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Presented to the
Institute of Allied Maritime Courses, Research, and Extension Services
NYK-TDG Maritime Academy

In partial fulfillment
of the requirements in

(Purposive Communication)




Ms. Anna Marie P. Erivera


2020 December 20
Nonverbal Communication Analysis
“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said,” a quote from an educator,
an author, an inventor of the concepts (management by objectives and self-control), an awardee of
Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, 1st class (1991), and other prestigious awards, Peter
Ferdinand Drucker. Good communication is the foundation of either personal or professional relationships.
The thing is, we do not communicate with just words, but mostly nonverbal. Nonverbal communication is
vital, it is a natural and unconscious language that has the ability to imply true desires or intentions one
man is giving at a certain moment. Nonverbal communication creates a connection where an individual
hears what isn’t said.
In communication, signals are continuously sent and received. Verbal messages may send messages, but
the way we talk, the way we sit, the space we give, the gestures we make, the eye contact we make, sends
stronger messages.
It is important to be aware and be sensitive to nonverbal cues we are sending off because it may contradict
with the words we are saying. If the nonverbal signals match up with our words, it attracts trust, offers
clarity and rapport. When they don’t, it only generates mistrust, tension, and confusion.
For Bambaeero, F. & Shokrpour, N. (2017) with their study entitled, “The impact of the teachers’ non-
verbal communication on success in teaching.” Their results revealed that there was a strong relationship
among the quality, amount and the method of using non-verbal communication by teachers while teaching.
Based on the findings of the studies they reviewed, it was found that the more the teachers used verbal and
non-verbal communication, the more efficacious their education and the students’ academic progress were.
It is evident that nonverbal cues really contribute for an effective communication. But what are the
most common nonverbal cues and signals that is being used in our daily lives?
Body Movements and Posture. The way we move and carry ourselves carry lots of information to our
audience, our credibility. As future merchant marine officers, our posture and bearing really gives off the
“officer’s presence.”
Facial Expressions. This type of nonverbal signal is one of the best sources of information as it shows
endless emotions such as anger, happiness, fear and many more.
Eye contact. Eye contact is one of the most important nonverbal gestures as it reflects to the sincerity of
the speaker, as same as the professionalism of the speaker.
Touch. A firm handshake, a tap on the shoulder, grip on one’s arm, and a warm hug means everything.
This is to show the role of nonverbal cues give in communication.
Lastly, Voice. The tone of our voices, how loud we speak- may signal sarcasm, joy, sadness, affection,
and confidence.
The mentioned nonverbal cues are just some of the most common nonverbal cues which helps greatly
in having effective communication.
According to Graham, G., Unruh, J., & Jennings, P. (n.d.) in their study entitled, “The Impact of Nonverbal
Communication in Organizations: A Survey of Perceptions.” Nonverbal would influences interactions
with people more than interactions with verbal content. As said in the study, better decoders relied most on
facial expressions for accurate information while less skilled decoders preferred voice level or tone. It was
recommended that people have to improve nonverbal skills and pay attention in generating nonverbal cues
especially facial expression. The study also mentioned that people feel frustration and distrust when
receiving conflicting signals from verbal and nonverbal type of communication.
“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.” It takes more than words to
create effective communication. Nonverbal communication has a great impact in the quality of our personal and
professional relationships. What we communicate through our body posture and bearing, the way we talk, the
way we look at someone’s eyes, affects how others see us. Verbal communication may give off direct
information, but how we communicate nonverbally generates more powerful messages.

Bambaeero, F. & Shokrpour, N. (2017) with their study entitled, “The impact of the teachers’ non-verbal
communication on success in teaching. Retrieved from

Graham, G., Unruh, J., & Jennings, P. (n.d.). The Impact of Nonverbal Communication in Organizations: A
Survey of Perceptions. Retrieved from

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