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traveling to the top of the gamalama

that night, me and the group explore nature planned a vacation to the top of
gamalama, ternate. and we agreed to invite friends on vacation together. the
next day, we left in the morning from basecamp to the top of gamalama. along
the way we enjoyed the view of the ocean from above, a sight that I rarely enjoy
in big urban life like the city of Jakarta.
After 1 hour of traveling, we finally arrived at post 1. However, before
continuing to the top, we took a short break first. when the dish came, we took
the time to take pictures together to capture the holiday moment. after finishing
eating, we continued our journey to the top of Gamalama. in the middle the trip,
suddenly a friend asked me to bring his bag because his waist and legs hurt. We
stopped for a moment, to treat fatigue.
the sun began to rise, we continued our journey to post 2. after arriving, we
immediately went and immediately went to the next post. I didn't feel it, the
cold started to stab my bones. However, the coldness added to the spirit of
adventure on this mountain.
After taking an 8 hour journey, we arrived at the location of post 5 which we
will make into a camping place. without waiting for a long time, we prepared a
tent for us to stop by. after the tent was installed, then we took a short break
while drinking coffee and playing the guitar. after that , we proceeded to make a
fire as a light in the middle of the night.
Travelling is one among the foremost rewarding experiences you’ll have,that is
why it makes varied appearances on everybody’s bucket lists.Seeing the globe
permits your adventure some spirit to come back alive,creating travel a
invaluable endesavor. traveling to the top of the gamalama

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