Enoch Jesus Jude Excerpts 12-19-20

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Book Of Enoch, Applied To These Latter Days.
Many claims, and even worse, many accusations against the truth, has been pointed
out against the Book of Enoch. Most claim its original author was not that of that
antediluvian period, but the sayings, thoughts, quotes and words were spoken of
instead by some pseudo force/form/individual/s. Having no commonality with the
original writings of that antediluvian Enoch!

Nevertheless, all who would believe that the Biblical Scriptures are truly inspired
and thus given in such manner by God, would venture forth very gingerly, before
making accusations against the Word/Scriptures, or those true recognized servants
of God.

[2Tim.3:16KJV] All scripture is given by inspiration

of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instructions in righteousness.

[2Peter.1:20KJV] Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any

private interpretation.

[2peter.1:21KJV] For the prophecy came not of old time by the will of man: but holy
men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

So therefore, Jude a Disciple of Christ, and Jesus' half brother after the flesh.
Quoting from the book of Enoch, in the book of Jude, in the New Testament, in the
verbatim of that Enoch; Jude is claiming that the sayings in/of the Enoch book are
of that individual Enoch. Therefore, by not believing this statement in the
Scriptures spoken by the words of Jude. We are either believing Jude is lying, the
Scriptures are lying, or the translation is flawed. Therefore, making the Word of
God untrue and not ALL Scripture, is given by his inspiration!

However, seeing that the God of all creation is infallible in every manner, so also
would be his promises and his Word. Therefore, the words spoken by Jude are set and
are true! Otherwise, we either accuse Jude of lying, or speaking after the manner
of his own will (unscriptual of course according to [2Peter.1:21].) Therefore, Jude
claims these words were declared by that patriarch of old, even that Enoch.

[Jude.1:14KJV] And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying,
Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

[Jude.1:15KJV] To execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly
among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and all
their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Now regardless of what is known about prophecy or any word inspired thru God toward
mankind's understanding. We know God would never have his true servants quote an
inspired work from any evil source. Neither a portion thereof.

Therefore, if one portion of a work is worthy of a biblical quotation. Then all of

its context must therefore be of that same source of its writings/inspiration! So
Scripture would not use a source other than that inspired by God to quote in the
warning of the cautions of coming events. In other-words God would never use an
evil, or even a secular work/words of another to aid him in a warning toward

God instead would draw from his own inspirational words to be quoted in/from his
other inspirational servants! Thus, this is exactly what he did. Jude quoting Enoch
verifying both works are/were after the inspiration of the Holy Spirit! Jude did
not say: even as some 'pseudo individuals' have said. No Jude makes it clear he is
quoting Enoch the seventh from Adam, and the quotation is from that book of Enoch.

If these things therefore be true, we should then look into the more serious
aspects of what Enoch was and is warning us about and the visions he beholds that
lines up exactly with many portions of the book of Revelation.

Enoch even prophesied and claimed these words and his writings was not for his
generation, but another generation to come afar off. A last generation, and that
the words of his meanings would be latent until the time of its near fulfillment of
its delineation.

Therefore, was such the occurrence of that promise. For a major undertaking
commenced into the study of the Book/s of Enoch when large portions were discovered
of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1948. Although there was a discovery of the book of
Enoch I believe by another. This was after it was thought to no longer be in
existence. This discovery I believe was in the latter part of the 18th century.
However, There was no real study/interpretation of the book thereafter at that
time. There was later on a scholar/interpreter who lived during the late 19th to
early 20th century who was famous for his interpretation of the Book of Enoch. As I
said, there was and is not a real true interpretation of the meaning of the book of
Enoch in my opinion, as far as I can see!

As far as I am concerned and in my opinion. None of the interpretations of the Book

of Enoch since its discovery, regardless of their recognition by scholarly
authorities, has very little to convey to us. That its interpretation leads away
from any truth toward its meaning or purpose concerning Enoch's desire to reveal to
this generation and its meaning! That what the Book of Enoch sought to reveal, has
nothing to reveal when it comes to its poor interpretation of its true meaning, and
total lack of discerning its revelations of strange things to come forth in the
days ahead.! I hope to share some of these beliefs of mine and how I believe these
inspired words of Enoch might better be understood, later on in this thread.

I hope to also get some inspiring input on this thread from others concerning this
motif, and others subjects of interest also.


it's true that Jesus and all the disciples quoted directly from Enoch, Jubilees,
and others. In fact the Book of Enoch had the greatest influence on 1st Century
A.D. Christians and they accepted it as inspired. The original 1611 King James
first included the Apocrypha. So what you will find is this ... that the Book of
Enoch parallels the Genesis account written by Moses. It goes into specific aspects
of the story, specifically about the fallen angels right down to their names and
what their skills were (what they taught humans). It also speaks in depth about the
science of the heavens (movements of sun, moon, seasons, even describes a black
hole, etc). We also know that Enoch was taken by God in the flesh. The Book of
Enoch talks about what happened afterwards. About how Enoch was chosen as the
messenger of God specifically to deliver His negotiations and final verdict to the
fallen angels. This was because they took daughters of men and bore Nephilim
(giants). So Enoch delivered the words of the judgement to them (what would befall
them). Even more fascinating is what we find in the Bible about Jubilees. Jesus
actually references then seemingly fulfills a prophecy about Himself from that
apocryphal text. You can read it here:




Why did Protestants remove the Apocrypha from the King James Bible?

Joshua King
Updated September 9, 2018

Hello writer,

The reformation was not a simple black and white line. Some of the people who were
instrumental in leading and associated with the reformation were Catholics who were
seeking reformation. Desidrius Erasmus was a Dutch Catholic priest whose
translations were later used to create the King James Version.

Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic Monk and many of the Protestant reformers were
exposed to the Roman Catholic liturgy and rituals which confused many people. The
reformation was a period of progressive enlightenment in which discernment of what
Scriptures were truly inspired and what was contrary to sound doctrine, took some
time to sort through.

Martin Luther originally wanted the book of James out of the bible, in its vocal
verses about faith being accompanied with works.

Luther had the Apocrypha in the German bible but noted that they were not
considered a part of the Canon of inspired books. The Jewish scribes did not
believe the Apocryphal books of the Old Testament were inspired. The original 1611
KJV contained the Apocrypha, it was removed in later editions.

There are parts of the Apocrypha which the Catholic Church has used to justify
prayers for the dead ( 2 Maccabees 12:38-46).

I have found an interesting read by a blog from a man named Adam Beloni who brings
up some arguments as to why the Apocrypha is not in the Bible.

I have not cross referenced all of his Scriptural references, but it may be helpful
for you. I will include it below




The word canon comes from a Greek word that means, “measuring stick.” Over time,
the word came to be used metaphorically of books that were “measured” and thereby
recognized as being God’s Word. When we talk about the “canon of Scripture” today,
we are referring to all the biblical books that collectively constitute God’s Word.

Problem: Roman Catholics argue that the apocryphal books, seven books and four
parts of books of doubtful authenticity and authority [The Roman Catholic Apocrypha
consists of: Tobit, Judith, the Additions to Ester, the Additions to Daniel (Prayer
of Azariah and the Three Young Men, Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon), the Wisdom of
Solomon, Ecclesiasticus (also called Sirach), Baruch (also called 1 Baruch), the
Letter of Jeremiah, 1 Maccabees, and 2 Maccabees.] belong in the cannon. Note that
while Protestants call these books “the Apocrypha,” Roman Catholics actually refer
to them as deuterocanonical (literally, “second canon”). This so-called “second
canon,” however, does not have secondary status among Roman Catholics.

The Roman Catholic Church decided these apocryphal books belong in the Bible
sometime following the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther had criticized the
Roman Catholic Church for not having scriptural support for such doctrines as
praying for the dead. By canonizing the Apocrypha, which offers support for praying
for the dead in 2 Maccabees 12:45,46, the Catholics then had “scriptural” support
for this and other distinctively Catholic doctrines.

Solution: Unlike the New Testament books, which claimed to be inspired (2 Timothy
3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Peter 3:16), the apocryphal books never make that claim. No
apocryphal book was written by a true prophet or apostle of God. And no apocryphal
book was confirmed by divine miracles. No apocryphal book contains predictive
prophecy, which would have served to confirm divine inspiration. [Geisler and
MacKenzie, Roman Catholics and Evangelicals, p. 162.]

It is fact that no New Testament writer quoted from any of the apocryphal books as
holy Scripture or gave them the slightest authority as inspired books. Jesus and
the disciples virtually ignored these books.

What does it say to you that not a single apocryphal book claims to have been
Inspired by God?

If the apocryphal books are inspired, why weren’t the writers of these books
confirmed by divine miracles like the Old and New Testament writers?

If the apocryphal books are inspired, why didn’t they contain predictive prophecy
like the Old and New Testament books?
What does it suggest to you that the New Testament writers often quoted from the
Old Testament, but never quoted from an apocryphal book?

In view of the fact that the New Testament writers virtually ignored the
Apocrypha, do you think they viewed it as Scripture?

Many church fathers, notably Origin, Jerome, Athanasius, and Cyril of Jerusalem,
denied the Apocrypha’s inspiration and canonicity. The early Jews of Palestine,
including the Jewish Council of Jamnia which met in A.D. 90, rejected the Apocrypha
as Scripture. Also, Philo, a Jewish teacher who lived in the first century, quoted
from virtually every Old Testament canonical book, but never once quoted from the

There are historical errors in the Apocrypha. John Ankerberg and John Weldon
summarize a few of these:

Tobit contains certain historical and geographical errors such as the assumption
Sennacherib was the son of Shalmaneser (1:15) instead of Sargon II, and that
was captured by Nebuchadnezzar and Ahasuerus (14:5) instead of by Nabopolassar
and Cyazares….Judith cannot possible be historical because of the glaring errors it
contains….[In 2 Maccabees] there are also numerous disarrangements and
in chronological, historical, and numerical matters in the book, reflecting
ignorance or
confusion. [John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Protestants and Catholics:
Do They Now Agree? p.59]

Does God make mistakes?
Do books inspired by God contain mistakes?
Did you know that history and archaeology are true friends of the Old and New
Testaments because they verify numerous customs, places, names and events in
Bible times?
Did you know, by contrast, that the apocryphal books contain many historical
What does that tell you regarding whether the Apocrypha is inspired by God?

The Apocrypha contains a number of unbiblical doctrines, such as the doctrine of

the mass (2 Maccabees 12:42-45; compare with Hebrews 7:27), the notion that the
world was created out of preexistent matter (Wisdom of Solomon; compare with
Genesis 1 and Psalm 33:9), the idea that giving alms and other works can make an
atonement for sin (Ecclesiasticus [Sirach] 3:3; 3:30; 5:5; 20:28; 35:1-4; 45:16;
45:23; compare with Romans 3:20), the invocation and intercession of the saints (2
Maccabees 15:14; Baruch 3:4; compare with Matthew 6:9), the worship of angels
(Tobit 12:12; compare with Colossians 2:18), purgatory and the redemption of souls
after death (2 Maccabees 12:42,45; compare with Hebrews 9:27).

Because we know the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, and because the
apocryphal books contain doctrines that contradict the Old and New Testaments, we
conclude that the apocryphal books are not the Word of God, because God does not
contradict Himself.


The issue of the Apocrypha relates directly to the question of canonicity. When the
church formally recognized what books belonged in the canon, there were five
primary tests that were applied:
1.Was the book written or backed by a prophet or apostle of God?
2 ehf - byggingaverktakar

the book authoritative?

3.Does the book tell the truth about God and doctrine as it is already known by
previous revelation?
4.Does the book give evidence of having the power of God?
5.Was the book accepted by the people of God?

Measuring the Apocrypha against these tests shows that the Apocrypha falls far
short of the Old and New Testaments. The books were not written by prophets or
apostles of God. The books do not ring with the sense of “thus saith the Lord.” The
book contradict doctrines revealed in the pages of the Old and New Testaments.

The Holy Spirit of God is truly the divine author of Scripture. Though He used
erring humans as penmen, He superintended them as they wrote, keeping them from all
error and omission. Scripture has final authority because it is a direct revelation
from God and carries the very authority of God Himself (Galatians 1:12). What the
Bible says, God says. The Scriptures are the final court of appeal on all doctrinal
and moral matters. This is what Protestants call sola scriptura (“Scripture

Jesus said, “Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). He never said “tradition
cannot be broken.” Jesus used Scripture as the final court of appeal in every
matter under dispute. To the Sadducees He said, “You are in error because you do
not know the Scriptures or the power of God” (Matthew 22:29). He told some
Pharisees that they invalidated the Word of God by their tradition which has been
handed down (Mark 7:13). Jesus informed them, “Neglecting the commandment of God,
you hold to the tradition of men” (Mark 7:8). To the devil, Jesus consistently
responded, “It is written…” (Matthew 4:4-10).
Following Jesus’ lead, Scripture alone must be our supreme and final authority.

1.Would you please read aloud Mark 7:8 and 7:13, where Jesus is speaking to some
2.What is Jesus’ attitude toward tradition here?

3.Would you please read aloud Colossians 2:8?

4.According to this verse, is it possible for human traditions to lead people

Often you may hear that it was the Roman Catholic Church that gave us the Bible.
This simply is not true. The canon of Scripture was being established in the very
days that the Bible was being written, before the Roman Catholic Church was even in

The Lord Jesus used the Scriptures as His final court of appeal. As noted above,
Jesus said, “Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). To the devil, Jesus
consistently responded, “It is written…” (Matthew 4:4-10). Jesus affirmed the
Bible’s divine inspiration (Matthew 22:43), its indestructibility (Matthew
5:17,18), its infallibility (John 10:35), its final authority (Matthew 4:4,7,10),
its historicity (Matthew 12:40; 24:37), its scientific accuracy (Matthew 19:2-5),
and its factual inerrancy (John 17:17; Matthew 22:29).

Enoch Book of Luminaries Ch 72:5 "...sun goes down from the heaven and returns
through the north in order to reach the east..." :) Now if Benjamin Blayney hadn't
removed apocrypha due to political deal during Westminster Confession 1789 (66 book
canonized by Romans) it'd be there



James M Hamilton Jr
James M Hamilton Jr
J. Hamilton

Might the blessing of Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 be a direct answer to the curses of
Genesis 3:14-19? The curses of Genesis 3 introduce conflict between the seed of the
serpent and the seed of the woman, conflict between the man and the woman, with
difficulty in childbearing, and conflict between the man and the ground, which is
cursed for man's sin. God promises land, seed, and blessing to Abraham. The nations
will be blessed through the seed of the woman, seed of Ab-raham, who crushes the
serpent's head. The birth of this seed means that the conflict between the man and
his wife is not final, nor will the difficulty in childbearing be fatal. And God
promises land to Abraham and his seed, land that hints of a return to Eden. 'For if
you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote about me.' –Jesus of
Nazareth (John 5:46)



The Function of the Sacred Geography in the Book of Jubilees - by Carla Sulzbach
Carla Sulzbach
Carla Sulzbach


In general the interest of the other-worldly realm on the part of the author of the
Book of Jubilees has been played down in scholarly literature. Although no heavenly
journey is described, the narrative frame is an angelic discourse directed at a
human taking place on Mount Sinai. When analysing Jubilees’ geographical passages
within the larger structure of the narrative and in conjunction with texts such as
1 Enoch, it is evident that the geography of Jubilees also displays a very clear
vertical direction. The concept of the axis mundi applies undeniably to the cosmic
mountains of Sinai, Zion, and the Temple Mount. Together with the equation of Zion
and the Garden of Eden, the interest in both a heavenly and earthly Temple service,
and the navel of the earth, the geography attains very strong theological and
apocalyptic overtones and, moreover, reveals a strongly Temple-oriented focus. This
is especially born out by the prominent place of Jubilees at Qumran and its
relationship to other Temple related texts unique to the Dead Sea Scrolls.
More Info: Journal for Semitics 14(2005)2: 283-305



Re: Quetzalcoatl was the Antichrist Spirit, Deganawida was God

Deganawida is one of the forms of God, YHWH Elohim.

[link to en.wikipedia.org]

Quetzlcoatl was Abaddon, the Antichrist Spirit, incarnate.

[link to en.wikipedia.org]
Quoting: Serapphire

2nd Macabees in Apocrypha says Jesus true form is feathered serpent of light.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39155434

2nd Maccabees is nonsense invented by Heretics.

Only 1st Maccabees and 3rd Maccabees are scripture, 2, 4, & 5 Maccabees are

The proper title for '3 Maccabees' is 'The Je.ws of Alexandria' (eliminate period).

Quoting: Serapphire

Scripture contains a lot of mythology - names and places changed to protect the

Astronomical mythology (myth that uses human forms like Zeus) is predominately
symbolized with humans to represent celestial bodies in motion.

The best scripture that describes astronomy is Enoch, another heretic writing -
doesn't mean it's wrong, just means it wasn't accepted by the early church...for
obvious reasons.

The first 'religion' was astronomy, math and geometry. These are encoded in the
archaic monuments. The Sun then would obviously play a large part in iconography as
does the feathered serpent.

Codex Babylon : Akhenaten Comes Alive


Quoting: Anonymous Coward 76871995

While Enoch may be heretical in the eyes of 'the Church', it isn't in the eyes of

There is a difference between 'Heresy' as in defying the Roman Harlot, and 'Heresy'
as in defying God.

RCC's '2nd Maccabees' travesty is just that; a travesty, whereas the book of Enoch
they condemn as 'Heretical' is part of the true Bible.


...The first 'religion' was astronomy, math and geometry. These are encoded in the
archaic monuments. The Sun then would obviously play a large part in iconography as
does the feathered serpent.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 76871995

Correct, the first religion was astronomy. As it is written, " The Heavens
themselves declare Your glory".

Nevertheless, Macabees isn't myth. It's a story from historical times, the Seleucid
Hellenic empire that followed Alexander the Great's conquests. The reign of
Antiochus Epiphanes.

The feathered serpent may be an astronomical reference but if that is so, it still
has the same meaning in the Americas where astronomers look out on the same stars
as the Old World sees.

Quoting: Serapphire

Scripture contains a lot of mythology - names and places changed to protect the

Astronomical mythology (myth that uses human forms like Zeus) is predominately
symbolized with humans to represent celestial bodies in motion.

The best scripture that describes astronomy is Enoch, another heretic writing -
doesn't mean it's wrong, just means it wasn't accepted by the early church...for
obvious reasons.

The first 'religion' was astronomy, math and geometry. These are encoded in the
archaic monuments. The Sun then would obviously play a large part in iconography as
does the feathered serpent.




A Patriot
A Patriot
1 year ago (edited)
I think Enoch directed the building according to God’s direction! It’s an altar
and a pillar to the Lord!

Oshikuru Lee
Oshikuru Lee
4 years ago
Could Enoch & Co. really have built the pyramids? Josephus has a different take:

"And having, in length of time, forgotten the benefits they had received from
Joseph, particularly the crown being now come into another family, they became very
abusive to the Israelites, and contrived many ways of afflicting them; for they
enjoined them to cut a great number of channels for the river, and to build walls
for their cities and ramparts, that they might restrain the river, and hinder its
waters from stagnating, upon its running over its own banks: they set them also to
build pyramids, (17) and by all this wore them out; and forced them to learn all
sorts of mechanical arts, and to accustom themselves to hard labor."

trey tolbert
trey tolbert
3 years ago
I'm of the opinion that the Foundations of the Earth are not the pyramid, but are
either the natural earth its self or the invisible pillars/ blocks that hold up the
earth upon nothing, I say that because no un-natural tool was allowed to touch most
types of alters or temples, for instance most all sacrificial alters like the ones
that Elijah against the priests of Baal, or Noah would've had to make after he came
off the Ark these were natural stone alters, so I think this is an natural earth
foundation made by God Himself, I do agree that this pyramid was for a monument of
Enoch, I first learned of this from listening to Chris Pinto.

Adnan Raman
Adnan Raman
4 years ago
The Truth'
it is the tree of live'' and the Lion of Juda is protecting it.
for those that have the eyes to see and ears to hear what the spirit....

4 years ago
Some convincing conclusions I must say.
If true it seems that the Pyramid shape could be yet another Qodesh (Holy) thing
that has been hijacked and used for bad. Dollar bill, Illuminate etc.

George In S.C. 4
George In S.C. 4
2 years ago
The " air shafts " did not originally extend unto the chambers until broken through
by early explorers ( you may know that)
The slight curve at the bottom base may reflect the firmament.
Either way.. excellent work Rob Skiba!

Tikvah Duesters
Tikvah Duesters
4 years ago
Shalom, I have a real major problem with the pyramid being an altar or even a
pillar for the people of Elohim. Any altar to Elohim was NEVER ever to be cut with
any iron tool, but was to be made with UNCUT stones. Any time we see an altar built
to our Father it is either of earth or uncut stones. Also the pillars that were set
up were also of uncut stones.

Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
3 years ago
Hey, pretty interesting documentary about the bird mummies of Giza called forbidden
archaeology: the lost caves of Giza . This researcher actually found that the
entire Giza platform lines up perfectly with the northern cross. And how they may
have found the entrance to the hall of records. In a cave system that honeycombs
that area. Something you may be interested in looking into.
That being said I love you lecture and the message. Keep up the good work

4 years ago
If the zodiac is the corrupted version of God's original purpose of the design
and patterns of the stars
then where is the web site that contains the true ongoing, current interpretation
by believers?
This should be of vital concern to us if it is true.
Yet I don't know of a website dealing with this.


Not only has their been a defiling of our seedlines with Satan's seed, but with
other fallen angels as well. Interbreeding has been going on since the beginning of
our creation with the Watchers who fell described in Enoch chapters 6 through 10
and Genesis 6:4. They fell before the flood and after.
Filed under: Biblical, Cain, Jews, Edomites



Re: I just want Glps argument, wasn't America and our founding four fathers found
off Christianity.

Last point is... ask yourself why Ezekiel bread is found

predominantly sitting on shelves in North America ;)
Quoting: Just Being

Here is Ezeqeel's message properly unlocked.

I believe Enoch and Ezeqeel could be the same person split into two by the authors
of the Bible - both characters are certainly and undeniably Watchers or
'Astronomers' as this video very frankly explains.

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]



Enoch's Stargate Dudael

Ancient Agenda
Published on May 10, 2018
Think you know Enoch..? Think this over-
Enochian Magik from a journey through the wheels in the sky guided by an infinite
dream weaver.

Enoch is the seventh seed from Adam'. one of histories most notorious characters,
has been systematically stricken from todays modern bible. Who was this mysterious
person ..and does his-story account for lost knowledge?
Before venturing into the forbidden gospel, one must examine Enoch's place of
origin, which will help to define Enochian literature. Understanding where Enoch
begins constitutes a synopsis of his life story as told in the bible.
This extremely coded book hides astronomy in every main characters story.
Enoch reveals himself as the main example to the many advanced astrological
correlations deduced from scripture.

Ancient Agenda invites all, as judge and jury, for a CSI History review to the
hidden knowledge of Enoch's Stargate Dudael.

Thankyou! I never knew our sun created an infinity symbol! What is the 13th zodiac
symbol? Wow!

Kelvin Stephen
Kelvin Stephen
Why show a round earth, when the book of Enoch describe how the earth really is???
7 months ago
Ancient Agenda
Ancient Agenda
Yes Kelvin the Book of Enoch details the Earth as roundish oval-egg shaped. Are you
familiar with the Pillar of Enoch..? It details the correct concave shape of the
7 months ago
Kelvin Stephen
Kelvin Stephen
@Ancient Agenda yes sir I'm familiar with all my ancestors knowledge especially
Enoch's, an example of my point looks more like the U.N. symbol
7 months ago
Ancient Agenda
Ancient Agenda
Kelvin, the next video installment to Enoch's history is almost ready to be
released - it covers what no one else is willing to expose.. it will be released
before the end of this month. Namaste
7 months ago


Superclever Turk
Superclever Turk
Terribly flawed video! You should restart thinking by admitting the earth is flat.
2 months ago
Ancient Agenda
Ancient Agenda
Your name is 'Superclever' so I'm not surprised you dont understand the Flat Earth
funded CIA hoax to weed out the real intelligent people from the simple-minded
followers. How is it you don't realize it takes a globe to cast the Moon Phase
shadows we see EVERY month.?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_phase
You Flat Earthers ignore the Moon? or just didnt learn anything at grade school?
Clearly you've never seen an Eclipse or understood how that works.
Study astronomy facts..and watch the Moon Phases!
JD Jeffrey
1 month ago



is really a mixture of both. Fallen angels and the nephilim spirits both exist and
make up satan's hierarchy.

The answer, which I'd defer to Kat for further revelation on, The demons Jesus
cast out called themselves 'Legion' which means 'many'. Afterwards they were sent
into a herd of pigs which we can infer were either nephilim spirits (or similar)
but not fallen angels.

Kat might know about actual demon identification, but ultimately irrelevant when
you think about it ;) They're all going to same lakeside property.

Interesting how Enoch further explains how he was tasked to relay God's message
back to those fallen angels. That they petitioned God for mercy after they mixed
with the daughters of men. However since they swore mutual oaths together to take
wives, they sentenced themselves to damnation. Kat mentions that 1/3rd angels who
fell with Lucifer only had one chance to choose God or Satan. Similar situation
with those who descended on Mt Hermon, they intentionally chose to disobey.



Numbers 13:22 And they ascended by the south, and came unto Hebron; where Ahiman,
Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, were

Numbers 13:28 Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the
cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak there.

Numbers 13:33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the
giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their

Deuteronomy 1:28 Whither shall we go up? our brethren have discouraged our heart,
saying, The people is greater and taller than we; the cities are great and walled
up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there.

Deuteronomy 2:10 The Emims dwelt therein in times past, a people great, and many,
and tall, as the Anakims;

Deuteronomy 2:11 Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites
called them Emims.

Deuteronomy 2:21 A people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims; but the Lord
destroyed them before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead:

Deuteronomy 9:2 A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou
knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of

Joshua 11:21 And at that time came Joshua, and cut off the Anakims from the
mountains, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, and from all the mountains of Judah,
and from all the mountains of Israel: Joshua destroyed them utterly with their

this is about half the accounts mentioned in the bible


all the same thing


a total of 18 times.
Deuteronomy 2:11 Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites
called them Emims.

this verse also illustrates how different cultures moved in and changed dtheir name

resulting in the loss of information we deal with today

Humans are very short lived.

Info becomes disguised or lost entirely

Re: The ANNUNAKI are in the BIBLE
The elohim were the Annunaki.
Quoting: Adytum

they ALL are.

well ....MOST of them.

They have separate factions

just as we do here on earth

these are NOT invisible spirit beings.

Re: The ANNUNAKI are in the BIBLE
it sounds like genetic experimentation to me

the ANAK made giants

they made US.

Dinosaurs lived here before us

perhaps they made them as well....

seems earth has been home to several populations of varying species

not just humans.

Re: The ANNUNAKI are in the BIBLE

then there is THIS group also mentioned TWICE

Jeremiah 4:16 Make ye mention to the nations; behold, publish against Jerusalem,
that watchers come from a far country, and give out their voice against the cities
of Judah.

Daniel 4:17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the
word of the holy ones:

their stories are all throughout our own histories

Zeus Posiden Hades

Odin Thor Loki
Horus Set Osiris

all different names for the same beings

they walked this planet alongside men

then they all left


why did they all leave?

Because their PLANET left.

Quoting: Mr.Wonderpants

Perhaps. In Enoch it says he was taken on a voyage to their home planet. He even
said that a star off the belt of Orion was the home sun of the Gods whom he was
leaving with. He also said that the laws of time are different there and many
thousands of years will pass when they get there, and also when they return to
Quoting: Dildo Baggins

it says he passed a "first circle of heaven"

and a "second circle of heaven"
etc etc etc

each "circle" was a planet.

Quoting: Mr.Wonderpants

Very interesting interpretation. You might well be correct.


"circuit" = orbit


each "circle" was a planet.

Quoting: Mr.Wonderpants




Quoting: Yidna

enoch did not use parables

Jesus did
Quoting: Mr.Wonderpants







Re: The ANNUNAKI are in the BIBLE

Anak,Elohim, Nephilim, Mankind

4 species
Quoting: graff2


Quoting: Mr.Wonderpants

No, bro, the Anunnaki created the dinosaurs. In the Dead Sea scrolls it says that
there were men in those days who began mixing several species of animal together
which resulted in a brood of monsters that began attacking and devouring
everything. It also is briefly mentioned in genesis, Noah, jubilees, and Enoch. It
says reptiles, birds, fish, cattle, etc were all genetically crossed, right? A
tyrannosaurus is clearly a mix of a large crocodile and flightless bird. It’s
forelimbs we’re the vestigial wings of the large flightless bird it was born from.
I have zero doubts that dinosaurs are these genetically engineered monsters
mentioned in the Dead Sea scrolls, and that they fossilised rapidly due to a global
flood which various texts say that God sent to destroy them.

Re: The ANNUNAKI are in the BIBLE

to the idiot who gave me red.
I have read the bible
many many times
cover to cover

I am obsessed with it

Fuck you and your red.

Quoting: Mr.Wonderpants

I don't give red unless you become a belligerent asshole which you did not. It
wasn't me that gave it to you. I may disagree with you on something but that's no
call for red.

I've read Enoch(3 version), Book of Jasper, and too many to list along with the
bible. I do a lot of research and study. I'm very passionate about it and I take it
literal. I use e-sword to lookup the meanings.

If you really believe the words of Enoch, then you live on a flat enclosed earth
where the sun, moon, and stars traverse the heavens. They all travel there own

There are no planets but wandering stars. The earth sits on pillars and doesn't
Quoting: A Chosen

Psalm 99:1 The Lord reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth between the
cherubims; let the earth be moved.

Isaiah 24:19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the
earth is moved exceedingly.

Isaiah 13:13 13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out
of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce


there are about 10 scriptures that say the earth will be MOVED.


Re: Woman Dead For 23 Hours In Hell Reports Seeing Michael Jackson, Pope John Paul
II And Many Other Celebrities
Jesus said no one is coming back to tell us anything, why believe them when you
don't believe in the Resurrection
Quoting: Furrry Pete

But yet there are several stories in the Bible of folks being "taken in the spirit"
to Heaven etc...

Quoting: TheLordsServant

She claimed to have returned from the dead, She was not in the Spirit.

Luke 16

27 “Then he said, ‘I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my
father’s house, 28 for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they
also come to this place of torment.’ 29 Abraham said to him, ‘They have Moses and
the prophets; let them hear them.’

30 And he said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they
will repent.’ 31 But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’ ”
Quoting: Furrry Pete

And yet her body was not buried. And not resurrected.

Her physical body was still above ground, so it was obviously her sprit that was
taken to Hell.

How was Abraham, Lazarus & the rich man shown in Jesus' story?

None of them had been resurrected, and yet Jesus clearly describes them being

Thread: Does Enoch Explain the Jesus / Thief "Paradise" & the "Lazarus / Rich Man"

Re: Son of Semiramis

Even though Aaron was the first high priest mentioned in the Book of Exodus, the
legendary passage revealed the first man assumed the title of high priest of God is
Enoch who was succeeded by Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem (or Melchizedek),
Abraham, Isaac, and Levi.

This applies to the antediluvian age!


You show Enoch as the 8th that is of the 7...

Quoting: Base12

Remember, there is Enoch 1, 2 and 3.


Re: Son of Semiramis

Yup, a lot going on would take me two hours to explain. I need to get this whole
series of these prints.


Genesis 49:9
"Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down,
he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?"


Deuteronomy 33:17
"His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns
of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth:
and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh"

Judah and Ephraim joined...




[quote:Anonymous Coward 48630787:MV8zODYzODQ0XzY5NTY0NzIyXzdDNDA2Q0FD]

[quote:Anonymous Coward 75174466:MV8zODYzODQ0XzVFRkVCMjU5]
If you are a diligent and smart researcher then you should have covered this
important topic. There is no way to understand humanity unless you research the
true genetic origins of the serpent seed.

Among us are a couple races of ‘people’ who have had a serpent gene mixed into
their blood. It happened a long time ago and with this serpent dna they are more
easily controlled by their draconian masters.

The one group that DOES NOT have the serpent seed are Scandinavian Northern
Europeans. Also Germanic and Celtic Europeans. These whites are of a pure Lyran
bloodline of the ancient sky gods which is why they are persecuted so fiercely. The
Draco is trying to wipe out the beautiful ones.

The serpent seed is who you might guess. Think of them as an experiment gone wrong.
All dark skin races including the Hebrews.

This is historical fact.


There is no such thing as serpent seed. [b]The fallen angels do NOT have
reproducing organs.. no angels do.[/b]

Serpent seed refers to MIND SETS AND CONTROL by various entities..

Bad shit gets reflected in the DNA and of course that does get put out there in the
reproductive process. It is time to stop being so terrible IGNORANT and/or Stupid

There is bad DNA in every group on this planet. Because DNa records both GOOD AND
BAD. There is no pure Lyran blood because of intermarriage about the planet..
which has occurred into those countries you list. GROW YOUR MIND OP.. because
right now it sucks.

Please read Genesis 6. Only way a fallen offspring could be

produced to begin with is by the flesh. Sons of God who
descended on Mt Hermon physically, led by Semjaza, were the
fallen watcher angels. They were only supposed to watch and
protect ... not interact and mate.

Book of Enoch expounds on this. Enoch spoke to the watchers

as a messenger, relaying God's judgement for their deeds.
Their fate would be to watch their offspring be wiped off
the earth with the flood. The watchers condemned themselves
by swearing mutual oaths together (sounds a bit masonic when
you think about it). We know some survived to repopulate the
serpent seed into Noah's bloodline after the flood.

Another heavenly being who took on flesh was Melchizedek, an

eternal priest and King of Salem, in order to interact on
Earth. Jesus, the Son of God, was made according
to Melchizedek's archetype. Also remember what is said in
Hebrews 13:2 about entertaining angels unaware...





[quote:Anonymous Coward 74960594:MV8zODYyNTEwXzY5NTQ0ODAzXzczNjhGRUI2]

[quote:Just Being:MV8zODYyNTEwXzY5NTQ0NzM5X0IzQ0MwMzU2]
[quote:Anonymous Coward 74960594:MV8zODYyNTEwXzY5NTQ0NDk3X0FDREQ3ODgy]

Sola fideism was literally invented in the 16th century after Jesus. How's that for
retarded. [b]Jesus said the the sheep and the goats will be divided, and you try to
use Paul's word to nullify it.[/b] And most Christian's faith is already below the
faith of even literal demons as per James 2:19. There's no salvation in the
polytheistic, satanic trinity idol.

Remember Sweden, the separation of the sheep from goats in Mat 25:14-15 when Jesus
returns *does not* preclude the inheritances within the group of sheep He will
select. Paul in no way nullifies this, and although Peter will certainly agree he's
hard to understand, 2 Peter 3:16, Paul is consistent. Neither you or I were present
in Damascus during his conversion. Guess you'l have to take it on faith...

[i]“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from
yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”
Ephesians 2:8-9[/i]

2 Peter wasn't written by the author of the first Petrine epistle. It's
pseudographical and of historically disputed canonicity. And James 2:19 still says
your faith is below that of literal demons, so why does it matter anyway?

Sure, 'Sweden'. 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, Jude, and Rev were the originally disputed
books of the 27 since they had no clear chain of custody. Doesn't mean they're not
divinely inspired. There are plenty of ways to confirm Holy Spirit was imbued into
the texts as one body of work regardless of today's modern bible translation
errors. For example.


And like other apocryphal texts, we also have references from Jesus and the
Apostles quoting Enoch, Jubilees etc, who had no problem believing what was written
in those texts (admittedly easy with Jesus around). Same principle applies, that
while authors may not be 100% verified for those 5 disputed books, IF one has the
eyes to see they would recognize the OT and NT as one complete work. It's

Also need to admit Paul's epistles were universally accepted by the Roman Church
*and* the Church of the East as divinely inspired texts.


So the question gets turned around now and becomes do YOU have enough faith my
friend. Since you came to a thread for Christians, and are quite possibly lying
about your love for Yeshua, and quick to judge others who are believers as
'satanists' on this thread.

If you're really being honest? Then try thinking about what you wrote earlier.
Instead of acknowledging my clear point about the sheep and goats, instead you took
issue with a marginal supporting point about Paul being difficult and the
historicity being disputed. Ultimately this historicity being disputed is

Same goes for whether you reject Paul's writings in whole or in part, because what
I *do* find extremely disconcerting is your professing to be a believer of Yeshua,
and so readily willing to use James 2:19 to accuse and judge someone else's faith,
and so directly. I sense it's not just based on your disbelief of Paul's teaching,
but there's more to it isn't there.

We can find out by applying this standard to yourself, to see what happens. Golden
rule Matthew 7:12. Yes?

First, grab a mirror then take a long look at yourself. Can you start to see the
mote? Try to cast out the mote out until you see Yeshua's face staring back at you.

[b]If this doesn't work, next ask yourself the following question and try to gauge
your reflexive response.[/b]
[b]Is Yeshua's law written in my heart?[/b]


Ok, whatever you felt above, just keep the answer to yourself. This concludes the

My last point is do not judge lest ye be judged. You know Christians must face
persecution, and we both know what James said is true but realize you judge the
level of faith and relationship with God of someone you don't know, unless you
belong to Yeshua. So that's being careless. I bothered to write this more so for
others, but also with possible added benefit that you might have a chance to be
honest with yourself.




[quote:Anonymous Coward 76552502:MV8zODYyNTIzXzY5NTM0ODkwX0ZCNTYxNTU3]

[quote:Anonymous Coward 75708546:MV8zODYyNTIzXzY5NTM0ODc3X0ZCQjFBRDdB]
My nagual's nagual says that kind of dream is good. You're supposed to go with it,
experience every kind of death over and over.

I didnt die. I was being beaten while watching a sibling die


Read the Book of Enoch and you'll realize the spirits we're dealing with in the
astral. Sick, diabolical, and have the ability to attack us in our dream states.
When Judgement Day comes they will get theirs. I second the other poster about the
Tarot, which of course works but They know more about us, and which buttons to
push, than we can imagine.


Re: So Noah was the first white generation? Did God flood the dindus out?
The book of enoch eludes to the fact that noah was born “diferent” with white
skin...meaning everyone else had dark skin

The flood was to kill everyone but Noah and his family. Everyone else being

So im guessing one of noahs sons had a black wife? Noah disobeyed God and allowed
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 76025065

The Mystery of the Four Ages of man. I knew forehand one day it would come to this.
OP, the mystery is no longer. There have been three prior ages. Think of the Four
Horsemen. If you want more, I can provide.


Proverbs 15:28 KJV

The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth
out evil things.

Proverbs 15:28 Septuagint

The hearts of the righteous meditate faithfulness; but the mouth of the ungodly
answers evil things. The ways of righteous men are acceptable with the Lord; and
through them even enemies become friends.


May 30, 2014

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
The book of Enoch will not take you away from the bible but actually confirms it I
dont know why they ever took it out of the bible it explains alot of questions
people might have on Giants and the nephilim angels and stuff. also in this day and
age could even explain what happens when we mess with DNA SERIOUSLY YOU NEED THIS

Ahh, one of the hidden books of the Dead Sea Scroll finds. Left out by the Roman
Catholic Church. Hummmm. Ya think there might be a reason for that.(?) Such as,
ENOCH documents the reality of Genesis 6:4. And once a believer goes down the
rabbit hole of GENESIS 6:4 ---look out ! You begin to marvel at " it's all REAL '.
AND your inner core surprisingly becomes a magnet after more and more of the
BIBLICAL untold. It becomes an incredible personal journey. GO for it !! You won't
be disappointed.

Then we have the extra books, and this is like poisonous kool-aid that has a sweet
aroma, and so many fall for it when they are young in there walk. And I am only
gonna focus on two of these books, because these particular two I have studied a
great deal and advocated for in the past until I saw the error of my ways, in fact
I even wrote a book pushing for the canonization of one of those particular (lost
books) and now I tell people to not buy that book I had written because it is
complete garbage (hey it will make a great companion with your Eth Cepher lol).
But lets look at Enoch. The author claims to have translated Enoch from the Dead
Sea Scrolls, so that would mean that he only has a few of the later pages of Enoch
in the Eth Cepher right? Because only a few pages of Enoch were found in the Dead
Sea Scrolls. Wrong, he has the complete book of Enoch sandwiched in there. How is
that possible when there are only a few pages in the Dead Sea Scrolls? Well, there
are many public domain translations of the Ethiopic Text, which is used by many
self publishers today who try and push the Enoch craze to make a dishnonest buck.
This i what is used here, in sacred name form. Now one thing we must realize is
that the Ethiopic text varies a great deal from the few pages in the Dead Sea
Scrolls, to the point it is almost a complelty different account. Similar, but not
even close to being identical.

For anyone who has read Enoch, it is obvious there were several authors, which
causes huge issues with the Ethiopic text. Most scholars agree there are parts
that may be a part of an original book of Enoch but 90% is a forgery by gnostics.
Because we have huge issues with the first 20 chapters, most notably Yeshua saying
angels are unable to marry (Matthew 22:30). The whole idea of fallen angels or
aliens etc does not fit the Hebrew of Genesis 6. But the gnostics came up with
their own story and that is what we have in the Ethiopic text of Enoch.

Ok what about Jasher (aka Sefer HaYashar). Jasher, for those who have read it, you
can see is not a spiritual account at all, instead it is like a high school book
report on the cliff notes of the Torah. And that is is essentially what Jasher is,
it is a secular summary of the Torah She BikTav. Now it is mentioned in the
Tanach, but not the Jasher many see it as today. Was there an actual book of
Jasher at one point? Most evidence says no, and several of the sages refer to the
book of Genesis as "Sefer HaYashar" (which means the "book of the upright")
referring to Abraham Isaac and Jacob as the "upright ones". And the sources from
the Tanach that mention Sefer HaYashar, are found in the teachings of the oral
Torah about the events mentioned.

The sections from the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha added to the Eth Cepher, are
riddled with so many problems to list and thus is why they are not canonical books.
As Jews we even reject the books of the Maccabees as Scripture, because no full
copy in the semitic languages exist, but we do accept the story for Hanukkah but we
do not and have not ever taken it as Scripture. Sp the books of the Apocrypha and
Pseudepigrapha as well as Enoch and Jasher are good historical books, but they have
never been accepted as Scripture and not G-d breathed. And to put these books on
the same level as the Torah, Ketuvim, Nevi'im and Brit Chadasha is beyond
Now these are just a few of the numerous issues with the Eth Cepher. I also
realize many of you are trying to find a Bible that works best for you. Being a
radio and television hosts I receive Bibles in the mail all the time from those
wanting an endorsement, I have received some good ones, I have received some duds,
and I have purchased some good ones and I have bought some duds. So I have put
together a review of several translations, and I have tried to exclude many of my
personal biases, and many you will find one that works well for you. In this list
in the button below:

Click HERE To Read The Bible Reviews

It is important to note, there is no such thing as a perfect translation, because
Hebrew and Aramaic cannot equate directly to english, so there are variances. My
goal in the above link is to help you find a Bible that has the readability at your
level and the features you are looking for in a Bible that will work for you. I
also must stress if you do not know the semitic languages, then make sure to have
many translations and you will see the three dimensional aspects of the Bible
through those many translations.
2/17/2017 01:13:45 pm


You are right. I looked at mine and classic search and replace there are passages
they put Yahuahly where godley was in the passages. Big fail by Eth Cepher.
8/29/2017 02:36:51 pm

The Torah was not written in the new Hebrew script.The letter J didn't come into
existence until the 1600s, and there's no J in the Hebrew or in the Greek, the
messiah's name couldn't have been Jesus in that time.Look it up for yourself don't
believe what other people tell you.
David YAH
9/7/2017 04:32:39 am

Be not deceived by Satan ("Gadr'el," or "God," for short). "The name of the third
[fallen angel] is Gadr'el: he discovered every stroke of death to the children of
men." - CHANOK (Enoch) 69:6 (Eth Cepher).


They Do Not Want You To Know This About The Apocrypha

Published on Jun 29, 2014
They Do Not Want You To Know This About The Apocrypha
➥ PROTECT PRIVACY & BE ANONYMOUS W/ THIS - http://bit.ly/2sv1mch
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Their use of the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha and how it ties into the Final Days.

Godrules Forums:

Non canonical books quoted or alluded to:[Pseudepigrapha]

Enoch (Jud 4,6,13,14--15,[23] 2 Pet 2:4;3:13[23][24])
Epistle to the Laodiceans (Col 4:16 "read the epistle from Laodicea")
Life of Adam and Eve (2 Cor 11:14 "an angel of light", 12:2 "Third Heaven")[25]
a lost section of the Assumption of Moses (Jude 9 "Michael.. body of Moses")
Death of Isaiah (Heb 11:37 "they were sawn in two")

Tons of References To Apocryphal and Pseudopigraphical Works Throughout New


Possible References to the Deuterocanon (aka "Apocrypha") in Matthew (RSV)


With Jude and 2 Pet 1-3, you find them telling us to contend for the faith, and
that no prophecy is of any private interpretation, all the while they are quoting
Pseudepigrapha and Apocryphal Books (Enoch, Assumption of Moses and Ahikar). And
then indicating in the latter times, believers will be sensual(selfish) and walking
after their own "lusts" (desires of any sort that are bad).

More References to Apocrypha in New Testament:


Death of Isaiah (sawn asunder):


Apocryphal Links From Above References:


Life of Adam And Eve (Devil disguises as angel of light - 2 Cor. 11:3):
"was wroth and transformed himself into the brightness of angels, and went away to
the river"
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

Mat 5:28 - looking up a woman committing adultery (her refers to a wife here) Sirac
9:8, do not look intently at beauty BELONGING TO ANOTHER.

Jesus quotes Sirac left and right


3 Covenants

Mosaic (Old / OT)

Elijah Days
Jesus (new / NT)

Patterns with numbers 3,7,12

Jesus uses in parable, parabolic form

Moses Elijah transfigured

With peter James and John
Peter represents Church, New covenant, 66 books
James represents old covenant Jews up to John the Baptist
John represents latter times Christians / final church before His return (written
for them)

Jude in 2nd Peter, contend with faith, people beoming selfish, wantonness...
Jude 1:16 walking after their own lusts, mouth speak of great swelling words, big
followings, mega prosperity preachers... you were told there would be mockers in
the end times walking after their own lusts... these be those separating sensual
(lower natur of flesh), Galatians 5 selfish... but ye beloved build up yourselves
in faith praying to Holy Ghost

It's quoting book of Enoch here, and Moses... (above).. and Enoch is written for a
remote generation, God allowed church to slumber not realizing it was end times
scripture, until knowledge be revealeed Luke 8:17

So Peter claimed as 1st Bishop, the Protestants Identify with Peter, but most
Catholic Church represented by Him

John only one not martyred, and if you tarry until Ic ome back... parabolic saying
John represents final Christians...

Lot fo the 'bad' books talk of end times... if you have just one testament, you can
find all of God's Word in all the testaments

In the OT, enemy tried to steal word of God from Jews by removing Apocrypha...
certain books from the Tanach removed becuase Greeks were using Septuagint to prove
Jesus was Messiah, Jews didn't like it, then removed and said hey they have a
different canon, leverage technique to muddy th ewaters on the truth

So all of a sudden, not canonical ... only 200 years ago some of the apocrypha
removed ... like parable of sower, devil comes along steal Word of God from you,
wants you to be confused and not understand God's Word ... by simply looking at 66
books noticing the errors that don't add up

In NT alone with Jude... he clearly quotes book of enoch, calls it prophecy. and 2
Peter quotes Jude's material, says no prophecy is of private interpreation ... that

Colossians 4:16 ... cause that it be read in Laodiceans, and you likewise read it
(it's apocryphal, and Paul commands them to read it). Problem there. They forgot to
erase verse.

"Satan transformed himself into the brightness of angels"... Paul read that from
Adam and Eve ... you can find terminology in NT Jesus says He is 'Son of Man' ...
one in Daniel, but book of Enoch has MANY references to Son of Man, Messiah to Come

Refers to nephilim in one respect, but measn He is a perfect man, not corrupted.
Remember fallen angels on Mt hermon mated with humans, half human giants corrupted
DNA of man, God sent flood, they were killing humans, destroying earth. God saved
humanity and animals from Nephilim, they genetically manipulated animals too

Y Chromosome from Adam, theory of corruption of man is Y chromosome is 'where sin

is held'. Jesus didn't have earthly Father, so perfect. Explaining the corruption
by Nephilim.

Star men, aliens, etc are the fallen. 60 plus cultures with flood myths, each had a

What's best way to get people do wrong?

Let history repeat itself.

People with science backgrounds...

Evolution is pathetic to believe at this point, too many holes.

Hebrew 11:32, 37... slain with sword wandered in sheepskins, deserts, mountains,
caves of earth.

Referring to prophets...martyrdom of Isaiah... Isaiah predicts his own death Isaiah

1:9-11 "Many in Jerusalem and Judea ...and Hezekiah wept...coucnil of Samuel
against Manasseh is consummated...""

If He is God's Son, let His wisdom avail Him of His adversaries

Jesus quotes scripture to the devil FROM WISDOM part of Septaguint (proof it is


cucomonga joe
cucomonga joe
8 months ago
The catholic Church did not remove the books, Prots did


Dominic Edwards
2 years ago
Apocrypha was taken out of the bible so that the current slaves in the world (more
so the negroes) would not know that they are the jews. The bible explains it all,
we have already figured it out...The Greeks and Romans took our bible and put there
image on it, the proof is in the bible and completed by the Apocrypha...This is the
big secret and if you understand it...You recognise thats why The bible says The
first shall be last and The last shall be first. Meaning that the poor in this era
will be the First at the end of this era supported by the coming of Christ...I
enjoyed this video though, keep searching people...The apocrypha was taken out in
the 1500's around the time of the Renaissance where all the white pics and idols
were made of Jesus. In fact they attempted to replace all the black statues...So by
Rome's power was made absolute.


SDS 1Love
2 years ago
+Dominic Edwards You are right sir. And the images that the present day of a white
Jesus was created by the Europeans slave owners to control the the slaves and trick
them. We are the real Jews!!! Wake up people!!


SDS 1Love
1 year ago
Read Deuteronomy 28. It is talking about Black people...period.What other group of
people do you know fits that scripture? NONE but blacks!! Read the entire scripture
it's long but educate yourself.

Also: Acts 13:1

Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as
Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, who
had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
Niger=black, a surname of Simeon

Also google: Hebrew Names of Transatlantic Slave Trade

Hebrew/Children of Israel (Jacob) 12 Tribes were scattered. You need to wake up!!!

Denise Kelly
1 year ago
Zondervan Bible dictionary states that "Ham is the progenitor of the dark races
(not the negroes). Shemites were people of color as well.



The Serpent Bloodline: Edomite/Khazar Jews and Sons of Cain

by Truth Control on May 20th, 2009
11 Comments Share Tweet +1

There are several deceptions in the churches today and one of the most dominant is
that Zionism is of the Lord, Zionism means Israel, and we are to protect Israel
because those who bless Israel are blessed by the Lord, and those who curse Israel
are cursed by the Lord. His words about blessing and cursing Israel are very true,
but who is Israel? Is Zionism Israel today?

Most Christians hear the word Zionism and think of Jerusalem. And it was a clever
ploy of those who worship Satan to confuse the terminology of their political
agendas to lull the people to sleep and get them to agree to their policies because
they sound good. Zionism is a political agenda, but when Christians hear it they
think of Biblical Zion and Jerusalem.

Zionism became a political agenda of the Bolshevik Illuminati to capture the area
of Israel for the Antichrist. In fact, their agenda is to rule the world from
Jerusalem. When the Battle of Armageddon takes place the Antichrist gathers all the
world's armies to Israel to fight against the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. At
that time, the Antichrist is ruling from Jerusalem.

The agenda started back when the Edomite Bolshevik Jews financed Hitler's rise to
power in Germany to set up the conditions to establish their own Nation of Israel
for Illuminati rule and that is exactly what happened with the Nazi Holocaust. Who
was behind the holocaust? The Edomite Jews. Why? Because they wanted to get rid of
the Torah believing Jews and establish a Babylonian Talmudic Jewish nation in
Israel. And that is what we have today with Zionism. Talmudic Jews ruling, pushing
the agenda of the New World Order and Illuminati to set the nation up for the rule
of the Antichrist.

Edomite Jews are not real bloodline Jews.

In Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 Yahweh says that there are those claiming to be Jews, but
are not Jews, and are liars. They are the church of Satan, the synagogue of Satan
and are worshippers and followers of him.

And what are they doing today? Conquering the world for the Antichrist to rule from
Jerusalem. In every nation, in every major event, the Edomite Jews have been behind
it. Although the Edomite Jews dominate Israel today there are a remnant of real
bloodline Jews there as well. These are the ones the Lord will protect during the
Great Tribulation.

Look at America today, who is running the White House? The Edomite Jews and Sons of
Cain. Who was arrested for treason during WW 2 by Congress for trading with the
enemy? Prescott Bush. Who announced the formation of the NWO in America? His son,
George Bush, Sr. Who is president of America today? George Bush, Jr. What do the
Bush's have in common with Edomite Jews? They are all part of the serpent seedline
of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati are at the top of two particular races of people known as the
Edomite Jews and the Sons of Cain. And it goes all the way to the top where the
Illuminati rule directly beneath the Jesuits. The Jesuits answer directly to the
Black Pope. The Black Pope position is the real power position in the Vatican as
opposed to the "white" pope position. Most think it is the Pope, John Paul II who
rules from the Vatican. He may reside there, but the real power in the Vatican is
hidden, and it's in the position known as the Black Pope. Black meaning hidden or
secret. Today, Hans Van Kolvenbach, holds the title of the Black Pope. And he is
second to none on this earth in establishing Satan's rise to power. He is literally
Satan's right hand man.
So what do we have today? The false Jews in Israel being called real Jews. And the
real "Jews" not even knowing who they are. We are being led to believe by the
churches today that Satan's chosen are Yahweh's chosen people. Now are you ready to

Orthodox, Reformed, and Messianic Jews disown the Jews running Zionism in Israel
today. Not only are they Edomite Jews, but they are also known as the Khazar Jews
as well. In 692 A.D. the Khazar Kingdom was established.

These were people that had adopted Judaism as their official religion because of
the real Jews that lived among them and proseletyzed them. From that point on they
passed themselves off as real Jews with a right to Palestine as their homeland.
They are not lovers of Yahweh but haters of Him. They are of the same ancestry of
Esau whom the Lord hated. The offspring of serpents of whom the Lord told them
straight out were of "their father the devil." It was those of this seedline that
instigated His crucifixion.

They had infiltrated as the Pharisees in Jesus era and still dominate the "Jewish'
nation today. And these are the ones the churches believe are the "chosen" ones of
the Lord. If they did 5 minutes of research into Israel today they would realize
their error. Instead, they keep recycling errors and falsehoods week after week,
month after month, year after year.

We are told by our churches that we must support Israel or the Lord will bring His
judgment on this nation when it is the fact that we are supporting them that IS
BRINGING His judgment on this nation. Israel today is the prophecy of evil figs of
Jeremiah chapters 21-24 and the evil fig tree that Yahweh cursed. He wasn't cursing
His own people, but those He hates, the serpent seedlines of Esau and Cain.

Jesus said, "Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not
only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this
mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done."
Mountain is often symbolic of government or authority.

The evil fig tree is the false Jews, the chosen people of Satan. He's telling us to
rid the earth of the authority of the Edomites and certainly not to support it. But
are we doing? Sending millions of dollars in financial aid and weapons to them
yearly. Do you see the irony now? Do you see WHY judgment is coming to America?

If the Edomites are the ones inhabiting Israel today and the ones who call
themselves Jews and are not, who and where are the real Jews? Scattered. America IS
Israel. We are the tribes of Israel scattered all over this country along with the
other white nations. The Jews of old were not dark skinned people. Noah was
platinum blonde with blue eyes, David was ruddy with red hair. Ruddy meaning he had
flushed cheeks, he could blush. Dark skinned people don't blush, neither are they
born with blonde or red hair.

Esau is also described as ruddy and hairy. The Israelites back then were a white
race. And who are the white races today? I'm not saying this to be racist I'm just
telling you how it was and is. It was Noah's grandson Canaan (from Ham) who was the
father of the darker skinned races, even the Arab races of today, Sheba and Dedan
etc..were linked to Ham through his son Canaan.

If you read in Ezekiel 37:12-14 & 23 the Jews are not in the land of Israel today,
they will not being regathered into the land, and will not be until the Lord
returns. So the whole façade of Israel returning to their land in the last days is
not true. When the Lord returns He will regather His people from the ends of the
earth to the land of Israel and not until then. So who are the ones there now? The

Haven't you ever wondered why Yahweh hated Esau? Before he was even born? Why would
the Lord make such a statement? Because there are many things that He hates and
Esau was one of them (Mal. 1:3, Rom. 9:13). He hated the serpent seed.

Cain, The Serpent's Seed

But before we get to Esau, let's talk about Cain. In Genesis 3:15a He said, "And I
will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed."
Enmity means mutual hatred. He is saying there is mutual hatred between the
seedline of Satan's and the seedline of Eve's. So there are two seedlines. The
serpent seed started with Cain and Adam's seed started with Seth. No matter how
they have tried to cover it up in the KJV, the Dead Sea Scrolls and even verses
such as Gen. 3:15 make it clear that Satan had his own seedline and it started back
with Eve.

Many of you are hearing this for the first time. Because if you have sat in church
programming all of your lives you haven't heard the truth even though it is right
there in the Bible. The apple was figurative for sexual relations masked with the
terminology "Eve was beguiled by Satan" and until people accept it as the truth it
is, they will stay blind to the real war going on today which is between the
serpent seedline and the rest of the human race.

Beguiled used in this text is the same as "seduced." Furthermore, Scripture says
Cain "was of that wicked one" he was a son of Satan's through the seduction of Eve.
The term "of" is the same that means offspring. Neither is Cain listed anywhere in
the descendents of Adam which strongly indicates Cain was not his son. The official
beginning of the wheat and the tares began with Eve. The wheat AND the tares.

Most church pastors today will pull out Genesis 4:1 which reads, "And Adam knew Eve
his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the

There are many omissions and translation errors throughout the Bible. The Dead Sea
Scrolls confirm that Genesis 4:1 was tampered with. In fact the passage should
And Adam knew his wife Eve, who was pregnant by Sammael (Satan), and she conceived
and bare Cain, and he was like the heavenly beings, and not like the earthly
beings, and she said, I have gotten a man from the angel of the Lord.

Now we know that anything of the Lord is confirmed elsewhere. IF Cain was indeed
Satan's son, we wouldn't have to count on just one passage to prove it.

In fact there are many: I John 3:12 "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and
slew his (half) brother.." Here the word "of" in Greek is #1537 in the Strong's
Concordance. When used implying a person, it means "a son of or offspring."

Compare this with other translations:

The New Testament in Modern English: "We are none of us to have the spirit of Cain,
who was a son of the devil.."

Living Bible: "We are not to be like Cain, who belonged to Satan.."

New English Bible: "..unlike Cain who was a child of the evil one.."

New Century Bible: "Do not be like Cain who belonged to the Evil One."
New Jerusalem Bible: "..not to be like Cain, who was from the Evil One.."

And the popular commentaries confirm the same thing:

The Wycliffe Bible Commentary page 1473: "He (Cain) is said to have belonged to the
family of the wicked one."

Matthew Poole's Commentary on the Holy Bible, volume 3, page 936. "Which showed him
(Cain) to be of that wicked one, of the serpent's seed: so early was such seed
sown, and so ancient the enmity between seed and seed."

Matthew Henry's Commentary, volume 6 page 1077: "It showed that he (Cain) was as
the firstborn of the serpent's seed.."

In John 8:44 Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and proclaimed, 'Ye are of your
father the devil.." The term "of" meaning generation, offspring. They were of the
physical seed of their father the devil.

Trees are often used as metaphors in regards to people. Jesus was the "tree of

We also find:

Mat 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every
tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree
bringeth forth evil fruit.

Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree
bring forth good fruit.

Mat 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into
the fire.

Mat 12:33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree
corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by [his] fruit.

Now back to the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 2:16 we read:

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden thou
mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt
not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

In Genesis 3:3 Eve says to Lucifer the snake,

And the woman said unto the serpent, (Nahash), We may eat of the fruit of the trees
of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden,
God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

Adam and Eve had been commanded not to eat of or touch the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil. In Genesis 3:13:
"And the Lord said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman
said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat."

In Strong's, #398 the term "eat" means to eat, also to lay. The term "touch" in
Strong's is #5060 which means naga, to touch, also to have sexual intercourse. Both
terms had and have sexual connotations to them.

The tree of knowledge was the means to sexual knowledge. Knowledge is to "know."
Knowing means to perceive, experience, learn. It is also used as an euphemism of
"to know someone" sexually as when Adam "knew" his wife. The terms eat, touch, and
know are often used in Biblical lingo for sexual relations. Lucifer was the way of
knowing good and evil. He was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because
through him they would learn evil, they would perceive evil, and they would
experience it.

Who was the tree of life in the Garden of Eden? Yahshua was. Who was the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil? Lucifer. How do we 'eat of the tree of life?" We
commune with Him. We are never to commune with Lucifer, and in this instance he
seduced Eve, impregnated her, and began his own genealogical offspring and seedline
on this earth that is part of us today.

Before Adam even had a chance to consummate his relationship with Eve, she was
already pregnant with Lucifer's child, Cain. And that is what the Illuminati
bloodlines of the New World Order don't want you to know. They are Cain's seed, of
the wicked one. And it is these bloodlines of Cain and Esau working together
through the control of vast wealth around the world that are bringing the
Antichrist to power.

The Parable of The Wheat and Tares

The parable of the wheat and tares is found in Matthew 13:24-30 and 37-43.
Sandwiched in between in verse 35 is the proclamation: "I will utter things which
have been kept secret from the foundation of the world." Jesus then revealed the
significance of the parable as meaning He (Yahweh) had fathered the good seed
(wheat) and that the tares belonged to the wicked one, they had been fathered by

Verses 24-30:

The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his

But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares

So the servants of the house-holder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow
good seed in thy field? From whence then hath it tares?

He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou
then that we go and gather them up?

But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with

Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to
the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn
them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

In verses 38-43 Jesus gives us the meaning of the parable:

He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the
tares are the children of the wicked one;

The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and
the reapers are the angels.
As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the
end of this world.

The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his
kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity.

And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of

Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who
hath ears to hear, let him hear.

There were several declarations made in this parable that the churches often

1. The good seed were fathered by the Son of Man, Son of Adam.
2. The good seed, Adamites are the genetic sons of Yahweh.
3. The tares (Cain's seed) are the Genetic sons of Satan.
4. The enemy that fathered the tares is the same serpent of Genesis 3:15
5. The sons of Adam (wheat) will then inherit the Kingdom after the tares (sons of
Cain) are destroyed.

Again, as stated in verse 38, "The field is the world; the good seed are the
children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one" This is
not only a physical lineage, but a spiritual one as well.

Yahshua told the Pharisees of His day, "..ye are not my sheep.." in John 10:26. In
Josephus, Wars 2:8:2 Jewish Historian Josephus makes it quite clear the Pharisees
and Sadducees were not Israelites by birth:
For there are three philosophical sects among the Jews. The followers of the first
of whom are the Pharisees; of the second the Sadducees; and of the third sect, who
pretends to a severer discipline, are called Essens. These last are Jews (Judah) by
birth, and seem to have a greater affection for one another than the other sects

The real Jews of Jesus's day had absorbed those with contaminated Edomite hybrid
blood, and therefore these could claim both Abraham and Isaac as their fathers.

The wheat and the tares will continually throughout time grow and live together
until the end of the age when the angels will separate them. What about the flood?
The seedline started over again with Ham and his wife's offspring Canaan.

Esau, the Serpent Seed

There are two different groups of people throughout the Bible and our past,
present, and future. Those who are elected to grace while the other is elected for
wrath and destruction. These are two specific groups with two specific elections
and only they can hold these elections, no one else is like them.

It is a specific seedline? No. Although it may sound like it means just that, it
does not mean that all. That would be like saying all those born into a cursed
seedline are doomed for hell and all those born into Yahweh's chosen seedline are
awarded heaven.

There are three major aspects that come into play at all times in regarding all
things. The choices Yahweh makes, the choices Lucifer are allowed to make, and the
individual choices we make.
Esau was born of a good seedline but he chose to go the way of the wicked. Just as
those born of cursed seedlines can choose to go the way of the righteous. Do we
choose or are we chosen ahead of time to do exactly what we do? Yahweh knows the
end from the beginning and He knows those who are His and those who are not because
He knows exactly what is going to happen. And He places His chosen vessels of honor
anywhere He wants to, good or bad seedline. And Lucifer will do the same thing,
except his vessels are of dishonor.

Some say the whole war started with Jacob and Esau, when it actually goes back to
Cain, and in these last days it is going to culminate as the seedlines of Cain
through the Antichrist will try to destroy and annihilate the seed of Jacob.

Remember it was Esau who married into the cursed Cain race, corrupting his seed and
offspring. He wasn't born into a cursed seedline, he turned his back on his good
seedline and went the way of the wicked.

The seed of Jacob is both the House of Judah and the House of Israel, the 14
tribes. We (America) are part of Israel folks. Now don't go off into the British
Israelism theory because it is flawed and serves the purposes of the Illuminati who
are trying to claim the British throne goes through King David when it's been
sabotaged over the years and especially the only ones on the throne there now are

If you look at much of the scattered tribes of Israel today they include Germany,
France, Britain, America, and others..the predominant white races of the world.
America itself contains a mixture of all the tribes of Israel here and many of us
are linked to one of the sons. Manasseh is dominate in America, the 14th tribe of
Israel while Britain is Ephraim. Reuben is France, Dan is Greece, etc..

The Gentiles relate to the House of Judah and the House of Israel as those who have
converted to Yahweh (for those who do). The entire last days war puts the gentiles
(other races) in the middle of a war between Satan's people and Yahweh's people. It
is a war to see who will rule from Mt. Zion in Jerusalem with Satan working through
his seedline and Yahweh working through His to see who wins. Well if you have
jumped to the back of the book you know who wins, Yahweh does. But Satan will be
allowed to attempt to rule the world for 42 months before he is utterly demolished
by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

If you read in Genesis 25:21-23 the war started back in the womb of their mother,
"And Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord
was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I

And she went to enquire of the Lord. And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in
thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one
people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the

The twins in her womb were Jacob and Esau. They were already at war with each other
then, fighting in the womb, for the Lord had ordained them as two different types
of people that would be at war with each other. One would be stronger than the
other and the elder would serve the younger. Esau, being born first, would serve

And if you read the story of Esau and Jacob, Esau selling his birthright to Jacob
for a bowl of red (Edom) pottage (lintel beans) it was because the birthright meant
nothing to Esau, he despised it. What was the birthright? Bringing forth through
his seedline the redeemer of Adam, Jesus. Esau did not care about it and Jacob was
willing to deal and deceive to get it, it meant everything to Jacob.

Esau despised his birthright, and Yahweh despised him. Esau was determined to go
his own way and do his own thing and that is what he did. In Genesis 26:34-35 we
read how he committed his own seedline to eternal ruin and becoming "Sons of
Perdition," even as Judas who betrayed Jesus was. Not only did he give his
birthright away to Jacob, he broke the hearts of both Isaac and Rebekah by taking
Hittite women as his wives. The Hittites were descendents of Heth, and Heth was one
of the sons of Canaan, a cursed seed. Canaan was a son of Ham, and father of all
Canaanites including the Hittites. These people were a cursed seed because of what
Ham did to his father, Noah.

And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two
brethren without. And Noah awoke from his wine, and KNEW WHAT his younger son had
done unto him. And he said, cursed be Canaan Gen. 9:22, 24-25.

Another event covered up by figurative language. The actual sin was an homosexual
act Ham committed on Noah and then laughed about it to his brothers. When Noah
awoke from his drunken state, he "knew" what Ham had done to him and cursed not Ham
himself, but his offspring Canaan.
The Hittites were the power brokers in the known world, much as today.

They controlled most of the economics (money) and merchandising (corporations) and
were a very powerful influence. They were worshippers of Satan and had much wealth.
When Esau married Hittites he created high treason against the Most High by
adulterating his holy seed with the serpent and cursed seed. He sold his birthright
for red pottage, mixes his seed with the serpent seed, and by doing so condemns
himself and his entire offspring to the Lake of Fire (tares).

Judas who betrayed Jesus was of the serpent seedline as well. He and the Antichrist
are both called "Sons of Perdition." Perdition means eternal ruin. All of Esau's
descendents were sons of perdition, sons of eternal ruin. Jesus said that Judas was
a devil (John 6:70). Sons of Perdition are Satanic spirits sent to this earth by
their father Satan. They were prepared and chosen for destruction through their
Election before they were even born.

The end of the story of the birthright blessings for Jacob and Esau are rather
prophetic and an overall picture of the last days. Esau, realizing there was money
to be had from being the firstborn included in the blessing, runs off to prepare
meat for Isaac who is going to give him his birthright (nevermind he had promised
it to Jacob when he realized there was money involved. He was going to go back on
his promise with Jacob). But Rebekah heard what was going on and helped devise a
plan to where Jacob could deceive Isaac into believing he was Esau and give him the
blessing that Esau had traded Jacob for over a bowl of red pottage. After realizing
Jacob had already received Isaac's blessing, Esau begged for a blessing as well, as
part of his blessing Isaac told him:
"And by the sword thou shalt live, and shalt serve thy brother; (be under his
authority) and it shall come to pass thou shalt have dominion, that thou shalt
break his yoke from off thy neck" Genesis 27:40.

And the war continued between Jacob and Esau. In Genesis 27:41 we read:
"And Esau hated Jacob (enmity) because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed
him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand;
then will I slay my brother Jacob."

Jacob was determined to kill Jacob. Jacob had hit Esau where it hurt the most.
Jacob got the wealth as part of the birthright he had taken away from Esau. That is
probably why Esau married Hittite women, because of his lust for power and wealth.
And that seed is the same way today. They control the money around the entire

They are called Edomites because of Edom, the color red, which is what the bowl of
pottage was. Esau was also very red/ruddy and hairy. And to this day it is still
their mission to kill Jacob. Esau never succeeded in killing Jacob, but to this day
the war continues and the seed of Esau, the Edomites seek to get rid of Jacob's
descendents, which are primarily today's Christians and believers in Yahweh.
Jacob's descendents became known as Israelites.

Esau's descendents also became known as Reds, which is also seen as the symbolic
color of Communism. All of the "isms" were created by the serpent seed such as
Socialism, Nazism, Humanism, Liberalism, etc.. and are the backbone of the first
beast of Revelation 13 which is the same scarlet colored beast mentioned in
Revelation 17 with seven heads and ten horns.

Also notice the prophecy that Isaac gave Esau that he would live by the sword and
take dominion over the earth. In Rev. 13:10 we read the first beast lives by the
sword, will take dominion over the earth, and will die by the sword. Same seedline.

It is the New World Order and Zionism that carries the serpent seedline today. It
is ruled in the background by the Illuminati families of the Serpent's seedline. It
is Satan's master plan to bring the entire world under a global government through
the New World Order so he can rule.

Satan's seed will make war against the Lamb's seed (believers, Israelites and
Judahites) "these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and
shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire." Rev. 17

Today, the world banking Edomite/Hittite/Canaanite/counterfeit Jews under Satan's

rule control the world's economy and preparing the world for global government and
the rise of their master, Satan as the Antichrist.

In the book of Obadiah there is a prophecy written to the serpent seedline of Esau
for the last days.
The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of
the rock (they hide themselves away from public view with their underground bases),
whose habitation is high (world authority, political authority); that saith in his
heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground (arrogance of their power and
strongholds)? (verse 3)

Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle (Illuminati symbol), and though thou set thy
nest among the stars (space stations and planetary bases), thence will I bring thee
down, saith the Lord. (verse 4)

How are the things of Esau searched out! How are his hidden things sought up! (Esau
is working through deception and lies and keep their real plans hidden from public
view). (verse 6)

Shall I not in that day, saith the Lord, even destroy the wise men out of Edom (the
Learned Elders of Zion, which rule behind the scenes)., and understanding out of
the mount of Esau? (authority) (verse 8)

And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that they may be cut off
by slaughter (the Lord's judgment on them when He returns). For the violence
against thy brother Jacob shall cover thee (war on the saints), and thou shalt be
cut off forever..(verse 9)
But, upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the
house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of
Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall
not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the Lord hath spoken it. (verse 18)

And saviours (judges)shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount (authority,
government) of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord's. (verse 21)

Yahweh wins!

Today the battle rages on between the physical and spiritual. Cain's seed vs.
Yahweh's seed. It may look like Yahweh's seed is losing during the Antichrist's War
on the Saints but we know that Yahweh Himself will have the last act on the stage
called Earth.

Furthermore, we know the future of the final two characters to come to earth to
lead the battle against Yahweh's people..the False Prophet and the Antichrist. In
Revelation 19:20 we read:
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles
before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast,
and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire
burning with brimstone.

And what happens to their master Lucifer Satan? His fate is foretold of in
Revelation 20:

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and
a great chain in his hand.

And he laid hold of the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan,
and bound him a thousand years.

And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him,
that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be
fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

Lucifer is chained and cast into the abyss for 1000 years then loosed for a little
while to wage one last final attempt against the Most High. After he loses yet
another attempt to overcome the Most High, he is thrown in the lake of fire to stay
there forever.

In Revelation 20:10 it says:

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone,
where the beast and false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night for ever
and ever.

Yahweh told me this in regards to mixing of the seedlines:


The mixture of My children with the serpent's seed was something I allowed to serve
My own purposes. Just as I allowed Satan to defile My garden, I allowed him to
defile my people.

The way to truth and righteousness is through Me. It always has been and it has not
changed. My priests served the people, they did not sanctify them or make them
whole. I alone can do that.

Todays priests seek to save which they cannot. They lead My people to errors and
doctrines of man that cannot save them, nor do they honor or please Me.
Tell them I am the door. There is no other. Those who want Me must walk through My
door to Me. There is no other way.

They worship Baal and call him their god thinking I am the one they worship. My
judgment will come on this carnal and wicked system of religion. It is not of Me.
Religion profits man, worship and sacrifice profits Me. Sacrifice the cares and
wants of this world for the cares and wants in Me only and you will never be
unsatisfied. I can give you your heart's desires. This world cannot fulfill you.
This world is an endless form of greed and want. Never satisfying, it waxes worse
and worse, evil and more evil.

Yes Mithra has hidden through the ages behind every god and he will ultimately rise
again to counte


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