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Lesson 2.



MANAGEMENT. It refers to the skillful use of means to accomplish a purpose.

OPERATION. Pertains to a course or series of acts to affect a certain purpose; manner of action; or a vital or
natural process of activity

SHOULDER. It refers to either side of the roadway, especially along highways.

TRAFFIC. It refers to the movement of persons, goods, or vehicles, either powered by combustion system or
animal drawn, from one place to another for the purpose of travel. (Early 16 th century. Via obsolete French trafique
from Old Italian traffico, from trafficare “to carry on trade”, of uncertain origin.)

TRAFFIC WAY. Refers to the entire width between boundary lines of every way or place of which any part is
open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic as a matter of right or custom.

Why Traffic Management is necessary?

With the advent of science and technology, new and modernized traffic facilities are introduced. However, despite
of these modernizations, traffic congestion persists to exist. The only way to at least cope up with the prevailing
traffic related problems is a coordinated traffic management. Traffic management is therefore designed to make the
traffic way safer for travelers, expedite the movement of traffic, and to provide convenience to the traffic facilities’


Based on the studies conducted by authorities.

1. Physical Inadequacy – this is characterized by lack of roads, narrow bridges, railroad crossings, lack of
traffic facilities, etc.
2. Poor Control Measures – this is characterized by ineffective mechanical control devices, inefficient traffic
officers, and poor implementation of traffic laws, rules and regulations.
3. Human Errors – many traffic congestions are caused by slow drivers or poor driving habits, pedestrian
mistakes, officers’ errors, poor planning, poor legislation; and traffic accidents which are mostly attributed
to human errors.
4. Poor Maintenance – oftentimes motor vehicles are stalled in traffic ways because of unrepaired diggings,
cracks on road pavement or unfinished road pavement concreting. This can be attributed to inappropriate
budget for the maintenance of the traffic facilities. On the other hand, police should also report lights out,
damage portion of the traffic way to expedite the action from the concerned government offices.


In connection with the above stated causes of congestion, authorities conceived that a systematic and effective traffic
management is needed which includes but not limited to the following:

1. All public surface facilities traversing and parking and all types of conveyances for the movement of
persons and things.
2. All agencies having responsibilities for ascertaining traffic flow requirements, planning, approving,
funding, construction and/or maintaining these public facilities for such movements.
3. All agencies responsible for licensing, approving, restricting, stopping, prohibiting or controlling the use of
these facilities.


For a successful traffic management, specific roles and responsibilities are vested on the following:

1. Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC). The DOTC through the Land
Transportation Office (LTO) is responsible for the implementation of the Land Transportation Code of The
Philippines (RA 4136) particularly on the issuance of driver’s licenses, registration of motor vehicles,
approval of franchises for public conveyances (through Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory
Board (LTFRB)), and conducting traffic safety seminars.
2. City or Municipal Engineers’ Office. In the local level, these offices are responsible for the planning,
construction and maintenance of traffic facilities within their respective locality.
3. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). This is the main executive department which is
responsible for the planning, construction and maintenance of traffic facilities particularly those categorized
as national highways and other major road arteries.
4. Legislative (Congress/City or Municipal Boards). The legislative bodies are not only responsible for the
passing or amendment of laws concerning traffic but also, they are involved in the planning and approval of
government projects.
5. Philippine National Police (PNP). The PNP through its Traffic Management Group (PNP-TMG) is
responsible primarily for the direct enforcement of traffic laws, rules and regulations. They also perform
other functions such as conducting of information dissemination campaign, submitting traffic scheme
proposals, and other functions as the need arises.
6. Academic Institution. Schools, both public and private, are responsible for the basic traffic education by
integrating in their respective programs and curriculum subjects or topics on traffic safety.
7. Courts. The courts are responsible for the adjudication of traffic-related cases files before them.
8. Public Information Offices. The government through the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) provides
the necessary updated information to the public by creating traffic safety campaigns and other activities
relating to traffic.
9. Citizen Support Groups. The private institutions or organizations also help in the prevention of traffic
congestion by assisting government offices in various activities particularly during special occasions and
holidays where traffic problem is likely to happen.
10. Media. Government and privately-owned publications and radio and television broadcasting companies
provide necessary and updated traffic-related information to the public through their respective programs.
11. Other agencies which are in one way or another help in the easing of traffic-related problems.

With the preceding accounts, a successful traffic management is not the sole responsibility of the government but
rather a concerted effort between the government and private organizations.


A. Pillars of Traffic. For a clearer understanding of the various areas of traffic management, the following
pillars are conceived.
1. Traffic Engineering. It is the science of measuring traffic and travel the study of the basic laws relative to the
traffic law and generation; the application of this knowledge to the professional practice of planning, deciding and
operating traffic system to achieve safe and efficient transportation of persons and goods

a. Functions of Traffic Engineering:

1. Fact-finding, surveys and recommendations of traffic and regulations;

2. Supervisions and maintenance to the application of traffic control devices; and

3. Planning of traffic regulations.

b. Agencies and/or offices under Traffic Engineering:

1) DPWH. Its scope is national which includes the responsibility for determining traffic law, pattern, draw
origin, and destinations, studies of persons and things, planning, approving, funding and construction of:
a. National Roads which interconnect cities and municipalities; network of national roads through
cities and municipalities; and
b. Yearly maintenance and repair programs which include widening and re-designing of current road
1) Provincial Government. These local government units have similar responsibilities which
the DPWH but limited to traffic facilities in the municipalities within the province.
2) Municipal Governments. Their responsibilities are similar to the provincial government
but limited to the network of streets and roads within barangays.
3) Chartered Cities. Their responsibilities are similar to that of the municipal government
but limited to the network of streets and roads within the cities.
2) Objectives of Traffic Engineering

1. To achieve efficient, free and rapid flow traffic.

2. To prevent traffic accident.

3. To simplify police enforcement actions and performance.

4. To show that the good police actions and performance makes engineering plans effective.

5. To present the close relationship of the pillars of traffic in the improvement of traffic problems.

3) When and where the Objectives of Traffic Engineering are applied?

1) Habitually congested commercial areas.

2) Heavily traveled thoroughfares.

3) Congested local areas and intersections.

4) During special occasions and events.

5) During disasters or emergencies.

6) At school crossings.

e. Methods of Achieving the Objectives of Traffic Engineering

1. Planning and Geometric Design-Factor Employed in planning.
a. Composition of traffic streams.
b. Traffic volumes for capacity.
c. Origin and destination.

2. Factors Influence Design

a. Composition of traffic.
b. Volume of traffic.
c. Speed of vehicles.
d. The starting, turning and stopping abilities of traffic units.
e. Performance values of road users.

2. Regulation and Control-Traffic Regulations

a. Based and confined within the boundaries of safety, public welfare and convenience.
b. Limitations imposed on road users and their load.
c. Basic general rule of road and conduct.
d. Prohibition and Restrictions.

1. Traffic Education. It is the process of giving training and practice in the actual application of traffic safety
knowledge. The following are the agencies and offices responsible for traffic education:
a. Schools (Public and Private). Traffic education can be carried out by imparting knowledge concerning
traffic safety, training and practice in the actual application of traffic safety and developing traffic
safety morality.
1) Elementary. In this level, traffic education is focused on safety and guides stressing traffic safety,
classrooms discussions of accidents, incidents and safety rules, organizing safety patrols.
2) Secondary. Traffic education for high schools students is geared towards school safety
3) Higher Education. Some colleges and universities offer and conduct courses regarding traffic
safety subjects.
b. Public Information Programs. The public should be informed on all activities affecting the citizens
and the community relating to traffic (dissemination of information). This can be done through the
public information agency, newspapers, radio and television broadcasting networks and other forms of
c. Control Support Groups. These are mostly composed by voluntary non-government organizations
(NGOs), radio communication groups, rotary organizations and other voluntary clubs. These
organizations usually develop citizen’s responsibilities, conduct organized educational campaign,
instill awareness of the traffic problems, and provide information regarding major traffic requirements.

2. Traffic Enforcement. This field deals mostly on the implementation and enforcement of traffic laws and
rules and regulations. The following are the various agencies/offices that are involved in enforcement of
traffic laws:
a. Land Transportation Office (LTO). This office id responsible for the following:
1) Vehicle registration
2) Vehicle inspections
3) Drivers licensing (examinations, suspensions and revocations)

b. Legislative Bodies. Included are the Senate, Congress, Provincial Boards, City and Municipal
Council. They are responsible for the passing and/or amending of laws and/or ordinances.
c. Police Traffic Enforcement. This pillar is not limited to the PNP-TMG but it includes all government
personnel who are duly authorized for the direct enforcement of traffic laws such as:
1) The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) for National Capital Region
2) Police Auxiliaries
3) LTO Flying Squad

3. Traffic Ecology or Traffic Environment. This pillar is very recent which includes the study of potentially
disastrous population explosions, changes in urban environment due to the scale and density of new urban
concentration and new activities carried out, air pollution, water pollution and crowding, especially
transportation congestion which results therein.
A. What are the environmental effects of the urbanization of transportation? Any decision in modernizing
the transportation system consider the following environment effects:

1. Noise. The ill effect of noise is one of the major considerations in the evaluation of the
consequences of traffic urbanization to the environment. The level of noise inside and outside a
dwelling is an important indicator of the quality of life. The exact influence of traffic noise on human
behavior is not well understood. It is known that continued exposure to noise level beyond 80 (dBA –
decibel annually) causes loss of hearing. Average background noise:
a. Typical home – 40 to 50 dB;
b. Heavy trucks – 90 dB at 15m/ft;
c. Freight trains – 75 dB at 15m/ft;
d. Air conditioning – 60 dB at 6m/ft.

2. Vibration. Effect can be severe, particularly when there are heavy trucks and when the building is
old. While there are subjective costs from experiencing vibration, a minimum cost of damage or
prevention can be established from experience and experiment.

3. Air Pollution. It is one of the more difficult problems because of the complexity of the issues
involved. The effects of the pollution are also strongly affected by the meteorological and even micro-

4. Dirt. There are foul and filthy substances related to motor vehicle use such as empty can of oils,
grease materials, etc.

5. Visual Instruction. This can be positive as well as negative effects. If a motor way bolts out an
unsightly prison or railway yard, it may have positive benefits. On the other hand, the appearance of an
elevated expressways or railways above a neighborhood is one of the aspects most frequently
complained of. In general, visual intrusion can be avoided by putting a highway or railway at grade or
in a cutting. In many cases, there may be cheaper solution.

6. Loss Privacy. Loss privacy from drivers and other being able to look at one’s house and garden
frequently disliked environment effect. Walls and earthworks would prevent this, while at the same
time reducing noise.

7. Changes in Amount of Light. It is easier up to a point because part of the disadvantages can be
valued in term of additional lighting costs of those affected. But, there is probably a psychological
element also which it would not be easy or perhaps necessary, disentangle where relevant from the last
two items.

8. Neighborhood Severance, both physical and sociological. This can partly quantified in terms of
change travel time and cost, and accident experience to pedestrians and traffic.
9. Relocation. There must be programs that are designed to cover compensation for those who relocate
as a consequences of transport investment, whether property owner or tenants. The people relocated
will tend to be decentralized as well as those sufficiently affected by the environment consequences to
refer to move.

10. Distraction during planning and construction. In some cases, benefits offset the distraction
cost, which are experienced by people during construction of new facilities, loss of business, excess
noise, dirt, vibration during constructing and excess journey costs through diversions because of

11. Accident Experiences. These are evaluated by well established procedures which perhaps the only
major controversial aspect is the valuation given to human life. A certain amount is known about
differences in accident experience on different roads and in different circumstances.

12. Pedestrian Journey. The opportunity to make the roads safe and enjoyable for pedestrians and
efficient for vehicles; and set of roads provided access to dwelling and is designed primarily for the
safety of pedestrians.

13. Congestion and Other Benefits to Vehicles. It is for livable and safe residential environment by
reducing “through” vehicle travel. Travel must be made convenient. Highway diversion curves indicate
that the 80 percent of the traffic will take a route that is 20 percent faster. Vehicle travel time is made
up of three components; free flowing travel, stop time and acceleration or deceleration.

B. External Factors that influence the existing and future behavior of population:
(1) Rapidly increasing population growth.
(2) Rapidly increasing urbanization.
(3) Rapidly increasing motorization.
(4) Industrialization of transportation network that is the street network and the public transportation

C. Alternative. A more pleasant environment can be achieved without negative implication for economy
and trade, so that reasonable step in this direction by decision-makers deserves support. The following
are some of the proposed activities that may reduce the adverse effects of traffic development to our
(1) Towns are better with less traffic, so long as adequate provision is made for the mobility of
workers and residents and the distribution of goods. It is of urgent necessity that the National and
Local Government develop efforts to reduce the adverse effects of motor traffic in urban areas.
(2) Where and when the traffic congested and its cost are serve and frequent, assures to reduce the
use of private cars and goods, vehicle and to improve alternative forms of transport should be
(3) To limit traffic and to improve efficiency and quality of service of buses and transport.
(4) Pedestrian scheme should be introduced whenever possible to improve the environment and safety
for pedestrians.
(5) The use of non-carbon emitting vehicles should be encouraged like bicycle whenever practical.
(6) Motor vehicle reduction scheme should also be introduced.

D. Laws and Statutes Concerning Traffic Ecology

(1) P.D 1181. Providing for the prevention, control and abatement of Air pollution from motor
vehicles and for other purposes.
“Sec. 1 – The purpose is to prevent, control, and abate the emission of air pollutants from motor
vehicles in order to protect the health and welfare of the people and to prevent or minimize
damage to property and hazards to land transportation”.
(2) Letter of Instruction No. 551. Directing the law enforcement agencies to implement the pollution
control program.
(3) R.A 8749 otherwise known as the Clean Air Act. An act providing for the regulation of motor
vehicles emitting toxic gases like the use of the diesel and leaded gasoline.

5. Traffic Economy. This is the most recent of the pillars of traffic which deals with the benefits and adverse
effects of traffic to our economy. Primarily, traffic operation is designed to expedite the movement of traffic.
However, with the prevailing traffic congestion during rush hours in any given locality, traffic adversely affects the
economic status of commuting public.

One aspect affecting our economy is the unending increase of oil prices in the world market. Somehow,
programs must be instituted in order to minimize the ill effect of rising prices of basic commodities. Delay resulting
from traffic congestion affects not only the time of travel but the productivity of an individual as well.

Progress Check 2.2

CHOOSE THE BEST OR NEAREST ANSWER by encircling the corresponding letter of your choice or
by writing your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is known as the Clean Air Act?

A. R.A 8749
B. L.O.I No. 22

C. R.A 8750

D. P.D 1181

2. Vibration is one adverse affect of traffic to the environment because:

A. motor vehicles create too much noise.

B. heavy trucks cause cracking not only on the road pavement but as well as on houses.

C. repairing crack road pavement is very expensive.

D. of the distraction during construction of traffic facilities.

3. The Land Transportation Office (LTO) when it comes to the registration of motor vehicles is under what pillar:

A. engineering

B. education

C. enforcement

D. ecology/environment

E. economy

4. The adverse effect of traffic development to our environment is irreversible. This statement is:

A. true

B. false

C. vague

D. doubtful

5. The average background noise for heavy trucks is:

A. 40-50 dBA

B. 75 dBA at 15m/ft

C. 90 dBA at 15m/ft

D. 60 dBA at 6m/ft

6. Traffic economy is being considered as one of the pillars of traffic because:

A. it is safer to travel when riding in motor vehicles

B. traffic directly or indirectly affects the economy

C. you spend less when walking than riding on public utility vehicles
D. the price of fuel for motor vehicle is increasing

7. One of the objectives of traffic engineering is to achieve efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic means:

A. motorist and other road users can avoid accidents

B. motorist and other road users will enjoy their ride

C. traffic engineering is the most significant among the five pillars

D. motorists and other road users can reach their destinations on time

8. Traffic engineering is the sole responsibility of the Department of Public Works and Highways, and the local
government units. This statement is:

A. true

B. false

C. it depends

D. doubtful

9. The construction and maintenance of roads and highways that interconnect cities and municipalities is the primary
concern of:

A. Municipal Governments

B. City Governments


D. a and b

10. What pillar of traffic is responsible for the dissemination of information concerning traffic?

A. engineering

B. enforcement

C. education

D. economy



Traffic Safety Education. It is the process of training roads in the avoidance and prevention of traffic-
related accidents.
Road Safety. It refers to reduced risk of accident or injury on the roads, achieved through multidisciplinary
approaches involving road engineering and traffic management, education and training of road users and vehicle

A. Factors Contributing to Accidents. Research studies in the United Kingdom have shown that human factors
contribute to 95 percent accidents, road factors to about one quarter of a percent and vehicle factors to fewer than 5

1. human errors include:

a. going too fast or excessive speed;

b. failing to give at junctions;
c. following too closely;
d. overtaking improperly;
e. misperceiving or misjudging the road situation ahead;
f. intoxication of alcohol or drug; and
g. lack of skill

2. Road deficiencies that are main contributory factors are:

a. poor design of layout and control at junctions;

b. inadequate signing, road marking, and lighting;

c. slippery roads; and

d. obstruction on the road such as parked vehicle, ongoing road construction, etc

3. Main vehicle factors are:

a. defects in tires, brakes and lights;

b. absence of non-using of seat belts; and

c. purely maintained motor vehicles.

4) The three (3) principles that have been emphasized as effective in the prevention of traffic accidents are
known as the three (3) “E”s or pillars of traffic. Recently, however, traffic environment and traffic
economy were added to complete the five (5) pillars of traffic.

1. Engineering (traffic engineering). Effective construction and maintenance of traffic facilities which does
not only expedite the movement of traffic but also prevents the occurrence of traffic accidents. Successful treatments
have included:

a. changes in layout at junctions to define priorities more clearly (use of roundabouts or traffic circles);

b. more wide use of road markings to delineate traffic lanes and waiting areas for turning vehicles;

c. improvements in skidding resistance of wet roads;

d. more uniform streets lighting; and

e. more highly visible and legible direction, information and warning signs.

2. Education (in traffic safety). When road users are informed of traffic laws, rules and regulations, accidents are
likely prevented. Further, there are strong suggestions of benefits from pre-school schemes involving parents, and
from road safety education in schools where it is an integral part of the school curriculum. Included are:

a. new approach to training and educating young drivers;

b. training in hazard perception; and

c. changing of attitudes.

3. Enforcement (of traffic rules). One of the causes of accidents is the blatant non-compliance of motorists and
pedestrians of traffic laws, rules and regulations. To minimize the occurrence of accidents due to non-compliance of
road users, enforcement must be conducted. The following are highly recommended in areas of traffic enforcement:

a. strengthening and simplifying the application of the law;

b. new technology to aid enforcement;

c. enhanced publicity;

d. education of teenagers in schools; and

e. the development of rehabilitation course like seminars for apprehended traffic violators.

4) Ecology/Environment. People should be educated regarding the adverse effect of traffic to our environment that
directly affects the population’s health.

5) Economy. people should learn also to develop schemes that do not only lessen expenses but also accident-free.

5) Levels of Traffic Safety Education:

1. Imparting knowledge concerning traffic safety;
2. Training and practice in a actual application of traffic safety knowledge; and
3. Developing traffic safety morality.
6) Traffic Safety for Children. This is highly unsystematic and is usually carried out in the home through
parental education and in kindergarten and nurseries. This is now necessary to make it systematic to lessen
the number of children fatalities and injuries.
1. Elementary. Pupils are usually educated by stressing on traffic safety and guides, and classroom
discussions of accidents incidents and other traffic safety rules.
2. Secondary. This level initiates driver education program because students have reached the age to
drive, hence, proper driving habit should be stressed. It is also includes the establishment of school
safety organizations.

3. Higher Education. Some universities and colleges offer and conduct courses to private and public
agencies regarding traffic safety subjects.

7) Traffic Safety Education for Adults. Safety education for elder pedestrians and drivers is relatively easier
compared to the education designed for younger children since the former group is in a better position to
understand what is being taught to them.
1. It is in general belief that by being a better driver, it follows that one becomes a better pedestrian. By
knowing the limitations of the driver and the vehicle as driving student, one learns to watch out for
dangerous cues such as pedestrians. This is basic reason why traffic safety education for adults usually
deals only with the foundation or basic of driving.

2. Driver education is carried out in secondary schools and in private and government sponsored driving
school in a number of countries where people are expected to know how to drive when they reach legal
ages. The basic purpose of this education are:

a. To develop good traffic citizens who are equipped to live in motorized society and achieving
traffic safety.
b. To develop citizens who are legally eligible to get a driver’s license.

8) Driver’s Education. In general driver instruction aims primarily to teach the rudiments of driving.
Secondary aims are as follows:

1. To instill awareness of one’s legal and moral responsibilities in traffic, and

2. To teach the abilities required for one to be eligible for driver’s license.

9) Four (4) basic Types of Instruction Methods. Used in Driver Education Programs;

1. Comprehensive. This method places the student into real life of driving situations from the beginning.

2. Traditional Instructions. This type of instruction depends on instructor-student communication.

3. Commentary Driving Method. The student-driver accompanied by an instructor. As the student-

driver drives, the instructor has to give a commentary in his driving – what he sees, what he does, why
he does, what he proposes to do, what others likely to do, etc.

4. Simulated Conditions. On and off Road training. The premise od simulated conditions training is that
the behavior of the driver – subject placed in condition will be relatively analogous to normal behavior.
Simulator is a static machine with all the important features of a car used in driving method or driving
training. There are two methods of simulation presently adopted:

a. Partial Simulation Method. This method has the specific aim training for the “subtasks” of the
driving task.
b. Global Simulation. It may be classified into two (2) specific groups which are: training,
simulated in traffic situations and conditions, with the use for simulations. Simulators are most
commonly used for the following types of training:

1. Training in basic car-control skills

2. Perceptual training
3. Emergency training

c. Classification of films as shown by the stimulators:

1. The analytical film which provides an “objective” analysis of the driving situation presented
to the student,
2. The didactic film aims to show good driving behavior,
3. The simulation film which offers “visuals realism” to driving situations and therefore a good
aid in actual practice.

10) Essential Component of Driving Tasks. Driver’s education includes:

1. Collection of information includes:

a. Perpetual scanning and
b. Identification

2. Processing of information which includes:

a. Predicting and
b. Decision making

3. Action which focused on:

a. Motor skills and control of vehicles and
b. Knowledge and subjective interpretation.

11) Biorhythm. It is the theory which asserts that man exhibits a constant variation of life energy and mood
states. Man’s theorized cycles and interpretations rhythm is peculiar characteristics of most natural
phenomena like:

1. The diurnal exchange of light and darkness.

2. The four seasons.
3. Our wet and dry season.
4. The waxing and waning in the moon.

The observation of the rhythm mentioned and their possible correlation with the habits of man has led to a
host of different theories that tried to explain this correlation in term of physical, psychological, etc. The following
are the most controversial theory of biorhythm:

1. 23 day cycle a.k.a our cycle of strength, endurance and courage (the male component of a person).
2. 28 day emotional equivalent to a female’s 28 day menstrual cycle a.k.a our cycle of sensitivity,
love intuition (the female component of a person).
3. 33 day intellectual cycle.

All these cycle are present at the time we are born. When the curve is above the center line, the
biorhythm value is said to be “HIGH” or a person has more energy to spare, i.e.:
1. Physical high – we tend to be energetic, strong, full of vitality
2. Emotional high – we tend to be creative, artistic, cheerful and happy
3. Intellectual high – we are able to think quickly and logically

When the curve is below the center line, the biorhythm is said to be “LOW” or in a recharge period, i.e.:

1. Physical low – we tend to tire quickly and succumb to illness easily.

2. Emotionally low – we feel moody, irritable, or depressed
3. Intellectual low – concentrating or remembering is difficult or we are likely to use poor
judgment, when any of the curves crossed the center line. This is called critical day wherein
our systems seem to be in state of transition. During a critical day, people tend to get sick
easily, seem to lack coordination and tend to be accident prone.
12) Importance of Biorhythm in the field study. It should be borne in mind that biorhythm does not predict
what actually will happen. All it does is to give us a hint on how we will tend to feel in a certain day.

1. The theory asserts that people are accident prone if their biorhythm crosses the centerline on a certain
day or is totally below the line.

2. Theoretically, if we know our biorhythm for a certain day, we can psychological cope with any
situation. If we usually overcome any ill effect by awareness and will power.

The idea has been put into use in different countries in the world, and the result helps reduce accident
rates until it is totally refuted.

13) Safety Campaign. This is a mass publicity aimed to make road users behave more safely. These basically
focus on public information attitudes and particular or specific behaviors or combinations of these.

Safety campaign is also known as road propaganda which may be intended simply to inform or it may be felt
that the public is already aware of the recommended behavior by need to be persuaded into adopting it.

1. Safety Campaign Classifications:

a. According to a purpose – may be categorized as informational, attitudinal and behavioral; and
b. According to kind of appeal – used to reason by simply feeding the public with authenticated factual

2. Safety Campaign Design:

a. Initial campaign planning
b. Final campaign design
c. Campaign evaluation

3. Private and Government entities responsible for Safety Campaign:

a. Newspaper
b. Radio Broadcasting Networks
c. Television Broadcasting Networks
d. Public information agencies

Progress Check 2.3

Use a separate answer sheet for your answer. Choose best or nearest answer by writing the
corresponding capital letter of your answer.

1. The study of biorhythm is considered an important aspect of traffic safety because an individual
can avoid accident:
a. By knowing his intellectual capacity on a certain day
b. By knowing his physical capacity on a certain day
c. When he knew that he is not feeling well on a certain day
d. by hinting on how he will tend to feel in a certain day

2. safety campaign is an important aspect of traffic safety education because it:

a. is designed to make road users behave more safely

b. informs the public of any updates in traffic
c. focuses on strict compliance o traffic signs
d. can prevent accident

3. the type o driver’s intructio method which depends on instructor-student communication is

referred to as:

a. traditional
b. comprehensive
c. commentary
d. simulated

4. Driver instruction programs aim primarily to:

a. Teach the rudiments of driving

b. Instill awareness of one’s legal and moral responsibilities in traffic
c. Teach the abilities required for one to be eligible for a driver’s license
d. Help the learner know the basic of traffic rules and regulations

5. Theoretically, traffic safety education for adults is relatively easier than for younger children
because the:

a. Former absorbs information more difficult than the latter

b. Former are in a better position to understand what is being taught to them
c. Latter are in a better position to understand what is being taught to them
d. Former absorbs information more difficult than the latter

6. In secondary or high school levels, traffic safety education should include driver education
program. This statement is considered:

a. True
b. False
c. Vague
d. Doubtful

7. Traffic safety education for children is characterized by except:

a. It is highly unsystematic
b. It is usually carried out in the home
c. It is the responsibilities of all concerned adults
d. It is vested only on the parents of the concerned child
8. Traffic safety education for children needs to be systematic:

a. To instill safety consciousness to the children

b. To cope up with the demands of time
c. To lessen the fatalities among children while they are young
d. Because they learn easier than adults

9. The process of training roads users in the avoidance and prevention of traffic-related accidents is
referred to as:

a. Traffic safety campaign

b. Traffic safety education
c. Safety operation
d. Safety consciousness

10. To minimize the occurrence of accidents due to non-compliance of road users, enforcement should
not be conducted. This statement considered:

a. True
b. False
c. Vague
d. Doubtful



This module presents the various traffic laws, rules and regulations and other statutes governing traffic. It is
imperative for the learners to know the pertinent laws relative to the work of traffic law enforcer. Further, this
module comprehensively discusses general rule road use and conduct and the general traffic prohibitions and
restrictions. The lessons in this module are divided into:
Lesson 1. Traffic Laws, Rules and Regulations
Lesson 2. Important Provisions of R.A 4136
Lesson 3. Registration of Motor Vehicles
Lesson 4. Provisions on Driver’s Licenses
Lesson 5. Basic General Rule of Road Use and Conduct

Module 3 Pre-test

Choose the best or nearest answer by encircling the corresponding letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following is the Land Transportation Code of the Philippines?

a. R.A 4136
b. P.D 4136
c. R.A 7659
d. R.A 8749

2. Which of the following is not included in the parking prohibitions as provided for by the Land
Transportation Code?

a. Within intersection
b. In front of a private driveway
c. Within four meters of the driveway entrance of any fire station
d. On a sidewalk

3. Which of the following is not true about the proper use of vehicle’s headlight?

a. It should be switches on one hour after the sunset and be switched one hour before the sun rise
b. It should be dimmed when meeting with another motor vehicle
c. It should be dimmed when traversing through a well-lighted thoroughfare
d. None of the above

4. Conductors of for hire passenger jeepneys need not be licensed. This statement is:

a. True
b. False
c. Vague
d. Doubtful
5. A professional driver is one who operates a motor cycle:

a. For a private or public use

b. Who is highly skilled and has broad experience in handling any type of motor vehicle
c. For hire or paid for driving or operating a motor vehicle, whether for private use or for hire to the
d. Which is strictly for hire

6. Driver’s licenses, both professional and non-professional should be:

a. Every three years
b. Once it expires
c. Every two years
d. On driver’s birthday

7. Which of the following is the Seat Belt Law?

a. R.A 8749
b. R.A 4136
c. R.A 8750
d. \R.A 7659

8. Legally, highway is defined:

a. A thoroughfare where motor vehicles traverse on high speed

b. Every thoroughfare, boulevard, or avenue where motorists can operate their motor vehicles at high
speed or low speed
c. Every public or private thoroughfare, public/private boulevard, private driveway, avenue, park, alley
and callejon, but shall not include roadway upon grounds owned by private persons, colleges,
universities, or other similar institutions
d. Every public thoroughfare, public boulevard, driveway, avenue, park alley and callejon, but shall not
include roadway upon grounds owned by private persons, colleges, universities or other similar

9. When the driver unloads passengers on the middle of the road, he committed:

a. Illegal unloading
b. Traffic obstruction
c. Illegal doing
d. Illegal stopping

10. When two vehicles approach an intersection at approximately the same time, shich shall give the right of

a. The vehicle coming from the right

b. The vehicle coming from the center
c. The vehicle coming from the left
d. The one which arrives there first



The standards of regulating movements on roads, streets and highways are found in traffic laws, rules and
In the Philippines, the mass of traffic laws, rules and regulations have their source in laws, Presidential
Decrees (P.Ds), Executive Orders (E.Os), Letters of Instructions (L.O.Is), Administrative Orders and Implementing
Memorada and other Special Laws relative to traffic operation and traffic law enforcement. As a traffic law enforcer,
it is essential that you should be familiar with these rules and regulations.

In addition, traffic signs, pavement markings, and other control devices are traffic law themselves.
Violations of such constitute misdemeanor or infraction of law.

i. Sources. The following are the basis for the traffic regulations and prohibitions in the country:

1) Republic Act

a) R.A 4136. This is the basic law regulating land transportation in the Philippines. It has repealed Act No.
3992 (The Revised Motor Vehicle Law). Further, has amended by R.A Nos. 5715, 6374, PD Nos 382, 843,
896, 1057, 1934, 1950, 1958, BP Blg. 43, 74 and 398.
b) R.A 6539. The act which is known as the “Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972”, the act of preventing and
penalizing carnapping.

c) R.A 5448. Act of imposing a tax on privately owned passenger automobiles, motorcycles and scooters and
a science stamp tax, to constitute a special science funs defining the programs, projects and activities of
science agencies to be financed therefrom and for other purposes.

d) R.A 8749. Also known as “Clean Air Act” which regulates emission of toxic gases of both gasoline and
diesel engines and bans the use of leaded gas for gasoline engines.

e) R.A 8750. It provides for the attachment of seat belts for all types of motor vehicles and imposes penalty
for the non-compliance thereof.

f) R.A 7924. The Act creating the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, defining its powers and
functions, providing funds therefor and for the other purposes.

2) Presidential Decree

a) P.D No. 96. Regulating the use of sirens, bells, horns, etc., by prohibiting the attachment of any siren,
horn bell, etc. on motor vehicles which produce unusual or startling sounds as well as blinkers and
other similar devices unless the vehicle belongs to the AFP, NBI, LTO, PNP, BJMP, Hospitals and
Fire Departments and are specifically intended for use in emergencies.
b) P.D No. 101. Expediting the methods of prescribing, redefining or modifying the lines and modes of
operations of public utility motor vehicles in the Philippines.
c) P.D No. 207. Declaring as part of the laws of the Philippines the Vienna Convention on the Road
Traffic, Signs and Signals.
d) P.D. 612. Requiring compulsory insurance for all types of motor vehicles against third party liability as
an additional pre-requisite for registration by the LTO.
e) P.D 1686. Imposing a tax on every motor vehicle equipped with air conditioner.
f) P.D 1181. Providing for the abatement of air pollution from motor vehicles and for other purposes.
g) P.D 1605. Granting the Metropolitan Manila Commission certain powers related to traffic management
and control Metropolitan Manila providing penalties and for other purposes.
h) P.D. 98. Regulating the issuance of license plates of all motor vehicles.
i) P.D. 109. Modifying P.D. 98.
j) P.D 1729. Authorizing the Bureau of Land Transportation to dispose of impounded motor vehicles
unclaimed by owners for a certain period of time.
k) P.D. 1730. Declaring the syndicated printing, manufacture, distribution, possession or use of fake
official Bureau of Land Transportation forms, documents, plates and stickers as offenses involving
economic sabotage.

4. Letters of Instruction

a. L.I.O No. 43. Providing for the removal of all impediments on roads, streets and highways such as
constructions, stalled or parked vehicles or other movable property that obstruct free passage. This LOI abrogated
city or municipal ordinances governing the disposition of traffic on city or municipal streets throughout the country.

b. L.O.I No. 112. Prohibiting freight and cargo trucks from using roads, highways and bridges whose
load capacities are in excess of specific allowable limits.

c. L.I.O No. 229. Requiring all motor vehicle owners, users, or drivers to have in the possession at all
times while driving at least one (1) pair of early warning device (EWD) for use when the vehicle is disabled on
roads, streets and highways or other emergencies compelling the vehicle to be on stop position.

d. L.I.O. 716. Every motor vehicle to equip at least a pair of early warning device.

e. L.I.O. 551.Directing the law enforcement agencies to implement the Pollution Control Program.

f. L.I.O. 853. Calling for the National Tripartite Conference to consider the establishment of viable labor-
management relations based upon the “boundary” system in land transportation.

g. L.I.O 1009. All owners of private motor vehicles who desire to stop operating or using their number
plates and registration certificates to surrender to BLT.

h. L.I.O 1071. Owners and/or operators of motor vehicles are authorized to pay the annual premiums for
the insurance of their motor annual premiums for the insurance of their motor vehicles on quarterly basis.

5. Department Orders

a) DOTC D.O 88-305. Rules of pleadings, practice and procedure for appeals on franchising, fare rates
charges and other related matters pertinent to Land Transportation Public Utilities.
b) D.O 93-693. Revised Schedule of Administrative Fees and charges of the Land Transportation Office.
6. Administrative and Special Orders
a. Administrative Order No. VIII, S-1968, LTC. Requiring the towing and impounding of stalled
motor vehicles on public highways and the imposition of corresponding fees thereof.
b. Administrative Order No. 1, S-1973, LTC. Prescribing guidelines and procedures in the
implementation of PD No. 96.
c. Administrative Order No. 1, S-1975, LTC. Laying down specific rules of action in the
imposition of uniform fines and penalties for violation of the provisions of RA 4136.
d. Special Order No. 101-IRM, LTC. Enumerating and identifying various city streets where
parking is prohibited.

7. Memorandum Circular
a. LTC Memorandum to All Patrol Officers, Deputies and Agents dtd 09 August 1975. Directing that
the motor vehicles whose loads are rice, cereals, fertilizers and other prime commodities are not to
be apprehended and stopped on roads and highways except only in cases of serious violations.
b. LTC Memorandum Circular No. 33, dated 12 September 1972. Providing guidelines in the
apprehension of illegally parked motor vehicles.
c. LTC Circular No. 15, dated 19 January 1972. Regulating and laying instructions in the use of
Special Commemorative Motor Vehicle Plates.
d. M.C. 94-199. Aide-memoir regarding retention and authority by LTO to register motorized
tricycle under R.A. 4136, guidelines to implement devolution of LTFRB’s Franchising Authority
over TC’s per R.A. 7160 issued by DOTC.
e. M.C. 94-188. Issuance of driver’s license to disabled person.
f. M.C. 92-146. Re-implementing of LOI 229, as amended by LOI 479 directing the installation
of early warning devices of motor vehicles.
g. M.C. 94-192. Diesel smoke emission test for motor vehicles.
h. M.C. 90-020. Directing all public land transportation service operators and drivers to display
in any conspicuous place of their vehicles the authorized fare matrix for the specific route granted
them to avoid conflict.
i. M.C. 93-011. Enjoining all public utility operators to use garage instead of public places or
side streets in parking their vehicles.
j. M.C. 94-002. Sanctions on operators arising from the violations of their drivers.
k. M.C. 94-209. Clarificatory guidelines for the registration/operation of new private vehicles
particularly in the use of conduction sticker.
8. Executive Orders
a. E.O. 125. Reorganizing the DOTC, defining its powers and functions and for other
b. E.O. 266. Providing for two service units in the Office of the Asst. Sec. for Land
Transportation in the DOTC )Law Enforcement Service-LES and Traffic Adjudication Service-
TAS), defining the powers and functions thereof and for other purposes.
c. E.O. 202. Creating the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB).
d. E.O. 248. Empowering the Land Transportation commission to control and supervise the
operations of motor vehicle.

9. Other Special Laws, Statutes, etc.

a. Batas Pambansa Blg. 344 (B.P. 344). Act to enhance the mobility of disabled persons by requiring
certain buildings, institutions, establishments and public utilities to install facilities other devices.

“Sec. 1, Par. 2. In the case of the parking place of any of the above institutions, building or
establishment or public utilities, the owner or operator shall reserve sufficient and suitable space for
the use of disabled person.”

“Sec. 2. In case of public conveyance, devices such as the prominent display of posters, stickers shall
be used to generate public awareness of the rights of the disabled and posters understanding of their
special needs. Discriminating against disabled persons in the carriage or transportation of passengers is
hereby declared unlawful.”
b. Memorandum Unnumbered Dated July 13, 1992. Early Warning Device (EWD) not a
requirement for registration.
c. SS Bars Lawmen from removing Cars Plates (187 SCRA 432).

Progress Check 3.1

Use separate paper for your answers. Match A with column B by writing the corresponding capital letter of your

Column A Column B

1. Seat Belt Law a. RA 4136

2. Philippine Land Transportation Code b. RA 6539

3. Declaring as part of the laws of the Philippines the

Vienna convention on Road Traffic, signs and signals. c. PD 96
4. Anti-Carnapping Act of 19972 d. RA 8750
5. Regulating the use of sirens, bells, horns, etc. unless the vehicle
belongs to the AFP, NBI, LTO, PNP, BJMP, PFP, and hospitals. e. LOI 716

6. Revised Schedule of Administrative Fees and Charges of the

Land Transportation Office. f. DO 93-693

7. Mandating every motor vehicle to be equipped with at least 1

Pair of EWD g. PD 207

8. Issuance of driver’s license to disabled persons. h. EO 202

9. Mandating smoke emission test for diesel-powered motor vehicles. i. MC 94-192

10. Created the LTFRB. J. MC 94-188


I. Introduction

An interior guard system is installed by commanders of all military installations to preserve,

protect property and enforce military regulations. Security is part of the commander’s responsibility.
Therefore, he prescribes the composition of the interior guard system. Separate units are responsible
for posting interior guard in their areas.
The elements of the interior guard system are classified according to their purposes. They include
the main guards and special guards. The latter category consists of park, train, boat guards and other
detailed for specific purposes. Generally, the interior guard consists of a system of patrols and fixed
Normally, an interior guard system is composed of the following:

1. one Field Officer of the Day (FOD)

2. one Officer of the Day (OD)
3. one or more Commanders for Guards (COG)
4. one or more Sergeants of the Guards(SOG)
5. a relief commander for each relief
6. sentinel of guards

The number of sentinels needed for routine daytime duty is ordinarily much smaller than required
at night or on Sundays and Holidays.

II. Definition of Terms

1. Guard – an individual responsible to keep, watch over, protect, shield, defend, warn or any duties
prescribed by general orders.
2. Sentry – a guard sentinels or look out
3. Guardhouse – a building occupied by men detailed for interior guard duty. It means to include
guard tent or any other designated location for the headquarters of the guard.
4. Challenge – the command “Halt who goes there?” is used to cause an unidentified party or person
to halt and to be identified. If secret challenges is used, it follows the original challenge and consists of
a word or distinctive sound.
5. Countersign – consists of a secret challenge and a password. The words comprising the countersign
are issued from the principal headquarters of a command to aid guards and sentinels in their scrutiny of
person who apply to pass the lines.
6. Fixed Post – a specific post with well defined limits.
7. Stockade – a confinement facility under the jurisdiction of an installation commander, used for
confinement of military prisoners.
8. Password – a word or distinctive sound to answer a challenge, it identifies the person or party
desiring to enter or pass. Password is always a secret.
9. Sentinel’s Post – an area of which the sentinel is responsible within his post, sentinels duty required
by general and special orders.

III. Composition of Main Guard and their Function

1. Field Officer of the Day (FOD) – a field grade officer detailed as FOD is commanding officer’s
personnel representative. His primary concern is the proper supervision in the performance of duty of
the interior guards.
2. Officer of the Day (OD) – is responsible for the proper performance of duty buy the main guards.
He is charge with executing all orders of the commanding officer related to interior guard duty.
3. Commander of the Guard (COG) – is responsible for the instruction, discipline and performance
of the guards. Being senior in rank, he is responsible for proper action in case of emergency.
4. Sergeant of the Guard (SOG) – is the overall supervisor over the other NCOs and sentinels of the
guards. He takes over as a commander of the guards in case no one else is detailed as such.
5. Relief Commander – he instructs members of his relief as to their orders and duties and make
certain that each sentinel understands them. He also familiarizes himself with the special duties of
members of his relief.
6. Sentinel of the Guard- they must memorize, understand and comply with the general orders for
sentinels, and with the special orders applicable to their particular post, including the use of
countersign if they in effect.

IV. Eleven General Orders

Sentinels of the guards are governed by both general and special orders. General orders apply to
all sentinels, while special orders apply to particular posts and duties. Herein below are the Eleven General
Orders for sentinels.

1. General Order No. 1 – to take charge of this post and all government property in view.

- The number, limits and extent sentinel’s post constitute part of his special orders. The post limits are defined and
included every place a sentinmel must go and perform his duties.

- A sentinel reports immediately to the commander to the relief every unusual and suspicious occurrence noted.

- A sentinel apprehends all suspicious looking person and all persons involved in a disorder occurring on or near his

- All persons, regardless of rank are required to respect members of the guard in the performance of their duties.

2. General Order No. 2 – to walk my pose in military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing
everything that takes place within sight and hearing.

- the word “military manner” means an erect and soldiery bearing with the weapon carried as prescribed.

3. General Order No. 3 – to report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

- A sentinel reports a violation of orders to the commander of the relief at the first opportunity. He apprehends the
offender, if necessary.

4. General Order No. 4 – to repeat all calls from post more distant from the guard house than my own.

- When sentinel posts are located within hearing distance of each other, a sentinel receiving a call from posts more
distant from the guardhouse than his own repeats the call next post loudly and distinctly, he makes sure that the he
repeats the call exactly as he received it.

5. General Order No. 5 – to quit my post only when properly relieved.

- if a sentinel requires relief because of sickness or other reasons, he calls the Commander of the Relief and
communicates by telephone or other means with the commander of the relief.

- if a sentinel is not relieved at the expiration of his term, he does not abandon his post but communicates with the
commander of his relief by telephone or other means of communication.

- Sentinel leaves their post for meals as specifically directed by the commanding officer. When so ordered, sentinel
on the last relief of a post leaves at the proper time, returns to the guardhouse and reports of his commander of his

6. General Order No. 6 – to receive, obey and pass on the sentinel who relieves me all orders from
commanding officer, officer of the day, and officer and non-commissioned officers of the guard only.

- During his tour of duty, sentinel is subject to the orders of no one but the commanding officer, officer of the day
and officers and non-commissioned officers of the guards. However, in the event an inspecting officer, of any other
person in the military service, discovers an irresponsible sentinel on post, it is relief of the situation and to stay on
the post until a qualified sentinel is post.

- A sentinel surrenders his peace only on the orders of a person from whom he lawfully receives orders while on
post. Even these person should not order a sentinel to surrender his peace for inspection or any other purpose, unless
emergency exist.

7. General Order No. 7 – to talk no one except in line of duty.

- when person make proper inquiries of a sentinel, he answers them courteously.

- when challenging or talking with any person, dismounted sentinel armed with a riffle or carbine takes the position
of the port arms. At night, a dismounted sentinel armed with pistol takes the position of raise pistol when
challenging or conversing.

-a mounted sentinel does ordinarily draw his weapon in daytime when challenging or conversing, but at night he
takes the position and raise pistol.

- a sentinel does not reply with private questions unless it is informed to the commander of the relief.

8. General Order No. 8 – to give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

- In case of fire, the sentinel calls immediately the nearest fire station and gives alarm. If possible he extinguishes
the fire. The sentinel notifies the guardhouse of his action by telephone or other means as soon as possible.

- Using a telephone or other means, a sentinel the reports immediately to the guardhouse any dis order occurring on
his post, then takes proper action.

- If danger is great, he discharges his piece three (3) times in rapid succession before calling. In time of war,
sentinels give warning of air and other attacks as directed by Commanding Officer.

9. General Order N0. 9 – to call the commander of guards in any case not covered by instructions.

- If a situation arises not covered by general or special orders, the sentinel calls the commander and he relief by
telephone. If the next nearest post within hearing distance, he calls the Commander of the Relief.

- The commander of the relief either handles the situation according to previous instruction or call the Sergeant of
the Guard for the advise.

10. General Order No. 10 – to salute all officers and all colors and standard not cased.

- Sentinel and other members of the guard salutes as prescribed.

- During the hours for challenging, a sentinel salutes as soon as the officer has been duly recognized and advance.

- A sentinel talking with an officer does not interrupt the conversation to salute; however if the officer salutes a
senior, the sentinel also salutes.

- Salutes the National Flag and Flag of all Friendly Nations if recognize so.

11. General Order No. 11 – to be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to
challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

- if the person challenge are mounted in a vehicle, the sentinel proceeds as if they were on foot. If necessary to carry
out his duty, he may have one or all of the passengers dismount the vehicle.

- the sentinel permits only one member of a group to approach him for recognition.

- the sentinel satisfies himself beyond a reasonable doubt the those who challenged are what they represent
themselves to be in that they have a right to pass. If he is not satisfied, he calls the commander of the relief.

V. Use of Signs and Countersigns

Signs, visual and audio and countersigns are as important to the guard duty as the firearms used. Countersigns
consist of a secret challenged and password. These are used in combat as well as in garrison. If countersigns are
prescribed, they are devised by the highest headquarters within a zone or area. This authority may, however, be
delegated to subordinate units. These units are required to notify the higher authorities of such an action.

The choice of words or sound is made with care. Words are selected that are difficult for the enemy to
pronounce and do not indicate the expected answer. Sounds that are distinctive and similar to those heard in the
locality are selected over other.

When a secret challenge and password are prescribed, the secret challenge is given after the person is advanced
to be recognized. When the positive identification by the sentinel is established, the secret challenge is given in a
low tone to prevent it from being heard by others.

It can be said now that the primary reason behind the use sentinel of signs and countersigns is to preclude the
unauthorized passage of anyone into the area being guarded. This is one measure designed to prevent possible
hostile infiltration.

Procedures for Challenging and Reply Password

1. Challenging one person on or near his post if a sentinel sees any person on or near his post during
challenging hours, he advances quickly along his post towards them. When approximately 30 steps from the
persons, he challenges sharply “HALT WHO GOES THERE?” ordinarily the sentinel continues to advance while
challenging, but if circumstances require it, he may halt. After challenging he places himself in the best position
from which to pass or apprehend the persons. If a secret PASSWORD is required, the person challenged will answer
the CHALLENGE by given PASSWORD to determine if the person challenged is a friend or an enemy.

2. Challenging two or more persons or group. If two or more persons or groups approach the sentinel’s post
from different directions at the same time, they are challenged in turn and required to halt and remain halted until
advance. If a person or group is advance and already talking with a sentinel, the sentinel challenges any other person
or group that may approach, but advances no one until the person with whom he is talking leaves. He then advances
the senior of the remaining persons.

VI. Development Security Consciousness

Security consciousness can be developed among personnel unit through various means. One of these means is
the institutionalization of the Security Doctrine Program, which is part and parcel of the command’s troop
information and education.

The subject incorporated into the Security Indoctrination Program range from espionage to unauthorized
disclosure of classified military information. On the subject of physical security, the personnel are oriented toward
the attainment of an exemplary physical security, set-up for any camp, post or station, emphasis shall also be given
to circulation control procedures whereby every person desiring to have access therein is subjected to certain
security processes. This is to ensure that the unauthorized access is prevented.

These certain aspects of the program that can educate personnel on ways and means to eliminate the possibility
of a hostile infiltration and the entry of propaganda of subversive activities. It is a must that each military personnel
be mandated to report to security authorities the suspicious activities of any individual. This is best antidote against
communist subversion.

VII. Do’s Don’ts in Conducting Duty

a. Do’s
1. Apply the courtesy and discipline principle through saluting to the designated person.
2. Assist and help any faculty and administrator who need your help near your post.
3. Observed and Practiced the Eleven General Orders.
4. Stand smartly and quit moving.

b. Don’ts

1. Don’t use your cellular phone, ipod, mp3, laptop and other similar electronic gadgets while on duty.
2. Avoid Standing one leg and talking to friends or passers by.
4. Avoid from eating and sleeping while on duty.
5. Don’t accept gratuities or favors from classmates and acquaintances.
6. Don’t render duty if you are drunk or under the influence of liquor.
7. Avoid making hand to hand contact to other person.
8. Avoid having heated arguments in relation to your assigned task.

“utmost courtesy without compromising security”



Definition of Terms:
1. Drills – consist of certain movements by which the squad, platoon, company or battalion is moved in an orderly
manner from one formation to another.
2. Ceremonies – consist of formations and movements in which large number of troops takes part.
3. Alignment – a straight line upon which several elements of teams are formed or the dressing of several elements
upon a straight line.
4. Base – the element on which movement is regulated.
5. Cadence – the uniform rhythm by which a movement is executed or the number of steps or counts per minute of
which movement is executed.
6. Center – the middle point or element of a command
7. Column – a formation in which the elements are placed one behind another.
8. Depth – the space from front to rear of any information or of position.
9. Distance – to space between elements when the elements are one behind the other.
10. Double Time – cadence at the rate 180 steps per minute.
11. Echelon – one of a series of elements form one behind another. A modification of line formation in which
adjacent elements are disposed one in rear of the other.
12. Elements – an individual, squad, platoon, company or larger body forming a part of a larger body.
13. File – a single column of men one behind the other.
14. Flank – the right or left extremity or a unit, either in line or column.
15. Formation – arrangement of the elements unit in line, on column or any other prescribed manner.
16. Front – the direction in which a command faces .
17. Frontage – the space occupied by an element measured from one flank to the opposite flank.
18. Guide – the man whom the command or elements thereof regulates its much.
19. Head – the leading element of a column.
20. Interval – the lateral space between elements on the same line
21. Left – the left extremity or left of a body of troops.
22. Line – a formation in which the different elements are abreast.
23. Loose Pieces – riffles and automatic riffles not used in making stacks.
24. Oblique – an angle between zero and 45 degrees.
25. Order close – the formation in which the units, in double rank, are separated by intervals greater than that in
26. Pace – approximately thirty (30) inches length or equivalent to a full steps in quick time
27. Piece – the piece used in this text means the rifle or automatic fire.
28. Point of Rest - the point at which a formation begins; especially the point toward which units are aligned in
successive movements
29. Quick – cadence at a rate of 120 steps per minute
30. Rank – a line of men placed side by side
31. Right – the right extremity or element of a body of troops
32. Slow Time – cadence at 60 steps per minute
33. Step – the distance measured from heel to heel between the feet of a man walking
34. Successive movements – a maneuver in which the various elements of a column execute a certain movement one
after another as distinguished from simultaneous movements
35. To revoke a command – to cancel a command that has not been carried or to start a movement improperly
begum from a halt
36. Post – means the correct place for an officer or non-commissioned officer to stand.

Two Parts of Command

1. Preparatory Command – states the movement to be carried out and mentally prepares the soldier for iits
2. Command Execution – tells when the movement is to be carried out.
In general the word “NA” is used to signal command executions except the following:

a. TA – (abbreviated SANDATA) manual of arms for riffle and pistols.

b. KAD – (LAKAD) from rest to motion.
c. TO – (HINTO) from motion to rest.
d. RAP – (HARAP) in literal translation of ready front
e. DA – (HUMANDA) for attention.
f. NGA – (PAHINGA) in “Tikas Pahinga” or “Pahinga”
g. Combined Commands – are given without inflection and at a uniformly high pitch and loudness comparable to
that for a normal command execution
h. Supplementary Command – are oral orders given by subordinate leader to reinforce and complement a
commanders order
i. Mass Command – used to develop confidence and promote enthusiasm
j. Directives – oral orders given by the commander that direct or cautions subordinate leaders to take actions.


1. Parade Rest – all the commands “TIKAS PAHINGA” , move your left foot smartly 12 inches to the left of the
right foot. Keep your legs straight so that the weight of your body rest on both feet. A the same time your arms are
hanging naturally, clasp your hands behind your back, just above the belt line, palms flattened in the rear, thumb and
fingers of your left hand clasping the right hand without stiffness. Remain silent and do not move. Right palm over
the left palm. This command is executed from position of attention only.

2. Stand Ease – the command for this movement is “TINDIG PALUWAG”. The command is the same with parade
rest but the cadet will turn the head and the eyes directly towards the person in charge of the formation or the person
giving the instruction.
3. At Ease – the command for this movement is “PALUWAG”. On the command “PALUWAG” from the position
of parade rest, the cadet may move however, he must remain standing and silent with the right foot in place. Pahinga
may be executed from the position.

4. Rest – the command for this movement is “PAHINGA”. On the command “pahinga”, the soldier may move or
talk unless otherwise directed. He must remain silent with his right foot in place. At ease may be executed from this

This chapter contains most of the individual position and movements required in drill. These positions and
the correct execution of the movements in every detail should be learned before proceeding to unit drill. Absolute
precision is required in drills.
The explanation of a movement that may be executed either flank in this chapter for only one flank. To
execute the movement towards the opposite flank, substitute the word “left” to “right” or “right” to “left” in the
Any marching movement may be executed double time unless stated otherwise. When a movement is to be
executed in double time from a halt or from quick time, the command DOUBLE TIME immediately precedes the
command of execution.

Position Attention
Assume the position on the command FAAL IN, or SQUAD, FLIGHT, ATTENTION:
a. To come to attention, bring your heels together smartly on the same line.
b. Turn your feet equally, forming an angle of approximate 45 degrees.
c. Keep your legs straight without stiffening or locking your knees.
d. Hold your body erect with your hips level. Chest lifted and arched, and your shoulder square even.
e. Stomach in.
f. Let yours hang straight without stiffness along your sides with backs of your hands outward, your fingers curled
so that the tips of your thumbs touch the tips of your forefingers. Keep your thumbs along the seams of your
g. Keep your head erect and hold it squarely to the front.
h. Your chin drawn in so that the axis of your head and neck is vertical.
i. Look straight to the front and no rolling of eye ball.
j. Rest the weight of your body equally on the heels and the balls of your feet.

Rest at Halt
a. Face to Flank
The command is Right (Left), Face or “Harap sa Kaliwa (Kanan), RAP”. This is two count movement. At
the command FACE or RAP, slightly raise your left heel and right toe and turn 90 degrees to the right on your right
heel, assisted by a slight pressure on the ball of your left" foot, in one count. Hold your left leg straight without
stiffness. On the second count, place your left foot smartly beside your right foot, as at attention. Hold your arms as
at attention when executing this movement.
b. Face to the Rear
The command is “About Face” or “Harap sa Likod, RAP”. This is a 2-count movement. At the command
FACE, move the toe of your right to a position touching the ground one-half the length of your foot to the rear and
slightly to the left of your left heel. This is the first count of the movement. Do not change the position of your left
foot and keep your right leg straight without stiffness, resting most of the weight of your body on the heel of the left
foot. On the second count, face to the rear, turning 180 degrees to the right on your left heel and the ball of your
right foot so that your feet are as a attention when you complete the turn. Hold your arms as at attention when
executing this movement.
c. Marching
The command is “Forward, March” or “Pasulong KAD”. When executed from a halt, all steps and
marchings begin with the left foot. At the command “March” or “KAD”, step off smartly with your left foot march
straight forward with

Agility Test and Athletics
the Department of Criminology requires the criminology student to undergo a physical agility test designed
to determine whether or not he possesses the required coordination, strength and speed of movement necessary for
service. This will be based on PNP standard as provided below:
Maximum Total 100 pts
Passing: Men - 70 pts
Women - 50 pts
1. 7 pull ups (3pts each) - 21 pts
2. 25 push ups (1pt each) - 25 pts
3. 36 sit-ups (1/2 pt each) - 18 pts
4. 100 meter run - 18 pts
100 Meter Runs

17.0 sec - 18 pts 19.0 sec - 18 pts

or less or less
17.1to 19.1 to
18.0 sec - 15 pts 20.0 sec - 15 pts
18.1 to 20.1 to
19.0 sec - 12 pts 21.0 sec - 12 pts
19.1 and 21.1 sec
Over - 0 or over - 0

5. Pick-up and carry on shoulder (45 kilo weight for men, 20 kilo weight
for women) walking 25 meters up and down, not dropping 18 pts

Criminology Dozen Exercise

1. stork walk
2. bobber
3. back field crouch


1. high jumper 11. trunk twister
2. bend and reach 12. 8 counts push up
3. squat bender
4. turn and bounce
5. 4 counts push up\
6. side bender
7. mountain climbing
8. back bender
9. bottoms up
10. squat thrust
Main Campus I, Dumaguete City


1. Report to the Evaluator_____ 1_________________ reporting for duty sir.
2. From the flight _______________ 2 ____________
3. Dress the flight______________ 4_____________
4. Give present arm, face about, salute and report to the evaluator__________ 2___________
5. Execute about face and give order arm then start______________ 1_________________

A. COMMAND VOICE ____________ (10pts)

C. KNOWLEDGE OF COMMAND ______ (50 pts)

1. Facing/Manual of Arms ----------------- 7
2. Movement/Marching
a. Forward March ------------------ 5
b. Change Step -------------------- 5
c. To the Rear March ------------- 5
d. right/left flank ------------------ 5
e. right/left oblique --------------- 5
f. column right/left ---------------- 5
g. pass-in-review ------------------ 7
h. halt (in front of the evaluator)--- 6
V. BEARING ------------------- (15 pts)
1. Saluting --------------------------------- 5
2. Uniform -------------------------------- 5
3. Posture --------------------------------- 5
1. Report back to the evaluator and give present arm to include the flight _______ 2 _____
2. Ordered Complied with Thank You Sir ______________ 1 ________
3. Execute about face and give order arm and dismiss the flight

POINTS EARNED: _________________


Name & Signature of Evaluator
Physical Agility Test

PNP 1st Agility 2nd Agility 3rd Agility


Pull ups
Push ups
100 Male: 19 sec
Female: 21 sec

1 KM

Certified True and Evaluator: Evaluator: Evaluator:


Signature over Signature over Signature over

printed name printed name printed name

Noted: Noted: Noted:

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