Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 23.1303: Subpart F-Equipment

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.


(iv) All commuter category air- (e) A speed warning device for—
planes. (1) Turbine engine powered airplanes;
(2) The auxiliary power unit compart- and
ment of any airplane incorporating an (2) Other airplanes for which VMO/
auxiliary power unit. MMO and VD/MD are established under
(b) Each fire detector must be con- §§ 23.335(b)(4) and 23.1505(c) if VMO/MMO
structed and installed to withstand the is greater than 0.8 VD/MD.
vibration, inertia, and other loads to
The speed warning device must give
which it may be subjected in operation.
(c) No fire detector may be affected effective aural warning (differing dis-
by any oil, water, other fluids, or tinctively from aural warnings used for
fumes that might be present. other purposes) to the pilots whenever
(d) There must be means to allow the the speed exceeds VMO plus 6 knots or
crew to check, in flight, the func- MMO + 0.01. The upper limit of the pro-
tioning of each fire detector electric duction tolerance for the warning de-
circuit. vice may not exceed the prescribed
(e) Wiring and other components of warning speed. The lower limit of the
each fire detector system in a des- warning device must be set to mini-
ignated fire zone must be at least fire mize nuisance warning;
resistant. (f) When an attitude display is in-
[Amdt. 23–18, 42 FR 15042, Mar. 17, 1977, as stalled, the instrument design must
amended by Amdt. 23–34, 52 FR 1833, Jan. 15, not provide any means, accessible to
1987; Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18975, Apr. 9, 1993; the flightcrew, of adjusting the relative
Amdt. 23–51, 61 FR 5138, Feb. 9, 1996] positions of the attitude reference sym-
bol and the horizon line beyond that
Subpart F—Equipment necessary for parallax correction.
(g) In addition, for commuter cat-
egory airplanes:
§ 23.1301 Function and installation. (1) If airspeed limitations vary with
altitude, the airspeed indicator must
Each item of installed equipment
must— have a maximum allowable airspeed in-
(a) Be of a kind and design appro- dicator showing the variation of VMO
priate to its intended function. with altitude.
(b) Be labeled as to its identification, (2) The altimeter must be a sensitive
function, or operating limitations, or type.
any applicable combination of these (3) Having a passenger seating con-
factors; and figuration of 10 or more, excluding the
(c) Be installed according to limita- pilot’s seats and that are approved for
tions specified for that equipment. IFR operations, a third attitude instru-
[Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36968, July 18, 1977, as ment must be provided that:
amended by Amdt. 23–62, 76 FR 75760, Dec. 2, (i) Is powered from a source inde-
2011] pendent of the electrical generating
§ 23.1303 Flight and navigation instru- (ii) Continues reliable operation for a
minimum of 30 minutes after total fail-
The following are the minimum re- ure of the electrical generating system;
quired flight and navigation instru- (iii) Operates independently of any
ments: other attitude indicating system;
(a) An airspeed indicator.
(b) An altimeter. (iv) Is operative without selection
(c) A magnetic direction indicator. after total failure of the electrical gen-
(d) For reciprocating engine-powered erating system;
airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds (v) Is located on the instrument
maximum weight and turbine engine panel in a position acceptable to the
powered airplanes, a free air tempera- Administrator that will make it plain-
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ture indicator or an air-temperature ly visible to and usable by any pilot at

indicator which provides indications the pilot’s station; and
that are convertible to free-air.


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§ 23.1305 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

(vi) Is appropriately lighted during inlet temperature or exhaust gas or

all phases of operation. turbocharger turbine inlet tempera-
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as
ture, indicators must be furnished for
amended by Amdt. 23–17, 41 FR 55465, Dec. 20, each temperature for which the limita-
1976; Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18975, Apr. 9, 1993; tion is established unless it is shown
Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5168, Feb. 9, 1996; Amdt. that the limitation will not be exceed-
23–62, 76 FR 75760, Dec. 2, 2011] ed in all intended operations.
(ii) If its oil system is separate from
§ 23.1305 Powerplant instruments. the engine oil system, oil pressure and
The following are required power- oil temperature indicators must be pro-
plant instruments: vided.
(a) For all airplanes. (1) A fuel quan- (7) A coolant temperature indicator
tity indicator for each fuel tank, in- for each liquid-cooled engine.
stalled in accordance with § 23.1337(b). (c) For turbine engine-powered air-
(2) An oil pressure indicator for each planes. In addition to the powerplant
engine. instruments required by paragraph (a)
(3) An oil temperature indicator for of this section, the following power-
each engine. plant instruments are required:
(4) An oil quantity measuring device (1) A gas temperature indicator for
for each oil tank which meets the re- each engine.
quirements of § 23.1337(d). (2) A fuel flowmeter indicator for
(5) A fire warning means for those each engine.
airplanes required to comply with (3) A fuel low pressure warning
§ 23.1203. means for each engine.
(b) For reciprocating engine-powered (4) A fuel low level warning means for
airplanes. In addition to the powerplant any fuel tank that should not be de-
instruments required by paragraph (a) pleted of fuel in normal operations.
of this section, the following power- (5) A tachometer indicator (to indi-
plant instruments are required: cate the speed of the rotors with estab-
(1) An induction system air tempera- lished limiting speeds) for each engine.
ture indicator for each engine equipped (6) An oil low pressure warning
with a preheater and having induction means for each engine.
air temperature limitations that can (7) An indicating means to indicate
be exceeded with preheat. the functioning of the powerplant ice
(2) A tachometer indicator for each protection system for each engine.
engine. (8) For each engine, an indicating
(3) A cylinder head temperature indi- means for the fuel strainer or filter re-
cator for— quired by § 23.997 to indicate the occur-
(i) Each air-cooled engine with cowl rence of contamination of the strainer
flaps; or filter before it reaches the capacity
(ii) [Reserved] established in accordance with
(iii) Each commuter category air- § 23.997(d).
plane. (9) For each engine, a warning means
(4) For each pump-fed engine, a for the oil strainer or filter required by
means: § 23.1019, if it has no bypass, to warn the
(i) That continuously indicates, to pilot of the occurrence of contamina-
the pilot, the fuel pressure or fuel flow; tion of the strainer or filter screen be-
or fore it reaches the capacity established
(ii) That continuously monitors the in accordance with § 23.1019(a)(5).
fuel system and warns the pilot of any (10) An indicating means to indicate
fuel flow trend that could lead to en- the functioning of any heater used to
gine failure. prevent ice clogging of fuel system
(5) A manifold pressure indicator for components.
each altitude engine and for each en- (d) For turbojet/turbofan engine-pow-
gine with a controllable propeller. ered airplanes. In addition to the power-
(6) For each turbocharger installa- plant instruments required by para-
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

tion: graphs (a) and (c) of this section, the

(i) If limitations are established for following powerplant instruments are
either carburetor (or manifold) air required:


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1308

(1) For each engine, an indicator to § 23.1307 Miscellaneous equipment.

indicate thrust or to indicate a param- The equipment necessary for an air-
eter that can be related to thrust, in- plane to operate at the maximum oper-
cluding a free air temperature indi- ating altitude and in the kinds of oper-
cator if needed for this purpose. ation and meteorological conditions
(2) For each engine, a position indi- for which certification is requested and
cating means to indicate to the flight is approved in accordance with § 23.1559
crew when the thrust reverser, if in- must be included in the type design.
stalled, is in the reverse thrust posi- [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964; 30
tion. FR 258, Jan. 9, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 23–
(e) For turbopropeller-powered air- 23, 43 FR 50593, Oct. 30, 1978; Amdt. 23–43, 58
planes. In addition to the powerplant FR 18976, Apr. 9, 1993; Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5168,
instruments required by paragraphs (a) Feb. 9, 1996]
and (c) of this section, the following § 23.1308 High-intensity Radiated
powerplant instruments are required: Fields (HIRF) Protection.
(1) A torque indicator for each en- (a) Except as provided in paragraph
gine. (d) of this section, each electrical and
(2) A position indicating means to in- electronic system that performs a func-
dicate to the flight crew when the pro- tion whose failure would prevent the
peller blade angle is below the flight continued safe flight and landing of the
low pitch position, for each propeller, airplane must be designed and installed
unless it can be shown that such occur- so that—
rence is highly improbable. (1) The function is not adversely af-
fected during and after the time the
[Doc. No. 26344, 58 FR 18975, Apr. 9, 1993; 58
FR 27060, May 6, 1993; Amdt. 23–51, 61 FR 5138,
airplane is exposed to HIRF environ-
Feb. 9, 1996; Amdt. 23–52, 61 FR 13644, Mar. 27, ment I, as described in appendix J to
1996] this part;
(2) The system automatically recov-
§ 23.1306 Electrical and electronic sys- ers normal operation of that function,
tem lightning protection. in a timely manner, after the airplane
is exposed to HIRF environment I, as
(a) Each electrical and electronic
described in appendix J to this part,
system that performs a function, for unless the system’s recovery conflicts
which failure would prevent the contin- with other operational or functional
ued safe flight and landing of the air- requirements of the system; and
plane, must be designed and installed (3) The system is not adversely af-
so that— fected during and after the time the
(1) The function is not adversely af- airplane is exposed to HIRF environ-
fected during and after the time the ment II, as described in appendix J to
airplane is exposed to lightning; and this part.
(2) The system automatically recov- (b) Each electrical and electronic
ers normal operation of that function system that performs a function whose
in a timely manner after the airplane failure would significantly reduce the
is exposed to lightning. capability of the airplane or the ability
(b) For airplanes approved for instru- of the flightcrew to respond to an ad-
ment flight rules operation, each elec- verse operating condition must be de-
trical and electronic system that per- signed and installed so the system is
forms a function, for which failure not adversely affected when the equip-
would reduce the capability of the air- ment providing the function is exposed
plane or the ability of the flightcrew to to equipment HIRF test level 1 or 2, as
respond to an adverse operating condi- described in appendix J to this part.
(c) Each electrical and electronic sys-
tion, must be designed and installed so
tem that performs a function whose
that the function recovers normal op-
failure would reduce the capability of
eration in a timely manner after the
the airplane or the ability of the
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

airplane is exposed to lightning.

flightcrew to respond to an adverse op-
[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0224; 76 FR 33135, June 8, erating condition must be designed and
2011] installed so the system is not adversely


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§ 23.1309 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

affected when the equipment providing and in relation to other systems, must
the function is exposed to equipment be designed and installed so that:
HIRF test level 3, as described in ap- (1) Each catastrophic failure condi-
pendix J to this part. tion is extremely improbable and does
(d) Before December 1, 2012, an elec- not result from a single failure;
trical or electronic system that per- (2) Each hazardous failure condition
forms a function whose failure would is extremely remote; and
prevent the continued safe flight and (3) Each major failure condition is re-
landing of an airplane may be designed mote.
and installed without meeting the pro- (d) Information concerning an unsafe
visions of paragraph (a) provided— system operating condition must be
(1) The system has previously been provided in a timely manner to the
shown to comply with special condi- crew to enable them to take appro-
tions for HIRF, prescribed under § 21.16, priate corrective action. An appro-
issued before December 1, 2007; priate alert must be provided if imme-
(2) The HIRF immunity characteris- diate pilot awareness and immediate or
tics of the system have not changed subsequent corrective action is re-
since compliance with the special con- quired. Systems and controls, includ-
ditions was demonstrated; and ing indications and annunciations,
(3) The data used to demonstrate must be designed to minimize crew er-
compliance with the special conditions rors which could create additional haz-
is provided. ards.
[Doc. No. FAA–2006–23657, 72 FR 44024, Aug. 6,
[Doc. No. FAA–2009–0738, 76 FR 75760, Dec. 2,
§ 23.1309 Equipment, systems, and in-
stallations. § 23.1310 Power source capacity and
The requirements of this section, ex-
cept as identified in paragraphs (a) (a) Each installation whose func-
through (d), are applicable, in addition tioning is required for type certifi-
to specific design requirements of part cation or under operating rules and
23, to any equipment or system as in- that requires a power supply is an ‘‘es-
stalled in the airplane. This section is sential load’’ on the power supply. The
a regulation of general requirements power sources and the system must be
and does not supersede any require- able to supply the following power
ments contained in another section of loads in probable operating combina-
part 23. tions and for probable durations:
(a) The airplane equipment and sys- (1) Loads connected to the system
tems must be designed and installed so with the system functioning normally.
that: (2) Essential loads, after failure of
(1) Those required for type certifi- any one prime mover, power converter,
cation or by operating rules perform as or energy storage device.
intended under the airplane operating (3) Essential loads after failure of—
and environmental conditions, includ- (i) Any one engine on two-engine air-
ing the indirect effects of lightning planes; and
strikes. (ii) Any two engines on airplanes
(2) Any equipment and system does with three or more engines.
not adversely affect the safety of the (4) Essential loads for which an alter-
airplane or its occupants, or the proper nate source of power is required, after
functioning of those covered by para- any failure or malfunction in any one
graph (a)(1) of this section. power supply system, distribution sys-
(b) Minor, major, hazardous, or cata- tem, or other utilization system.
strophic failure condition(s), which (b) In determining compliance with
occur during Type Inspection Author- paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this section,
ization or FAA flight-certification the power loads may be assumed to be
testing, must have root cause analysis reduced under a monitoring procedure
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

and corrective action. consistent with safety in the kinds of

(c) The airplane systems and associ- operation authorized. Loads not re-
ated components considered separately quired in controlled flight need not be


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1321

considered for the two-engine-inoper- (7) Incorporate equivalent visual dis-

ative condition on airplanes with three plays of the instrument markings re-
or more engines. quired by §§ 23.1541 through 23.1553, or
[Doc. No. FAA–2009–0738, 76 FR 75760, Dec. 2, visual displays that alert the pilot to
2011] abnormal operational values or ap-
proaches to established limitation val-
INSTRUMENTS: INSTALLATION ues, for each parameter required to be
displayed by this part.
§ 23.1311 Electronic display instru- (b) The electronic display indicators,
ment systems.
including their systems and installa-
(a) Electronic display indicators, in- tions, and considering other airplane
cluding those with features that make systems, must be designed so that one
isolation and independence between display of information essential for
powerplant instrument systems im- continued safe flight and landing will
practical, must: be available within one second to the
(1) Meet the arrangement and visi- crew by a single pilot action or by
bility requirements of § 23.1321. automatic means for continued safe op-
(2) Be easily legible under all lighting eration, after any single failure or
conditions encountered in the cockpit,
probable combination of failures.
including direct sunlight, considering
(c) As used in this section, ‘‘instru-
the expected electronic display bright-
ness level at the end of an electronic ment’’ includes devices that are phys-
display indictor’s useful life. Specific ically contained in one unit, and de-
limitations on display system useful vices that are composed of two or more
life must be contained in the Instruc- physically separate units or compo-
tions for Continued Airworthiness re- nents connected together (such as a re-
quired by § 23.1529. mote indicating gyroscopic direction
(3) Not inhibit the primary display of indicator that includes a magnetic
attitude, airspeed, altitude, or power- sensing element, a gyroscopic unit, an
plant parameters needed by any pilot amplifier, and an indicator connected
to set power within established limita- together). As used in this section,
tions, in any normal mode of oper- ‘‘primary’’ display refers to the display
ation. of a parameter that is located in the
(4) Not inhibit the primary display of instrument panel such that the pilot
engine parameters needed by any pilot looks at it first when wanting to view
to properly set or monitor powerplant that parameter.
limitations during the engine starting [Doc. No. 27806, 61 FR 5168, Feb. 9, 1996, as
mode of operation. amended by Amdt. 23–62, 76 FR 75760, Dec. 2,
(5) For certification for Instrument 2011]
Flight Rules (IFR) operations, have an
independent magnetic direction indi- § 23.1321 Arrangement and visibility.
cator and either an independent sec-
ondary mechanical altimeter, airspeed (a) Each flight, navigation, and pow-
indicator, and attitude instrument or erplant instrument for use by any re-
an electronic display parameters for quired pilot during takeoff, initial
the altitude, airspeed, and attitude climb, final approach, and landing
that are independent from the air- must be located so that any pilot seat-
plane’s primary electrical power sys- ed at the controls can monitor the air-
tem. These secondary instruments may plane’s flight path and these instru-
be installed in panel positions that are ments with minimum head and eye
displaced from the primary positions movement. The powerplant instru-
specified by § 23.1321(d), but must be lo- ments for these flight conditions are
cated where they meet the pilot’s visi- those needed to set power within pow-
bility requirements of § 23.1321(a). erplant limitations.
(6) Incorporate sensory cues that pro- (b) For each multiengine airplane,
vide a quick glance sense of rate and, identical powerplant instruments must
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

where appropriate, trend information be located so as to prevent confusion as

to the parameter being displayed to the to which engine each instrument re-
pilot. lates.


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§ 23.1322 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

(c) Instrument panel vibration may (d) Any other color, including white,
not damage, or impair the accuracy of, for lights not described in paragraphs
any instrument. (a) through (c) of this section, provided
(d) For each airplane, the flight in- the color differs sufficiently from the
struments required by § 23.1303, and, as colors prescribed in paragraphs (a)
applicable, by the operating rules of through (c) of this section to avoid pos-
this chapter, must be grouped on the sible confusion.
instrument panel and centered as near- (e) Effective under all probable cock-
ly as practicable about the vertical pit lighting conditions.
plane of each required pilot’s forward
vision. In addition: [Amdt. 23–17, 41 FR 55465, Dec. 20, 1976, as
(1) The instrument that most effec- amended by Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18976, Apr. 9,
tively indicates the attitude must be
on the panel in the top center position; § 23.1323 Airspeed indicating system.
(2) The instrument that most effec-
tively indicates airspeed must be adja- (a) Each airspeed indicating instru-
cent to and directly to the left of the ment must be calibrated to indicate
instrument in the top center position; true airspeed (at sea level with a stand-
(3) The instrument that most effec- ard atmosphere) with a minimum prac-
tively indicates altitude must be adja- ticable instrument calibration error
cent to and directly to the right of the when the corresponding pitot and stat-
instrument in the top center position; ic pressures are applied.
(4) The instrument that most effec- (b) Each airspeed system must be
tively indicates direction of flight, calibrated in flight to determine the
other than the magnetic direction indi- system error. The system error, includ-
cator required by § 23.1303(c), must be ing position error, but excluding the
adjacent to and directly below the in- airspeed indicator instrument calibra-
strument in the top center position; tion error, may not exceed three per-
and cent of the calibrated airspeed or five
(5) Electronic display indicators may knots, whichever is greater, through-
be used for compliance with paragraphs out the following speed ranges:
(d)(1) through (d)(4) of this section (1) 1.3 VS1 to VMO/MMO or VNE, which-
when such displays comply with re- ever is appropriate with flaps re-
quirements in § 23.1311. tracted.
(e) If a visual indicator is provided to (2) 1.3 VS1 to VFE with flaps extended.
indicate malfunction of an instrument, (c) The design and installation of
it must be effective under all probable
each airspeed indicating system must
cockpit lighting conditions.
provide positive drainage of moisture
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as from the pitot static plumbing.
amended by Amdt. 23–14, 38 FR 31824, Nov. 19, (d) If certification for instrument
1973; Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36968, July 18, 1977; flight rules or flight in icing conditions
Amdt. 23–41, 55 FR 43310, Oct. 26, 1990; 55 FR
46888, Nov. 7, 1990; Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5168,
is requested, each airspeed system
Feb. 9, 1996] must have a heated pitot tube or an
equivalent means of preventing mal-
§ 23.1322 Warning, caution, and advi- function due to icing.
sory lights. (e) In addition, for normal, utility,
If warning, caution, or advisory and acrobatic category multiengine
lights are installed in the cockpit, they jets of more than 6,000 pounds max-
must, unless otherwise approved by the imum weight and commuter category
Administrator, be— airplanes, each system must be cali-
(a) Red, for warning lights (lights in- brated to determine the system error
dicating a hazard which may require during the accelerate-takeoff ground
immediate corrective action); run. The ground run calibration must
(b) Amber, for caution lights (lights be determined—
indicating the possible need for future (1) From 0.8 of the minimum value of
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

corrective action); V1 to the maximum value of V2, consid-

(c) Green, for safe operation lights; ering the approved ranges of altitude
and and weight; and


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1325

(2) The ground run calibration must imum cabin pressure differential for
be determined assuming an engine fail- which the airplane is type certificated
ure at the minimum value of V1. is achieved. Without additional pump-
(f) For commuter category airplanes, ing for a period of 1 minute, the loss of
where duplicate airspeed indicators are indicated altitude must not exceed 2
required, their respective pitot tubes percent of the equivalent altitude of
must be far enough apart to avoid dam- the maximum cabin differential pres-
age to both tubes in a collision with a sure or 100 feet, whichever is greater.
bird. (3) If a static pressure system is pro-
vided for any instrument, device, or
[Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36968, July 18, 1977, as
amended by Amdt. 23–34, 52 FR 1834, Jan. 15, system required by the operating rules
1987; 52 FR 34745, Sept. 14, 1987; Amdt. 23–42, of this chapter, each static pressure
56 FR 354, Jan. 3, 1991; Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR port must be designed or located in
5168, Feb. 9, 1996; Amdt. 23–62, 76 FR 75761, such a manner that the correlation be-
Dec. 2, 2011] tween air pressure in the static pres-
sure system and true ambient atmos-
§ 23.1325 Static pressure system. pheric static pressure is not altered
(a) Each instrument provided with when the airplane encounters icing
static pressure case connections must conditions. An antiicing means or an
be so vented that the influence of air- alternate source of static pressure may
plane speed, the opening and closing of be used in showing compliance with
windows, airflow variations, moisture, this requirement. If the reading of the
or other foreign matter will least af- altimeter, when on the alternate static
fect the accuracy of the instruments pressure system differs from the read-
except as noted in paragraph (b)(3) of ing of the altimeter when on the pri-
this section. mary static system by more than 50
(b) If a static pressure system is nec- feet, a correction card must be pro-
essary for the functioning of instru- vided for the alternate static system.
ments, systems, or devices, it must (c) Except as provided in paragraph
comply with the provisions of para- (d) of this section, if the static pressure
graphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section. system incorporates both a primary
(1) The design and installation of a and an alternate static pressure source,
static pressure system must be such the means for selecting one or the
that— other source must be designed so
(i) Positive drainage of moisture is that—
provided; (1) When either source is selected, the
(ii) Chafing of the tubing, and exces- other is blocked off; and
sive distortion or restriction at bends (2) Both sources cannot be blocked
in the tubing, is avoided; and off simultaneously.
(iii) The materials used are durable, (d) For unpressurized airplanes, para-
suitable for the purpose intended, and graph (c)(1) of this section does not
protected against corrosion. apply if it can be demonstrated that
(2) A proof test must be conducted to the static pressure system calibration,
demonstrate the integrity of the static when either static pressure source is
pressure system in the following man- selected, is not changed by the other
ner: static pressure source being open or
(i) Unpressurized airplanes. Evacuate blocked.
the static pressure system to a pres- (e) Each static pressure system must
sure differential of approximately 1 be calibrated in flight to determine the
inch of mercury or to a reading on the system error. The system error, in in-
altimeter, 1,000 feet above the aircraft dicated pressure altitude, at sea-level,
elevation at the time of the test. With- with a standard atmosphere, excluding
out additional pumping for a period of instrument calibration error, may not
1 minute, the loss of indicated altitude exceed ±30 feet per 100 knot speed for
must not exceed 100 feet on the altim- the appropriate configuration in the
eter. speed range between 1.3 VS0 with flaps
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(ii) Pressurized airplanes. Evacuate extended, and 1.8 VS1 with flaps re-
the static pressure system until a pres- tracted. However, the error need not be
sure differential equivalent to the max- less than 30 feet.


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§ 23.1326 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

(f) [Reserved] ations of a magnetic nonstabilized di-

(g) For airplanes prohibited from rection indicator of more than 10 de-
flight in instrument meteorological or grees must be placarded in accordance
icing conditions, in accordance with with § 23.1547(e).
§ 23.1559(b) of this part, paragraph (b)(3) [Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977]
of this section does not apply.
[Amdt. 23–1, 30 FR 8261, June 29, 1965, as § 23.1329 Automatic pilot system.
amended by Amdt. 23–6, 32 FR 7586, May 24, If an automatic pilot system is in-
1967; 32 FR 13505, Sept. 27, 1967; 32 FR 13714, stalled, it must meet the following:
Sept. 30, 1967; Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36968, July (a) Each system must be designed so
18, 1977; Amdt. 23–34, 52 FR 1834, Jan. 15, 1987;
Amdt. 23–42, 56 FR 354, Jan. 3, 1991; Amdt. 23–
that the automatic pilot can—
49, 61 FR 5169, Feb. 9, 1996; Amdt. 23–50, 61 FR (1) Be quickly and positively dis-
5192, Feb. 9, 1996] engaged by the pilots to prevent it
from interfering with their control of
§ 23.1326 Pitot heat indication systems. the airplane; or
If a flight instrument pitot heating (2) Be sufficiently overpowered by
system is installed to meet the require- one pilot to let him control the air-
ments specified in § 23.1323(d), an indi- plane.
cation system must be provided to in- (b) If the provisions of paragraph
dicate to the flight crew when that (a)(1) of this section are applied, the
pitot heating system is not operating. quick release (emergency) control
The indication system must comply must be located on the control wheel
with the following requirements: (both control wheels if the airplane can
(a) The indication provided must in- be operated from either pilot seat) on
corporate an amber light that is in the side opposite the throttles, or on
clear view of a flightcrew member. the stick control, (both stick controls,
(b) The indication provided must be if the airplane can be operated from ei-
designed to alert the flight crew if ei- ther pilot seat) such that it can be op-
erated without moving the hand from
ther of the following conditions exist:
(1) The pitot heating system is its normal position on the control.
(c) Unless there is automatic syn-
switched ‘‘off.’’
chronization, each system must have a
(2) The pitot heating system is
means to readily indicate to the pilot
switched ‘‘on’’ and any pitot tube heat-
the alignment of the actuating device
ing element is inoperative.
in relation to the control system it op-
[Doc. No. 27806, 61 FR 5169, Feb. 9, 1996] erates.
(d) Each manually operated control
§ 23.1327 Magnetic direction indicator. for the system operation must be read-
(a) Except as provided in paragraph ily accessible to the pilot. Each control
(b) of this section— must operate in the same plane and
(1) Each magnetic direction indicator sense of motion as specified in § 23.779
must be installed so that its accuracy for cockpit controls. The direction of
is not excessively affected by the air- motion must be plainly indicated on or
plane’s vibration or magnetic fields; near each control.
and (e) Each system must be designed and
(2) The compensated installation may adjusted so that, within the range of
not have a deviation in level flight, adjustment available to the pilot, it
greater than ten degrees on any head- cannot produce hazardous loads on the
ing. airplane or create hazardous deviations
(b) A magnetic nonstabilized direc- in the flight path, under any flight con-
tion indicator may deviate more than dition appropriate to its use, either
ten degrees due to the operation of during normal operation or in the
electrically powered systems such as event of a malfunction, assuming that
electrically heated windshields if ei- corrective action begins within a rea-
ther a magnetic stabilized direction in- sonable period of time.
dicator, which does not have a devi- (f) Each system must be designed so
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ation in level flight greater than ten that a single malfunction will not
degrees on any heading, or a gyroscopic produce a hardover signal in more than
direction indicator, is installed. Devi- one control axis. If the automatic pilot


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1337

integrates signals from auxiliary con- automatic means to select each power
trols or furnishes signals for operation source; or
of other equipment, positive interlocks (2) A separate display of parameters
and sequencing of engagement to pre- for heading, altitude, airspeed, and at-
vent improper operation are required. titude that has a power source inde-
(g) There must be protection against pendent from the airplane’s primary
adverse interaction of integrated com- electrical power system.
ponents, resulting from a malfunction. [Doc. No. 26344, 58 FR 18976, Apr. 9, 1993, as
(h) If the automatic pilot system can amended by Amdt. 23–62, 76 FR 75761, Dec. 2,
be coupled to airborne navigation 2011]
equipment, means must be provided to
indicate to the flight crew the current § 23.1335 Flight director systems.
mode of operation. Selector switch po- If a flight director system is in-
sition is not acceptable as a means of stalled, means must be provided to in-
indication. dicate to the flight crew its current
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964; 30 mode of operation. Selector switch po-
FR 258, Jan. 9, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 23– sition is not acceptable as a means of
23, 43 FR 50593, Oct. 30, 1978; Amdt. 23–43, 58 indication.
FR 18976, Apr. 9, 1993; Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5169,
[Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977]
Feb. 9, 1996]
§ 23.1337 Powerplant instruments in-
§ 23.1331 Instruments using a power stallation.
(a) Instruments and instrument lines.
For each instrument that uses a
(1) Each powerplant and auxiliary
power source, the following apply:
power unit instrument line must meet
(a) Each instrument must have an in- the requirements of § 23.993.
tegral visual power annunciator or sep- (2) Each line carrying flammable
arate power indicator to indicate when fluids under pressure must—
power is not adequate to sustain proper (i) Have restricting orifices or other
instrument performance. If a separate safety devices at the source of pressure
indicator is used, it must be located so to prevent the escape of excessive fluid
that the pilot using the instruments if the line fails; and
can monitor the indicator with min- (ii) Be installed and located so that
imum head and eye movement. The the escape of fluids would not create a
power must be sensed at or near the hazard.
point where it enters the instrument. (3) Each powerplant and auxiliary
For electric and vacuum/pressure in- power unit instrument that utilizes
struments, the power is considered to flammable fluids must be installed and
be adequate when the voltage or the located so that the escape of fluid
vacuum/pressure, respectively, is with- would not create a hazard.
in approved limits. (b) Fuel quantity indication. There
(b) The installation and power supply must be a means to indicate to the
systems must be designed so that— flightcrew members the quantity of us-
(1) The failure of one instrument will able fuel in each tank during flight. An
not interfere with the proper supply of indicator calibrated in appropriate
energy to the remaining instrument; units and clearly marked to indicate
and those units must be used. In addition:
(2) The failure of the energy supply (1) Each fuel quantity indicator must
from one source will not interfere with be calibrated to read ‘‘zero’’ during
the proper supply of energy from any level flight when the quantity of fuel
other source. remaining in the tank is equal to the
(c) For certification for Instrument unusable fuel supply determined under
Flight Rules (IFR) operations and for § 23.959(a);
the heading, altitude, airspeed, and at- (2) Each exposed sight gauge used as
titude, there must be at least: a fuel quantity indicator must be pro-
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(1) Two independent sources of power tected against damage;

(not driven by the same engine on mul- (3) Each sight gauge that forms a
tiengine airplanes), and a manual or an trap in which water can collect and


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§ 23.1351 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

freeze must have means to allow drain- ments that account for the electrical
age on the ground; loads applied to the electrical system
(4) There must be a means to indicate in probable combinations and for prob-
the amount of usable fuel in each tank able durations; and
when the airplane is on the ground (ii) For commuter category air-
(such as by a stick gauge); planes, by an electrical load analysis
(5) Tanks with interconnected outlets that accounts for the electrical loads
and airspaces may be considered as one applied to the electrical system in
tank and need not have separate indi- probable combinations and for probable
cators; and durations.
(6) No fuel quantity indicator is re- (b) Function. For each electrical sys-
quired for an auxiliary tank that is tem, the following apply:
used only to transfer fuel to other (1) Each system, when installed,
tanks if the relative size of the tank, must be—
the rate of fuel transfer, and operating (i) Free from hazards in itself, in its
instructions are adequate to— method of operation, and in its effects
(i) Guard against overflow; and on other parts of the airplane;
(ii) Give the flight crewmembers (ii) Protected from fuel, oil, water,
prompt warning if transfer is not pro- other detrimental substances, and me-
ceeding as planned. chanical damage; and
(c) Fuel flowmeter system. If a fuel (iii) So designed that the risk of elec-
flowmeter system is installed, each trical shock to crew, passengers, and
metering component must have a ground personnel is reduced to a min-
means to by-pass the fuel supply if imum.
malfunctioning of that component se- (2) Electric power sources must func-
verely restricts fuel flow. tion properly when connected in com-
(d) Oil quantity indicator. There must bination or independently.
be a means to indicate the quantity of (3) No failure or malfunction of any
oil in each tank— electric power source may impair the
(1) On the ground (such as by a stick ability of any remaining source to sup-
gauge); and ply load circuits essential for safe oper-
(2) In flight, to the flight crew mem- ation.
bers, if there is an oil transfer system
(4) In addition, for commuter cat-
or a reserve oil supply system.
egory airplanes, the following apply:
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as (i) Each system must be designed so
amended by Amdt. 23–7, 34 FR 13096, Aug. 13, that essential load circuits can be sup-
1969; Amdt. 23–18, 42 FR 15042, Mar. 17, 1977; plied in the event of reasonably prob-
Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18976, Apr. 9, 1993; Amdt.
able faults or open circuits including
23–51, 61 FR 5138, Feb. 9, 1996; Amdt. 23–49, 61
FR 5169, Feb. 9, 1996] faults in heavy current carrying cables;
(ii) A means must be accessible in
ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT flight to the flight crewmembers for
the individual and collective dis-
§ 23.1351 General. connection of the electrical power
(a) Electrical system capacity. Each sources from the system;
electrical system must be adequate for (iii) The system must be designed so
the intended use. In addition— that voltage and frequency, if applica-
(1) Electric power sources, their ble, at the terminals of all essential
transmission cables, and their associ- load equipment can be maintained
ated control and protective devices, within the limits for which the equip-
must be able to furnish the required ment is designed during any probable
power at the proper voltage to each operating conditions;
load circuit essential for safe oper- (iv) If two independent sources of
ation; and electrical power for particular equip-
(2) Compliance with paragraph (a)(1) ment or systems are required, their
of this section must be shown as fol- electrical energy supply must be en-
lows— sured by means such as duplicate elec-
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(i) For normal, utility, and acrobatic trical equipment, throwover switching,
category airplanes, by an electrical or multichannel or loop circuits sepa-
load analysis or by electrical measure- rately routed; and


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1353

(v) For the purpose of complying lesser temperature substantiated by

with paragraph (b)(5) of this section, the applicant, the equipment essential
the distribution system includes the to continued safe operation and located
distribution busses, their associated behind the firewall will function satis-
feeders, and each control and protec- factorily and will not create an addi-
tive device. tional fire hazard.
(c) Generating system. There must be (f) External power. If provisions are
at least one generator/alternator if the made for connecting external power to
electrical system supplies power to the airplane, and that external power
load circuits essential for safe oper- can be electrically connected to equip-
ation. In addition— ment other than that used for engine
(1) Each generator/alternator must be starting, means must be provided to
able to deliver its continuous rated ensure that no external power supply
power, or such power as is limited by having a reverse polarity, or a reverse
its regulation system. phase sequence, can supply power to
(2) Generator/alternator voltage con- the airplane’s electrical system. The
trol equipment must be able to depend- external power connection must be lo-
ably regulate the generator/alternator cated so that its use will not result in
output within rated limits. a hazard to the airplane or ground per-
(3) Automatic means must be pro- sonnel.
vided to prevent damage to any gener-
(g) It must be shown by analysis,
ator/alternator and adverse effects on
tests, or both, that the airplane can be
the airplane electrical system due to
operated safely in VFR conditions, for
reverse current. A means must also be
a period of not less than five minutes,
provided to disconnect each generator/
with the normal electrical power (elec-
alternator from the battery and other
trical power sources excluding the bat-
tery and any other standby electrical
(4) There must be a means to give im-
sources) inoperative, with critical type
mediate warning to the flight crew of a
fuel (from the standpoint of flameout
failure of any generator/alternator.
(5) Each generator/alternator must and restart capability), and with the
have an overvoltage control designed airplane initially at the maximum cer-
and installed to prevent damage to the tificated altitude. Parts of the elec-
electrical system, or to equipment sup- trical system may remain on if—
plied by the electrical system that (1) A single malfunction, including a
could result if that generator/alter- wire bundle or junction box fire, can-
nator were to develop an overvoltage not result in loss of the part turned off
condition. and the part turned on; and
(d) Instruments. A means must exist (2) The parts turned on are elec-
to indicate to appropriate flight crew- trically and mechanically isolated
members the electric power system from the parts turned off.
quantities essential for safe operation. [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as
(1) For normal, utility, and acrobatic amended by Amdt. 23–7, 34 FR 13096, Aug. 13,
category airplanes with direct current 1969; Amdt. 23–14, 38 FR 31824, Nov. 19, 1973;
systems, an ammeter that can be Amdt. 23–17, 41 FR 55465, Dec. 20, 1976; Amdt.
switched into each generator feeder 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977; Amdt. 23–34,
may be used and, if only one generator 52 FR 1834, Jan. 15, 1987; 52 FR 34745, Sept. 14,
exists, the ammeter may be in the bat- 1987; Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18976, Apr. 9, 1993;
tery feeder. Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5169, Feb. 9, 1996]
(2) For commuter category airplanes,
§ 23.1353 Storage battery design and
the essential electric power system installation.
quantities include the voltage and cur-
rent supplied by each generator. (a) Each storage battery must be de-
(e) Fire resistance. Electrical equip- signed and installed as prescribed in
ment must be so designed and installed this section.
that in the event of a fire in the engine (b) Safe cell temperatures and pres-
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

compartment, during which the surface sures must be maintained during any
of the firewall adjacent to the fire is probable charging and discharging con-
heated to 2,000 °F for 5 minutes or to a dition. No uncontrolled increase in cell


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§ 23.1357 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

temperature may result when the bat- (i) At least 30 minutes for airplanes
tery is recharged (after previous com- that are certificated with a maximum
plete discharge)— altitude of 25,000 feet or less; and
(1) At maximum regulated voltage or (ii) At least 60 minutes for airplanes
power; that are certificated with a maximum
(2) During a flight of maximum dura- altitude over 25,000 feet.
tion; and (2) The time period includes the time
(3) Under the most adverse cooling to recognize the loss of generated
condition likely to occur in service. power and to take appropriate load
(c) Compliance with paragraph (b) of
shedding action.
this section must be shown by tests un-
less experience with similar batteries [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964; 30
and installations has shown that main- FR 258, Jan. 9, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 23–
taining safe cell temperatures and 20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977; Amdt. 23–21, 43
pressures presents no problem. FR 2319, Jan. 16, 1978; Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5169,
(d) No explosive or toxic gases emit- Feb. 9, 1996; Amdt. 23–62, 76 FR 75761, Dec. 2,
ted by any battery in normal oper- 2011]
ation, or as the result of any probable
§ 23.1357 Circuit protective devices.
malfunction in the charging system or
battery installation, may accumulate (a) Protective devices, such as fuses
in hazardous quantities within the air- or circuit breakers, must be installed
plane. in all electrical circuits other than—
(e) No corrosive fluids or gases that (1) Main circuits of starter motors
may escape from the battery may dam- used during starting only; and
age surrounding structures or adjacent (2) Circuits in which no hazard is pre-
essential equipment. sented by their omission.
(f) Each nickel cadmium battery in- (b) A protective device for a circuit
stallation capable of being used to
essential to flight safety may not be
start an engine or auxiliary power unit
used to protect any other circuit.
must have provisions to prevent any
hazardous effect on structure or essen- (c) Each resettable circuit protective
tial systems that may be caused by the device (‘‘trip free’’ device in which the
maximum amount of heat the battery tripping mechanism cannot be over-
can generate during a short circuit of ridden by the operating control) must
the battery or of its individual cells. be designed so that—
(g) Nickel cadmium battery installa- (1) A manual operation is required to
tions capable of being used to start an restore service after tripping; and
engine or auxiliary power unit must (2) If an overload or circuit fault ex-
have— ists, the device will open the circuit re-
(1) A system to control the charging gardless of the position of the oper-
rate of the battery automatically so as ating control.
to prevent battery overheating; (d) If the ability to reset a circuit
(2) A battery temperature sensing breaker or replace a fuse is essential to
and over-temperature warning system safety in flight, that circuit breaker or
with a means for disconnecting the fuse must be so located and identified
battery from its charging source in the that it can be readily reset or replaced
event of an over-temperature condi- in flight.
tion; or (e) For fuses identified as replaceable
(3) A battery failure sensing and in flight—
warning system with a means for dis-
(1) There must be one spare of each
connecting the battery from its charg-
rating or 50 percent spare fuses of each
ing source in the event of battery fail-
ure. rating, whichever is greater; and
(h)(1) In the event of a complete loss (2) The spare fuse(s) must be readily
of the primary electrical power gener- accessible to any required pilot.
ating system, the battery must be ca-
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964; 30

pable of providing electrical power to FR 258, Jan. 9, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 23–
those loads that are essential to con- 20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977; Amdt. 23–43, 58
tinued safe flight and landing for: FR 18976, Apr. 9, 1993


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1367

§ 23.1359 Electrical system fire protec- (c) The master switch or its controls
tion. must be so installed that the switch is
(a) Each component of the electrical easily discernible and accessible to a
system must meet the applicable fire crewmember.
protection requirements of §§ 23.863 and [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964; 30
23.1182. FR 258, Jan. 9, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 23–
(b) Electrical cables, terminals, and 20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977; Amdt. 23–43, 58
equipment in designated fire zones that FR 18977, Apr. 9, 1993; Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5169,
are used during emergency procedures Feb. 9, 1996]
must be fire-resistant. § 23.1365 Electric cables and equip-
(c) Insulation on electrical wire and ment.
electrical cable must be self-extin-
guishing when tested at an angle of 60 (a) Each electric connecting cable
degrees in accordance with the applica- must be of adequate capacity.
(b) Any equipment that is associated
ble portions of appendix F of this part,
with any electrical cable installation
or other approved equivalent methods.
and that would overheat in the event of
The average burn length must not ex-
circuit overload or fault must be flame
ceed 3 inches (76 mm) and the average
resistant. That equipment and the elec-
flame time after removal of the flame
trical cables must not emit dangerous
source must not exceed 30 seconds.
quantities of toxic fumes.
Drippings from the test specimen must
(c) Main power cables (including gen-
not continue to flame for more than an
erator cables) in the fuselage must be
average of 3 seconds after falling.
designed to allow a reasonable degree
[Doc. No. 27806, 61 FR 5169, Feb. 9, 1996] of deformation and stretching without
failure and must—
§ 23.1361 Master switch arrangement. (1) Be separated from flammable fluid
(a) There must be a master switch ar- lines; or
rangement to allow ready disconnec- (2) Be shrouded by means of elec-
tion of each electric power source from trically insulated flexible conduit, or
power distribution systems, except as equivalent, which is in addition to the
provided in paragraph (b) of this sec- normal cable insulation.
tion. The point of disconnection must (d) Means of identification must be
be adjacent to the sources controlled provided for electrical cables, termi-
by the switch arrangement. If separate nals, and connectors.
switches are incorporated into the (e) Electrical cables must be in-
master switch arrangement, a means stalled such that the risk of mechan-
must be provided for the switch ar- ical damage and/or damage cased by
rangement to be operated by one hand fluids vapors, or sources of heat, is
with a single movement. minimized.
(b) Load circuits may be connected so (f) Where a cable cannot be protected
that they remain energized when the by a circuit protection device or other
master switch is open, if the circuits overload protection, it must not cause
are isolated, or physically shielded, to a fire hazard under fault conditions.
prevent their igniting flammable fluids [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as
or vapors that might be liberated by amended by Amdt. 23–14, 38 FR 31824, Nov. 19,
the leakage or rupture of any flam- 1973; Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18977, Apr. 9, 1993;
mable fluid system; and Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5169, Feb. 9, 1996]
(1) The circuits are required for con-
tinued operation of the engine; or § 23.1367 Switches.
(2) The circuits are protected by cir- Each switch must be—
cuit protective devices with a rating of (a) Able to carry its rated current;
five amperes or less adjacent to the (b) Constructed with enough distance
electric power source. or insulating material between current
(3) In addition, two or more circuits carrying parts and the housing so that
installed in accordance with the re- vibration in flight will not cause short-
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

quirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this ing;

section must not be used to supply a (c) Accessible to appropriate flight
load of more than five amperes. crewmembers; and


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§ 23.1381 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

(d) Labeled as to operation and the preciable light transmission during

circuit controlled. normal use.
LIGHTS [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 23–17, 41 FR 55465, Dec. 20,
§ 23.1381 Instrument lights. 1976; Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18977, Apr. 9, 1993]

The instrument lights must— § 23.1387 Position light system dihe-

(a) Make each instrument and con- dral angles.
trol easily readable and discernible; (a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) Be installed so that their direct (e) of this section, each position light
rays, and rays reflected from the wind- must, as installed, show unbroken light
shield or other surface, are shielded within the dihedral angles described in
from the pilot’s eyes; and this section.
(c) Have enough distance or insu- (b) Dihedral angle L (left) is formed
lating material between current car- by two intersecting vertical planes, the
rying parts and the housing so that vi- first parallel to the longitudinal axis of
bration in flight will not cause short- the airplane, and the other at 110 de-
ing. grees to the left of the first, as viewed
A cabin dome light is not an instru- when looking forward along the longi-
ment light. tudinal axis.
(c) Dihedral angle R (right) is formed
§ 23.1383 Taxi and landing lights. by two intersecting vertical planes, the
Each taxi and landing light must be first parallel to the longitudinal axis of
designed and installed so that: the airplane, and the other at 110 de-
(a) No dangerous glare is visible to grees to the right of the first, as viewed
the pilots. when looking forward along the longi-
(b) The pilot is not seriously affected tudinal axis.
by halation. (d) Dihedral angle A (aft) is formed
(c) It provides enough light for night by two intersecting vertical planes
operations. making angles of 70 degrees to the
(d) It does not cause a fire hazard in right and to the left, respectively, to a
any configuration. vertical plane passing through the lon-
[Doc. No. 27806, 61 FR 5169, Feb. 9, 1996] gitudinal axis, as viewed when looking
aft along the longitudinal axis.
§ 23.1385 Position light system installa- (e) If the rear position light, when
tion. mounted as far aft as practicable in ac-
(a) General. Each part of each posi- cordance with § 23.1385(c), cannot show
tion light system must meet the appli- unbroken light within dihedral angle A
cable requirements of this section and (as defined in paragraph (d) of this sec-
each system as a whole must meet the tion), a solid angle or angles of ob-
requirements of §§ 23.1387 through structed visibility totaling not more
23.1397. than 0.04 steradians is allowable within
(b) Left and right position lights. Left that dihedral angle, if such solid angle
and right position lights must consist is within a cone whose apex is at the
of a red and a green light spaced lat- rear position light and whose elements
erally as far apart as practicable and make an angle of 30° with a vertical
installed on the airplane such that, line passing through the rear position
with the airplane in the normal flying light.
position, the red light is on the left [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964; 30
side and the green light is on the right FR 258, Jan. 9, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 23–
side. 12, 36 FR 21278, Nov. 5, 1971; Amdt. 23–43, 58
(c) Rear position light. The rear posi- FR 18977, Apr. 9, 1993]
tion light must be a white light mount-
ed as far aft as practicable on the tail § 23.1389 Position light distribution
or on each wing tip. and intensities.
(d) Light covers and color filters. Each (a) General. The intensities prescribed
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

light cover or color filter must be at in this section must be provided by new
least flame resistant and may not equipment with each light cover and
change color or shape or lose any ap- color filter in place. Intensities must


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1395

be determined with the light source op- (1) The axis of the maximum cone of
erating at a steady value equal to the illumination is parallel to the flight
average luminous output of the source path in level flight; and
at the normal operating voltage of the (2) There is no obstruction aft of the
airplane. The light distribution and in- light and between planes 70 degrees to
tensity of each position light must the right and left of the axis of max-
meet the requirements of paragraph (b) imum illumination.
of this section. [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as
(b) Position lights. The light distribu- amended by Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18977, Apr. 9,
tion and intensities of position lights 1993]
must be expressed in terms of min-
imum intensities in the horizontal § 23.1391 Minimum intensities in the
horizontal plane of position lights.
plane, minimum intensities in any
vertical plane, and maximum inten- Each position light intensity must
sities in overlapping beams, within di- equal or exceed the applicable values in
hedral angles L, R, and A, and must the following table:
meet the following requirements: Angle from right
(1) Intensities in the horizontal plane. Dihedral angle (light in- or left of longitu- Intensity
dinal axis, meas-
Each intensity in the horizontal plane cluded) ured from dead (candles)
(the plane containing the longitudinal ahead
axis of the airplane and perpendicular L and R (red and green) .... 0° to 10° .............. 40
to the plane of symmetry of the air- 10° to 20° ............ 30
plane) must equal or exceed the values 20° to 110° .......... 5
A (rear white) ..................... 110° to 180° ........ 20
in § 23.1391.
(2) Intensities in any vertical plane.
Each intensity in any vertical plane [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18977, Apr. 9,
(the plane perpendicular to the hori-
zontal plane) must equal or exceed the
appropriate value in § 23.1393, where I is § 23.1393 Minimum intensities in any
the minimum intensity prescribed in vertical plane of position lights.
§ 23.1391 for the corresponding angles in Each position light intensity must
the horizontal plane. equal or exceed the applicable values in
(3) Intensities in overlaps between adja- the following table:
cent signals. No intensity in any over-
lap between adjacent signals may ex- Angle above or below the horizontal plane Intensity, l
ceed the values in § 23.1395, except that 0° ......................................................................... 1.00
higher intensities in overlaps may be 0° to 5° ................................................................ 0.90
used with main beam intensities sub- 5° to 10° .............................................................. 0.80
10° to 15° ............................................................ 0.70
stantially greater than the minima 15° to 20° ............................................................ 0.50
specified in §§ 23.1391 and 23.1393, if the 20° to 30° ............................................................ 0.30
overlap intensities in relation to the 30° to 40° ............................................................ 0.10
40° to 90° ............................................................ 0.05
main beam intensities do not adversely
affect signal clarity. When the peak in-
tensity of the left and right position [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18977, Apr. 9,
lights is more than 100 candles, the 1993]
maximum overlap intensities between
them may exceed the values in § 23.1395 § 23.1395 Maximum intensities in over-
if the overlap intensity in Area A is lapping beams of position lights.
not more than 10 percent of peak posi- No position light intensity may ex-
tion light intensity and the overlap in- ceed the applicable values in the fol-
tensity in Area B is not more than 2.5 lowing equal or exceed the applicable
percent of peak position light inten- values in § 23.1389(b)(3):
(c) Rear position light installation. A Maximum intensity
single rear position light may be in- Overlaps
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Area A Area B
stalled in a position displaced laterally (candles) (candles)
from the plane of symmetry of an air- Green in dihedral angle L ............. 10 1
plane if— Red in dihedral angle R ................ 10 1


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§ 23.1397 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

Maximum intensity (2) Show the maximum unbroken

Overlaps Area A Area B light practicable when the airplane is
(candles) (candles) moored or drifting on the water.
Green in dihedral angle A ............. 5 1
(b) Externally hung lights may be
Red in dihedral angle A ................ 5 1 used.
Rear white in dihedral angle L ...... 5 1
Rear white in dihedral angle R ..... 5 1 § 23.1401 Anticollision light system.
(a) General. The airplane must have
Where— an anticollision light system that:
(a) Area A includes all directions in (1) Consists of one or more approved
the adjacent dihedral angle that pass anticollision lights located so that
through the light source and intersect
their light will not impair the flight
the common boundary plane at more
crewmembers’ vision or detract from
than 10 degrees but less than 20 de-
the conspicuity of the position lights;
grees; and
(b) Area B includes all directions in
the adjacent dihedral angle that pass (2) Meets the requirements of para-
through the light source and intersect graphs (b) through (f) of this section.
the common boundary plane at more (b) Field of coverage. The system must
than 20 degrees. consist of enough lights to illuminate
the vital areas around the airplane,
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as considering the physical configuration
amended by Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18977, Apr. 9,
and flight characteristics of the air-
plane. The field of coverage must ex-
§ 23.1397 Color specifications. tend in each direction within at least
75 degrees above and 75 degrees below
Each position light color must have the horizontal plane of the airplane,
the applicable International Commis- except that there may be solid angles
sion on Illumination chromaticity co-
of obstructed visibility totaling not
ordinates as follows:
more than 0.5 steradians.
(a) Aviation red—
(c) Flashing characteristics. The ar-
y is not greater than 0.335; and rangement of the system, that is, the
z is not greater than 0.002. number of light sources, beam width,
(b) Aviation green— speed of rotation, and other character-
istics, must give an effective flash fre-
x is not greater than 0.440¥0.320y; quency of not less than 40, nor more
x is not greater than y¥0.170; and than 100, cycles per minute. The effec-
y is not less than 0.390¥0.170x.
tive flash frequency is the frequency at
(c) Aviation white— which the airplane’s complete anti-
collision light system is observed from
x is not less than 0.300 and not greater than
a distance, and applies to each sector
y is not less than x¥0.040 or y0¥0.010, which- of light including any overlaps that
ever is the smaller; and exist when the system consists of more
y is not greater than x + 0.020 nor than one light source. In overlaps,
0.636¥0.400x; flash frequencies may exceed 100, but
Where y0 is the y coordinate of the Planckian not 180, cycles per minute.
radiator for the value of x considered. (d) Color. Each anticollision light
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as must be either aviation red or aviation
amended by Amdt. 23–11, 36 FR 12971, July 10, white and must meet the applicable re-
1971] quirements of § 23.1397.
(e) Light intensity. The minimum
§ 23.1399 Riding light. light intensities in any vertical plane,
(a) Each riding (anchor) light re- measured with the red filter (if used)
quired for a seaplane or amphibian, and expressed in terms of ‘‘effective’’
must be installed so that it can— intensities, must meet the require-
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(1) Show a white light for at least ments of paragraph (f) of this section.
two miles at night under clear atmos- The following relation must be as-
pheric conditions; and sumed:


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1419
ating rule in this chapter must be in-
∫t I (t )dt stalled so that it is readily available to
the crew and passengers.
Ie = 1

( )
(b) Each raft and each life preserver
0.2 + t 2 − t1 must be approved.
where: (c) Each raft released automatically
Ie = effective intensity (candles). or by the pilot must be attached to the
I(t) = instantaneous intensity as a function airplane by a line to keep it alongside
of time. the airplane. This line must be weak
t2¥t1 = flash time interval (seconds). enough to break before submerging the
empty raft to which it is attached.
Normally, the maximum value of effec- (d) Each signaling device required by
tive intensity is obtained when t2 and t1 any operating rule in this chapter,
are chosen so that the effective inten- must be accessible, function satisfac-
sity is equal to the instantaneous in- torily, and must be free of any hazard
tensity at t2 and t1. in its operation.
(f) Minimum effective intensities for
anticollision lights. Each anticollision § 23.1416 Pneumatic de-icer boot sys-
light effective intensity must equal or tem.
exceed the applicable values in the fol- If certification with ice protection
lowing table. provisions is desired and a pneumatic
Effective in-
de-icer boot system is installed—
Angle above or below the horizontal plane tensity (can- (a) The system must meet the re-
dles) quirements specified in § 23.1419.
0° to 5° .............................................................. 400 (b) The system and its components
5° to 10° ............................................................ 240 must be designed to perform their in-
10° to 20° .......................................................... 80 tended function under any normal sys-
20° to 30° .......................................................... 40
30° to 75° .......................................................... 20 tem operating temperature or pressure,
(c) Means to indicate to the flight
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as
crew that the pneumatic de-icer boot
amended by Amdt. 23–11, 36 FR 12972, July 10,
1971; Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977; system is receiving adequate pressure
Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5169, Feb. 9, 1996] and is functioning normally must be
SAFETY EQUIPMENT [Amdt. 23–23, 43 FR 50593, Oct. 30, 1978]
§ 23.1411 General. § 23.1419 Ice protection.
(a) Required safety equipment to be If certification with ice protection
used by the flight crew in an emer- provisions is desired, compliance with
gency, such as automatic liferaft re- the requirements of this section and
leases, must be readily accessible. other applicable sections of this part
(b) Stowage provisions for required must be shown:
safety equipment must be furnished (a) An analysis must be performed to
and must— establish, on the basis of the airplane’s
(1) Be arranged so that the equip- operational needs, the adequacy of the
ment is directly accessible and its loca- ice protection system for the various
tion is obvious; and components of the airplane. In addi-
(2) Protect the safety equipment tion, tests of the ice protection system
from damage caused by being subjected must be conducted to demonstrate that
to the inertia loads resulting from the the airplane is capable of operating
ultimate static load factors specified in safely in continuous maximum and
§ 23.561(b)(3) of this part. intermittent maximum icing condi-
[Amdt. 23–17, 41 FR 55465, Dec. 20, 1976, as tions, as described in appendix C of
amended by Amdt. 23–36, 53 FR 30815, Aug. 15, part 25 of this chapter. As used in this
1988] section, ‘‘Capable of operating safely,’’
means that airplane performance, con-
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 23.1415 Ditching equipment. trollability, maneuverability, and sta-

(a) Emergency flotation and sig- bility must not be less than that re-
naling equipment required by any oper- quired in part 23, subpart B.


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§ 23.1431 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

(b) Except as provided by paragraph MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT

(c) of this section, in addition to the
analysis and physical evaluation pre- § 23.1431 Electronic equipment.
scribed in paragraph (a) of this section, (a) In showing compliance with
the effectiveness of the ice protection § 23.1309(a), (b), and (c) with respect to
system and its components must be radio and electronic equipment and
shown by flight tests of the airplane or their installations, critical environ-
its components in measured natural at- mental conditions must be considered.
mospheric icing conditions and by one
(b) Radio and electronic equipment,
or more of the following tests, as found
necessary to determine the adequacy of controls, and wiring must be installed
the ice protection system— so that operation of any unit or system
(1) Laboratory dry air or simulated of units will not adversely affect the si-
icing tests, or a combination of both, of multaneous operation of any other
the components or models of the com- radio or electronic unit, or system of
ponents. units, required by this chapter.
(2) Flight dry air tests of the ice pro- (c) For those airplanes required to
tection system as a whole, or its indi- have more than one flightcrew mem-
vidual components. ber, or whose operation will require
(3) Flight test of the airplane or its more than one flightcrew member, the
components in measured simulated cockpit must be evaluated to deter-
icing conditions. mine if the flightcrew members, when
(c) If certification with ice protection seated at their duty station, can con-
has been accomplished on prior type verse without difficulty under the ac-
certificated airplanes whose designs in- tual cockpit noise conditions when the
clude components that are airplane is being operated. If the air-
thermodynamically and aero- plane design includes provision for the
dynamically equivalent to those used use of communication headsets, the
on a new airplane design, certification evaluation must also consider condi-
of these equivalent components may be tions where headsets are being used. If
accomplished by reference to pre- the evaluation shows conditions under
viously accomplished tests, required in which it will be difficult to converse,
§ 23.1419 (a) and (b), provided that the an intercommunication system must
applicant accounts for any differences be provided.
in installation of these components. (d) If installed communication equip-
(d) A means must be identified or ment includes transmitter ‘‘off-on’’
provided for determining the formation switching, that switching means must
of ice on the critical parts of the air- be designed to return from the ‘‘trans-
plane. Adequate lighting must be pro- mit’’ to the ‘‘off’’ position when it is
vided for the use of this means during released and ensure that the trans-
night operation. Also, when monitoring
mitter will return to the off (non trans-
of the external surfaces of the airplane
mitting) state.
by the flight crew is required for oper-
ation of the ice protection equipment, (e) If provisions for the use of com-
external lighting must be provided that munication headsets are provided, it
is adequate to enable the monitoring to must be demonstrated that the
be done at night. Any illumination flightcrew members will receive all
that is used must be of a type that will aural warnings under the actual cock-
not cause glare or reflection that pit noise conditions when the airplane
would handicap crewmembers in the is being operated when any headset is
performance of their duties. The Air- being used.
plane Flight Manual or other approved [Doc. No. 26344, 58 FR 18977, Apr. 9, 1993, as
manual material must describe the amended by Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5169, Feb. 9,
means of determining ice formation 1996; Amdt. 23–62, 76 FR 75761, Dec. 2, 2011]
and must contain information for the
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

safe operation of the airplane in icing § 23.1435 Hydraulic systems.

(a) Design. Each hydraulic system
[Doc. No. 26344, 58 FR 18977, Apr. 9, 1993] must be designed as follows:


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1441

(1) Each hydraulic system and its ele- times, the maximum normal operating
ments must withstand, without yield- pressure.
ing, the structural loads expected in (b) Pneumatic system elements must
addition to hydraulic loads. be burst pressure tested to 3.0 times,
(2) A means to indicate the pressure and proof pressure tested to 1.5 times,
in each hydraulic system which sup- the maximum normal operating pres-
plies two or more primary functions sure.
must be provided to the flight crew. (c) An analysis, or a combination of
(3) There must be means to ensure analysis and test, may be substituted
that the pressure, including transient for any test required by paragraph (a)
(surge) pressure, in any part of the sys- or (b) of this section if the Adminis-
tem will not exceed the safe limit trator finds it equivalent to the re-
above design operating pressure and to quired test.
prevent excessive pressure resulting [Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977]
from fluid volumetric changes in all
lines which are likely to remain closed § 23.1441 Oxygen equipment and sup-
long enough for such changes to occur. ply.
(4) The minimum design burst pres- (a) If certification with supplemental
sure must be 2.5 times the operating oxygen equipment is requested, or the
pressure. airplane is approved for operations at
(b) Tests. Each system must be sub- or above altitudes where oxygen is re-
stantiated by proof pressure tests. quired to be used by the operating
When proof tested, no part of any sys- rules, oxygen equipment must be pro-
tem may fail, malfunction, or experi- vided that meets the requirements of
ence a permanent set. The proof load of this section and §§ 23.1443 through
each system must be at least 1.5 times 23.1449. Portable oxygen equipment
the maximum operating pressure of may be used to meet the requirements
that system. of this part if the portable equipment
(c) Accumulators. A hydraulic accu- is shown to comply with the applicable
mulator or reservoir may be installed requirements, is identified in the air-
on the engine side of any firewall if— plane type design, and its stowage pro-
(1) It is an integral part of an engine visions are found to be in compliance
or propeller system, or with the requirements of § 23.561.
(2) The reservoir is nonpressurized (b) The oxygen system must be free
and the total capacity of all such non- from hazards in itself, in its method of
pressurized reservoirs is one quart or operation, and its effect upon other
less. components.
(c) There must be a means to allow
[Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 23–7, 34 FR 13096, Aug. 13, the crew to readily determine, during
1969; Amdt. 23–14, 38 FR 31824, Nov. 19, 1973; the flight, the quantity of oxygen
Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18977, Apr. 9, 1993; Amdt. available in each source of supply.
23–49, 61 FR 5170, Feb. 9, 1996] (d) Each required flight crewmember
must be provided with—
§ 23.1437 Accessories for multiengine (1) Demand oxygen equipment if the
airplanes. airplane is to be certificated for oper-
For multiengine airplanes, engine- ation above 25,000 feet.
driven accessories essential to safe op- (2) Pressure demand oxygen equip-
eration must be distributed among two ment if the airplane is to be certifi-
or more engines so that the failure of cated for operation above 40,000 feet.
any one engine will not impair safe op- (e) There must be a means, readily
eration through the malfunctioning of available to the crew in flight, to turn
these accessories. on and to shut off the oxygen supply at
the high pressure source. This shutoff
§ 23.1438 Pressurization and pneu- requirement does not apply to chem-
matic systems. ical oxygen generators.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Pressurization system elements [Amdt. 23–9, 35 FR 6386, Apr. 21, 1970, as
must be burst pressure tested to 2.0 amended by Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18978, Apr. 9,
times, and proof pressure tested to 1.5 1993]


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§ 23.1443 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

§ 23.1443 Minimum mass flow of sup- with a tidal volume of 700cc with a con-
plemental oxygen. stant time interval between respira-
(a) If the airplane is to be certified tions.
above 41,000 feet, a continuous flow ox- (ii) At cabin pressure altitudes above
ygen system must be provided for each 18,500 feet up to and including 40,000
passenger. feet, a mean tracheal oxygen partial
(b) If continuous flow oxygen equip- pressure of 83.8mm Hg when breathing
ment is installed, an applicant must 30 liters per minute, BTPS, and with a
show compliance with the require- tidal volume of 1,100cc with a constant
ments of either paragraphs (b)(1) and time interval between respirations.
(b)(2) or paragraph (b)(3) of this sec- (2) For each flight crewmember, the
tion: minimum mass flow may not be less
(1) For each passenger, the minimum than the flow required to maintain,
mass flow of supplemental oxygen re-
during inspiration, a mean tracheal ox-
quired at various cabin pressure alti-
ygen partial pressure of 149mm Hg
tudes may not be less than the flow re-
when breathing 15 liters per minute,
quired to maintain, during inspiration
and while using the oxygen equipment BTPS, and with a maximum tidal vol-
(including masks) provided, the fol- ume of 700cc with a constant time in-
lowing mean tracheal oxygen partial terval between respirations.
pressures: (3) The minimum mass flow of sup-
(i) At cabin pressure altitudes above plemental oxygen supplied for each
10,000 feet up to and including 18,500 user must be at a rate not less than
feet, a mean tracheal oxygen partial that shown in the following figure for
pressure of 100mm Hg when breathing each altitude up to and including the
15 liters per minute, Body Tempera- maximum operating altitude of the air-
ture, Pressure, Saturated (BTPS) and plane.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1447

(c) If demand equipment is installed imum supply required by the flight

for use by flight crewmembers, the crew must be provided.
minimum mass flow of supplemental
[Doc. No. 26344, 58 FR 18978, Apr. 9, 1993, as
oxygen required for each flight crew-
amended by Amdt. 23–62, 76 FR 75762, Dec. 2,
member may not be less than the flow
required to maintain, during inspira-
tion, a mean tracheal oxygen partial § 23.1447 Equipment standards for ox-
pressure of 122mm Hg up to and includ- ygen dispensing units.
ing a cabin pressure altitude of 35,000
feet, and 95 percent oxygen between If oxygen dispensing units are in-
cabin pressure altitudes of 35,000 and stalled, the following apply:
40,000 feet, when breathing 20 liters per (a) There must be an individual dis-
minutes BTPS. In addition, there must pensing unit for each occupant for
be means to allow the flight crew to whom supplemental oxygen is to be
use undiluted oxygen at their discre- supplied. Each dispensing unit must:
tion. (1) Provide for effective utilization of
(d) If first-aid oxygen equipment is the oxygen being delivered to the unit.
installed, the minimum mass flow of (2) Be capable of being readily placed
oxygen to each user may not be less into position on the face of the user.
than 4 liters per minute, STPD. How-
(3) Be equipped with a suitable means
ever, there may be a means to decrease
this flow to not less than 2 liters per to retain the unit in position on the
minute, STPD, at any cabin altitude. face.
The quantity of oxygen required is (4) If radio equipment is installed,
based upon an average flow rate of 3 li- the flightcrew oxygen dispensing units
ters per minute per person for whom must be designed to allow the use of
first-aid oxygen is required. that equipment and to allow commu-
(e) As used in this section: nication with any other required crew
(1) BTPS means Body Temperature, member while at their assigned duty
and Pressure, Saturated (which is 37 °C, station.
and the ambient pressure to which the (b) If certification for operation up to
body is exposed, minus 47mm Hg, which and including 18,000 feet (MSL) is re-
is the tracheal pressure displaced by quested, each oxygen dispensing unit
water vapor pressure when the must:
breathed air becomes saturated with (1) Cover the nose and mouth of the
water vapor at 37 °C). user; or
(2) STPD means Standard, Tempera-
(2) Be a nasal cannula, in which case
ture, and Pressure, Dry (which is 0 °C
one oxygen dispensing unit covering
at 760mm Hg with no water vapor).
both the nose and mouth of the user
[Doc. No. FAA–2009–0738, 76 FR 75761, Dec. 2, must be available. In addition, each
2011] nasal cannula or its connecting tubing
§ 23.1445 Oxygen distribution system. must have permanently affixed—
(i) A visible warning against smoking
(a) Except for flexible lines from oxy-
while in use;
gen outlets to the dispensing units, or
where shown to be otherwise suitable (ii) An illustration of the correct
to the installation, nonmetallic tubing method of donning; and
must not be used for any oxygen line (iii) A visible warning against use
that is normally pressurized during with nasal obstructions or head colds
flight. with resultant nasal congestion.
(b) Nonmetallic oxygen distribution (c) If certification for operation
lines must not be routed where they above 18,000 feet (MSL) is requested,
may be subjected to elevated tempera- each oxygen dispensing unit must
tures, electrical arcing, and released cover the nose and mouth of the user.
flammable fluids that might result (d) For a pressurized airplane de-
from any probable failure.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

signed to operate at flight altitudes

(c) If the flight crew and passengers above 25,000 feet (MSL), the dispensing
share a common source of oxygen, a units must meet the following:
means to separately reserve the min-


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§ 23.1449 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

(1) The dispensing units for pas- being delivered to the dispensing equip-
sengers must be connected to an oxy- ment.
gen supply terminal and be imme-
[Amdt. 23–9, 35 FR 6387, Apr. 21, 1970]
diately available to each occupant
wherever seated. § 23.1450 Chemical oxygen generators.
(2) The dispensing units for crew-
members must be automatically pre- (a) For the purpose of this section, a
sented to each crewmember before the chemical oxygen generator is defined
cabin pressure altitude exceeds 15,000 as a device which produces oxygen by
feet, or the units must be of the quick- chemical reaction.
donning type, connected to an oxygen (b) Each chemical oxygen generator
supply terminal that is immediately must be designed and installed in ac-
available to crewmembers at their sta- cordance with the following require-
tion. ments:
(e) If certification for operation (1) Surface temperature developed by
above 30,000 feet is requested, the dis- the generator during operation may
pensing units for passengers must be not create a hazard to the airplane or
automatically presented to each occu- to its occupants.
pant before the cabin pressure altitude (2) Means must be provided to relieve
exceeds 15,000 feet. any internal pressure that may be haz-
(f) If an automatic dispensing unit ardous.
(hose and mask, or other unit) system (c) In addition to meeting the re-
is installed, the crew must be provided quirements in paragraph (b) of this sec-
with a manual means to make the dis- tion, each portable chemical oxygen
pensing units immediately available in generator that is capable of sustained
the event of failure of the automatic operation by successive replacement of
system. a generator element must be placarded
(g) If the airplane is to be certified to show—
for operation above 41,000 feet, a quick- (1) The rate of oxygen flow, in liters
donning oxygen mask system, with a per minute;
pressure demand, mask mounted regu- (2) The duration of oxygen flow, in
lator must be provided for the flight minutes, for the replaceable generator
crew. This dispensing unit must be im- element; and
mediately available to the flight crew (3) A warning that the replaceable
when seated at their station and in- generator element may be hot, unless
stalled so that it: the element construction is such that
(1) Can be placed on the face from its the surface temperature cannot exceed
ready position, properly secured, 100 °F.
sealed, and supplying oxygen upon de- [Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977]
mand, with one hand, within five sec-
onds and without disturbing eyeglasses § 23.1451 Fire protection for oxygen
or causing delay in proceeding with equipment.
emergency duties; and Oxygen equipment and lines must:
(2) Allows, while in place, the per- (a) Not be installed in any designed
formance of normal communication fire zones.
(b) Be protected from heat that may
[Amdt. 23–9, 35 FR 6387, Apr. 21, 1970, as be generated in, or escape from, any
amended by Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, designated fire zone.
1977; Amdt. 23–30, 49 FR 7340, Feb. 28, 1984; (c) Be installed so that escaping oxy-
Amdt. 23–43, 58 FR 18978, Apr. 9, 1993; Amdt.
gen cannot come in contact with and
23–49, 61 FR 5170, Feb. 9, 1996; Amdt. 23–62, 76
FR 75762, Dec. 2, 2011]
cause ignition of grease, fluid, or vapor
accumulations that are present in nor-
§ 23.1449 Means for determining use of mal operation or that may result from
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

oxygen. the failure or malfunction of any other

There must be a means to allow the
crew to determine whether oxygen is [Doc. No. 27806, 61 FR 5170, Feb. 9, 1996]


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1457

§ 23.1453 Protection of oxygen equip- nications of other crewmembers on the

ment from rupture. flight deck when directed to those sta-
(a) Each element of the oxygen sys- tions. The microphone must be so lo-
tem must have sufficient strength to cated and, if necessary, the pre-
withstand the maximum pressure and amplifiers and filters of the recorder
temperature, in combination with any must be so adjusted or supplemented,
externally applied loads arising from so that the intelligibility of the re-
consideration of limit structural loads, corded communications is as high as
that may be acting on that part of the practicable when recorded under flight
system. cockpit noise conditions and played
(b) Oxygen pressure sources and the back. Repeated aural or visual play-
lines between the source and the shut- back of the record may be used in eval-
off means must be: uating intelligibility.
(1) Protected from unsafe tempera- (c) Each cockpit voice recorder must
tures; and be installed so that the part of the
(2) Located where the probability and communication or audio signals speci-
hazard of rupture in a crash landing fied in paragraph (a) of this section ob-
are minimized. tained from each of the following
sources is recorded on a separate chan-
[Doc. No. 27806, 61 FR 5170, Feb. 9, 1996] nel:
(1) For the first channel, from each
§ 23.1457 Cockpit voice recorders. boom, mask, or handheld microphone,
(a) Each cockpit voice recorder re- headset, or speaker used at the first
quired by the operating rules of this pilot station.
chapter must be approved and must be (2) For the second channel from each
installed so that it will record the fol- boom, mask, or handheld microphone,
lowing: headset, or speaker used at the second
(1) Voice communications trans- pilot station.
mitted from or received in the airplane (3) For the third channel—from the
by radio. cockpit-mounted area microphone.
(2) Voice communications of flight (4) For the fourth channel from:
crewmembers on the flight deck. (i) Each boom, mask, or handheld
(3) Voice communications of flight microphone, headset, or speaker used
crewmembers on the flight deck, using at the station for the third and fourth
the airplane’s interphone system. crewmembers.
(4) Voice or audio signals identifying (ii) If the stations specified in para-
navigation or approach aids introduced graph (c)(4)(i) of this section are not re-
into a headset or speaker. quired or if the signal at such a station
(5) Voice communications of flight is picked up by another channel, each
crewmembers using the passenger loud- microphone on the flight deck that is
speaker system, if there is such a sys- used with the passenger loudspeaker
tem and if the fourth channel is avail- system, if its signals are not picked up
able in accordance with the require- by another channel.
ments of paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this sec- (5) And that as far as is practicable
tion. all sounds received by the microphone
(6) If datalink communication equip- listed in paragraphs (c)(1), (2), and (4) of
ment is installed, all datalink commu- this section must be recorded without
nications, using an approved data mes- interruption irrespective of the posi-
sage set. Datalink messages must be tion of the interphone-transmitter key
recorded as the output signal from the switch. The design shall ensure that
communications unit that translates sidetone for the flight crew is produced
the signal into usable data. only when the interphone, public ad-
(b) The recording requirements of dress system, or radio transmitters are
paragraph (a)(2) of this section must be in use.
met by installing a cockpit-mounted (d) Each cockpit voice recorder must
area microphone, located in the best be installed so that:
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

position for recording voice commu- (1)(i) It receives its electrical power
nications originating at the first and from the bus that provides the max-
second pilot stations and voice commu- imum reliability for operation of the


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§ 23.1459 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–17 Edition)

cockpit voice recorder without jeopard- one digital flight data recorder, the
izing service to essential or emergency combination unit that is installed to
loads. comply with the cockpit voice recorder
(ii) It remains powered for as long as requirements may be located near the
possible without jeopardizing emer- cockpit.
gency operation of the airplane. (f) If the cockpit voice recorder has a
(2) There is an automatic means to bulk erasure device, the installation
simultaneously stop the recorder and must be designed to minimize the prob-
prevent each erasure feature from func- ability of inadvertent operation and ac-
tioning, within 10 minutes after crash tuation of the device during crash im-
impact; and pact.
(3) There is an aural or visual means (g) Each recorder container must:
for preflight checking of the recorder (1) Be either bright orange or bright
for proper operation; yellow;
(4) Any single electrical failure exter-
(2) Have reflective tape affixed to its
nal to the recorder does not disable
external surface to facilitate its loca-
both the cockpit voice recorder and the
tion under water; and
flight data recorder;
(5) It has an independent power (3) Have an underwater locating de-
source— vice, when required by the operating
(i) That provides 10 ±1 minutes of rules of this chapter, on or adjacent to
electrical power to operate both the the container which is secured in such
cockpit voice recorder and cockpit- manner that they are not likely to be
mounted area microphone; separated during crash impact.
(ii) That is located as close as prac- [Amdt. 23–35, 53 FR 26142, July 11, 1988, as
ticable to the cockpit voice recorder; amended by Amdt. 23–58, 73 FR 12562, Mar. 7,
and 2008; 74 FR 32799, July 9, 2009]
(iii) To which the cockpit voice re-
corder and cockpit-mounted area § 23.1459 Flight data recorders.
microphone are switched automati- (a) Each flight recorder required by
cally in the event that all other power the operating rules of this chapter
to the cockpit voice recorder is inter- must be installed so that:
rupted either by normal shutdown or (1) It is supplied with airspeed, alti-
by any other loss of power to the elec- tude, and directional data obtained
trical power bus; and from sources that meet the accuracy
(6) It is in a separate container from requirements of §§ 23.1323, 23.1325, and
the flight data recorder when both are
23.1327, as appropriate;
required. If used to comply with only
(2) The vertical acceleration sensor is
the cockpit voice recorder require-
rigidly attached, and located longitu-
ments, a combination unit may be in-
stalled. dinally either within the approved cen-
(e) The recorder container must be ter of gravity limits of the airplane, or
located and mounted to minimize the at a distance forward or aft of these
probability of rupture of the container limits that does not exceed 25 percent
as a result of crash impact and con- of the airplane’s mean aerodynamic
sequent heat damage to the recorder chord;
from fire. (3)(i) It receives its electrical power
(1) Except as provided in paragraph from the bus that provides the max-
(e)(2) of this section, the recorder con- imum reliability for operation of the
tainer must be located as far aft as flight data recorder without jeopard-
practicable, but need not be outside of izing service to essential or emergency
the pressurized compartment, and may loads.
not be located where aft-mounted en- (ii) It remains powered for as long as
gines may crush the container during possible without jeopardizing emer-
impact. gency operation of the airplane.
(2) If two separate combination dig- (4) There is an aural or visual means
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ital flight data recorder and cockpit for preflight checking of the recorder
voice recorder units are installed in- for proper recording of data in the stor-
stead of one cockpit voice recorder and age medium;


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 23.1501

(5) Except for recorders powered sole- (e) Any novel or unique design or
ly by the engine-driven electrical gen- operational characteristics of the air-
erator system, there is an automatic craft shall be evaluated to determine if
means to simultaneously stop a re- any dedicated parameters must be re-
corder that has a data erasure feature corded on flight recorders in addition
and prevent each erasure feature from to or in place of existing requirements.
functioning, within 10 minutes after [Amdt. 23–35, 53 FR 26143, July 11, 1988, as
crash impact; amended by Amdt. 23–58, 73 FR 12562, Mar. 7,
(6) Any single electrical failure exter- 2008; 74 FR 32800, July 9, 2009]
nal to the recorder does not disable
both the cockpit voice recorder and the § 23.1461 Equipment containing high
flight data recorder; and energy rotors.
(7) It is in a separate container from (a) Equipment, such as Auxiliary
the cockpit voice recorder when both Power Units (APU) and constant speed
are required. If used to comply with drive units, containing high energy ro-
only the flight data recorder require- tors must meet paragraphs (b), (c), or
ments, a combination unit may be in- (d) of this section.
stalled. If a combination unit is in- (b) High energy rotors contained in
stalled as a cockpit voice recorder to equipment must be able to withstand
comply with § 23.1457(e)(2), a combina- damage caused by malfunctions, vibra-
tion unit must be used to comply with tion, abnormal speeds, and abnormal
this flight data recorder requirement. temperatures. In addition—
(b) Each nonejectable record con- (1) Auxiliary rotor cases must be able
tainer must be located and mounted so to contain damage caused by the fail-
as to minimize the probability of con- ure of high energy rotor blades; and
tainer rupture resulting from crash im- (2) Equipment control devices, sys-
pact and subsequent damage to the tems, and instrumentation must rea-
record from fire. In meeting this re- sonably ensure that no operating limi-
quirement the record container must tations affecting the integrity of high
be located as far aft as practicable, but energy rotors will be exceeded in serv-
need not be aft of the pressurized com- ice.
partment, and may not be where aft- (c) It must be shown by test that
mounted engines may crush the con- equipment containing high energy ro-
tainer upon impact. tors can contain any failure of a high
(c) A correlation must be established energy rotor that occurs at the highest
between the flight recorder readings of speed obtainable with the normal speed
airspeed, altitude, and heading and the control devices inoperative.
corresponding readings (taking into ac- (d) Equipment containing high en-
count correction factors) of the first pi- ergy rotors must be located where
lot’s instruments. The correlation rotor failure will neither endanger the
must cover the airspeed range over occupants nor adversely affect contin-
which the airplane is to be operated, ued safe flight.
the range of altitude to which the air- [Amdt. 23–20, 42 FR 36969, July 18, 1977, as
plane is limited, and 360 degrees of amended by Amdt. 23–49, 61 FR 5170, Feb. 9,
heading. Correlation may be estab- 1996]
lished on the ground as appropriate.
(d) Each recorder container must: Subpart G—Operating Limitations
(1) Be either bright orange or bright and Information
(2) Have reflective tape affixed to its § 23.1501 General.
external surface to facilitate its loca- (a) Each operating limitation speci-
tion under water; and fied in §§ 23.1505 through 23.1527 and
(3) Have an underwater locating de- other limitations and information nec-
vice, when required by the operating essary for safe operation must be es-
rules of this chapter, on or adjacent to tablished.
jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with CFR

the container which is secured in such (b) The operating limitations and
a manner that they are not likely to be other information necessary for safe
separated during crash impact. operation must be made available to


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