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Task analysis by Flowchart method to Reach IE 577 class by 4.

10pm at 1140 Howe hall

Start from home by

Walk from home to

university boulevard
at second round
about bus stop

Reach bus stop by

3.40 pm

Wait in the bus stop

for bus to come

Bus no 6 Brown
North arrives at 4.45

Get into bus and

show your ISU id card
to the driver

Find comfortable
space inside bus

Ride for 17 stops (ie

19 mins)

Hit the bell after
student services bus
stop so that you can
get down at sweeny

Get down at Sweeny

hall bus stop by 4.04

Walk in the opposite

direction for 100
meters to find a
zebra crossing.

Cross the road safely

Take a left and walk

for almost 2 mins to
reach Howe Hall
building)by 4.06 pm

Enter Howe hall

through main

Take a right from the


Find 1140 hall at the
right end of the

Get in to the class by

4.07 pm.

Class starts at 4.10


1. Think about your first day on the campus of the Iowa State University or your work campus.
How would your task analysis develop if you were unfamiliar with the campus layout?
I would refer to google maps for getting correct locations and easy mode of
transportation. I would also ask some of my friends who study at Iowa state university about my
class location and campus layout. I will also refer to Iowa state university website for the
campus maps and building locations.

2. What additional tasks would you include in your analysis if you were driving in suboptimal
weather conditions?

I will check the condition of the vehicle before starting to make sure if it can be used in
suboptimal condition. I would start from home earlier than the decided time so that I won’t be
late. Also, I could carry an umbrella/ jacket according to weather conditions.

3. Based on your task analysis, provide multiple suggestions that would make your trip more

 I will carry items such as notebook or laptop for the class to take down important points
mentioned by the professor.
 I will make sure that the opted task analysis is best for reaching the class.
 As the lecture is for 3 hours I will carry a bottle of water/a cup of coffee for refreshment.


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