Science Unit Lesson Plan

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Contextual Factors

Grier Bethea
District School
X HCS ____ GCSD Aynor Elementary School
Grade Level
X First Grade ____Second Grade ____Third Grade
Cooperating Teacher
Nicole Graham
SC Content & Process Standards
List the applicable SC State Curriculum information the lesson will address. Include both the code and the text of each
element. Bold/add/delete sections as needed.
 Science: Content Standard, Performance Indicator, and Science and Engineering Practice(s)
 Mathematics: Content Standard, Mathematical Practice(s), Key Concept

Science 1.E.3A.2 Use data from personal observations to describe, predict, and develop models to
exemplify how the appearance of the moon changes over time in a predictable pattern.
Mathematic 1.MDA.4 Collect, organize, and represent data with up to 3 categories using object
s graphs, picture graphs, t-charts and tallies.
1.MDA.5 Draw conclusions from given object graphs, picture graphs, t-charts, tallies, and
bar graphs.

Learning Objective
As a result of this lesson, what will students be able to do?
Students will be able to identify the predictable changes of the moon over time.

Explain how this learning objective: builds on prior student knowledge; is relevant to students’ lives; integrates other
disciplines; and reflects the big ideas or structure of the main discipline.
This lesson is part of a unit that focuses on exploring the sun and the moon. Students have already learned
about the predictable patterns of the sun, and this lesson will help them learn about the predictable
patterns of the moon. Mathematics will be incorporated in this lesson when students collect and represent
data on their observations of the moon.

Planning for Assessment

Addressing Students’ Misconceptions
Anticipate students’ misconceptions, identify the accurate conception and provide a student-centered instructional
strategy that will assist students in adjusting their thinking.
Misconception Accurate Conception Student-centered Instructional
There are four phases of the There are 8 phases of the moon. We will look at the moon phases
moon. Some of the shapes are the same cards and identify differences and
but depending on if the moon is similarities of all eight phases.
waxing or waning, the lit part of
the moon will be on a different

List content vocabulary that will be introduced or students will need to know to understand this lesson.

EDEC 420 3-Phase Lesson Planning Template Fall 2020

 Moon
 Waxing
 Waning
 New moon
 Full moon
 Crescent
 Revolve
 Quarter moon
 Gibbus moon

Measuring and Defining Criteria for Students’ Learning

Explain how you will assess students’ learning throughout the lesson.
Students’ learning will be assessed throughout the lesson through their ability to correctly arrange the
phases of the moon of their cookie representations and in their flip book.

Explain how you will assess students’ learning at the conclusion of instruction in reference to (a) the lesson and (b)
the unit.
(a) The Lesson: At the conclusion of the lesson, students will put the predictable pattern of phases of the
moon in order, beginning with the new moon and ending with the waning crescent. They
will be given moon phase cards that are scrambled up to arrange.
The rubric below will be used to measure student progression toward the objective.

3-Mastery-Got it! 2-Making Progress-Almost 3-Basic-Still Working on

there! it!
The student is able to The student correctly The student is unable to
correctly order the phases orders at least 5 phases of correctly order at least 5
of the moon. the moon. phases of the moon.
(b) The Unit: Students will collect data on the phases of the moon at home each night with their
families. At the end of the unit, they will graph the patterns that they were able to
observe throughout the unit.

Explain how the assessment results will be used to inform future instruction.
If most (80% or more) students master the learning objective, the next lesson will help students understand
how we study the patterns of the moon and sun. The students who are making progress toward the
learning objective or who are still working on it will be given an activity to work on at home that allows
them to practice more with the pattern of the moon. They will also work on reviewing their flip book in
class each day during the unit. If most students are making progress, students will engage in another class
activity that allows them to work with the patterns of the moon.

Planning for Differentiation

Students’ Interests and Cultural Heritage
Describe how you will incorporate students’ interests and cultural heritage.
Students interests will be incorporated through the Oreo moon representation. Students love Oreos and
will be excited to use them to learn about the patterns of the moon.

Accommodating, Modifying and Supporting Students’ Instructional and Assessment Needs

Identify the accommodations, modifications, and supports used for students in your classroom and explain the
instructional and assessment adaptations that you will make for this lesson.

EDEC 420 3-Phase Lesson Planning Template Fall 2020

Learners with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 Plan

English Language Learners (ELL)

English language learners will be provided with extra time to think about their responses, they will be
working in partners with native English speakers in the class, and I will prompt students to support them
in their responses.

Gifted and Talented (GT) Learners

Instead of providing gifted and talented learners with cards to arrange for the assessment, I will challenge
them to draw the eight phases of the moon, then put them in order. This will challenge them to have a
deeper understanding of the phases while still recognizing the pattern.

Learners Receiving Tiered Services


Grouping Students
Describe the instructional grouping arrangements and group composition that will be used in this lesson and when they
will be used.
Students will individually draw the moon at their desks, then the initial discussion of the moon phases will
be done whole group at the carpet. The cookie moon activity will be completed in groups of 3 or 4.
Finally, the flipbook will be completed individually at their desks.

Explain how your grouping will maximize student understanding and learning efficiency.
This grouping will allow students to process their own ideas first, then work together with their peers to
build on their knowledge. The whole group composition of instruction addresses the needs of all students
to prepare them for exploration.

List all materials and resources you and the students will use. Attach copies and/or embed pictures as needed.
 Moon phase cards
 Moon phases flipbook
 Scissors
 Oreo cookies
 Spoons
 Plates
 Stapler
 Pencil
 Moon phases chart
 Blank paper
 Crayons

Provide information about the technology used in the lesson. Explain how this technology will enhance student
learning and thinking. Include links as applicable.
As an extension of this lesson, students will watch a Space Racers episode called, “Starling Discovers the

EDEC 420 3-Phase Lesson Planning Template Fall 2020

Moon.” Watching this episode will enhance students’ understanding of the phases of the moon. It uses
appealing graphics that engage the students in the content and excites them about their new knowledge of
the moon. The episode can be accessed using this link.

Instructional Procedures
Classroom Management
Describe your CT’s management plan.
My CT uses class dojo to manage the classroom. Through this platform, students are able to earn points
as well as loose points for their behavior throughout the school day. With these points, students are able
to earn special privileges in the classroom.

Describe the techniques (intrinsic motivation, social approval, contingent activities, and consequences) you will use to
maintain appropriate student behavior throughout the lesson.
As students are engaged in the lesson, I will remind them of the behavior expectations and reward points
to the individuals who are meeting those expectations. If students are not following procedures, I will give
them a verbal warning, reminding them again of the expectations, then take a point away on class dojo.

Launch (6 minutes).
Introduce and make sure all students have access to the task. Include key questions and expected student responses in
each category.
Describe how you will Students will be given a blank sheet of paper. I will tell them to take out their
gain students’ crayons and give them 3 minutes to illustrate the moon any way they would like.

Describe how you will Say: Remember how we talked about the patterns of the sun yesterday? Well the
explicitly moon has predictable patterns too. We can see this in its phases, and that’s what
communicate the we will be learning about today-the phases of the moon.
learning objective. Let’s say our I can statement: “I can identify the predictable changes in the moon
How will you connect
over time.”
to what students have
previously learned
and/or know from life

Describe how you will Say: So, let’s talk about your illustrations. Who drew the moon as a full circle?
introduce the task for Did anyone draw the moon as crescent? Or quarter of the moon? Do you think all
the lesson. What are of these are right ways to see the moon? (Yes!)
the student-centered Whether you drew a crescent, quarter moon, full moon, or even a new moon, you
instructional steps you are exactly right. The moon changes in a predictable pattern, so the way it looks to
will use to allow all
us here on Earth changes a little bit every day!
students access to the
task without doing the Today, we are going to learn about each of the moon’s phases by creating cookie
work for them? moons!

Describe how you will Say: This is a very fun and exciting activity, but it is important that you listen
establish clear rules carefully and follow directions. You and your group members will receive moon
and expectations for phase cards. You will use the moon phase cards as a reference to carve out the
learning and behavior. different shapes of the moon.

Describe your strategy I will begin passing out the materials and tell students that as they are working,
for transitioning into they should be thinking about what factor actually makes the moon change.

EDEC 420 3-Phase Lesson Planning Template Fall 2020

the next lesson phase.

Explore (25 minutes)

Students work on the task you have selected and introduced. The teacher poses questions to support task exploration,
collects observation data, and chooses students to share their strategies.
What is the task Students will be exploring the changing shape of the moon and what makes it
students will be change.

How will you support I will support the students in their investigations by asking them to think about the
students as they patterns of the sun that we talked about the day before. I will ask them what they
engage in the task you think the alignment of the earth, moon and sun look like during the new moon,
have introduced? crescent.

Describe how you plan After questioning students as they are engaged in the task, I will have an idea of
to select students who their level of understanding. I will ask students who have come to accurate
will share in the conclusions about the changes in the moon to share. Students will share in an
Discuss Phase and order that begins with the most basic understanding (the moon changes, in a
what order you will specific order, then continues as a pattern), and progress to more explicit answers
plan to have them
(the moon orbits the Earth while the Earth orbits the sun, so the shadow of light
from the sun reflects the shape of the moon).

Questions to Elicit Student Thinking

What questions will you Take a look at your moon phase cards. Begin carving the icing off of your cookie
ask if students have to make it look like that. What do you notice about the amount of darkness and
trouble getting started? light?

What questions will you Why did you scrape away some of the icing? Do you think part of the moon
ask to eliciting thinking actually disappears? Think about shadows and how a shadow can make things
after students have dark.
completed the task?

What questions will you How would the moon disappear and come back? Remember this is a pattern, and
ask to support students we have already learned that the Earth orbits the sun. Think about how light from
with incorrect or the sun might make the moon change. Does it actually physically change? Would
incomplete solutions? that be possible?

What questions will you ______ said that she thinks the Earth blocks the sun from hitting the moon. What
ask to support students do you all think about that? Could you add to that?
in listening to others’

Questions to Extend Student Thinking

What questions will you Does it make a difference which side of the moon is lit up in a crescent, gibbous,
ask to support students or quarter moon? When it’s on the right, does that mean it’s getting more visible
to explore additional or less visible each day? (more)

What questions will you How often do you think it takes the moon to complete this process? What happens
ask to support students when the process is complete? (it keeps repeating, like a pattern)
to consider different

EDEC 420 3-Phase Lesson Planning Template Fall 2020


What questions will you How do you think you could find out what the moon does after a waning
ask to support students crescent? Could you collect data on the shape of the moon? Could you graph
to explore different your data? Would this help you determine how long it takes the moon to go
representations of their through its phases?

Discuss (9 minutes)
Describe how you will structure time for students to reflect on the content taught and relate this information to
everyday experiences and future learning.
How will you revisit Say: Today we explored the phases of the moon and your task was to think about
the context? why the phases change. So, we are going to have some groups share their ideas
with the class so that we can discuss and come to a class conclusion.

Describe how you will Students will share their ideas in the order that I described in the Launch phase.
have students discuss Ideally, the findings that students share will become increasingly complex. I will
their findings. What guide conversation to focus on the fact that the moon changes in a pattern and the
questions will you ask cause of the change is due to the angle of sunlight.
to guide the I will ask questions such as: How are these phases considered a pattern? (they
conversation toward the
continue repeating) What specific factor causes the moon to change? (sunlight)
stated learning
objective. Does this pattern ever change? Or is it predictable?

Describe how you will Say: You all did a great job exploring and hypothesizing today! Who can
help students remember the objective of our learning today? Do you think we accomplished it?
summarize their Who can identify the phases of the moon? And remind me why these phases are
learning. What predictable.
questions will you ask
and how you will
encourage student to
ask questions?

How will you Say: Investigating is very important in science and math. This is how we learn new
encourage a positive things about our world. In today’s investigation, you all were excellent scientists
disposition toward and you learned some exciting new things about the moon. But we cannot stop
science and here! I want your investigation to continue. At home, you are going to observe the
mathematics? Include moon and chart the changes so that you can see the predictable pattern for
what strategies /
behaviors you
anticipate highlighting.

Extension (15 minutes) Indicate beginning and ending time for this phase.
Describe how you will For homework, students will observe the moon and chart their observations twice
extend this lesson if a week for a month. This will allow them to collect their own data and draw
time permits. What conclusions from that.
specific tasks might If time permits, I will allow students to create a moon phase flip book. They will
students do to continue cut the phases from a worksheet, put them in order and staple them together.
practicing and building
When they flip through the book, they will be able to observe how the moon
changes over time.
EDEC 420 3-Phase Lesson Planning Template Fall 2020
Another extension of this lesson would be watching the Space Racers “Starling
Discovers the Moon” episode. The ideas presented in this episode are directly
correlated with the content that students investigated in the lesson.

EDEC 420 3-Phase Lesson Planning Template Fall 2020

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