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Co-PoeTryMe: a Co-Creative Interface for the Composition of Poetry

Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira and Tiago Mendes and Ana Boavida

CISUC, Department of Informatics Engineering
University of Coimbra, Portugal,,

Abstract not to mention that assessing the quality of poetry is

a subjective task and may diverge from user to user.
Co-PoeTryMe is a web application for poetry This was our main motivation for developing Co-
composition, guided by the user, though with
PoeTryMe, a creativity-support application that en-
the help of automatic features, such as the gen-
eration of full (editable) drafts, as well as the
ables the user to interact with some of the mod-
acquisition of additional well-formed lines, ules that constitute PoeTryMe. As it happens in
or semantically-related words, possibly con- the Poetry Machine (Kantosalo et al., 2014) and jG-
strained by the number of syllables, rhyme, or noetry1 , specifically for poetry, or DeepBeat (Malmi
polarity. Towards the final poem, the latter can et al., 2016) and LyriSys (Watanabe et al., 2017),
replace lines or words in the draft. for song lyrics, Co-PoeTryMe enables the collabo-
ration between humans and a computational system
1 Context towards the co-creation of poems. Co-PoeTryMe
takes advantage of the architecture of PoeTryMe
PoeTryMe (Gonçalo Oliveira, 2012) is a platform and its unique functionalities, and adopts a rational
for automated poetry generation from a set of ini- hands-on design, with few decorative elements, aim-
tial parameters, such as the poetry form, the lan- ing to make the process of poetry composition visu-
guage (English, Portuguese or Spanish), a set of seed ally more interesting.
words or a surprise factor. A semantic network and
a grammar are combined to produce semantically- 2 Co-Creative Poetry Composition
coherent lines, using the seeds or words related to
Developing Co-PoeTryMe was eased by the modu-
them, grouped according to the given poetry form,
lar architecture of PoeTryMe and its web API, that
with the corresponding number of syllables, and of-
enables the production of full poems with a pre-
ten with rhymes.
defined structure; single lines, given a set of seed
This was originally an autonomous procedure,
words; or words, semantically or structurally con-
without user interaction but providing the initial pa-
strained. Co-PoeTryMe is a web-based application,
rameters. Yet, after using PoeTryMe, creative writ-
developed in JavaScript, and thus portable, as it does
ers and other interested people expressed their wish
not require the installation of additional software,
to make changes in the resulting poems or to inter-
only a browser and a working Internet connection.
act with the system and take part in the creative pro-
Co-PoeTryMe is based on several visual mod-
cess. Some even confessed to have generated several
ules, each covering a specific group of functionali-
poems, keeping only some of the lines and, from
ties, and only visible when the actions they provide
their manual selection, created a new poem, more
are available. Modules are placed around a cen-
in line with their intents. Although the obtained re-
tral module that displays the current draft and en-
sults are generally ok, intention-related aspects can
always be improved (Gonçalo Oliveira et al., 2017), 1


Proceedings of The 10th International Natural Language Generation conference, pages 70–71,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 4-7 2017. 2017 Association for Computational Linguistics
Figure 1: Poem edition and word generation. Figure 2: Line generation and visualizing the changes.

ables its edition (Figure 1). To start co-creating, the teraction with PoeTryMe’s API.
user can: (i) write a poem right away; (ii) import
3 Conclusion
an existing poem draft from a text file; (iii) use the
Drafts module, in the left-hand side, for generating Co-PoeTryMe was developed to meet the wishes of
a draft, given a target language (English, Portuguese PoeTryMe users, who can now play with the avail-
or Spanish), a predefined or custom poetry form, a able functionalities, hopefully towards the creation
surprise factor (0-4), and a list of seed words for set- of better poems. Co-PoeTryMe is freely available to
ting the semantic domain. be used by anyone, on the Web2 .
Once the central module has content, full lines
or words can be selected to be edited, swapped,
or to be used as input for the generation of new
words or lines. Selecting a line reveals the Lines Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira, Tiago Mendes, and Ana
module (Figure 2, left), which enables the gener- Boavida. 2017. Towards finer-grained interaction
with a Poetry Generator. In Procs of ProSocrates
ation of alternative lines, using one of the given
2017: Symposium on Problem-solving, Creativity and
seeds and with a target number of syllables. Se- Spatial Reasoning in Cognitive Systems, Delmenhorst,
lecting a word reveals the Words module (Figure 1, Germany.
left), which can be used for the acquisition of words Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira. 2012. PoeTryMe: a versatile
combining a subset of the following constraints: platform for poetry generation. In Procs of Workshop
semantically-related (synonym, hypernym or hy- on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and
ponym, co-hyponyn, antonym, or other), rhyming, General Intelligence, C3GI 2012, Montpellier, France.
or same number of syllables as the target word; or Anna Kantosalo, Jukka M. Toivanen, Ping Xiao, and
Hannu Toivonen. 2014. From isolation to involve-
with a certain polarity (positive or negative). Re-
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trieved words appear in the Generated module, on human-computer co-creation. In Procs 5th Intl Conf
the right-hand side. They can be added or swapped on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2014, Ljubljana,
with any word in the draft, or moved to the Bank, Slovenia.
below, in order to be used later. Words that were Eric Malmi, Pyry Takala, Hannu Toivonen, Tapani Raiko,
once part of the draft appear in the Trash module. A and Aristides Gionis. 2016. DopeLearning: A com-
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The top module has utility buttons for selecting
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the application language (English or Portuguese), Kento Watanabe, Yuichiroh Matsubayashi, Kentaro Inui,
showing or hiding tooltips, importing or exporting Tomoyasu Nakano, Satoru Fukayama, and Masataka
a draft, sharing in social networks, undo, redo, as Goto. 2017. LyriSys: An interactive support system
well as tool for visualizing the changes made from for writing lyrics based on topic transition. In Procs
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with the available modules and their underlying in- 2˜copoetryme/


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