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Welcome to this month’s issue of coffee Although there are numerous types of car‐
science. In our last series we discussed the bohydrates in coffee, perhaps the most
role of two alkaloids ‐ caffeine and important is that of sucrose. Sucrose, or

trigonelline – and briefly discussed their more commonly known as table sugar,
role in coffee’s composition. This time make up 6‐9% of Arabica’s composition
we’ll explore some of coffee’s more com‐ with slightly less (3‐7%) in the Robusta
mon compounds, namely carbohydrates species. During roasting, sucrose readily
and proteins, and discuss how these seem‐ decomposes and studies have shown that
ingly ordinary compounds contribute to up almost 90% is lost even at even the
coffee’s alluring aroma. lightest roast levels. Nonetheless it’s role
during roasting is enormous since it ac‐
tively participates in the ‘Maillard Reac‐
tion’ common in all thermally processed

One class of important compounds cre‐

ated during roasting are organic acids
which we’ll discuss in the next issue of
Coffee Science. But in general unroasted
Overall carbohydrates make up roughly

coffee (green) contains negligible amounts

fifty percent of coffee’s total dry weight.
of the thirty of so organic acids commonly
While those remaining after the roasting
found in coffee. But once roasted, there is
process are readily extracted during
an exponential increase in acid production
brewing to create coffee’s ‘mouthfeel’ or
along with a paralleled increase in acidity.
also known as ‘body’.

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Since acidity plays an important role in Other more complex molecules such as
assessing coffee quality, it’s no surprise pyrazines impart a more nutty/earthy
why we typically see higher levels of acid‐ complex to coffee. Other compounds such
ity in Arabica than Robusta coffee, due in as aldehydes and ketones also play a role
part, to its higher sugar content. with diacetyl (butanedione) imparting a
characteristic buttery‐butterscotch that
many find reminiscent of popcorn. There
Protein content for both green Arabica and are literally hundreds and hundreds of
Robusta coffee vary between 10‐13% and aromatic compounds created during the
exists as free or bound proteins within the roasting process— each contributing to
coffee matrix. Although protein concentra‐ create coffee’s complex aromatic struc‐
tions will vary from bean to bean, there are ture.
a number of factors that regulate this. Fac‐
If you’ve ever wondered why coffee is
tors such as level of maturation, variety
brown – you’ll be surprised that it’s sim‐
and storage conditions all have an effect on
ply a byproduct of the very same reaction
protein byproducts created during and af‐
that created its flavor. During roasting

ter roasting.
large molecular weight compounds com‐
During roasting, proteins combine with bine (condense) form complex brown col‐
carbohydrates in what is the most impor‐ ored called melanoidins. Until recently
tant reaction for foods: the Maillard Reac‐ very little was known about these com‐
tion (MRx). Discovered by a French chemist plex compounds. Fortunately over the
in 1910 the MRx is what is largely respon‐ past 10 years scientists have uncovered
sible for transforming the mere handful of much of their complexity and with great
compounds found in green coffee findings. The most promising is that these
(unroasted) to the complex aromatic bev‐ many of these melanoidins have potent
erage that it is today. As temperatures antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti‐
reach 150°C (302°F) the MRx causes free inflammatory properties. This is certainly
proteins to combine with sugars to form great news considering that coffee is the
aromatic compounds such as furans which second to third most popular beverage in
impart sweet, caramel like notes to the cof‐ the world— just after water and tea. It’s
fee. just another reason to enjoy a second cup
of coffee at your favorite café.

Joseph A. Rivera holds a degree in food chemistry and was formerly the Director of Science & Technol‐
ogy at the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). He’s the creator/founder of science portal and the Coffee Science Certificate (CSC) program. He can be reached at

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