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What to do if you suspect that someone is having an opioid overdose?

Is the person high or having an overdose? Check for responsiveness

 Try calling their name  Try doing Sternal Rub

Overdose (unresponsive)
 Unresponsiveness to stimulants such
High (Person is responsive)
as you yelling their name
 Might be out of it but will respond to outside stimulus
 Loss of consciousness
like loud noises, light shake or sternal rub
 Vomits
 Muscles might be slack and droopy
 Breathing is slow, erratic or not
 Nodding in and out
breathing at all
 Body is limp  Slurred Speech
 Fingernails and lips are blue
 Skin is cold / clammy
 Heartbeat is slow, erratic or none
 Choking sounds or snore-like
gurgling noise
 Pupils are tiny Continue to monitor signs of overdose & make sure
Call 9-1-1
the person is awake & okay
Call 9-1-1 if unsure

If breathing on their own & responsive

If not breathing on their own/
Continue to monitor signs Perform CPR  [30 compression: 2 breaths] X 5 (~ 2mins) unresponsive
of overdose & wait for

Administer Naloxone #1
1) Divide thigh into 3 equal parts; intramuscular injection into the middle third of upper thigh.
2) Works in 1-5 minutes and wears off within 30-60mins after Naloxone administration (it is important that you have called 9-1-1)

Evaluate: Check for breathing after 1-5 mins of administering Naloxone

Not responsive/breathing If the person becomes responsive/breathing on their

own and is awake after Naloxone,
a. They might be disoriented,
Perform CPR  [30 compression: 2 breaths] X 5 (~ 2mins)
agitated and angry and want to
use drugs again – Try to stop
them and explain to them what
happened until EMS arrives.
Administer 2nd dose of Naloxone b. Put them in the recovery position
to help keep airway open and
prevent vomiting and choking
c. Wait for EMS
Evaluate: Check for breathing after 1-5 mins of administering Naloxone

Not responsive/breathing

Perform CPR  [30 compression: 2 breaths] X 5 (~ 2mins)

If not breathing on their own/ unresponsive Continue CPR (30:2)

until EMS arrives
Administer 3rd dose of Naloxone
Prepared by Sage Plus Clinical Pharmacy||t:587-480-0178| Copyrighted 2017. Naloxone Kit Review

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