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In an article from Almonte (2016), she tackled the five anti-procrastination habits that
students can start. She also defined that the action of postponing or delaying something is
called procrastination and it is a struggled for all, especially for the students because if left
unmanaged, it can build complications and stress. Finding the best environment for studying,
writing an outline, not waiting for the right mood or motivation, monitoring progress and treating
yourself afterwards are the five tips that she gave as to avoid procrastination.

This study is anchored on De Leon's (2012) series of 10 articles that discuss glaring
backward Filipino attitudes. This tackled the lack of discipline and concern for other people's
time and usually, students and some professionals are the ones doing this concern. This is the
most glaring feature of Filipino virtue when people pass up on doing responsibilities at the
expense of doing leisure activities. He explained that we lose a moment of possible success in
our life by being lazy and by procrastinating. Filipinos have to realize the value of time,
especially if we want change to happen in our lifetime. Filipinos have to understand the urgency
and the gravity of losing time over procrastination.

Valerio (2017) explained that procrastination is a tendency of someone to not make his
works earlier the date of deadline. It is very alarming since this practice might be brought to
academic and work mannerisms. Becoming busy of something to be able to get past that work
that is needed to be done. Several negative effects will happen to students if they practice
procrastination and their work will be inefficient and ineffective. Filipino habit called “Maniana
(Mañana) or ‘Mamaya Na’ Habit" is a negative attitude we should remove from our system. As
said in a famous quotation, “prevention is better than cure.” Even though our society considers
procrastination as a habit, a culture within ourselves, we could still make a difference.

Psychologists often attribute procrastination as a coping mechanism against the anxiety

we experience when faced with a difficult or unwanted task. In a post by Villafuerte (2019),
procrastination simply refers to the habit of putting off doing something for a later time. It is
simply because we are too lazy to act, but according to him, there are ways to overcome
procrastination. We can do the task for five minutes and feel if you can proceed with the work or
not. Setting reward for a job well done also is another good way to overcome procrastination. A
reward is a motivation for yourself to get going. Compensation is the key and depriving yourself
has a way to give some guaranteed rewards. Eliminating distractions tend to be powerful and
avoiding temptations can be easy to do. Furthermore, (Villafuerte, 2019) said that
procrastination leads to 'unnecessary stress, feelings of guilt, lost opportunities, problems and
disapproval from people who expected us to fulfill those duties.' Believing in yourself is
important to boost our confidence to accomplish the task.

Discovery of the habit is not actually tantamount to laziness. It’s called procrastination,
and this can be a psychological problem, too. Finding yourself replacing high-priority actions
with low priority ones, thus scheduling important tasks at a later time, then you are
procrastinating. It is the act of voluntarily delaying a task even if you’re aware of the
consequences of the delay. Procrastination is a behavioral problem that needs to be addressed
through directive counseling, psychotherapy or other appropriate interventions. Also, it may be
caused by a wrongdoing which was reinforced, meaning the act of procrastination was
rewarded. Lack of discipline and training are also some of the culprits that were pointed out.
(Arayata, 2015, Balita ph)

Apparently, some people never learn. According to Koo's news feature (2013), who was
also a teacher, a semester’s end is crunch time for students and teachers alike, as well as
revelation time—of personality, character, discipline, work ethics and self- and time management
skills. She mentioned that we can change the culture of tardy submissions in schools is through
"Self-Regulation." (Koo, 2013, Inquirer)


 Almonte, Donna (2019) "Five anti-procrastination habits that students can start."


 De Leon, Aaron (2012) " Mamaya na, tinatamad pa ako - Filipino Procrastination."

Link :

 Valerio, Steven (2017) "Anticrastination"

Link :

 Villafuerte, Fitz (2019) " Act Now, Procrastinate Tomorrow"

Link :

 Arayata, Ma. Cristina (2015) "(News Feature)That Thing Called Procrastination"

Link :

 Koo, Grace Shangkuan (2015) "Why do people procrastinate?" @

Link :

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