Lie Algebras Homework

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Lie Algebras and Representation Theory

Homework 2

Debbie Matthews

HW2 Debbie Matthews Spring 2015

Problem 3.1
Let I be an ideal of L. Then each member of the derived series or descending
central series of I is also an ideal of L.

To begin with, we note that bilinearity of of the bracket ensures that each
member of the derived series and descending central series of I is in fact a sub-
space of L. So we proceed to check that it closed under the action of adL .

(Derived Series) First note that I (0) = I is an ideal. Assume for induction
that I (n) is an ideal. Cosider I (n+1) = [I (n) , I (n) ]. Let x ∈ L and y, z ∈ I (n) .
By the Jacobi relation

[x, [y, z]] = −[y, [z, x]] − [z, [x, y]]

⊆ [y, I (n) ] + [z, I (n) ]
⊆ [I (n) , I (n) ] + [I (n) , I (n) ]
= I (n+1) + I (n+1)
= I (n+1) .

Therefore, I (n+1) is an ideal and we are done by induction.

(Descending Central Series) Again start by observing I 0 = I is an ideal.

Assume for induction that I n is an ideal. Consider I n+1 = [I, I n ]. Let x ∈ L,
y ∈ I, and z ∈ I n . By the Jacobi relation

[x, [y, z]] = −[y, [z, x]] − [z, [x, y]]

⊆ [y, I n ] + [z, I]
⊆ [I, I n ] + [I n , I]
= I n+1 + I n+1
= I n+1

Therefore, I n+1 is an ideal and we are done by induction.

HW2 Debbie Matthews Spring 2015

Problem 3.2
Prove that L is solvable if and only if there exists a chain of subalgebras L =
L0 ⊇ L1 ⊇ L2 ⊇ . . . ⊇ Lk = 0 such that Li+1 is an ideal of Li and such that
each quotient Li /Li+1 is abelian.

(⇒) Suppose L is solvable. Consider the chain of subalgebras formed by the

derived series: Li = L(i) . Since L is an ideal of itself, we know from problem
3.1 that L(i) ⊇ L(i+1) where L(i+1) is an ideal in L. Thus L(i+1) is an ideal in
L(i) ⊆ L. Finally, each quotient L(i) /L(i+1) is abelian by definition since L(i+1)
consists of all brackets of elements in L(i) .

(⇐) Suppose there exists a chain of subalgebras L = L0 ⊇ L1 ⊇ L2 ⊇ . . . ⊇

Lk = 0 such that Li+1 is an ideal of Li and such that each quotient Li /Li+1
is abelian. Note that Lk = 0 is solvable and Lk−1 /Lk is abelian and hence
solvable. Therefore Lk−1 is solvable. Proceed down the chain. In the final step
we have L1 is solvable and L0 /L1 is solvable hence L0 is solvable. Therefore
L = L0 is solvable and we are done.

HW2 Debbie Matthews Spring 2015

Problem 3.3
Let char F = 2. Prove that sl(2, F) is nilpotent.

Since sl(2, F) is the set of all trace zero matrices, consider the standard basis
1 0 0 1 0 0
x= ,y = ,z = .
0 −1 0 0 1 0

With this basis we have the relations

[x, y] = 2y, [x, z] = −2z, [y, z] = x.

Considering that char F = 2, these relations can be modified to read

[x, y] = 0, [x, z] = 0, [y, z] = x.

With these relations, we observe that [L, L] = span{x}. Then since [x, x] =
[x, y] = [x, z] = 0, we conclude

[L, [L, L]] = 0.

Therefore, sl(2, F) is nilpotent.

HW2 Debbie Matthews Spring 2015

Problem 3.4
Prove that L is solvable (resp. nilpotent) if and only if ad L is solvable (resp.

(Solvable) First we show that adL(n) = (adL )(n) by inducting on n. We use

the basic fact that ad[x,y] = [adx , ady ]. For n = 0 we have L = L(0) and hence
(adL )(0) = adL = adL(0) . Assume for induction that adL(n) = (adL )(n) . Then
adL(n+1) = ad[L(n) ,L(n) ] = [adL(n) , adL(n) ] = [(adL )(n) , (adL )(n) ] = (adL )(n+1) .

(⇒) Armed with the fact above, assume L is solvable. Then there exists
some n ∈ N such that L(n) = 0. Then adL(n) = (adL )(n) = 0 and hence adL is

(⇐) Meanwhile if there is some n such that (adL )(n) = 0, then adL(n) = 0.
This means L(n) ⊆ Z(L). Then both L/Z(L) and Z(L) are solvable. Therefore
L is solvable.

(Nilpotent) A similar argument as above shows that adLn = (adL )n , where

this time we use adLn+1 = ad[L,Ln ] = [adL , adLn ] = [adL , (adL )n ] = (adL )n+1 .
The rest of the argument is the same as above, replacing solvable with nilpotent
and replacing the superscripts (i) with i.

HW2 Debbie Matthews Spring 2015

Problem 3.5
Prove that the nonabelian two dimensional algebra constructed in (1.4) is solv-
able but not nilpotent. Do the same for the algebra in Exercise 1.2.

(1.4) : L = span{v, w} such that [v, w] = v

(1.2) : K = span{x, y, z} such that [x, y] = z, [x, z] = y, [y, z] = 0

(1.4 : L) Consider L(1) = [L, L] = span{v}. Since L(1) is one-dimensional,

it is abelian. Therefore L(2) = [L(1) , L(1) ] = 0 and thus L is solvable. However,
[−w, v] = v, we have that (ad−w )n v = v for all n ≥ 0. Thus Ln 6= 0 for all
n ≥ 0 which means L is not nilpotent.

(1.2 : K) Now we have K (1) = [K, K] = span{y, z}. But since [y, z] = 0, we
again have that K (1) is abelian. Therefore, K (2) = [K (1) , K (1) ] = 0 and thus K
is solvable. However, since [x, y] = z and [x, z] = y we have that (adx )2n y = y
and (adx )2n+1 = z for all n ≥ 0. Thus K n 6= 0 for all n ≥ 0 which means K is
not nilpotent.

HW2 Debbie Matthews Spring 2015

Problem 3.6
Prove that the sum of two nilpotent ideals of a Lie algebra L is again a nilpotent
ideal. Therefore, L possesses a unique maximal nilpotent ideal. Determine this
ideal for each algebra in Exercise 5.

Let I and J be nilpotent ideals in L. Then there exists n, m ∈ N such

that I n = J m = 0. Assume without loss of generality that n ≥ m and thus
I n = J n = 0. We will show that all elements of I + J are ad-nilpotent and then
apply Engel’s theorem. Consider x + y ∈ I + J, where x ∈ I and y ∈ J.

We begin by noting that adL has associative multiplication where

adx (ady adz )w = adx [y[z, w]]

= [x, [y, [z, w]]]
= [x, [y, adz w]]
= (adx ady ) adz w.

We make one additional note that adx+y z = [x + y, z] = [x, z] + [y, z] =

(adx )z + (ady )z = (adx + ady )z. Finally, since the multiplicative structure of
adL is not commutative, we can’t apply the binomial theorem directly. How-
ever, because of associativity and anticommutativity, we know that (adx+y )2n =
(adx + ady )2n will expand to a sum of the form k=0 ak (adx )k (ady )2n−k where
ak ∈ F. In every term of this expression, either k ≥ n or 2n − k ≥ n. Therefore,
this sum is zero and we conclude that all elements of I + J are ad-nilpotent. By
Engel’s theorem, we then know I + J is itself nilpotent.

Note that 0 is a nilpotent ideal. For any finite dimensional L, it is then

clear that L contains a maximal nilpotent ideal. If L has two maximal nilpotent
ideals I and J, then I + J is nilpotent and by maximality we get I = J = I + J.
Hence, L possesses a unique maximal nilpotent ideal.

(1.4 : L) Consider span{v} = L1 . We have established that this is an ideal.

It is nilpotent since it is one-dimensional. Since all of L is two-dimensional and
not nilpotent, we conclude that the one-dimensional ideal span{v} is the unique
maximal nilpotent ideal.

(1.2 : K) Consider span{y, z} = L1 . Again, we have established that this is

an ideal. It is nilpotent since it is abelian. Since all of L is three-dimensional
and not nilpotent, we conclude that the two-dimensional ideal span{y, z} is the
unique maximal nilpotent ideal.

HW2 Debbie Matthews Spring 2015

Problem 3.7
Let L be nilpotent, K a proper subalgebra of L. Prove that NL (K) includes K

Consider the descending central series L = L0 ⊇ L1 ⊇ L2 ⊇ . . . ⊇ Ln = 0.

Choose m maximal such that there exists x ∈ Lm \K. Since K is properly
contained in L, there is some y ∈ L0 \K = L\K. Furthermore Ln = 0 ⊆ K.
Hence 0 ≤ m < n. Consider [x, K]. Since x ∈ Lm we know [x, K] ⊆ Lm+1 . By
maximality of m we conclude [x, K] ⊆ K. Therefore x ∈ NL (K). Since x ∈ / K,
we have that K is properly contained in NL (K).

HW2 Debbie Matthews Spring 2015

Problem 3.8
Let L be nilpotent. Prove that L has an ideal of codimension 1.

Consider the descending central series L = L0 ⊇ L1 ⊇ L2 ⊇ . . . ⊇ Ln = 0,

where n is minimal. Choose x0 ∈ L0 \L1 . Then complete a basis for L with
x1 , x2 , . . . xm . Consider K = span{x1 , x2 , . . . , xm }. In particular L1 ⊆ K so K
is an ideal. By construction, K has codimension 1.

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