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Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1329–1334

Life cycle, sustainability and the transcendent quality

of building materials
Eduardo Peris Mora
Departamento de Ingenierı´a de la Construccion y Proyectos de Ingenierı´a Civil, Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain
Received 4 October 2004; received in revised form 27 September 2005; accepted 9 November 2005


This paper explores the relationship between the life cycle of engineering works and their sustainable and transcendent qualities, and
considers the possibility of creating durable works with ephemeral materials. This paper also studies the impact of urban growth and its
infrastructures on the environment through the consumption of raw materials and energy. City metabolism is one of the main causes of
environmental deterioration, and present-day tendencies make it foreseeable that both urban and infrastructure development shall
continue to increase. Although the expression ‘‘sustainable construction’’ is being used more and more, it is necessary to distinguish
between the sustainability of the construction activity and the sustainability of works constructed. Both the materials and technologies
used since ancient times have allowed many past works to have lasted thousands of years. Some were made out of permanent materials
such as stone while others were made out of more ephemeral materials such as adobe bricks or cob walls. Structures built with Roman
cement are still standing after 20 centuries. The overall durability of built structures depends on the durability of their materials.
Transcendent construction was made possible either using permanent materials or more ephemeral materials, providing the project had
taken the need for maintenance into consideration. The development of building works in a modular fashion makes the repairing action
of modifying materials or parts of works possible without destroying its basic structure. With our present-day knowledge, plain concrete
permits to create transcendent structures that could last several centuries.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Building materials; Construction; Maintenance; Durability; Sustainability; Life cycle

1. Introduction interested on the effects of building materials on sustain-

ability. Eminent ecologist, professor Margalef describes an
There is plenty of scientific literature on durability, the inexplicable phenomenon: in nature: Natural ecosystems
life cycle and sustainability associated to building materi- (excluding mankind) evolve in such a way that they
als. Adding a transcendental dimension is almost compul- culminate in an accumulation of wood in their most
sory for many works which, through their own vocation, developed stages whereas mankind, especially during the
have been designed with the purpose of extending their last half century, follows an inexplicable process of
durability to greater scales than a single human generation. accumulating concrete [1]. The Romans built concrete
All human groups and their ways of building are works with a cement chemically similar to that we use
determined by their geographical and historical environ- today, leaving behind works that have transcended
ment. In this sense, geography, anthropology, the science temporarily and intellectually over many generations [2].
of materials and their relations with building, can allow us The Roman roads that still exist—some of them beneath
to understand the built environment better. Engineers, our modern-day highways—were at the time the most
architects, experimental scientists and other specialists, efficient way to maintain good communication within the
share the interest to analyze the environment form different Roman empire, and which have given rise to an expression
point of view. Materials and environmental engineers are that is common in several European languages, which is
more or less expressed by ‘‘all roads lead to Rome’’.
E-mail address: However, this expression would not be totally justified if

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1330 E. Peris Mora / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1329–1334

we do not think of more ephemeral roads (‘‘Walker, there Nonetheless, cities constitute a driving power for the
is no path, rather the wakes on the sea’’, as written by the economical and social development of most countries;
Spanish poet, Machado [3]). The Romans maintained a cities generate 55% of the GNP (Gross National Product)
close relationship with their environment using environ- in those countries with weaker economies, 73% of the
mental factors such as volcanic craters as harbours and GNP in countries with an average development, and 85%
natural materials such volcanic ash to develop their in the more developed countries. It is this economic growth
building technology and society. Ports and roadways, as that ensures that communities invest in infrastructures and
well as irrigation systems and aqueducts built by Romans may providing general services to the population [8].
and older cultures, constitute a heritage of works which we According to the above it is logical to think that, in the
should assess as ‘‘transcendent structures’’ because they immediate future, urban growth and its infrastructures will
have aesthetic values are durable, having remained continue to produce maximum impact on the natural
generation after generation. environment through the use of materials and the
The increase of the world’s population propitiates the consumption of raw materials and energy. The number of
construction of more large, expensive infrastructures which construction works shall progressively increase however,
are, supposedly, built to last. City metabolism is respon- these shall be undertaken by attempting to achieve the
sible for the greatest consumptions of materials, energy and paradigm of sustainability, demanding an increasing
water [4]. The world population is expected to increase by durability of what is being built in order to minimize
almost 2 thousand million people between the years 2000 environmental impact.
and 2030, and almost all these inhabitants shall live in
African, Asian and Latin American cities [5]. The cities 2. Life cycle and environmental impact
belonging to the ‘‘Industrial North’’ were the demographic
centre of attention around the year 1900. In the year 2000 ISO-EN-UNE- 14.040 regulation, defines life cycle as the
however, only Tokyo, New York and Los Angeles are ‘‘consecutive and interrelated stages of a product system,
featured on the list of the ten largest world populations. from the acquisition of raw materials or the generation of
The demographers expect the city of Los Angeles to be natural resources until its final elimination’’. Life cycle is
exceeded by fast growing cities such as Lagos, Doha, closely related to environmental impact: According to the
Karachi and Jakarta by the year 2015. The number of aforementioned standard, the life cycle assessment (LCA)
inhabitants presently living in large urban areas already is the ‘‘collection and assessment of the inputs and outputs of
reaches the figure of 3000 million; between 2000 and 2015 any potential environmental impacts caused by the product
this figure shall be increased by 972 million; every 5 years system throughout its life cycle’’. This allows us to learn
the urban population in Africa, Latin America and Asia about the environmental effects of a certain work or
doubles in number. However, it is estimated that more than product. The environmental effects derived from the
60% of this population shall live under indescribable living construction of a given structure, its life time, reuse and
conditions. demolition should all be taken into account within the
An increase in population is coupled to a raise in LCA; the possibility of reusing by either recycling or
atmospheric emissions and these adversely affect the recovering materials or energy should also be taken into
durability of building materials [6]. When the total atmo- account. An important aspect that ought to be considered
spheric emissions of the five substances that we use to in the LCA of works is preventive maintenance. In the
measure pollution are estimated (CO, NOx, SO2, HC and construction industry continuous necessary maintenance is
particles), it is surprising to find that natural emissions frequently substituted by sporadic remedial actions invol-
easily exceed the collective anthropogenic emissions. ving repair, restoration or reconstruction which target
However atmospheric pollution problems, as far as these deteriorations threatening the structure or its services.
substances are concerned, originate to a great extent from LCA methodology, which has been applied for some
spatial and temporary concentrations rather than from the time to assess the environmental impact of industrial
total quantity released [7], and this concentration is mainly products (ISO 14.040), also makes sense in construction
produced in urban atmospheres. Other global environ- and may be equally applied to civil works and architecture
mental problems are also found in the cities: From vehicle [9–11]. The environmental impact of engineering works
exhaust pipes which heat the atmosphere, to the demand of must be assessed starting ‘‘from their birthplace’’ by
wood for building purposes that deforests the land and is a considering concepts such as the Environmental Impact
threat to biodiversity, and a municipal thirst that leads to Assessment (EIA) of the overall project (Directive 85/337/
massive water consumption. Cities are therefore where the CEE) [12] and by also including issues such as preliminary
greatest amount of world resources are consumed. strategic assessments (Directive 97/11/CE and Directive
Approximately 78% of carbon emissions come from fossil 2001/42/CE) [13,14] of the use of the ground involved,
fuels that are burnt to make cement, and 76% of industrial alteration to the landscape, choice of materials and their
wood worldwide is used in large metropolitan areas. impact, etc. The LCA must study the service life cycle of a
Furthermore, 60% of the water that runs through pipelines structure as well as any environmental effects derived from
is consumed in cities [5]. maintenance tasks and, once the service life has been

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