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Bold and righteous like lions

Full of armor of God Eph 6:12

If God is for you who can be against you
Romans 8:28 all things work together for His greater purposes

The Laodicean church is the lukewarm, practically apostate church, about which
Christ has nothing good to say (Rev. 3:14-22

2/2 So the analogy of spiritual fatherhood exists, but yes the Church is also in
trouble for greater reasons. Rev 1:11 John writes to the 7 churches from Patmos and
those 7 letters also describe progressive church ages... Laodicean being the last
and worst (lukewarm & nearly apostate Rev 3:14-22)


Christians - Difference
By Donna McDonald


Can’t stop thinking about and talking about JESUS. Reading the Bible is a priority
of the day. The bride often wakes up thinking about HIM and often goes to bed
thinking about HIM. The bride wants to tell others about HIM because the bride does
not want anyone to perish. She is watching and waiting for the LORD’s return and is
finding it hard to be patient…Prays fervently for loved ones and asks the LORD to
help them be rapture ready and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Approaches the LORD
with fear and trembling knowing HE is a very HOLY GOD. Walks in humility and
Calls themselves a Christian but God is just another interest on the long list of
hobbies, interests, and things to do list….If one gets around to it and maybe the
last thing of the day reads the Bible, doesn’t talk about GOD unless someone else
brings HIM up first–wouldn’t want to embarrass themselves or impose their beliefs
on others so just won’t talk about HIM. Still into those same hobbies–you know
those ones that take up a lot of time or are very consuming, maybe spends the
evening at a bar (no intention of evangelizing anyone just drinking with friends),
reads secular magazines that are not GOD honoring, still watching the same TV shows
that highlight sex and infidelity or gay lifestyle or ungodly language. Church on
Sunday and leading a double lifestyle the rest of the week….dresses to the ‘hilt’
instead of pursuing modesty and humility….does not care about keeping the Sabbath
holy. Holds onto grudges, gossips…pursuing mammon.NO ONE IS GOING TO LOOK 100% ONE


The Christ is the created shortcut Door that has the POTENTIAL to serve as your
escape route to exit your conception-to-death space-time envelope (underworld) all
are locked within. ALL are locked within.

These are Jesus's own words. It could not be more clear. God does not change no
matter what this false teacher says. While Christians are under the new covenant
thru Christ, God's laws still stand.

Matthew 5:17-20

The Fulfillment of the Law

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not
come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and
earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by
any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore
anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others
accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices
and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I
tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the
teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Re: Do You Believe The Cross Did Away With The Ten Commandments ???
What you people CHOOSE To Believe means Nothing!

Not if you can't ACT on your Belief and Faith...

If you search the KJV for The Gospel usage of the word 'MUST', there are about 35-
40 instances of its use. Aside from Jesus Witnessing that HE Must Do Father's Will,
THE ONLY use of the word MUST In The Gospel, AS A DIRECTIVE, is in John 3:7 and
verse 14 which ties to verse 7...
7. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of
man be lifted up:

"...Ye MUST Be Born-Again" & "...So MUST The Son Of Man Be Lifted Up".

In our surrender Unto The Father, we Acknowledge that we KNOW WHO Christ Jesus
IS.... Thus, Lifting-Up The Son Of Man.

So, While Christ Witnesses "Ye MUST Be Born-Again", you're busy debating The Law's
Application to Christian Life...

Father's Witness of The Born-Again Life Tells us that By Receiving our New Heart Of
HIS Flesh we are Enabled to KNOW and DO HIS Will and "Keep MY Statutes".

St. John Witnesses that IF you're one who Is Born-Again, "You HAVE An Unction From
The Holy One and KNOW ALL Things."
Like Nicodemus in John 3, a "master of israel" has no ability to understand Jesus'
Witness "MUST Be Born-Again", how could you not Know Father Delivers Born-Agains
From sin?

Sinning is a conscious decision. God The Holy Spirit Dwelling Within us Gives us
Witness if we have occasion to consider sin. If we stay TRUE to our surrender, we
choose to Trust God and not commit sin...

You're talking "The Law"... Well, if there was ANY way for men to "keep The Law",
Father would not need to Enable Us To "Walk In HIS Statutes"...'

If Ezekiel 36:26-27 Born-Again, (the only Born-Again there is), and Thereby Enabled
to BE Guided By God Through Life and KNOWING/DOING HIS Will; there is NO Purpose to
arguing about "The Law".

Of course, THIS IS Laodicea... Our generation IS Laodicean... Most Christians are

"lukewarm" Jesus Witnesses in Revelation ch 3. They are 'almost' Acceptable To God.
Almost "hot" as Jesus Says... They're just not Born-Again.

Intellectual debate or syllogistic argument is a function of intellect. Christ

Witnesses HE Seeks ONLY Those Who HEAR/SEE The Gospel with their heart...

In These Final Moments, what matters is "Have you Come Unto The Father in surrender
of self and Been Given your NEW Heart of HIS Flesh"?

What Matters in life, If you Claim God, is your answering HIS Call....

In Matt 24:21-24, Jesus Witnesses about The Very Elect. The Days will be shortened
"For Their Sake" and The Very Elect cannot be deceived, while all others will
suffer deception.

The Very Elect are they/we who CHOSE to Trust God Fully and Gave HIM our lives.

ONLY God The Father Can Deliver us from our carnal, stony-heart... This is WHY we
MUST Be Born-Again, to Live In and With HIM and KNOW and DO HIS Will. All our
conjecture is vanquished once we KNOW HIM! When we are Born-Again ALL our confusion
is removed, We KNOW We Were IN HIS Presence and that Father-God Accepted Our

"I AM the Light, the Truth, and the Way: No man Cometh Unto The Father But BY ME!"
John 14:6

Coming Unto The Father is how we Answer The Call HE Placed Upon Our heart...

IF you can Trust HIM Fully with all you are, and all you ever will be; then Time To
Tell HIM So! Time to Take Action and make your surrender of self...

ONLY Through HIM are we Brought Into Relationship.

Only when we Answer HIS Call do we Acknowledge The Gospel and Jesus Our Redeemer.
Only by Coming Unto The Father do we do the "work" that Proves Our Faith was Alive,
not dead.

These ARE The Final Moments...

If you would BE HIS, Time To Tell HIM So...


There is NO KNOWING God's Truth without First Having Been Born-Again.

Got enough Love In Your Heart To Trust God Fully and Completely? Then... It's Time

Of course, This IS The Laodicean church age. Jesus Witnesses most Christians will
be "lukewarm", or almost acceptable... Almost, but not... The lukewarm Christians,
HE SAYS, will be "Spewn forth from My Mouth!" Rev ch 3:15-17

The MOST Vivid and Violent REJECTION In The NT. Spat-Out like rotten food...

Lots of Witness of Rejection for those pleading with HIM to be allowed into Heaven.
Matt 7:21-23, Luke 13:22-28, Matt 22:1-14, Rev 3...

How's your conjecture and expectation gonna hold up when God Tells you "Depart from
ME, you who work iniquity; I KNOW YOU NOT!"

Got To KNOW HIM, if you would Be HIS...

Got to HAVE BEEN Enabled TO KNOW and DO HIS Father's Will.

Only ONE WAY Unto The Father... "...NO Man Cometh Unto The Father But BY ME!" John

You gonna Claim HIM? You best be able to Trust HIM Fully and then Take Action By
Telling HIM So... Each person Comes Unto The Father on their own. Have to Manifest
Your Heart Unto The Father... Trusting HIM Fully With All You Are and All You Ever
Will BE! Thy Will, not mine, Be Done!!!

You have to KNOW The Father before you walk in HIS Truth!
YOu have to Give Your All Unto HIM Loving and Trusting HIM Fully with all you are
and ever will be... This is either ON YOUR HEART as God's Truth which you can
recognize and consider, or it's not....

If you reject my witness, that's just proof that your carnal-heart resists Father's
Call.... You either actually KNOW In Your Love For HIM that ONLY HIS Will For You
will Give You The Life you Need To Live. Only Through Relationship With HIM are we
Enabled To Be What HE Made Us To Be...

These ARE The Final Moments... If you would BE HIS, Time To Tell HIM So!


Re: Walking in God's truth, what is needed to stay the course and not drift away,
and to what?
Yes Lester but does Jesus not also say: " if you have seen me you have seen the
father"? Are you to say also that those who have been born again in the spirit will
be rejected. Can you look unto our hearts and judge us saying we will be spewn
forth from his mouth like rotten food? Do you know for certin those Jesus spoke of
are me or DGN ? Or everyone who doesnt have the same truth you do? Truth by
definition is not relative and those who come to Jesus do so because we are drawn
by The Father. We would not be drawn unless He knows us and We know Him.
Quoting: RiZE

You are citing John 14, after verse 6 where Apostle Phillip says "Shew us The

Jesus is Very crestfallen by this. 3yrs with them, and none Understand...
8. Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not
known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou
then, Shew us the Father?
10. Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words
that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he
doeth the works.
11. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me
for the very works' sake.

There is no "born again in the spirit".

Think the Christians who had Done Miracles, Cast-Out demons, and Prophesied IN HIS
Name weren't well-meaning and emphatic in their acceptance of Christ?

All they never found time to do was Tell IT Unto The Father... So they weren't

In Luke 13, it's Christians who knew Jesus... HE Stayed in their homes, ate with
them, Preached in their street; but still Father Has them "bound hand and foot and
thrown into the darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!"

They knew HIM, interacted with HIM, but never Came Unto The Father.

It comes down to this: Either you Came Unto The Father and Were Enabled to KNOW &
DO HIS Will, and Live Without sinning; or you didn't so you weren't...

Christ ONLY KNOWS those that "Doeth The Will Of MY Father". We are ONLY Enabled To
DO Father's Will Through our surrender of self and HIS Deliverance of us from our
carnal, stony-heart.
ONLY Father Can Give us our "New Heart Of Flesh", because It IS HIS Flesh HE Gives

Nobody "comes to Jesus".

Christ Serves ONLY HIS Father's Will.
Christ Does NOTHING But HIS Father's Will.
Christ Made THE WAY Possible, but It Was Father WHO Ordained That HE Should Come
Unto The World.

If you were Ezekiel 36:26-27 Born-Again, you would KNOW God The Holy Spirit and
KNOW HIS Witness. HE Does Witness to Born-Agains when they encounter another Whom
HE Dwells With, whether in person, or in context of their speech or writings.

There is NOTHING More Important in our lives than Answering Father's Call. This is
Plainly Given By Christ Jesus in Matt 22:1-14 where Jesus' parable of The King's
Wedding Feast For HIS Son Witnesses the whole enchilada of Christianity.

There are 2 interlopers in Heaven Cited By Jesus in The Gospel. Luke 13:22-28 and
the wedding-crasher of Matt 22:10-13.

Both men wanted very much to be in attendance in Heaven/The Wedding Feast. Both
were forcibly and violently REJECTED.

I witness God's Truth here; what I Have Seen and Been Given To KNOW.

ONLY ONE WAY Unto The Father, Made Possible By Christ Jesus on calvary.

If we don't manifest our hearts, act on our Love by making our Leap Of Faith
(surrender), then we have (Just like those in Matt 22:3-8) spurned The Father's
Call and given no regard to Christ's Sacrifice.

There is no "coming to Jesus"; that is Laodicean bullshit. We aren't Born-Again by

"accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour"; HE IS whether we "accept" The Truth or not.

If the righteousness of manifesting our heart Unto The Father is lost upon you (not
saying it is, maybe you just have to consider it?), then there's not much more to

Doesn't matter to me.

I WAS Delivered From and Shown the consequences of living life with a carnal-heart.
No matter our effort or Belief, without being Given our New Heart Of Father's
Flesh, we have no way to DO HIS Will or live free from sin.

All about Loving God enough to Trust HIM Fully with all we are and all we ever
might be; and then ACTING on our Faith/Belief. Through HIM we are Brought Into
KNOWING. KNOWING supersedes Faith and Belief. KNOWING HIM you can never forget the
how, when, why, where, what and every other aspect of When You Came Unto HIM and
stood In HIS Presence.

Christ Witnesses to Nicodemus in John 3:

7. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
8. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst
not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of
the Spirit.
9. Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?
10. Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not
these things?
11. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we
have seen; and ye receive not our witness.
12. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if
I tell you of heavenly things?

ONLY God Is Worthy of our Total and Complete Trust. If we can't Come Unto HIM and
make our surrender, we spurn Father's Call which HE Put Upon Our Heart.

Jesus Concludes HIS Witness in Matt 22:1-14 with "For many were Called, but few are

Father Chose Us when HE PUt Knowledge of WHO Jesus IS upon our heart. We have to
Choose-Elect to Come Unto HIM in answering HIS Call.

Last Edited by Lester on 01/10/2019 02:57 PM


Re: Walking in God's truth, what is needed to stay the course and not drift away,
and to what?
To clarify my "there is no born again in the spirit" remark...

Until Pentecost God The Holy Spirit had not been Manifested to anyone. There is no
Relationship With God except Through Surrender Unto The Father.

HIS Regeneration, our New Life as Ezekiel 36:26-27 Born-Agains is not only
Spiritual. Of course, we don't reenter the womb... Yet we DO KNOW that we Have Been
IN Father's Presence and that HE Gave Us A New Life (a New Heart) With HIM!

There is no Knowing Christ or God The Holy Spirit without First Coming Unto The
Father. If you can' remember when/how you surrendered Unto HIM; you didn't.

Being Enabled to KNOW and DO HIS Will is not something you can fail to experience.

Not Being Born-Again, you can't KNOW.

Doing HIS Will is not something that you as an outsider could recognize.

Your carnal-heart Betrays you with rationalization and procrastination.

As Jesus Says "We Tell you what WE have Seen and Know, and yet you reject Our

THESE ARE The Final Moments!

I share my witness because I Was TOLD and Enabled To DO So.
Don't matter to me what you choose to do after you've read it. Doesn't even matter
if you read it or not. I am Blessed By Giving my witness. There are very few in
this Laodicean age that have Chosen-Elected To Trust God Fully and Come Unto HIM.

Only By surrender Unto The Father can HE Deliver you from your heart of stone; your
"inheritance" from Adam & Eve who chose life through self-will rather than Life In
and Through HIM.

I Was Totally Blessed By being sufficiently broken and motivated to give my all
Unto The Father. One thing I KNOW and Was SHOWN, there is no "good" in life, but
that which Is In Accord With The Father's Will...
Until we are Born-Again, no matter our effort or intent even our best efforts to
please HIM are worthless and alienated from HIS Will.

But you have free will..

Ignore HIS Calling if you choose.
Remain a "worker of iniquity" which means one following their own self-will.
All that matters is Coming Unto The Father....



Re: Walking in God's truth, what is needed to stay the course and not drift away,
and to what?
"I Will Walk in Your Truth”

“Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I will walk in your truth.”—PS. 86:11.


What could cause a Christian to “sell” the truth?

How can we avoid either drawing away from or drifting away from the truth?

What are three ways that we can strengthen our resolve to walk in the truth?

1-3. (a) How should we feel about Bible truth? Illustrate. (See opening pictures.)
(b) What questions will we consider in this article?

RETURNING an item that was purchased is a common practice. Estimates reveal that in
some countries, buyers return nearly 9 percent of items purchased in stores. The
return rate for items ordered online can be more than 30 percent. Perhaps the
buyers found that the item did not meet their expectations, was defective, or was
just not to their liking. So they decided to exchange the item or to ask for a

2 Although we might request a refund for material goods that we bought, we would
never want to return, or “sell,” the “accurate knowledge” of Bible truth that we
“buy.” (Read Proverbs 23:23; 1 Tim. 2:4) As we considered in the preceding article,
we acquired the truth by spending much time to learn it. In addition, to buy the
truth, we may have forgone a lucrative career, dealt with changes in our personal
relationships and in our thinking and conduct, or given up unscriptural customs and
practices. However, the price we paid is small in comparison to the blessings that
we have received
Quoting: DGN

I think the answer to your thread title's question lies within the private
Christian walk with God. Nobody has all the answers. One day at a time, wait on
God, surrender each day to God, take each thought captive and try to apply oneself.

Most spiritual battle takes place in the mind. I suppose it's no wonder why I
suffer mental instability.
Quoting: x0dus

The "Christian Walk With God" is NOT Private...

Until you are Ezekiel 36:26-27 Born-Again, you are alienated from The Father.

Once you Have Stood In Father's Presence, it ain't Private. Sharing Your Witness IS
The Born-Again life.

Living IN and Through HIM, in Relationship of Conscious Constant Contact Gives us

The Joy and Desire to Witness what we Have Been Given To See and Know.

Any mental instability you suffer from results from your inability to Trust God
Fully and Come Unto The Father In Surrender.


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