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Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Barangay Rebuken, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao

Competency-Based Learning Materials (CBLMs) Evaluation Instrument


Qualification : DRIVING NC II
Name of Developer/ Trainer : SANAO M KATUYA AND ESRAIL R. MOHAMMAD

Introduction: Below are the components and minimum criteria of a Competency-Based

Learning Materials (CBLMs). These components were lifted from Trainer’s Methodology Level
course, which was usually attended by TVET Trainers prior their assessment and certification for
National TVET Trainers certification.

Direction: Please tick () YES if the following contents are present, and NO if not present on the
following parts of the CBLM. Please indicate your remarks.

A. Preliminary pages
1. Front Page are the following
YES NO Description Remarks
components present in the
Front Page?
 Tile The title is easily seen
preferably at the
topmost part of the
 Complied
cover page and in
every page in the title
 Picture An Action picture
depicting what the
 competency is all Complied
about with the TESDA
official logo
 Sector The sector where the
qualification is
 classified. This is Complied
indicated in the TRs or
 Qualification Title  The title of the Complied
qualification as stated
in the TR or CS
 Unit of Competency The unit of
 competency as stated Complied
in the TR or CS
 Module This can be taken
from the unit of
competency from the
 Complied
TR or CS (translating
the action word in
gerund form)
 Name of School The name of the
school that developed
the CBLM is indicated
 Complied
in the front cover page
and in every page in
the title block
 Institution Quality Assurance Logo being used by
System and the Institution’s the institution which
logo developed the CBLM
 Date Developed Complete date
(mm/dd/yy) when the
 particular CBLM WAS Complied
USED Ex. 01/26/2017
 Preliminary Pages
Front Page YES NO DESCRIPTION Complied
- Are the following components
present in the front Page?
 Date Revised Complete date
 (mm/dd/yr) made on Complied
the CBLM
 Revised by (name & Complete name and
designation) designation/ position
 Complied
of the person who
made the revision
 Document No. Document no. is
 indicated in the title Complied
 Issued by The person who
issued the CBLM is
 Complied
indicated in the title
 Revision no. Indicate the number of
revisions made. Ex. 1st
 revision 03/22/2018 Complied
2nd revision
 Page No. Page number is
 indicated in every Complied
page in the title block
2.Trainee’s Guide on how to use
YES NO Description REMARKS
the CBLM
 Does it have instructions on A page containing
how the CBLM Materials is clear instruction on
used in training? how to use the CBLM
 Complied
is provided prior the
page of the table
 Does the module have a series Learning activities are
of learning activities to designed or deployed
complete each learning  to bring about, or Complied
outcome? create the conditions
for learning
3.Instruction sheets Instruction sheet is
designed to guide the
trainee on the different
things to be done to
learn a unit of
competency, Different
 instruction sheets will Complied
be required for
different learning
activities. Example are
Information Sheet,
Task Sheet and Job
Sheet among others.
3.1 Information sheets (IS) An Information sheet
is developed when
there are no resources
available to explain
the required
information or to
summarize an article
that illustrate new
trends and technology
and present hard to
find data. It is primarily
designed to deliver
 Complied
pertinent information
needed in the
attainment of a
learning outcome. To
further validate your
response in the
following items, you
may refer to page 162,
CBLMs on Trainers
Methodology Level 1.
Planning Training
a. The IS specifies the learning  The learning objective Complied
objective on what the trainee for the IS is kept on a
of copyright knowledge level but
formulated in such a
way that it is short,
attainable, relevant
and time bounded
b. The IS is free from violation of There is an
copyright acknowledgment of
references used for
 Complied
copied or adopted
material, paragraph or
c. Overall layout Contains information
that are essential to
 the attainment of Complied
specific learning
d. Substance of the Text Contents and
presentation are brief
and straight to the
point to create interest
to the level and
characteristics of the

Substance of the text

should include
important and relevant
issues and laws

concerning workplace Complied
condition such as:

 Gender and
 Mental health;
 Person with
 Drug abuse and
 Greening of
e. Illustration/ picture The layout of text and
illustration/picture are
clear and readable;
 There is a caption Complied
describing what the
picture/illustration is all
f. Self-checks The IS has
corresponding test
items to measure the
 Complied
knowledge gained by
the learner from the
information provided;
g. Answer keys  Answer keys are Complied
essential feedback
tools. Answer keys
should always follow a
self-check so that a
trainee can check his
own answers
immediately. This
allows for immediate
3.2The Task Sheets The Task Sheet is a
set of instructions
 Complied
telling the trainee to
perform a single task.
a. Title of the Task Sheet The Task Sheet
Number shall follow
the code of the last
 Complied
Information Sheet
preceding the Task
b. Task sheet No. Describe the Task in
few words. The title
 starts with a verb that Complied
directly describe the
task to be mastered.
c. Performance objectives The specific
knowledge, skills and
attitude the learner
should gain and
display as a result of
the learning activity.

 Please refer to page Complied

173 CBLMs on
Trainers Methodology
Level 1, Planning
Training Session, for
details on how to
prepare Performance
d. Supplies/ Materials and The necessary
Equipment resources needed to
perform the Task; it
includes appropriate
illustration or drawing
to provide better
understanding of the
 Complied
step or procedure to
be done. It should
allow the learner to
practice the steps on
their own with minimal
assistance from
e. Steps Procedures The step by step
 procedure for Complied
completing the task.
f. Assessment Method  This is a list of Complied
methods used in
evaluating the
performance of the
learner in a particular
g. Performance criteria Checklist These are set for
criteria to evaluate
learner on the
performance of a
specific task; Please
refer to page 175
 Complied
CBLMs on Trainers
Methodology Level 2,
Planning Training
Session, for details on
how to prepare
Operation Set.
3.3Operation Sheet An operation sheet is
set of instruction do
the operation or use of
a particular machine
or equipment. Please
refer to page 182
 Complied
CBLMs on Trainers
Methodology Level 1,
Planning Training
Session for details on
how to prepare
Operation Sheets.
3.4Job sheets A Job Sheet is a set of
instructions for the
performance of s Job.
A job for the
performance of a
service or a
combination of both.
 Complied
Please refer to Page
186 CBLMs on
Trainers Methodology
Level 1, Planning
Training Session, on
how to prepare Job

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