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Of course Lorena, I mean that UCDA is a tool in Potential, I think it needs to be descended, to live it

as already in Paradise. The Kabala explains that God in his infinite love created a Vessel to fill him
with, A Course of Miracles UCDM explains: "Giving of His joy is an ongoing process, not time but in
eternity." At some point the vessel (we or creation) was corrupted and the feeling of separation
was created. The function of UCDM is to clean the vessel. UcDA's role is to remember to receive
the Joy of God, but it is an ongoing process, it must be emptied to receive, GIVE AND RECEIVE,
continuously. UCDM also explains: "What God does know is that his channels of communication
are not open to Him, which prevents them from imparting their Joy to them, and thus knowing
that their Children are completely blissful.'' That UCDA function resets the function of the vessel.
In the secret of succession, on day one, Accept me, Jesus entrusts us that we must finish the task
that he began ...

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