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It goes without saying that today most children have a mobile phone or have used one
since they were eight or ten years old. As I see it, it is a good option for them to have
more access to information.
First of all, this electronic device can help them to learn interactively through videos or
presentations. For example, if they do not understand well about a subject, they can
use YouTube.
Secondly, they should know that a telephone is not a toy and they should put it to
good use, as it is a great tool to be able to communicate. In the event that a child has
an emergency and is not at home, they can use it to contact their relatives.
In conclusion, I AGREE of allowing young people to use the telephone to give them
more independence and make it easier for them to learn.

Needless to say, most children today receive pocket money from their parents or
grandparents. As I see it, this resource is a good opportunity to give young people
First of all, giving them money will show that we trust them and that they will be able
to manage it. By offering it to them, they will know that they are fulfilling their
obligations, otherwise they will not have that money. Therefore, it is also a way to
motivate them.
Secondly, the fact that they have money will let them know that they should not waste
it. In this way, we teach children the concept of saving and spending moderately. For
example, a young person will know whether to spend his or her pay on a pair of
trousers that he or she needs or on sweets.
In conclusion, I agree to give money to children as long as it favours their personal

It goes without saying that today most people shop online. However, going to a
supermarket is the best option.
First of all, going to shopping is the easiest and fastest way to find what we are looking
for, because we have people who can provide us with that information. For example, if
we are looking for a bag, we ask the shop assistant, who will offer us his help.
Secondly, the human factor is essential, as they offer us a close treatment and are very
friendly. Furthermore, they will always assist us as much as possible so that we are
satisfied. We are also creating more jobs than if we all decided to purchase on the
To sum up, I consider that buying in a shop is one of the best options because of the
treatment you receive and the speed offered.

It goes without saying that today most people know and speak several languages. As I
see it, it is a good way to enrich yourself culturally.
First of all, learning different tongues is a great tool to make your job easier, as it is one
of the most demanded conditions. For example, whether you are a bus driver or a
waiter, you need to know English. So, knowing them also makes it possible for us to
establish links with foreign people.
Secondly, it helps us to get into different cultures and world views. It is very interesting
that, for example, in Spanish we use many words to refer to one thing, while in English
those used are minimal.
In conclusion, I agree with learning idioms as it makes us more accessible and
intellectual. Furthermore, as we say in Spain, "knowledge does not take up any space".

Needless to say, most children today receive pocket money from their parents or
grandparents. As I see it, this resource is a good opportunity to give young people

Firstly, giving them money will show that we trust them and that they will be able to
manage it. By offering it to them, they will know that they are fulfilling their obligations,
otherwise they will not have that cash. Therefore, it is also a way to motivate them.

Secondly, the fact that they have savings will let them know that they should not waste
it. In this way, we teach teenagers the concept of saving and spending moderately. For
example, your son will know whether to spend his or her pay on a pair of trousers that
he or she needs or on sweets. 

In conclusion, I agree to give money to adolescents as long as it favours their personal


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