards. (Sometime


Chief Officer: I can see the Chesapeake Beacon now, Sir — also the buoy three
points to port.

Captain: Good, thank you. Yes, I see them too. Plot the position, please.

The Chief Officer takes bearings of Chesapeake Beacon, Currituck Beach light and the
`4A' buoy. He double checks by taking radar ranges, and checks that the buoy is in the
correct position. The Captain examines the fix.

Captain: Good. I'll try calling the Pilot Station soon. (Later).

Captain: (On the VHF Radio telephone) Cape Henry Pilot Station, Cape Henry Pilot
Station, Cape Henry Pilot Station. This is the Venezuelan Tanker 'MARA' calling you on
Channel 16. Do you receive me?
VHF: (Voice) MARA" this is the Cape Henry Pilot. Receiving you loud and clear,
Captain. Go to Channel 12 please.

Captain: Going down to Channel 12, Cape Henry. Cape Henry Pilot Station, this is the
`MARA' on Channel 12. How do you receive me?

VHF: (Voice) "MARA" this is Cape Henry Pilot. I have you loud and clear, Captain.
What is your ETA at Cape Henry and what is your maximum draught?
Captain: I will be at your station at 08.30 local time. My maximum draught is 11.5 metres.
I am now 10 miles south east of the 'CB' buoy. My speed is 14.0 knots. I
will have my Pilot ladder rigged on the starboard side.

VHF: (Voice) OK, Captain. We have that. Your ETA Cape Henry is 08.30. Your draught
is 11.5 metres and the ladder is on the starboard side. Please tell me if your
ETA changes. That's all Captain. We'll be on 16. This is Cape Henry Pilot,
Cape Henry Pilot off.

As the ship approaches the port the Captain begins to slow down.

Captain: Half Ahead.

Chief Officer: Half Ahead, Sir. (A little later).

Captain: Slow Ahead, Starboard 5.

These orders are repeated by the Chief Officer and Helmsman, and with a series of such
exchanges the Captain manoeuvres the ship to rendezvous with the Pilot cutter. The Pilot
boards. He is met by an officer and is conducted to the Bridge.

Pilot: Good morning, Captain.

Captain: Good morning, Pilot. Well I am on slow ahead, steering 310°(T). There is no gyro
error and the maximum draught is 11.5 metres.

Pilot- OK, Captain, that 's fine. 1'd like to go through a few details with you if I may, please.
First, can you show me your ship 's manoeuvring data and general

The Captain produces for the Pilot details of the ship's turning circles and stopping
distances; the speed/rpm table, maximum length, breadth and draughts fore and aft. The
two then discuss the pilotage, with the Pilot all the while giving helm and engine orders as
he manoeuvres the ship towards the Chesapeake Channel.
The use of these messages does not relieve vessels of their obligations to comply with
local bye-laws and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

I am altering my course to port/starboard. I am

maintaining my course and speed. I am going astern.

I am not making way through the water. What are your


Keep well clear of me.

I wish to overtake ( ..).

Do not overtake ( .....).

Ship astern/vessel .wishes to overtake Ion your port/starboard side).

You may overtake ( . ).

Vessel ............nearing an obscured area () approaching vessels please

I am not under command.

I am a hampered vessel (because ).
I am manoeuvring with difficulty. Keep clear of me. Advise
you alter course to port/starboard.

I will alter course to port/starboard.

I cannot alter course to port/starboard.

Advise you stop engines.

I will stop engines.

Do not pass ahead/astern of me.
Do not pass on my port/starboard side.
//Vessel will overtake (............).

Advise you pass ahead/astern of me/vessel ..........................

I will pass ahead/astern of you/vessel ...................................

Wait for cross ahead of you.

I will wait for to cross ahead of me.

Advise you pass North/South/East/West of vessel/mark.

I will pass North/South/East/West of vessel/mark.

Wait for clear (mark/position) before entering fairway/getting
underway/eaving berth.
I will wait for to clear (mark/position) before entering fairway/getting
underway/leaving berth.


Draught and Height

What is your draught?
My draught is .............................................................
What is your draught forward/aft?
My draught forward/aft is .........................................
Vessel .........................................................................
Vessel of deep draught.
Do you have any list?
I have a list to port/starboard of degrees.
Maximum permitted draught is .................................
What is your freeboard?
My freeboard is ..........................................................
What is your height?
My height is ...............................................................
Note 1: When necessary it must he specified whether salt or fresh water
draught is given.
Note 2: Height is the highest point of the vessel 's structure above the

FUNCTIONAL PRACTICE Requesting and giving


Notice how the Captain in the dialogue requests information about the arrival of the tanker.

'Tell me, when are we due to arrive?"

There are various ways of obtaining information.

1. Direct question forms using question words. WHEN are we

due to arrive?
WHAT is our ETA?
WHO is on the Bridge?

2. A direct question form preceded by a CLAUSE (usually a polite form). Could you
tell me/when we are to arrive?
Would you mind telling me/what our arrival time is?
Do you know/what time we arrive? etc.

3. Question Tag forms. We're due to arrive at 08.30, aren't we'?

The cable has been sent to the agent, hasn't it?

4. Laconic question forms. Draft? (rising inflection) = What's your draft? Visibility?
= What is the visibility at

Make questions from the prompts given, using (1) direct question forms (2) clause question

How far/from/Pilot station? What/maximum

draught? What/ETA?
Which side/pilot ladder rigged? What range
Where/come from?
What was/last port of call? Which
hospital/he/taken to? When/berth be clear?
Who/been taken sick?

Now answer the questions above and add question tags. e.g. Answer. We're thirty miles from
the Pilot station, aren't we?

INTRODUCTION Pilotage Exchanges

Most ships are now fully equipped with modern navigational aids. These include "true
motion" and "relative motion" radar which is used for navigation as well as detecting the
presence of other ships; echo-sounders for measuring the depth of water under keel and
Radio Direction finders.

There are many different types of navigational aids. It is important that the Pilot
understands the operation of each one fitted in a particular ship, as well as knowing the
accuracy of each instrument and the reliance he can safely put on it. Regular checks should
be carried out by the crew on each instrument, for example, comparing the ship's gyro
heading with that of the heading marker on the Radar.


Pilot: Captain, can you please show me how to use the variable range marker on
this radar, please?
Captain: Yes, Pilot. The brilliance control is this small knob at your lower right here. By
turning it clockwise you bring up the strobe, by turning it fully anti-
clockwise it is removed from the screen altogether. You vary the range by
operating the control at your lower left (points is out) here.
Pilot. Is this a 3 or 10 cm. set, Captain?

Captain: This is 10 cm.

Pilot: OK. How do we work the clutter controls?

Captain: The Rain clutter control is here (points to a control knob on upper right hand side)
and the Sea clutter - swept gain — is the control immediately under it. The
brightness is there (pointing to another control on the bottom left of the set)
and here is the control for the range rings.

Pilot: I see. Thank you, Captain. Oh, by the way, is this the Range selector switch
Captain: Yes, that's it.

Pilot: Fine. A little later on I'd like to change the display from gyro stabilised
to a north-up mode Captain. That OK with you?

Captain: Yes, that 's all right. Here's the control switch (pointing it out.)

Pilot: Is there any error in the heading marker, Captain?

Captain: No. We checked that out before you embarked, but we can run another
check on it now if you like.

Pilot: Yes, please. Captain. The Captain moves

to the radar.

Captain: (To Helmsman) What's your heading now?

Helmsman: 353˚, Sir.

Captain: Thank you, and now?

Helmsman. 353' ,Sir.

Captain: OK, that's fine. (To Pilot) No problems, the alignment is perfectly all

Pilot: Thank you Captain. What is the print-out on your Depth-meter?

Captain: Depthmeter, Pilot?

Pilot Yes, Captain. You know, the sounding machine.

Captain: Oh, I see. You mean the Echo Sounder. Yes over here, Pilot. They both

move over to the sounding machine and examine the trace.

Captain: The machine is working on feet at the moment. You can change to
fathoms by operating this switch here.

Pilot: I see. OK, Captain. That's fine, thank you.


I require a Pilot.
Do you require a Pilot?
Is the Pilot boat on station? Where can I take


YOU can take Pilot at point ...../near ...............(at . hrs)

At what time will the Pilot he available?

Is pilotage compulsory?
You may navigate by yourself or wait for Pilot at ...............
Pilot is coming to you.
Pilot boat is approaching your vessel.
You must rig Pilot ladder on port/starboard side.
Pilot ladder is rigged on port/starboard side.
Pilot suspended/resumed for all/small vessels.
You most rig gangway combined with Pilot ladder.


What is your position?
What is my position?
My/your position is .................................................................
Your position is ...........degrees ..............miles from ....

You are passing.......................................................................

You are entering area ...........................................................
What is your present position, course and speed?
My present position, course and speed is ..............................
What is the course to ..............................................................
The course to What is the course to reach you?

Course to reach me is .............................................................

Do not arrive at ....................before ............................hours.
Do not arrive at .......................after .............................hours

Say again your position to assist identification.

Has your position been obtained by radar/decca/astronomica/ observation/ ?

Is your radar working?
My radar is/is not working.
I do not have radar.
I have located you on my radar,' (your position is....degrees
miles from ..............................................................................
I cannot locate you on my radar.
You must alter course/speed for identification.

I have altered course to ........./speed to ....for identification.

I have lost radar contact.

Have you altered your course?

Report your position to assist identification.
This message may only be used when the vessel is positively identified.


Vessel ahead of you is on the same course.
You are getting closer to the vessel(s) ahead.

Your position is ......................................................................

My position is .........................................................................

What range scale are you using?

I am using ..................................................miles range scale.

Advise you change to larger/smaller range scale.

I require shore based radar assistance.

Is shore based radar assistance available?

Shore based radar assistance is/is not available.

I am at/approaching way point/reporting point/C /. P course

........................speed ..............................................................
I will stop at position , .................flours. You are in the fairway.

Vessel on opposite course passing your port/starboard side.

Vessel is ......................miles/metres ahead on port/starboard bow. Vessel ahead

of you is on opposite course.

Vessel following will overtake you on port/starboard side.

You are leaving my screen.
Showing people how to operate things. Instructions. This is the
brilliance control.
Dial is the range selector.

By turning .................................

First press ................................

Then push ......hold ........turn .........look.........make sure .....etc.

You are explaining the radar equipment on board ship to a layman. First describe the
equipment and then how to operate it. Use some of the expressions above.

Describe a compass repeater and how to take a bearing.

Describe the procedures for starting the main turbines of the ship.

Now choose any apparatus on a ship and write clear instructions on how to operate it,
checking procedures and what to do in the event of a breakdown.

Project 3.

Give a verbal, followed by a written, description of equipment.

Navigational Aids

Whilst the basic principles of coastal and ocean navigation remain unchanged, there have
been notable advances in the science of navigation since physics came to the aid of the
mariner. This has resulted in the development of many highly complex navigational aids to
improve the safety of ships, their crews and cargo. It is to this end that the modern well-found
tanker is equipped with radar, the Decca Navigator, direction finder, gyro compass, off-course
alarm, echo-sounding equipment, speed log equipment, and rudder angle indicators. World-
wide positionfixing systems and satellite navigation are also in use in ever increasing
numbers. Most of these instruments are grouped together in a combined wheelhouse and
chart room so that the Officer on Watch is better able to maintain an efficient look-out.

Communications play a vital part in the operation and control of ships today. In addition to
all the company 's tankers being fitted with high and medium frequency radio installations
for long and medium range communications, all ships are fitted with radio telephone for
long and short-range ship to shore communications. The latter facilities are being
increasingly used to enable quicker and more accurate advice to be passed between Masters
and Head Office and between Masters and Agents. For on-board communication, ships are
often fitted with public address systems, auto-telephone exchanges and portable 'walkie-
talkie' equipment.

A more recent development in the telecommunications sphere is the teleprinter system for
communicating directly into the international telex system.

Comprehension Questions

1. What type of navigational aids is the modern tanker equipped with?

2. What other systems are in use?

3. Where are most of these instruments located?

4. What are the advantages of radio telephone?

5. What is the most recent development in telecommunications?

The "MARA" is proceeding through the Chesapeake Channel. The Captain and Pilot are
together in the wheelhouse. The Chief Officer is standing by. A seaman keeps watch on the
Bridge-wing. A helmsman is steering.

Captain: Would you like some breakfast, Pilot?

Pilot: No thanks, Captain, but I could use some coffee.

Captain: Certainly. (On the telephone to the steward). Would you please bring some
coffee up for the Pilot? (To the Pilot) Pilot, do we have any details yet of
our times for berthing at Piney Point?

Pilot: No, Captain. You'll get them from your agents of course, but the latest we have is
that the berth is occupied until noon tomorrow. We 'll anchor for the night at
the entrance to the Potomac River. (Breaking off the conversation)
Starboard 20.
Helmsman: Starboard 20, Pilot. 20 degrees of Starboard on, Pilot.

Pilot: Midships now. Steady up on course 350 degrees.

Helmsman: Steady on 350. (A little later) Steady on 350.

Pilot: OK, thank you. Captain, when we get up to the anchorage we 'll use the starboard
anchor to about five shots. (US terms for shackles.)

Captain: Five on the starboard. All right, Pilot.

Pilot: Half Ahead.

Chief Officer: Half Ahead, Pilot.

The ship slows a little to negotiate a bend in the Channel. The passage continues to the
anchorage and with some four miles to go the Captain telephones the Chief Officer.

Captain: Jose, Captain here. We'll be anchoring in about 20 minutes. We 'll use the starboard
anchor to five shackles. I know both anchors are cleared away, but be on the
Fo'csle in plenty of time to walk the anchor out. Oh, and Jose, make sure
you've got an anchor buoy attached.
Later, the Chief Officer, Bosun and a seaman are standing by on the Fo'csle.

Chief Officer: (On hand radio) "MARA" Bridge. This is the Fo'csle.

Captain: Come in, Fo'clse.

Chief Officer: Starboard anchor is ready, Sir.

Captain: Thank you, Jose. Stand by. (To Pilot) Starboard anchor ready, Pilot.
Pilot: OK, Captain. We'll be about another ten minutes. Slow Ahead. Port 15

Chief Officer: Slow Ahead.

Helmsman: Port 15, Pilot.

(Later with the ship stopped at the anchorage position.)

Pilot: Let go. (The Captain relays this order on the hand radio.)

Chief Officer: Let go, Sir.

The starboard anchor is let go. As the ship drifts back under the influence of the wind and
tide, the Chief Officer slowly lets out more chain (cable) until the required amount has been
let out. He keeps the Captain informed of what is happening.

Chief Officer: (On hand radio) Fo'csle to Bridge. The cable is leading one point on the
starboard how, three shackles (shots) in the water and very little weight on

Captain: (On hand radio) Thank you, Fo'csle.

Chief Officer: (On hand radio) Fo'csle to Bridge. Cable now leading two points to port,
four shackles on deck, more weight coming on now.

Captain: (On hand radio) Thank you, Fo'csle.

Chief Officer (On hand radio) Fo'csle to Bridge. Brought up try five in the water, the
cable is leading one point to starboard, and very little weight on it.
Captain: (On hand radio) OK. Thank you, Jose. You can secure for now and
The following morning the "MARA " weighs anchor and proceeds upstream towards the oil
jetty at Piney Point. A berthing Pilot boards from a launch and two tugs are standing by.

I am anchored (at ....)

I am heaving up anchor.
My anchor is clear of the bottom.
at ............hours,
in ..........position, until Pilot arrives,
You must anchor until tugs) arrive,
until there is sufficient water,
Do not anchor (in position ). Anchoring is
I will anchor (at )
Vessel is at anchor (at ......) Are you dragging/dredging
anchor? My/Your anchor is dragging.
Do not dredge anchor.
You must heave up anchor.
You must shorten your cable to shackles. My anchor is
You are obstructing fairway/other traffic.
You must anchor in a different position ...............
You must anchor clear of the fairway. What is the anchor
position for me?
You have anchored in the wrong position.
I have slipped/lost my anchor (and cable) (and buoyed it) in position
Study the drawing above and using the information given, carry out the
objectives indicated below.

S.S.1 at Point C — Course 180 (T)
S.S.2 at Point E— Course 320 (T) Speed 15 knots.


1. To pilot and give orders to bring own ship "MARA" from "Puerto Alpha" to "Puerto
2. To radio instructions to shore stations and other vessels on own vessel's actions.

3. Give an oral followed by a written account of what is happening.

INTRODUCTION Mooring Operations

Coming along any jetty can sometimes he a complex operation. It is always potentially
dangerous. A discussion beforehand between the ship's officers and the Pilot will decide
the details of the procedure to be adopted. As in this particular case not only are the
ship's anchor and mooring lines made ready for use, but tugs are engaged to assist the
vessel 's berthing. It must be decided at the pre-mooring discussion exactly which
moorings are to be used and where they are going to lead. Each officer must know in
advance precisely the part he is going to play in the berthing operation.

Amongst the preparations for mooring should be a last check on the condition of any
wires or synthetic ropes which are to be used. Officers must also check that stoppers,
heaving lines, etc., are also avaliable at each mooring station.

The Captain and Pilot are standing together on the Bridge wing as the "MARA ", now
moving very slowly, edges gently towards the terminal jetty at Piney Point.

Pilot: Captain, we 'll be taking the tugs in about ten minutes. Would you have the
men stand-by please?

Captain: Yes, though first I 'd like to have a brief discussion of the mooring operation. I'll
have the officers come up now. (To Second Officer, in wheelhouse) Ask
the Chief Officer and Third Officer to come to the Bridge for the
mooring conference, and tell the Bosun to have the hands stand-by fore
and aft.

A few minutes later the Captain, Pilot and the three officers are grouped around the
instrument console at the front of the wheelhouse as the Pilot outlines the berthing plan.
He is sketching the operation on a sheet of paper.

Pilot: We'll berth heading up stream stemming the current. The tugs will be
used just to push her alongside.

Chief Officer: Where will the tugs make fast?

Pilot: Starboard side, fore and aft on the main deck. I think the fairlead just abaft the
Fo'csle would do for one and the lead just forward of the after house will
do for the other.

Chief Officer: Tugs' lines?

Pilot: Yes, they'll just give you a light wire to help them stay in position. They 'll be
pushing us in of course, so there's no need to use a heavy towing spring.
(Looking at the sketch, turns to Captain). When we get up to the berth, we
just stem the current off the jetty and let her ease gently down on to it
from about 300 yards off. I'll be wanting to lay out the starboard anchor as
we come in, but (to Chief Officer) as we come in, you mustn't let any
weight come on it Chief. OK? (The Chief Officer nods and the Pilot
continues) The first lines ashore will he two rope headlines, which you'll
give, one from each bow, to the mooring boat.

Chief Officer: Will the boat take both ropes at the same time?

Pilot: Yes. After that the boat'Il come back and take the after spring, (turning to Second
Officer) — we'll run it from the main deck to this dolphin (pointing to the
sketch plan) which will lie about amidships when we're alongside. Later
we'll take a second spring from the poop.

The Pilot continues to explain the mooring plan. When he finishes and everybody is fully
in the picture as to what is required, the Chief and Second Officers leave to take up their
mooring stations.

A little while later on the main deck, the Chief Officer is standing with a group of seamen
as a tug approaches on the starboard side.

Chief Officer: (To Bosun) Have a man stand-by with a heaving line. The tug will pass a
light wire.

Bosun: He'll be pushing, I suppose.

Chief Officer: Yes. (As the tug comes close he turns to the seaman standing at the rail with the
heaving line). OK, throw it over now.

The heaving line lands on the tug 's fore-deck and two tug hands quickly make fast the
wire and signal to the "MARA " to heave it in.

Chief Officer: Heave away!

The wire is pulled on board the "MARA " as the tug comes alongside. When the wire is
fast the Chief Officer talks to the Bridge on his hand radio.

Chief Officer: "MARA " Bridge. This is "MARA " Fo'csle.

Captain: Come in, Fo 'csle.

Chief Officer: Tug 'River Ranger' fast on the starboard shoulder.

Captain. Thank you, Jose.

The Chief Officer moves on to the Fo'csle head with the forward mooring gang.

Chief Officer: (To Bosun) We 'll be using the starboard anchor. After it is let go the cable
must be kept slack as the ship drops alongside. (On radio to the Bridge)
"MARA" Bridge. This is "MARA" Fo 'csle. Starboard anchor is already
walked out, out of gear and ready to let go, Sir.

Captain: Thank you Fo 'csle. Send away the headlines as soon as the mooring boat
is ready.

Later having dropped the anchor the mooring boat approaches under the how. Bosun:
(To seamen) Lower away the headlines.

The seamen lower two synthetic mooring lines, one from each bow, through roller fair-
leads to the mooring boat below. The boatmen gather the eyes of the ropes into the well
of the boat and secure them to a samson post.

Boatman: (Calling up to the crew on the Fo'csle) Slack away.

Chief Officer: OK, slack away. Stand clear of the ropes as they run. (On the radio to
Bridge) This is "MARA " Fo'csle. Running the headlines out now, Sir.

A few moments later the boatmen have got the two headlines ashore and put the eyes
around bollards. They signal to the ship to heave-away.

Chief Officer: Take the headlines to the drum-ends; no more than three turns, and heave
away. (On hand radio to Bridge) "MARA " Fo'csle to "MARA " Bridge.
Taking up the slack on the headlines now.

Captain: (On hand radio) "MARA " Fo'csle. Heave easy on the head-lines and keep the
anchor cable slack. (To Poop) "MARA " Poop. The mooring boat is
coming now. When it arrives send away the spring.

Later, after the spring has been sent away from the main deck.

Captain: (On radio to Poop) "MARA " Poop. Send away the breast-line and heave it
clear of the water as quick as you can, but don't put any weight on it.
"MARA" Fo'esle. Fast heaving forward. Just pick up the slack as she
conies in.
Chief Officer: (On radio to Bridge) "MARA" Fo 'csle to "MARA" Bridge. Alongside
forward, Sir.

Captain: (On radio) "MARA" Bridge to Fo'csle and Poop Stations. We have 10 metres
to come ahead. Heave on the after hack spring. (To Third Officer) Dead
Slow Ahead.
(A few moments later)

Captain: (To Third Officer) Stop engines. (On radio to Poop) "MARA " Bridge to
"MARA" Poop. Hold on to the spring. "MARA" Bridge to "MARA "
Fo'csle. Heave the headlines, tight now, and make sure there is no weight
on the anchor cable. Send away the breast-line.

Captain: (On radio to Fo 'csle and Poop) "MARA" Bridge to "MARA " Poop and
Fo'csle. She 's in position. Make fast fore and aft; three headlines, two
breastlines and one spring forward, two stern lines, two breastlines and
two springs aft.
The Chief Officer and the Second Officer each repeat the orders and continue to run
moorings and make them fast.

Later on the Fo'csle.

Chief Officer: Heave a bit more on the breastline and stopper it off. That's OK. Make fast.

Bosun: (To seamen) Carlos, put a stopper on this one. Ready. Yes? OK. (To winchman)
Walk it hack easy. Got it Carlos? Right, turn it up.

Second Officer: "MARA" Poop to "MARA " Bridge. All fast aft: two stern lines, two
breastlines, two springs.

Captain: "MARA" Bridge to "MARA" Poop. Thank you, Poop. Stand down, send
your men forward to help with the gangway.

Chief Officer: (On radio to Bridge) "MARA" Fo'csle to "MARA" Bridge. All fast forward.

Captain: "MARA" Bridge to "MARA" Fo'csle. Thank you .Jose. Stand down. (To
Third Officer) Finished with engines.
Having successfully berthed the Captain meets with various shore officials in his office.
The officials are the Immigration Authorities, the Coastguard, the Customs Officers and the
Company Agent and Cargo Receivers.

Immigration Captain, may I have the US Crew List, Form 1-418. Thank
Officer; you. Has this been certified by the American Consul at your last port? Oh Yes, I see
it has. Fine. Now Captain, may I see the Identity Cards?

Captain: Yes, here you are. Also here are the completed forms 1-95A, Crewman 's
Landing Permits. It 's a new crew this time.
Customs Official: Captain, do you have the Inward Foreign Manifest ready? Captain. The

manifest? Do you want the cargo manifest?

Customs Official: Yes, Captain. The US Form 7-527-A with the cargo in long tons and

Captain: Yes, of course, here you are. Also here is form 1303 (7/71), US Custom Form, and I
have the Crew Effects Declaration Form 1304 (7/71).

Customs Official: OK, Captain. Have you inserted a list of narcotics on the Form 1303?

Captain: Yes. You will see there are 50 grammes of morphine. I have had the value of the
crew effects inserted in US dollars. Is that OK for you?

Customs Official: Yes, Captain. That's fine.

Agent: Captain, will you check your US currency requirements please?

The Captain takes a large sum of US currency and hands it to the Catering Official to check.

Agent: Captain, the two men for the dentist will he needed at two o 'clock this afternoon. May
I have their names and personal identification details please?

The business between the officials and the Captain continues this way for some forty minutes
until all items of business are complete. The officials leave and the "MARA" is free to start
discharging cargo.


I require a tug/....tugs.
Must I take tug(s)?
How many tugs must be taken by my ship?
You must take . .tug(s).
Where will tug(s) meet me?
Tug(s) will meet you at (positron /(near I (at hours). Tug services suspended/resumed.

In the dialogue, the Pilot explains his plans for the mooring operation.

A plan obviously denotes an intended future action, and the Pilot uses suitable tenses in his
dialogue to express this.

We'll be taking the tugs ........................

We berth ...............................................

The tugs will be used ............................

I'll be wanting .......................................

After that, the boat will come back.......

Now using these tenses explain the mooring plan. Use the following prompts. We

berth/head/up stream

The tugs/use/push her alongside

Where/tugs make fast?

Tugs' lines? They/give/light wire/help stay in position

The tugs/push/us in

We/stem the current off/jetty

I/want/lay out/starboard anchor

The first lines ashore/two rope headlines

The/boat/come back/take/after spring

We/take/second spring/poop

Now give a verbal, followed by a written, description of the mooring procedure. Project 5.

Prepare a written Entering Port Checklist.


At the discharge port, the correct quantity of oil is pumped from the tanker by means of
her cargo pumps into storage tanks ashore. Speed is important, and the pumping rate is
rarely less than 1500 tons per hour on a general purpose carrier, and up to ten times as
much on the big ships. During discharge the tanker takes on fuel oil bunkers, fresh water
and stores. It may be necessary to pay off some of the crew and sign on new men. The
ship may either reload with a different grade of oil cargo for another destination, or ballast
water is pumped into a selected number of cargo tanks, and the ship is once again ready to

A way of tackling the problem of a port with draught restrictions is to use a single-buoy
mooring out at sea in deep water. The tanker is moored, by two bow lines, to the rotating
top of a large circular metal buoy. The buoy is anchored to the sea bed by means of steel
chains and ground tackle. Submarine and floating hoses provide connections, via the
buoy, for the loading and unloading of oil. Submarine pipelines link the single-buoy
mooring system to a shore installation.

The tanker is able to swing freely through 360 degrees as weather conditions dictate, and
lies heading into the strongest wind and tidal conditions prevailing. This would not be
possible if the tanker were lying between a set of fixed buoys. The single-buoy mooring
system therefore provides a permanent deep-water terminal where very large tankers can
load or unload crude oil securely, even in poor weather conditions.

By these and other means oil companies are able to obtain the financial benefit derived
from the use of very large tankers, where suitable harbours are not avail-able. But there is
a limit to the saving as size increases further. From the engineering viewpoint, a l,000,000
dwt tanker is technically feasible, but it is doubtful when or whether circumstances may
arise when such a vessel could be efficiently employed.

Comprehension Questions

1. What normally happens while a tanker is discharging?

2. Which system is used for discharging in harbours with draught restrictions.

3. What is the advantage of this system?

4. Why does the writer suggest that 1,000,000 dwt tankers would he impractical?
Oil Pollution - Prevention measures
In view of the damage to the environment, and the cleaning-up costs which could arise as a
result of a major oil spillage, it is important that all officers be aware of the consequences of
oil pollution, and of the measures necessary to prevent it.

Spills of oil on board need not result in pollution of the sea if simple safeguards are
observed. Included in the various Company and Government anti-pollution measures are a
series of checks which the United States Coast Guard require to be carried out when
handling oil cargoes in the United States. These include, plugging of scuppers, inspection of
the line connections at the manifold, as well as sealing of the overboard discharge valves.
The United States Coast Guard use a check-list to ensure that no precaution is overlooked,
and a similar check-list should always be used by ships' personnel at any port. Another
important aspect of pollution precaution is good communication between ship and shore. It
is essential that there be complete understanding between the shore operatives and the ship's
officers over every aspect of the planned operation.
While the Captain is conferring with health and immigration officials, the Chief Officer is
supervising preparations for cargo discharge.

Uppermost in his mind is the need to ensure that the ship observes the United States Coast
Guard measures for pollution prevention. He is sitting in the cargo office, putting the
finishing touches to the cargo plan. The Third Officer enters.

Third Officer: We've just finished opening the tanks now.

Chief Officer: Good. Got. flame arresters in every opening?

Third Officer: Yes, all the scuppers are plugged too.

Chief Officer: Yes, I know. I've checked that myself. Actually, they were done yesterday.
Since then, I've had deck water drained off at intervals. It's always safer to
have the plugs in, when within port limits, whether you're working cargo or

Third Officer: Yes, I think you're right. Oil could always get washed into the sea from deck
machinery or something else, I suppose.

Chief Officer: I'll just finish off this plan and post it up on the bulkhead. Then I'll come out
and check around for myself. I'd like you now to see that all the fire-fighting
equipment is in place. It should be. I'll be with you in a minute.

The Third Officer leaves.

The cargo plan finished, the Chief Officer posts it on the bulkhead behind the desk, and
putting on his safety hat goes out on to the main-deck. The cargo plan he has posted allows
anyone in an emergency, who might be strange to the ship, a US firefighting chief for
example, to see quickly the arrangement of the ship 's cargo tanks, the quantity and type of oil
they contain, the layout of the pumping system and planned order of cargo transfer. Also
available for inspection in the cargo office, is the ship's record of its recent pressure tests on
the cargo lines, and a list of names of each deck officer and the watch for which he is

Out on deck the Chief Officer glances briefly at a safety check-list which he always carries
with him during his inspection of accident and pollution prevention measures. lie notes that
the Pump Room Ventilation System is working and that no doors or windows in the
accommodation are open. He double checks that none of the Scupper Plugs have been
removed; that all the valves in the cargo system are shut; that flame arresting gauzes are in
position in tank openings (the ship is not fitted with an Inert Gas System).
The Chief Officer pays particular attention to the drip-trays under the cargo connections,
seeing that they are empty and that the drains are free. He checks too that spill-check
buckets are in place on air vents to bunker tanks, and that bunker tank lids and sounding
pipes are shut. He checks too that the offside manifold blanks are secured in place.

A little later, while the Chief Officer is checking the rigging of the gangway, the Third
Officer and the Pumpman approach.

Chief Officer: Hello, Juan. Seen anyone from the installation yet?

Third Officer: No, not yet. I 've spoken to the jettyman to get telephone numbers for the
fire-brigade and check out the ship/shore fire connection. lie says someone
should he on board at any time.

('hief Officer: Well, I hope they won't be long. While were waiting, I 'd like to do another
check of the Pumproom. (To 'Third Officer) Juan, keep a watch at the top
while Ricardo and I go down.

The Chief Officer and Pumpman together proceed to check that the Pumproom valves are
correctly set by trying each one in turn. In particular, the Chief Officer checks that the
overboard discharge valves and the sea suctions are firmly shut and lashed in the closed

A few minutes later, when the Chief Officer and the Pumpman emerge again on deck, they
find the Third Officer standing with two representatives of the installation.

Representative: Good morning, Mr Mate. Everything OK?

Chief Officer: Good morning. Yes, everything 's fine. Like to come up to the office?

The Chief Officer and shore representatives go into the cargo office. They leave the Third
Officer and the Pumpman to watch fitters from the installation bolting hoses to the ship's
cargo manifold connections.

The Chief Officer and the shore representatives together go through the safety check list.
They discuss details of the cargo to he discharged, including the target rate, and every
aspect of the operations that will he conducted while the "MARA " is in port, paying special
attention to an agreed system of ship/shore communications.
Notice in the introduction the phrase "It is important that all officers be aware of the
consequences of oil pollution. " This structure is often used in formal announcements. We
also use the verb "to be " + past participle for example. "are to be inspected". The other
verbs of obligation "must", "should", "ought to" are also used.
AComplete the following sentences so that they are shown to he obligatory.

1. The U.S.C.G. require a series of checks .....carried out.

2. It is essential that complete understanding between the shore operatives and the
ship 's officers.

3. The scuppers ................plugged.

4. It is up to the Captain his crew observes the United States Coastguard regulations.

5. The correct anti-pollution procedures must ...................

6. The overboard discharge valves checked by the Chief Officer.

7. You .......................all valves in the cargo system are shut.

8. All fire fighting equipment .....kept in its correct place.

B Complete the sentences below saying what, will happen if the following situations
occur. Use the conditional tense.

1. If oil is discharged at sea .................................................

2. If all necessary precautions are taken .............................

3. If the scuppers are plugged ..............................................

4. If the crew do not observe the United States Coastguard regulations


5. If the overboard discharge valves are not checked ........

6. If the valves in the cargo system are not shut

Project 6

Prepare an Action Checklist to be taken when pollution occurs.


Keeping the seas clean

Oil tankers are necessary and useful ships, for they bring us the oil we need for so many
of the necessities and comforts of modern life. But they are sometimes blamed for
spoiling the environment in which we live by allowing oil to escape into the sea.

People used to believe that the world 's great oceans were so vast, it did not matter if a lot
of rubbish was discharged into the sea. Today we know that even the deep oceans can be
damaged by dumping unwanted materials of many kinds and that the seas round our
coasts can be made unpleasant or unhealthy.

No oil tanker Captain wants to put oil into the sea. Oil is a valuable cargo that has to be
delivered to the receiving terminal, probably at an oil refinery. Modern methods and
procedures now make it unlikely that oil will pass into the sea as a result of normal

The load-on-top method is used by the majority of the world 's tankers. By this method oil
washed from tanks on the ballast voyage is not discharged into the sea (as it used to be),
but is retained in a special slop tank on board the ship. The next oil cargo is loaded on top
of the oil and water mixture, and both are discharged at the receiving terminal. As this oil
may require desalting or further treatment before entering the refinery separate storage
tanks are provided on shore.

However, in the unlikely event of oil being spilled into the sea, several methods are
available for cleaning up the oil quickly so that it does no damage to inshore waters or
beaches or to marine life. The oil can be sprayed with a dispersant, which will help it to
break up harmlessly. It may be removed by absorbents or by mechanical skimming.

Tanker owners and operators have agreed on international schemes for preventing
pollution of the seas by oil, for cleaning up accidental oil spillages, and for paying
compensation for any damage caused.
Comprehension Questions

1. Why are tankers sometimes blamed for spoiling the environment?

2. Why in the past, did people not worry about polluting the sea?

3. Describe what is meant by `load-on-top ' method.

4. What methods can be employed if a spillage takes place at sea?

5. Do you think that international agreements on controlling pollution can be totally effective?
INTRODUCTION Engine breakdown

An engine breakdown is a phenomenon which occurs either through human error or

machine failure. Hence the necessity of a well organised, continuous main tenance

A total lack of power, or "black-out " could be serious, especially if the ship is in congested
waters, or encountering heavy weather. A black-out would entail loss of steering and
propulsion, with all the consequent dangers of not being able to manoeuvre.

When the Engine Room alarm sounds all engineers report to the Engine Room in order to
help in the emergency, for a number of auxiliaries have to be started in sequence. Total
black-outs are rare, as engineers are often able to act quickly to avoid a total plant failure.
However, if it did occur, it could take a few hours for the engine to be ready to start up

On the return voyage to Cardon the "MARA" is in the Caribbean steaming south-wards from
the Mona Passage. It is 11.55, and in the Engine Room the 12 to 4 watchkeeping engineers
are standing on the control platform, preparing to take over from the previous watch.

Third Engineer: (To Fourth Engineer) All right, Raphael. I'll have the settling tanks changed
over now.

Fourth Engineer: (Who is at the desk writing in the Engine Log). Yes, OK.

Third Engineer: (To his Junior) OK, Pedro? Time to change over the settling tanks now.
Have they been dipped and drained?

Fifth Engineer: Er, yes they have.

He leaves the platform to change over the settling tanks.

A few moments later the Fourth Engineer finishes writing up the log and is about to leave
the platform when ...

Third Engineer: Raphael, the steam pressure 's failing! What's up?

Without waiting for a reply the Third Engineer moves quickly to the fuel burners at the
boiler fronts. He calls back to the Fourth Engineer.

Third Engineer: Sound the alarm and shut off steam to the turbines. Some-thing 's gone
wrong with the change over, the fires are out! Seems like water in the fuel
oil. Get Pedro to change back to the port settling tank!

As the Third Engineer shuts the fuel valves to circulate the fuel through the fuel oil pump,
the alarm is sounded, and the Fourth Engineer shuts off the steam to the main turbines,
using the main throttle valve on the control platform.
Meanwhile the 12 to 4 Junior has returned to the platform. The Third Engineer rushes past
on his way to start the emergency (diesel) generator.
Third Engineer: (To Junior) Come with me. Let's get the generator going. (To Fourth
Engineer) Start draining the water out of the fuel lines.
The Fourth Engineer who has by now stopped the main turbines goes to the boiler front
and begins slackening back the union nuts on the fuel oil burner hose.
Just before noon the Chief and Second Engineers had been in the Chief's office discussing
the next scheduled cleaning of the starboard boiler.

Chief Engineer: At this time of the year we have always to consider the
possibility of a hurricane. We should carry the cleaning out
on the next ballast leg, and at as southerly a point as is
Second Engineer: OK. I take it you'll let me know after talking to the Captain. Chief

Engineer: Yes, I'll see him shortly. (The alarm rings.)

Second Engineer.. (Thinking it is the noon-time alarm test) Noon already. I'll see you at
lunch, Chief.

The Second Engineer walks towards the door, but the alarm is still ringing. He turns and
looks quizzically at the Chief.

Chief Engineer:He's letting it ring on a bit, isn't he? Second Engineer:

Yes, unless it 's a real alarm.

Chief Engineer: (Getting quickly to his feet) If it is, we'd better not hang about here — after
you Second!

The Chief Engineer grabs a boiler suit and both men rush to the Engine Room. Arriving
on the control platform they find the Fourth Engineer returning from the boiler front.

Second Engineer: What's the trouble, Fourth?

Fourth Engineer: We lost the fires while changing over the settling tanks. The Third and
his Junior are getting the emergency diesel going now. My Junior is
draining the fuel lines.
Chief Engineer: OK, Fourth, stay here. Second. You'd better see that the Third is OK with
that, generator. I 'll see how the Junior is getting on.

Two more Junior Engineers arrive on the platform. Chief

Engineer: You two. Quick, with me.

At the boiler front the Chief Engineer directs the Juniors in draining water from the fuel
lines and re-tightening the unions. A few moments later the 2nd and 3rd Engineers arrive.
The latter goes immediately to help the three Juniors.
Second Engineer: (To Chief Engineer) Diesel's on the board now. How are things here?

Chief Engineer: Going as fast as they can. We 'll be through in a few minutes. They 've done
nearly a third of them. Not a lot of water so far.

The Chief Engineer leaves and walks back to the control platform. A few moments later
he returns. The engineers, racing against time, are trying to clear the water from the fuel
lines and re-start the fires before the steam pressures fall drastically, causing the
alternator, and with it all the auxiliaries, to be stopped, which would result in a total

Chief Engineer: (To Second Engineer) We've not long left to us now. Second

Engineer: Yes, I know, but we're nearly there.

The Second Engineer now goes to each fuel oil line and checks the securing of the joint

Second Engineer: (To Chief Engineer) OK, that's it. I'll try flashing her up again.

The Second Engineer proceeds to direct the others in the flashing-up procedure. Meanwhile,
on the Bridge the Second Officer, who so far knows only that the ship has lost power and is
rapidly slowing down, has hoisted the Not Under Command (N.U.C.) signal and changed
from automatic to manual steering.

(Engine telephone rings.)

The Captain, who had come to the Bridge as soon as he realised that the engine-room alarm
had not been a test, answers.

Captain: Yes?

Chief Engineer: Hello, Chief here. We've had water in the fuel oil line, but it seems OK now.
The fires are back on, and I think we'll be under way again in about a half
Captain: Thanks very much Chief. Let us know when you are ready to move off again.

Later, whilst the ship is steaming normally, the Chief Engineer enters the Captain's Office.

Captain: Ah, Miguel, come in. Have a seat. Everything all right now?

Chief Engineer: Yes, all OK now.

Captain: Good. Well, at least the delay is negligible, and there was no navigational or
collision danger. What was the cause of the trouble?

Chief Engineer: Water in the fuel lines. I can only think they didn't check the starboard
settling tank for water before changing over to it.
Captain: Well, they'll know next time. I take it you' ll be talking to those concerned and
making sure that everybody knows what 's expected in future.
Chief Engineer:I certainly will, Sir. We don 't want to go through this kind of
experience again.

Using the dialogue as a guide, answer the following questions with the verb construction
Question: In the event of an engine breakdown, what is the first action which must be
Response: In the event of an engine breakdown, the alarm must he sounded.
1. If the breakdown occurs during the change-over of the settling tanks, what must be
shut off immediately?
2. Which valve should be closed in order to shut off the steam to the main turbines?
3. Why must the union nuts he slackened on the fuel oil burner hose?

4. Why has the water got to be drained from the fuel lines as quickly as possible?

5. Why should the N.U.C. signal be hoisted?

Project 7

Give a verbal, followed by a written, description of the consequences of an engine room




On the return ballast voyage a number of other (empty) cargo tanks are cleaned with high
velocity water washing machines. The wash water, which will have oil mixed with it, is
sucked out leaving clean tanks which are then filled with fresh ballast water from the sea. The
'dirty' ballast is then disposed of. This is done by first pumping out to sea the clean water lying
under the oily layer on the surface of the ballast water. The oil and oily-water mixture which
forms the surface layer of the 'dirty' ballast is then pumped out to a collection tank -- the same
one as holds the dirty wash water from the 'clean' ballast tanks. This tank, called the slop tank,
will then hold all the oil and oily water recovered from the ballast and tank washings.

After having a day or two to settle, free (clean) water which will have settled out under the oil
may be carefully run off to sea, but the slops remain on board to be discharged ashore with the
next oil cargo.
On short voyages there will not be time to clean tanks, take on clean ballast and separate out
the oil slops. In these circumstances the 'dirty' ballast is retained on board. At the loading port,
instead of being pumped to sea, it is discharged ashore to a ballast reception facility. There,
the oil is recovered and the oil-free water is pumped back into the sea. With tank cleaning
complete, the ship's company revert to normal maintenance programmes. The shipboard
management system defines work targets which must he completed, identifies parts to be
replaced at fixed intervals, gives basic instruction for each job, and even lists the tools needed.
All over the world other tankers are loading their vast cargoes of crude oil, trans-porting them
to refineries where they will be processed and converted into products which, in turn, their
small sisters will carry to consumer areas; fuels for transport, heating and agricultural uses,
lubricants for machinery of all sizes and descriptions, raw materials for the plastics and petro-
chemical industries, for fertilisers and even for animal protein production.

Oil is the life-blood of the 20th Century. For its supply, modern civilisation depends on
tankers and the men and women who sail in or support them.

Abaft Behind on the after side; towards the stern.

Abeam In a position at right angles to the line of the ship.

Aft Towards the stern; at or near the stern.

Agent Ship's agent for the conduct of Company business in port.

Alongside Lying at a berth, or another ship, so that the ship and berth, or two ships, are
parallel and touching throughout their whole lengths.

Amidships In the middle of the ship, between port and starboard, or between fore and

Anchor Device for holding a vessel to a place on the sea-bed.

Anchor cable The chain attached to an anchor.

Anchorage The place where a ship is anchored, or where it is intended to anchor.

Back pressure The pressure developed on the ship 's pumping system when discharging
cargo ashore.

Batten down To close (an opening) in a secure fashion, so as to make it

proof against both the ingress of seas and the escape of any
liquid which might. he contained within an enclosed space.
To batten down a hatch is to make it secure.

Bearing The direction of any object from the ship in terms of the angle it makes on the bow
or quarter, or in terms of its direction relative to true north.

Berthing plan A plan, agreed with the Pilot, for the sequence of sending out moorings and
bringing a ship alongside a berth.

Bollard A short, strong post on the quay or dock-side for attaching mooring lines.

Bow The fore part of the ship.

(On the Bow) A direction between dead ahead and about 30 degrees on either side.
Brast line A mooring line run from the ship to the shore, or other epoint, at, or nearly at,
right angles to the ship's fore and aft line.

Bridge Main control position of a ship, from which it is controlled and


Bulkhead A vertical division within a ship 's structure which may be of steel or other
material separating one compartment from another.

Cable A message sent by radio telegraphy.

Calibration check To check the accuracy of the range calibration (rings) of a (Radar)
radar by comparison with the known distance of a fixed object.

('ergo Goods and products carried in a ship.

Cargo line(s) A discrete section of large diameter pipe in the cargo pumping system
intended to contain a flow of oil.

Cargo statement A detailed report, usually on a set form, of cargo loaded. The statement
gives the quantities and grade of oil in each tank; cargo temperatures;
specific gravities; quantities of dry and wet residues; etc.

Cargo temperature The mean temperature of bulk petroleum; either in a single tank or a
whole parcel.

Channel A narrow stretch of water.

Channel A band of radio frequencies; e.g. Channel 16.

Chart folio A discrete collection of charts assembled to cover the navigation of a

specific area or region.

Chart table A large table on the Bridge on which are laid those charts in current use.

Clearing outwards The procedure for completing, with port officers, the documents and
formalities required to permit a ship to leave port.
Clutter control A control on a radar set used to supress the spurious echoes of waves
and rain.
Compass course A course expressed in terms of the direction to steer on a magnetic
compass, which includes variation due to the earth's magnetic field and
deviation due to the influence of a ship's own magnetic field.

Crane Machine for lifting heavy loads.

Crew The ship's complement, excluding the Captain, or the non-officers of a

ship's company.
Crew Check The procedure for determing whether or not all persons are on board
prior to leaving port.

Depthmeter Electronic device for measuring the depth under the keel of a
(Echo-sounder)) ship.
Derrick Steel or wooden boom over a hatchway, capable of swinging and lifting
heavy weights.

Dipping distanceThe distance at which a shore navigation light will cease to be

(Extreme range)visible from a ship's Bridge, as the curvature of the earth intrudes into
the direct line of sight.

Dip-stick An implement for accurately measuring the sounding of a tank which is nearly
empty. (Or measuring a small ullage when the tank is full or nearly full -
ullage stick.

Dolphin A fixed structure on piles situated near a jetty, to which are attached a
ship's mooring lines.

Draught The depth to which a ship's hull is immersed in the sea.

Draught-marks Depth calibrations painted at stem, stern and on the sides at mid-length,
which indicate the distance, at right angles from the plane of the keel,
to the surface.

Drift Movement across the sea surface of a ship, or other floating object,
caused solely by the effects of tide.

Drip-trans Open, shallow containers placed under the cargo manifold connections, in
order to collect small seepages of oil.
Drum ends Steel castings on a winch or windlass around which are
(winch drum) turned ropes or wires in order to haul on them.

Echo Sounder Device which indicates the depth of water under keel by
(Depthmeter, transmitting sound pulses vertically towards the sea bed and
Sounder) measuring the elapsed time to their being reflected back to the ship.

E.T.A. Estimated Time of Arrival.

Fairlead A casting set on the ship's side through which are passed the mooring lines.

Fix A determination of ship's position, by whatever means, plotted on a chart.

Flame Arrestor A screen made of gauze-like materials, which will allow gasses to pass
through it, but not sparks, or other small particles. Flame arrestors may be
fixed permanently in place — e.g. on gas risers — or may be portable, as are
designed for ullage openings.

Flashing-up The initial ignition of a boiler fire or fires.

Fore Towards the bow.

Forecastle The raised and enclosed deck in the bows. (Fo'csle)

Forecastle HeadThe raised deck on top of the forecastle, in the bows.

Freeboard The distance between sea-level and the main deck level.

Gain The intensity of signal amplification on a radar display. (brightness)

Grade Term applied to distinguish one type of petroleum cargo, or parcel, from another; e.g.
"The total cargo is 15,000 tons, comprising 4 grades of fuel oil."

Gravities The ratio between the weight of a given volume of a liquid (Specific
Gravities) and that. of the same volume of water.

Gyro A gyro compass.

Gyro stabilised) Term applied to a radar display which is synchronised with the gyro

Hawse-pipe The cylindrical channel in the bows of a ship through which the anchor
and its attached cable (chain) are led to the windlass (or capstan).

Heading Marker The direction of the ship's head as given by the direction of
Reading the heading marker on a radar.

Headline A mooring line which leads forward from the how of a ship in a direction
close to the fore and aft line of the ship.

Heating Coils The system of steam pipes fitted in cargo tanks to provide heal, for
viscous cargoes.
Heaving Line Coil of small diameter rope, heavily knotted at one end, intended to be
thrown from the ship to the shore, or to another craft, for the purpose of
hauling back another, heavier rope, or package, etc.

Helm The steering wheel, or the amount of rudder applied.

Leeway Movement across the sea surface of a ship caused solely by the effect of

Leeward In the direction away from the wind.

Leg Any part of a voyage where the ship steams in a constant

(of a voyage) direction.

Loading The act or operation of putting cargo into the ship.

Loading Arm The shore sited articulated pipe system which connects the ship's cargo
manifold(s) to the shore.
Loading Rate The speed at, which cargo is loaded, expressed as tons per hour, or cubic
metres per hour, etc.

Loaded The mean temperature of bulk petroleum; either in a single

Temperatures tank or a whole parcel at the time of its being loaded.

Manifest Detailed statement of cargo and stores carried on board a ship, prepared for
presentation to port officials.
Manifold Solid steel discs bolted to the open ends of the cargo mani-
(blanks) fold connect. ions in order to seal them.

Magnetic Course A course expressed in terms of a magnetic compass heading, which

includes the variation from the true meridian caused by the earth's magnetic
field, but not the deviation due to the ship's magnetic field.

Manoeuvring Data Term applied to a collection of diagrams and/or tables which describe the
manoeuvring characteristics of a ship; e.g.time to stop, and diameter of
turns, range of speeds, etc.

Mooring A position where a ship can be between two buoys, or can lie to two or more
anchors, or can be attached by lines to the shore, but is not lying alongside.

Mooring Lines Ropes or wires attaching a ship to her mooring.

Navigation The art and science of controlling a ship and managing its course from one
place to another.

Navigation Notice issued by Governments and other official bodies, and

warnings broadcast by radio, and later sent in writing to ships, giving details of
dangers to navigation.

North-up Mode Operating a radar set with gyro stabilisation.

Parcel A discrete quantity of cargo within the total amount carried, which might be the total
quantity of a specific type (e.g. "In this cargo the gas oil parcel is 10,000
tons") or the total amount for an individual consignee (e.g. total F.O. parcel
for Exxon is 5000 tons of 55514).

Pilot Ladder A ladder constructed of rope and wooden steps in compliance with specified
minimum standards, and used for the embarkation and disembarkation of
Pilots (or other persons) from or to a boat alongside.

Pilot Station An area of sea in the approaches to a port designated as a rendezvous area in
which ships should embark (or disembark) port Pilots. Aso applied to a building on shore
from which pilot cutters put out to meet ships.
Poop A short, raised deck, right aft, or the aftermost part of a ship.

Port A harbour and its town or city.

Port The port side of a ship.

Port Performance A document. in which the ship accounts for the time taken Record over
the whole port operation. Times for mooring, deballast-
ing, preparations for loading, the loading of each parcel,
preparations for leaving port, etc., are recorded in detail and
compared with previously set target times for each activity.
Pollution Procedures and equipment adopted to minimise the possibility
Prevention of any spillage of oil into the sea. Measures

Pressure Test Procedure for subjecting a section of pipe, or other item of equipment, to a
certain pressure (of oil or water) and examining it for evidence of leakage.

Pumpman The crew member designated to operate the cargo pumps.

Pumproom A space in a tanker which houses the cargo pumps and a complex of cargo

Repeater A gyro repeater.

To rig To place in position ready for immediate use. (the Pilot

Safety Check-list A set form on which are listed a number of items that are required to be
checked before it is considered safe to start an operation.

Sample Can A small container designed to take samples from a liquid cargo.
Samson Post A short, tubular post which supports a derrick.

Scupper A drain for any water that accumulates on a ship's deck. Water on the deck runs to
the side and then through a scupper to the sea. These are blocked or "plugged" when a
tanker is in port so that should oil be spilled on deck it does not run to the sea.
Sea Suctions An underwater opening to the sea through which water may be drawn into
the pumping system.

Seepage Small escape of oil.

Settling Tanks Tanks in the engine room in which bunker fuel is stored prior to being used
in the boiler.

Single-up The term applied to the letting go of most of a ship's moor ings prior to leaving a
berth, leaving only a few moorings to be released at the moment of

To slack Away To pay out on a rope or wire.

To slip Mooring To let go.

Sounding The depth of liquid contained in a tank.

Sounding Pipes Vertical pipes extending from the bottom of any tank or enclosed space to
the deck above, down which may be passed a sounding rod.

Spill Escape of oil.

Spring A mooring line, usually of wire, which leads from a ship in a direction from
forward or aft to a point on the shore close to a position opposite the mid-
section of the ship.
Steaming Time The time taken for a ship to travel a specific distance at a given speed.

Steering Gear The system provided for steering a ship; comprising steering
(Steering wheel, electro-hydraulic transmission network, and steering
Equipment) motors mounted on the rudder stock.
Strobe The variable range marker of a radar set.

Tachometer Instrument which gives the r.p.m. of the main engine or perhaps of a cargo
pump or other piece of machinery.

Target rate The rate of discharge which it is planned to achieve through-out a discharge
of cargo.
True Course The planned direction of a ship, expressed in degrees of arc relative to true
Tug A small vessel designed for towing and for helping larger ships to
manoeuvre in confined places.

Ullage The vertical extent of free space in a loaded or partly loaded cargo tank between the
surface of the liquid and the top of the tank. In a tanker's cargo
compartments it is usual to provide a standard point from which to measure

(Ullage Tape A calibrated measuring tape adapted for the measurement of tank ullages.

Variable Range A device on radar set used to measure the distance of a target
Marker from the ship.

Vent Ventilator.

Visibility Range at which ships and other objects can be seen (visually) from a ship's

V.H.F. Very High Frequency. Term commonly used to describe short range radio
telephone equipment.

Warping Drum The concave steel cylinder driven by a winch, used to work
(Drum End) mooring lines.

Water Jet High pressure stream of water, directed through a nozzle — as through a fire
hose jet nozzle.

Walk-out To "walk-out" an anchor is to lower it from hawse-pipe with the windlass or

capstan in gear, as distinct from releasing the brake with the machinery free-
running so that the anchor drops from the hawse-pipe.

Wheelhouse The enclosed structure containing the steering wheel and

(Pilot House) other principal devices for navigating the ship.

Water-tight DoorA door, usually of steel, constructed and secured specifically to prevent the
ingress of water.
Winch A machine with a horizontal, revolving barrel for applying power to ropes or

Windlass A special winch, fitted with a gypsy or cable-lifter wheel, for working the
anchor cables.


1. Bridge Organisation
1.1 General
1.2 Passage Plan
1.3 Safety Systems - Maintenance & Training

2. Duties of the Officer of the Watch

2.1 General
2.2 Keeping a Good Lookout
2.3 Main Engines
2.4 Changing Over the Watch
2.5 Periodic Checks of Navigational Equipment
2.6 Helmsman/Automatic Pilot
2.7 Navigation in Coastal Waters
2.8 Restricted Visibility
2.9 Calling the Master
2.10 Navigation with Pilot Embarked
2.11 The Watchkeeping Personnel
2.12 Search and Rescue
2.13 Helicopter Operations
2.14 Log Books
2.15 Routine and Emergency Check Lists
2.16 Ship and Anchor
2.17 Ship's Draught

3. Operation and Maintenance of Navigational Equipment

3.1 General
3.2 Radars
3.3 Automatic Pilot
3.4 Gyro and Magnetic Compasses
3.5 Chronometers
3.6 Echo Sounders
3.7 Speed/Distance Recorders
3.8 Electronic Position Fixing Aids
3.9 Direction Finders
3.10 Hydrographic Publications
3.11 Emergency Navigation Lights and Signal Equipment

Annex 1 Example of an Entering Port Plan

Annex 2 Suggested Master/Pilot Information Exchange
1. Familiarisation with Bridge Equipment
2. Daily Tests and Checks
3. Preparation for Sea
4. Embarkation/Disembarkation of Pilot
5. Master/Pilot Information Exchange
6. Navigation, Coastal Waters/Traffic Separation Schemes
7. Changing over the Watch
8. Navigation, Deep Sea
9. Preparation for Arrival in Port
10. Anchoring and Anchor Watch
11. Restricted Visibility
12. Heavy Weather
13. Navigating in Ice
14. Navigating in Tropical Storm Area
1. Main Engine Failure
2. Steering Failure
3. Gyro Failure/Compass Failure
4. Bridge Control/Telegraph Failure
5. Imminent Collision/Collision
6. Stranding
7. Fire
8. Flooding
9. Boat/Liferaft Stations
10. Man-overboard
11. Search and Rescue.

1.1 General

1.1.1 The competence and vigilance of the Officer of the Watch provides the most direct
means of avoiding dangerous situations. However, analyses of navigational
casualties show that weaknesses in bridge organisation are a contributory cause in
very many cases. Well defined procedures clearly laid down in company
instructions and/or Master's Standing Orders, supported by an efficient organisation,
are essential.

1.1.2 Clear instructions should be issued to cover such matters as:-

(a) calling the Master (2.9)
(b) reducing speed in the event of restricted visibility, or other
(c) posting lookout(s);
(d) manning the wheel;
(e) the use of largest scale charts and navigational aids, such as echo sounder,
radar, etc.
(f) an established drill for changing over from automatic to manual steering and,
if applicable, change-over from hydraulic to electric steering and vice-versa
(g) the provision of additional watchkeeping personnel in special circumstances,
e.g. heavy traffic or restricted visibility.

1.1.3 There is a clear requirement that Officers of the Watch should be in no doubt as to
what action Masters expect them to take and therefore it is good practice to issue the
foregoing as standing instructions, supplemented by a bridge order hook.

1.1.4 It is the responsibility of the Master to ensure that, when practicable, the departing
officers 'hand-over' correctly to officers joining. Newly joined officers should read
and sign Standing Orders and any other directives. It is essential they be shown how
to set up and operate all appropriate bridge equipment (see Routine Bridge Check
List No. 1.)

1.2 Passage Plan

1.2.1 The Master should ensure that a plan for the intended voyage is prepared before
sailing. It is of particular importance that this procedure is adopted for that part of
the voyage in coastal waters. In pilotage waters, it may be appropriate to have
available a forecast of the times of alteration of course, speed and sets expected (see
attached example at Annex 1).

1.3 Safety Systems - Maintenance and Training

1.3.1 In addition to the above, the Master should ensure that all safety systems (for example,
life-saving appliances, fire-fighting equipment) are properly maintained and that Officers of
the Watch and other crew members are trained, as appropriate, in the use of these systems.
Regular drills should be carried out, especially at the early stages of a voyage.

2.1 General

2.1.1 The Officer of the Watch is the Master's representative, and his primary responsibility at
all times s the safe navigation of the vessel Ile Is parti cularly advised, where possible,
to arrange for another officer to check basic navigational decisions. He must at all
times comply with the 1972 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
2.1.2 The Officer of the Watch should keep his watch on the bridge which he should in no
circumstances leave until properly relieved. A prime responsibility of the Officer of
the Watch is to ensure the effectiveness of the navigating watch. It is of especial
importance that at all times the Officer of the Watch ensures that en efficient lookout
is maintained. In a vessel with a separate chart room, the Officer of the Watch may
visit this, when essential, for a short period for the necessary performance of his
navigational duties, but he should previously satisfy himself that it is safe to do so and
ensure that a good lookout is kept.
2.1.3 The Officer of the Watch continues to be responsible for the safe navigation of the
vessel despite the presence of the Master on the bridge until the Master informs him
specifically that he has assumed responsibility.
2,1.4 The Officer of the Watch should not hesitate to use the sound signalling apparatus at his
disposal, in accordance with the 1972 International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea.

2.2 Keeping a Good Lookout

2.2.1 The Officer of the Watch is responsible for the maintenance of a continuous and alert
lookout. This is the most important consideration in the avoidance of casualties. The
keeping of an efficient lookout requires to be interpreted in its fullest sense which
includes the following:
(a) an alert all-round visual and aural lookout to ensure a full grasp of the current
situation including the presence of ships and land-marks in the vicinity;
(b) close observation of the movements and compass bearing of approaching
(c) identification of ship and shore lights;
(d) the need to ensure that the course is steered accurately and that the wheel orders
are correctly executed;
(e) observation of the radar and echo sounder displays;
(f) observation of changes in the weather, especially the visibility.

2.3 Main Engines (see Emergency Bridge Check List No. 1)

2.3.1. The Officer of the Watch should bear in mind that the engines are at his disposal. He
should not hesitate to use them in case of need. However, timely notice of engine movements
should be given when possible. Ile should also keep prominently in mind the manoeuvring
capabilities of his ship, including its stopping distance.
2.3.2 Control of Main Engines
There are two aspects with which the Officer of the Watch is mainly concerned:
(a) Control of Revolutions ahead and astern.
The Officer of the Watch should be familiar with the operation of the
engine/propeller control mechanism. He should appreciate that the type of
engine and configuration of the plant have implications when changes in
speed and direction are required. Direct drive diesel, diesel through
gearbox/clutch, turbo electric and gas turbine engines have relatively quick
responses to change provided the engines are on "stand-by". Geared turbines
are not as responsive, nor is their change from ahead/astern quickly achieved.

(b) Condition and Readiness.

(i) "Stand-by" or manoeuvring conditions.
The Officer of the Watch should know the time taken to achieve an
emergency and routine stop from "full-away". Sometimes the full speed
at "stand-by" is different from that at "full-away". This difference should
be known to the Officer of the Watch.
(ii) "Full-away" condition. The engine-room staff adjust controls for
revolutions required for the sea passage.

2.4 Changing over the Watch (see Routine Bridge Check List No. 7)

2.4.1 The relieving Officer of the Watch should ensure that members of his watch are fully
capable of performing their duties and in particular that they are adjusted to night
vision. He should not take over the Watch until his vision is fully adjusted to the
light conditions and he has personally satisfied himself regarding:
(a) standing orders and other special instructions relating to the navigation of
the vessel;
(b) the position, course, speed and draught of the vessel;
(c) prevailing and predicted tides, currents, weather, visibility and the effect of
these factors upon course and speed;
(d) the navigational situation including:
(i) the operational condition of all navigational and safety equipment;
(ii) errors of gyro and magnetic compasses;
(iii) the movement of vessels in the vicinity;
(iv) conditions and hazards likely to be encountered during the watch;
(v) the possible effects of heel, trim, water density and squat on underkeel

2.4.2 If at the time the Officer of the Watch is to be relieved, a manoeuvre or other action to
avoid any hazard is taking place, the relief of the officer should be deferred until such action
is completed.
2.4.3 The Officer of the Watch should not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if' he
has any reason to believe that the latter is under any disability which would
preclude him from carrying out his duties effectively. If in doubt, the Officer of the
Watch should inform the Master.

2.5 Periodic Checks of Navigational Equipment.

2.5.1 The Officer of the Watch should make regular checks to ensure that:
(a) the helmsman or the automatic pilot is steering the correct course;
(b) the standard compass error is established at least once a watch
and, when possible, after any major alteration of course;
(c) the standard and gyro compasses are compared frequently and
repeaters synchronised;
(d) the automatic pilot is tested in the manual position at least once a watch;
(e) the navigation and signal lights and other navigational equipment are
functioning properly.

2.6 Helmsman/Automatic Pilot

2.6.1 Officers of the Watch should bear in mind the need to station the helms-man and
change over the steering to manual control in good time to allow any potentially
hazardous situation to be dealt with in a safe manner. With a vessel under automatic
steering it is highly dangerous to allow a situation to develop to the point where the
Officer of the Watch is without assistance and has to break the continuity of the
lookout in order to take emergency action. The change-over from automatic to
manual steering and vice versa should be made by, or under the supervision, of a
responsible officer.

2.7 Navigation in Coastal Waters.

2.7.1 The largest scale chart on board, suitable for the area and corrected with the latest
available information, should be used. The Officer of the Watch should identify
positively all relevant navigation marks. Fixes should be taken at intervals whose
frequency must depend upon factors such as distance from nearest hazard, speed of
ship, set experienced, etc. In cases such as a planned approach to an anchor berth or
harbour entrance, fixing may be virtually continuous. Whenever circumstances
allow, fixes should be checked using another fixing method.

2.8 Restricted Visibility (see Routine Bridge Check List No. 11 I.

2.8.1 When restricted visibility is encountered or suspected, the first responsi bility of the
Officer of the Watch is to comply with the 1972 Inter-national Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea, with particular regard to the sounding of fog signals,
use of safe speed and availability of engines for immediate manoeuvre. In addition,
he should:
(a) inform the Master;
post lookout(s), helmsman and, in congested waters, revert to hand steering immediately;
(c) exhibit navigation lights;
(d) operate and use the radar.

All the above action should, if possible, be taken in good time before visibility

2.9 Calling the Master

2.9.l The Officer of the Watch should notify the Master innnediately under the
following circumstances:
(a) if visibility is deteriorating;
(b) if the movements of other vessels are causing concern;
(c) if difficulty is experienced in maintaining course;
(d) on failure to sight land or a navigation mark or to obtain soundings by the
expected time;
(e) if either land or a navigation mark is sighted or a marked change in soundings
occurs unexpectedly;
(f) on the breakdown of the engines, steering gear or any essential navigational
(g) if in any doubt about the possibility of weather damage;
(h) in any other situation in which he is in any doubt.

Despite the requirement to notify the Master immediately in the foregoing

circumstances, the Officer of the Watch should not hesitate to take immediate
action for the safety of the ship, where circumstances so require.

2.10 Navigation with Pilot Embarked (see Routine Bridge Check List No. 5 and
"Suggested Master/ Pilot Information Exchange " from at Annex 2)
2.10.1 The presence of a pilot does not relieve the Officer of the Watch from his duties and
obligations. He should' co-operate closely with the pilot and maintain an accurate
check on the vessel s position and movements. Alterations of course and/or
changes in wheel and/or engine orders should he transmitted through the Officer
of the Watch. If he is in any doubt as to the pilot's actions or intensions, the
Officer of the Watch should seek clarification from the pilot and, if still in doubt,
notify the Master immediately and take whatever action is necessary before the
Master arrives.
2.11 The Watchkeeping Personnel

2.11.1 The Officer of the Watch should give the watchkeeping personnel all appropriate
instructions and information which will ensure the keeping of a safe watch,
including a proper lookout.

2.12 Search and Rescue (see Emergency Bridge Check List No. 11)

2.12.1 The Master of a ship at sea, on receiving a signal that a ship, or aircraft, or survival
craft is in distress is bound, if reasonable and practicable, to "proceed with all speed to the
assistance of the persons in distress ". (SOLAS 1974 Chapter V, Regulation 10).
2.13 Helicopter Operations

2.13.1 Masters and Officers of the Watch of vessels likely to be engaged in helicopter
transfer are recommended to make themselves familiar with the ICS Guide to
Helicopter/Ship Operations.

2.14 Log Books

2.14.1 A proper record of the movements and activities of the vessel should be kept during
the watch. Instruction for completion should be strictly observed.

2.15 Routine and Emergency Check Lists

2.15.1 The Officer of the Watch should be fully conversant with procedures summarised in
Part 2 of this Guide, some of which have been referred to in Part 1. Whether the
action taken under the various headings is "Routine" or "Emergency", the
appropriate "Check List" should be consulted, when time permits, to ensure that all
necessary actions are taken.

2.16 Ship at Anchor (see Routine Bridge Check List No. 10).
2.16.1 If the Master considers it necessary, a continuous navigational watch should be
maintained. In such circumstances, the Officer of the Watch should: --
(a) determine and plot the ship's position on the appropriate chart as soon as
practicable and, at sufficiently frequent intervals, check, by taking bearings
or fixed navigational marks or readily identifiable shore objects, whether the
anchor is holding;
(b) ensure that an efficient lookout is maintained;
(c) ensure that an inspection of the vessel is made periodically;
(d) observe weather, tidal and sea conditions;
(e) notify the Master and undertake all necessary measures if the vessel drags;
(f) ensure that the state of readiness of the main engines and other
machinery is in accordance with the Master's instructions;
(g) notify the Master if visibility deteriorates and comply with the
1972 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea;
(h) ensure that the vessel exhibits the appropriate lights and shapes
and that appropriate sound signals are made at all times.

2.17 Ship's Draught

2.17.1 The Master should ensure that the draught of the ship is readily available to the
Officer of the Watch throughout the voyage. It should be displayed in the wheelhouse and
adjusted as necessary to take account of changes which occur as the voyage progresses.

3.1 General

3.1.1 The importance of complete familiarisation by watchkeeping officers with all

navigational and safety equipment is stressed. Navigational equipment should be
checked by the Officer of the Watch to ensure that it is fully operational. Defects
should be recorded and brought to the attention of the Master. It is of prime
importance that Navigating Officers acquaint themselves with the contents of
operating manuals for equipment installed, particularly with regard to the setting up
of controls, their operation and procedure to be followed in the event of a fault
3.1.2 The Master should ensure that regular maintenance of all navigational equipment is
carried out in accordance with manufacturers ' instruction manuals. The upkeep and
maintenance of individual items of navigational equipment should be the
responsibility of one officer who should be, if possible, suitably experienced.

3.2 Radars

3.2.1 The Master should ensure that the radar is available for use by the Officer of the
(a) as an aid to fixing position;
(b) as an aid to assessing risk of collisions;
(c) for practice purposes.

3.2.2 Whenever possible, the radar should be switched on in sufficient time before it is
required to establish that is operating correctly. After switching on, the radar
should be adjusted to obtain optimum performance. The performance monitor
signal, where available, should be checked frequently. A check should also be
made on the alignment of the heading marker. Where vessels are fitted with two or
more radars, which may be interswitched, it is essential that range scales are
verified when using each display.
3.2.3 When restricted visibility is expected or encountered, plotting of radar echoes should
commence in ample time. A prompt reduction of speed can allow more time for
plotting. The necessary high standard of proficiency in the use of radar is reduced
visibility will not be achieved unless regular anti-collision and plotting practice is
carried out. The Master should ensure that all Navigating Officers practise radar
plotting regularly in clear weather, particularly before approaching coastal waters
after a long ocean voyage.

3.3 Automatic Pilot

3.3.1 The automatic pilot should only be used when safe and practicable.

3.3.2 All methods of change-over between alternative means of steering should be

displayed prominently on the bridge, demonstrated and exercised.
3.3.3 The off-course alarm, when fitted, should be adjusted depending on weather
conditions. The alarm should be in use at all times when under automatic steering.
If it becomes unserviceable, consideration should be given to changing to hand
steering. The use of an alarm does not in any way relieve the Officer of the Watch
from checking the course being steered.

3.4 Gyro and Magnetic Compasses

3.4.1 It is preferable to leave the gyro compass running continuously. Should it have been
for any reason, it should be started and, later, checked to ensure it has
settled' and is reading correctly in sufficient time before use.
3.4.2 Latitude and speed corrections should be applied to the gyro compass, as appropriate.
Repeaters should by synchronised with the gyro at least once in a watch. The gyro
alarm should be checked daily. As a safeguard against the gyro and gyro repeaters
wandering, frequent checks should be made between the magnetic and gyro
compasses. Compass errors should he ascertained each watch, if practicable, either
by azimuth or transit bearing.
3.4.3 All liquid magnetic compasses should be checked weekly for air bubbles. They
should be covered at all times when not in use.
3.4.4 Where fitted as a standby system, magnetic compass control of the automatic pilot
should be tested and exercised weekly in clear weather.

3.5 Chronometers

3.5.1 Chronometers should be wound daily at the same time and checked with a radio time
signal. The chronometer error should be recorded on the ship 's chronometer rate
card and the Master informed of any unusual change in rate. Where battery-driven
chronometers are fitted, batteries should be changed at the correct intervals.

3.6 Echo Sounders

3.6.1 The echo sounder should be used, both when making a landfall and in coastal waters,
and particularly in areas where chartered depths must be treated with caution.
3.6.2 When approaching soundings, the echo sounder should be switched on in ample time,
ensuring that a zero mark is being recorded. It should be operated on all ranges and
scales regularly until a sounding is obtained. Care should be taken where units of
soundings on the echo sounder are different from those of the chart in use.

3.6.3 The time of crossing the more important depth contours should be recorded in the deck
log, with distance recorder reading.
3.7 Speed/Distance Recorders

3.7.1 The speed/distance recorder should be operated as soon as it is safe to do so.

Readings of distance through the water should be entered in the deck log at the end
of each watch, at times of establishing positions (where these are recorded in the
deck log) and when course or speed are altered. Readings should be entered on the
chart with any position.

3.8 Electronic Position Fixing Aids

3.8.1 Electronic position fixing aids should be employed in conjunction with other available
aids to navigation. The Officer of the Watch should be thoroughly familiar with their
use, and limitations, including the application of corrections to read-outs.
3.8.2 The operational handbook for the aid and current navigational warnings should be
consulted, to ensure that proper corrections are applied.
3.8.3 When entering the area of coverage of a particular aid, the equipment should be set up
in accordance with the operating instructions and there-after monitored to ensure
that the equipment is operating correctly. Positions should he checked periodically
using other fixing methods to ensure accurate positional information is available
when needed. Positions obtained when navigating in areas on the limit of coverage
of the aid, and where lattice lines are close together and/or at acute angles of inter-
section, should be treated with caution.

3.9 Direction Finders

3.9.1 The calibration table and curves should be verified by frequent observations. A routine
check calibration should be carried out whenever possible, and recorded at intervals
of not more than 12 months and whenever a change to ship's structure and/or rigging
is likely to affect the accuracy of DF bearings.

3.10 Hydrographic Publications

3.10.1 One officer should be responsible for keeping charts up-to-date from the latest
available Notices to Mariners. The same procedure should apply to other
navigational publications. A record should be kept of all navigational warnings,
together with details of cleared routes and areas still dangerous to shipping from
mines or other causes.
3.10.2 As a general rule, only one chart should be in use at any one time. Particular
consideration should be given to the use of charts produced and issued by local
national hydrographic services where there are clear advantages. Every care should
be taken when working with charts of different scales and different sounding units.

3.11 Emergency Navigation Lights and Signal Equipment

3.11.1 The Officer of the Watch is responsible for ensuring that emergency navigation lights
and signalling equipment are in working order and ready for immediate use.

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