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Justin Evans

Period: 1
My topic
Do beautiful people have an advantage in life?
The reason I chose this topic is because I think that beautiful people definitely
have an advantage over others in some things and I think that is a big problem.
One example of this is with applying for jobs. Some places will often take looks
over experience which isn’t always the best option.
In my research the most common answer I got was that yes, beautiful people do
have an advantage in life. Some examples were with jobs, school, some even said
that more attractive people tend to be smarter and healthier.

● Quote
● Salaries
● Interviews
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Why this matters
This matters because it is unfair if someone who is totally fit for a job isn’t getting it
because someone else who is more attractive is getting the offer.
Solutions to the problem
I think the only solution would be for people to start being less bias. People need
to be judged on their abilities not their looks. Another option which would be
difficult to do but could help would be to do something like a blind interview. The
person being interviewed would not been seen until they get the job. However this
has its disadvantages.
5 QsBeautiful people kahootjbesoccer020 plays
Halford, Joseph T. & Hsu, Hung-Chia, Beauty is Wealth: CEO Appearance and Shareholder Value.

Johnson, Stefanie K., The effects of good looks on professional success: It’s complicated.

Stranger, Melissa, Attractive People Are Simply More Successful

Prokosch, Mark D., Yeo, Ronald A. & Miller, Geoffry F., Intelligence tests with higher g-loadings show higher correlation between body
symmetry: Evidence for a general fitness factor mediated by developmental stability.

Akhtar, Allana & Baer, Drake, 11 Scientific Reasons Why Attractive People Are More Successful In LIfe

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