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Percutaneous Closure of the Patent Ductus

Arteriosus in Very-Low-Weight Infants

Danielle Scerbo, MS,*† Clifford L. Cua, MD,‡x Brian K. Rivera, MS,† Laura C. Marzec, IMG,† Charles V. Smith, PhD,{
Jonathan L. Slaughter, MD, MPH,†‡‖** Darren P. Berman, MD,‡x Carl H. Backes, MD†‡x‖
*The Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, OH

Center for Perinatal Research, The Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH

Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH
The Heart Center, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH
Center for Integrated Brain Research, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA

Division of Neonatology, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH
**Division of Epidemiology, The Ohio State University College of Public Health, Columbus, OH

Practice Gaps
1. Treatment strategies for very-low-weight infants with a patent ductus
arteriosus (PDA) vary markedly among institutions and individual
2. Percutaneous closure of the PDA is among the safest of interventional
cardiac procedures and is considered the procedure of choice for PDA
closure outside the neonatal period; however, risk-benefit profiles of
percutaneous PDA closure among very-low-weight infants have not
been well-characterized.
3. Given the growing interest in percutaneous PDA closure among very-low-
weight and preterm infants, scrutiny of the available data is necessary to
inform the practice of evidence-based medicine.

In view of the known complications of drug therapy and open surgical
ligation, and the potential for prolonged patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
exposure to be harmful, health care practitioners have sought new
approaches to achieve definitive ductal closure. Interest in percutaneous
(catheter-based) PDA closure has emerged within the neonatal community
as a viable treatment option, because it has been fueled by recent procedural
consultant for Abbott. Dr Berman is a
and device modifications, as well as mounting feasibility and safety data.
consultant for Abbott, Edwards Lifesciences, Herein, we provide a contemporary review of percutaneous PDA closure
and Medtronic. Drs Backes and Slaughter
among infants at the crux of the medical debate—very-low-weight infants
work under National Institutes of Health grant
R01 HL145032. Drs Scerbo, Cua, Rivera, (£1,500 g), including: 1) characterization of traditional PDA treatments
Marzec, and Smith have disclosed no financial (drug therapy, open surgical ligation) and conservative (nonintervention)
relationships relevant to this article. This
commentary does not contain a discussion of
management options; 2) a general overview of the major procedural steps
an unapproved/investigative use of a of percutaneous ductal closure, including efforts to reduce thrombotic
commercial product/device.
complications and the emergence of a novel US Food and Drug
ABBREVIATIONS Administration–approved device; 3) a systematic review and meta-analysis to
PDA patent ductus arteriosus better understand risk profiles of percutaneous PDA closure in this
TTE transthoracic echocardiography

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population; and 4) discussion of current gaps in our understanding of optimal
PDA care, including the critical need for well-designed, randomized,
controlled clinical trials.

Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:

1. Summarize the limitations of traditional treatments for patent ductus
arteriosus (PDA, eg, drug therapy, surgical ligation) that led to growing
interest and use of percutaneous closure in this population.
2. Describe the basic procedural steps of percutaneous PDA closure.
3. Identify the risks associated with percutaneous PDA closure among very-
low-weight infants.
4. Characterize current gaps in our understanding of optimal PDA care.

INTRODUCTION associated with adverse sequalae, and that closure of the

asymptomatic but audible PDA can be deferred until age 2
In utero, the ductus arteriosus shunts blood away from the
to 3 years to avoid the lifelong risk of bacterial endarteritis.
high-resistance pulmonary vascular bed and toward the
(13) Yet optimal thresholds and strategies for PDA closure in
descending aorta and low-resistance placental circulation.
very-low-weight infants remain unknown.
At birth, the placental circulation is clamped and removed,
resistance in the pulmonary vascular bed decreases, and the
lung becomes the source of oxygenation and gas exchange; TRADITIONAL THERAPIES TO CLOSE PDAs
thus, the ductus arteriosus is no longer essential. (1) Over
Early drug treatments (during the first weeks after birth)
the first few days after birth, the ductus normally undergoes with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetamino-
active constriction and closure. The patent ductus arteriosus phen are efficacious in closing PDAs, with closure rates
(PDA) closes in 56% and 96% of term infants on postnatal approaching 50% to 75%. (14)(15)(16) However, harmful
days 1 and 2, respectively. (2) In contrast, the ductus remains renal and gastrointestinal complications, no demonstrated
patent among approximately 70% of infants born before 28 long-term neurodevelopmental benefit, and high medical
weeks of gestation, with an incidence that is inversely pro- costs have led to mounting concerns about the use of drug
portional to gestational age at birth. (3)(4) therapy. (17) Over the past decade, these concerns have led to
The presence of a PDA results in persistent blood flow a more than 50% reduction in drug therapy use. (18)
between the aorta and pulmonary artery. (1) Although the Open surgical PDA ligation via thoracotomy is the
pathophysiologic consequences of a PDA are widely variable, method traditionally used to achieve definitive ductal clo-
ductal patency is associated with pulmonary edema because of sure. (19) Although commonly regarded as a simple and
sustained high levels of pulmonary circulation as well as con- straightforward surgery, associations between PDA ligation
sequent mesenteric and renal hypoperfusion. (5)(6) In addition, and vocal cord paralysis, chylothorax, and postligation syn-
PDAs have been linked to a 7-fold greater risk for mortality (7) drome have decreased enthusiasm for the procedure among
and other adverse clinical sequalae, including chronic lung clinicians. (18)(20)(21) Although the data are mixed, some
disease, (8) intestinal injury, (6) cerebral volume loss, (9) and evidence suggests that the surgical and anesthesia effects of
congestive heart failure. (10) Although associated with higher PDA ligation contribute to adverse postoperative cardiopul-
mortality and morbidity, a PDA may not be causative. (11) monary sequalae. (22) In fact, surgical ligation of the PDA
In the absence of robust evidence, treatment of a PDA may be an independent risk factor for motor impairment,
remains a subject of great debate in the neonatal commu- developmental delay, and moderate-to-severe functional
nity. (5)(11)(12) Most health care practitioners would agree disability. (22)(23) These observations have led to declining
that a PDA should be closed before age 1 to 2 years if rates of surgical PDA ligations across US centers. (18)

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Risks of traditional therapies (drug therapy, surgical liga- stenosis of the left pulmonary artery and/or descending
tion) have led to interest in conservative (nonintervention) aorta were higher among very-low-weight infants than in
approaches in the management of PDAs. (24) Although their more mature counterparts. (35) To mitigate these
conservative management remains poorly defined, including complications, a multidisciplinary panel of pediatric inter-
evidence regarding the effectiveness of fluid restriction, ventional cardiologists, pediatric cardiologists, and neona-
diuretic therapy, and positive pressure ventilation, these treat- tologists convened at an international symposium multiple
ments are often used to reduce symptoms from PDAs and to times over 2 years with a goal of reducing risk profiles
provide time for a ductus to close spontaneously. (4) Using among very preterm infants. (36)(37) Based on consensus,
conservative treatment, approximately one-third of premature these experts called on the need for 1) the development of
infants undergo spontaneous PDA closure by 8 days after birth. and access to novel devices designed to address the unique
(4) Moreover, longer-term use of conservative therapy over the ductal morphologies of very-low-weight infants; and 2) pro-
first 165 days of age results in PDA closure in 73% of pre- cedural modifications to mitigate procedural risks, with an
mature infants. (25) The potential for spontaneous closure, emphasis on limiting vascular compromise.
coupled with a paucity of data on improved outcomes after
ductal treatment, have led to growing acceptance of conser- Novel Devices
vative treatment among health care practitioners. (18)(26) On January 11, 2019, the US Food and Drug Administration
However, evidence on rates and timing of spontaneous approved the Amplatzer PiccoloTM Occluder (Abbott Diag-
closure of PDAs are largely derived from single-center studies nostics, North Chicago, IL) for percutaneous PDA closure in
without longer-term follow-up, wherein the risks associated preterm infants weighing 700 g or more. The Amplatzer
with prolonged exposure to PDAs remain poorly character- PiccoloTM Occluder was designed to address the unique
ized. (27) In fact, some evidence suggests that the duration of ductal morphologies of very premature infants, which are
PDA exposure is an important predictor of chronic lung commonly described as long and tubular without significant
disease and/or death. (28) Thus, conservative treatment stenosis and similar to the ductus arteriosus seen during fetal
may be a useful adjunct to avoid a potentially unnecessary life (type F). (38) Recent completion of a US multicenter,
intervention in an appreciable number of infants, but the single-arm study (ADO-II AS TRIAL; NCT03055858) using
question remains as to what clinicians should do when a the Amplatzer PiccoloTM Occluder showed that among 100
PDA fails to close after a period of conservative treatment. infants of less than 2 kg weight at the time of the procedure,
procedural success (defined as successful placement of the
device within the PDA) was 99% (99/100); rates of clinically
significant adverse events were 2% (2/100), including no
evidence of vascular compromise or device-related stenosis.
Advances in interventional pediatric cardiology have led to the (39)(40) Although a comparative study of the benefits and
development of an alternative, nonsurgical technique to close risks of various PDA closure devices has not been performed,
PDAs definitively. (29) Percutaneous closure of the ductus is most clinicians are now using the Amplatzer PiccoloTM
among the safest of interventional cardiac procedures and is Occluder for percutaneous PDA closure among very-low-
considered the procedure of choice for PDA closure outside the weight infants (Fig 1A). In fact, over the past 2 years, among
neonatal period. (30) Over the past decade, evidence on the 233 very-low-weight infants undergoing percutaneous device
feasibility, safety, and efficacy of the procedure in older and closure, the Amplatzer PiccoloTM Occluder was used in
more mature neonates has emerged. (31) Not surprisingly, this slightly less than two-thirds (142, 61%) of cases (Fig 1B).
has led to growing interest on applicability of the procedure
among smaller infants and more premature infants. (32)(33) In Procedural Modifications
some centers, percutaneous PDA closure has replaced open Traditionally, vascular access was obtained via both arterial and
surgical ligation as the treatment of choice for definitive ductal venous routes to collect images of the PDA. (34) Risk of
closure. (29)(34) vascular compromise (arterial thrombus, need for systemic
anticoagulation), particularly among very-low-weight infants,
led clinicians to encourage the following procedural modifica-
tions to improve the safety profile of the procedure: 1) avoid-
Before recent device and procedural modifications were ance of arterial catheters and retrograde device delivery; and 2)
made, rates of procedural complications, including vascular reliance on transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) guidance for
compromise (arterial thrombosis) and device-related device placement, rather than traditional aortograms. (41)

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expansion. Using the modified Seldinger technique, a 4
French short sheath is placed in the femoral vein; the
femoral artery is not accessed. While flushing the sheath,
baseline laboratory parameters (hemoglobin, venous blood
gas, and activated clotting time) are obtained. Preprocedural
imaging includes TTE with 2-dimensional imaging and
color and spectral Doppler, with an emphasis on defining
ductal morphology and characterizing the relationship of
the PDA to the left pulmonary artery and descending aorta.
Unless contraindicated, infants are administered 1 prepro-
cedural dose of an antibiotic (cefazolin 25 mg/kg).

A catheter is advanced under fluoroscopic guidance through
the sheath, up the inferior vena cava, and into the right
atrium and right ventricle. Use of a balloon-tipped end hole
catheter to ensure that the catheter crosses through the
center of the tricuspid valve, and not through its chordae, is
recommended to avoid potential injury to the tricuspid
value. Once in the right ventricle, a soft, floppy-tipped wire
is advanced through the catheter and across the pulmonary
valve into the main pulmonary artery, across the PDA, and
into the descending aorta. At this point, the catheter in the
right ventricle is removed over the wire, and a delivery
catheter is advanced over the wire through the venous
sheath into the PDA and descending aorta (Fig 2A).(42)
A small hand injection of diluted contrast can be performed
under fluoroscopy, to get an image of the PDA, descending
aorta, and pulmonary arteries. Specific measurements of the
PDA, with attention to maximal diameter, narrowest diam-
eter, and length, inform decisions on device selection.
The device is flushed and back-loaded into the delivery
Figure 1. Pie charts showing implant use reported in infants less than or
equal to 1.5 kg at the time of procedure from 2009 to 2019 (A) and 2017 catheter that is across the PDA. The device is advanced to the
to 2019 (B). AVP II¼AmplatzerTM Vascular Plug 2; AVP IV¼AmplatzerTM tip of the catheter and deployed under fluoroscopic and TTE
Vascular Plug 4; MVP¼Medtronic Micro Vascular Plug;
Piccolo¼Amplatzer PiccoloTM Occluder. guidance within the PDA (Fig 2B), with careful attention to
avoid device protrusion into the aorta or pulmonary artery
(Fig 2C). Before release from the delivery cable, the descend-
ing aorta and left pulmonary artery are carefully evaluated
with TTE and compared with the preprocedural images. If
Preprocedure vascular stenosis related to the device is observed, the device
In most cases, the infant is transported from the NICU to is recaptured and either repositioned or removed and
the catheterization laboratory. Before the infant’s arrival, the exchanged for another device of a different size. If the
ambient temperature in the catheterization laboratory is device-related stenosis persists after repeated attempt(s),
raised to 24°C to 25°C. In optimal circumstances, a dedi- the procedure is aborted and, based on preprocedural
cated pediatric cardiac anesthesia team provides sedation discussions, the medical team and family may decide to
and airway management. Consensus on best anesthesia pursue surgical ligation. In our experience, and consistent
practices is lacking, but options for anesthesia are provided with national-level data, percutaneous closure is feasible in
in Table 1. Once anesthesia is optimized, a fluoroscopic more than 98% of cases. (39) When satisfied with device
assessment of the chest is performed to ensure appropriate position, device stability, and descending aorta and left
positioning of the endotracheal tube and evaluate lung pulmonary artery flow, the device is released from the

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TABLE 1. Anesthesia for Percutaneous Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure
Among Very-Low-Weight Infants

Preprocedure Anesthesia Induction

Intravenous Propofol (1–2 mg/kg) OR
Midazolam (0.1–0.2 mg/kg) OR
Ketamine (1–2 mg/kg)
þ/- Fentanyl (2–4 mg/kg)
Neuromuscular blockade. (optional) Rocuronium (0.6–1.0 mg/kg)
Vecuronium (0.1–0.2 mg/kg)
Succinylcholine (1–2 mg/kg)
Maintenance Anesthesia (Intraprocedure)
Inhalation Isoflurane (volatile agent) titrated to clinical
need and hemodynamic stability
þ/- Fentanyl (2–10 mg/kg)
Neuromuscular blockade Rocuronium (0.6–1.0 mg/kg)
Vecuronium (0.1–0.2 mg/kg)
Postprocedure Recovery
Neuromuscular blockade reversal Neostigmine (0.04–0.08 mg/kg)
Sugammadex (0.4–0.6 mg/kg

delivery cable (Fig 2D). At this point, TTE assessment is prophylaxis is recommended for 6 months after the pro-
repeated. The delivery catheter and sheath within the fem- cedure. (45)
oral vein are removed, and hemostasis is achieved with
gentle manual pressure over the access site.

Immediate Postprocedure
Following hemostasis, the patient is transported back to the
NICU. In the NICU, regular assessment (every 4–6 hours) of
the vascular access site is performed after the procedure, with
the infant supine. Unless contraindicated, infants are admin-
istered 2 postprocedural doses of antibiotics (cefazolin 25
mg/kg). Within 24 hours of the procedure, chest radiography
and TTE are performed, with attention to: 1) device position,
residual shunting (if any), left pulmonary artery, and descend-
ing aorta flow patterns; 2) ventricular function, to assess for
evidence of post–PDA closure cardiac syndrome; and 3)
tricuspid valve function, to evaluate for evidence of tricuspid
regurgitation not observed on preprocedural imaging.

Long-term Considerations
Optimal timing for device surveillance remains unknown. If
not observed on the initial postprocedure TTE, the risk of
device-related stenosis is low. (43) Routine follow-up (phys-
ical examination, TTE) during the first 2 to 3 years after
the procedure is prudent. Over time, consistent with late
Figure 2. Procedural steps for percutaneous delivery of occlusive
endothelization, the device becomes embedded with ma- devices for patent ductus arteriosus closure. (33)(42) Originally
published in Backes, Giesinger, Rivera et al. Percutaneous Closure of the
ture, fibrous connective tissue. (44) In addition, based Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very Low Weight Infants. Journal of
on American Heart Association guidelines, endocarditis Pediatrics. 2019;213:219. Mandy Root-Thompson, Medical Illustrator.

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time of procedure were included, when possible. Exclusion
TABLE 2. PubMed/Medline Search Strategy criteria were single case reports or multiple case reports in
Terms and Combinations (1/2009– which only a single case would qualify. Data collected from
12/2019) selected articles included numbers of infants meeting in-
clusion criteria; age at the time of procedure (days, weeks);
Patent ductus arteriosus AND congenital AND catheter
OR PDA infant weight at the time of procedure (in kilograms); type of
newborn percutaneous implant used for PDA closure; number and severity of
preterm adverse events; duration of procedure; duration of fluoro-
premature transcatheter
scopic imaging; type of anesthesia used; and duration of
anesthesia exposure.
RISKS OF PERCUTANEOUS CLOSURE AMONG VERY- Clinically significant adverse events (eg, embolization,
LOW-WEIGHT INFANTS arterial thrombosis, requirements for unplanned surgery,
death) (46) were recorded and assessed independently by 2
To examine the risk profile of the procedure among very
authors (B.K.R., C.H.B.); disagreements on the assignment
preterm infants, we conducted a literature search using of adverse events were resolved by consultation with a
PubMed/Medline databases. Combinations of the relevant different author (C.L.C.). Only adverse events adjudicated
medical subject heading terms, key words, and word vari- as probable, probable/likely, or certain were included (Fig 3).
ants are shown in Table 2. PubMed/Medline was searched Characteristics of the studies included are summarized
electronically on October 1, 2019, and then updated on in Table 3. (29)(33)(37)(47)(48)(49)(50)(51)(52)(53)(54)(55)(56)(57)
December 1, 2019. To provide a contemporary risk assess- (58)(59)(60) The available evidence suggests that the low rates of
ment, the search was limited to reports published from clinically significant adverse events among very preterm infants
January 2009 to February 2019. The reference lists of undergoing percutaneous closure are encouraging. However,
relevant articles and reviews were searched by hand for the studies included are largely limited to retrospective and
additional studies. Studies were included if infants had single-center experiences, lack comparator groups, and are
mean or median weights at the time of procedure of less devoid of longer-term follow-up beyond initial hospitalization.
than or equal to 1.5 kg. In studies reporting infant mean/ Thus, although the present data point to percutaneous closure
median weights greater than or equal to 1.5 kg, individual among lower-weight infants being safe, questions on clinical
patient-level data on infants less than or equal to 1.5 kg at the effectiveness remain unanswered.

Figure 3. Forest plot showing pooled incidence of reported clinically significant adverse events in percutaneous patent ductus arteriosus closure
among infants of less than or equal to 1.5 kg weight at the time of the procedure. * Studies report overlapping cohorts; for the purposes of meta-
analysis, the overlapping cases were counted only once to avoid bias and skewing of the results. HCI¼high level of 95% confidence interval; LCI¼low
level of 95% confidence interval; Prev¼prevalence.

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TABLE 3. Articles Included in the Meta-analysis (1/2009–12/2019)

Malekzadeh-Milani et al (47) 80 22–8 daysa 0.9–0.1a GA Piccolo, MVP

Serrano et al (48) 10 42–11 days 1.2–0.2 -- MVP
Sathanandam et al (29) 65 — (0.6–1.5)b GA Piccolo, MVP
Morville et al (49), Morville and 24 21–10 days 1.1 – 0.2 Midazolam, ketamine Piccolo, MVP
Akhavi (50)c
Rodriguez Ogando et al (51)(52)c 22 — 1.2 – 0.1d — Piccolo
Sathanandam et al (53) 11 4–1 weeks 1.1–0.2 — MVP
Narin et al (54), Pamokcu et al 22 20.4–8.1 days 1.13–0.3 Midazolam, ketamine Piccolo
(55), Narin et al (56)c
Zahn et al (33)c (57) 16 24.3–9.5 days 1.07 – 0.19 — AVP II
Philip et al (37) 14 6 (4–16) weeks 1.6 (1.1–2.5) — AVP II, AVP IV
Baspinar et al (58) 7 18–5 days 1.4–0.2 — Piccolo
Sungur et al (59) 2 0.6–0.2 months 1.4–0.2 — Piccolo
Francis et al (60) 7 5.3–2.6 weeks 1.1–0.1 Midazolam, ketamine Cook Coils

The mean age and weight at time of procedure were calculated for eligible cases, when known (using patient-level data) or the overall reported mean – SD,
median (range). AVP II: AmplatzerTM Vascular Plug 2; AVP IV: AmplatzerTM Vascular Plug 4; GA¼general anesthesia, not otherwise specified; MVP: Medtronic
Microvascular Plug; — ¼ not reported or not available; Piccolo: Amplatzer PiccoloTM Occluder (previously referred to in cited literature as ADO-II AS:
AmplatzerTM Ductal Occluder II Additional Sizes).
For infants in the <1 kg subgroup; infants in 1–2 kg subgroup were also included as mean weight £1.5 kg, however, patient-level data were not available.
Only range reported.
Articles with overlapping cases; nonoverlapping cases meeting criteria were included, and overlapping cases were counted only once.
Calculated for reported weights only (n¼20).

CURRENT GAPS IN THE UNDERSTANDING OF improves outcomes. To date, only 4 procedural trials of
PERCUTANEOUS PDA CLOSURE AMONG LOWER- closure (interventional) versus nonclosure of the ductus have
WEIGHT INFANTS been conducted, all of which evaluated open surgical ligation
rather than percutaneous closure. (61)(62)(63)(64)(65)(66)
Percutaneous PDA closure has emerged as a viable treatment
Moreover, the extensive and ongoing evolution in neonatal
option for definitive closure among very preterm and very-
intensive care raises questions about the applicability of
low-weight infants. In view of the increasing numbers of
previous studies on PDA closure in contemporary practice.
percutaneous closures, the neonatal community is now
tasked with defining research goals and priorities for this While prospective trials comparing PDA closure (percutane-
novel procedure in this vulnerable subgroup of infants. ous) versus conservative treatment are clearly needed to
Recent device and procedural modifications have provided inform the practice of evidence-based medicine, concerns
an acceptable safety profile for percutaneous closure in single- regarding a lack of physician equipoise for enrollment of very
arm studies, but the effectiveness in improving short- and preterm infants into randomized controlled trials remains.
longer-term clinical outcomes has never been evaluated via (67) Therefore, strategies to optimize informed consent and
randomized clinical trials. In the absence of prospective, recruitment strategies will be essential. (68)
comparative studies, health care practitioners are unable to Traditionally, clinical trials of PDA treatment were con-
weigh the risks of percutaneous closure versus those of ducted without attention to the heterogeneity in clinical and
alternative treatments, including conservative management. echocardiographic markers of ductal patency. In contrast to
Historically, trials of infants with PDA have been focused infants with small (<1.5 mm) PDAs without clinical sequa-
on the most expeditious way to close the ductus, rather than lae, some infants have large (‡1.5 mm) PDAs with echocar-
the more fundamental question of whether closing the ductus diographic signs of hemodynamic significance, including

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Percutaneous Closure of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very-Low-Weight
Danielle Scerbo, Clifford L. Cua, Brian K. Rivera, Laura C. Marzec, Charles V.
Smith, Jonathan L. Slaughter, Darren P. Berman and Carl H. Backes
NeoReviews 2020;21;e469
DOI: 10.1542/neo.21-7-e469

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Percutaneous Closure of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very-Low-Weight
Danielle Scerbo, Clifford L. Cua, Brian K. Rivera, Laura C. Marzec, Charles V.
Smith, Jonathan L. Slaughter, Darren P. Berman and Carl H. Backes
NeoReviews 2020;21;e469
DOI: 10.1542/neo.21-7-e469

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