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Lüscher Colour Test: Interpretation

Thank you. You will now be able to read the interpretation of your choices of colours
according to Dr. Max Lüscher's test. Where the words "he, him, himself" occur, they
should be replaced by "she, her, herself" when appropriate.
Again remember to treat the interpretations, both your own and those of other
people, with the caution they require: while they can be interesting, and are
sometimes rather close to the bone, they can also be far off the mark.

Existing Situation:
Dissatisfied. The need to escape continued involvement with his present
circumstances makes it imperative for him to find some solution. (The Desired
Objective, below, is an attempt to compensate for this and other conflicts.)
Stress Sources:
Physiological Interpretation:
Stress arising from the inability to maintain relationships stably in their desired
Psychological Interpretation:
Wants a partner with whom he can share fully in an atmosphere of cloudless
serenity, but his compulsion to demonstrate his individuality leads him to adopt a
critical and demanding attitude. This introduces discord and leads to alternating
periods of drawing closer and drawing apart, so that the ideal state he desires is not
allowed to develop. Despite the urge to gratify his natural desires, he imposes a
considerable self-restraint on his instincts in the belief that this demonstrates his
superiority and raises him above the common herd. Discerning, critical and
particular, having taste and discrimination. These qualities, combined with his
tendency to form his own views, enable him to judge things for himself and to
express his opinions with authority. He enjoys the original, the ingenuous and the
subtle, striving to ally himself with others of similar taste who can help him in his
intellectual unfolding. Desires admiration and the esteem of others.
In Brief:
Intellectual or aesthetic discrimination.
Restrained Characteristics:
Unhappy at the resistance he feels whenever he tries to assert himself. However, he
believes that there is little he can do and that he must make the best of his
Feels that he is burdened with more than his fair share of problems. However, he
sticks to his goals and tries to overcome his difficulties by being flexible and
Desired Objective:
Urgently in need of rest, relaxation, peace and affectionate understanding. Feels he
has been treated with a lack of consideration and is upset and agitated as a result.
Regards his situation as intolerable as long as his requirements are not complied
Actual Problems:
Wants to be valued and respected and seeks this from a close and peaceful
association of mutual esteem.
The colour choices do not suggest any particular ambivalences.
Approach to Work:
The colour choices do not suggest a particular approach to work.
Anxiety, on a scale of 0 (lowest) to 6 (highest): 1.

Compulsiveness of compensations (from 0 to 6): 3.

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