Science of The Total Environment: Michael J. Mckie, Susan A. Andrews, Robert C. Andrews

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Science of the Total Environment 544 (2016) 10–17

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Conventional drinking water treatment and direct biofiltration for the

removal of pharmaceuticals and artificial sweeteners: A
pilot-scale approach
Michael J. McKie ⁎, Susan A. Andrews, Robert C. Andrews
University of Toronto, Drinking Water Research Group, 35 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4, Canada


• Pilot plants treating Otonabee River and

Lake Ontario, Canada water were utilized.
• 9 pharmaceuticals and 2 artificial sweet-
eners were spiked into the pilot systems.
• Conventional treatment and direct
biofiltration were examined for com-
pound removal.
• Coagulation and/or biofiltration removed
at least 7 of 9 pharmaceuticals by N 50%.
• Sweetener removal increased with in-
creasing concentrations of in-line PACl.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The presence of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) and arti-
Received 25 August 2015 ficial sweeteners are of concern to water providers because they may be incompletely removed by wastewater
Received in revised form 26 November 2015 treatment processes and they pose an unknown risk to consumers due to long-term consumption of low concen-
Accepted 26 November 2015
trations of these compounds. This study utilized pilot-scale conventional and biological drinking water treatment
Available online xxxx
processes to assess the removal of nine PhACs and EDCs, and two artificial sweeteners. Conventional treatment
Editor: D. Barcelo (coagulation, flocculation, settling, non-biological dual-media filtration) was compared to biofilters with or with-
out the addition of in-line coagulant (0.2–0.8 mg Al3+/L; alum or PACl). A combination of biofiltration, with or
Keywords: without in-line alum, and conventional filtration was able to reduce 7 of the 9 PhACs and EDCs by more than
Pharmaceuticals 50% from river water while artificial sweeteners were inconsistently removed by conventional treatment or
Endocrine disruptors biofiltration. Increasing doses of PACl from 0 to 0.8 mg/L resulted in average removals of PhACs, EDCs increasing
Artificial sweeteners from 39 to 70% and artificial sweeteners removal increasing from ~ 15% to ~ 35% in lake water. These results
Biofiltration suggest that a combination of biological, chemical and physical treatment can be applied to effectively reduce
Drinking water treatment
the concentration of EDCs, PhACs, and artificial sweeteners.
Conventional treatment
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.J. McKie), (S.A. Andrews), (R.C. Andrews).
0048-9697/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.J. McKie et al. / Science of the Total Environment 544 (2016) 10–17 11

1. Introduction may be unable to prevent the migration of antibiotics to active bacteria

(Cochran et al., 2000), or increased growth rates within the biofilm due
Anthropogenic contaminants of interest in drinking water include to warmer water temperatures may make the bacteria more susceptible
pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs), endocrine disrupting to the impact of antibiotic exposure (Brown et al., 1988). Based on these
compounds (EDCs) and artificial sweeteners that are poorly removed factors, antibiotics were omitted from the list of assessed compounds to
by wastewater treatment facilities (Ternes et al., 2004). EDCs interfere ensure that the biofilm was not negatively impacted for other studies
by mimicking or blocking natural hormones (USEPA, 2001) and PhACs being completed at these locations.
are used to diagnose, treat, alter, or prevent illness (USEPA, 2012).
These compounds are of interest because of their potential impacts to 2.2. Source waters
the natural environment, the unknown risk they pose to human
consumers when consumed at trace levels for long periods of time Pilot-scale studies were completed at the Peterborough Water Treat-
(Safe, 2004; Schwab et al., 2005), and their ability to indicate wastewa- ment Plant (Otonabee River), Peterborough, Ontario, and the R. C. Harris
ter contamination. Water Treatment Plant (Lake Ontario), Toronto, Ontario. Pilot plant in-
Artificial sweeteners are used to sweeten foods and beverages fluent water quality is shown in Supplemental information Table S2.
(Scheurer et al., 2010), and though they have been approved by govern- These two waters can be differentiated by higher temperatures and
ment health organizations worldwide, concern exists because long- organic concentrations in the Otonabee River, while both locations have
term health impacts are presently unknown (Mawhinney et al., 2011). similar pH and raw water turbidity.
Artificial sweeteners have been proposed as an indicator for wastewater
in drinking water sources due to the fact that they are poorly removed 2.3. Pilot plant configurations
by traditional waste and drinking water treatment processes and are
only present in water sources impacted by anthropogenic activities The pilot using Otonabee River water as its source was configured to
(Torres et al., 2011; Oppenheimer et al., 2011). examine biofiltration with or without in-line alum addition
EDCs, PhACs, and artificial sweeteners have been detected in source (0.2 mg Al3 +/L), as well as non-biological, conventional filtration
waters around the world and many studies have examined their remov- (Fig. 1a). Two biofilters were operated with an empty bed contact
al using a range of water treatment processes. Ozonation has been dem- time (EBCT) of 10 min to meet the requirements of a concurrent
onstrated to be an effective method of reducing the concentration of study, while the conventional filter was operated at 15 min to match
EDCs and PhACs, but may create unknown degradation products full-scale operation. All filters contained 50 cm of anthracite (effective
(Westerhoff et al., 2005; Dodd et al., 2009). Coagulation has been exam- size d10 = 0.85 mm, uniformity coefficient UC = 1.8) over 50 cm of
ined for the removal of PhACs and EDCs; however removals are typically sand (d10 = 0.5 mm, UC = 1.8). The conventional treatment train
low (b30%) (Diemert and Andrews, 2013). Biologically active filtration consisted of alum coagulation (3.0–5.0 mg Al3+/L to match full-scale),
is utilized in drinking water treatment facilities because of its ability to three-stage tapered flocculation, parallel plate settling, and non-
degrade organic compounds while providing effective physical removal biological filtration. One biofilter was operated without chemical addi-
(LeChevallier et al., 1992). Biofiltration is most commonly used in drink- tion and is referred to as a control. The second biofilter was pre-
ing water treatment to remove organic carbon and disinfection by- treated with 0.2 mg Al3+/L inline alum. The biofilters were backwashed
product precursors (Onstad et al., 2008; Chu et al., 2012). Recently, with their own unchlorinated effluent while the conventional filter was
biofiltration has been shown to remove EDCs, PhACs (Reungoat et al., backwashed with chlorinated water (~ 1 mg/L) from the full-scale
2011), and artificial sweeteners (Mawhinney et al., 2011) from munic- clearwell. All filters were backwashed three times per week. Analytes
ipal wastewater and drinking water (Zearly and Summers, 2012). of interest were spiked directly into an influent constant head tank
Biofilters may also be enhanced with low doses of in-line coagulant to and completely mixed prior to treatment.
combine physical, chemical and biological processes to improve remov- A second pilot plant, illustrated in Fig. 1b, consisted of three filters
al of large organic compounds without adversely impacting headloss utilizing ozonated Lake Ontario water (dose = 1 mg/L, contact
(Azzeh et al., 2015). time = 8 min, O3:DOC = 1:2), and was used to examine the impact of
This study examined the removal of 9 EDCs and PhACs, as well as the polyaluminum hydroxychloride (PACl) dose on biofiltration. One of
artificial sweeteners sucralose and acesulfame potassium (acesulfame- the filters acted as a control, with no chemical addition, while the
K), through pilot-scale conventional treatment (coagulation, floccula- other two filters received 0.2 and 0.8 mg Al3 +/L PACl, respectively.
tion, settling, non-biological filtration) and biofiltration (with or with- The biofilters consisted of 50–150 cm GAC over 15–50 cm of sand and
out coagulant enhancement). The objective of the study was to were operated with a 16 min EBCT to match the typical full-scale flow
quantify the removal of these compounds from drinking water, and to rate. All media had been in operation for at least 4 years prior to sam-
determine which treatment processes are most effective. pling and was considered to be exhausted in terms of adsorption capac-
ity. All filters were backwashed with their own unchlorinated effluent,
2. Materials and methods at most once per week. EDCs and PhACs were dosed immediately
following ozone quenching in order to isolate their removal within the
2.1. Compounds of interest filters and eliminate the impact of oxidation. At the Lake Ontario pilot,
analytes were spiked into a constant head tank immediately prior to
Compounds monitored in this study were selected due to their the filters.
occurrence in the natural environment and to examine a range of To determine if any analyte losses were occurring as a result of
physical and chemical properties including: hydrophobicity, solubility, contact with plumbing materials, a filter column was operated without
molecular weight, and acidity (Supplemental information Table S1). media. Results showed that losses within the pilot plant were always
Generally, smaller and more hydrophilic compounds (low molecular b12%.
weight, low log Kow and high solubility) have been reported to be
more biodegradable (Kickham et al., 2012). Notably absent from this 2.4. Analyte spiking procedure
group of analytes are antibiotics, such as sulfamethazine and sulfameth-
oxazole, due to the negative impact they may pose on growth within bi- EDCs and PhACs were dissolved in acetonitrile as per Diemert and
ological filters. Antibiotics are designed to prevent the growth of Andrews (2013), and spiked into biofilter influent water to achieve a
bacteria, and exposing drinking water biofilters to antibiotics may im- nominal concentration of 500 ng/L. Artificial sweeteners were dissolved
pair their ability to degrade other organics. If the biofilm is too thin it in Milli-Q® water (1000 ng/L). Spiking began 7 days prior to sample
12 M.J. McKie et al. / Science of the Total Environment 544 (2016) 10–17

Fig. 1. Schematic of the Otonabee River (a) and Lake Ontario pilot plant (b).

collection to ensure consistent operation and provide biofilm organisms in river water compared to the lake water. Variations in influent concen-
time to acclimate. A Masterflex C/L tubing peristaltic pump was used to trations were accounted for in the calculations of percent removals of
dose the two sets of samples at a flow rate of 1 mL/h. Flow rates were the compounds at both locations.
confirmed at the pilot plants for a minimum of four hours before spiking
the influent water. Samples were collected in 500 mL amber glass bot- 3. Analytical methods
tles and stored at 4 °C for a maximum of 7 days prior to extraction. Filter
influent concentrations for the Otonabee River Pilot Plant are provided EDCs and PhACs were analyzed using LC/MS/MS based on a method
in Fig. 2, and the Lake Ontario pilot plant are given in Fig. 3. The concen- derived from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE)
tration of these compounds was lower in the Otonabee River water, EOP-E3454, version 2.0 (MOE, 2008). Surrogate compounds were
likely due to interactions with the higher amounts of organic matter added to samples (400 mL), extracted with 6 cm3 Waters Oasis

Fig. 2. Influent water spiking results — Otonabee River (lower and upper whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values, respectively. Bottom, middle and top of box indicate 25th,
50th and 75th percentiles, respectively).
M.J. McKie et al. / Science of the Total Environment 544 (2016) 10–17 13

Fig. 3. Influent water spiking results — Lake Ontario (lower and upper whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values, respectively. Bottom, middle and top of box indicate 25th,
50th and 75th percentiles, respectively).

Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance (HLB) solid phase extraction (SPE) Station, Texas, USA). All other parameters were measured as per
cartridges (Waters, Mississauga, ON) and eluted with methanol. Standard Methods (APHA et al., 2012).
Methanol extracts were subsampled (1 mL), blown to dryness with Four sets of samples were collected from the Otonabee River pilot
nitrogen, and reconstituted with 200 μL of internal standard solution plant and three sets of samples were collected from the Lake Ontario
prior to analysis by LC–MS–MS. Concentrations of analytes were pilot plant. EDC, PhAC and artificial sweetener samples were collected
determined by correlation with an eight point calibration curve. Calibra- and prepared in duplicate. As such, each sampling location at the
tion standards were prepared in matrix-matched raw water with each Otonabee River pilot resulted in 8 samples being analyzed; the Lake
set of samples and extracted in the same manner. Check standards Ontario pilot had a total of 6 samples.
were prepared and analyzed after every 10th sample as a quality control
measure. 4. Results and discussion
Analysis was completed at the University of Toronto using an
Agilent 1200 series pump, Agilent Poroshell EC-C18 column 4.1. Characterization of the pilot-scale filters
(5 cm × 2.1 cm × 2.7 μm particle size), and Agilent 6460 triple
quadrupole. Neat standards were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Inc. To characterize filter performance, microbial activity on the biofilter
(Oakville, ON) while surrogates (d4·acetaminophen, d10·carbamazepine, media was quantified by measuring adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and
d3·naproxen, d4·diclofenac, d6·gemfibrozil, and d4·clofibric acid) and in- the removal of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was monitored through
ternal standards (13C6·sulfamethazine phenyl for positive mode and the filters. ATP concentrations were observed to be approximately ten
d14·bisphenol A for negative mode) were purchased from CDN Isotopes times higher for the Otonabee River when compared to Lake Ontario
(Pointe-Claire, QC). pilot, consistent with the differences in the nutrient levels and in their
Artificial sweeteners were analyzed using the same LC/MS/MS in- reported biodegradable organic carbon concentrations (Pharand et al.,
strument used for pharmaceutical analysis and a method developed 2014).
by Hoque et al. (2014). Surrogate compounds were added to samples Filters operated biologically at the Otonabee River pilot had higher
(200 mL), subsequently extracted using 6 cm3 Oasis MCX solid phase levels of ATP than the conventional filter backwashed with chlorinated
extraction (SPE) cartridges (Waters, Mississauga, ON) and eluted with water. The control biofilter had an average ATP of 1800 ng/g media,
a 5% solution of ammonium hydroxide in methanol. Ammonium hy- while the biofilter receiving 0.2 mg Al3 +/L alum had an average of
droxide solutions were evaporated until near dryness with nitrogen 1080 ng/g media. These were both much higher than the conventional,
and then reconstituted with a solution of 0.1% acetic acid in HPLC non-biological filter (average of 53 ng/g media). Similar trends were
grade water. Concentrations of analytes were determined by correlation observed for the Lake Ontario pilot but with lower observed ATP values
with an eight point calibration curve. Calibration standards were associated with lower organic carbon (2 mg/L vs 5 mg/L) and nutrient
prepared in matrix-matched raw water with each set of samples and levels (b0.1 mg/L vs 0.3 mg/L). The control biofilter at the Lake Ontario
extracted using the same procedure. Check standards were prepared pilot plant had an average ATP of 190 ng/g media, whereas the filter
in and analyzed after every 10th sample as a quality control measure. receiving 0.2 mg Al3+/L PACl measured 117 ng ATP/g media, and the
Neat standards (sucralose and acesulfame-K) were purchased from filter receiving 0.8 mg Al3+/L PACl had an average ATP concentration
Sigma-Aldrich Inc. (Oakville, ON); internal standards (d6·sucralose of 93 ng/g media. Lower ATP concentrations associated with filters
and d4·acesulfame-K) were purchased from Toronto Research receiving more PACl is likely a result of nutrient sequestration in the
Chemicals (Toronto, ON). flocs (Aguilar et al., 2002); however these concentrations were all
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was quantified via LuminUltra higher than the 53 ng/g ATP measured for the Otonabee River conven-
Deposit Surface Analysis (DSA-100C, Fredericton, NB) following the tional filter.
manufacturer's instructions. DOC was measured using a persulfate wet While DOC removal was low (b13%) through all of the filters, there
oxidation method as described in Standard Method 5310 D (APHA was approximately 5% more removal through the biofilters treating
et al., 2012) with an O-I Corporation Model 1010 TOC Analyzer (College Otonabee River water. The control biofilter reduced DOC by 6.5%,
14 M.J. McKie et al. / Science of the Total Environment 544 (2016) 10–17

Fig. 4. PhAC and EDC removal — Otonabee River (vertical bars represent mean ± 1 standard deviation).

whereas the filter dosed with 0.2 mg Al3 +/L alum decreased DOC by conventional treatment; no removal was observed in the control
6.7%. Similar removals in the absence of coagulant indicated that biolog- biofilter, likely because they are among the least soluble compounds
ical degradation was likely responsible. Filters treating Lake Ontario (Supplemental information Table S1). This makes it more difficult for
water and receiving 0, 0.2, and 0.8 mg Al3+/L PACl removed 0, 2, and these compounds to be taken into cells for biodegradation (USGS,
13% of the DOC over the course of the study, respectively. These results 2014). Biofilter enhancement with 0.2 mg Al3+/L alum improved re-
indicate that chemical processes (coagulation) were likely responsible moval of diclofenac and carbamazepine, averaging 22% and 8%,
for DOC removal from Lake Ontario water due to the organics in the respectively.
water being less biodegradable. Differences observed between the Trials at the Lake Ontario pilot plant focused on the impact of coag-
dominant removal mechanisms for each location may be a function of ulant dose prior to biofiltration. Three polyaluminum hydroxychloride
biological activity since Otonabee River filters had ATP concentrations (PACl) dosages were examined (0 mg Al3 +/L, 0.2 mg Al3 +/L, and
ten times higher than ones treating Lake Ontario water. Higher concen- 0.8 mg Al3+/L) to serve as a control, replicate experimental conditions
trations of DOC in the Otonabee River suggest more biodegradable at the Otonabee River, and mimic the dose utilized at full-scale, respec-
organics were available. tively. Although results were variable for small (0.2 mg Al3+/L) addi-
tions of PACl, increasing PACl dosage typically improved the removal
4.2. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds by biological processes of most of the PhACs and EDCs (Fig. 5). The control biofilter, with no
PACl added, removed two of the nine compounds by more than 50%
Coagulation and biological treatment of Otonabee River water, ei- (average removal was 39%, range 7–86%). Following inline addition of
ther alone or in combination, reduced all PhAC and EDC concentrations 0.2 mg Al3+/L PACl, the biofilter reduced EDCs and PhACs by 12–87%
by at least 37% (Fig. 4). Coagulation (settled water) removed an average with an average removal of 45%. Increasing PACl to 0.8 mg Al3 +/L
of 31% (range 18–56%), and subsequent non-biological filtration re- improved average reductions to 70%, with eight of the nine compounds
moved an additional 8% (range 0–28%). Biofiltration with or without reduced by 50% or more (39–91%).
0.2 mg Al3+/L alum removed an average of 44% (range 0–78%) of the Based on these results, no strong predictors of contaminant removal
analytes. Five of the nine EDCs and PhACs (acetaminophen, estrone, efficiency due to physical properties such as molecular weight, hydro-
gemfibrozil, ketoprofen, and pentoxifylline) were reduced by N50% via phobicity/hydrophilicity, pKa or solubility were identified through
biofiltration and biofiltration with 0.2 mg Al3+/L alum; two of the re- linear or multiple linear regressions. Possible complications may include
maining compounds were removed by N 50% using coagulation and complexation with natural organic matter; changes in the biological
non-biological filtration (clofibric acid and naproxen). These community throughout the study; or adsorption of the compounds to
compounds have carboxylic acid functional groups in their structure activated carbon or the biofilm. Notably, the removal of naproxen and
that can form complexes with alum (Motekaitis and Martell, 1984). carbamazepine decreased following the addition of 0.2 mg Al3 +/L
Diclofenac and carbamazepine were removed by up to 37% by PACl to Lake Ontario water. Although the cause of this response is not

Fig. 5. Analyte removal — Lake Ontario Water.

M.J. McKie et al. / Science of the Total Environment 544 (2016) 10–17 15

Table 1
Pharmaceutical removals compared to existing literature.

Otonabee River Lake Ontario Literature results

Compound Conventional filtration Control biofiltration No PACl 0.2 mg/L PACl 0.8 mg/L PACl Biological filtration processes Coagulation

Acetaminophen 46% 68% 82% 86% 91% 59 ± 11%1 b20%4

Carbamazepine 35% 5.2% 39% 25% 80% 0.5 ± 1.1%1 32%5
clofibric acid 52% 36% 14% NA 39% 35 ± 6%1 b20%6
Diclofenac 36% 8.7% 12% 27% 74% 21 ± 1%1 b20%4,6
Estrone 33% 60% 86% 87% 77% b1%2 b20%4
Gemfibrozil 29% 73% 6.8% NA 58% 70 ± 7%1 31–37%5
Ketoprofen 38% 78% 29% 28% 63% NA b20%6
Naproxen 52% 29% 33% 12% 72% 75%3 b20%4,6
Pentoxifylline 24% 74% 45% 60% 77% 13%2 b20%4

NA = not available.
Zearly and Summers (2012).
Snyder et al. (2007).
Hallé (2009).
Westerhoff et al. (2005).
Diemert and Andrews (2013).
Simazaki et al. (2008).

known for certain, it is possible that the sub-optimal dose of PACl than the EBCT used in this study, so it is not surprising that results of this
altered the surface charge or molecular size of the complex to study were more effective. Hallé (2009) examined anthracite biofilters
prevent the diffusion of the molecule across the membrane layer, operated with a 14 min EBCT. However, Hallé (2009) allowed the filters
and prevented the biodegradation or adsorption of these complexes as to acclimate with elevated concentrations of micropollutants for a
a result. period of ten months, as opposed to the week provided in this study.
Despite significant differences between Otonabee River and Lake As such, increased removals of naproxen may be expected if biological
Ontario water quality and biological activity on the filter media, the organisms are allowed extended acclimation time.
calculated percent removals were similar. The control filter at the Westerhoff et al. (2005) examined the removal of spiked PhACs and
Otonabee River pilot plant achieved an average removal of 44% EDC from river water. Tests were completed at ambient pH (6.8) with
(0–78%) while the control filter at the Lake Ontario pilot plant averaged alum doses of 6.3 mg Al3+/L. However, their study only examined floc-
39% (7–85%). These results suggest that these compounds are more culation and settling, without subsequent filtration processes. As such,
easily biodegraded than bulk DOC, and biological activity may not be observed removals through conventional treatment were likely higher
proportional to the expected removals. A comparison to results pub- due to filtration of the settled water. Similarly, the studies completed
lished by others is shown in Table 1. by Diemert and Andrews (2013) and Simazaki et al. (2008) were com-
Zearly and Summers (2012) examined the removal of 34 organic pleted using bench-scale jar tests to evaluate the impact of coagulation,
micropollutants through biologically active sand filters operated at 7.5 but were unable to determine the combined benefits of coagulation and
and 15 min. Using sand media, as opposed to activated carbon, lessens filtration.
the possibility of chemical adsorption and allowed easier quantification Results from the Otonabee River control biofilter closely matched
of the impact of biological degradation. The same authors reported re- results from existing literature except for estrone and pentoxifylline.
sults similar to those obtained in this study. Based on the design of Additional research may be required to determine best estimates for
their system they were able to calculate first-order degradation rates their removal with biofiltration and/or the metabolic pathways leading
for the biodegradable components, implying that the removal of these to their improved removal. Many of the compounds were removed
micropollutants at each location could be improved with longer more effectively from Lake Ontario when compared to the literature.
EBCTs. However, these columns were lab-scale with raw water collected Higher removals were likely a function of adsorption to the GAC
approximately every 2 days which may impact the results when scaling media (which was previously assumed to be exhausted as it was in
up to pilot or full-scale operation. Snyder et al. (2007) summarized the use for more than four years prior to testing), or to the biomass in the
results of biofilter pilot testing utilizing a 2 min EBCT. This is much lower filters.

Fig. 6. Removal of acesulfame-K — Otonabee River (NR = no removal).

16 M.J. McKie et al. / Science of the Total Environment 544 (2016) 10–17

Fig. 7. Sweetener removal as a function of PACl dose — Lake Ontario.

4.3. Impact of coagulation on removal of artificial sweeteners impact of PACl doses above 0.8 mg Al3 +/L, and to identify possible
degradation pathways.
Removal of two artificial sweeteners, acesulfame-K and sucralose,
was compared using coagulation and biofiltration. In general, the ob- 5. Conclusions
served removals of approximately 25% were lower than the removals
of PhACs and EDCs at the same location. This study examined removal of nine EDCs and PhACs, and two
Acesulfame-K was best removed from the Otonabee River by treat- artificial sweeteners at pilot-scale. Generally, biofiltration, with or with-
ment that included the addition of alum, likely because it is generally out the addition of in-line coagulant was able to lower concentrations of
negatively-charged (pKa = 2.0) and may form a complex (Froloff PhACs and EDCs in treated water. When considering Otonabee River
et al., 1998). Coagulation alone removed 19% (70 ng/L) in contrast to water a combination of conventional and biological treatment was
the 8.1% (30 ng/L) removed by biofiltration including 0.2 mg Al3 +/L able to reduce seven of the nine EDCs and PhACs by more than 50%.
inline alum (Fig. 6). Both conventional non-biological filtration, and For Lake Ontario water, biofiltration alone reduced nine of the
the control biofilter reduced acesulfame-K concentrations by only 3% compounds by an average of 39%; addition of PACl (up to 0.8 mg/L)
(9 ng/L). Only conventional coagulation showed consistent removals increased the average removals to 70%.
of acesulfame-K throughout the study. Acesulfame-K and sucralose removal averaged 19% over the study.
Sampling was completed over a period of 5 months in an effort to Removals in Lake Ontario water were proportional to PACl dose with
examine the impact of seasonal changes on the removal of higher doses performing better (up to 32% and 39% for acesulfame-K
acesulfame-K. No clear trend was observed through the four sampling and sucralose, respectively).
events. Scheurer et al. (2010) reported biological treatment and coagu-
lation to be poor methods for the removal of acesulfame-K, and that Acknowledgments
these processes can be impacted by changes in water temperature.
Based on their inherently poor removal capabilities, it is not unexpected This work was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
that these processes were unable to remove acesulfame-K efficiently. Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Chair in Drinking Water Research
Sucralose was poorly removed from Otonabee River water by any of at the University of Toronto. The authors are grateful to Jules Carlson
the treatment processes examined. None of the treatments provided and Isabelle Netto (University of Toronto) for their assistance in
consistent results (Supplemental information Fig. S1), similar to results conducting the PhAC, EDC and artificial sweetener analyses; John
presented by others (Scheurer et al., 2010). Scheurer et al. (2010) exam- Armour and colleagues at the Peterborough Utilities Commission for
ined the removal of sucralose by biological treatment (bank filtration), their pilot plant assistance; and Dave Scott and colleagues at Toronto
coagulation and flocculation, ozonation, GAC adsorption and chlorina- Water for their pilot plant efforts.
tion. Of these five processes they reported that only GAC adsorption
provided moderate to good removal of sucralose. Other chemical and
Appendix A. Supplementary data
biological processes were ineffective removal strategies, as further con-
firmed by the results of this study. Furthermore, there did not appear to
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.
be a seasonal impact on the removal of sucralose, which was expected
since processes that may be impacted by seasonal changes (chemical
and biological) were unable to remove this compound.
Removal of both sweeteners via coagulation and biofiltration for
Lake Ontario water were dependent on PACl dose (Fig. 7). The control Aguilar, M.I., Llorens, J.S.M., Soler, A., Ortuno, J.F., 2002. Nutrient removal and sludge
biofilter removed an average of 15% acesulfame-K (range 0–38%) as production in the coagulation–flocculation process. Water Res. 36, 2910–2919.
American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association
well as 18% sucralose (range 0–36%), whereas the biofilter receiving (AWWA), Water Environment Foundation (WEF), 2012. In: Eaton, A.D., Clesceri,
0.8 mg/L PACl removed 33% acesulfame-K (range 14–50%) and 39% L.S., Rice, E.W., Greenberg, A.E. (Eds.), Standard Methods for the examination of
sucralose (range 26–58%). Only one sample was obtained for the filter water and wastewater, 20th ed. (Washington, USA).
Azzeh, J., Taylor-Edmond, L., Andrews, R.C., 2015. Engineered biofiltration for ultrafiltra-
receiving 0.2 mg/L PACl (14% and 23% removals of acesulfame-K and
tion fouling mitigation and disinfection by-product precursor control. Water Sci.
sucralose, respectively). A strong relationship was evident between Technol. 15 (1), 124–133.
the removal of these artificial sweeteners and the in-line PACl dose Brown, M.R.W., Allison, D.G., Gilbert, P., 1988. Resistance of bacterial biofilms to
(Fig. 7). These results indicate that the combination of biological, chem- antibiotics: a growth-rate related effect? J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 22 (6), 777–780.
Chu, W., Gao, N., Yin, D., Deng, Y., Templeton, M.R., 2012. Ozone-biological activated
ical and physical processes may be effective for the reduction of artificial carbon integrated treatment from removal of precursors of halogenated nitrogenous
sweeteners. Further studies should be completed to determine the disinfection by-products. Chemosphere 86 (11), 1087–1091.
M.J. McKie et al. / Science of the Total Environment 544 (2016) 10–17 17

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