"Leads You To Become A Professional": "Profession Is The Most Powerful Weapon To Feel Wealth"

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Reflective Essay

"Leads you to become a professional”

“Profession is the most powerful weapon to feel wealth”

As a senior high school student I have many dreams and plan in my life. To achieve
my dream I need to do it step by step, stepping forward to reach it.I have my own recipe in life
and that is my everyday goal,to do my goal I need to take my own ingredients;1 cup of
strength,1 cup of joy,1 cup of love,1 cup of intelligence,1 cup of confidence, but even though
how many cup of confidence I Will take it's still no effect on me, that's why I can’t made my
everyday goals perfect, I always feel incomplete
I admit to myself “I am lack of confidence, so that I am afraid always to stand in
front of the class,to recite, and to speak on the crowd. Like one time in my EAPP subject my
lecture teacher said that “bring a picture that represents you then explain in front of the class
why you choose it”, So I choose Kite.

I ready my explanation before the day that I will represent my choose picture, but when the
time that my teacher called my name to be a next presenter “I temporary lost the words that I
need to speak in front. I am very disappointed that time.
Through speaking people can defined you. That is one of the reason why I am afraid
speaking in front of our class.” I am afraid to be judged by the others. In my EAPP subject, I
don’t have any recitation because I don’t have any confidence to raise my hand and to recite,
because I am not sure on my grammar.
There's a disturbance in my mind it’s a question like, can I graduate? Can I still do my
dream? But how, if I can’t achieve the simple steps to continue my path, to be what I want
someday . But my mother said we cannot avoid problem in our life, we need to be ready
ourselves to face it, don’t cheat on your problem if you want to be a professional someday.

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