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In Applications and Science in Soft Computing, A. Lotfi & J.Garibaldi (eds.

Advances in Soft Computing Series, Springer 2003, pp 3–8.

A Recurrent Self-Organizing Map for Temporal

Sequence Processing

T. A. McQueen, A. A. Hopgood, J. A. Tepper and T. J. Allen

Department of Computing & Mathematics, The Nottingham Trent University,

Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU, United Kingdom

Abstract. We present a novel approach to unsupervised temporal sequence proc-

essing in the form of an unsupervised, recurrent neural network based on a self-
organizing map (SOM). A standard SOM clusters each input vector irrespective of
context, whereas the recurrent SOM presented here clusters each input based on
an input vector and a context vector. The latter acts as a recurrent conduit feeding
back a 2-D representation of the previous winning neuron. This recurrency allows
the network to operate on temporal sequence processing tasks. The network has
been applied to the difficult natural language processing problem of position vari-
ant recognition, e.g. recognising a noun phrase regardless of its position within a

1 Introduction

Temporal sequence processing (TSP) is an increasingly important field for neural

networks, with applications ranging from weather forecasting to speech recogni-
tion [1]. TSP involves the processing of signals that vary over time. Problems such
as predicting the weather generally cannot be solved by just examining a set of
current inputs from the dynamic system in question, e.g. a satellite image showing
today’s cloud cover. Rather, any prediction must be based on the current input in
the context of a number of previous inputs, e.g. a satellite image for today along
with satellite images from the previous five days, showing how the weather has
changed so far over the week.
Neural network models for TSP outperform alternative methods, such as
NARMAX [9], mainly due to their ability to learn and generalize when operating
on large amounts of data [9]. Supervised learning is usually used to solve TSP
problems, i.e. the recurrent neural network must be explicitly trained by providing
a desired target signal for each training exemplar. Current supervised learning
methods are computationally inefficient [8] and are unable to solve certain types
of problems [6].
A number of unsupervised neural networks for TSP have been proposed [6],
mostly based on the self-organizing map (SOM) [5]. These models use a variety of
4 T. A. McQueen, A. A. Hopgood, J. A. Tepper and T. J. Allen

external and internal memory mechanisms to capture information concerning past

inputs, e.g. tapped delay lines and leaky integrators. Unsupervised learning has
advantages over equivalent supervised techniques in that it makes fewer assump-
tions about the data it processes, being driven solely by the principles of self-
organization, as opposed to an external target signal.
We present a novel, unsupervised, recurrent neural network based on a SOM to
identify temporal sequences that occur in natural language, such as syntactic
groupings. The network uses both an input vector and a context vector, the latter
of which provides a 2-D representation of the previous winning neuron. The pro-
posed network is applied to the difficult natural language processing (NLP) prob-
lem of position variant recognition, e.g. recognizing a noun phrase regardless of
its position within a sentence.

2 Architecture and algorithm

The network has a 28-bit input vector that provides a binary representation of the
input tag being processed. In addition to this input vector, the network also uses a
second context vector. The size of this context vector can be varied depending on
the size of the network, but in experiments detailed below the context vector was
set to 10 bits (Fig. 1). Both the input and the context vector are used in the Euclid-
ean distance calculation to determine the winning neuron in a similar manner to a
standard SOM.
The context vector represents the previous winning neuron using a 10-bit coor-
dinate vector. The most significant five bits of this vector (i.e. the five bits on the
left) represent the binary number of the winning neuron’s column, while the least
significant five bits (i.e. five bits on the right) represent the binary number of the
winning neuron’s row.
This approach is an efficient method of coordinate representation that provides
the network with a 2-D view of spatial context. It is an improvement over an ini-
tial approach, which represented the previous winning neuron using only a binary
representation of its number within the SOM. Such a representation prevented the
network from seeing similarities between neighboring neurons in adjacent col-
umns. For example, neuron 20 and neuron 40 are neighbors on the SOM shown
above and will therefore be representative of similar patterns. However, the binary
representation of the numbers 20 (i.e. 010100) and 40 (i.e. 101000) are dissimilar.
Thus similar input patterns may result in dissimilar context causing similar se-
quences to be clustered to significantly different regions of the SOM. It is envis-
aged that this would reduce the network’s ability to generalize.
A Recurrent Self-Organizing Map for Temporal Sequence Processing 5

0000000000000000101111100000 1001010100

28-bit Input vector for 10-bit Context vector for

winning neuron winning neuron
Fig. 1 Network showing recurrent feedback

The coordinate system of context representation solves this problem by effec-

tively providing the network with a 2-D view of winning neurons. In the example
given above, neuron 20 would be represented as 0000110100, while neuron 40
would be represented as 0001010100. (Note that only two bits are different in this
example as opposed to four bits in the example above).
As with the standard SOM, the recurrent SOM presented here uses a
neighborhood function to update the weights of neurons in a region around the
winning neuron. Both the weight vector and the context vector of neighboring
neurons are moved towards those of the respective input and context vectors. The
network uses a Gaussian neighborhood function to calculate the learning rate that
will be applied to these neurons. This function allows immediately neighboring
neurons to experience similar weight changes to those of the winning neuron,
while distant neurons experience minimal weight changes. However, in order to
improve computational efficiency, the neighborhood function uses a cut-off value,
beyond which neurons do not take part in weight updates at all.

3 Experiments

Initially, the new network is being applied to a corpus-based natural language

task (Fig. 2) using the Lancaster Parsed Corpus (LPC) [7]. At present, the main
objective of the research is to identify coarse phrase boundaries (e.g. noun phrases
or verb phrases with little or no embedding) that may emerge on the topological
map from exposure to linear sequences of words (sentences) that have been pre-
6 T. A. McQueen, A. A. Hopgood, J. A. Tepper and T. J. Allen

tagged with symbols denoting the word’s part-of-speech (e.g. noun, adjective,
verb etc) [2].
A network with an output layer of 20 × 20 neurons was trained in two phases,
following Kohonen’s research on training SOMs [3]. The first convergence phase
consisted of 1000 epochs, in which the learning rate was linearly reduced from an
initial value of 0.1, but was not allowed to fall below 0.01. This was followed by a
second fine-tuning phase in which a learning rate of 0.01 was applied for 2500 ep-
ochs. While the number of epochs in the first phase conforms with Kohonen’s re-
search [3], the number of epochs in phase two is considerably smaller than the
number suggested. At this initial stage in the research, this reduction is necessary
due to time and computational constraints. However, experimental analysis has
not shown a significant reduction in the quality of results when training times in
phase two are reduced.
A sample of 654 sentences from the LPC [7] were presented to the network.
Presentation occurred in random order to improve training efficiency and to pre-
vent the weights from becoming stuck during the low neighborhood value in phase
two. The context vector is set to zero between each sentence to prevent contextual
information from previous sentences interfering with subsequent sentences.

Fig. 2 – Screenshot from the current network. The raised, coloured polygons
represent winning neurons for the sentence of tags presented to the net-

4 Results

The preliminary results are encouraging, as they show that word tags are being
clustered in locations consistent with their context. The results in Figs. 3–5 show
three simple artificially constructed sentences of varying tense. Despite these
variations in tense, each exhibits a similar trace pattern over the map. We refer to
these traces as signatures.
A Recurrent Self-Organizing Map for Temporal Sequence Processing 7

Fig. 6 shows two simple noun phrases with and without a preposition. While
both sentences show similar signatures for the noun phrase, the effect of the
preposition can clearly be seen to alter the signature of the second phrase.
It is hoped that further analysis will reveal the extent to which the network can
exploit the context and show what kind of temporal syntactic patterns the network
can find in input sequences. A major benefit of finding such patterns in an unsu-
pervised manner is that, unlike supervised techniques, there is no dependency on
manually annotated corpora, which are not widely available due to the high costs
associated with manually annotating raw language data. In fact it is envisaged that,
should the unsupervised system prove successful in extracting syntactic structure,
it would serve as an automatic syntactic annotation system thus reducing the need
and cost of manual annotation.

Fig. 3 – Signature for sen- Fig. 4 – Signature for sen-

tence:“she goes down the stairs” tence: “she went down the

Fig. 5 – Signature for sen- Fig. 6 – The home

tence:“she is going down the Noun phrase
stairs” with and
without In the home
8 T. A. McQueen, A. A. Hopgood, J. A. Tepper and T. J. Allen

5 Conclusions and future work

We have presented a novel recurrent SOM and applied it to the problem of posi-
tion-variant recognition. We have shown that the network forms signatures in re-
sponse to temporal sequences present in the inputs.
In addition to the natural language task, research is also being conducted into
enhancing the recurrent SOM using lateral connections and a temporal Hebbian
learning [4] mechanism. The purpose of such a mechanism is to attempt to control
the recurrency, allowing feedback to occur only when the winning neurons, whose
representations are to be fed-back, are stable. This temporal Hebbian learning
mechanism has been used in a previous experimental neural network and it is
hoped that it will reduce the SOM’s training time.
In the next phase of this investigation, hierarchical clustering methods based
on temporal SOMs will be developed to obtain finer-grained syntactic groupings.
Future work will focus on the context representation that is fed back. The repre-
sentation may be enlarged to give more emphasis to the context vector than the in-
put vector, and it may also be optimized using genetic algorithms. Further experi-
ments will be performed in the domain of natural language processing;
specifically the network will be used to attempt to detect phrase boundaries. Addi-
tionally, if the network proves successful, it may also be used in a number of other
areas including computer virus detection, speech recognition and image analysis.
On a wider scale, the recurrent SOM could be used as the core of a temporal
neural processing system. For example, the recurrent SOM clusters patterns based
on input featural similarities whilst a supervised neural network uses these re-
duced representations to perform a mapping to a corresponding set of desired out-


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[2] Garside R, Leech G and Varadi T (1987) Manual of information to accompany the
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[3] Haykin S (1999) Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Prentice Hall
[4] Hebb D (1949) The Organization of behaviour, John Wiley
[5] Kohonen T (1984) Self-Organization and Associative Memory, Springer-Verlag
[6] Mozer M (1994) Neural net architectures for temporal sequence processing,
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[7] Tepper J, Powell H and Palmer-Brown D (2002) A corpus-based connectionist archi-
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