Commerce 1100 - Fall 2020 Syllabus Draft - 7.15.20 - Revised

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Understanding the World of Business

Commerce 1100
Fall, 2020

Course Syllabus

Dear Commerce 1100 Student,

Welcome. Welcome to Commerce 1100 – Understanding the World of Business. I am Professor Kemp, your lead
instructor. (You can learn about me in the faculty section of UVA’s website.)

Over the years I have come to appreciate the importance of communication. Good communication is very
important to be successful in life. Thus I want us to talk. First, I’d like to talk about the course. Second, I’d like to
talk about how we will deliver the course this Fall. I want you to know what to expect.

First is the course. Below is the course syllabus giving insights and details into what you can expect. The course
is the most comprehensive, wholistic intro-to- business course in America (and maybe beyond). (Note: As one of
my former graduate assistants said, “I wish I had this course when I was an undergraduate. It would have opened
my eyes and helped me so much.” Her undergraduate degree was from the University of California at Berkley. She
graduated Berkley with honors.) We are going to explore every major area of business. We’ll look at business
models and strategy, marketing, finance, managing human resources, ethics and law, and more. We’ll see how
all these areas come together to form a business.

The objective of the course is for you to understand how business works and to empower you to use this
knowledge throughout your life. The course is about empowering you to create value for your world and
yourself. You see, every organization in our world ultimately is a business. Whether profit or not-for-profit, every
organization seeks to create value for its stakeholders. (Yes, even the government is a business. Ask President
Ryan, UVA’s President. He is the chief executive of a billion-dollar business. He works with the chief executive of
a much larger business, the Governor of Virginia.)
Please understand Commerce 1100 is not designed to make students experts in business. One semester is
entirely too short to do this. The course is designed to help students understand and appreciate how business
operates. Your time at UVA is limited. Most students want to spend their limited time studying topics for which
they have a passion. They want to spend their time and gain expertise in studying history, psychology,
engineering, architecture, pre-law, education, pre-med, English, chemistry, art, media studies, etc. Commerce
1100 is designed to help these students take their passion and use their expertise (major and minors) in the real
world, the world of businesses. (Note: As you can see below, I have asked UVA’s Career Center (UCC) to be a
significant part of Commerce 1100. A terrific member of our instructional team, Meg Saunders, is from UCC.)

Second is course format and delivery. I have taught for many years. I have enjoyed the personal, one-on-one
contact with students in the classroom, office hours, etc. To be honest, one of my great joys is seeing students (in
person) grasp new concepts, grow, and use their new knowledge to do great things. However, given the
challenges we face (Covid 19), we must evolve. We must look to a new model of teaching and learning. We must
define the classroom differently. However this does not mean we need to redefine our learning objective. It just
means we need to evolve to stay in step with the reality and evolution of our world. We, like business, must
adapt and evolve.

Commerce 1100 – Understanding the World of Business, will adapt to the new reality of our world. Commerce
1100 will be delivered within the guidelines set by the University of Virginia. Thus, per below, all classes and
exams will be delivered online. All classes will also be recorded.

However the evolved format does not mean the content will be lessened. We will use Zoom technology for class
lectures. We will use the course’s LMS (learning management system) provided by Cognella, the publisher of our
text. (This is called “Active Learning Access.”) We’ll have the ability to interact, discuss, and engage as we
explore the world of business, current events, and more. I will hold online office hours. I, and our instructional
team, will be available to help students learn, prepare for exams, etc. But this also means you must evolve.
Issues of responsibility, discipline, and accountability are critical. Being a Hoo and living within UVA’s Honor
System will take on new meaning. Ultimately the value of any course is in what it empowers one to do after
completing the course. It’s about knowledge. I hope every student works hard and gets good grades. I’ll do my
best to help you do this (e.g., help sessions, exam guides, etc.). However it starts with your commitment to learn
the knowledge taught in Commerce 1100. Commerce 1100 students do very well when they follow my one
simple rule: “Do what I ask, when I ask it, and how I ask it.” The following syllabus clearly outlines what you need
to do, how to do it, and when to do it. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In closing, welcome. Welcome to Commerce 1100 – Understanding the World of Business. This semester will be
different than any previous semester. But together we can make this semester special. We’ll evolve, work hard,
and have a great experience. I am committed to helping you learn and grow. I hope you are excited. I am. I look
forward to helping you understand the world of business. Wahoo Wah!

Professor Robert Kemp, DBA, CPA

Ramon W. Breeden, Sr. Research Professor
McIntire School of Commerce
University of Virginia




Professor Robert Kemp 134C RRH Monday & Wednesday, Monday & Wednesday,
2:00-3:00 pm 12:30-1:45 pm & 3:30-4:45 pm
Zoom link: TBA
Megan Saunders Bryant Hall at Day, time, and Zoom link: Per above
Scott Stadium TBA

Learning - Graduate Assistants (GA’s):

A listing of GA’s, with email addresses, for this term are:

Assistant              UVA Email Address    



All classes will be delivered in accordance to the regulations and policies of the University of Virginia. These include social
distancing, masks, etc.


The McIntire School of Commerce relies upon and cherishes its community of trust. We firmly endorse, uphold, and embrace the
University’s Honor principle that students will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor shall they tolerate those who do. We recognize that even one
honor infraction can destroy an exemplary reputation that has taken years to build. Acting in a manner consistent with the principles of
honor will benefit every member of the community both while enrolled in the McIntire School and in the future. Students should
report all suspected honor violations to an honor representative immediately, and faculty will report all suspected honor violations
immediately to an honor representative. If you have questions about your Honor System or would like to report your suspicions of a n
Honor offense, please contact your honor representatives. The UVA honor pledge is to be 1) written on every assignment turned in
for credit and 2) signed by the submitting student(s). The UVA honor pledge is:
On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received aid on this exam/assignment. Student Signature


On the course Collab site is a document titled: McIntire School of Commerce Academic Policies. In this document is a list of
important policies regarding inclusion and respect for all, wellbeing, academic accommodation for religious observance, and honor.
These policies will be followed in Commerce 1100. (Also as a reference for these policies, visit:


Understanding the World of Business is a course designed for students without previous business courses. It is intended for students
who seek to understand the world of business, yet not major or concentrate in business/commerce. The course introduces basic,
useful, and important concepts that undergird American and global business practice. The course will allow students to develop
critical thinking skills while addressing emergent issues in business practice.

Understanding the World of Business is a comprehensive look at all the major functions of business, including marketing, finance,
accounting, human resource management, taxes, risk management, and business law. The framework of the course is stakeholder
theory with a value perspective. Specific topics include business models and strategy, understanding financial statements, investing in
assets, financing the business, formulating a marketing strategy, analyzing customer behavior, managing employees, risk management,
business law and taxation, business ethics, and information technologies that make business work.

An integral part of the course is students exploring the world of business from a personal perspective. Students will exam their
interests and how such interests can be used in the world of business. Activities provided by UVA’s Career Center will be an
important part of the course.


1. How Business Works: Making Profits, Taking Risks, and Creating Value, (Eleventh Edition) Kemp, 2020, Cognella.
(Available online at the “Student Store” located here See file posted on UVA Collab titled
“Ordering Comm 1100 Required Course Materials F2020.”)
2. Active Learning Access (Available online at the “Student Store” located here (This is the
course LMS, learning management system.) See file posted on UVA Collab titled “Ordering Comm 1100 Required Course
Materials F2020.”)
Note: Although not required, students are strongly encouraged to continuously read current articles in business periodicals such as the
Wall Street Journal, Business Week, the Financial Times, Forbes, Fortune, and the business section of local newspapers.


Per the class schedule (below), all classes and office hours will be delivered online using Zoom technology. All classes will be
recorded. Recording will be available within 48 hours of the end of class.

Class - Zoom Link: TBA

Office Hours – Zoom Link: TBA


Class meetings are built around a specific topic and focus on a set of current or classic readings. All students are required to read all
materials, to participate during class, and to complete all assignments.

(See below for an explanation of each element of the course grade.)

Course (Grading) Element

1. Course Engagement (See below section titled Grading Element No 1 – Course Engagement)

 Current Events -
 Practice (Chapter) Quizzes -
 Additional Readings -
 Real Business Videos -
 Optional Lectures -

2. Required Activities through UVA’s Career Center (See below section titled Grading Element No 2 – UCC Required
Activities) -

3. Exams (See below section titled Grading Element No. 3 – Exams)

 Exam 1 33.0%
 Exam 2 33.0%
 Exam 3 – Final Exam 34.0%
Total 100.0%

4. Extra Credit (See below section titled Grading Element No. 4 – Extra Credit)

5. The following grading scale will be used for the course:

A+= 100 C = 73 to 75
A = 93 to 99 C- = 70 to 72
A- = 90 to 92 D+ = 67 to 69
B+ = 87 to 89 D = 63 to 66
B = 83 to 86 D- = 60 to 62
B- = 80 to 82 F = below 60
C+ = 79 to 76

Note: Individual grades for exams will not be rounded up or down, or curved up or down. Final course averages will not be rounded
up or down, or curved up or down.
Grading Element No. 1 - Course Engagement (0% of Course Grade)

Course engagement is an important and integral part of the course. Course engagement is designed to help students appreciate,
understand, and embrace the topics covered in the course. As such, it is not graded and thus has no point value.

Course engagement will take several forms. These forms are:

 Current Events (on Active Learning Access Website – see below section: Course Administration – Active Learning Access
Each week, starting on September 14, with chapter 3, Professor Kemp will post selected articles on the text website. (See
below section on Course Administration – Text Website.) Articles will be posted on the text website, under each related
chapter, in the section titled “Current Events.” During class, Professor Kemp will engage the class in a discussion of these
articles. Although not graded like chapter discussions, Professor Kemp will use these articles to create exam questions.
These exam questions will be based on “takeaways” noted by Professor Kemp during class. (Note: Not attending class and
participating in these discussions will have a significant, negative impact on your exam grade.)

 Practice (Chapter) Quizzes (on Active Learning Access Website – see below section: Course Administration – Active Learning
Access Website)
Students often ask for practice exams to help them conduct a self-assessment and prepare for exams. On the text website, in
each chapter, is a practice quiz that helps students assess whether they know the material found in the text and are ready to
proceed. Practice quizzes are not identical to exams given in class, however the quizzes are a good indicator of a student’s
knowledge regarding the material in the text. Practice quizzes are twenty-five multiple choice questions randomly chosen
from a pool of questions based on chapter material. Students may attempt chapter quizzes multiple times. (Note: Practice
quizzes only cover material found in the text. Practice quizzes do not cover material found in additional readings, discussion,
online lectures, or current events.)

 Real Business Videos (on Active Learning Access Website – see below section: Course Administration – Active Learning
Access Website)
A major objective of the course is to help students see the relevance and use of the knowledge. To help with this goal, the
course utilizes video interviews of successful business leaders. These videos can be found in selected chapters, on the text
website, under the section “Real Business.” The selected chapters are chapter 6, 10, 12, 14, and 19. Students should view
these videos prior to the relevant class. Although the materials are not specifically covered on exams, Professor Kemp will
discuss this material in class.
 Additional Readings (on Active Learning Access Website – see below section: Course Administration – Active Learning
Access Website)
To supplement class lectures, additional materials are provided in the form of articles and videos. These materials can be
found on the text website, in each chapter, under the section “Additional Readings.” Students should review this material prior
to the relevant class. Professor Kemp will discuss this material in class.

 Optional Lectures (on text website – see below section: Course Administration – Active Learning Access Website)
In chapter 13 (Professor Foutz - marketing), chapter 16 (Professor Nelson – systems), and chapter 17 (Professor Cowen -
managing people) are lectures that extend the material found in the text or presented during class lectures. This material is
optional and there to advance the knowledge of interested students. In the designated chapter, the video lecture can be found
in the section titled “Learning Material,” under “Class Lecture.” Note that some video lectures have practice assignments.
These practice assignments are designed to help you embrace the concepts taught in the video lectures and are not to be
submitted for a grade.

 Chapter Discussion (on Active Learning Access Website – see below section: Course Administration – Active Learning Access
(This is an individual activity, not a group activity. When a student makes a post to the chapter discussion, they earn extra
credit points toward their course grade and thus are bound by UVA’s Honor Code. Students are expected to be professional in
these postings and not use offensive and inappropriate language (e.g., profanity, sexual, racial, etc.).

On the Active Learning Access Website, in each chapter, is a section titled Chapter Discussion. This section provides
materials to engage students to think about the world of business as it relates to the materials discussed in the chapter and in
class. This section enables students to share views about current topics and cases to be discussed in class. If a student posts a
meaningful response to the questions asked in this section, they will receive .1 point per post. The maximum number of posts
per chapter is one. Given there are 19 chapters, the maximum number of points a student can earn for chapter discussion is
1.9. (Note: Given this grading element can count for 1.9 extra credit points, or an additional 1.9% of the course grade, each
course participation point counts for 0.1% of the course grade.) To get the most out of the material, it is recommended you
make a post the week before or after the related chapter is assigned. However posts are not accepted after the following dates:
 Chapters 1 – 6 Last time for posting is 11 pm, US Eastern time, September 29, 2020
 Chapters 7 – 11 Last time for posting is 11 pm, US Eastern time, October 25, 2020
 Chapters 12 – 19 Last time for posting is 11 pm, US Eastern time, November 29, 2020
Grading Element No. 2 – Required Activities through UVA’s Career Center (UCC)

Each student is “required” to complete the following assignments through UVA’s Career Center (UCC). Failure to complete the
following requirements will mean the student will receive a grade of “F” for the course. The following requirements are:

1) Complete all PathwayU assessments. PathwayU guides you through a reliable, intuitive career and education decision-making
model to help you choose majors, explore occupations and make informed decisions based off you values, interests and skills.
The assessments are completed online and are accessible via Once completed, please
submit your assessment results to Mrs. Saunders through this link:

2) UCC Activities. It is recommended that students complete all five of the following activities. However students must
complete four of the following activities:

 Activity 1: Attend a Career Fair (Virtual) – UVA hosts 10+ career fairs a year that serve a wide variety of professional
interests and goals. Career Fairs for Fall 2020 will be held virtually through handshake. Employers will attend from various
fields and geographic locations to meet candidates for internship and job opportunities. To maximize your experience,
students should research participating employers on Handshake to find the companies or Graduate programs they find
interesting and plan to schedule a 1:1 meeting with available recruiters. Mrs. Saunders will send more information
regarding how to take advantage of the virtual career fairs during the first few weeks of class. To search for career fairs to
attend, go to your Handshake account, select “Events” then “Fair Search” at the top right-side of the page. Anything
labeled “fair” will fulfill this requirement. Once you have completed this requirement, please fill out the following survey
to receive credit:

 Activity 2: Attend a UVA Career Center Program/Workshop (Virtual) – UVA Career Center offers a host of programs
and workshops aimed at increasing awareness of certain industries and the recruitment process in addition to provide soft
and hard skills for a particular industry. All programs and workshops will be held virtually during Fall 2020. Students can
find a full list of programs/workshops on Handshake, under Events and/or Fair Search. Please note that anything labeled an
“information session” or “fair” in the title, does not count as program or workshop. Once you have completed this
requirement, please fill out the following survey to receive credit:
 Activity 3: Meet with a UVA Career Counselor (Virtual) – Students can meet with a Career Counselor by scheduling an
appointment on Handshake. During this time, students can review resumes/cover letters, discuss major/career exploration,
review interview prep strategies, or ask other career-related questions. Once you have completed this requirement, please
fill out the following survey to receive credit:

 Activity 4: Participate in a Mentorship Program by Engaging in an Informational Interview with an Alumni

(Virtual)– Students have access to a program called the Virginia Alumni Mentoring program or VAM. With over 1,900+
active alumni members, students can request mentorships with professionals in their industry or job function of interest.
Students can sign up for VAM by following this link: To receive credit you must
successfully be matched and engage in an informational interview with a mentor. Informational interviewing is the process
of gathering career information from people who are already working in target occupations, organizations, or geographic
locations. Interviews can happen in person, over the phone, or through e-mail. In-person, these interviews usually last
about 20 minutes. To receive credit for this activity, you must complete an informational interview and submit a summary
(1-2 paragraphs) through this link:

 Activity 5: Create a LinkedIn Profile – Networking is one of the most important skills a student can learn, practice, and
refine while at the University of Virginia. The social media tool, LinkedIn, is a critical tool in that process, which enables
students to find alumni and other people in their network. Additionally, it’s an opportunity to represent a student’s
accomplishments and experiences on an outward facing page, which is accessible by recruiters. A “skeleton” LinkedIn
page with no content will not be marked as complete. To receive credit for this activity, please utilize this checklist and fill
out the following survey once you’ve completed your LinkedIn:

Grading Element No. 3 – Exams (100.0% of Course Grade) -Excluding Extra Credit)

 All exams will be taken online, using the course Active Learning Access Website: There will be a Module, on the Active
Learning Access Website, for each exam. Students can take the exam by entering the Active Learning Access Website, going
to the designated Module, and completing the exam. Several Important points are:
 Exams are taken by individuals, not groups.
 The Honor Code will be strictly enforced. Exams must be pledged with the UVA Honor Code
 Exams will be given online on the dates designated on the Class Schedule (below). (No make-up exams will be given for
personal reasons! Make-up exams are only given due to documented 1) severe and unforeseen medical challenges or 2) deaths
in the immediate family.)
 Exams are timed. Students will be given 75 minutes to complete each exam. If students do not complete the exam in the
allotted time, students will not be given credit for unanswered questions. Unanswered questions will be graded as incorrect.
 Students who have qualified for extended time, with UVA’s SDAC, will be allowed extra time as requested by SDAC. (Note:
It is the responsibility of these students to have SDAC inform Professor Kemp of this accommodation.)
 Exams will be open book and open note. (Note: Given exams are timed, do not rely on this to compensate for not knowing
the material.)
 Exams will cover the material as noted below in the Class Schedule. Exams will not be cumulative.

Exams are scheduled for the following dates: (Note: All days and times are Eastern time zone, United States)
 Exam 1 During the scheduled class, September 30, 2020
 Exam 2 During the scheduled class, October 26, 2020
 Exam 3 - Final During the scheduled class, TBA, 2020

Exam grades will not be available until 48 hours after the exam. At that time students will be able to review their exam, including the
correct answer for each question. If a student has any questions, they can then contact their course Learning/Graduate Assistant within
seven calendar days of the release of grades. If they have further questions, after talking with their Learning/Graduate Assistant, they
can talk with Professor Kemp. After seven days following the release of exam grades, exam material may be discussed. Exam grades
are final at that time and not open for discussion.

The course is divided into three major sections. At the end of each section is an exam. To help students prepare for each of these
exams, the following will be provided:
 An Exam Guide will be provided, outlining the material to be covered by the exam. The Exam Guide will be provided
approximately one week prior to the exam date. The Exam Guide will be posted on the Active Learning Access Website, in a
Module dedicated to the exam.
 An online, help and review session, approximately 1-2 days prior to each exam. The date and time of each review session will
be announced approximately one week prior to the exam. During the review session, student questions will be answered.
(Note: No new material will be covered during the review sessions.) Attending these sessions is optional and not required.
Grading Element No. 4 – Extra Credit (up to 2.9 points added to your course average)

By voluntarily participating in specified activities, students may earn up to a 2.9 points, added to their final course average. The
activities are:

 Activity: Complete a Mock Interview with UCC (1 point on course average)

Students can practice interviewing with a counselor by making an appointment through Handshake. Students must submit a
resume and sample job description to the Career Center in preparation for the mock appointment. Students should dress the
part, selecting attire that aligns with position or company they submitted to the Career Center. After the interview, the
counselor will provide the student with feedback and next steps. To receive credit for this activity, please complete the
mock interview then the following survey:

 Activity: Chapter Discussion (up to 1.9 points on course average)

(This is an individual activity, not a group activity. When a student makes a post to the chapter discussion, they earn extra
credit points toward their course grade and thus are bound by UVA’s Honor Code. Students are expected to be
professional in these postings and not use offensive and inappropriate language (e.g., profanity, sexual, racial, etc.).

On the Active Learning Access Website, in each chapter, is a section titled “Discussion.” This section provides materials
to engage students to think about the world of business as it relates to the materials discussed in the chapter and in class.
This section enables students to share views about current topics and cases to be discussed in class. If a student posts a
meaningful response to the questions asked in this section, they will receive .1 point per post. The maximum number of
posts per chapter is one. Given there are 19 chapters, the maximum number of points a student can earn for chapter
discussion is 19. (Note: Given this grading element can count for 1.9 extra credit points, or an additional 1.9% of the
course grade, each course participation point counts for 0.1% of the course grade.) To get the most out of the material, it is
recommended you make a post the week before or after the related chapter is assigned. Please note the following deadlines
for postings. Students making postings after these dates will not receive credit for their posts.
 Chapters 1 – 6 Last time for posting is 11 pm, Eastern time, September 29, 2020
 Chapters 7 – 11 Last time for posting is 11 pm, Eastern time, October 25, 2020
 Chapters 12 – 19 Last time for posting is 11 pm, Eastern time, November 29, 2020

Note: Posts do not need to be long or complicated. However posts must be original and thoughtful. Posts also must be
constructive and respectful. Students will not receive credit for posts that fail to meet these guidelines in the opinion of
Professor Kemp.

All courses must have rules. Chaos would rule without rules. The rules of the course are designed to create a fair and constructive
learning environment. Please make sure you understand the course rules noted in the above section, Course Requirements. Please
also note the following rules and policies below. Please do not ask the instructor or Learning Assistants to deviate from these rules.

Class Attendance:

Course material will be supplemented in class. Students are expected to attend all classes. Several points:

 Class attendance is not required. Attending class is your responsibility. We do know that students who attend class perform
better than those that miss class. Don’t miss class. During class, stay focused and do not let distractions interfere with your
listening, engaging, and learning.
 Realize that students who do not attend class will miss the class discussion of current event articles. The exams will include
questions from these articles and the discussion (in class) of these articles.
 Per UVA Undergraduate Record, “Students are expected to attend all lectures and other prescribed activities of the courses for
which they are registered. Although the course instructor sets course attendance requirements, any student who is absent from
more than 50 percent of the lectures may automatically receive a grade of F in that course.”

Class Etiquette:

Class is a time of learning. Behavior that distracts from learning is unacceptable. Such behavior during class includes, but is not
limited to:
1. Coming to class late or leaving class early.
2. Not focusing on the class. Doing multiple tasks while listening to the lecture.
3. Using cell phones or other electronic devises during class.
4. Talking in class to others.
The instructor has the right to remove any student, exhibiting these or other disruptive behaviors, from the Zoom classroom.

Active Learning Access Website (Cognella)

The course relies heavily on the website referred to as “Active Learning Access.” The site was developed by the author/instructor
and publisher (Cognella). (Each student is required to individually register with Cognella and have personal access to this website.)
The website is designed to assist students in the learning of course material, assessing their knowledge, and helping see the relevance
of course material in the world. It is also the means by which students will take exams and check their grades. As such, the website
is a significant element of the course.

The website is organized like the text and course. It is divided into sections, titled Modules, relating to course topics and chapters. On
the website students will find sections devoted to:
 Course syllabus
 Course section introductions
 Chapter objectives
 Real business videos of business leaders
 PowerPoint slides used in class lectures for lectures given by Professor Kemp
 Chapter discussion material (noted above in Course Requirements – Course Engagement)
 Current events (noted above in Course Requirements – Course Engagement)
 Study tools (such as flash cards defining key terms and concepts)
 Practice (chapter) quizzes (noted above in Course Requirements – Course Engagement)
 Selected online lectures
 Additional readings (printed materials and videos)
 Exams
 Grades – students can check their grades earned for course grading elements
 Other materials – selected materials provided to help students regarding specific topics

There is also an “Ask a Learning Assistant” section that will permit students to ask questions of a Learning Assistant (LA). Learning
assistants will respond as quickly as possible, enabling students to get timely answers to their questions without waiting for a review
UVA Collab Website

The course will utilize UVA’s Collab website for the following items:
 Course syllabus
 Course emails
 Selected lecture materials (e.g., PowerPoint slides) for guest lecturers
 Desired Learning Outcomes for each guest lecture and video lecture
 Other material chosen by Professor Kemp (e.g., Commerce 1100 – Extra Credit Procedures and Requirements)

UVA SIS Website

The course will utilize UVA’s Student Information System (SIS) website for the following items:

 Final Course Grades

It’s important not to get behind. Be proactive. It’s important not just to attend class, but also to prepare for class. It’s also important,
after class to make sure you have grasped the material and are ready to proceed to the next class. I suggest you do the following,
before, during, and following each class:

1. Look at the Class Schedule below. Make sure you understand what will be covered in the upcoming class.
2. Go the to course Active Learning Access website (text publisher Cognella). Go to the MODULE that relates to the assigned
chapter/material. Look at the material provide in the section titled “Learning Materials.”
3. Read the assigned text chapter. Besides the text, review the material at the end of each chapter, particularly the Chapter
Summary and Keywords. (Note: At the end of each chapter are questions, problems, and other resources. Look at these if
you wish, but realize there are no assignments to be turned in.)
4. Go to the Active Learning Access website. Starting with the class on Chapter 3 material, look at the section titled
“ADDITONAL READINGS.” Look at the subsection titled “Current Events.” Read and think about the article(s) posted in
this subsection. (We’ll discuss these during class.)
5. Go to the Active Learning Access website. Look at the section titled “ADDITONAL READINGS.” Read any readings
provided in the subsection titled “Additional Readings.”
6. Go to the Active Learning Access website. In selected chapters is a section titled “OTHER RESOURCES.” Read any readings
provided in the subsection.
7. Go to the Active Learning Access website. In selected chapters is a section titled “REAL BUSINESS.” Look at the provided
videos. These are very successful business leaders discussing material related to the forthcoming class.
8. Now think about the materials to be covered. What do you think? Are you ready for class?

1. Log into the class, with Zoom, 5-10 minutes before the class is scheduled to start. The Zoom site is: TBA. (Note: This link
can also be found on the Active Learning Access website, under each Module, in the section titled “Zoom Class
Connections.”) Make sure your equipment is functioning. Make sure you are in an environment that is not distracting. You
need to join Professor Kemp and others in focusing only on the class. (Note: Professor Kemp will try to be online, in the
Zoom class, approximately10 minutes prior to class. During that time, he’ll answer questions, etc.)
2. Listen and engage as if you, Professor Kemp, and your classmates were together in the same room. If you do not understand
something, please send a question via the Chat function. Participate by engaging through the polling function. Take notes as
needed. (Note: Professor Kemp will try to be online, in the Zoom class, for approximately 10 minutes after class. During that
time, he’ll answer questions, etc.)


1. Think about what we’ve discussed. What do you think about the material?
2. Go to the Active Learning Access website. Go to the section titled “STUDY TOOLS” in the Active Learning Access Website.
Look at the Flash Cards. These are the terms and concepts that were noted in the text and class. Go over these terms and
concepts. Make sure you understand the terms and concepts.
3. Go to the Active Learning Access website. Look at the section titled “QUIZZES.” Take the “Practice Quiz.” Determine
whether you are comfortable with the covered material. If so, you are ready to go forward to the next class. If not, go back
over the material, as outline in the preceding steps. Remember all classes are recorded. You can find the link to the recording
on the Active Learning Access Website, in the related Module, in the section titled “Zoom Class Connections.”
4. Go to the Active Learning Access Website. Look at the section titled “DISCUSSIONS.” What do you think? Post your
thoughts and reactions to the material in this chapter discussion. By doing so, you will earn the extra credit outlined below.
5. All class lectures will be recorded. If needed, use the recording to go back over the class.


Always know your instructional team is here for you if you do not understand something dealing with course material, course
requirements, or course logistics. Regarding course content, you can always reach out to Professor Kemp, Ms. Saunders (for UCC
issues), or our course graduate/learning assistants with a question. You can do this with an email or by using the “Office Hours”
noted above. If you want, a private phone call or Zoom meeting can also be arranged. Regarding course technology (i.e., Active
Learning Access Website), you can always contact Cognella’s help line.



1 Aug. 26 Online Course Introduction Prof. Kemp Preface

2 Aug. 31 Online The World of Business Prof. Kemp Chapter 1

3 Sept. 2 Online Introduction to Career Services (UCC) Ms. Saunders

4 Sept. 7 Online Business Models & Strategy Prof. Kemp Chapter 2

5 Sept. 9 Online Managing for Value Mr. R. Breeden1 Chapters 1-3

6 Sept. 14 Online Managing for Value Prof. Kemp Chapter 3

7 Sept. 16 Online Economics Prof. Kemp Chapter 4

8 Sept. 21 Online Economics Continued Prof. Kemp Chapter 4

9 Sept. 23 Online Globalization Prof. Kemp Chapter 5

10 Sept. 28 Online Business Forms and Taxes Prof. Kemp Chapter 6

11 Sept. 30 Online Exam 1 Chapters 1-6

12 Oct. 5 Online Business Law and Ethics Prof. Kemp Chapter 7

13 Oct. 7 Online Financial Statements & UCC Insights Prof. Kemp & Ms. Saunders Chapter 8

14 Oct. 12 Online Financial Statements Continued Prof. Kemp Chapter 8

15 Oct. 14 Online Time Value of Money Prof. Kemp Chapter 9

16 Oct. 19 Online Financing and Investing Prof. Kemp Chapter 10

17 Oct. 21 Online Risk Prof. Kemp Chapter 11

18 Oct. 26 Online Exam 2 Chapters 7-11

19 Oct. 28 Online Marketing & UCC Insights Prof. Kemp & Ms. Saunders Chapters 12

20 Nov. 2 Online Marketing Mix & Entrepreneurship Prof. Kemp Chapters 13 & 14

21 Nov. 4 Online Production and Technology Prof. Kemp Chapters 15 & 16

22 Nov. 9 Online Managing People Prof. Kemp Chapter 17

23 Nov. 11 Online Managing People Ms. A. Owens2 Chapter 17

24 Nov. 16 Online Managing Assets Prof. Kemp Chapter 18

25 Nov. 18 Online Managing Financial Capital Prof. Kemp Chapter 19

26 Nov. 23 Online Course Summary Prof. Kemp & Ms. Saunders

27 TBA Online EXAM 3 Chapters 12-19

1. Mr. Ray Breeden is President of the Breeden Company (real estate developer).
2. Ms. Ashleigh Owens is Sr. Director of Human Resources for LexisNexis (information/data company).

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