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Spirent TestCenter

Results Reporter
Topic Overview
„ Results Reporter Overview
„ Results Tree and Statistics views
„ Table, Graph, and Template views
„ Applying Templates
„ Creating Graphs
„ Exporting data to CSV, PDF, and HTML
„ Applying Filters to Table view data
„ Command Line Interface
„ Custom Queries
„ The Template Editor
Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Results Reporter Overview
„ Spirent TestCenter hardware records statistics during a test.
„ This information can be saved externally using
File > Save Results…
‹ This information is composed of statistics, configuration, and views
saved in an SQLite database (.db file).
„ Results Reporter is a reporting tool application used to
display and analyze this data.
‹ Tests results are displayed in tabular, spreadsheet and graphic
‹ A test may contain a single or multiple test iterations.
„ Results Reporter can open, display, and analyze any
number of SQLite databases.
‹ You can open results from multiple test runs and view them
Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Cross-Platform Support
„ Results Reporter is Fully Cross-Platform
‹ It runs on Windows, Solaris, Linux
‹ Same code base for all platforms
‹ Same features are available on all platforms

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Accessing Results Reporter

„ Using the tool bar:

‹ Tools > Results Reporter
‹ Results Reporter button

„ Launch automatically when running a test via the “Command


Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Results Reporter Window Format
„ Each test result is listed in the Results Tree grouped by the path to the result database.
„ You can expand or drill down into a set of test results to get more information.
„ To do this, click on the [+] symbol to the left of the node. This will expand the test results.
„ You can select each item in the results tree to see detailed information and graphs on the
right (Statistics pane).

Statistics pane
Results Tree pane

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Menu Bar
„ File – open a Database (single
iteration) or Folder (entire test,
multiple tests, multiple
„ Tools – Set preferences,
open a Tcl workspace, access
the Template Editor.
„ Report – Generate PDF, XLS,
HTML, CSV results files.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Tool Bar

Create graph
Create query Export to CSV file

Generate XLS
Open / Close Generate PDF
result database
Create Tcl workspace

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Expanding the Tree Node View

„ Expand each level to drill down to more detailed results.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Viewing Tree Node Objects
„ When you select a Tree Node object, the statistics for that object appear in the
right pane.
„ Each node in the results tree has a view type associated with it.
„ The typical views are:
‹ Table, Graph, Template, and None

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter

„ Selecting a node which is not associated with a view will

clear the display on the right side.
„ Usually these nodes function to organize the results tree and
are only for navigational purposes.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Tree Node Objects Tabs
„ Some Tree Node views provide multiple tabs to give you various
statistics to view.
„ It depends on the “Template” assigned.
„ To see detailed results you must check the Collect Detailed Results
when saving the test results.

Template view,
multiple tabs

Table view,
one tab only
Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Template Nodes
„ Blue box with rectangles on a grey background are Template Nodes
‹ The pages of the template are shown as tabs.
‹ Any template can be applied to any database but the results displayed may
not always be very useful though.
‹ DetailStats Template can usually be applied to any database that has
Stream Results for example.
‹ However the QoSForwarding template really only applied to a Service Class
Validation test.
‹ There is also a Template Editor to create custom templates.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Applying Templates

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Applying Templates continued
„ Templates can be applied to any set of test results.
‹ To do so, click on a results database node (a child of the top level
Results node) to get a drop-down list in the right window.
‹ Choose from a list of available templates.
‹ The choice of template will dictate the tabs displayed below the
templates list and how certain results will be formulated.
‹ Certain templates apply only to certain types of tests (i.e., RFC 2544).

„ Templates are located in a folder named "templates" in the

same directory where Results Reporter is installed.
„ The Template editor is used to add templates that are
customized to your needs (more on this later).
‹ After adding template(s), you must close and restart the Results
Reporter for the new templates to be available.
Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Table View
„ Selecting a node which is associated with a table view will display a table
on the right side.
„ This table may contain multiple rows and columns.
„ You can manipulate this view by resizing the columns and reordering
„ You can select one or more rows/columns by dragging through cells with
your mouse or using your shift key (right-click to copy the data).

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Graph View
„ To create a graph select a node in the results tree that displays a table
view in the Grid on the right-hand side.
„ The Create Graph icon will become accessible.
‹ The data for the chart comes from the selected table view.
‹ You can use all the data from the table or a subset.
‹ The entire table is used if no selection is made.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Graph View continued
„ Depending on the “Template” you select, some graphs may
already be rendered for you.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Creating Graphs – Step 1

„ Highlight the data you want to graph.

„ Select the Create Graph button.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Creating Graphs – Step 2

„ Choose the chart type (display) and series (grouping) you

want to use.
‹ Bar
‹ Pie
‹ Line

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Creating Graphs – Step 3

„ Select OK and then name the graph.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Customizing Graphs

„ Right click on the graph and select Properties.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Graph Title

„ In the Title tab

name your new
„ Set the color and
font also.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Graph Name

„ Highlight the new graph

„ Name it
„ Hit Enter

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Graph Axis Labels

„ Label the Range and Domain axis’.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter

„ Change the graph layout.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Horizontal Orientation

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Exporting to a CSV File

„ Select the Export to CSV button.

„ Choose what statistics to export.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
CSV File Name

„ Choose a name and location.

„ Verify the results.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Generating PDF Files – Step 1

„ Choose a Template Node View

‹ The data exported is based on the tabs seen in the results window.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Generating PDF Files – Step 2

„ Select the Generate PDF Report button.

„ Choose a name and location.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Generating PDF Files – Results

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter

„ Filters allow narrowing down the statistics you want to view

from within a Results Reporter Data Base.
„ You can select a single object or multiple objects.
„ You can also select a single value or a range of values.
„ This saves you from having to scroll through large
databases to find specific statistic data.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Creating a Filter

„ Here we want to filter on the QoS levels 1 and 2 for ports 1

and 3.
„ First, right click within the statistics pane.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Filter Objects

„ The first object we want to filter on is ports 1 and 3.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Filter Range

„ Next, we select the range of QoS values.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Filtered Results

„ Now we have a cleaner results window to view the statistics.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Command Line Interface
„ Results Reporter provides a command-line interface to generate reports
without running the GUI.
‹ Command:
„ Parameters specify the source file, destination file and format of the
„ There are terse and verbose versions of each parameter.
„ Entering the command with no parameters displays the command-line
„ To generate a PDF report from MyResults.db, using the template
CustomStats.rtp, and write the report to MyResults.pdf:
„ ./ -o MyResults.db -f pdf -d MyResults.pdf -t

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Custom Queries
„ Spirent TestCenter results are stored in an SQLite database. These results
can be accessed vis SQL statements. With Results Reporter, you can create
your own SQL statements and execute them against a results database. A
command reference for SQLite is available at To create a
new query:
‹ Click the Create Query toolbar icon to create a SQL query.
‹ Clicking the Create Query icon adds a new Untitled Query to the results tree.
‹ You can rename the query by double-clicking on its name in the results tree.
‹ Selecting the query in the results tree shows the current SQL statement and the
results of executing that statement.
‹ Initially, the SQL statement SELECTs all tables containing information about a
test run.
‹ In particular, the TableName column contains the names of all other tables in the
results database.
‹ The SQL statement can be edited and executed by pressing the Evaluate

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Custom Queries continued
• SQLlite supports a special table named sqlite_master. This
table contains a list of all tables in the database and the
schema used to create them. Executing select * from
sqlite_master will display this table.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Template Editor Overview

„ Results Reporter 2.30 now exposes the Template Editor

„ This is Phase 2 of 3 for customized templates
‹ Phase 1- Template Editor used by Engineering and Professional
Services purposes
‹ Phase 2 – Allows user to Edit/Add templates with Spirent assistance
‹ Phase 3 (2.40) – Usability Enhancements

„ Adds enhancements for creating objects

„ Note: Knowledge of SQL and the database schema is
needed in Results Reporter 2.30

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Accessing the Template Editor

„ If you are looking at a database and a given template

already, that database and the template are opened up
directly in the Template Editor.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Template Editor
Administrative Icons

Object Tabs

Render Box

Properties Box

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Layout Tab
„ Add pages and objects on pages
„ Save as a Template

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Template Files

„ Template files (*.rtp) include all components necessary to

render the complete output.
„ For Example, any logos uploaded are embedded in the
template file
„ Default.rtp is a good place to start if you are creating your
own template from scratch
‹ Includes Spirent logo on first page and contact information on the

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Table Tab

„ Tips: Reuse tables from templates. Copy the HTML and

Calculated Values into your new template and add/remove
columns and rows to the table.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Table Tab continued
„ Allows you to build columns and rows from Calculated and Reported
„ Uses HTML TABLE functions
„ Example:
<td bgcolor="#eeeeee">Test</td>
<tr iterate="=$TxPortName$">
<td halign="right" bgcolor="#eeeeee">=$Test$</td>

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Results Reporter - Graphing Tab

„ Allows you to build 2d, 2.5d and 3d graphs

„ Workflow
‹ Pick a Reported X-Axis Variable
‹ Choose one or multiple y-Axis ‘Series’
‹ Chose Chart Type
‹ Render

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Graphing - Chart Types

Choose Chart type and


Pick X-Axis Reported Stat

and label Values

Choose Y-Axis ‘Series’

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
Computed Stats

„ Allows the user to modify or validate Static variables

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
DB Explorer – Viewing the Schema

„ Allows you to see the Database Schema and data stored in

the schema
„ Generally, this is the starting point when creating a table or
„ Tip: Look for RxEoTStream Results Node. Here you will find
your RX stream Data
„ Right-Click on a column header to add the column of Data to
“Reported Stats”. “Reported Stats” are register variables
used in charts and Tables.

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
DB Explorer Example

Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter
End of Topic
Spirent TestCenter Results Reporter

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