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Arrcyman’s Infinite

Eric Yeh, 8A

Arrcyman’s Infinite
“The WMAFC’s target is to turn the world around, not to turn it upside down.”

-Zirlaid Arrocman Watson, CEO of Watson Model Armed Forces

You might be surprised to hear that this is my first writing experience in the “English”

language instead of the programming language. I want to write about my life and I hope I can be

like other kids who have written tons of stories and essays. Also, I cannot, because this will be

my last piece of writing. I know that I am not a normal kid, I did not have a family, and I did not

go to school. All I had done in my life were mainly two things, building computers with Cux,

and loving my boyfriend Jolus.

It was nine years ago, when I was seven in an orphanage, with my twin brother,

Chaincux. Kids at the orphanage did not talk to us because they thought we were out of the

ordinary maybe because we talked programming language, which they somehow did not

understand it. Most adults knew Chaincux and I as geniuses or very intelligent kids.

“If state ‘humans’ as A. There’s an error when ninety six percent of A said A don’t have

a CPU…” Cux said once.


We always had lots of fun, constructing, building operation system, and programming

applications. Usually we went to computer recycling plant to find materials to build our

computers, and did lots of research on our teacher’s computer at midnight. After a few months,

we successfully made our first computer with artificial intelligence. It could talk like other kids

at our orphanage, and we named it after our middle names- Arrcymans the First.

The Arrcymans are the successor of the Arrocman of the Watson family. The Watson

family was eminent for the WMAF (the Watson Model Armed Forces) from 2020. The company

Arrcyman’s Infinite
Eric Yeh, 8A

simulated opposing armies to train the army. The goal was “defeat without death” on both

sides. Zirlaid Arrocman was the last WMAFC successor, he was known as the most intelligent

genius of all warfare designers. Zirlaid designed one of the most power weapons, which could

convert ordinary matter into anti-matter, and therefore anything that it touches immediately

evaporates. When Zirlaid gave birth to the Arrcyman, he found out that lives are exclusive, and

he realized that he was not succeeding the goal of “defeat without death” but “total

extermination.” At the age of forty-two, he put himself into a missile and programmed it to

explode in the sky but left the two Arrcymans alone.

Arrcyman the First was also our teacher, it found teaching materials from Encyclopedia

Unisia and taught us. Although it often malfunctioned, we were able to learn math and science

from it.

After that, we made Arrcymans the II and III, with more simpler programming and a

more efficient mainframe. It taught us advanced chemistry, physics, calculus, statistics and

computer system engineering. In our free time, we learned Chinese, French, Spanish, German,

and we studied architecture and aeronautical engineering. We just loved learning, but nothing is

enough for us.

Six years later, we noticed that the computer recycling plant was running low on

materials, and our orphanage did not have enough space to install our Arrcyman the V that we

were going to build. Later on Cux suggested starting to sell our Arrcymans to make money, but it

did not work well, we needed to find a company that could help us to manufacture our


Arrcyman’s Infinite
Eric Yeh, 8A

We found Hakoose Corporation the biggest electronics and computer supplier, which had

bought Apple Incorporation in 2194, the year Cux and I were born. We were known as their top-

secret designer. In the first three months, we sold the first million Arrcymans III.

Cux and I continued to manufacture and sell Arrcymans until we had enough money to

build our final project, the Hercux. We realized that the Arrcymans could not think like humans,

it did not have its real knowledge. Arrcymans taught us by including the Encyclopedia Unisia

into its teaching material so we would be able to understand. This time, we wanted Hercux to

have the ability to create its own ideas, and observe people to find out the pattern of life. Cux

said that it will take twice of our lifetime to finish it, but I think it would take less than that to

make if we create a “pre-Hercux” to help us.

“Numbers, mess my life up; loves, light my dream out.”

-Hercuxsy Arrcymans Watson

From what I heard, “geniuses plan everything in their lives” but I have to deny. I

unexpectedly fell in love with the kid CEO, Jocylus, of Hakoose Corporation. At first, there was

nothing special about him, so I ignored him. Cux answered all his questions, but Cux’s answer

seemed confused to Jolus. Without paying any attention to Cux, Jolus interrupted.

“What are you staring at?”

I did not answer.

“Hercuxsy! Why are you staring at me?”

“Am I?”

“Your father told you to come for our next Arrcymans, not your next girlfriend!” Cux

said angrily.

Arrcyman’s Infinite
Eric Yeh, 8A

Jolus stared at Cux but smiled at me. Surprisingly he asked me out; he said that he

wanted to show me the outside world. From that day, I had forgotten about Chaincux, the Hercux

and the whole project.

Jolus brought me around the whole world with his private airplane and taught me about

the earth, life and everything, nothing was like what I had lean from Arrcymans. For example

how to eat, I could not that I had been eating with my hand for thirteen years! We watched

movies about love that I enjoyed it more than learning. I especially loved shopping, there were so

many creative products, and I rather choose to design clothes than programs. My life had totally


It was a serious problem when Jolus lost his credit card. We were traveling around in

mid-Europe in the capital of Czech Republic, Prague, having the most romantic time together on

the Charles Bridge. We had no cell phones and no bills. When I was in the orphanage I lived

finely without any money, but that day it was a credit card that made me feel hopeless and the

first time I wanted to die. Standing on the bridge with statues, I unconsciously put my hand into

the pocket of a person.

He realized but he was too slow I ran, and Jolus pushed him down the bridge. We used

his credit card and got some money; I found out that every desk in the bank has an Arrcymans

we built. I was so joyful, not because they loved my Arrcymans, but because I loved it too. I

must say that I am the only who knows how to program it.

I bought an Arrcymans from the store next to and started my business. Jolus hated that I

had returned to the “computer world” but I said, “Trust me, you will love it”.

“He trusted me, he respected me, and he will admire me. That’s love.”

-Hercuxsy Arrcymans Watson

Arrcyman’s Infinite
Eric Yeh, 8A

It only takes forty-five minutes to hack 500,000 dollars from the bank. Jolus was

shocked, and without any sound, I could hear the word “WOW”. Everyone noticed it but no one

knew whom and how.

We traveled to Las Vegas; Jolus said it is a paradise for people who have infinite money.

I agreed and we gambled. When we lost money, it felt like we were giving happiness to people,

but most of the time we won. Every time I gambled I told Jolus what I wanted if I won, as too

did Jolus, but while I wanted fancy cars and humongous castles, he only wanted my love. I told

him that I will love him forever, sacrifice my life to save him, but he did not trust me this time. I

was afraid.

“It is truly a mistake to forget the person who cares about you the most.”

-Chaincux Arrcymans Watson

“It is truly a mistake to love.”

-Jocylus Curcrystal Scabior

What is love? Is there any definition or is it undefined? Both Cux and Jolus loved me but

I had ruined both. Cux was trying to find me for years but I took no notice about him. He found

us by knowing that I was the only one who could program or know how hacked Arrcymans.

Using the unfinished pre-Hercux, he connected it to the satellite. With the satellite, he took

motion pictures of “the almost bankrupted city” and found us hacking the bank.

The police came, and they took Jolus away while I was hiding without helping him. I did

not know what to do, so I ran away from Las Vegas, ran away from love, ran away from reality,

and ran away from life.

Sorry Cux, sorry Jolus; thanks Cux, thank you Jolus …

Hersy A. Watson

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