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Geriatrics —i¢ @ branch op medicine that pacuses on health 7 promotion 3 the Prevertion 3 treakmersh OF Aigeay & digabiltty in fazer lige. seit [2020 | B CeniatRic HEALTH CARE TEAM B Y | manage Ol aspeds F 4— Sy © | Ceriatrician=y collaberate with ober propesionals to 5 077 os 915 Q medical dochor who iz pecially traired-to wo preven 2 manage the unique & Oplerdimes, “ps rultiple health Concerns af older aolutts« “ eg 7 idable 42 treat older patients, manage, meliple. ~Y pO? vp sow disease Symptoms ,-& develop care Plans thar leg! Be Special heakthcare reeds oF older adults. ——Yy Saar ws BOY y OP lar a Types ar work trey do 4 + Primary care providers in cubpartiens clinics + Gertatric GCS merb Ciinte Congultards + Medida| Dicectors o¢ Nursing Homes &[or Hoipices + Hosptaliots + Medical Directors ae Qualitay arene Organizat Hospitals, , Healthcare Organ zakions, t Argurance Companies + Researchers _ | L + Home care *frovider Cindepencerse Pace) eH E: + pcadenig ps Types oF patienss NeeA to Se Q geciatrioian 1 While primary care physicians — general inkernigg & — + Faesity physi iClang — care For mos older peop, i [atic sree pradide the, primary care Fa~ | ____elder adults who havelikos Complicated medteal & 1 Beal problems. Alo, peoause qualipications & trainings 9 | _gpeiotticions are opten provide consuttatios poet pal et ouiee peson oi b a Loa tmpaioment 8 praltiy These patients tend to be over oS lageop IS 8 coping wl a number oF aii Ae ee oe Be < $ereey a8 caregivers: [en ced laureate & maste/s Degree pe ns. ; Buses mush Rae, a hearts Serve their ee Ltvurse Practioner. = jest ve am. fet: NUE LOO’ IAB. AA advanced practice regisbverceA nurse & . e iX ss Be 2 Aype oF rid — level practitioner.» 7 aretrainech to an%ees patient needs... order &inberpres diagnostic & Laboratary bests , diagnose disease , Formulate wf 4 - prescribe treabmert plans. Dare nurses who are qualified e treab certain medical _ | a e's > Sprains without the direcb Gupervision of d.docker. 9 2 According to the American Meodation of Nurse Practitioners GNP): are licensed, aubenomous hincians Rafe on managing peopk’s health conditions & 4 4 4 Prevendy, disease . hee og ‘ | Orthopedic Gucgeors | T oe > Combining Years OF Clinical Seperience with oe | Specialized research in the area of treating ye chures in older adults, they are wating a the boolt | on guoiaisisr: pra obit care: JD dney are sharing nis knowledge with doctors Oe hospitals throughout the world to advance _ ip js the rele o: oF the | NP_has been dea olving> Jae ene Propespionaly need at leash a masters, Degree to (Po etlce, & a Doctor of Nursing ICAHO — Joink Commision on ACcreditotion. op Healbhoace, Organi zations. who manages gowr Care, in the hospital. JeuGually trained in internal medicine, a hespitalise: haw the okillg & expertise needed to provide. care : Specifically riloted to meeb the unigue needs ote hospitalised patients & their Families eptines a hospibelighn hogranapenial Foes: or on peters _ inthe hogpttal, he [he is more accessible to peerage 1 Your i aooene care. cy by “Following “up > onAents 1B a B ac stg fpughoid the Any af pecerieits | @ Hospitatists wi A ® — pa iee is an aoute ~ care Speciali#t physician ca { | you ee aboub your Care. ie ; avai lable Le epenal more rtline _more time talking _—_Crpert our ee oF all the prysical 2 ge = merkal Changes trot Come with the. aging process: | pbhese, can include te a decrease in heack or lung _ Function ; B's increase CHeASe Erik wity to medicati LOSS Giornett mental cay et copay r 4 oo Responds patients &e | Families | requests For Services __& tyaluabes the level oF Suppor’ provisos m mii, friends, or neighbors: 5 RLepers patierds to community res omrces Such ab _ Gliding pee ~Seale aides, Farily Servi® agencich, Geriatric Services , or Community hialth:nurses gon | home healbh services. D Braluabes, options 2 repers, aie inpatienk, shes rehabilitation Progroms,i¢ necessary: “nul dicciplinany Team QnoD = —p is a diverse group oF pained Footie 2 Prarersinnglt working Lvs @ Peychtabishs.. eeter would aim» Clinical Nurse Gpeciatists | Commusntby Mersal Ee ot pes Health nurses imate care Buychologists b suppece for @ Social. workers i the person with © Oceupectional therapists Care |needs. @ Medical Secretaries 2 | _@Sometimes other disciplines Gch ab? | _ 2 counsellors Y 2 drama therapists 0 ack therapiHs __» advocacy ‘workers + Care workers le of @ nurse in @ MOT. 5 > AE WANDER — whenstaking charge OF patienb, when following & Supporting him| her dung is lols | _ Adequab Course | ap investigations Aiagnrosis % gE: —— Tye lee ine ac te aie Y = { henlthaare tearnincludes | Conglicting devrandg YT Team Based care (word Health Organization) a "Case marcas" atdheece BH Geriatric nurses help design ® Spain tree hee regimens +e to pactionte a their farrdi fey open TarAbI om a, shan trbremely carer ede alte Some men os + Physician a%sichares a | Loe Nurses p= Pharmacists > ai a + Technologist % technicians i a Therapists p Cehablitection specialise ‘ ij Emotional, Social Spictual Guppory» providers - Role of a Prarmadss in a MOT Bae sf Lr provides added value +p the streabrrerch hoy paldertae py Clinical pharmacists play-an impb- role in drug ___ Sapety on hospital wards y: optimizing vdrug preseci pu ons” & improving Suryel vei llarce- } pharmacists undertake the responsibiti pe patient oubcomes with respect to rug therapy. athe principal task of the modern pharmacist ist | iderticy , cegolve & prevent deug — relabed probkos: B the pharmacish is uns gravely ‘PoStioned “te Previok disease Gate, managemnerk thot has been _demonstnatti, +0 improve patierch Secemss & okerease oer~ail fee | heqtth care cots + aac aaa || Taal aa Sort ANESTHESIOLOeIsT: + 2 have on the hearb lungs Hdneus , & brain aoe | will Leep the paterd Sape & Comportake inthe ring FOOm. pduring treoperation & In the ie oo room, _ ba patients arg a nel National Orbhepedic Hospital — Metro Manila Vomne, — Cho» Ward come — Ortho, ward DATE b> ANBSTHES[OLOEISTS : ptheir goal is decrease as rurth a& possible the harmpul chargesto pulmonary function { merckal shetus tha can lead +6 prolonged recovery & increased risk Forheark problems or pobertially lethal 1 ingectiong. +H @ w ORTHOPEDIC. NURSES t + 2. Ole the Core of care in the (Saar Center &Q tram oF orthopedic nurses , who in-addition-te their gerecal nursing Slaills , poses @ wealth oF. Specialized training & knowledge in the care af proobures in older. adults . @ Physical Therapists 2.05 part OF pakierty Care 5. @ physical therapi se worls with the patie On Gerciges cts chet Ne or bai opeed the patienks recovery: 1 Cerentological Nurses” 2 Were ix Collaboration with, older adults, families, & Communities tm Support. heli agg, MAXUM Functioning , § pees Occupational “therapists — Packelors ckagcee, vy used r-brecck injured 4 til, or disabled patients, though ae 4 the therapeutic ae or everyday Ack vities, Car help parierts develop » recovers improve , @ well \ a NE a8 maintain the sluille ‘heeled For dit living & a Worlang: 2 gor = Peter tity tees alt new. Practicing CTs pr Will require a ) Deon OF Cau potions on eae therapy degree ie | Gear ples. oF Tks & Hills OTs mighb Focus ont eth 2 Seip-=care: routines liken gekting dressed rine moe, { Glall¢ 2 moter planning 2 Writing 3 copying robes ine “ober Skills, hand ye coordination) = __i «Holding %& Controlling @ pencil » using GKissors Fire motor SKINS 4 mobor planning )- * USING per Copor — close) how- unzp { | | | " I m j | t 4 Physical Thecagite ‘ 2 Specialize in how the taxdy moves: I‘ 2evaluabe & record 4 patient progress: be 7 help injured or ill people improve moverrend & + schadeabescbicheshsik a manage pair 4 i 7 hhey, Qre Often an important park oe Wee Be. 4 4 care reAablIitallon , & treatment por paberts with eo Chronic conditions , iMnesses or injuries. a “Health Care Team BWGs OTT ae | Heath care — is a team erro: aa! Le each healthcare provider. Je lite, 4,.membecs op the tae Witk @ Gpecial role 2 Some team members are cecbers or teckricians whe help diagnose disease, = Others are pects who trea disease or care por ple! Physical-2 emotional reedgrn.. Sif | Cap —& a atte phase , elderly people tea care & | Comfort to lead @ healthy (ipe- witbhout worries \8, angevges i 404 Lack of awareness regarding the changing behavioral hoes in eldecly people Ge hewe: sends fe arse, op Henk yy sheirluines Ee 3 ang Cectatrics or Geriatric Medicine Prsr eye nt + A an Ba Spece thy Heb ig based von improving heal care parelderty peeple, = ib Sepperts' healthy: vimproverereo tn ofder Qdutte ey by preventing & treabirg disease & Aca tty hate Comme is Speech Theapics got 2 help preverk Communication 7 eo ¢ disorders Carly on Bidenbify Speech —language Pothole, | \or ut ab —risk Shudencts , axkese & Pluency ~ the ability ) 9 yt evaluate Communication Skills in eae & on ett Sprderds , 3 develop individualized. . pers, st i By \, programs por these Swallowing properly— are all iGues thak = are, propersionals who work with people oF all ages I _to improve Communication techniques & treat Guallowing disorders , among many job responsibilities. | >Speech Pathologists can be pours! prackicing in a variety op cettings including . bub ret Iimibed te, independent __ pravtions» lection’ Oprices 4 Cheols, hospitals, & residential health care faci res like mearsing homes. __ Nursing Dter dis ciplinare 2CAre: Conperenseacteain 048 [= Gelailed plans oF-care prom medical representatives or Cpecig|ties , cach » treabmerse goal B unethods for improving oubcomes- us : > Trey digcipinary care 'descri is the convent, oe care | ER SE AR |= 24 is the integration K Cilaborabicn among onl membos oF. the health care team in pater care Planning toward ~positive~ ovbcomes, Enterdisciplinany Sppredch involves team: members _| From Aipperert disciplines working . coflaboraty WHR! | Ge Common: purpose » Seb goals , make. decision, & Share repources & PSiponsiititie: ‘ike are vvelal in she sobeeispinay plan a. OF eare? +k 2 all disciplines involved tn be Care op a Patient Collaborabe to develop the patients plan op care: tach healthcare team members Provides input inte the plan of care, } | ) , | } \ } t | * tthe tient | Family | Sian icant HherS are trclu in the development Jementotion » |_mairtenance lannt &R ee. the Care | —~_____|_ provide. [ AR aaa kei Tg

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