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Universidad del Rosario

Escuela de ciencias humanas

Informative Agenda
Daniela Larrarte
How is technology changing the role of journalists around the world?

Since technology was created, journalism has faced different changes. Either way, we
obtain information or how we communicate it. Before only the traditional media,
newspapers, radio, and television were used as the main source of information, this was
unidirectional, and people did not distrust it. Nowadays, thanks to the internet and the speed
of the news, they lack confidence in their readers, who search social networks for different
versions so that they can find information that they most like. Besides, the role of the
audiences has also changed since they have now become an active user, where they can
also be heard and provide information.

The veracity is a problem that plagues the media today and This is because the journalist
cuts reality and chooses the best or most exciting parts to attract his readers. We could say
that weighty information in the news has taken a back seat. It is no longer essential to
inform correctly if you do not search for likes and views. for this reason, they usually make
the news very attractive to the reader; which mostly tends to be tabloid or showbiz.
However, I cannot generalize and say that not everyone reads important or quality news.
But that is a problem of journalism today and that is that "good journalism is not massive"
(Martin Caparrós, 2018). Which causes the media, when seeking massiveness, to lose their
solidity and begin to do nonsense. (Martin Caparrós, 2018).

However, “audiences have access to information through multiple channels and also have
an autonomous voice to be heard. Although it has not been considered a passive being for a
long time, it has not been until now that it has been able to definitively achieve the tools
that make it fully active.” (Cabezuelo & Rodriguez, p 190). Likewise, this has made the
role of the journalist change, where not only is he satisfied with writing it, it happened, but
also multimedia elements that attract the reader are necessary.

In conclusion, technology has now made the news massively produced, however that does
not mean that we put good journalism aside and only produce notes to attract attention. This
new journalism brought with it something very important and that is that the absence also
Universidad del Rosario
Escuela de ciencias humanas
Informative Agenda
Daniela Larrarte
has a voice and can comment and create content. Finally, the internet has helped us to know
the international and national news immediately, connecting the world more and more,
despite who knows what the future of journalism holds for us.


 Caparró Martin (abril 10 del 2018). Conferencia maestría en periodismo.

Universidad del Rosario.

 Cabezuelo& Rodriguez. DEL PERIODISMO 2.0 AL 3.0. Blogs y otras nuevas

formas de participación de los públicos. Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.

 Coterón. ( 2016). La comunicación 2.0. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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