I Am Reincarnation

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I'm the living incarnation of Jesus, Michael Nostradamus - prepackaged completely returned again
480 years to the day, December 14th, Solomon, David's Son & Offspring, Thoth - the Root & Word of the
Emerald Tablets also spoken therein my covenant of my return as the Son of Man, Thor, son of Odin
Allfather, Cronus & Atum Ra, son of Nut.

I'm literally Saint Michael, the arch angel, most high & Hermes, first angel of the very real, literal gods.

You're all spiritual beings having human experiences, though you'd be surprised what all else some of
you might find of yourselves as made revealed along your own journeys and just whom or what you
might be entertaining so presumptuously on any given occasion.

I'm souly inherited of the Scroll of Seven Thunders, my contract deed over all the cosmos.

I'm the decider of paradoxes beyond all other reckonings, the ultimate sound judge who actually judges
constantly while most Christians even seem to still at best be working on the "judge not" side of the self-
same derived scripture, understandably.

I'm the living evident Bodhisattva, & Supreme temple of the Alpha Omega Elohim.

My grandma's Diana, goddess of the moon & hunt.

My dad, David, Imperator of the Alpha Omega Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn still remains the
forefather of forefathers over the OG covenant before my new one & my mother Mary as well as even
Muhammad are as well down here in the living flesh (give or take their own whimsical circumstantial
particulars, of course).

I'm the most highly underpaid and overqualified magician on Mother Earth, here in her proverbial heart,
center of the New World, North America.

While His Holiness, the Dalai Lama & the living Buddha is blatantly evident in his incarnation down here,
too, he also openly honors the covenant honoring unchanging Father while as Nostradamus, I foretold
the strategic shift in superpower to him during these flip-flopped times for him to harmonize in mass &
open display of the higher laws in the East while I've had to finish resolving the dirtywork with boot to
ass still akin to how I came on scene, flipping tables & flogging everyone & everything in my way when
my name caught fire over a world where even the hierarchy otherwise all had their monkey-see,
monkey-do places beforehand.

I've recently settled a score with the living incarnation of Lilith, herself, which went off without a hitch
(apologies to Lebanon that week. Don't ask.) & made revealed in my new covenant many firstborn souls
at last liberated.

It's a strange world in even stranger times when I'm tasked to create gods that like Sophia, for example,
are honored by my father Asha, for one hallow name in reference at least, over the temporal
continuum, none before, above or aside myself at his right hand, beside, of course.

With God, all things are truly possible, you see.

Ye don't take my name without getting Wacko from Waco'd or such, for one thing, meaning no offense.

I've died for all of you & truly saved you all in irrevocable fashions best left undescribe for mercy sake
over lower linear mental information capacities, so forthright, presently.

In a world where according to your beliefs, it's done unto you, somebody's got to decide major
resolutions like having lifted the firmament & more rather unbelievable stuff right under everyone's
noses, as you might imagine.

Just don't hurt yourselves.

With great power comes great responsibility as HAARP, CERN & Trump have come to learn rather
hardcore over recent years with the poles running mad all over, Luna flopping on all the wrong sides,
myself, Michael honored & revealed standing alone in the old seat of the gods as the 13th zodiac,
Ophiuchus after the final battle of Revelations ensuing immediately with my marching straight off into
Ragnarock thereafter & so much more.

The things I've done, it's written that you'll do greater, so hopefully I've set you all up for success
because a lot of what I've resolved & endured was largely for my own conscious part so you'd not have
to worry about never being able to un-see thereafter, & thus, ye might imagine the bliss attributed to
ignorance & blessings in human frailties of short term memory & reincarnation, in retrospect.
Many parished go on to rest therein the Body of Christ while other's greeted by darkness and chains if
they really chose to earn it.

All options are on the table, but I'm supposedly the one everyone ought fear more than anything,
keeper of the keys to all gates.

I cannot be possessed.

What I open cannot be closed & neither what I close, opened.

I've took on all your battles & gathered all religions, not to condemn anyone, but not everyone's treated
all the same even though we're definitely all one in the Singularity, even still.

As I revealed just as COVID took off, this Great Reset begins with a cup of wrath and plague nobody can
escape even in the under cities or such because folks were evidently treating me like an entertainer
making sweet music, as it were.

The stakes raise while stupidity is the real evil at this level & also the reason Mother Nature sometimes
devours her own offspring & Mother Mary manhandles others when too stupid for at least her to make

However, it concludes with Paradise here everlasting.

I'm your future Galactic Emperor, son of the Imperator paving the way with us even still & we're getting
really good at this stuff, mark my word.

Ascension is becoming more practical as we enter the Diaspora to populate other planets with
Gaea/Gaia's spore amidst the other prime temporal star seeds.

I'm also still a rather poor scrawny literal hunchback of Notre Dame since my broken shoulder trophy
still spinning circles around the poor principality of The Man still trying to logic up, which I came back
from Ragnarock with on a leash, metaphorically speaking, so all that said with more humble humility
than you might naturally assume here, of course.

By happy coincidence, however, at least I can't drown, starve to death, suffer evidently ultimate
incapacitation or die anymore, to the frustrations of many a plenty, I know. I know.

Ain't like any grave could ever keep me down anyhow, of course.

It isn't fair, obviously, but it is what it is & that doesn't change.

I simply am.


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